
Ravel looks back to her hopefully, her own nod showing her acceptance to train her Niece. A happy smile breaks out across Ravels face at the easy acquiescence of her request to her Mother and her Aunt. Nellina doesn't think her happy smile will last once she starts to drill her to increase her powers to an acceptable level, but she will let her keep her delusions for now.

Before anything else is said however, Nellina's face goes far more serious which causes her Niece and Sister both to give her their total attention.

"Ravel, I need your permission to speak to your Mother about some of the things that happened tonight, its about your boy and some things I noticed." Nellina said with seriousness, all levity gone.

Ravel, seeing the seriousness in Nellina's tone quickly gives her acquiescence to her to speak. Nellina then begins to speak of what she felt and 'tasted' of the boys powers, and his odd magic. She recounted every detail she could remember, which admittedly wasn't much as she was relying on her odd extra sense but every detail counted. She wanted her little Niece to understand that the boy she wanted to reincarnate was more then just a pretty face, with a talented tongue. He had power, old power, and slotting him into a pawn spot could very well be a waste. She wanted the best for her Niece, and the boy might very well be better suited to a higher spot on her peerage. ​

------Sin Lord------

Blake Jensen was watching the young redheaded teen as he sat sleeping several rows away. He'd been about to go to sleep himself when he'd felt a distinct surge of...something he wasn't quite sure of. He'd thought it might have been magic, but upon further reflection he'd decided it was something different. He had however identified the source of the unknown power surge as the young built redheaded teen.

He wasn't by any means an expert on all the different supernatural abilities in the world but he definitely knew about the major ones. Fallen, Angel, Devil, and Magician magic being the primary ones, mostly due to the fact that he had felt all of them at least once. While he could tell when a draconic based sacred gear was being used due to his own familiarity with his Twice Critical.

He was a magician himself as well which lent him well to identifying that type of magic, which this wasn't. He'd also worked with Fallen, Angel, and Devils on occasion, so he also knew the feel of those types of magic as well. After all, the Khaos Brigade had members among all of the major races, even the Angels, as few as they were. Blake wasn't very high up on the ladder himself, but he was a valuable field agent. He was mostly used to hunt for future members, and bring them into the fold however he could.

He hadn't expected to find a new recruit on his way to Japan, but the young man was obviously some type of supernatural. Even if he couldn't identify what he was or what he was doing he had definitely felt that...what ever it was that he had used. Yet he was frustrated because he couldn't identify what exactly he had done, only that it wasn't any of the obvious.

He'd already sent his cell leader a quick message letting him know that he was going dark to shadow a future target and would let him know later when he had more information. With the message sent he'd turned his phone off and was settling in for the long flight. He was going to shadow the boy to his destination and find out everything he could about his mysterious power and his personality. The Hero Faction of the Khaos Brigade needed every possible advantage they could find to stem the darkness of the world.​

------Sin Lord------

Three primordial beings lounged within a dark void, the only thing besides the three was a triangular table of an unknown wood they all sat around. Within the center of the triangular table was a pool of silver liquid that currently showed a muscular teen with long red hair sleeping in a seat upon a plane in flight.

The first being, a rotund man with darkly tanned skin, greying black hair, with glimmering blue eyes and wearing a hooded robe of pale grey sat at one of the faces of the table. He was drinking from a large stein that seemed to be ever full with some type of unknown potent alcohol. He was relaxed, while projecting the feeling of contentment.

To the right of the man sat a woman who could have been from the age of 18-40, such was the nature of her ageless appearance. She was a vision of beauty, lust, and lazy indulgence as she sat within her chair at the table. Her lustrous hair was of several different colors, from black, to red, to brown, to silver, and finally gold. Her figure was sinfully full, capable of turning any head, straight or not, in her direction. She also wore a hooded robe, only hers was a shimmering silver while also being form fitting.

To the right of the woman, sat a hulking creature, as inhuman as he was powerful. The creature's skin that was visible was that of glittering black scales layering its powerful form while he was cloaked in a voluminous dark red heavy cloak. He had six long arms, each ending it long curving black talons made for disemboweling flesh. He was immensely muscled, while also seemingly possessing a delicate agility as he shifted within his larger seat. His head was vaguely reptilian, with a jutting jaw that held rows of dagger like teeth while his eyes were glowing red with vertical slits. Four horns curved backward over his hairless scaled head as she stared down into the pool of silver liquid.

The three beings were silent for several long moments, the only sound being the occasional sips from the rotund man. The three beings possessed a type of gravitas about them despite their appearances, while also having a immense amount of raw power wafting off of them. The one to break the silence was the woman, her full lips opening to finally speak.

"He's off to an excellent start, isn't he Wrath, Gluttony?" The woman spoke, her voice was composed of pure sensuality and lust, enough to make people drop to their knees in worship at the mere hint of it.

"Yes, he most certainly is," The rotund grey speckled man replied, his voice smooth with honeyed words. "I was doubly impressed by him when he combined both of our gifts at the same time."

The sensual woman chuckled as she wet her lips, the act enough to make virgins faint by the thousands.

"Yes, the multiplicative effect of utilizing our two gifts at the same time was a stroke of good fortune." To woman said to the older rotund man, "I wonder if he will ever get the chance to use all three of our gifts simultaneously, what a wonder that would be hmm?"

The large hulking creature choose this point to break his silence, his voice like that of a thousand howling berserkers thirsting for blood, "I don't think we will get that anytime soon my siblings. He seems to be a bit too squeamish to go for the violent rape cannibalism trio."

The greying man nodded his head at his fellows words, while the woman frowned minutely but not gainsaying him.

"Yes, not many ways to combine our three aspects that don't end up making most Human's squeamish." The woman said, her voice holding a bit of disappointment. "Still it was a stroke of good fortune that we found those two souls that were compatible with our three aspects, very lucky."

The other two nodded their heads as they as they stared at the sleeping teen, his form shifting minutely as if he was aware he was being watched.

"I miss Alucard to be honest, he was nearly perfect for we three," the older rotund man said in a vague sense of...sadness perhaps.

"Oh yes!" The hulking creature said, his face forming a parody of a smile, "Now that was a man who embodied our three aspects nearly perfectly. He had a thirst for Wrath unlike any other bar perhaps Asura, or Kratos."

"Yes, I agree," the woman said, her eyes filled with fond memories as she stared up into the void, "his lust for sex was nearly unquenchable, such a perfect fit to us he was."

"His gluttonous thirst for blood was quite legendary...ah, such fond memories indeed." The older rotund man said, taking a deep satisfying pull from his stein.

"I have high hopes for this one, high hopes indeed." The older man said, his eyes intent upon to young sleeping teen. "I think he shall go far, I'm greatly looking forward to seeing his progress."

The other two both nodded as as they gazed into the shimmering silver pool, their gazes as endlessly ancient as they were endlessly hungry as they watched the sleeping teen. ​

------Sin Lord------

Kenji walked away from the airport terminal towards a line of cabs, wincing at the coming hit to his wallet as his luggage was towed in a cart behind him. He was lucky that his Father had the forethought to arrange for him to have a rather large stipend account set up for him. Otherwise he'd have been more concerned over the high rate most cabs charged.

When his parents had been alive the account had basically acted as his allowance, capped at a deposit of $500 a month. Kenji had been used to it as it had been set up when he was 13. To his older memories however it seemed like a fairy tale. To have access to essentially $6,000 a year just for an allowance seemed mind boggling to him, a man who had grown up with a family that lived paycheck to paycheck.

Of course when his parents had died that $500 a month had tripled to $1,500 a month. Something the lawyers had told him was a emergency clause in case of his parents death or incapacitation. Frankly he was grateful that his Father had the foresight to arrange such a thing for him, it gave him a bit of breathing room until he turned 18. Even it it wasn't in reality that much money, it would save him in a pinch.

Of course he also still had the $10,000 in his backpack at his old home, but that was reserved for a special trip he had planned. He also couldn't just use his debit card for any of his more...shady purchases he had planned, some things couldn't leave a electronic trail. So keeping some of that hidden money in reserve, or getting more of it was always a objective in the back of his mind.

He also made the mental note to buy the shit out of bitcoin since it was 2011 at this point. He knew bitcoin hadn't really taken off yet in popularity or worth. He remembered it had peaked in worth around the end of 2017, then rapidly dropped in value over the next year. However, with his outside knowledge of the price of it he could easily buy and then sell to make himself quite a bit of money.

Of course with his powers it may very well be unneeded by that point. Yet it was something to keep in mind as more money or more importantly, more legal money, would always be a boon. His only regret was that he had not ever thought to memorize any lottery ticket numbers in the event of time travel.

He put his luggage into the back of his chosen cab before he crawled into the back. He was thankful that his Father had insisted that he learn to read and write in Japanese fluently. It made this whole move from America to Japan much more easy. If he'd had to learn a difficult language like Japanese in addition to moving then he'd...well he likely would have just used his powers to cheat but the point still stood. ​

------Sin Lord------

Kenji sat back in his seat, the high speed Japanese train accelerating away down the tracks. It was quite interesting to see a country that had such a successful public transportation system set up. Texas didn't really have much public transportation, due to it being so large and spread out, making it unfeasible. While San Francisco did have public transportation, it wasn't anywhere near as nice as Japan had.

He watched the scenery speed past as the train gained speed quickly. It was an interesting country to see, very beautiful in its own way. Very different from Texas and California, both of the places that he had lived in his old and current life. Kenji enjoyed the scenery as the train sped down the tracks, making its way to Kuoh at speed. ​

------Sin Lord------

Kenji gave a wide jaw cracking yawn as he left the train station behind. He had bought several energy drinks and put them into his backpack, thankful that he'd had his dollars switched to yen coins. He found it odd having to switch over to coin currency instead of paper, but it ultimately didn't matter that much to him. He'd long since stopped carrying actual currency on his person for the most part, he almost always used his debit card instead.

With his back pack loaded up with the dozen energy drinks he planned to devour later, he headed for the few cabs that were parked next to the train station. He frankly was close enough to his Aunt Yuki's apartment to walk, but he didn't really want to wrestle with his luggage all that distance. Once he was within the cab he examined the moderate sized town that he would find to be his home for the foreseeable future.

It seemed peaceful, but he didn't let that lull him into a false sense of security. He knew the town was crawling with powerful Devils and their familiars. He also knew that the town was going to quickly become a supernatural hotspot, with other forces moving into it quite quickly. He didn't know when the main plot was supposed to start, so he'd have to start making his moves quickly.

The cab dropped him off in front of an apartment building, his Aunt Yuki's building. He sighs as he begins to trudge up the stairs to the floor his Aunt lives on. She texted him that she was in the process of getting a larger place, using her inheritance from her parents, his grandparents, to get a actual house. A small house she had said, but a house none the less.

He wasn't too keen to live in an apartment, as he'd never lived in one during his past life or current one. That being said he would make due for as long as it was necessary. He wasn't one to overly complain about something like that, even if it was bothering him. If something truly bothered him then he would just try to fix it, as mindlessly complaining about something that couldn't be helped had never been his style.

Kenji got to the door and rang the bell, a bit of nervousness fluttering in his stomach. When the door was opened not that soon after he got to finally see his Aunt Yuki in person. He could instantly tell that good looks ran in his family, as his Father had been attractive, and his Aunt also had the familial good looks as well.

She was a short, if he'd had to guess coming in below five foot. She had the same hair as his Father, a shiny arrow straight black that was past her shoulder blades. Her eyes were the same shade of chocolate brown that his Fathers had been as well. Her face was delicate, with smooth sloping cheeks and delicate lips, it reminded him of a picture of his Grandmother from her youth actually. She was wearing a light blue sweater, along with a pair of blue jeans as she stood in the door. And try as he might he couldn't help but notice that she was quite stacked, along with thick hips, which really made him want to die inside.

She smiled at him when she got a good look at him, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in his muscular frame. It wasn't surprising as the last picture she'd gotten from him had been over a year ago, so his new and improved body would be quite different to her memories. He merely grinned at her as he took a step forward and swept her up into a tight hug. She gave an adorable squeak of surprise as he hugged her into his large frame, her own arms coming up around him instinctively.

"It's good to finally see you in person Aunt Yuki," Kenji said to her as he hugged her, "it shouldn't take a tragedy for us to come together."

She gave another squeak as he finished hugging her, taking a small step back. Her face was tomato red, which definitely confused him. He was a bit baffled at her reaction, was hugging not done here or was she just shy?

"H-H-Hi Kenji, its good to see you as well." She stammered out to him as she took him in, her eyes trailing up his taller frame.

He had found it quite amusing that everyone in this country was so short. He had noticed it on the way over on the train, almost everyone was much shorter then him, it was especially prevalent with the women here. It was especially obvious now as he essentially towered over his Aunt, looking down at her with a amused smile.

"Oh, where are my manners, come in!" She said as she stepped back inside allowing him to come in.

He had done a little research before he left America so he knew to remove his shoes and use the slippers that were at the door. It seemed strange to him to have to use different shoes for around the house and bathroom but when in Rome and all that. He was quickly shown about her small apartment, the thing being ridiculously small. Truthfully it was smaller then his Parents home's living room, which really said something.

"I know its probably a bit smaller then your used to," She said as she nervously wrung her hands a bit, "but the sale on the house I got should be complete some time in the next two weeks. It should give us plenty of room but for now its going to be a bit cramped...I hope its okay?"

Her voice had trailed off uncertainly as she looked at him nervously. It was obvious that his opinion was important to her, her nervousness being pretty clear. He smiled at her as he reached out an arm to give her a sideways hug, eliciting another adorable squeak out of her again. He grinned at her reddening face once more, if she kept making the adorable faces and sounds he'd have to keep doing this for that alone.

"It's fine Aunt Yuki, I know Japan has a premium on space, this will work for now." He reassured her as she hesitantly gave him a half hug back.

"Oh, and you can't call me Aunt, you know!" She said with an exaggerated pout as she pulled away from him, her hands on her hips. "I'm a young woman, I'm only 24 I'll have you know! So if you must, then call me big Sister Yuki, or just Yuki if you want to. We are much closer in age to being siblings then Aunt and Nephew anyway."

Kenji paused as he rolled his luggage off to the side of the room, looking back to Yuki at her statement. He decided that she did have a point, they really were pretty close in age. He was 16, while she was 24, a measly 8 year difference. It would be kinda awkward to act like she was his Aunt, when he really was past the age for needing an authority figure.

"That's a good idea," he admitted softly to her, "we really are a bit too close in age for a Aunt/Nephew relationship, and I did always want a sibling growing up. So big Sister Yuki it is."

He finished with a smile, amused once more at her blushing face. He didn't even know what he'd said to set her off this time. He was beginning to think his Aunt was just kinda weird. Or maybe his Americanism was just embarrassing for her.

They chatted for the next 20 minutes about his flight over and how it was. She was also very sure to steer clear of any verbal landmines. She never mentioned his Parents, or anything about the accident really. He didn't think it was necessary for her to tip toe around him but he was thankful that she cared to do so, it spoke highly of her compassion.

He was sad that she had to go to work soon, as she had taken a half day off so she could greet him and let him in. She gave him a key to the apartment and told him that he could either stay in watching TV or go and explore Kuoh if he wished. He gave her another hug as she left, eliciting another adorable squeak and atomic blush as she retreated out the door. He was left contemplating what he was going to do for the next five hours till she got home.​

Authors Note: Ugh, the italics gave me shit again, its why I had to delete the post, it was a