

Just In




Sound of Heroes by BANIX

 Anime » My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア Rated: M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, [Yui K., OC], Words: 78k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Nov 19, 2019 Updated: Jun 9354Chapter 12- Heart and Voice

Right on the screen is the contact number of the person who had saved his life.

Midoriya's finger hovered above the call button on his phone, but he still did not press on it. No matter how he psyched himself to just press the button, to talk to his saviour, he just cannot find the courage within him to do it. For the past 24 hours, he just couldn't press the button for some unexplainable reason.

What should he do if Onpa did pick up the call? What should he say? Onpa nearly got himself killed because of his carelessness. If he wasn't so weak, if he wasn't so slow, if he was more aware of his surroundings, if All Might were to arrive just one second later…

Midoriya really doesn't want to think about what could have happened.

"Sweetie, I don't know what else to say because I have no idea what your friend is like, but just do what you think is right."

"Young Onpa doesn't seem like one to hold a grudge against something not of your control. Don't worry about it, young Midoriya."

His mother and All Might have tried to tell him that everything is fine and he should just make the call, but how? Onpa was kind enough to impart some advice to him on how to control his quirk, and all he did in return was to almost get him killed by turning to dust.

Before he knew it, school had reopened and classes resumed. U.A. was under the heat from the media for this recent breach in security but Principal Nezu had managed to pacify the concerned masses and quell the public unrest in just a short span of a day. The class group chat was also flooded with many concerned messages about Onpa's well-being yesterday when classes got cancelled and all Onpa replied was 'I'm fine. Thanks for the concern :)'

That doesn't really seem fine to Midoriya but he is really in a bad position to start a conversation.

Nobody had physically seen Onpa after the USJ incident because he was retained by Recovery Girl for further observation while the rest of them were quickly sent home. Thankfully, Shigaraki's quirk doesn't seem to be the type to have any hidden long lasting effects so Onpa was soon cleared and sent home as well. At least that was what All Might had told him.

So now, Midoriya is dragging himself to school, tightly gripping his notebook containing his analysis on various heroes and their quirks out of habit and also as a form of emotional support. Midoriya cannot help but dread what would happen when Onpa sees him. What if Onpa really isn't fine? What if he's angry at him? What if he doesn't forgive him? What if-


Midoriya let out an embarrassingly loud squeak and jumped a few feet into the air at the mention of his name. Recognising the voice which had called him, he slowly turned around as he shivered in slight trepidation.

"O-O-Onpa-san! K-K-Kodai-san! G-G-Good morning!"

"Good morning to you too." Onpa replied on Kodai's behalf as well while blinking his eyes twice, as if he was confused. The blue haired teen looked around the area around them, which is the first floor of one of the school towers right by the staircase which will lead them to their classroom, before looking back at Kodai and himself, and then back at him.

"What are you so jittery for? There's barely anyone else here and it's not like Yui and I will eat you or anything."

Midoriya would beg to differ considering how Kodai is glaring at him behind Onpa's back with those icy blue eyes, but he has enough self-preservation instincts to not mention anything. The only thing he could do is to let out an awkward laugh.

"E-Erm, Onpa-san?" He managed to squeeze out the courage to try and say to Onpa what he failed to do yesterday. "D-Do you mind if w-we have a p-p-private word…?"

"Sure." Onpa agreed readily as he took a sip from the cup he was holding in his hand before turning back to face Kodai. Midoriya caught a faint whiff of the aroma of coffee. Onpa is a coffee person?

"You heard him. I'll see you after school, Yui."

"Mm. Take care." Was Kodai's reply to Onpa before she walked past them both to climb the staircase. It might be his own imagination, but Midoriya was sure that Kodai was emitting killer intent aiming directly straight at him.

"You comfortable with talking here or do you want to move to somewhere else that is more private?"

Midoriya's attention snapped back to Onpa as the manipulator of sound asked in a laid back manner, like he hadn't almost been killed two days ago because of Midoriya's own mistake.

"Y-You are n-n-not... mad at me?" Midoriya found himself blurting out without thinking. "F-For-"

"Almost getting me killed? Is that it?"

Midoriya flinched upon hearing the blunt answer. Shit, Onpa must be very mad-

"Let's think about it this way." Onpa carried on the conversation while casually sipping on more coffee. "If I was the one who handyman nearly got his hands on, and the only person who is able to get me out of there is you. However, doing so will definitely land you into handyman's hand. You only have one second to think and react. What would you do?"

"I'll jump in and save you!" Midoriya exclaimed without hesitation as he clenched his fists. "I-"

"And why would you do that?" Onpa cut him off and pressed on, an unreadable look on his face.

"B-Because… Because… Because... it's what heroes do!"

"Precisely." Onpa said as without warning, he chopped him on the top of the head with his hand. "I did what I did because that is what heroes will do. So get over your self-imposed guilt and stop moping. I can hear your heartbeats skyrocketing from here and honestly, it's getting a little too loud. You okay now?"

"Y-Yeah." Midoriya admitted as he clutched the top of his head in dull pain, feeling a sense of relief and peace washing over him all of a sudden. "I-I wanted to call or message you yesterday, b-but I don't know what to say if you picked up the call and reply so I ended up just staring at my phone the whole day yesterday and-"

"I should have known." Onpa groaned as he dragged a palm over his face. "Knowing you, I should have at least called you to tell you that I'm alright or you will just overthink on things that aren't there."


"Don't be." Onpa assured him before his eyes caught sight of the notebook in his hand.

"You are always scribbling something in that notebook. What is it?"

"Oh, this?" Midoriya flipped open his dog-eared notebook. "It's just a notebook detailing everything I know about every hero and their quirks. I also did some of my analysis, jotting down their combat strategies, their Super Moves, and also-"

"You basically did your own encyclopedia on heroes and quirks."

"Y-Yes." Midoriya stuttered and looked away sheepishly from how Onpa is now staring at him and the thirteenth volume of 'Hero Analysis for the Future' in his hands.

"Mind if I take a look?"

"Uh, sure." Midoriya handed over his treasured possession over to Onpa, who had put down his cup of coffee on a nearby ledge as he quickly flipped through the notebook.

"It's… very detailed." Onpa commented while nodding his head. "I didn't know you could draw so well."

"I-I-It's… I-I-I… It's nothing at all! Ahahaha!" Midoriya mentally beat himself up again for not knowing how to handle praise. At least say something coherent!

"You did your analysis on us as well?"

"U-Uh, all of you have such c-cool quirks!" Midoriya stammered when Onpa flipped to the section of what he knew about each of his classmates' quirks and abilities. "S-So I just… you know…"

"My page is relatively blank compared to the rest." Onpa hummed in thought and Midoriya winced. What's he supposed to say? He didn't see Onpa in action in the Battle Trial because he had passed out and was at Recovery Girl's. He saw how Onpa fought at the USJ but he was too busy moping yesterday to fill in what he knew yet.

"Quirk: Sound Wave. Manipulate the very essence of sound. Uraraka or Iida told you that? Cos that was the exact words I told the class during the Battle Trial. Known moves: Able to artificially induce auditory based motion sickness. Sonic Bullet. Enough to knock someone down in a non-lethal manner at 2% capacity. Can destroy a zero pointer at 100% capacity but would leave Onpa momentarily weak and defenceless. Costume includes metal gauntlets and boots, presumably to help him with his quirk usage although not much is known yet. Has a katana, so assumed proficiency with swordsmanship. Wears earmuffs because of superhearing ability. Jeez, you really write everything you can think of, don't you?"

"Erm, yes?" Midoriya cringed at that statement.

"Questions: What exactly does Sound Wave do? What does he mean by manipulating the very essence of sound? Is the superhearing a result of his quirk? Is the quirk an Emitter or a Mutant quirk type? If it is Emitter type, why can't it be turned off? Why rely on earmuffs? You know what, I ask that question myself everyday. Let's see what else you wrote here… Why doesn't Onpa have a similar combat style as Present Mic? Is it because the quirks are actually entirely different, or something else? Why- Alright, I think I read enough to know what's going on."

Onpa took the pen Midoriya sandwiched within the notebook before scribbling something on his own page.

"I mean what I said. When I said my quirk is able to manipulate the very essence of sound, it does just that. Amplitude, frequency, timbre, basically anything that has a relation to sound, I can manipulate it if I put in enough effort." Onpa said without looking up as he continued to scribble. "As for what type of quirk is it exactly, it's been classified as Emitter although nobody has any idea why my superhearing cannot be turned off if that is the case. Maybe it's because my dad's quirk an Emitter type and my mum's quirk is a Mutant type and the mixture of the two caused this effect. Maybe my body is just too weak to handle the power of my quirk in the superhearing aspect and it is why I need to rely on my earmuffs. Nobody really knows."

"Wait, your quirk is a result of quirk mutation?" Midoriya asked excitedly at the thought of learning something new about this relatively unknown quirk. "What are your parents'-"

"Voice Change and Bat respectively. In fact, my siblings' quirks are all a result of quirk mutation too. It's kind of rarer than winning a lottery for all three of us to have quirk mutations. My quirk is the most suited for combat out of the three."

"Manipulate the very essence of sound! That's so versatile!" Midoriya cannot help but exclaim in excitement as ideas begin to swarm and multiply in his mind. "Think of all the things you can do! If we take into account the laws of physics, by manipulating sound you can manipulate sound energy itself! The things you can do with- Is that how your Sonic Bullet was created?! Pure sound energy? The way you can suddenly get a burst of speed like how Iida does with his Engine at the USJ is also due to this idea, right?! That's so cool!"

"I don't know about the cool part, but your deductions were more or less all spot on." Onpa let out an amused huff as he returned the notebook back to him, which Midoriya received excitedly.

"There, I filled in the answers for most of your questions."

"Wait." Midoriya looked at the notebook in his hands before looking up at Onpa again. "You are simply giving me information about your quirk, just like that? I thought…"

"It's nothing that you wouldn't find out in time." Onpa snorted as he returned to sipping on his coffee. "Besides, I'm kind of curious as to what weaknesses you can find in my quirk or combat style. If I want to be stronger, to be better, then I need to know my own weaknesses and better early than late. I'm not worried that you will use this information to one up me or anything, because you will need more than that to actually defeat me."

Midoriya looked back up at Onpa. Is that sheer confidence or something else?

"Don't believe me?" Onpa seemed to read his mind with this next question. "How long have you been training to be a hero?"

"Uh, about ten months?" Midoriya thinks back to when he actually started to seriously train for real, which is right after the Sludge Villain Incident.

"Yui and I started to train ourselves when we were seven. You have a lot to catch up on if you want to be the No. 1 Hero. This is not something that you can easily triumph over me or the rest of us who had put in similar efforts since young, Midoriya. Like you, we are all here to be the very best that we can be."

Midoriya clutched onto his notebook tighter as he and Onpa began to climb the stairs since the first period would start very soon. Onpa's right. Unlike his classmates, he only started training for real less than a year ago while some of them had started training from a young age. It's a big gap that cannot be easily closed in a short amount of time.

That explains the insane amount of control Onpa had displayed over his quirk during his fight with the Nomu. He had been continuously training with it ever since he got it. No wonder he got strong enough to go toe-to-toe with the monster that is supposedly able to kill All Might, even if just a short while. While some of his classmates like Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tokoyami are also strong and are powerhouses in their own right, Onpa must be at least on par, if not better than most of them. It's just that he chose not to display his abilities in a flashy manner like what most of his classmates do. He ended his Battle Trial so fast that nobody could catch a true glimpse of the destruction he is capable of, like what he did when he sent the Nomu, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri flying with just a single blast of sonic energy.

When he thinks about it, he's not even sure if Kacchan can defeat Onpa if the sound manipulator gets serious in a fight. At the very least, he's sure that Kacchan wouldn't be able to handle the Nomu as well as Onpa did. Kacchan did nearly got himself killed by that creature if it wasn't for All Might saving him.

Not only that, Onpa also implied that his quirk was hard to control when he first gave him advice on how to control One for All. This means that the Sound Wave quirk must have a certain level of lethality and destruction capabilities for it to warrant such a label, and to think that Onpa actually managed to achieve such perfect control over it now… Just how much work did Onpa put into perfecting the control he has over his quirk?

"You are overthinking things again, aren't you?"

"E-Eh?" Midoriya nearly slipped and fell on his face at the sudden question which snapped him back to reality. "N-No! I was just… uh…"

"I'm actually kind of impressed, Midoriya. You've only awoken your quirk less than a year ago, right?"

"Uhm, yes." Midoriya gulped and answered the question which he rather not have anyone ask.

"Then be proud of what you have achieved so far. For you to have a good enough handle of your quirk in such a short amount of time, to even qualify yourself to get into U.A. is not an easy feat. At your current rate of progress, you might really have a shot in becoming one of the top heroes."

"R-Really?!" Midoriya cannot help but ask excitedly. "You really think so?!"

"I mean, it's hard to tell now, but at least you do have a pure heart as expected from a true hero. That's my honest opinion." Onpa shrugged as they finally reached the floor which their classroom is situated at. "Someone like you who has the heart to do the right thing is rare in today's society. Having a powerful quirk is one thing, having a compassionate heart to do what is right is another. This is what separates heroes and villains, not the type of quirks we are born with. This whole hero society has its priorities backwards if we cannot tell the difference between celebrities and heroes, or judge others based on things that they are born with that they cannot change. Just look at Shinso and the ostracisation he faced on a daily basis. All because of the quirk he is born with."

"I'm… not all that special, Onpa." Midoriya muttered. "Before this, I was just another nobody. I had help."

"Give yourself some credit. Everybody had help at some point." Onpa snorted. "If it wasn't for my brother's and my cousin's training I wouldn't have survived the Nomu. Determination without the correct purpose is just wasted effort. Why else do you think All Might is still the No. 1 Hero? Why is he the Symbol of Peace? Because his heart is in the right place. This is why Endeavour will never surpass him and will forever remain as No 2. A true hero like All Might will always place others before himself. He is a compassionate man that makes people happy by continuously giving without expecting anything in return. That's why he is a true hero."

"I want to be like All Might someday." Midoriya stated as his determination flared up once more. He is the successor of One for All. He has to meet All Might's expectations.

"You already are. I can see why All Might is so interested in you now, Midoriya. You are-"

"E-Eh?!" Midoriya felt his brain turning to a stop. No, not again. What if Onpa found out about the secret between him and All Might and subsequently found out about One for All? Wait, he has superhearing! Had he overheard their conversations or-

"- the same as him. Like him, your heart is in the right place."

Midoriya has to hold himself back from heaving an audible sigh of relief to prevent himself from giving anything away. His near slip when he nearly blurted about One for All to Kacchan had already earned him a scolding from All Might, he doesn't need to receive another.

"And here we are." Onpa remarked when they finally reached the doors of their classroom. With a push, he slid the door open.

It seems like the door opening caught the attention of the entire class. There was a brief moment of silence when the entire class focused their attention on them before they exploded into a cacophony of noise and action.


"You are really okay!"

"Woo! Welcome back, Onpa! Oh, hello Midori!"

"Uh, thanks?" Onpa let out an awkward laugh as they both entered the classroom and closed the door behind them. "I didn't know you guys were still that worried about me. I'm sure I texted everyone that I was fine."

"All you replied was 'I'm fine. Thanks for the concern'! How would we know for sure?!" Iida got into his usual self again as his arms began to move up and down in a robotic manner. "Shinso wasn't of much help too when he simply texted us 'If he said he's fine, then he's fine'! And speaking of which, where is Shinso?! Lessons are about to start soon and he's the only one that is still not here!"

"Actually, that asshole is right. If I said that I'm fine, then I'm fine."


"Tch. Shut up, Four Eyes. If Karaoke got himself held hostage by that pale hand freak, then he's just another weakling."


"If I recall correctly, that birdbrain would have turned you into mincemeat if All Might didn't get you out of the way in time." Onpa let out a disinterested yawn as he made his way to his seat. "Nevermind, whatever floats your boat, Explodiboy."


"K-KACCHAN!" Midoriya pleaded as he physically held his childhood friend back. Why?! WHY?! PLEASE DON'T FIGHT!

"Hibiki's right, y'know." Shinso made his timely appearance as he finally entered the classroom. Midoriya saw him quickly giving Onpa a quick visual scan before turning back to face Kacchan. "At least he managed to handle himself against the brain monster for a period of time solo instead of almost getting himself immediately pulverised when birdbrain threw the first punch, like a certain someone."


Please stop antagonising Kacchan! Why isn't anybody stopping them?!


"Aaaaannnnnndd someone pressed the mute button on Bakugo again! Woohoo!" Ashido cheered out loud as the class roared in laughter at both her words and at how Bakugo is now obviously failing spectacularly on trying to make even a squeak with his obnoxiously loud voice. It is a comical sight to behold while he is thrashing about violently in Midoriya's grasp and the maniacal expression on his face.

"I knew you got my back." Shinso did a fistbump with Onpa as Midoriya had to physically restrain a muted Kacchan from trying to pummel Shinso and Onpa, who doesn't seem the least bit concerned of Kacchan trying to beat them into a pulp.

"Silence is golden. Explodiboy should keep that in mind once in a while."

"I knew it! You were the one who muted Bakugo that day on the bus!" Hagakure chattered excitedly upon learning this new revelation. "You just did the entire class a big favour, Onpa!"

"Yeah, you should do it more often!"

"Make this a class policy, a Bakugo's special!"

"How manly!"

Stop pissing Kacchan off! Can't you guys see he's trying to murder you guys?! Why am I still the only one holding him back?!

"If you think muting Bakugo is fun, then how about this?" Onpa suggested before snapping his fingers and Bakugo can be heard once more.


A brief moment of silence descended upon the classroom when everyone in Class 1-A heard Bakugo speaking in a childish, girly voice that is typically found in girls about four to five years of age. Bakugo himself had covered his mouth with both his hands and had stopped struggling in Midoriya's hold, his eyes impossibly wide and unable to bring himself to believe what his voice had just turned into.

There was a slow clap and everyone turned to the source of it.


"That, Hibiki, was beautiful. It's a masterpiece."

"Why, thank you. Glad you like it. Feel free to record Bakugo's new voice and set it as your ringtone."

"Oh this is too funny!" Uraraka was the first to recover as she laughed so hard that she is now rolling on the floor while clutching her stomach. Many others followed suit. "A girly sounding Bakugo!"

"He sounds so cute too!" Hagakure gushed.

"I want to say that Bakugo doesn't sound too manly now, but that voice changing move was manly, Onpa!"

"Forget about that! Someone record Bakugo's voice now!"

"YOU SHITHEADS-" Bakugo screamed out only to force himself to stop when the same girly voice came out from his throat again.

"There it is!"

"He sounds like some AV actress from some hentai-"


"Thank you, Tsu."

"You are welcomed, Yaomomo. Ribbit."

"I got it, I got it!" Jiro yelled excitedly as she replayed Bakugo's recorded voice again through her phone. "Bakugo sounds so cute!"


"There it is again!"

"Guys! Stop agitating Kacchan! I can't hold him back any longer!"

"Huh, guess Bakugo's voice is half the reason why he has the scary vibe. Not as menacing once you change his voice into a cute one." Kaminari commented when he downloaded Bakugo's altered voice onto his phone, courtesy of Jiro who had just uploaded it onto the class group chat.


"I got it this time!"

"Yeah, I recorded it too! Hey Bakugo, sing something!"


"Kacchan! Calm down!"

"We should totally do this to Aizawa-sensei one day." Ashido rubbed her palms together in glee. "Hey Onpa, you mind?"

"That will get you a detention by default, Ashido-san!" Iida looked absolutely horrified at the proposed idea. "As students of this honourable institution, we should not-"

"Sure, why not?" Onpa shrugged.

"Sounds like fun." Shinso grinned in that evil smile of his. "How about we swap Aizawa-sensei's and Mic-sensei's voices?"

"An energetic sounding Aizawa-sensei and a soulless Mic-sensei?!" Sero did an exaggerated gasp. "This is so…"


"NO! IT'S NOT!" Iida screamed, but his voice had also been altered into a nasally high one that got the entire class erupting into peals of laughter.


"Hey I want to try speaking in a different voice too! Onpa, please?"

"Me! Me! Change my voice!"

"Me too!"




"Kacchan, STOP trying to kill them!"

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