
His mind was bombarded with images of a humie wielding a shovel dressed like one of those humies that fought them outside the cities. Doesn't really look like much of a fight. Who was he to say what was a better fight than Gork and Mork? If they were talking about him he must be a good fight, and so he immediately directed all of his boyz and sent out commands via speed freaks and talky things to the rest of the tribes on the planet to tell them to get over here and immediately began marching off to his new fight. He had sent a vanguard made of speed freaks and trukks ahead of him to make sure they found the one the gods wanted krumped.

Less than a day later and he received a message from his talky thing saying they found a hole after feeling like Gork and Mork told them to shoot at the ground. It wasn't a big hole but it was deep. So they tossed in some flaming gretchins and snotlings down there to see the bottom. When that failed they started burning and tossing in some yoofs and more snotlings and gretchins....and then some flaming squigs cause why not.

Eventually they got bored of that when none of them responded and they could not hear any fighting so they just shrugged and decided to solve the problem the only way they knew how.

Hit it really hard.

So they shot at it with all their guns, rockets, and cannons. They just kept shooting at the hole until turned into a giant pit in the ground and formed a ramp all the way to the bottom revealing a small tunnel. Several bands of ork boyz charged down into the hole before the nobz could order them to and watched as they all realized that tunnel was too small for anything bigger than the yoofs to enter. So they threw gretchins at it, literally. They kicked the gretchins into gear and told them to start digging and making the tunnel bigger.

Meanwhile, the rest of them grew excited as they started hearing sounds of DAKKA and explosions and screams coming from the tunnel and no one coming out. Excitedly they ordered in more gretchins, squigs, and boyz to charge into the whole. Dozens of greenskins gleefully charged into the tunnel only to not return with only sounds of more gunfire and explosions and screams from even further in the tunnel.

So this process repeated over and over while the gretchins got to work enlarging the tunnel so that larger orks could fit in even as the efforts of the orks entering the tunnels did the same with their actions and the occasional exploding squig going off prematurely killing many orks and widening the tunnel.

It was to this scene that Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka warboss of the orks of Armageddon arrived to see. A massive pit in the ground sloping down to reveal a tunnel large enough for a nob to walk into with 2 digging machines on the side made by the meks on site out of a few of the trukks making their own tunnels along side the one that was found, with the surrounding area turned into a ork war camp. Buildings and towers were being constructed all over the place as orks began their own instinctive and barbaric means of organizing supplies and command chains. They were all eager to charge into the Tunnel of Death as they started to call it after the first thousand orks they sent in did not come out with only a few gretchins escaping screaming about a big killy thing chopping heads off before the gretchins were eaten as snacks for the eager nobs.

Ghazghkull smiled before frowning. The fight was here and given the fact that only a single person was seen and it had already killed a thousand of his boyz it sounded like it was going to be a good fight. As soon as they finished digging the tunnel big enough for him to get in of course.

So 1 week later, a hundreds of thousands of orks disappearing into the tunnels with no survivors, 3 new tunneling gargants made, Ghazghkull was ready to go in leading his boyz. He already had to krump a few nobs that got a bit too uppity for his tastes. Even then he could not stay long, unlike the rest of the orks he was smart enough to still pay attention to the rest of the humies on the planet, they were beating the rest of his boyz back on the other side of the jungle since most of them left to join him on his gods given mission. That meant it wouldn't be long till the humies got another army together and smash them from the back while they dealt with this target.

Ghazghkull smiled, stupid humies, it didn't matter how many armies they made, they would all fall to his claws just the same.

Ghazghkull began to bellow out orders to the gargant crew to start up the digger when all of a sudden the tunnel entrance exploded in a shower of gore, viscera, and explosives.

A vast dust cloud erupted from the tunnel as well covering the entrance and the orks surrounding it.,,,and then a blood thirsty roar erupted from the smoke and not from a ork's throat. It carried nothing but the promise of Death.

Ghazghkull squinted at the cloud his bionic eye whirring and beeping as it tried to pierce the cover to see what was going on within.

Roars of orks erupted from within as they began to charge something and the sound of DAKKA filled the air as they let loose in every direction hitting the orks around them outside of the cloud as another sound could be heard.

It sounded like a chainsaw and sparks and a whooshing sound.

Very quickly, much too quickly, the roars of the orks died off completely and from the cloud leapt a large red figure that landed in the middle of the mob further away from the tunnel and began quickly slaughtering them with every swing killing one, two, and sometimes three orks. Limbs were quickly parted from their owners flying high in the air with blood gushing from the stumps briefly before the sturdy ork physiology sealed the wounds nigh instantly. Ghazghkull noticed that the limbs seemed to disappear along with their gear when they hit the ground like it sank into water.

Ghazghkull finally got his first clear look at the enemy his gods wanted him to fight as the mob surrounding his goal disappeared literally into the ground leaving the thing unobstructed and he was excited.

Spoiler: Imagine this in Red and without the ornamentation and a glowing blue nimbus around the weapon

Now THIS was something worth fighting! It looked like a space marine, but it was not as big, but it was FAST. It had already killed off all the orks in the hundred strong mob along with the nobs he placed in charge of it, their heavy armor and shields doing nothing to slow the humie down, and humie it was, he could feel it. This, this humie, this shovel user, this Shov'ler was dangerous, in the time it took for him to blink the Shov'ler leapt across the distance between him and one of his looted tanks before spinning around and extending his shovel, flying right past the top of the tank and continuing on to murder the orks behind it even as the entire top of the looted leman russ tank fell off at an angle with a clean finish.

Ghazghkull roared with laughter at this amazing fighter, this was going to be fun! But first a little test.


Obeying their warboss' command every single ork, vehicle, and mech pointed at the Shov'ler and opened fire with everything they had, bullets, lasers, electricity, cannon shells, rocks, missiles, gravity beams filled the space around the Shov'ler instantly vaporizing the orks and the vehicles around it as an entire WAAAGGGHHH's worth of DAKKA filled the space around them especially with the combined fire power of several gargants and stompers added into the mix. For a few solid minutes the storm of DAKKA did not end as any gun that emptied was quickly reloaded and resumed firing. The orks launched literally everything they had at the Shov'lar to the point that the orks that were completely out of ammo in grabbing range resorted to tossing their choppas and rocks at him just to continue shooting.

It was beautiful, almost enough to bring a tear to many a ork's eye. Slowly the amount of DAKKA petered out as the amount of ammo in immediate grabbing distance depleted and the gretchins were sent off to grab more from their ammo piles. Only a few weapons were still firing, those being the guns that were energy weapons fed by their reactors or orks that had larger stockpiles of ammo next to them like the flash gitz.

Ghazghkull felt a little bit of a disappointment that he did not get to personally fight the git that had the gods themselves give them their own personal attention as someone that could do something like that doesn't come around often, but then again they just shot a lot of DAKKA so it was all good.

Just he finished that thought the red git suddenly leapt from the cloud of destruction looking only a bit scuffed on his paintjob! He idly noted that it seemed to look a lot spikier and had a lot more bits and bobs on it. Also by leapt he really meant he leapt as the Shov'ler leapt from ground level, across several hundred orks, using several as foot rests before leaping and tearing his way into a gargant!

His shovel easily tore through the meter thick armor protecting the belly of the gargant as a tunnel practically appeared instantly in the armor and the Shov'ler disappeared into it. Ghazghkull could hear the underboss in command of the gargant screaming orders to get him out of his ride. Not even a minute passed before the whole gargant began going up in flames as the various gun ports exploded, setting off the ammunition stockpiles which created a cascade effect causing the gargant to erupt like it was doused in squig oil.

Far more easily then it should have the entire gargant began to groan and collapse in on itself as if it was deflating and could no longer support its own weight. The orks below it roared even louder and proceeded to charge into the burning falling gargant even as some of them were crushed by the falling pieces of scrap coming off the destroyed gargant or were outright burned alive by the intense flames.

From all around the rest of the orks began charging towards the burning scrap mountain pushing each other out of the way or underfoot in order to be part of the group entering the fight.

"RAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!" The roar of the humie could be heard reverberating from the inside of the gargant as more sounds of ork DAKKA and battlecries joined it.

Ghazghkull watched with interest as waves after waves of orks entered the burning wreck far more than should actually have room to fit in it, he should know, he had to kick out a lot of gits that keep coming into his ride. Guess that meant the Shov'ler was killing all his boyz, and that was just not right.

"OI! TURN THE BIG LIFTA AT THAT GARGANT! WE GUNNA DROP IT!" Ghazghkull roared into a series of pipes that led down into the various compartments of his personal gargant the 'ead breaker which was equipped with something special, a lifta dropper. Basically a giant magnet to lift and drop things with.

With a loud groan of steel and rust the massive monument to ork engineering and jury rigging sluggishly turned on its massive tracks while a large yellow arm with a giant comical magnet attached to the end of it deployed over its shoulder and pointed at the burning wreck of its sibling gargant. Ghazghkull laughed as he pulled a big red lever and laughed harder as a visible distortion came from the magnet, crossed the distance between it and the gargant wreck, and proceeded to slowly lift the whole thing up along with everything else around it like gravity took a vacation.

Up and up everything went higher and higher into the sky and then a series of sparks and fuses blew out in front of Ghazghkull from his control panel much to his anger even as he watched the pile of junk, orks, and orkish vehicles fall like rain from the sky with a loud earthquake inducing bang.


The area went silent as many orks were knocked off their feet either by the shockwave or the unsteady ground that rattled many of the vehicles and their unsecured cargo and occupants. Ghazghkull waved away the dust from his face only to immediately turn to the gargant next to his as it's proceeded to explode in a tower of green flames and lightning. Looked like its power source blew the warboss idly noted as he saw the red git burst out of the chest of the mech with pillars of flames erupting out behind him.

Now how the zog did he get in there when he dropped him with his lifta droppa?

Though that didn't matter now as the Shov'ler landed in the middle of another mob of his boyz and began taking them apart, literally.

His shovel was moving in a line of blue that cut through anything and everything the boy threw at him, which was mostly them since they were out of DAKKA, and that just wasn't right. Every ork that got within a few meters of the git quickly lost their head, arms, feet, or all of them at once. Not one of them could get close enough to even bash the damn grot's head in. Even his nobs couldn't get closer even when wielding shields.

Looking to the side a bit the warboss watched as a squad of meganobz finally got close enough to take a scrap at the git. Their large muscular frames forged from the results of dozens of heavy fights positively bulged with muscles that let them crush any lesser ork with ease. Then on top of that they had plenty of bits to pay the meks to make them a fine suit of power armor like his own, though not as good of course, he kept all the best bitz for himself after all.

In their armor they towered over their lesser and had enough armor to be walking tank and wielded a twin linked heavy shootah and a massive power claw that crackled with power.

They made their way into the circle of death, where all the bodies kept vanishing into the ground still for some reason, and activated their armor's overdrive functions which boosted all their physical abilities, letting them run far faster than something that big should be able to normally with a jubilant WAGGGGHHHHH!!!! coming from their mouths.

The first ork in the front slashed down with his claw with a roar matched by that of the humie only to immediately lose his head as his claw was deflected downward by the sideways downswing of the impossibly fast glowing shovel which immediately right after changed direction to turn into a upswing that decapitated the meganob before it could even realize its attack missed.

The Shov'ler leapt up atop the falling meganob's body and used it as a spring board as it leapt straight towards the two meganobs behind it spinning like a drill. The two meganobs joined their leader in being a head short as the Shov'ler then proceeded to thrust his shovel out at the last couple meganobz with such speed that to Ghazghkull it looked like a flashgitz shootah was shooting shovels. The two meganobz were quickly filled with holes as their armors failed to stop the shovel from piercing their heavy frames though their power claws were intact.

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka had seen enough. He was a true ork that loved war, violence, destruction, DAKKA, and WAGGGGGHHHH!!!! He would willingly charge a enemy that was bigger than him, stronger than him, faster than him, shootier than him, and crush them to a pulp for them thinking they could be better than him, but he was not stupid. He only fought if he thought he could win.

That git down there killing his boyz, he couldn't win in a straight up fight against it, no way he was going to tell the boyz that, but that was the truth and he can't show the galaxy the word of Gork and Mork if he got krumped here now could he?

So he did the one thing no sane ork would ever do, he called up the Weird Boyz.

"Oi! Weird boyz! Send that git flying!" Ghazghkull roared with dozens of weird boyz getting motivated by their minderz to get into the thick of the WAAAGGGHHHH!!!

Unlike most warbosses Ghazkull knew the usefulness of the weird boyz even if they had the tendency to explode and kill everyone around them sometimes. So he just made sure to equip them in so much copper that it would not be a problem anymore. Copper head bands, copper staffs, copper boots, copper armor, copper trinkets, enough copper to plate a trukk. Now it was time for all of that to come off as the minderz ripped away all of that so that the weird boy was exposed to the full effects of the WAAGGGHHH!!! energy coming from his WAAAGGGHHHH!!!!

Dozens of weird boyz shouted in pain as their eyes glowed, releasing crackling green bolts of lightning that lashed out at their pain wracked forms, roars of pain echoed from around the WAAGGGHHH!!! as their minds struggled to cope with the sheer amount of energy a WAAAGGGGHHHH!!! this sized produced especially when it had the actual attention of Gork and Mork on it to increase it even further for each individual ork, turning what was normally just a swirling tide of destructive energies into a tidal wave of power.

Visible waves of energy radiated from the weird boyz pushing back those around them or causing them to either explode, turn into squigs, or just combust instantly. As if guided by Gork and Mork themselves 29 weird boyz simultaneously unleashed their power at the large red humie that was at the time still busy slaughtering his way through another pack of slugga boyz, nobz, and a few killa kans being led by a deff dread.

"WAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!" came from the mouths of 29 weird boyz as all the pent up energies gathered up from the WAAAGGGHHHH!!! was unleashed at a single target, their mouths spitting out a enormous ball of WAGGHH!! energy 4 times bigger than the ork itself and shot off across the battlefield arcing like a catapult shot leaving nothing but a burnt out withered husk behind. .

The Shov'ler stopped for a instant after bisecting the killa kan in front of it along with its gretchin pilot before swiveling his head around fast enough to kill a normal humie with whiplash to look all around him and immediately began trying to flee like the snotling that he was.

Unfortunately he was too late as the massive balls of WAAGGHH!! energies impacted each other at the same time right above where he was just a second ago, which to be fair was about 35 meters behind him now, fast little piece of shit, and the WAAGGHH!! energies formed a massive glowing green Warp rift 30 meters in diameter that proceeded to suck in everything around.

Ghazghkull punched his power claw down into the metal floor plate beneath him as he felt himself getting sucked in despite being so far from the portal. He watched as thousands of his boyz and dozens of his war machines were sucked into the rift with the WAAGGHHH!!! on their lips. His bionic eye focused on his target the Shov'ler as he watched him try to escape this act of Gods. The Shov'ler was leaping along the floor using his shovel to dig into the ground and arrest the pull of the portal steadily getting farther and farther away from the massive portal into the Warp.

Of course it was not to be as barreling down upon the Shov'ler was the rolling form of a looted leman russ as it got lifted into the air, its form bouncing along the ground like some toy. The Shov'ler easily dodged it by leaping to the side and digging in his shovel again only to be immediately hit by the second tank that was rolling behind the first that was covering it from view.

The Shov'ler was clearly hit dead on for the first time that Ghazghkull could see and was sent flying into the air stuck to the tank, his shovel left behind stuck in the ground.

Ghazghkull watched with disappointment as the Shov'ler quickly regained his bearings, immediately scrambled over the tank that just hit him, and leapt for the ground beneath him to try to hold onto it, only to wince as the Shov'ler just missed the ground, his fingertips just barely brushing the dirt before getting sucked right back into the air and into the Warp rift.

Right as the Shov'ler disappeared into the lip of the portal it immediately snapped shut with a flash that both blinded the orks and released a shockwave that caused even his gargant to begin ominously tipping over before it fell back down on its treads. Ghazghkull's bionic eye rapidly recovered and the sight he saw caused his jaw to drop.

Where the epicenter of that warp rift was, was now a crater 150m in diameter and deep enough to drop his gargant in it, and the surrounding was pretty bad off as well, hundreds of thousands of his boyz were dead or heavily injured as the blast fried everyone and everything immediately around it and sent flying everything else that did not.

Ghazghkull immediately started getting to work reorganizing his WAAAGGGHHH!!! figuring out who was in charge next and how many of his boyz and vehicles were left, he still had the rest of the planet to conquer!

He had lost a decent chunk of his WAAAGGHHH!!! in this fight but he felt it was worth it, he had made Gork and Mork proud this day.

As the gargant turned slowly around to head to the nearest hive city to fight again even as the surviving orks, meks, and gretchins got to work on repairing the various damages throughout the gargant and reloading the weapons, Ghazghkull turned his head around and squinted at the crater where the Shov'ler just got yeeted.

It could have been all the explosions from the sucked in vehicles crashing together, but he could have sworn, for just a brief instant before the portal snapped shut, it turned golden.



Jul 22, 2020

Reader mode


Threadmarks Interlude 4 



Verified Carbosilicate Amorph In A Hunk Of Tin Can

Jul 22, 2020


Emperor POV

A old man sat on a beach watching the waters ebb and flow.The sky was dark even with the bright moon shining above the horizon. Vast broken and twisted coral like arches stuck out from the water like some kind of giant dead decaying reef. The beach around him littered with dark rocks, some looking melted or unnaturally deformed. Occasionally a glint of gold could be seen before disappearing like a trick of the light.

He sat on a simple wooden chair at the edge of the water in silent contemplation wearing nothing more than a simple white wool spun robe and woven sandals. His head was covered by a hood but dark locks of hair could be seen coming out of it framing his shadowed face. His eyes glittered in the dark with the moonlight reflecting off the water.

In the water several rocks of various colors could be seen. All across the underwater sands were various yellow glowing stones each of varying intensity, stuck fast in the sands unmoved by the tide. Surrounding them were stones of other types being pushed by the endless waves. Sharp stones of red coloring the waters around it the same tint. Green deformed stones with a sickly hue trailing seaweed that latched onto and grew on other stones. Blue stones that seemed to shift through the colors of the rainbow like oyster shells sharing its color with those around it. Pink stones that made loud sharp noises as it hit other stones heard even through the water. Then, there the various other colored stones mixed among all of those, most of them being dull green stones that were light but moved constantly like tiny earthen waves under the waves smashing everything. He could also make out some tiny smooth stones that weaved in between all the various other stones hitting them into other stones. Deeper into the waters an all encompassing shadow creep closer to the shore as the moon slowly dropped closer to the horizon little by little.

Currently the old man was paying attention to one particular stone of a color he had never seen before. It constantly shifted colors as if it could not decide what it was and constantly surrounding it was a dark cloud that made it hard to notice. In fact he didn't even notice it and most likely would not have had it not turned a golden yellow when he was looking in its general direction. He had become intrigued and decided to watch it and then decided to plan and then take a gamble.

The old man reached into his robe and pulled out a handful of golden stones. He did not have a lot of them left, but he felt that it was worth the risk to use one now. Picking out a single golden stone the old man put away the rest and stood. With a flick of his wrist the golden stone flew into the waters causing nary a ripple and struck the ever shifting stone head on as it had just started becoming a mix of red and green that glowed like lightning. The two stones caused a loud smack and a flash forcing the man to squint. As the light died down the stone was gone and the man slowly sat down with a sigh as he resumed looking at the rest of the glowing stones beneath the waves.

Under his breath the man whispered empty reassurances to himself that he did the right thing. If someone was to see the old man now they would notice a tiny golden crack on his face shining through the darkness of the hood.

Looking to his right he sadly frowned at a now present empty chair just like his own before muttering one last thing before resuming his vigil once more.

"What would you have done old friend?"