
Kenji perked up from his spot on the love seat as he heard the door being unlocked. He picked himself up from his seat as he moved over towards the front door. The door opened and Yuki came inside holding a small bag that smelled of food. He gave her a smile as she entered the apartment which she returned to him.

"Hello Yuki, how was your day?" Kenji asked as he helpfully took her bag of food off of her.

She smiled at him as she went to put her small purse she had down on a little end table.

"It went well little Brother," Yuki said to him as she followed along behind him.

Outside of her view a smile blossomed over his face at her 'little Brother' comment. It was nice she putting in the effort with him, not everyone would have taken in a random family member that they'd never met. He quickly took out the cartons of food from the sack and allowed Yuki to guide him with setting them up.

She had apparently gotten some type of fried rice with a beef/chicken mixture. He was thankful that she had gotten something simple as he hadn't really had a great deal of Japanese food. They both ate on the love seat, his larger frame pushed up into her smaller one as the love seat wasn't really big enough.

She didn't seem to mind as she hummed happily from where she rested against him. The TV was on as well with...big Sister Yuki watching a news program on the weather for the week. He ate quietly, finding himself to be quite hungry as he hadn't eaten all day. When they had both finished he took up the trash and threw it away for her, which got him a thankful smile in return.

He quickly retook his place at her side, squeezing back into the loveseat. She glanced over to him once before she refocused her attention on the TV, frowning at the report of unseasonable snow later in the week. He glanced at her uniform that she had on, which was a simple waitress's outfit.

"Are you a waitress big Sister?" Kenji asked during a commercial break.

She turned her head and beamed brightly at him, before she nodded her head.

"Yep, I work at a local place," Yuki said, "I work part time, around 4 days a week 6 hours a day. Mostly to keep myself busy really since I don't really need the money."

At his questioning look at her statement she looked sheepish for a moment.

"Ah, yeah Father and Mother, your Grandparents were very wealthy," Yuki said in an explanatory tone. "They were quite wealthy, old money from what they said. When they died six years ago the estate was split in half between me and...well lets just say I don't need to work, I only do it to stay occupied."

Yuki gave him a sad smile as she trailed off. He had caught her attempt to divert her words from speaking of his Father. He smiled at her as he wrapped an arm around her narrow shoulders, his arm easily going completely around her. She gave another cute squeak at his actions, turning beet red as he hugged her into his side.

"You don't have to tip toe around my parents names, or what happened to them Yuki," Kenji said to her gently as he gave her another squeeze. "I'm sad they died, but I won't shatter if you mention them, I promise. Death is sad, especially loved ones but its a natural part of life. We just have to learn to live with it."

She stared at him with her chocolate brown eyes, her cheeks still flushed an adorable red from his hug. She slowly nodded her head at his words, tilting her head to rest it on his side