

Just In




Sound of Heroes by BANIX

 Anime » My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア Rated: M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, [Yui K., OC], Words: 78k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Nov 19, 2019 Updated: Jun 9354Chapter 9- Calm Before the Storm

My third day of school did not start with my daily dose of coffee.

It started with a throng of reporters outside U.A. school gate, obstructing our way to school.

"What is it like learning from All Might?!"

"What does the symbol of peace look like in front of the class?!"

"Is All Might a good teacher?!"

And so on and so forth.

The noises the reporters are making is giving me a headache. I can tell that Yui does not appreciate it too, so I used my quirk to suddenly mute all of them and both of us quickly escaped into the school compound during the confusion.

And then I went to get my daily dose of coffee.

"If becoming a famous hero means dealing with that." I grumbled to Yui as we queued at the drinks stall for me to get my coffee. "Then I can understand why Aizawa-sensei became an underground hero."

"Don't exaggerate. You will do fine even under the spotlight of the media." Yui spoke up.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it."

"I thought you and Nejire-san are going to open a hero office together? Just leave it to her. She seems to enjoy soaking up the attention."

"Are you serious? She will ruin the interviews given how she usually acts. She will be the ones asking the reporters questions instead." I shuddered at the thought, and checked my phone when it suddenly buzzed. Someone had sent me a message.

"Shinso wants a cup of coffee too. Should I poison it?"


"Just once, Yui. Just once. He brainwashed me to do a tapdance at the bus stop yesterday, he deserves it."

Yui simply gave me a disapproving stare, so I changed the topic.

I soon got the two cups of coffee I need. Seeing as it is still early, we slowly climbed the stairs as I continue talking.

"Shinso says he wants more practice in hand-to-hand combat after school today. We even booked a training field to do so. Want to come?"


Someone called after Yui as we climbed the stairs, interrupting our conversation. A girl with long ginger hair tied to the side of her head ran towards us in an energetic manner. Considering that it is only the first week of school, I'm surprised that Yui actually allowed this person to address her by her first name. From what Yui told me about her class thus far, there's only one person that came to my mind that fits the description.

"Hello! Name's Kendo Itsuka! What's your name? How did you know Yui?"

"Onpa Hibiki, I'm from Class 1-A. I heard about you from Yui. We are childhood friends." I greeted and shook her hand when she offered hers. Like I suspected, this is the Kendo Itsuka that Yui had told me about. They are desk mates from what Yui had told me.

I'm just glad that Yui managed to make friends on her own. She seems to have a lot of trust in Kendo, so she must have done something to earn that trust from Yui.

"Oh! You are that Onpa Hibiki that Yui keeps talking about!" Kendo clapped her hands together in realisation. "You heard about me from her? Good things, I hope!"

"You are something else if she allows you to address her by her given name. Not many earned that privilege." I said with a laugh as the three of us slowly climbed up the stairs. Yui has a small smile on her face at having Kendo join us. She must be really fond of Kendo for that to happen. "How's class for you so far?"

"Kan-sensei is nice." Kendo nodded in thought. "Although it's a shame we don't have All Might as our Foundational Hero Studies teacher like you guys do. How is he as a teacher anyway?"

"He uses a cheatsheet to teach." I deadpanned. "He literally read it off while teaching and brings about a book titled 'How to be a good teacher' around in his back pocket. Not exactly a very reassuring sight."

Kendo burst out laughing.

"Not something I expected from the No. 1 hero, but thanks for the info! Now I don't feel so bad not having him teaching my class!"

"All Might is fine, but he obviously has no experience in teaching. He is still learning the ropes."

We were just outside Class 1-B when Bomberman's voice resonated across the corridor.


I facepalmed. What a great way to leave an impression on our schoolmates next door.

"Your classmate is… energetic."

"You are too kind, Kendo. You are more than welcomed to just say that he is a vulgar asshole."

"Won't hearing something of this volume constantly hurt your ears?" Yui asked as she frowned a little in concern.

"I dampen the sound around me whenever he becomes like this, although at this rate I'm considering the option of muting him for good." I muttered darkly. The thought of muting Bakugo gets more and more tempting as time passes. That guy has no idea how hurtful his voice could be to my ears in that small classroom.

"If you cannot stand being around him, then why don't you just stick around in our class a little until the first period starts?" Kendo suggested as she opened the door to Class 1-B. "Come on in, we don't bite."

She has a point. Why not?

"I'll take you up on the offer then." I smiled back as I entered Class 1-B with Kendo, already putting on my socialising mask and ready for one round of social interaction. Hopefully, this wouldn't be too mentally draining for me.

My first impression of Class 1-B is that this class is a lot more normal than my class. It actually feels like a class that I expect from a normal high school.

"Kendo, got a boyfriend already? It's only the third day of school!" A buff guy with steel grey hair hollered with a large grin on his face.

"Wait, what?! WHO managed to score Kendo?"

"Hey, I won the bet! Now pay up!"

"Dammit Kendo! You work too fast!"

"He's Yui's, you idiot!" Kendo yelled in exasperation.

"Kodai has a boyfriend?"


"Childhood friend." I deadpanned before giving a dramatic low bow to introduce myself. "Onpa Hibiki. I'm from Class 1-A. Sorry for the intrusion."

"Oh, the class next door!" A spiky haired guy with a bandanna said as he immediately grabbed my hand and shook it warmly. "I'm Awase Yosetsu! Welcome to our class!"

"I'm Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu!" The buff guy with grey hair introduced himself from where he is sitting on a chair.

"Tokage Setsuna!" A slim girl with dark green hair waved her hand at us while giving me a wide smile. "I have to say, Kodai sure has great taste in men! Good job, Yui!"

"Tokage…" Yui sighed as she rested a palm on her forehead.

"I'm flattered." I drawled. "I'm sure I can introduce you to the guys from my class if you ever want to meet them, Tokage-san. How about Todoroki?"

"Ooh! I like this one!"

"Honenuki Juzo." A guy with beige coloured hair and teeth growing on the outside of the skin on his face introduced himself. "Nice to meet you. If you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing earmuffs? It's not even winter yet."

"Ah, I have super hearing, which also means I am sensitive to loud noises." My hand unconsciously went up to touch my trusty earmuffs at that remark. "Coincidentally, this is why I am currently taking refuge in your classroom, because-"


"-that." I sighed. Even from here next door, we can all still hear Bakugo loud and clear.

"Must be hard for you." Awase sympathised with me as he patted me on the back. "But hey! You are more than welcomed to join us anytime! We sure don't mind a nice guy like you joining our class! Maybe we can ask Kan-sensei to transfer you here?"

"And then maybe kick Monoma out?" Someone else suggested jokingly.

"Who's talking about me?"

A guy with slick blonde hair that is parted to his left and sporting a rather contemptuous look on his face entered the classroom at that same time. His eyes immediately spotted me.

"And this is…?"

"Onpa Hibiki, from Class 1-A." I offered my hand to him, but he didn't take it.

"Oh, Class 1-A? Aren't you guys supposed to be the superior class? What are you doing-"


"Sorry about that." Kendo apologised and caught who I assumed is Monoma after she neck chopped him from behind right after Monoma opened his mouth. "He's always like this the moment anyone mentioned your class. I think he is jealous that your class seem to get all the attention. I mean, your class got All Might teaching you."

"He can swap classes with me if he wants. I honestly wouldn't mind." I shrugged. "Sure, teachers are important, but in the end what matters most is your own hardwork and effort."

"Now THAT'S the spirit!" Tetsutetsu flexed his arms as he boomed out his agreement to my statement.

"You are the guy who destroyed the zero pointer, aren't you?" A guy with short brown hair and oval-shaped eyes pointed at me with a finger. "I think I remembered seeing you at Location B."

"That's me." I nodded in affirmation.

"Woah! How you do that?!" Tetsutetsu immediately got in front of me with the expression of an eager puppy. "That's cool!"

"I had help." I admitted. "The zero pointer was chasing after me and another two people who ended up being my classmates too. We all thought that we might fail because we spent the last three minutes of the practical running for our lives instead of trying to score villain points."

"So this is where you are." Shinso made his appearance as he waltzed into Class 1-B and interrupted our conversation. He greeted Yui before turning back to talk to me.

"Hey, Hibiki, you got my coffee?"

"Here." I passed one cup to Shinso, who accepted it. Shinso eyed the rest of the people from Class 1-B with an appraising look.

"I have no idea you switched classes."

"I wish." I snorted. "I'm just here to escape from Bakugo's screaming."

"Had he stopped yet?" Yui asked curiously. Bakugo's screams couldn't be heard in Class 1-B's classroom anymore, but she isn't sure if someone finally pressed the pause button for Bakugo. However, I could still hear Bakugo cursing up a storm with my ears. The noise is just being confined to my classroom for now.

"Knowing him? I doubt it." Shinso quickly made himself comfortable in Class 1-B and sat down on an empty table in a relaxed manner, acting like he was a part of Class 1-B all along. "Actually, I quite like the idea of chilling here until the first period starts. Nice thinking, Hibiki."

"It was Kendo's idea." I introduced Shinso to Kendo, who immediately greeted Shinso with a warm hello.

"We may be friends now, but if there are ever interclass competitions, you can be sure that we are going to beat you down into the ground!" Tetsutetsu challenged with a raised fist. "I'm gonna beat you, Onpa!"

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Shinso spoke lazily, but no one paid him any mind.

"Sure." I smirked back at Tetsutetsu. "We might have the chance to fight each other when the U.A. Sports Festival comes around. Just don't cry when I'm done with you."

"Wooo! The tension!" Tokage cheered. "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Pony? What's wrong?" Yui, who is standing by my side all along, turned her head to face another person and asked in concern. I turned my head to see who she is talking to and spotted a short girl with long wavy blonde hair acting in a timid manner at the edge of the group.

"K-Kodai! N-Nothing! It's just… erm…"

"Go for it, Pony!"

"You can do it!"

I have no idea what they are cheering the girl on for, so I just smile and try to look friendly.

"If you don't feel comfortable speaking to Hibiki in Japanese, just use English. Hibiki's English is very good." Yui spoke to Pony encouragingly, who visibly brightened up after that statement.


"Hello there, my name is Onpa Hibiki." I spoke in fluent English as I introduced myself to the girl Yui had spoken to. She has the look of a foreigner, which might explain the reason why Yui told her to just speak in English instead of Japanese.

"My name is Pony Tsunotori!" Pony introduced herself in perfect English immediately, and I noted the way she placed her family name behind her given name in her speech, which is different from how Japanese put their family name before their given name. "This is so fun! There's finally someone else who can speak with me in English!"

"That accent, you are from the States?" I asked curiously.

"New York!" She said enthusiastically. "You've been there before?"

"I'm afraid not, but I will let you know if I ever go there."

Awase whistled in surprise.

"Finally someone who can totally understand Pony. Man, your English is impressive, Onpa."

"I listen to a lot of English songs since young. I guess that helped improve my fluency in the language." I replied Awase in perfect Japanese. "Many things in life are just a matter of practice."

"Hate to break things up, but first period is starting soon." Shinso cut in and gestured with his head towards the door. "We need to leave soon, Hibiki."

"You two are more than welcome to visit us whenever!" Kendo waved happily at the two of us, an unconscious Monoma dumped into an empty seat nearby. "We are fellow schoolmates after all!"

"We'll take you up on the offer." Shinso replied in his usual dry voice. "Even I don't want to go near Bakugo unless I have to."

That earned a round of laughter from everyone, and I really cannot help but marvel just how Bakugo became notorious without meaning to. Even those in our neighbouring class knew about his existence in just the first three days of school.

"See you after school, Yui." I told her as I turned to leave the classroom.

"Mm. See you after school."


"What?" I turned to look at Shinso, who had hissed at me to get my attention.

"Who are you voting to be class president?"

"I dunno. Do you want to be pres? Cos I sure as hell don't want to be stuck with that position. I can give you my vote if you want."

"For real?" Shinso asked in disbelief. "I was about to give you my vote too."

"For what?" I retorted. "I thought you would want to be class pres."

"Being in the centre of attention is not for me." Shinso said before pointing at me with his pencil. "You should be class pres though, then the first order of business will be to pass a mandate to get Bakugo to shut up. You will be doing everyone a favour."

I paused in my words to think through what Shinso just said. That sounds tempting.

"Nah." I decided against it. "It's not like Bakugo will listen anyway."

"Hey, loverboy."

"Don't call me that-"

"You brainwashed me." I hissed at Shinso when I finally regained my senses. Right on the board were the tally of results of the votes. This was the sight that greeted me when Shinso finally released his hold on me.

Shinso gave a slow and dramatic shrug of his shoulders that totally conveyed the 'what-can-you-do' vibe perfectly. I know his quirk doesn't allow him to control his victims to do actions that requires advanced brain functions like writing a name, for example, so he must have written it for me on my own piece of voting slip while I was under his control.

That asshole.

Thus, right now, our class is stuck in a dilemma. Midoriya has three votes, which automatically makes him the biggest winner. However, Yaoyorozu and I are tied with two votes each.

"This is quite a sticky situation." Sero commented. "How are we going to resolve this?"

"I withdraw." I spoke up without hesitation, and I can tell that my action had surprised Shinso from the looks he is giving me. "Shinso brainwashed me to vote for myself, so this doesn't count."

"Eh?" Kirishima asked in visible confusion, and I can see that his confusion is shared with everybody else.

"I don't want to be class pres or vice pres or anything. Too troublesome." I clarified. "Yaoyorozu can be the vice pres."

"So who are you voting?" Tokoyami questioned.

"Then give your vote to me, you extra!" Bakugo yelled out. "Like hell I would let Deku be the class pres!"

"I actually wanted to vote for Yaoyorozu." I mused out loud and totally ignored Bakugo. "But that would make her tie with Midoriya at three votes, which won't help to resolve the situation. What a pain."

"That's why you vote for ME! Earmuff face!"

"No, vote for me!"


Everyone is now clamoring to get my vote, something that I wasn't expecting. I shot Shinso a dirty look, who is now looking outside the window and pretending that this has nothing to do with him. It's his damn fault that I got myself into this situation.

"I forfeit my vote. Happy now?"

There was a collective 'awww' from the class as everyone sagged in their seats. With this arrangement, I won't be offending anyone while helping to get this over and done with as soon as possible.

Shinso though, I will have words with him later for brainwashing me like that. Or maybe I should just prank him later.

"You really could have made a good class rep though." Shinso said after our class had finalised who will be our class president and vice president. "You are strong, you can be charismatic, and you have confidence in spades. Even Best Jeanist said so. You have what it takes to be a leader of heroes and yet you don't want to be class pres? You need to get your brain checked."

"Last I checked, my brain got brainwashed." I snarked back. "Seriously, I know you mean well, but stop doing things like this behind my back, okay?"

Shinso had an apologetic look on his face.


"Just treat me to coffee tomorrow."

"I'll be sure to add no sugar and no milk to your coffee, make it as bitter as my soul."


"Ehhh?! You declined the chance to be vice pres?!"

"Nejire-nee." I groaned as I inched my head away from my cousin. "Too loud."

"But Biki! VICE PRES!"

It is lunch break right now, and my cousin had met up with me and Shinso for lunch although she will have to leave school right after this to go for her work study at Ryukyu's agency. Yui is eating with her classmates. I'm happy for her. I was initially worried that she would have trouble making friends in her new class but from the looks of it, maybe I don't need to worry myself about Yui after all.

"That's what I told him." Shinso said between bites of his food. "And then the idiot went and withdrew himself from the competition and forfeited his vote."

"Biki~ WHY?!"

"Because it's troublesome? Because it's a thankless job? Because I don't want to? Because why should I?" I listed out my reasons as I enjoyed my meal. Lunch Rush's food is just that good. "I'm worried about having Midoriya as our class pres though. He lacks so much confidence that I'm starting to think that he cannot lead our class well. He stutters too much. It makes other people look down on our class if our representative acts like that all the time."

"Is Midoriya the other guy who destroyed the zero pointer? The one who broke his limbs to do so?" Nejire asked curiously.

"Broke his finger on the first day of school and then his arm on the second day of school. I can still remember the sound of his bones breaking. Makes me wonder what he will break today." I complained as I took a sip of my drink. "He needs some serious help. God forbids if he broke his bones again today. That sound is going to give me nightmares."

"Oh, we have Foundational Heroes Studies after lunch, right?" Shinso asked. "Any idea what it would be?"

"Aizawa-sensei didn't say a thing." I added. "But I did hear him muttering about needing to book a bus yesterday for today's lesson. It probably is for today's Foundational Heroes Studies."

"That means that you guys will most likely head for the USJ." Nejire deduced. "The first week of school is mainly to introduce the freshmen to all of the important facilities that you guys will be using for the next three years, and if you need a bus on the first week, chances are that it is for the USJ. That means it's Rescue Training for all of you! How fun!"

"Huh, Yui will certainly have fun with that one." I said.

"My quirk is essentially useless in such situations. This is going to be a drag." Shinso sighed out loud.

"Cheer up, Shinso! Res-"


"An alarm?" I raised my head as I looked around. Already, there are many students who are also looking around in confusion. Some of them are already panicking.

"Security level 3 has been broken. All students, please evacuate in an orderly fashion."

"This is bad." Nejire frowned as the canteen suddenly erupted in a mass panic. Nejire quickly dragged us into a corner to escape the stampede, but trapping us in a corner as a result. It's still way better than getting trampled upon within all the crowd. "Security level 3 means that someone has infiltrated the building. This situation is also a first for me."

"Who is bold and stupid enough to do that?" Shinso grumbled. "This is U.A."

"You'd be surprised at the number of idiots walking around the planet." I replied as we chose to remain in our corner, because we couldn't move anyway with everyone shoving and pushing in the mad rush towards the emergency exit. There is already a bottleneck there.

"You know, I expected the people here to exit in a more orderly fashion, cos, y'know, this is U.A." Shinso drawled, not a hint of urgency or panic in his voice. In fact, none of us are too bothered by the sight in front of us. Panicking is the very last thing you should do in an emergency because it solves nothing. It's always better to keep a clear head.

"The teachers should have this handled." Nejire said in thought and gestured to the low ceiling above our heads. "Not like there's anything we can do right now since we are stuck here. I couldn't even fly even if I wanted to because of how cramped the place is."

"Oi, that's Iida, isn't it?"

My gaze followed to where Shinso is pointing at and true to his words, I see Iida floating in the air above the crowd, far away from where we currently are. That got to be Uraraka's handiwork.

"He got a quirk that helps him float like me?" Nejire asked in excitement. "What quirk is it? Hey, Biki, what quirk is it?"

"It's not his-"

My words died in my mouth when I saw Iida propelling himself towards the emergency exit before sticking himself right on top of the exit sign in the most bizarre way.



"It's just the press! There's nothing to panic about! We are fine! This is U.A.! Behave in a way befitting this great institution!"

I see. Good going, Iida.

"That is something you two should learn." Nejire pointed at Iida as the canteen quietened significantly after his speech. "What he did was a textbook example of how to quickly calm a mass of panicked people. Short and concise. It's a very effective way if done right."

"And why aren't you doing it?" I questioned.

"Trust me, if it was a villain attack, we would have been in a huge fight at least three minutes ago right after the alarm sounded. Since nothing like that happened, it probably wasn't anything serious. And like what Shinso and your spectacled friend said, this is U.A." Nejire emphasised. "I can understand if people from the support and general courses are panicking, but many of us here are hero-in-training as well. If even they panic in such a situation, then they should quit being heroes. I even spotted some second and even third years from the hero course adding onto the panic earlier. What a shame."

"Wise words. As expected of a Big Three." Shinso rolled his eyes, which earned him a slap to the back of his head by Nejire.

"Isn't the press getting a little too bold?" I asked as the crowd finally starts to disperse, giving us the chance to finally get out of our corner and walk back to our table to finish our meal from earlier. "They infiltrated a school. For what purpose?"

"Obviously it's because of All Might." Nejire said immediately. "The No. 1 hero suddenly joining U.A. as a teacher? Of course the press will be curious. They were camping outside the school gates earlier this morning, weren't they?"

"His life must be full of inconveniences, with the press following him everywhere he goes." I said as part of my heart truly goes out to All Might in pity. What a tiring lifestyle to live by.

"I'm more interested in how the press got past the gates in the first place. The gates are designed to keep out even villains. What do you think, Biki?" Nejire stated in curiosity as we sat back at our seats as if nothing had happened.

"If even you don't have a clue, I wouldn't have any either."

"How likely is it that someone from the press possess a quirk that can get past the school's security system?" Shinso asked my cousin.

"Not impossible, but hypothetically, this person would have a much better career prospect as a hero or in other jobs if he does have such a quirk. U.A.'s security system is not easy to bypass unless your quirk is born for the sole purpose of infiltration. I really don't think anyone from the press could have infiltrated the school, but I could be wrong."

"Suddenly everything sounds much more sinister." I spoke as I finally completed my meal. "If not the press, then who?"

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