
She slid sideways as blood erupted from her ruined neck and upper torso, splattering against the sides of the tub as blood rapidly pooling into the bottom of the bathtub. He watched her form with impassive eyes as it bled its life force out into his bathtub. It took her less then 30 seconds to die, and it was a better end then she deserved.

Kenji used the Death Stick to cast another spell, Create Vorpal Punch Dagger. The spell normally cost 1,000 MP to cast, far too much for him to utilize it. Yet with the Death Stick the spell was reduced down to a mere 200 MP. It was such a useful item.

He set the wand to the side as he firmly grasped the knife, its blade glinting dangerously. He then quickly went to work, using the supernaturally sharp knife to cut into the dead woman's chest. It was easy to remember where the piece was form when he saw it the first time with True Seeing. He remembered the Evil Piece glowing a powerful black that he saw right through her sternum. He easily sliced through her flesh and bones, carving her flesh aside until he found the prize.

He absently flicked her blood off his hands as he held the bloody bishop piece in his hand. He could could imagine within his mind the thin black line of magic connecting her to her King dissipating upon her death. He set the morbid thoughts aside as he put the object of power into his mouth and devoured it with his Gluttony Sin.

Bishop Evil Piece Devoured, Exotic Tier – [Trait] Mana Reactor Gained, [Trait] Mana Reserves Gained

[Trait] Mana Reactor – The subjects mana regeneration rate is increased by a factor of 10. Subject will never suffer from being placed in a null or low mana environment as he literally generates his own supply of magic. Not unlike a ley line node that supplies the world's environmental magic.

[Trait] Mana Reserves – The subjects mana reserves, his MP, are increased by a factor of 10, including all future gains as well.

Kenji gained a wolfish grin as he looked at his newly increased MP reserves. He now sat pretty at a maximum of 6,500 MP, which was rapidly refilling from his increased MP regen rate. With the Death Stick in hand he could now cast any spell in his arsenal, multiple times. He reached out and grasped the dead Devil that was slumped into his bathtub, biting down onto her arm.

Reincarnated Devil Corpse Devoured, Exotic Tier – Gain 300 Stat Points

Kenji frowned but shrugged his shoulders, he supposed they all couldn't be winners. He decided that going into a potentially dangerous situation against a possible Dread Wraith that he needed more magical power. If he had to kill a Dread Wraith he wanted more power behind his spells, so he slotted the 300 stat points, plus his 1 extra into his INT, giving him a cool 640 to work with. He turned and grimly marched back into his bedroom, it was time to face the Deck of Many Things and whatever it might throw at him.​

------Sin Lord------

He still has 20 minutes of his Devil's Luck to use so it was best to do this now. Ultimately he could deal with anything besides the two that either sucked out his soul or imprisoned him elsewhere, those two were The Bad Ends. With the Death Stick held in a white knuckled grip in his right hand firmed his desire to get this over with and his required six cards.

He took a deep breath and reached out with his left hand, drawing one of the cards from the deck. He flips the card around to reveal The Hermit. As he gazes at the face of the card he feels a surge of magic flow from the card and into his body, which makes him wince.

He sighs in relief knowing the card was beneficial, as it would allow him to know the answer to any question or problem on request within the next year. The literal words for the card were, 'This card empowers the character drawing it with the one-time ability to call upon a source of wisdom to solve any single problem or answer fully any question upon her request. The query or request must be made within one year. Whether the information gained can be successfully acted upon is another question entirely.'

It was definitely useful, and something he would need to think carefully on before using. He flinches as the card disappears, reappearing within the deck for another potential draw. It did however give him the idea that the deck was like Schrodinger's box, as in every card was possible until he touched one and drew it.

He licked his lips before drawing another card, this time revealing The Devil card. A powerful outsider class being was now his for and would attack him in 1 to 20 days. How lovely Kenji mused, not the worst card to get but not exactly easy either.

Kenji however, did still need to pluck four more cards from the vile Deck of Fucking Up Your Day. His future problems would matter little if he was made into a soulless husk. He reached out and drew a card, revealing The Devil, signifying a conflict between him and an Outsider class creature. Kenji winced, that was not going to be fun. It could be anything from a DnD Angel, or Demon, or even something more odd.

He sighs before he plucks up another card, revealing the Death card, making him swear as he quickly surged to his feet. His eyes darted about in a panic before he felt a coldness surge into the room. He took a step back as a hunched 10 foot wall cloaked creature appeared in his bedroom. The monster was wreathed in shadows and darkness and the room plunged in temperature. The only identifying feature he could see under its hood was a pair of softly glowing malevolent red flickering eyes.

All was frozen for a single solitary moment, before the creature let out a low hiss and surged towards him in a lightning fast lung, its shadow wreathed clawed hands leading the way. Kenji immediately began casting his Teleport spell even as he dove through his open bedroom door. The incorporeal monster easily flowed through the frame of his doorway as it mercilessly followed him, thirsting for his life force. He knew he couldn't fight this thing in his house, it was too tightly packed in. Cover would mean nothing to this creature, it would actually hamper him instead of aid him. So he had to take the fight elsewhere.

He sprinted down the hallway, his agility showing its supernatural edge when he literally turned a corner and bounced off the two sides of the corner with his feet, instantly redirecting his momentum down the stairs. He then flipped through the air and gracefully landed at the bottom of the staircase, his feet easily sticking the landing. He had five seconds left on the spell yet the bastard monster just flowed through the ceiling like a cheating cheater.

He turned and led the undead creature on a merry chase through his house, staying ahead of its constitution draining touch. It was a nightmare to keep ahead of the creature due to its ability to pass through walls and furniture but he was faster then it by a small margin. However when he had only a second remaining on his Teleport he sprinted towards a wall and planted both of his feet on it, the plaster crunching softly under his shoes. He pushed off and flew through the air, getting close enough to the creature with perfect timing just as the Teleport spell went off, dragging them both elsewhere.​

------Sin Lord------

Central Texas

12:30 PM Japan, Sunday

10:30 PM Texas, Saturday

Kenji and the undead creature appear within a library in Central Texas. It was one he frequently went to in his last life while also being closed this late at night, thus deserted. Mostly he was worried about collateral damage because every person the thing killed would just make his ultimate goal of putting it into the ground that much harder since it could create more of its kind.

The library was dim, but still had enough lights on for him to clearly see. He noted that he would have to try and devour something that would give him night vision in the future. His ruminations were diverted when the creature spun about and gave another low hiss, its eyes glowing malevolently. Kenji narrowed his eyes in response as he flung a Disaster spell at it, the multi-colored elemental lance of magic racing towards the creature. It went low to avoid it, partially passing through the floor and coming fast right at him. The beam of multi-elemental destruction sheered a hole through a dozen book cases before punching a hole through a large window, blowing it out into the street below.

Kenji spun to the right, allowing the monster pass him by as it tried to slash him with its claws. He rolled to the left, flicking the Death Stick twice as he spat out two more Disasters toward the creature. However it merely flung itself backward and sank beneath the floor, avoiding the two spells easily due to its incorporeal nature.

One of the spells merely blew apart more book shelves before blowing out another massive window. The other spell easily ripped through the uppermost part of a pair of closed elevator doors, punching through the other side and blowing out another window. The elevator made a groaning sound before he heard several pops, the elevator cables obviously giving way allowing the elevator to fall. It only dropped a single floor before it crashed into the ground in a loud crash, however his eyes were on the floor, searching for where the creature was going to pop up.

Kenji narrowed his eyes, this was why fighting incorporeal creatures was such a pain in the ass. The things could attack from any direction and didn't need to follow the laws of physics. He spat out three more Disaster spells, the multi-elemental bolts punching three neat holes in the floor. His attempt to flush out the creature failed and he wondered where the damn thing was.

He waited for another minute before he decided to go hunting, if it didn't want to come to him then he'd have to go to it. He made his way to the back of the library and quickly took the carpeted stairway down to the ground floor. He had his wand out as he crept along the stacks of books, searching for the abomination. He frowned when he searched the majority of the ground floor but didn't find anything. Then his frown deepened, as he knew there was an underground garage here as well, one of the few in this town. It was quite dark down there after hours, no lights whatsoever. With a Dread Wraith lurking down there it would be more akin to a tomb.

Kenji sneered at the idea of going into a pitch black underground area to fight a fucking Dread Wraith. He wasn't a moron and that wasn't going to happen. He then heard a gasp from behind him, causing him to spin around, the Death Stick at the ready. He saw a younger mid twenties brunette in a blouse and skirt with her hands over her mouth as she stared at him with wide frightened eyes.

Before she could scream Kenji sprinted forward, his form like greased lightning. She fell backward in surprise from his speed as he crossed the 50 feet between them in under a second. He wrapped his left hand over her mouth as he pinned her to the floor.

"Quiet." Kenji whispered harshly, "there is a undead monster in the library, an incorporeal creature called a Dread Wraith. I am hunting it but if you scream it will hear you. Then it will feast on your soul."

The woman stared at him with wide disbelieving eyes, her body shaking under him in fear.

"I'm not here to hurt you." Kenji said to the woman, his voice softening even as his eyes darted about. "I'm going to get up and remove my hand from you mouth, please don't scream."

He then cocked a leg under him and used his prodigious strength to easily propel them both up while releasing her mouth. He frowned to himself as a thought occurred to him, the Patronus might prove to be very useful against this creature as it was an undead incorporeal being like the Dementors. He held up the Death Stick and quickly cast the spell, sinking the minimum of 100 MP into it.

A softly glowing white cat emerged from the tip of his wand. It was a small house cat sized Patronus and it's form did not surprise him in the least. He really liked cats. The young woman let out a gasp of surprise, her eyes wide as she took in the supernatural creation made manifest right before her eyes.

"T-thats a Patronus!" The woman whispered in an awed quiet tone, her eyes riveted on the softly glowing cat.

The magical creation slowly trotted over to his leg and like a cat rubbed on him. He could feel the positive emotions surge into him upon its touch. Safety, love, compassion, affection, they all flowed into his body at its touch, uplifting his spirits. He could also feel the stead flow of magic into the cat Patronus, revealing that he could pump up the amount of power he had flowing into the Patronus in an instant, supercharge it if he needed to.

The woman reached down and ran her fingers over the magical creation, her gasp of delight was amusing. Unfortunately he didn't have time to let her continue with the cat, he had a monster to kill. Kenji mentally directed the cat away from the young woman even as he mentally ordered it to slink down through the Elevator shaft, going down and into the basement level. He gave it orders to hunt, attack and herd the Dread Wraith back up to him. This was not a horror movie and he was not going down there.

"You need to get back into your office and stay there now miss, things are about to get dangerous." Kenji said in warning to the young woman, who was watching the Patronus cat leave.

She nodded her head before she quickly turned and power walked to a back office. Kenji readied the Death Stick as he felt his Patronus suddenly start to move quickly under his feet. He tracked its movements with his mind as he oriented his wand towards where it was, anticipating the correct area where it was likely to emerge. When the Patronus started to ascend he got ready.

The Dread Wraith suddenly came hissing out of the floor, his form trailing darkness as it lunged towards him. It seemed quite angry as it charged him. He thrust the Death Stick forward and cast the Crystal Lance spell, launching 4 lances of sharp tanzanite at the creature in a spread out pattern, hoping to score a hit on it. It dodged two of them while the last two passed through its body harmlessly, causing him to snarl. While the four lances of gemstone impaled the wall behind it he lamented that the gemstone created by the spell apparently wasn't magical enough to hurt the creature.

He started back pedaling as his Patronus cat emerged from the floor, chasing the creature up and into him. Having an idea he quickly canceled the Patronus spell, causing the cat to dissipate. The Dread Wraith seemed to gain confidence and speed when the spell dissipated from behind it. It surged forward toward him with a type of thirsting glee as its red glowing eyes narrowed. Kenji then stopped back pedaling, planting his feet in a wide stance with his wand pointed at the undead creature. When it was 10 feet away he re-cast the Patronus spell, dumping 1,000 MP into the variable strength spell, supercharging it.

The Patronus cat that emerged from the tip of his wand was blinding, like looking into an arc welder. The Dread Wraith gave a keening wail as its form suddenly ran right into the Patronus cat. The glowing house cat latching onto the undead creature's face and caused it to screech in agony before it disintegrated into shadow and vapor. The Patronus cat gently floated down to the floor, twitching its tail before it lazily licked a paw and brushed its ear.

He allowed the Patronus cat to remain behind for several minutes, the massive positive emotions it produced helped to chase away the lingering negative emotions the monster had left behind. He sent it down into the garage to remove any lingering negative energy traces while he went to the librarian who was watching him with wide eyes from behind the edge of her desk. While he walked he marveled at the Patronus spell, even now he could feel a positive pep in his step as he walked, the positive emotions still lingering behind quite strongly.

Kenji walked over to her, giving her a thumbs up as he approached her office. She tentatively came up from behind the desk, her fingers nervously clenching her blouse. He confidently walked through her open doorway and smirked at the woman.

"Dread Wraith is dead miss, its all taken care off." Kenji said as his eyes trailed down her body.

She was fairly attractive with wavy black hair that was loose around her shoulders. She had a pair of light green eyes with a pair of full lips that had a nice shade of light pink lipstick on them. Her blouse was nice and tight with a few top buttons undone showing off a nice bit of cleavage that lead to a nice sized pair of breasts. She had nice thick hips which were showcased with an above the knee length skirt. She had nice long smooth legs that surprisingly ended in a pair of lovely black high heels. Strange footwear for a librarian but he definitely approved.

The clock behind her showed him that he'd ran out of his Devil's Luck. The Dread Wraith having proven to be more canny then he'd anticipated, forcing the battle to having dragged on when he'd had to hunt it. Sadly that meant he'd have to finish the Deck of Many Things without his enhanced luck. He did however, still have over 40 minutes to finish the Deck out before it automatically did it for him.

She had a bright blush on her face when she realized his eyes had been taking in her body. He'd been pretty obvious about it after all. Still he didn't hear any police sirens approaching and it had definitely been long enough for them to get here.

"Did you not call the police yet?" Kenji asked her with a small tilt of his head, curiosity lacing his tone.

She blushed as she turned her head to glance at the pair of ear buds that were laying on her desk behind her, the nonverbal explanation being obvious.

"I'd only heard anything wrong when the elevator crashed, I didn't think to call until I had checked it out first." The woman said in an embarrassed tone even as she fidgeted. "That was when we stumbled into each other and the situation was a bit out of control at that point. I didn't think calling the police to attack a monster was the right idea."

Kenji nodded his head, truthfully his Disaster spells were not that loud. Bright, flashy, and they did make some sound but it wasn't like a grenade going off. The shattering glass from the windows produced more sound then the spell did going through the stacks or passing through the air. However that did give him an opportunity since company wasn't expected. He jabbed the Death Stick forward, striking her in the sternum with a Stunner, her face was lit up with surprise before she slumped backward across her desk.

He pried her eyelids back and instantly implanted 10 repeat suggestions into her mind as he burned through 1,000 MP, leaving him with around 200 MP in the tank. Leaving her to talk about what happened was a very bad idea. But killing her wasn't going to happen either, he wasn't a monster.

'It was all a dream.'

It echoed into her mind as his mental tendrils slid into her brain with ease, searing the subliminal compulsion into her mind. Her pupils narrowed and then dilated wide once more as the subliminal suggestions went to work on her subconscious. She gave a incomprehensible mumble as he put her behind her desk and sat her head down on the desk.

It doesn't take long for him to repair all the minor damage done. However, when he eyes the elevator he decides this is a good time to take a few and recharge his batteries. He ends up waiting ten minutes to recharge his MP enough to try the elevator.

He pointed the Death Stick at the ruined elevator, casting the Repair spell. It takes 2,600 MP, and that's after the reduction from the Death Stick, but the elevator repairs itself. The piece of machinery rights itself, the frame straightening, the dented metal unfolding, the doors sliding closed with a grinding. He can hear a snapping of cables above it but eventually the elevator goes quiet before the doors slowly open, then when no one enters they close quietly. He nods his head before Teleporting back to California.​

------Sin Lord------


12:55 PM Japan, Sunday

8:55 PM California, Saturday

Kenji grumbled as he sat down next to the evil Deck of Many Things. He only had 15 minutes left before it started drawing cards for him and he didn't want that. He sighs once more, twisting his neck back and forth as it pops satisfyingly. He then draws a card, feeling something akin to the damned as he does so. The card reveals itself to be The Hierophant card.

The Hierophant was a good card, it would give him a major magical weapon, simple and uncomplicated. A magnificent sheathed dagger fell into his hand, it was 10 inches long with a polished metallic black sheath. Upon drawing it he saw the blade was engraved with harsh looking runes that oozed magic while a sort of malevolence wafted off the weapon. The handle was some sort of carved bone with leather wrapped around it.

A single moment later a small rush of information flowed into Kenji's head. An Unholy +5 masterwork dagger was what surged through his head. It was an interesting weapon yet the fact that the weapon felt right and wrong within his hand was disquieting. Kenji sheathed the dagger before attaching it to his belt, behind his waist. It would never hurt to have a backup weapon after all.

Kenji eyed the stack of cards, he only had one left to draw before this nightmare was over. He licked his lip before drawing the final card. He flipped the card around and it showed The Moon. The card had a moonstone gem that had two glittering gleams within it. This card represented wishes, specifically two wishes as according to the two gleams within the moonstone.

He twisted his head as he considered the card for a moment before bolting to his computer, he quickly pulled up the information on the DnD Wish spell, noting what he could and couldn't do. He was well aware that he only had two minutes to makes his wishes. Two minutes gained from two wishes, that was all the time he had. Upon reading the spell he frowned, most of it was useless to him. He couldn't create magical items, cause they cost XP which he didn't have. Increasing his stats was worthless considering how easily he could do that on his own. Duplicating DnD spells was also a waste, along with recreating a non-magical item. Resurrecting his parents wouldn't work cause he needed two wishes for each parent, one for the body and one for the resurrection. As much as it hurt him he knew that bringing back only one would be beyond cruel.

Kenji realized he had 50 seconds left to make his choices so he made a quick decision. It was likely not the most efficient but he didn't have any more time to think of a better one. So he concentrated for a moment, envisioning a young woman within his mind, how she was dressed, how she looked, her name, then he willed her into his lap. One of the gleams within the moonstone on the card disappeared, signifying his usage of a wish.

A moment later a woman dropped a few inches into his lap. Her bare legs were straddling his own while her nude ass resting on his lap with her partially covered breasts pushed up against his chest. She had short light brown hair several inches above her shoulders while her eyes were a lovely dark blue. Her eyes seem to lack emotion since they were staring at him in only minor surprise, as if her sudden relocation was of little consequence. She was wearing only a tattered lab coat speckled with blood that was partially pulled open, allowing her hard nipples to press against his chest. Yet the most distinguishing thing about her was the odd tattoo that rested upon her forehead, partially obscured by her hair which was in a wild disarray.

Before anything else was said, Kenji utilizes the last wish he had on the Moon card, causing the card to disappear from between his fingers as it expends its final magic. The tattoo that rested on her forehead disappears suddenly, which the young woman dosn't seem to realize. Kenji stares at the woman, noting her to easily being the most beautiful example of the female part of the race that he has ever seen.

Yet that was false, as Akitsu was not a member of the Human race. She was a Sekirei, an alien race from another planet, in another reality. Kenji used the planar shifting powers of the Wish spell to bring her to his home. He then used the last Wish to fix her Winging ability, her ability to bond with her 'Destined One.' A Sekirei's Ashikabi was the most important person to a Sekirei, most Sekirei were willing to do anything and everything for their Ashikabi, no matter what. Akitsu's ability to bond to her Ashikabi had been broken but he had fixed it, hence the moving of her forehead tattoo to her back, where it had belonged to begin with.

"Hello Akitsu, my name is Kenji and I brought you here so that I might become your Ashikabi." Kenji said to the ridiculously beautiful young woman.

Akitsu's dark blue eyes seemed to lose their surprise even as all the emotion, minute that it had been, seemed to bleed out of them.

"I-I am broken, I c-cannot be W-Winged." She said, her voice hitching several times.

Kenji smiled at the young woman even as he reached out with both hands. He gently pulled the wild strands of her hair aside, tucking them behind her ears and holding them in place. He admired her beautiful and lovely features for a single moment even as he continued to speak.

"I fixed that Akitsu, just for you, but lets put it to the test hm?" Kenji said to the young woman, who merely stared at him with dull dead eyes.

Kenji leaned forward and kissed Akitsu on her delicate full lips, molding his own to hers. He could feel...something reaching out in that moment, pushing into his body, touching his magic in a most intimate manner. It almost felt like magic, yet it was just a bit different, a bit off. He welcomed it even as he slid his tongue into Akitsu's mouth, entangling her tongue with his own while threading his fingers in her soft hair. He wanted to make sure they exchanged enough saliva for this to work. Both of their eyes were open, his dark blue watching her own dark blue mere inches from each other. So when her eyes grew impossibly wide and massive wings of ethereal ice shot out of her back, Kenji knew he had been successful in his gambit.


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Last edited: Apr