
snap my eyes open, quickly taking stock of my HP bar and finding I still had a over a third of my life intact, relieving me of my current situation.

The AI core in my hands was still intact and undamaged from the crash landing much to my pleasure. Quickly kicking out at my cocoon I swiftly crawled my way out of its protective embrace.

Once freed I took a look at the bridge to examine the damage. It was pretty bad.

The ship's blast covers were intact still, that was a good sign. The floor was tilted at an angle indicating the ship was stopped at an angle. The bridge was dark except for the red light of the emergency powers casting the area in a ominous glow. All the panels were offline and/or busted from what I could see. I mag locked my feet to the deck and proceeded to walk over to the manual release for the blast covers. I needed to see just where we landed. The brief view of the planet showed that the world was pretty lush so it was likely to not be Imperial so I needed to get a lay of the land quick before some xenos comes to investigate while the ship is damaged along with the crew incapacitated.

Speaking of which, I make a quick turn to reach a panel that looked like it still had power and tried using it. It was busted, my Repair and Technomancy skill however let me quickly analyze the panel and replace the damaged parts, the panel flashing into activity right after.

I mentally connected to the system and immediately winced at the sheer damage done to the systems on the ship, pretty much everything was reading as damaged or inoperational, I of course took a quick peak at the STC database that should be on the ship and cursed. The whole thing was ripped to shreds and had whole entire chunks of data outright missing likely from the hardware being destroyed, damn Daemons. There were a few intact and damaged left but nothing really worthwhile. A few antidotes, anti viral medicines, medical grade scanners, and a couple of surgical tools. Might be able to use it to bargain with the Ad Mech as long as they do not connect me to my previous thefts.

Quickly getting back on track I check on the status of the people that were suppose to be in the cryopods, if they were alive then the rest of the coma patients had a chance of being alive as well, cause otherwise....

I access the status indicators and freeze before smashing the panel in irritation breaking it. All dead, and all patrol drones listed as inactive. This was now officially a ghost ship except for me and Hygeia who was now gonna need a new home. Speaking of which, I fabricate a armored holster to place her core in and mag lock it to my waist. I did not want to risk placing her in my inventory in case it interfered with her mind or something. Gonna need to experiment with test AI and people first to see what the Inventory does to living thinking beings.

I quickly calm down my irritation, this was my life now, setbacks after set backs. Sigh.

Now that I quieted down I noticed something. The ship was slightly vibrating, a consistent vibration, a rhythm. What? It sounded like large scale movement....was there a T-rex outside? Am I on a exodite world?

I move over to the manual blast cover release and tug on it, the blast covers slowly releasing and retracting back revealing the view of the outside to me.



'THIS IS BULLSHIT!' I mentally screamed at both myself and the Emperor who I expect to have some hand in this. As there should be no chance of me crashing on a damn forge world after a random Warp exit! The Imperium of Man consists of over a million worlds and forge worlds are in the minority of worlds that make that number up. Even then there were a LOT of non Imperial worlds. So the chance of me landing on a Ad Mech controlled planet randomly was so low that it was not even funny.

Looking down from the view port I broke into a bit of a cold sweat.

'That's a lot of tech priests and mechs.' I thought as I stared back at the sea of bionic eyes looking back up at me after no doubt detecting the blast cover movement. Fuck.

I immediately turned around and started running out of the bridge, retrieving my shovel as I did so from my inventory and quickly replacing my power armor's batteries and refueling the fusion core.

I quickly cut my way through the ship to two locations, the cryobay and the shipboard armory. Along the way I scooped up all the drones that I came across for later reuse. I reach the armory first as it was closer to the bridge and looked inside.

The armory was still intact and had a few sets of gear left, but they were the same as what I saw on the guards same with the weapons. Looks like just standard shipboard guard stuff, but that was still going to be more advanced that what most of the Ad Mech would be able to produce so I quickly shoved it all into my Inventory after using Observe and moved on.

A few cuts and I was down on the cryobay deck and falling into the middle of the cryobay room and immediately scanned around.

The room was a mess, the cryopods were broken, the occupants dead, main cause being the flying bodies of the former medically induced coma patients and the drones. I saw the remains of the straps and broken mag locks so it looks like the AI tried to secure everything but it was not enough and now everyone was dead. Oh Hygeia was not going to be happy about that. Hope she did not mentally break from this.

I quickly use Observe on the human corpses and drones to confirm no Daemon possessions before stuffing them along with the broken equipment into my Inventory.

Using my skills to repair a nearby terminal I notice that the Ad Mech have yet to enter the ship, good, that gave me a bit more time to loot two more areas. This was a medical ship so there should be a storage and lab area. Both of which were in the deck above me and towards the middle of the ship. A quick hop and run had me at my destination.

Of course everything in the lab was broken which I did not care about and just tossed in while the storage room was just full of supplies and medicine which I took them all. No sense leaving them behind, they might come in handy later.

Now how to escape the Ad Mechs, no doubt they would capture and interrogate me considering I was in a 'advanced' ship to pry out all my knowledge from and then discover my unnaturalness and do even more interrogations followed by experiments so that was a no go.

Forge world, but with a ecosystem intact, maybe this was a brand new forge world? That would not explain the presence of so many tech priests and mechs however.

Escape first, theorize later. No doubt the ship was surrounded already and I can't fly my way out of here so time to go with my new standby. Dig.

I drop down to the lowest deck level and ran down the incline till I reached the end and then proceeded to fabricate a new wall to shut the way behind me and proceeded to start digging.

The plate disappeared revealing a different colored plate beneath it, digging through that revealed a rocky tunnel, yes mining tunnels. One more fabricated plate to cover my newly dug hole and rearranging of dirt to cover the holes in the tunnel I quickly began digging down.

I of course did it stair way style, I learned my lessons from Minecraft, no digging straight down for me. I was not going to stop digging and filling back in the shaft until I was sure I was far enough away from any Adeptus Mechanicus super scanners or whatever else they had and no explosions could reveal my location, I learned my lessons orks. I was going to find a nice safe space to make a hidden lair and then slowly and properly build up a base until I grew strong enough and had enough resources to make/steal myself a proper ship and 'crew' then get out of here. That is the plan yes. A good plan, a simple plan. I was a man with a plan.

I encountered no more tunnels while digging, after 30 km I stopped and proceeded to start digging my way forward in a random direction while my built in suit auspex scanners tried to scan through the rock to warn me of any immediate dangers I could be digging into like lava or people.

Eventually I stopped as my scanner beeped at me, seems that there was a metal wall just in front of me. I guess I reached a underground facility. Time to see where I ended up. Hopefully a resource storehouse.

I dug the rest of the dirt in front of me away, revealing the metal wall, and then very carefully and softly, using the power field of my shovel, delicately destabilized the molecules making up the wall to create a tiny miniscule slit just big enough to squint my eye through my helmet.

The first thing I saw was red. Then more red. Then grey. Then giant gun turrets. Then I realized what I was looking at.

A ship. A HUGE ship. Hell calling it a ship might be a insult. If my scale was right based on those windows I could make out with techpriests in them, then that 'ship' was might as well be considered its own country.

What the hell was this thing? Scanning the side of the ship I could see what looked like its name.

Zooming into the giant letters on the side I recognized the words as being High Gothic which my skill promptly began translating for me.


Well....there just went all my plans didn't it.

Spoiler: The Speranza



Medical survivors: 1D100 = 2


Any Equipment Surviving: 2D100 = 55,43

Some things survived, nothing great

Time?: 1D100 = 69

30th Millennium Beginning of the Great Crusade

Segmentum?: 1d5 = Segmentum Pacificus

Type?: 1D8 = 4 Forge World

???: 1D100 = 100

Welcome to Palomar

Response: 1D100 = 25

Uh oh

Armory: 1D100 = 53
