
Worm Reincarnation - Amy Steps Things Up (8,103 Words)

In the weeks since Amy became my other girlfriend, I had been working to deal with my stamina problem. I needed to handle having two girlfriends who were very sexually rapacious, and despite my willingness, my body wasn't capable of living up to their needs. Both Victoria and Amy were young and energetic, and add into that the fact that I made them feel better than anyone or anything else (including masturbation) could ever hope to, they wound up wanting to fuck a lot. Naturally, I could just lie back and let them do all the work when I got too tired, but that wasn't as good as actually fucking them was.

I could tell that Amy in particular worried whenever I just fell into the passive role - maybe that I didn't actually enjoy fucking her in general, or maybe that she was imposing on me and she should come back later. All the verbal reassurances wouldn't change the fact that I was obviously exhausted.

At first, my compensation of choice was gatorade, but I set to work on making something a bit better with my power, and soon enough I had a delicious fruit-flavored liquid drink that boosted stamina, healing, and just general recovery from exhaustion. That was stage one; naturally I improved it after the first week or two of drinking it, making it so that it reduced the need to sleep. It wasn't addictive and didn't have any negative properties - it was mostly reliant on short-lived bacteria that basically burned themselves up to boost your system.

I drank it pretty much every meal, Carol giving me odd looks whenever I'd take out my big fat plastic bottle and top myself off, but all I had to do was play the haughty principled man and she'd immediately stop trying to talk to me. (Vicky and Amy playing defense for me didn't hurt either.)

I did enjoy the sex, obviously, but it was as much about being able to return their affection. Sex feels good, especially when it's with two horny teenage girls, but it feels even better to be so cared for. Vicky and Amy were practically fawning over me; it's hard to put their feelings into exact words, but I'd never had such a close relationship in my previous life. I didn't want to interrupt the relationship or ruin it or make Vicky and Amy do without. It was the absolute happiest I had ever been, so I wanted it to go on forever, which was part of why I'd spent so much time making the juice.

Vicky was snuggly and cuddly and clearly wished she could just sleep in the same bed as me and pepper me with kisses and give me massages and protect me from Carol and so forth and so on.

Amy was similarly physically affectionate, but there was an undercurrent to her behavior that practically screamed out a request for some suggestion on what she should do. If I mentioned something, even off-handedly, that I was missing or needed or wanted, Amy would almost immediately go find it or buy it and hand it over. I mentioned my underwear was a little worn out and loose? A new bag of it would appear on my nightstand before the day was done. I said I missed when we had the more fine-grained salt because it was easier to get out of the shaker? Oh you'd better believe that there would be new salt and she'd even replace the old salt in the shaker. I suggested Vicky's lingerie looked good on her? Next time I stripped Amy she'd be wearing the same set. It was cute, though it did make me worry she was insecure.

Our parents were out again for the day, and I decided to show Vicky and Amy some of my rat and mice experiments. After all, they were the prelude to me making some positive adjustments to the pair. Plus, I just liked having the chance to finally blather on about everything I'd done and been working on, bragging and sharing my hobbies at the same time. Amy listened with rapt attention, and I could practically see her taking notes in her head; Vicky was a little more being polite about it, though she was still paying attention, asking questions here and there about this and that.

When I mentioned the rat that escaped, though, they immediately became concerned. "You let loose a giant rat?" Vicky asked, her expression worried, her eyes darting around a bit as if it were capable of popping out any moment.

"It wasn't giant when it got away, but yeah, it can grow. It can only get so big, though, there's the square cube law-" I cut myself off before going too far. "Besides, it's almost certainly dead by now. If it gets bigger, that means it has a harder time hiding in places, and a harder time getting enough food to care for itself."

Vicky frowned at that, her gaze turning to Amy, as if to ask her sister to help her out, or something. It was really fine. It was just a rat. There's giant kaiju running around destroying the planet and these two were concerned about a rat. Teenagers really have no sense of scale.

* * *

In the sewer system, some old brickwork had fallen away, and the dirt behind it been clawed out, forming a small burrow. In the center was a crude effigy of a human, made of sticks and various bits of flushed trash, the design just poor enough that one might disbelieve what one was looking at, suspecting it of simply being the tendency of humans to see their own visage everywhere. On what might have been the figure's lap slept a very large rat the size of a raccoon, a few rat skeletons strewn around it and picked clean in some cannibalistic fugue. Around it were even more rats, female and pregnant, all sleeping as well.

* * *

Amy and Vicky did both sort of give me a chewing out for letting the rat get away - which, honestly, was not even my fault, to be clear here - but eventually they decided that you couldn't take back what had already happened and let it lie. I was keeping a closer eye on the rats and mice anyway.

"Part of the reason I wanted to show you guys this, is that I've been working to make sure that I can do this kind of thing right. I could fix any problems, of course, but I don't want to cause any problems in the first place. If you're willing, I'd like to make a few changes to you right now." Amy perked up at that, her eyes seeming to grow to engulf a large portion of her face. Vicky was interested, but not nearly as much as Amy, who seemed to practically be begging me to do whatever I felt like to her. "It would be things like, boosting your immune system, making your organs more efficient, improving your metabolism so you can't get fat... though, if there's any cosmetic changes you'd like to make, I can add those too."

I figured that the pair would have a few ideas on that subject, a few tiny little niggles they'd want corrected. After all, everybody has parts of their body they don't like, even if as far as I was concerned, they were both gorgeous exactly the way they were. Looking nice feels nice, too, and if I could do it to myself, I definitely would have already touched myself up quite a bit.

As it turned out, the two did have plenty of ideas, Vicky peppering me with questions about what I could do exactly as Amy seemed to turn the gears inside her own head. Vicky was the first to start getting 'fixed up,' as she put it, standing naked in front of a mirror as I got to work. It was all minute changes, small enough I could barely notice - evening out her lips to get rid of a slight asymmetry, changing the color of her eyes minutely, smoothing out her skin, clearing away body hair from embarrassing places (she'd apparently been waxing in the past, and I was happy to make that no longer an issue for her). A few old scars, just tiny wispy thin things I had to look very closely to notice, were also consigned to the dustbin of history. In terms of more directly sexy things, though, Vicky seemed mostly satisfied with her body, just asking for her breasts to be firmed up a bit, and to make it easier to build muscle in her legs and ass, both requests I gladly met.

Amy, on the other hand, wanted more. Every time she suggested a change, she'd glance at me for my approval, and if I seemed anything less than happy, she'd ask for it to be changed back. She also just generally had a lot more suggestions, heightening how many freckles she had - she'd suggested getting rid of them first, but apparently decided that I didn't like that - shifting their arrangement until I was completely satisfied, straightening out her hair somewhat so it was wavy instead of frizzy, giving it a sharper, auburn color, fixing up her face to really enhance her girl next door charm.

She was, predictably, much less satisfied with her curves than Vicky was, and we wound up spending ten minutes straight on her breasts, making them much larger, easily more than handful size - larger than Vicky's already quite prodigious pair - and giving them a gentle slope at a perfectly forty-five degree angle. Taking the biomass from elsewhere in her body tightened up any of her teenage pudge and gave her a taut tummy all in the same movement. When she was finally satisfied with her new breasts, she turned my attention to her ass, and again, she took her time, trying out various styles. Luckily my power wasn't exhausting, though Vicky did seem a little... bored, waiting for her sister to finish up. Eventually, she settled on a very nice, large, round ass, soft and easy to grope, in contrast to the tight muscular butt that Vicky had gotten.

By the time I was finished, Amy was a curvaceous goddess, freckled and with the sweetest smile that I'd ever seen. Vicky too looked even more like a model - no, a model after they'd been touched up by photoshop in a thousand tiny ways. The effect was significant on both of them, but it could probably be passed off as puberty and makeup - there was definitely no way that I was changing them back, though. (Well, okay, I would have if they wanted to. But, obviously they didn't.)

Once she'd determined I was satisfied, Amy practically threw herself at me, wrapping me in a hug, her bare breasts pressing against me through the fabric of my shirt. I realized that her nipples weren't perky from the cold when she started to hump me a little, and I could feel the slime practically drizzle out on my pant leg as she stared up at me poutily. Vicky soon approached as well, naked as the day she was born, wrapping me in a hug too. "Thanks a lot, Con," Vicky said.

"Yeah," Amy immediately breathed out, smiling brilliantly, perfectly pearly white teeth smiling up at me. "Thanks so much. I'm hot now, right?"

"You were always hot," I told her, my automatic response to any girl asking that kind of question. When she pouted a little, I continued. "But you do look very nice right now, and unless you ask, I have no intention of changing you back."

Her smile brightened at that, snuggling up against me, and then she spoke up again. "Ah, you mentioned messing with the sexuality of the rats, didn't you?" I nodded, briefly worried that she had somehow realized I'd been heightening her and Vicky's sensitivity whenever we were having sex. "Wouldn't it be fun, if you made me and Vicky both bisexual?"

"Don't I get a say in this?" Vicky asked.

"Oh, sorry," Amy said, blushing in embarrassment. "But we're already so close, and we're doing this much anyway... I'm sure Con would like it too, he's a guy," she added, with a small laugh. "Besides, he can undo it if you don't like it, anyway."

Vicky hesitated for a few seconds, her expression somewhat conflicted - then at last she gave in to Amy's suggestion. "Alright. But you'll turn me back if I ask, right, Con?"

"Of course," I agreed, immediately. I wasn't some kind of supervillain about to mind control my two lovely sisters. I took a deep breath, then quickly and gently teased their brains in exactly the right way to spark sexual enjoyment of women's bodies without taking away their enjoyment of men's. Amy and Vicky's eyes then began to roam one another's bodies, Vicky flushing a bit with color, Amy leaning forward, grasping Vicky by the cheek, pulling her into a sharp kiss. Vicky gently moaned, her eyes closing, and Amy glanced out of the corner of her eye at me, as if to ensure I was fine with all this.

Vicky let go of me almost unwillingly, as Amy kept kissing her, slowly driving her down onto her back on the bed, tumbling atop her with a hungry look in her eyes. I watched, Amy's large, pendulous breasts hanging down beautifully over Vicky as the blonde blushed under Amy's sudden erotic assault. Amy's hand reached down for Vicky, sliding along her flank, eventually arriving between her groin, starting to softly finger her as the two slurped on one another's tongue.

I watched for a while. Vicky was obviously less than comfortable or familiar with this, while Amy seemed to have it all figured out. Of course, I hadn't actually spiked their sensitivity yet, so I wasn't worried that they would wind up enjoying this more than sex with me. I stripped myself naked, making Amy's eyes flick up to meet mine. She looked so eager, practically pleading for my cock inside her, and it made me throb, especially with how cute and sexy she looked, like some big-titted childhood best friend.

"Be sure to give Vicky lots of attention, Amy," I told her, as I got up behind her, rubbing my cock at her slick sex, intensifying her sensitivity in a few seconds. By this point I could turn it off or on in a fraction of a second, but it was less suspicious this way. Amy just moaned and wiggled her newly huge ass in front of me, the flesh seeming to bounce with each movement, jiggling just a little bit in an enticing manner. My hands groped and squeezed the copious, almost marshmallow soft flesh of her new ass, feeling her new body up for the first time. She panted softly in reply, practically mewling for my cock.

I gave it to her without a moment's hesitation, slamming inside her, and she immediately came on my cock. It was as much due to her preexisting arousal as due to the increased sensitivity, and I groaned at the feeling of her body convulsing beneath me, watched at the beautifully suggestive hint of her breasts bouncing wildly, and dug my hands into that gorgeous gargantuan ass of hers that was all thanks to me. I simply held myself inside her, and she panted in pleasure in the afterglow; I could only assume she was salivating down into Vicky's mouth. My hands slid slowly up her body to her breasts, gently cupping either of them. She wiggled her upper body, making the flesh slap against my palms and forearms, and then pumped her butt into the air, just a bit, signalling to me to do more.

I certainly wasn't about to deny her. I felt as the flesh of her breasts rolled around between my fingers, and began to pump away at her cunt. All the while, Amy's own hands slid along Victoria's smooth skin, caressing her breasts, squeezing her ass, fingering her cunt, teasing her clit. Victoria simply moaned, seemingly perfectly fine to be under Amy's attention while I gave Amy all of mine.

For a little bit, I was fine with that. I thrust away at Amy, furiously pounding her cunt, balls slapping at her thighs, admiring the way her ass cheeks jiggled with each thrust. She was making a bit of a show of her makeout with Vicky, shifting her head to one side so I could see the pair's profile, Vicky's cheeks warm, her eyes closed, while Amy simply glanced up at me as if to proclaim that this show was all for my pleasure.

I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps it was, if maybe Amy had suggested the bisexuality thing just to please me. I quickly dismissed the thought as ridiculous, though. She was in puppy love with me, sure, but that didn't mean she was going to suggest that I alter her and Vicky's sexuality purely for my own sexual pleasure.

Still, the thought was pretty sexy, even if it was obviously untrue, and I upped my pace inside Amy. That made Amy make an even bigger show of making out with Vicky, and my fingers simply dug into the ungodly amounts of titflesh that she now had, watching as it billowed between my fingers, bulging and bunching up in an intensely sexy way. The next time that Amy came, I did too, groaning as I bottomed out inside her and let go.

* * *

Victoria was still unsure of exactly what to do in this sort of situation, her hands limp at her sides. Amy was making out with her, her tongue practically dredging saliva out of Victoria's mouth. The warmth in her groin at the mere thought of her sister's body made her almost feel like she was cheating on Con. Reaching up and grabbing her breasts? Almost unthinkable. It was tempting - they were so plentiful, voluptuous, carefully and painstakingly crafted. She'd hesitated before having such modifications made to her own breasts, wanting to not make any extreme changes, to simply touch up all her little faults, but perhaps larger breasts would be nice? It was already a pain to get bras, though, and-

Her thoughts were interrupted when Con's cock slammed inside her cunt, a sharp spike of arousal instantly filling her up as he bottomed out inside her. Con never needed much in the way of foreplay - her body was always ready almost from the moment he started touching her, so after all this teasing by Amy, it shouldn't have been much of a surprise to feel this good. The pleasure surged right up her spine, making her moan into Amy's mouth, and her hands finally, uncertainly, reached up for Amy's tits.

She found Con's hands there, a sudden flush reaching her cheeks when she realized as much, but his hands soon repositioned themselves, grasping her breasts as he jackhammered away inside her cunt. It felt so good, bouncing on his dick like this, feeling Amy's gorgeous new tits in her hands, and getting made out with by her baby sister. It felt like, since they'd become co-girlfriends, Amy was a whole new person, so much more confident and happy. The old Amy would never have dared to make so extreme a suggestion as this, but Vicky couldn't deny that she was enjoying herself quite a bit.

Con's fingers teased and gently twisted her nipples, and an orgasm came through her in the next moment, her fingers tightening on Amy's tits as she moaned in pleasure. Saliva dribbled out of Amy's mouth, feeling like it was filling her own, and she swallowed, then started to nervously lick back at Amy's own tongue. It was her first time kissing - really kissing - anybody but Con, and it felt so foreign and strange, almost like she was cheating, except she could open her eyes and look up at Con and he was right there, clearly perfectly fine with this.

When her eyes met his, he started to fuck her harder, so she kept up her gaze, staring up at her beloved brother. He really was an amazing guy, so sexy and kind, and she was so lucky to have him as a brother. He'd given her and Amy so much in just a few hours, been so thoughtful and considerate to make sure nothing would go wrong, and here she was, kissing another person right in front of him. She still felt a little guilty, but that was gradually going away, from the way that Con looked at her, looked at the sight of her kissing another person. He was getting off on it. Why shouldn't she?

Any remaining guilt melted right out of her cunt when Con leaned over her, pushing Amy down in the process, those fat tits smushing against her own. He had to twist his body a bit, but soon enough his lips were pressing at both Amy and Vicky's, and Amy immediately moved to let him into the kiss, a three-way tongue bath that was incredibly erotic and intense. Vicky just closed her eyes and sighed, happy to be so close to her brother and sister like this, happy to see them happy, and very, very happy to be receiving Con's cock in her cunt.

A few minutes and a few orgasms of her own later, she could feel Con explode inside her, and a tiny part of her wished that he had just knocked her up. She knew that was a horrible thought - she had told him she was on the pill, and she was, taking care to take it regularly, even skipping past the placebo pills at the end of most months to make extra sure that she didn't mess it up by missing a day. To lie to him about something so important would be horrible. But if it was an accident... their parents would have to understand... even if they didn't, she would be able to be with him forever, with the money he had made...

The kiss, and the ejaculation, ended, and Vicky just panted on the bed, completely lost in her thoughts for the moment, giving her quite the stupid look. Amy and Con looked down at her quite appreciately, though, so she couldn't help but smile a bit.

* * *

Amy could tell that Con had come again. What fun positions were there that they could enjoy? She didn't like that in this position, Con was basically taking turns between them. Both of them able to focus on him always, those were the best positions, not the ones where they were switching off. She enjoyed her sister's body right now, obviously, but the point of that was to please Con, and it was clear by the way he looked at her when she made a show that he liked to watch them make out. She wondered if it was just the lesbian thing, or if the knowledge that they were only doing that thanks to him and his power...

Her brain finally settled on the thought that they could both ride him. Yes, that was a great position. "How about," she said, the only one of the three who hadn't just come hard, "how about you lie down on your back, and Vicky and I ride you, Con?" She almost said Master but managed to catch her brain before she let that stupid fantasy escape her lips. Con was already a bit uncomfortable with the way she was going to great lengths to please him, so she should dial that kind of talk back for the time being. He'd get used to it, though. Come to see it was what she wanted.

"Uh, I'd get backwash," Con pointed out, and instantly her cheeks flushed with color.

Of course he wouldn't want to eat his own cum! That thought barely even processed to her - his cum was so tasty now, fruity and delicious since he'd started on those drinks of his. "Sorry," Amy said, feeling deeply contrite. "How about I get all the cum out of Vicky?" Con stared at her for a solid second, then two. "You can mess with my tongue and make it extra long and flexible," she added. "Just for a little while, if you don't want it to be long in general. You can probably make Vicky's body push the cum out, too." She was flushing with color as she spoke. The long tongue thing was an idea she'd had, of a way to better pleasure Con, and now she was suggesting it for something as dumb as this rather than for a special time shared between both of them.

"...alright, sure," Con said, at last, and she sighed in relief. She pushed Vicky up on the bed, letting her settle down her head on the pillow, and slipped in between Vicky's thighs, starting to lick and lap at her lower lips. She could feel as her tongue got longer, extending outwards into her big sister's pussy, and as cum was slowly fed towards her own mouth, splattering against it in short order.

Then she felt Con's cock thrust into her cunt, and she was in heaven. She tried to focus on the task before her, on cleaning out Vicky's cunt, but the feeling of Con's cock inside her was so amazing. His hands on her breasts felt so much better than Vicky's, his kisses were so much more wonderful, and the feeling of his warm body against hers was a thousand times better than when she touched Vicky. That was all fine, though, since it was only natural. She loved Con with everything she had. Vicky was wonderful too, but Con was the one she wanted to give her all too, and that included her most impassioned lovemaking.

If anything, she'd feel bad if kissing Vicky had made her feel half as good as kissing Con. She might even have asked Con to make her straight again.

Any such concerns were wiped away when she came in that position, Con's hard cock pistoning inside her as she struggled to run her tongue along and collect all the cum that was slowly dripping out of Vicky's cunt. Vicky wriggled a bit beneath her, panting at the strange sensations, her gorgeous body on full display in this position. Amy's hands grasped her thighs, feeling the lean muscle her sister had worked so hard for, her tongue flicked and licking up every last drop of cum she could reach, doing her best.

All she was thinking about was cleaning Vicky's cunt so she could ride Con's face. The pleasure, the wonderful ecstasy of his cock inside her, the beautiful view of Vicky from this position, they couldn't compare to the simple joy of serving her brother, helping him to enjoy himself however he liked. The taste of his cum on her tongue was exquisite, and she worked hard to scrape out every last droplet that she could find. In due time, of course, she had worked her big sister clean, slurping out the last droplet, leaving nothing she could even taste as she popped off Vicky's cunt.

Her sister was squirming still, not having come throughout the entire process, but she'd be coming buckets the moment that Con put his perfect lips and tongue up against her body. She glanced over her shoulder at Con, who was gazing down at both of them with obvious lust in his eyes. Did he want to keep going like this? If he'd rather keep going this way, that would be fine too... "I cleaned out all your cum, Con," she said, trying her best to tell her big brother that if he wanted, she'd gladly go right back to licking Vicky without saying the words aloud.

Either he didn't get the message or he wanted to switch positions. Maybe he was a bit tired - he'd been doing all the work, for his previous two ejaculations. He pulled out of her cunt, the feeling of emptiness unpleasant, but it soon would be corrected. Amy grabbed Vicky, hefting her sister up, helping her reposition. She was well and truly conscious by now, and managed to settle atop Con's face in short order, settling her cunt down atop his face.

Even with her new, curvaceous body, knowing that her freckles had been rearranged to draw attention to all Con's parts, Amy still felt inadequate in front of Vicky. Vicky was just so naturally beautiful, Amy couldn't hope to compare. Her cunt throbbed at the thought of Con just turning her into a visual clone of Vicky, and she quickly positioned herself above his hard cock and slammed herself down.

The lightning pulse of pleasure sent her brain into a jumble, a bit of saliva dribbling out of her mouth in the moment. She quickly wiped at her face, while Vicky panted, getting thoroughly eaten out by Con, wet sloppy noises emerging from her sister's cunt. Did Con want them to keep doing things with one another in this position? Should she stop, since it wasn't for his visual enjoyment? Uncertainly, her hands reached forward to Vicky's body, sliding slowly up her thighs, her fingers no doubt visible to Con.

Con's hips bucked up into Amy, sending her concerns flying away. He wanted them to keep fucking, to keep playing with one another, and that was exactly what she'd do. She slurped any saliva still in her mouth away, and started to fuck up and down his cock harder, her hands quickly running up to Vicky's breasts, groping them. She could ride her brother in this position for an incredibly long time - the "weightlessness" power she'd likely gotten from Vicky made it a lot easier to move around over and over again. Vicky's gave her a similar trick of endless endurance - it was like their powers had been hand-crafted just to pleasure Con, and she was perfectly happy to use them as they were intended.

She leaned forward into Vicky, kissing her sister wetly on the mouth once more. Her tongue stretched as far as it could, and she was happy to find that it still had its enhanced length. It wasn't as long as in her fantasies, but it was still quite long - she could ask Con to make her tongue extra long later. There were so many modifications he could make to turn her into a better fuck, to make her more able to please him, and she couldn't wait to see which he would do and which he wouldn't. After all, if he didn't want her modified in this or that way, that was his choice.

Her body, his choice. A certain thrill ran up her spine at that thought, and she came again, moaning into Vicky's mouth. Vicky's hands reached up for her breasts, sinking into the soft flesh, and Amy just tried to see if she could meet Con's gaze, twisting her head around a bit. Unfortunately, Vicky's butt was firmly blocking her view, though by the way Con kept pumping his cock up into her, his hands soon reaching to grope her new gigantic ass, she could tell he was enjoying himself.

She wondered if he'd make modifications to her and Vicky, to make their pussies taste as good as his cum? She hoped he would. She didn't want him to have to taste the almost flavorless saltiness of Vicky's cunt any more than absolutely necessary.

Vicky moaned into her mouth as she came on Con's face, and Amy remembered that she was supposed to be kissing and groping her sister. Her tongue renewed its invasion of Vicky's mouth, teasing the inside of her gums with its expanded length, Vicky fluttering her eyelashes as she lost herself in the moment. Amy's hands gently teased and played with Vicky's tits, rolling her thumbs around on the nipples, hefting them up a little and letting them fall. They really were impressively firm now, she could probably get away with just a couple of bandaids at school without anybody noticing a thing.

Amy came again, fingers digging roughly into Vicky's tits as she lost herself in pleasure. Vicky briefly let out a strangled little squawk, then it turned into a quiet moan of pleasure, panting heavily into Amy's mouth as if getting her tits squeezed was the most pleasant thing in the world.

Amy's thoughts weren't on Vicky's pleasure, though. They were on the fact that her tits were currently spilling and pressing up against Vicky's, the size comparison currently favoring her, but the sensation curiously soft and sweet. The wet feeling of tongue against tongue put her in a mind of the many (many) times she had sucked Con off. He hadn't given her any kind of "super sensitive tongue" or similar, but she didn't care, as long as it felt good for him. The fact that she was dead certain that Vicky almost never did it was just a nice bonus, a special thing she could do to show that she cared, a way to stake out a special place in his heart.

If Vicky and Amy pooled their tits together, they could kiss and sloppily make out all over Con's cock, giving him a beautiful double titfuck that she was certain he'd love. The only matter was switching positions - Con mostly liked to switch positions after he came, and he had yet to come inside her. He'd already ejaculated twice, too, which meant she'd have to up her game. She started to pound her cunt up and down his cock, her hands leaving Vicky's chest to reach down for Con's, sliding along his bare stomach like it was the most beautiful thing in the world (of course, the actual most beautiful thing in the world was Con's face). Vicky just let out a quiet noise in Amy's mouth, wanting her hands to come back up, but Amy's attention was on her brother, on pleasuring him, on twisting her body just so.

His hands roamed and groped and squeezed, and she let out exaggerated moans of pleasure at each touch, squeezed her cunt around his dick just right whenever she thought it would provoke the most pleasure. She twisted her hips side to side, gently massaged his stomach, just doing her best. Her tongue became limp, lax, in Vicky's mouth, and her sister tried to recapture Amy's attention but she was just distracted by the need to feel Con's hot cum splatter up inside her.

It took agonizingly long, so much work and effort, but after a handful of her own orgasms, Con finally exploded inside her for the second time of the night, earning a quiet sigh from Amy, satisfaction written on her features as she broke off the kiss and slumped back. For a moment, she basked in the feeling of Con's cum. She wanted to go off the pill, to have her womb turned into his breeding factory, but that would be wrong to do to Con without his permission, and of course she'd need his power to make sure all their children turned out healthy, since they were twins.

"Let's," Amy panted heavily, but she had been planning this for a while now, the thought serving to arouse her further. "Let's give Con a titfuck." She popped off his cock, moving down onto his bed onto her hands and knees, wrapping her tits around his cock from one side. A second or so after her, Vicky followed, quickly moving into position. Her breasts pushed against Amy's, making the flesh ripple, and Amy looked up at Con for any sign of dissatisfaction.

There wasn't any, so she leaned forward, licking at the tip of his cock. She could taste her own juices on it, but she didn't care. Vicky's own tongue stretched forward, her gaze flicking up to Con, clearly wanting to make sure their brother felt as good as possible. Amy smiled inwardly and kept licking. This was heaven, being on her knees, pleasuring Con.

Her tits felt absolutely fantastic, wrapped around his rod; even where her nipples pushed up against Vicky's breasts, there was pleasure. It was obvious why Vicky did this so much, it felt so good. She was glad she had these new breasts to better please Con.

* * *

I leaned back, letting the two work my cock over with their tits. Amy's soft and overwhelming flesh rippled outward, reaching the more firm shape of Vicky's tits and simply spilling around them, almost looking as if she were trying to swallow them with her tits. As her tongue flicked and licked at the head of my cock where it popped out from in between the two's breasts, she looked up at me, her eyes checking to see if I was enjoying myself.

I most certainly was. I reached down gently for both girl's hair, Amy's auburn wavy hair feeling silky smooth and soft as my fingers slipped into it, Vicky's long blonde locks similarly delightful to the touch. I quietly shifted their attentions back towards the rod they were both pressing their gorgeous breasts against, and Amy took my meaning quicker than Vicky, leaning forward to slurp on my tip, letting saliva simply drool out of her mouth, splattering onto my length.

Vicky watched her sister for a few seconds, lust clear in her features. I had hiked the sensitivity of their breasts quite a bit, so this felt at least as good as unenhanced sex to them, probably even better. I couldn't ask since they had never had unenhanced sex - there was hardly any reason to let them not get to enjoy the full maximum pleasure that I could give them. The confidence boost that making them come buckets gave me was just a nice bonus.

Vicky started to rub her tits against Amy's, as much out of her own naked lust and self-pleasure as to work my cock over. It still felt really good, the pressure on my dick changing in unpredictable ways as Amy's breasts rolled and bubbled in response to the force. I could feel the firm flesh of Vicky's tits brushing up against my cock, and Amy panted and gasped around the tip of my cock, pleasure visible on her features. She looked up at me, her expression almost worshipful in that moment, praising me for this erotic opportunity. If I hadn't come several times already, I'm sure I would have sprayed right into her mouth at that point.

Instead, though, I watched as Amy popped her lips off my cock, pucking up to request a kiss with Vicky. Our sister immediately reciprocated, lips meeting Amy's, their tongues warring in one another's mouths for a long few seconds, wet noises filling the air. Then Amy gradually, slowly, brought the kiss lower and lower, until their lips parted just so, and their tongues battered both at one another, and at my cock. Vicky's expression was smoldering with lust as she simultaneously kissed Amy and licked my cock, and my length throbbed in between their breasts.

Even if all their pleasure was enhanced by my power, I felt lazy just lying there, so I leaned up. One hand slid down Amy's backside, tracing along the freckles before groping and squeezing her scrumptious big ass. The other ran along Vicky's smooth, pale, gorgeous skin, eventually arriving at her muscular buttocks and giving them an appreciative grope. I heightened the sensitivities in their cunts once more and thrust two fingers past either's waiting, wet lips.

Their kiss got more intense, moans escaping their throats, eyelashes fluttering as they squirmed in pleasure. The flesh of Amy's tits rippled and waved like the ocean from the way the two's bodies moved, and Vicky's were like the rock the water crashed against. It took hardly any time at all for them to start to come, Amy spiking past the point of no return first, moaning loudly as her hips bucked in the air. A few scant seconds later, Vicky came too, practically mewling as she came. Both of them let out gushes of saliva as their heads bounced and rolled a little, drooling all over my cock and their own tits, serving to more thoroughly lubricate its passage in that wonderful hole they'd made together for me to fuck.

I enjoyed watching them work, admiring their distinctive styles. Vicky was lost in the moment, enjoying herself with me and Amy; she was a sweet girl lost in love and hardly even thinking of anybody else's pleasure. Luckily for her, she didn't really need any assistance on that front, since she had a drop dead gorgeous body (even hotter after I'd touched it up) and I had a teenage boy's libido. She'd lick or slurp or rub without much thought as to how it made me feel, just trying her best by doing different things. Her attention was focused on Amy, more than me, her eyes occasionally darting down to admire her sister's new fat tits. I could hardly blame her - the proportions were stupendous.

Amy, on the other hand, was absolutely trying her hardest to focus and concentrate on my pleasure in particular. Every time she'd try something new, some little flick of the tongue or kiss of the lips, her eyes would flick up towards me, staring me dead in the eyes as she wormed her extra-long tongue around on my cock. From the way she used it, I had no intention of taking it away - it was within human norms anyway, if unusually long. Her tits got smushed and compressed this way and that, her own fingers digging into the sensitive flesh, and she tried her best to hold back from coming, just so she could better pleasure me.

I didn't have infinite endurance, sadly. After about ten minutes - during which I managed to make Vicky come three times to Amy's two - I finally erupted in orgasm, a few thick globs of semen splattering onto either girl's face or tits. Amy closed her eyes and basked, letting it wash over her; Vicky was a bit started, but then uncertainly moved her face closer in, trying to get more of it on her features. When I was spent, it was Amy who made the first move, immediately starting to lick her sister clean, tongue scraping along Vicky's features as her eyes locked on mine, as if to tell me that she was doing this just for my pleasure.

When Amy finished licking up Vicky, she shifted her body, hefting herself up to make it easier, and Vicky leaned forward, running her tongue uncertainly across Amy's flesh, each flick and lick having a certain hesitance to it. When she'd glance my way, it wasn't to check for what particularly pleased me about the show, or to display her submission. Rather, it was with a tiny amount of worry, as if she were concerned that I would get jealous of her.

Obviously I wouldn't, though. Not only was it hot to see my sisters going all out on one another, I didn't feel any concern over the two deciding they liked one another better than me. It was almost impossible to imagine, even though I wasn't exactly the hottest guy and the two now had bodies that were straight up eleven out of tens, impossible perfections you could normally only find with photoshop. Something about the pair told me they had no intention of fully "switching teams," as it were. Amy in particular.

"Your cum tastes so good," Amy breathed, as Vicky licked up the last couple globs of cum where they'd fallen between Amy's massive tits, her face practically smothered. "Isn't that right, Vicky?"

"Mhm," Vicky said, as she popped out, noisily licking her lips and glancing up at me, smiling and flushing a bit. "It's really nice and fruity."

That was probably thanks to the drink. There was no way any of its effects made their way fully through my digestive tract all the way to my semen, though. I had made dead certain of that - I could hardly imagine handling these two sex maniacs if their own endurance spiked upwards to meet mine. "I'm glad you like it," I told them, lying down on my back on the bed, both Amy and Vicky crawling up alongside me, settling in to either side.

Being able to go to sleep together was a rare gift, only available when Carol and Mark left us alone for the night. Since there'd never been any evidence of parties or similarly destructive behavior on their departures - fucking like rabbits in our beds didn't make much of a mess, and Amy would launder the sheets anyway - they felt more confident going on long date nights, which wound up also being our date nights.

Amy licked the bare flesh of my neck, startling me out of my thoughts, and then started to suck on the flesh of my shoulder, giving me a mischievous look as she stared up into my eyes. She looked so sweet, with her changes - her natural girl-next-door charm intensified and redoubled as her features were made cuter in a thousand tiny ways, and her body turned into a curvaceous sex goddess. I could only think she'd look really good in a sweater, and absently think of how to find just how big her tits had gotten since Carol and Mark had left the house. Probably some kind of binding would suffice - a handful of cup sizes in one night was a lot different from how big those breasts had actually gotten.

Vicky may have felt a bit jealous of the attention, because she started to kiss along my bare chest too, licking at the flesh softly, her eyes flicking up to mine. I reached for both girl's hair, quietly petting them as they licked, sucked, and kissed their way across my chest, the motions playful until their lips met, at which point they kissed again, tongues flicking visibly against one another in the space between their mouths, like a pair of fat wet swords fencing. It was clearly more a show than anything else, the girls nonverbally requesting a round five.

"After a nap," I told them, earning a small laugh from Vicky at their little 'trick' being seen through so easily. She settled back down against me, softly snuggling her cheek against my chest, and Amy repeated on the opposite side. Really, I could have kept going, but a break from time to time helped to make sex all the more enjoyable.

* * *

Vicky sighed as she pressed her body against Con. She loved him so much, and she'd worried that being made bisexual would possibly take away from that... but nothing of the sort had happened. She'd enjoyed things with Amy, of course, but her love for her baby sister was still pretty much the same: Amy was a sweetie that she wanted to take care of. It was Con that she loved-loved. Or- well, she loved Amy too, but-

If Con had wanted her to go back to being straight, then she gladly would have. A bit of fun with learning about how amazing tits were (she made a mental note never to wear something 'risque' around Con when they weren't able to have sex again) couldn't compare to the soft, deep love she had for her brother. She was just happy he was happy.

She bit her lip as she considered saying aloud that she wanted to stay bisexual. What if he did want her to go back to being straight? It was such a big thing, and there definitely wasn't any kind of social norm around it. Fortunately, he was the one who asked first. "Did you enjoy being bi, you two? I can turn you back, if you want."

Vicky was relieved; he wouldn't have said it like that if he had felt jealous or something. "Yes," Vicky said, immediately, flushing with color as she realized she'd responded a bit too fast. "I enjoyed it."

"I liked it too," Amy said, practically purring into Con's chest as she spoke, rubbing her cheek up against him. Vicky smiled at the show, not for any kind of erotic appeal, but just because it was obvious that Amy was so much happier now that she was with Con. She really had made the right decision by choosing to share Con with her baby sister.

 Worm Reincarnation - Crystal Stumbles On The Trio (8,109 Words)

In the month since Amy's little "sudden puberty onset" - as her sudden burst in breast size was excused - things had been going great for all three of us. We were having more sex than ever, Vicky and Amy were basking in the feeling of looking drop-dead gorgeous in their own ways, and as for me, I'd been modifying my booster drink bit by bit. By this point, it was not just keeping me energized and healthy, but also smoothing out my skin and helping me put on muscle in a nice, even way, that really upped my attractiveness level.

It wasn't like I was ugly before, but Vicky was a living testament to the fact that a little bit of touch-up could go a long way. Amy barely seemed to even react to the changes, appreciating the work that went into it but seeming to find me exactly as hot before and after. I guessed she was just the "beauty is more than skin deep" kind of gal. Vicky, on the other hand, definitely liked it, and would feel up and lick my abs when we had sex. (Amy started to do that too when she saw how much I liked it, but I don't think it did much for her in itself.)

I also was finally approached by the Protectorate to work in healing some of their capes who had very serious physical trauma, beyond what most healers could handle, or else were just sick as hell. Most healers could only really fix you up - if you lost a leg or something, they could add it back, but they couldn't get rid of cancer or fix your fucked up liver or cure your addictions. I gave them a sweetheart deal on costs - generally something on the order of ten thousand dollars each case - though it was still something. After all, the more heroes who didn't die of a brain tumor (or get their powers fucked up by one - there were some really messy stories about that kind of shit), the better.

That didn't cost too much time, though. I kept my healing down, not wanting to wind up being driven crazy by it, and luckily my personality means I wasn't exactly feeling guilty about the hundreds or thousands of people I "could have" been saving when I was instead sticking my dick in between Amy's fat tits or Vicky's pouty lips (or both at once).

Most of my free time went into working out how to make a secret lab, or Evil Lair, if you would. I'd have to make sure not to cross any power lines or sewers, but I was working out good dimensions and locations for it, finding it to be a fairly fun project. The actual displacement of earth was the big problem - my powers didn't delete rock, after all, so I needed some kind of biological material which could pierce into the soil and make a nice big empty hole inside it, presumably by being partly earth-based or derived, which was a slow-going problem to solve. I did have some ideas that were provisionally working, but nothing I'd trust not to cave in on my head.

Still, I figured I could lay the foundation within a week or so.

One other interesting thing had happened, in between all that: Crystal had triggered. I remembered in Worm's original canon she basically had her mom's power with the numbers adjusted, and it seemed to have been the case in this version of reality too. She had triggered from, well... there was a guy who was out of his mind on drugs, and he had apparently thought she was food and tried to eat her. I managed to keep from laughing when I was healing her up, barely, though I think she could tell. The bite marks weren't that bad, really, and it took me like two seconds to fix her up. She was more mentally traumatized than physically.

Carol had decided to make a nice dinner since Crystal and her mom were already over, and it did serve to give us a chance to talk to her, so I kept my haughty attitude designed to piss her off, to a minimum. Crystal was much more interested in talking to Vicky and Amy than me, though - mostly because they were doing hero stuff, and she wanted to do hero stuff too. I did have some commentary to add to the subject, but she was definitely getting closer to Vicky and Amy, which really suited me just fine. The two did need to have friends outside of each other and me, and Crystal was a decent start on that front.

They wound up spending a lot of time with her, taking her out to nice restaurants on my cards sometimes, getting her gifts, just generally showering her in some affection. Possibly, and I'm not sure about this but possibly, they heard that I had almost (but not actually!) laughed at Crystal's trigger event and tried a full-on love assault to compensate for my poor manners. I was just enjoying free time, and the occasional four-person group when I came along with the three of them to do this or that.

Amy and Vicky had managed to keep from fawning too obviously over me when we were around Crystal. I think it may have partly been because they were bisexual now, so it was a lot more obvious to them how girls touched people they were interested in? That was my best guess, any way. Obviously I shooed off any guy who tried to come after them if they didn't manage to shoo him off first, though. They were my girls and happy with that.

* * *

Crystal had remembered Amy mostly as a mousy, shy girl, but seeing her after what could only be described as a puberty explosion, it was like she was a whole different person. She was mostly happy that Amy had apparently had a positive reaction to now being ogled by every third guy, rather than turning in on herself even more, like she'd worried when she had first seen the girl posting a pic of herself on social media. It wasn't like she was basking in the sexual attention, either. She wore quite chaste clothes when they were going around town. She just seemed happy and confident and at home in her body, and Crystal was happy for her.

Vicky, on the other hand - she had noticed the difference in her cousin took a much more specific form. Yeah, she was obviously putting a bit more effort into her appearance, but... it was more than just that. She gave brisk dismissal of any positive attention when it was just the three of them, and she'd occasionally go looking for things she was obviously buying for a boyfriend. She didn't know why Vicky bothered to keep pretending not to have a boyfriend when she'd caught her buying sexy black lace lingerie.

That was exactly what Vicky was doing, though. It was weird, and it made her want to investigate further. If Vicky had just told her and shown her a pic of some random 8/10 guy, she probably would have forgotten about it instantly, but the pretense was so strange. She wasn't sure who it could be. It wasn't like Vicky was some huge social butterfly - she pretty much only hung out with family, which meant her siblings normally (nowadays it also included Crystal a good bit).

Constantine was also insanely jealous of his sisters getting any male attention. He would give literally any guy who approached them - no matter how hot, how nice, how anything - a look like he was about to stab them if they kept talking to his sisters. It was kind of cute, especially because it seemed like he didn't even realize he was doing it. The mature one of the group too immature to realize his sisters were growing young girls and it was only natural for them to get attention.

His immaturity on that front also kept her grounded in her rightful position as the eldest - these three were fourteen, she was sixteen, and for teenagers, that was a lifetime.

She was not going to let Vicky keep a secret from her, that was for sure.

She visited them from time to time, now that they were closer, stopping by to say hi or to hang out. She was flying over the house and couldn't help but notice that Carol and Mark's cars weren't in the driveway or garage, so she just quietly let herself in using a spare key (her mom had given her one). She hoped that the trio were out too, because then she could do some investigation into who, exactly, Vicky was buying all that lingerie for.

She couldn't stop herself from overhearing the wet, frantic noises of two people having sex, masculine grunts and pants and feminine gasps and moans. She could stop herself from sneaking over to find out exactly who was doing what to whom, but chose not to. As she got closer, it became clear the noises were coming from Constantine's room, and quietly peeked inside, just barely cracking open the door. Fortunately, Constantine and the blonde girl on her back were too entranced with what they were doing with each other to notice her...

Then said blonde girl cast her head back, revealing the model good looks all the Dallon and Pelham girls had, and it was completely impossible to think it was anybody but Victoria. Even like this, she looked good - her skin was shiny with sweat, but it didn't seem to have messed up her makeup at all. That stupid thought was quickly interrupted by a glance at Constantine's body, and Crystal's brain stuttered. She'd known him as that too smart for his own good child prodigy, a weedy kid, and now? He was suddenly, obviously, hot. He had a lot of muscle definition in his chest and stomach, and she couldn't help but stare.

Sure, she was shocked that Vicky's secret boyfriend was apparently her (adopted) brother, but she was also really jealous. Constantine was hotter than any guy she'd gone out with, and Vicky was enjoying just getting fucked on his bed more than she'd enjoyed anything those guys did. All her dates had ever done was kiss or get handsy. Was she too late of a bloomer? Was there something wrong with her?

After just staring at the scene, listening to Vicky moan and gasp in pleasure as what she could only assume was a god-tier orgasm from how Con was fucking her - did real sex feel that good? - her hand wound up sliding down her stomach towards her sex. The sex taking place right in front of her looked better than any porno she'd ever seen, Vicky and Con both hotter than any professionals, and obviously very much, genuinely, enjoying themselves. Seeing Con lean over her, Vicky's blonde hair flowing around her face, she could almost imagine that it was her, getting fucked silly by a stud she was technically related to.

There was some guilt, certainly, but it was completely overpowered by the raw feeling of lust. She'd definitely leave as soon as they were done so they'd never know she had done this.

* * *

Amy emerged from the bathroom as naked as the day she was born. She'd taken a nice, long bath, dried off, and she was now going to go join Vicky and Con for some pleasant, horny, fucking. She wore a gentle smile as she wondered what Con would do to her, how he would enjoy the lewd body he'd given her. Would he fuck her mouth? Her tits? Her cunt? Her ass? It was all his to do whatever he wanted with, and she drank in the fantasies.

Then she saw someone standing in front of Con's room, eyes locked through a thin hole in the door. For a moment she worried it was Carol, but she quickly recognized the figure - Crystal - by her long blonde hair, her attractive features. She looked something like a less busty Vicky, which was definitely not to say that she was any less hot. At least, she was about as hot as Vicky before Con had fixed them both up.

She could also tell that Crystal was masturbating to the sight of her brother and sister fucking. Her lips curled up in a wicked smile. Another girl for Con to enjoy? He never seemed bothered by Crystal's presence, and certainly Crystal was plenty attractive, so he could hopefully enjoy her body as he made her his fuckpet just like he was doing to her and Vicky.

Oh, she was sure that it wasn't some kind of plot, Con was way too nice to them for him to be doing it on purpose, but what ending was there, other than that? Incredible sex that couldn't be matched by masturbation, gradually transformation of their bodies to be more pleasing to him, tweaking their sexualities to be more to his liking... it was just what was going to happen, and she was happy to help it happen to one more person. Con deserved as many women as he could handle, and she was sure he could handle more than two.

She grabbed Crystal from behind, wrapping her in a hug and making her squeak in surprise. Amy just kept moving, Crystal fortunately seeming too disoriented to activate her powers to stop her, and within a second they were both in the room. Con and Vicky stopped fucking, Con hurriedly covering up, perhaps misunderstanding why Crystal was here. She pushed Crystal to sit down in a chair, and turned to Con and Vicky. "Look what I found."

"Ah," Con said, blankly.

"Ehhh..." Crystal replied, shyly, tucking in her chin. "Um. Well."

Amy buried her annoyance at Crystal not simply bowing her head low and begging for forgiveness, instead doing this awkward show. She was about to have a new sister-slut, and Con clearly liked his girls to have some differences, so this was fine.

Vicky was the one who broke the silence with real words. "Please, keep this a secret," she said, wincing as she did so. She glanced at Amy, but it wasn't as if it was Amy's fault they got caught - Crystal had been playing with herself before Amy showed up.

"Oh, yeah, of course," Crystal said quickly, nodding rapidly. Amy was glad that she was so quick to accept: a tiny part of her had been worried about how to get rid of Crystal if she refused to keep a secret. She didn't think Con would want her dead, but what could she really do besides that? "Are you... three... all together?" She glanced over at Amy, clearly intimidated by her gorgeous naked body.

"Yeah," Vicky said. Vicky had a better sense of how to talk to people, so Amy let her take the lead. "We're all really happy together. Con is so wonderful, to both of us, he really is great." Her sincerity was thick as caramel, and it seemed to drip through to Crystal, helping the girl calm down somewhat. Rather than being full of tension at being caught, she was now letting her gaze roam Con's half-covered body, glancing at the bulge in the blankets formed by his cock, at his stomach, then hurriedly looking away with a flush of color.

She wasn't going to join in on her own, that much was obvious to Amy, and that meant that she needed to take action to ensure that, if Con wanted her, she would become his too. She could feel a certain sexual thrill at that thought, but she stifled it. "I think that Crystal should do something to make it up to you, Con," she said, saying his name like it was the name of God. "After all, she was masturbating while spying on the two of you." Crystal let out a pitiful squeak, her cheeks turning vivid red. What, had she thought that Amy wouldn't tell her boyfriend about what she was doing? Yes, she had done it herself once, but it was obviously inappropriate, she'd known it at the time. She would have expected dire punishment if she'd been caught - and she was about to suggest something that would be very pleasant. "I think she should have sex with you, Con."

Crystal's cheeks burned red with that statement, but Amy's eyes were on Vicky. "I don't know," Vicky said, and Amy quickly stepped over to her, meeting her lips with hers, her hands sliding along her sister's body. She'd learned a lot about how to please her sister, since they'd become bisexual, and Vicky blushed and squirmed. Of course lesbian action couldn't compare to the glory that was Con's cock, but she was definitely distracted by it.

Amy leaned into Vicky's ear, whispering. "Wouldn't it be hot to see him just... take some girl?" Vicky let out a little shiver, clearly convinced of her plan in a moment, nodding along to it.

* * *

I was definitely hard to the thought of fucking a third woman - well, I was hard from pounding Vicky into the bed - but I was definitely enjoying the thought of fucking a third woman. However, for all Amy's clear work that was being put into getting Crystal bouncing on my cock, there was one person whose opinion hadn't yet been consulted. "What about you, Crystal? What do you think?"

"I'll do it," Crystal replied, before even thinking about it. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment at the impulsive words, but apparently she was stubborn enough to follow through, because she stood up, starting to take off her clothes.

If I was to describe her looks, it would definitely be model. She had a figure similar to Vicky's, albeit a little more muscular, her hair normally pulled back rather than let to flow free - a tomboy figure, almost. She also wasn't nearly as busty as Vicky, much less the new and improved Amy. That didn't keep her from being drop dead gorgeous, though, and Vicky shifted on the bed to let Crystal lie down on it. Her cheeks were red, her body fidgeting, as she clearly had no idea what to do.

I let my hands slide along her body. Part of it was to enjoy the feeling of her smooth skin, the other part of it was to start making improvements. Her hymen got absorbed into her body first thing, and then I started hiking the sensitivity of her cunt like crazy. Even stronger than what I normally did with Vicky and Amy. After all, it was basically supposed to be a punishment, right? Fucking her stupid would definitely be a punishment, right?

Alright, fine, it was also partly motivated by my desire to see what a person's response would be if I hiked their pleasure that high. I loved Vicky and Amy way too much to test that kind of stuff with them, but Crystal? She was nice, but she wasn't someone I'd spent the past eight years living with. The worst that would happen was that she'd wind up addicted to my cock, and I honestly found that a little hot.

So when I slid inside Crystal's very wet cunt - she had definitely been masturbating, Amy wasn't lying - the flush of embarrassment on her cheeks was rapidly replaced by sheer, overwhelming pleasure and arousal. Her eyes bulged with shock at how good it felt, and I just enjoyed the feeling of her immediately coming like that, her hips bucking wildly, her insides squeezing and working overtime to milk my cock. By the time I bottomed out, she was gasping and panting wildly, her body still twitching, her hands bunching up around the sheets beneath her. Saliva just dribbled out of her mouth as she twisted wildly, her breasts pushing up into the air, her body seeming to be trying to unite with mine or ascend into heaven by the way she shifted.

It felt incredible, being inside her constantly convulsing sex, and the look on her face just made it all the better, the heat to her cheeks, the almost glassy, lustful look in her eyes. She wasn't even contributing meaningfully to the sex, at least not consciously, just writhing on the bed beneath me, but fuck if it didn't feel good.

The fact that she was so distracted also gave me plenty of opportunities to feel her up. I let my fingers trail across her body, spiking her sensitivity wherever they went, and she shivered in response. Her cunt squeezed and tightened even further on my dick, grasping, milking it. I felt up her modest breasts, squeezed her tight ass, rubbed at her taut stomach, and just generally enjoyed feeling up her unresisting body as she jerked in pleasure beneath me.

* * *

Crystal had died and gone to heaven - that was the only logical conclusion for what was currently going on. She'd played with herself, but this was something entirely different. This was raw white empty-headed ecstasy, pulsing right out of her cunt and filtering into her brain. She couldn't think about much of anything, splotches appearing in her eyes as all the blood drained down to her cunt. There was no clear point where one orgasm ended and the next began, just a constant stream of pleasure that had its peaks but never descended to anything close to an afterglow.

She knew she looked like a mess - she could feel the sweat clinging to her skin, the drool slipping down her cheek - but she didn't care. She couldn't have done anything about it if she had cared, though - her control of her body had descended to approximately nothing, just fidgeting and rolling on the bed. Noises escaped her throat, but they had no meaning or sense to them. Her eyes could only see Con, with how much of them were filled with stars. What were Amy and Vicky doing? She didn't know, didn't care. As long as that cock kept thrusting into her, over and over, again and again, taking all her thoughts away and making her turn into a puddle of pleasure, she didn't care about anything else.

Her attention turned down to the sensations in her cunt, her eyes closing as she focused on the feeling of his cock inside her. It felt so perfect, so amazing, nothing could possibly compare to how it felt as it speared inside her, taking her virginity and sending her to heaven. She'd heard that the first time hurt, but this was just the opposite: it felt too good, impossibly good.

Part of her wondered, with a kind of absent, tiny curiosity, if perhaps he was using his power to enhance her pleasure. If sex normally felt this good, she figured her parents would be fucking like rabbits every hour of every day. Most of her, though, didn't care. If it was power-caused, she wanted him to keep using his powers on her. She wanted to feel this supreme pleasure. She wanted it, she wanted more of it, she wanted to feel it every day. Her eyes fluttered open, rolling around, looking for Vicky and Amy. She'd have to get their permission, probably - she wanted to know how they felt, what expressions they were wearing.

She couldn't manage to focus enough to tell anything of the sort, though. Vicky and Amy were vague blurs spackled with countless colorful stars. She was completely lost to the pleasure, and she could feel, faintly, a burning in her chest as she realized she wasn't breathing properly. Her mouth gasped and sucked in as much air as she could in a single moment, the sensation a relief that was eclipsed by the raw pleasure of Con's hard cock inside her.

She wanted to be his. She wanted to be his girlfriend, if it meant that she could get his cock back inside her. But he already had two girlfriends, would he really want a third? Whatever, it didn't matter, what mattered was this ecstasy, this pleasure, getting more of it, it was so good she couldn't think. If she had to utterly debase herself, to crawl and mewl and plead for his cock, she'd gladly do so. She just kept dripping her juices all over his dick, though, unable to do much of anything else.

The stars in her eyes got more intense as she completely lost herself to the pleasure, until there wasn't anything but stars - if she closed her eyes, she saw the same thing. She just moaned and quivered beneath his endless, glorious, wondrous assault, this cock taking her and making her belong to it. Her head rolled to one side, and she coughed out all the saliva that had filled her mouth when she hadn't been swallowing. A puddle formed next to her, the drool teasing her cheek, and she lost all consciousness then.

* * *

Crystal's body lost a lot of its vigor, then, as she drooled all over herself. Her expression was a stupid mess, but fuck if it wasn't deeply arousing, seeing her like that. I bottomed out and streamed out a thick load of cum inside her, only absently remembering to turn off her fertility to make sure I wouldn't actually knock her up right now. Maybe later - she was older than Vicky and Amy, after all - but at the moment, it was probably too far, too fast.

Or maybe not, given her response. I still wasn't going to risk it.

Once I was done splattering her insides with my cum, I pulled out of Crystal. Victoria immediately pounced on me, kissing me hard on the lips. Her tongue invaded my mouth forcefully, her hands pushing me down onto my back, and I let her, my dick still rock hard and coated in her cousin's juices as she shifted her body to tease her cunt at my dick. Her kiss was frantic, erotic, full of energy and need as she slurped and drooled into my mouth, and then she pounded herself down my length in a heartbeat, starting to furiously pump up and down.

She broke off the kiss, staring me dead in the eyes as she did so, her gorgeous good looks on full display as her wavy blonde hair flowed around my face. "Seeing you fuck Crystal like that was so hot," she breathed, an uncharacteristic display of uninhibited lust. I would have expected a line like that from Amy - but from Vicky? Well, I certainly didn't mind it, at least, reaching up for her ass cheeks and groping that tight bum of hers, enjoying the way it yielded just a bit to my fingers before muscle stopped further grasping. Vicky just moaned and started to slurp on my tongue again.

Amy, on the other hand, slithered up atop the pair of us, pushing her fat tits into Vicky's mouth. Anybody with eyes could tell that Vicky liked the feeling of her baby sister pressed up against her like that, because she immediately started to grind against me, her bare breasts pushing and smushing against my chest, loud moans escaping her throat as she kept up a kiss. A glance out of my eyes showed Amy wearing a manic expression, a big smile on her lips, as if proud of herself for getting Crystal to ride my dick.

"It's so hot, watching you fuck other women," Amy said, as much to me as to Vicky, as if trying to convince her sister of the fact. She clearly didn't need to try hard, because Vicky immediately nodded, drooling into my mouth as she kept working her cunt on my dick. "You deserve it, for being such a great boyfriend," she whispered, the words audible just to me and Vicky. Vicky clearly didn't disagree, continuing to drool into my mouth as she rode me, my cock twisting around inside her, her body vibrating gently against me as she took me to the base.

Amy's hand slid along Vicky's toned stomach, down towards her cunt, teasing her clit, and then she spoke again, a sultry whisper. "Wouldn't it be hot to see him with other women in the future?" Vicky came at that point, likely in part due to Amy's active work to time things exactly right, and there was a look in her eyes as she stared down at me, telling me this was exactly what she wanted to have happen.

I certainly didn't mind, though, just breaking off the kiss with Vicky so I could lick at the bare flesh of her neck, tasting her salty sweat as she shivered and rode me. Amy leaned down and joined me, licking at her big sister's backside, her pendulous fat tits rippling around Vicky's body.

Her hands left Vicky's body, beginning to slide against mine as best she could, the two girls seemingly doing their bust to smush up against me - after a few seconds, Amy seemed to realize as much, shifting her position on the bed, sliding her breasts slowly along Vicky's back, a wet sloppy noise accompanying the laborous movement, as sweaty flesh rippled against sweaty flesh. When she finally arrived at her destination, between my thighs, she leaned forward, her exceptionally long tongue starting to rim me out without the slightest hesitation or regret.

My cock throbbed inside Vicky at the sensation, and I got more insistent in my kiss with her, my hands reaching to grope her tits. Amy clearly recognized that I was enjoying her work, because her tongue got even more active, flicking and licking and cleaning at everything she could get to, moaning softly as if it were the most delicious thing in the world. I was fairly certain she was playing it up, but it was hard to be absolutely sure, with Amy. She was just that kind of girl.

It was obvious she had wanted this result from the beginning. She'd grabbed Crystal, thrust her into the room; revealed her indiscretion and suggested her 'punishment'; and now she was openly fantasizing about seeing me with other women. She clearly had a fetish for that kind of thing - I had no particular idea about why, and I didn't really care. It was hot, it was helpful, and her strong subby tendencies meant that I wasn't too worried about her going overboard. If I had said I wasn't interested in fucking Crystal, I was dead certain that Amy would have shuffled her out of the room and apologized.

Interestingly enough, it was that thought - the mental image of Amy apologizing for offering me another girl to get my dick wet with - that actually brought me over the edge inside Vicky. I groaned into her mouth and found sweet release, splattering a load of cum into her. She panted atop me, smiling as she lazily broke off my kiss, a single droplet of sweat gently slithering down towards her chin and dripping onto me in an extremely sexy fashion.

I was hardly done, though. I rolled Vicky off me, letting my hard cock pop out into the air, and Amy looked up at me from behind it, her tongue still slithering around in my ass. I grabbed her hair and just rammed my dick down her throat, and she squirmed in pleasure at the sensation, her eyes rolling up as her throat bulged. I hadn't actually made her throat an erogenous zone, to be clear, but whenever my dick was in her mouth, I made sure to make it extra easy for her to masturbate. I worried it was too obvious, but then, I figured Amy wouldn't really care if she did figure it out.

Vicky watched with lust as I just fucked Amy's mouth up and down my cock, making her fat tits jiggle and bounce from the sheer, aggressive force I was applying to her cute face. She was obviously absolutely in love with the sensation, and I leaned up to get a better view of the show. She actually shivered at the shift in position - if there was one thing I'd learned about Amy over the past few months, it's that she was crazy submissive in bed. Pretty much anything that established any kind of dominance over her instantly had her dripping wet, and right now her hands were in her cunt frantically playing with herself as she got facefucked on my dick.

I considered dirty talking her, rolling around various possible things to say to her on my tongue, before I finally spoke up. "You brought Crystal here just so I'd fuck her, didn't you?" Amy could only nod, saliva spraying wildly out of her mouth as I kept fucking her face. "You really are a horny little bitch, aren't you?" She nodded again, a stupid look on her face, her lips stretched wide. "That's alright, because you're my horny little bitch."

At that point, she came hard, and I ground her down into my pelvis, just choking her on my cock for a few long, pleasant seconds. Vicky stared at the show, clearly a bit surprised by just how submissive Amy was, but honestly, if she'd been paying much attention it would have been obvious. It wasn't like it was that big a deal, either. If getting told what to do and called a few mean names here and there ground her gears, who was I to tell her no? I loved her, after all. Her tongue lapped at the underside of my dick, its length and dexterity reaching the limit of human possibility and currently being used very adroitly to pleasure me.

I peeled her up off my dick, then. Her expression was one of lewd exhilaration, her eyes a bit unfocused, her cheeks a rosy pink. She just kept her mouth open, her tongue stretched out - and I thrust her back down. If she wanted more, I was definitely going to give her more.

* * *

Amy moaned as much as she could, with her brother's cock plugging up her throat. It came out more as a glakking noise, but she didn't care. She loved when her brother got properly rough with her like this, treated her like his sex toy. If he wanted to masturbate with her throat, then who was she to stop him? She belonged to him, in every sense of the word.

He was normally so tentative about this kind of stuff, and his real dominant tendencies only ever came out in a light trickle. She would gladly help and encourage him to keep going, moaning around his cock wildly whenever he offered some crude degrading terminology for her. She was his horny little bitch! His eager fuckpet! His slutty sister! (Well, she wasn't really slutty, because she would never have sex without Con's permission, but she was a nympho for him so that was close enough. She knew what he meant.)

There was nothing to be ashamed about, in calling her those things, so he could call her them as much as he wanted, whenever he wanted! She didn't want to push him too hard, though, so she just responded positively whenever he went all out like this. The wet noise of her throat being repeatedly filled with his cock filled the room, and Vicky just stared at the show.

Vicky didn't understand, it seemed like. This was the first time that Con had ever gone like this when it was the three of them. Normally he was dominant, but always considerate - right now, he was seeking his own pleasure. Sure, she was hot from masturbating, but she was being used right now. Used like his personal masturbation aid, which is what she would be, if that's what he wanted. If he wanted to wipe out all her thoughts and use her as a sex toy that couldn't think on its own, she would gladly let him.

She came again to that thought, her eyes rolling up. She tried her best to listen as Con continued to verbally degrade her, so happy that he felt comfortable enough to unleash this side of himself on her. If he wasn't comfortable treating Crystal or Vicky like this, that just made it all the more important that she take all his love and needs into account as she served him every which way. She'd make him happy in every way she could.

* * *

"You really love getting facefucked, don't you, you little nympho?" I asked her. She moaned and nodded as much as she could, still in the afterglow of an intense orgasm. It was fun, learning her and Vicky's particular kinks and tastes. "You don't mind being insulted and degraded at all, do you?" I asked, mostly for Vicky's benefit, and she shook her head rapidly. "You know why? Because you're a submissive little sex freak who wants her big brother's cum."

Amy moaned loudly as she came to those words, and I put my dick so that just the tip was past her lips before finding release in her mouth, spraying out a pretty good load up against her palate and tongue. She licked and gurgled on the cum, her eyes rolled up, not even capable of properly swallowing it, from the sheer quantity I was letting out. When I finished coming, I popped her off, and she just swilled my cum for a few long seconds, her head hazily rolling from side to side as she slumped on the bed.

The thump of Amy's curvaceous body hitting the bed like that jostled it enough to make Crystal lazily roll her own head around, eyelashes fluttering as she woke up. I leaned up, curious exactly how she'd respond to having gotten fucked so hard. It took several seconds for her to finally process what had happened, and the way her expression went from confused to embarrassed to nakedly lustful made my cock throb. Her eyes seemed to zoom in on it, as if it was the face of God, her head coming up just so she could stare and drool better.

For a few seconds, nobody said anything. Crystal let a bit of saliva slip over her lower lip as she stared, and then she hurriedly swallowed it back up, blushing in embarrassment. Amy looked at Crystal like a cat looks at a mouse, and Vicky just seemed concerned about her cousin, not sure if she'd done the right thing by letting me fuck her.

Then Crystal spoke, her eyes going up from my cock to my face, a swallow making some of the pooling drool disappear again. "Can I be your girlfriend t-too?" She asked, her voice hitching towards the end.

"I think it's a good idea, Con," Amy said, leaning into him, rubbing her fat tits against his bicep.

"Of course, if Con's fine with it," Vicky said, glancing at me, her expression almost hopeful, as if she was concerned I'd deny a gorgeous girl a firm and reliable place on my cock.

"I'd gladly have you as my girlfriend," I told Crystal, smiling at her. It would also make it easier to get an impression of exactly how much my super powerful fucking had messed her up. She smiled back, utterly guileless.

* * *

Crystal was so relieved that Constantine had let her become his girlfriend. He was a hot guy, with two gorgeous girlfriends who it wasn't really being insecure or self-deprecating to say were sexier than her. She, on the other hand, was just some cute virgin he'd fucked. It would have been totally normal for him to reject the suggestion, and she just crawled towards him, her cunt starting to leak again at the thought of being fucked once more by the man who was now her boyfriend.

He didn't seem to mind at all, lying down on his back. She didn't know much about sex, but she knew foreplay was important, so she started to kiss along his naked body, starting with his thighs, peppering his dick with a few quick pecks - she couldn't taste herself on him, fortunately, had he washed off? His dick was still wet, though - and then making her way along his abs, kissing at the muscular flesh. He was a hottie, even if the thing she most wanted now was his cock in her cunt, she could restrain herself.

She slithered gently up his body, practically worming her own body against his, pressing her bare breasts against him. Wherever he touched an erogenous zone - even it was just the brush of her lower lips against his thigh, or his pecs against her nipples - a sharp surge of pleasure ran through her whole body. Was this what falling in love was like? She kissed her way up his neck, to his lips, and he was wearing an enormous smile as her lips met his. She hoped that he didn't think she was a slut. He was the first guy she'd gone this far with.

She reached down for his cock, working to angle it at her cunt. She felt another pair of hands helping out, maybe Amy or maybe Vicky, it didn't matter, because soon enough his cock was inside her once more and she was sent to heaven.

It wasn't quite as strong as it had been the first time, but it was definitely still mind-blowing. She had to work her whole body to start moving up and down his cock, feeling the waves of pleasure that crashed against her head and seemed to steal her senses. It was hard to be anything but selfish, when it felt this good.

She must have fallen in love with him, that was the only explanation that could fit everything she felt. She had been masturbating to the sight of him with Vicky, after all - how bizarre was that, if she didn't actually have feelings for him? She must just not have realized it. She'd thought he was cute even before seeing him naked, after all. Her obsession with Vicky's secret boyfriend made more sense if she suspected it was Con. Pleasure blasted hard into her brain, taking away most of her ability to critically consider all these thoughts she was having, so she just accepted them. She was in love with Con, and she was definitely in love with his cock.

Her pace got faster and faster atop him, every muscle in her body working its best despite the constant crashing waves of pleasure making her arms and legs both wobble. Saliva dripped out of her mouth here and there. She could feel Amy and Vicky's eyes upon her, their ravenous, maybe even lustful stares, as she rode Con, but she didn't care as long as the pleasure in her cunt could keep going forever. She scooped at the saliva in Con's mouth, doing her best to kiss him more thoroughly, but she had a tough time concentrating on anything in particular. It just all felt so good.

After only a couple minutes, her arms finally gave out, and she simply toppled down onto Con, her hips having to do the rest of the work. Her breasts rubbed against him, and her brain was foggy as she tried her best to maintain the kiss, but ultimately she fell down, rolling her head down into the crook of his shoulder as he salivated.

He smiled though, seeming to enjoy himself despite her incompetence, one of his hands running softly through her hair, the other sliding down her bare, naked back to her ass, squeezing and groping the supple flesh there. She kept moving, but she could feel even the muscles in her thighs straining, burning, threatening to give up.

A thought occurred, and she drew on her power - her flight, specifically. She used it to gently lift her body up, then let it fall back down, getting that glorious sensation of penetration without having to rely on her weak, wobbly muscles. Con let out a small laugh seeing her do so, but presumably that was just a laugh of relief, or something else innocent, because there was no way he wanted anything less than her happiness. She kept pumping herself up and down his cock, just enjoying the feeling, the sensations. She tried, for a little bit, to kiss him, but ultimately gave up - she just lacked the energy to manage much.

Instead, she practically whited out with pleasure as her body rose and fell on his cock. She could have fallen asleep in ecstasy like that, as she fucked herself on his cock with her power. It was so perfect, so wonderful, so ideal. Pleasure and no pain, no exhaustion, she could keep it going for a very long time.

She thought she might be salivating, but she no longer cared, just letting her head and arms limply hang off her body as it rose and fell on her new boyfriend's cock like she was a sex toy.

* * *

Crystal started drooling at some point in there, and I grasped her hair, tilting her head up to meet mine. Her gaze was hazy, insensate, her lips still parted and saliva escaping them. Her cheeks were warm with arousal, and there wasn't a hint of shame in her expression. I leaned forward to kiss her on the lips, and she mewled a bit, as my cock twitched inside her.

I'd experienced similar with Vicky in the past, her sometimes using her power to keep going long after she started to lose strength. Of course, Vicky generally was still capable of thinking, whereas Crystal by this point seemed to be pretty much a sex toy, just jerking and twitching on my cock, her insides constantly squeezing and milking me as she kept pumping. It was really, really hot, I have to admit, and I kissed her lips again, more firmly this time, basically raping her mouth as she just drooled back against me. My hands roamed her naked body, groping and squeezing her, sending fresh and more intense waves of pleasure through her in the process.

The ultra-sensitivity was definitely fun, but I'd want to see more of how Crystal acted when my cock wasn't immediately available to thrust into her cunt, before I'd dare try it out with Amy and Vicky. When I finally burst inside her cunt, she kept going, pumping up and down my cock, seeming to not even realize that I'd come.

I quietly brought her down from her ecstatic high, and she let out a little whimper as the pleasure faded and my cock left her cunt, until she finally just collapsed atop me, her flight power cutting out like somebody had snapped a cord, her body tumbling down onto mine. It was a bit painful, the sudden slam of her body against mine, since unlike Amy and Vicky I didn't have any durability-enhancing powers, but it wasn't too big of a deal.

I let out a long sigh, glancing over at my two sister-girlfriends. Amy looked positively ecstatic to see Crystal behaving like this, while Vicky looked somewhat worried for her cousin. I guess it made since for Vicky to be worried for her. "She's just tuckered out, don't worry," I said, rolling her off of me and leaving her to lie on the bed.

Amy clasped her hands in front of her, kneeling on the bed in a pose that said nothing so much as 'Please fuck me, that is, if you want to.'

I ignored her and looked at Vicky. "She really is fine, you've been tuckered out in the past by our sex, don't forget," I said, giving her a cheeky little kiss. "You do that same trick when you want to keep going after being exhausted. She hasn't gotten any mods yet, after all," I explained.

Those words seemed to assuage Vicky, who let out a sigh. "Yeah, you're right. We've got so much endurance because of our super bodies, that you gave us," she said, smiling and wrapping me in a hug. "I was just a little worried you broke her somehow, but that makes more sense." Amy got in on the hug a moment later, and we all three enjoyed a moment of cuddling.

I, of course, did not tell them that I had spiked Crystal's pleasure well beyond anything they'd experienced. For one, they didn't know I was pumping up their pleasure at all. For two, it would probably have made them upset, and I wanted them both to always be happy for as long as we were together.


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Mar 16, 2021Report


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