
Hello everybody! This is Forzarismo here with a new story for you all! After reading so many gamer fics and being inspired by writers like The Dark Wolf Shiro and LordVishnu, I have decided to try my hand at this form of writing and create my very own Gamer Fic! Just a heads up this is heavily inspired by both The Dark Wolf Shiro and LordVishnu since they both have great gamer systems implemented.

Nevertheless. I hope you enjoy my story and I hope you tell me what you think of it!

Just a side note, this was originally posted on fanfiction.net but they have been fucking up a lot recently and many of my fellow writers have said many good things about this site so I decided to give it a shot. I know my writing isn't the best but nevertheless I hope you all give it a shot and enjoy it.

Ugh… what the hell? Where am I? Am I in limbo?

I can't feel anything, and I'm pretty sure I died.

Though… I can't seem to remember how.

Every time I try to think hard about what happened, all I get is a blank.

The last thing I remember is driving my car behind a black van before it all goes hazy.

Though, now I realize there's something heading towards me, something akin to a disco ball. It's coming towards me really fast before stopping abruptly a good distance away.

Hello to you fellow soul! You have been selected to participate in our Gamer System™!​

I'm sorry what? I must be hallucinating or something. Can you repeat that again?

There's no way this can be happening. I mean this can not be real-

I said you have been selected to participate in our Gamer System™!

And yes, this is real!​


Nonononononono this cannot be.

What the hell happened why can't I feel anything Ineedtogetoutofhere-!


A serene calmness washes over me, making me stop my train of thought.

Okay, now back to the task at hand. You are one of the fortunate or unfortunate souls that have been chosen to experience the Gamer System™! In this system, You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, and get rewarded for it!

Want to play the bad guy? Go for it! We got multiple exclusive rewards for those who decide to become a hyper-competent villain that screws over both the protagonist and antagonists!

Same thing if you want to be the good guy! Want to be the Hero of the story that actually does something and is actually good at their job? This system of our will ensure that you will have the spotlight and attention of all those around you!

Nevertheless, Let's get started!

Choose your name!​

Ok… I'm calm now…

Just take everything in stride me. For my name, I guess I will stick with my old name. It's grown on me and I can't see any other name for myself.

You have chosen the name: Faust

Are you sure?​

Yes, I am sure. It's the name I was given, and it's the name I shall keep.

Your name is now Faust.

We take pride in our free-flowing system that gives a unique experience for each individual.

So to help with that, we take a look at your past life and scan for any possible skills that can be transferred over to your new one!

PROCESSING…! (0/100%)​

Oh… That's actually pretty cool and convenient. Thank you. I wonder what skills I will get.

If I remember correctly now from my multiple readings of fanfiction, the Gamer System is one of the most busted abilities I have ever read about. It can do just about anything and everything from what I read.

Even with downgraded versions that I have read, it is still OP in that it makes the user much stronger than those around him/her in what would normally take years or decades worth of training for a regular person mere weeks or even days!

Now that my initial fear is out of my system, I'm ecstatic to see what is going to come next for me!


Is this going to take a while…?

I wonder what will be the starting universe I'm going to be thrown into?

I hope it's not Dragon Ball. Even if I want to so desperately tap Bulma's ass and gain access to some amazing technology I know for a fact that the moment Raditz steps into the picture I am as good as done for.

Hopefully not Bleach either since I know jack shit about the series, only knowing that there are some hot chicks in there as well.

Fairy Tail… Kinda iffy on that one. While I know I will enjoy the women there and that there really is no danger so long as I align myself with Fairy Tail, that in itself is the problem.

The power of friendship there is bullshit and so is magic.

The ones I know I would like to go to would be One Piece, Naruto, Fate, My Hero Academia, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

One Piece because awesome devil fruit powers, Naruto because OP Chakra abilities, the Fate series because magic is not as bullshit and awesome historical servants, My Hero Academia because I want to kill Endeavor and Bakugo, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure because Stands are amazing.

Eh, I guess I will see soon enough.

Really? It's only at twenty percent? Even after so long?


I wonder if I will get to go to any automotive-centric universes? Something like Need For Speed or Gran Turismo or even Initial D? I love cars so going to any of those universes would be like straight heaven to me.

Fly me to the moon~!

Let me be among the stars~!

Let me see what spring is like~!

On Jupiter and Mars~!

I wonder if I will ever interact with any other gamers out there? Would be pretty interesti-


COMPLETE! (100/100%)

Oh thank God, I was beginning to wonder how long that would take.

From your previous skillset, you have obtained the following:


[Cooking](Passive): Lv. 32/1000

A necessary skill in life! A loving passion that fills your very stomach as well as those of your friends and family! You have the skills of an amateur chef. Your cooking tastes 32% better and gives a 16% SP and HP regeneration bonus.

[Long Range Weapon Proficiency](Passive): Lv. 17/1000

The art of murdering people from a distance. You have a 68% chance of hitting a stationary target, a 34% chance of hitting a moving target, and a 17% chance of hitting them exactly where you intended

[Close Combat Proficiency](Passive): Lv. 24/1000

The ancient art of beating the ever-loving shit out of your opponent. Close Combat-Related Offensive Skills do 12% more damage and take 6% less SP to use. Close Combat-Related Defensive Skills Reduces damage by 6% and costs 12% SP less.

[Animal Taming](Passive): Lv. 38/1000

You have a natural affinity for animals. Animals have a sixth sense of who to trust and you are one of them. Wild untamed animals are 38% more likely to trust you and domesticated animals are 76%. Mythical Beasts or those of unknown origins are 9.5% less likely to eat your face than to ignore you.

[Vehicle Operation Proficiency](Passive): Lv. 49/1000

The capability of operating a machine powered vehicle. Your passion for cars has given you great insight into the mechanisms of how a car works. You have the skills of an amateur race car driver. You are 12.25% more in tune with your personal vehicles.


[The Horseman of War] Lv. 1/100,000

The Second Horseman of The Apocalypse. You are the literal concept of 'War'. Warned about in the Book of Revelations, you thrive in battle. Out of all the Horsemen, in terms of pure statistical damage output, this one is the strongest of the four. Forces one into the chaotic alignment, whether you are Good, Bad, or Neutral is up to you. Any combat-related skills improve at a rate of 500%.

You also obtain the following under this Class:

[Horse of War - Divine Mount, B-Rank]

What kind of horseman are you without your trusty steed? You will have The Second Horseman's horse, who can be summoned instantly by your side. He can't be killed so long as you are alive, but if taken enough damage will retreat to restore its energy. As the Horse of War, It has absurdly high STR, DEX, and END that scales with you as you both bond with it and get stronger over time.

[Sword of War - Divine, B-Rank]

Not just any greatsword, but THE Greatsword. An aspect of the conceptual manifestation of 'War', This unbreakable blade is the ultimate indiscriminate killing blade out there. Can be fused with other swords to add to its power.

Damage: 20,000 + STR*66 Absolute Damage. Ignores any form of resistance and immortality.

Durability: Unbreakable

{REQUIREMENT!} Need to have at least 5000 STR or have [Horseman of War] to Lv. 100

-Exponential Combat Improvement: The more you have fighting against you, the better. More so when you actually kill the people standing against you. The base stats of each opponent you kill gets added to yours along with their skills.

As they pop up I take a good look at what I am seeing.

Uh… hold the fuck up.

The Horseman of War? Nah no way. That can't be true. How in the fuck would I have such a horrifying ability and not know about it?

This has to be some mistake right?

The Gamer System™ makes no mistakes you fool.

Do you not remember what happened in the final moments of your life?

No. No, I do not.

Well then, allow me to show you.

Fire. That's the first thing that meets my eyes once he says that. The town I am in is nearly done for. I see many savages killing one another, going into other people's houses, taking whatever they want, even women.

There's a black van in front of my house, yes I remember now. My family is getting everything together to get out of the town. I was in my own car on standby just in case anything happened.

Once everything is all said and done, we leave our stripped home and head inland, since it's much better over there, and thankfully I was able to pull some strings to get a nice chunk of land over at our destination, where my family can be safe.

But then, once at the highway, there were a group of savages like those in town that were blocking people from leaving the place.

They tried to break into the van, where my mother and my sisters were in.

I watch as I see myself get out of my own car with a gun in my hands, shooting at the bastards trying to get to my family.

With that small reprieve, my brother was able to drive the van away while I tried to head back to my car.

And then I was shot behind the head.

It's surreal. Watching yourself get shot from the back of the head.

As it cuts to black, I suddenly see past me sitting in a chair with a table in front of him. He looks around confused before a man in a suit appears out of nowhere.

"Well hello there. I have been expecting you." the man states as a chair is summoned behind him as he goes to take a seat.

"Where am I?" I see my past self question the man in front of me.

"Where you are shouldn't be of any concern to you at the moment, but rather what I can do for you." The man cuts to the chase.

"What do you mean?" my past self inquires.

"C'mon, you are not a fool to not know who I am." The man replies, his eyes glowing red as if to emphasize his point.

"Satan." my past self says in realization.

"Bingo. Now I have an offer here that I know you cannot refuse." Satan states confidently.

"Now how are you so sure about that?" I see my past self question incredulously.

Satan then looks away from past me and stares right at me "Call it a hunch."

He then looks right back at past me to continue. "You do realize that you left your family in quite the predicament when you got yourself killed don't you?"

"That may be but I have a firm belief that God will protect them." My past self states.

The devil lets out a mirthless chuckle. "You say that, but you know more than they do that God… does not work that way anymore." He smirks, watching my past self intently for any signs of weakness.

And weakness he saw.

Throughout the whole ordeal, I watch as he plays me like a fiddle. For what seemed like hours, the fallen angel tearing down whatever faith I had and showing me things I didn't want to see happen to my family.

By the end of it, my past self was furious and in tears. Satan laid down a piece of paper and a pen that my past self took in anger and signed it.

"Thank you for your cooperation. It will be only temporary, and whether you die or not while using the power is up to you. After all, it's only temporary." His smile grew unnaturally. "Give them a taste of what is to come."

Soon the scene shifts back to my dead body just as it hits the ground, and sure enough the horde charges towards my defenseless family. As soon as one of them gets close enough to my past self he grabs him by the ankle and shoots him in the face.

When he gets up, I notice that the wound behind his head is closing rapidly before turning around to face the horde of savages who pause in what I know is fear.

Fear of the unknown.

I see the eyes and wound of my past self glow a mesmerizing orange as he stares down those who dared cause pain to my family before he begins to unload his gun on the crowd.

"Drive brother! DRIVE!" he roars out to my younger brother, who breaks out of his stupor before wordlessly nodding and driving him and the others away to my family.

Many try to run away, and many more rush at him screeching like howler monkeys with makeshift weapons in order to put my past self down.

In the end, I do go down, but it wasn't even them that took me down. Not even the large semi that was driving straight at me before my past self dodged by a hair.

No, the thing that got me isekai'd to this place was a helicopter. A fucking helicopter! The freaking thing just exploded in mid-air and one of the rotors went straight to my torso before the rest of the copter followed suit and crushed me to death.

While that might explain how I died and how I gained access to that power, what I still want to know is why do I still have it? The Devil said I was only going to have it temporarily, so why is it appearing in my skill list?

You think we would be stopped from doing so by the likes of him!? You underestimate the power of the Gamer System™!​

Well okay then… Don't know where to go from here.

Well, we can start by continuing where we left off!

Suddenly a stat sheet is thrown out in front of me to see.

Faust, The Gamer, Lv. 1

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 230/230 [4 every 5 Seconds]

SP: 230/230 [4 every 5 Seconds]

MP: 140/140 (LOCKED) [20 Per Minute]

EXP: 0/50

STR: 18

END: 23

DEX: 9

INT: 14

WIS: 10

CHA: 12

LCK: 3

MP Regen = WIS X 2

MP = INT X 10

SP/HP Regen = END X 2

HP = END X 10

SP = END X 10

Okay, this is different. Usually from what I read, most gamers tend to start off with all of their base values at 10. Not that I'm complaining mind you, just an observation.

Hmm… from the looks of things it kinda looks like I am something of a tank build since my endurance is the highest of my physical stats while speed is my lowest.

Did I really have such bad luck though? That is some bullshit right there. Hopefully, there are ways to improve upon that when all is said and done.

Also, why is my magic locked?

You cannot use magic until you unlock it yourself or have a class that primarily uses magic. There are many ways to unlock it in each and every world so there's no need to worry about it!

Anyhow, one can't be a gamer without some very key features as well!

Skill Gained!

[Gamers Mind] (Passive)

It allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

Allows a peaceful state of mind,

Grants Immunity to psychological status effects.

Skill Gained!

[Gamers Body] (Passive)

Grants a body that allows for the user to live real life like a game.

Skill Gained!

[Observe] (Active)

Provides information on the target.

Inventory now available for use!

You also have the capability of creating skills so long as you are capable of doing so! So no Kamehameha's until you learn the necessary skills beforehand!

On that note, I think it's time to stop dilly-dallying and get this started don't you think?

Welcome to The Gamer System™!

Your Starter World has been pre-selected!

Starting in…






As it hits one, my vision is thrown for a trip of the ages! It's swirling so much. Oh if I had a body right now, I know for a fact I would puke! Oh Lord Jesus have mercy on my soul how long is this going to last!? I want off this ride! Pleeeeaaaa-kawdhgkjwdbnaskj!

-5 HP!

Ow… my face. Getting up, I clean the grime off of my face and take a look around my surroundings to see if I can find anything that will let me know which world the game has sent me off to.

Nope. no landmarks that I can see or recognize. All I see is a lot of trees surrounding my vision. Well shit. And I can't even see a road near me either.

Ugh… so no readily available shelter, no signs of civilization near me, and I don't even know which world I got sent to.


Well, no use crying over spilled milk. Hopefully, if I wander around long enough, I'll find something.

Wait a minute, before I do, uh game are you there? Hello? If you can hear me and answer a couple of questions of mine I would really appreciate it.

Well… you're actually one of the actual few, and by few trust me, I mean few, who actually tried to communicate with me almost from the get-go. Even less are polite about it from the start. I think you deserve a reward!​


INT (14) → (18)

WIS (10) → (14)

You have been rewarded with:

[Uncommon Loot Crate *3!]

A green crate filled with a random item from a random world that is of the uncommon variety.

Crates are tiered by the rarity of the items they can potentially hold: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical, Ultimate, and Divine.

And among their rarity, they are tiered by their usefulness: F, E, D, C, B, A, S(1-3), and X.

Oh hey! Stat increases and rewards~! I am loving it already~!

I mean, I know not to bite the hand that feeds me and you haven't really done anything malicious that I know of so why wouldn't I be courteous to you?

Increased Reputation with The Game! 5/100 (+5 For proving to be a promising one… So far…)

Well isn't that ominous. Thank you for the crates though. You wouldn't mind me opening them now and then asking my questions now, would you?

Questions first. Fun stuff later.

Fine by me. First off, what's the name of this place?

Ah, that would be telling young man. I am generous, but not THAT generous.

Okay… for my second question, how strong are the average people in these parts?

The civilians' stats range between 1-15 for each of them except for luck which is random for everybody. For low-level bandits, they have a wider range of 10-30 with luck being random once more.

I appreciate that piece of information. Now for my third and final question, I would like to know if there are dungeons or something similar along those lines here in this world?

Yes, there are! Like with the crates, dungeons are ranked exactly like them from Common to Divine and their difficulty from F to X.

For example, entering Zeno's Palace to kill The Omni-King Zeno would be the equivalent of a Divine X-Tiered Dungeon while something like an African Warlord's base would be a Common B-Tiered Dungeon.

That's good to know. Can you do dungeons multiple times?

Depends on both the Rarity and Difficulty. The higher on the spectrum it is, the fewer times you have on doing them again.

Thank you for that. Now to see what these boxes have in store for me.

Would you like to open 3 Uncommon Loot Crates?

Yes, please!


You have obtained the following:

[Arthur's Gambler Hat - Uncommon, S-Rank]

The hat of a man wanting to atone for the sins he has done by giving those he cares about a life that he will never have. When worn, adds 50 LCK and 20 CHA.

Durability: 700/700

[Smoke Stack Proposition - Uncommon, A-Rank]

A mix of classic and modern, this triple-barreled machine gun has a walnut stock. Oversized and extremely heavy, it is savagely powerful in the right hands. {Warning!} If STR is not above 40, it will cause a 2% DEX reduction for every point under the recommended STR.

Damage: 350 HP per bullet

Ammo Capacity: 300 Rounds per magazine

Rate of Fire: 13 Rounds per second

Reload Speed: 5 Seconds

Durability: 800/800

[Titanium Vest - Uncommon, C-Rank]

A black double lapel dress vest with multiple titanium plates in between the cloth. Inconspicuous and stylish. Reduces damage received by low caliber weapons .35 and below by 90% and .36 rounds and above by 70%. Comes with a free stylish dress shirt.

Durability: 250/250

My eyes widen a lot when I look at the gear that has been given to me. This is some good starter gear from what I can see. I almost fangirled when I saw Arthur's iconic hat in my possession. And it gives me 50 LCK and 20 CHA too! My smile can't get any bigger when I put it on and I see my LCK stat grow immensely.

LCK (3) → (53)

CHA (12) → (32)

Going along with the western theme I put on the dark green dress shirt in front of me before strapping on the vest.

I feel safer with this on me already.

Though, I will need to get a matching pair of pants and boots since I kinda look ridiculous wearing these starter brown pants and dirty boots.

When I grab the machine gun, I immediately realize that this is going to be a bigger problem than expected until I reach that 40 STR.

I can feel that DEX reduction already. In fact, judging by my calculations, since I lose two percent per point of STR below the recommended, I am at a forty-four percent reduction to my DEX which means that I am just a tiny bit over 5 DEX.

And just like that, my mood soured. I put it in my inventory just so I can have my 4 points of DEX back.

I don't want to be fucking slow. I always loved speedy characters because of how fast they are and seeing my already pitiful DEX stat get even smaller is just upsetting.

Though, I do remember I got a horse awaiting my command. So how do I call him or her to my side?

Let's see if a whistle will work. No? Okay then let's see, uh… Horse come to me!

I am met with a pillar of fire erupting in front of me. And one of the most majestic looking horses appears in front of me. Fur that is a nice burgundy with a mane and tail that is like a continuous stream of fire.

And that's not mentioning how fucking big he is! He looks like he can carry a small family on his back with ease!

And his stats…

Horse of War

Gender: Male

Affection: 10

Thoughts about you: Curiosity

HP: 2300 [76 Per 5 Seconds]

SP: 2300 [76 Per 5 Seconds]

STR: 180

END: 230

DEX: 90

Would you like to name your horse?

Yes Please! "Okay then uh how about Valentino?" I ask my horse.

The horse shakes his head and groans.

Okay, so that one is a no-go. Let's see… Something good and that fits with you…

"How about Guerra?" I ask again, hoping for a better response.

Increased Affection with Guerra 20/100 (+10 for giving him a good name.)

The horse excitedly nods his head and snorts in agreement.

Your horse's name is now: Guerra

Are you sure?

Yes. And now that that is out of the picture, let's get out there exploring bud!

Guerra seems as excited as I am since he's blowing a lot of air from his nostrils and begins to tap on the floor rapidly. He grabs me by the back of my vest and flings me on his back.

Well, that's one way to get on my horse.

"Nevermind that though, let's go through this forest and see what awaits us!" I proclaim as my horse begins to gallop in high speeds through the wilderness in the forest.

As Guerra gallops, I survey my surroundings for anything that seems like civilization.

To my relief, once I got out to a clearing, I see smoke rising in the distance from the cliff I am now on.

Quest Added

[A Taste of Power]

Objective: Kill the bandits in their camp. (0/20)

Reward: Information, 5,000 gold, Common Loot Crate, and the spoils of the camp.

Bonus Objective : Kill all of them within 3 Minutes.

Hidden Objective 1: ?

Hidden Objective 2: ?

Oh okay, I see how this is. Well better get it over with! "To the camp!" I tell Guerra who chuffs and jumps off the cliff. "Wait wait wait!" I feel my heart stop for a quick moment before seeing my horse gallop down the steep cliff without hesitance.

As he gallops down the cliff, an idea hits me. While the machine gun penalizes my DEX due to not having high enough STR, that isn't the case with Guerra since he has my stats times ten.

Pulling it out of my inventory, I steadily hoist Proposition to my side. "Run down as all those you see! I'll handle those that survive!" I tell Guerra, who neighs in excitement, increasing his speed to newfound levels.

Guerra is {Extremely Motivated!}. All physical stats are boosted by 25%!

"Oh ho ho ho ho! Now that's what I'm talking about!" I roar out, the grin in my face threatening to split my face. As the camp of bandits becomes visible, I don't even hesitate to shoot those away from Guerra's trajectory.

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

That's four people down! Sixteen more to go! You shouldn't have been grouped up at that tent!


You have leveled up! You are now Lv. 2

You have gained 5 Stat Points!

Exponential Combat Improvement activated! Fallen enemies stats and skills now being allocated into yours!

STR (18) → (82)

END (23) → (98)

DEX (9) → (91)

INT (14) → (94)

WIS (10) → (100)

CHA (32) → (98)

LCK (53) → (84)

Guerra's Stats Increased!

STR (180) → (820)

END (230) → (980)

DEX (90) → (910)

Oh, I know for a fact I'm on a power high right now, but I don't care.

As the Great Slayer has said many times before, RIP AND TEAR!

"BOSS! ENEMY HAS ENTERED OUR CAMP! HE'S KILLED FOUR OF US ALRE-ACK!" The bandit is silenced as Guerra tramples over the man before running through the tent that the man was heading towards.

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

Exponential Combat Improvement activated! Fallen enemies stats and skills now being allocated into yours!

Ignoring the notifications of the massive stat boosts I'm getting, I jump off Guerra and swing Proposition towards one of the nearby bandits, whose head explodes when the gun's barrel impacts said cranium.

+15 EXP!

I see many of the bandits begin to retreat into the forest, but that's not going to stop me and especially not Guerra.

I rush towards them, and when they get in my line of sight, I merely aim and shoot.

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!


You have leveled up! You are now Lv. 3

You have gained 5 Stat Points!

Exponential Combat Improvement activated! Fallen enemies stats and skills now being allocated into yours!

This… This is Power…

I can't believe I have been missing out on something like this my whole life! Every person I kill, every scumbag that succumbs to my wrath…

Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this.

My train of thought is interrupted as a pillar of fire erupts from Guerra's location.

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

+15 EXP!

Exponential Combat Improvement activated! Fallen enemies stats and skills now being allocated into yours!

And that makes eighteen of them. Two more left. I wonder where they are?

"Stop right there you bastard!" And there we go. Turning around, I see a bandit coming out of a shack that I didn't notice was there before holding a naked woman hostage while he points a gun at me.

Poor lady… she's been abused a lot from what I can see, and are the Achilles tendons cut? [Observe].

Gorinu, The Bandit Leader, Lv. 8

Reputation: -100

Thoughts about you: Hatred, Terrified

HP: 280/280

SP: 280/280

STR: 38

END: 28

DEX: 34

INT: 32

WIS: 38

CHA: 27

LCK: 27

Jennis, Captured Girl, Lv. 2

Reputation: 10

Thoughts about you: Scared, Hopeful

HP: 40/70


STR: 3

END: 7

DEX: 2

INT: 12

WIS: 9

CHA: 12

LCK: 2

Ok so this guy is the leader, and I can't believe I missed that shack between those trees.

"Alright you son of a bitch, this is how it's going to go down, you are going to drop your weapon, or this bitch gets it!" The bandit leader exclaims as he aims the gun at the lady's temple.

Alright, it looks like I'm in a bit of a pickle here. While I know for a fact that I am much stronger than this prick and faster, until I know my limits, I don't want to risk the woman's life in doing something stupid.

"Alright, you made your point. Just let the girl go." I state, slowly crouching down and setting Proposition down. To the corner in my vision, I see a black sharp rock that looks like obsidian. [Observe]!

Obsidian Rock

Igneous rock occurring as a natural glass formed by the rapid cooling of viscous lava from volcanoes. It can be used for crafting.


Finally setting Proposition down, I swiftly and discreetly grab the rock and tuck it into my sleeve before slowly getting back up.

"Alright, Now I'm going to walk away, and you are going to stay there while I take this lady with me." He states, his eyes having a wild glint in them as he walks backward while holding the girl hostage.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that." I state as I lower my hands to my side, calculating the trajectory so I can hit him with the rock.

"HEY HEY HEY! If you do anything, this bitch will get it!" he exclaims as he puts pressure on the lady's temple with the gun's barrel.

"Guerra!" I call out and bursting through a tree near the man, my horse rears and towers over the bandit leader. The bandit leader screams in fear as he looks away from me and points the gun at Guerra.

My time to shine.

I throw the rock with great accuracy, hitting the intended target being the dumbass' wrist. The rock broke through the sound barrier and basically blew off the man's hand.

Okay, that's something I didn't intend to do, but hey, can't argue with the results.

He screams in agony, letting the poor woman go. I sprint towards her as I see Guerra about to trample the man into mush, grabbing her before she becomes an unintended casualty.

After grabbing her and ignoring the 25 EXP and stat boosts I got from Guerra crushing the bandit leader, I take a careful look at her. She reeks of cum and blood. Her amber hair is disheveled, her eyes sunken after crying so much, all the cuts and bruises that mar her body, the lack of clothing leaving nothing hidden to my eyes.

She's so pitiful… I need to get her somewhere safe. I put on a gentle smile and look at her kindly. "No worries. You are safe now. No more bandits are left." I reassure her.

"The others… they are in the shack…" she hoarsely speaks, lightly gripping onto my vest.

I give her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'll help them as well. Just leave it to me-."


New Skill Acquired

Detect Bloodlust (Passive) Lv.1/50

When someone wishes to harm you, you will know. It can detect within 10 meters and they must be obvious of their intent at this level.

Shit, someone's that close by. I whirl around and check my surroundings to see where the enemy is-

A katana is inches away from my face before I kick off the ground and get some distance from my enemy. In front of me is a short man with black hair worn in a top ponytail with his clothing resembling that of a samurai. Despite just trying to cut my face moment's ago, he has an easygoing expression on his face; a twig in between his smug lazy smile. [Observe]!

Izou, Wandering Deranged Swordsman, Lv. 73

Reputation: -10

Thoughts about you: Prey

HP: 7360/7360

SP: 7360/7360

STR: 976

END: 736

DEX: 882

INT: 156

WIS: 175

CHA: 179

LCK: 154

Holy shit this is bad! His stats and level are absurd! What are mine at right now!?

Faust, The Gamer, Lv. 3

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 3240/3240 [54 every 5 Seconds]

SP: 3240/3240 [54 every 5 Seconds]

MP: 4020/4020 (LOCKED) [812 Per Minute]

EXP: 120/200

STR: 413

END: 324

DEX: 362

INT: 402

WIS: 406

CHA: 373

LCK: 214

Shit, this is bad… is what I would say if I didn't have Guerra! Since his physical stats are basically mine times ten, then I have the means to overwhelm this Samurai Jack rip off.

"Oh? I knew you would be wonderful prey. I mean, after all, I was only able to kill one before you took the rest away from me to quench Kousetsu's thirst." The man proclaims as he holds his blade steadily as I gently drop the lady behind me while Guerra stays by my side. "I, Izou, will see to it that you satisfy Kousetsu! She is quite thirsty you know?"

"Guerra, distract him until I get my gun back, then come for me. Don't use your full power. Give him false hope." I state, with Guerra nodding in acknowledgment as flames erupt from his mane and tail, rushing towards the swordsman who calls himself Izou.

Using this short window of opportunity, I sprint towards my gun and reach it just as Izou strike's Guerra at the neck before my companion retaliates by shoulder-checking him with a headbutt.

699 Damage! HP: 6661/7360

I can see and hear Izou grunting in pain as he is thrown a good distance away from us, probably not expecting Guerra to be so powerful.

"I see… So you are a Teigu User huh? I, Izou, have never heard of a Teigu like this one here." Izou states, spitting out the twig in his out, rolling his injured shoulder a bit just as Guerra comes to my side and I jump onto his back. "However, with such capabilities, Kousetsu will be even more pleased when she drinks your blood!" He exclaims in joy as his eyelids open, revealing red eyes with black sclera.

Detect Bloodlust has leveled up!

Wait a minute…


As in… Teigus from Akame Ga Kill?

Well, that answers that question. No time to dwell on it though, looks like Izou is back on us again.

He jumps in the air with his sword in its sheath ready to be drawn. It looks like the Iaido form of Swordsmanship, so he's probably building up some power in his blade or some shit like that while he's doing that.

Let's see if he's fast enough to dodge automatic fire!

I fire Proposition at him while he's in mid-air, and while sure he's deflecting or dodging almost all of them, three bullets did hit him which is more than enough for me.

350 Damage! HP: 6311/7360

350 Damage! HP: 5961/7360

CRITICAL HIT! 700 Damage! HP: 5261/7360

Izou is {Crippled}! Due to getting shot directly on his kneecap, he has lost mobility of his left leg! DEX reduced by 50%!

Even with him losing over two thousand hit points, he still doesn't let up since he roars and pulls out his blade to strike me.

Even so, before he can even get that blade even close to me, "Guerra! Full power now!" Guerra weaves around the attack with unexpecting speeds and swings his head like a pendulum and collides it towards Izou's exposed ribcage.

CRITICAL HIT! 2755 Damage! HP: 3206/7360

Izou has {Severe Internal Bleeding}! Fragments of his ribcage have punctured his lungs and grazed his heart, causing him to lose 50 HP per second!

Izou is sent flying like a ragdoll as his body skips across the ground before skidding to a stop once he hits a tree a couple hundred meters away.

Even from here, I can see that the man is greatly struggling to get up, using his blade as support while his left leg is completely useless, and all the more he is coughing and hacking globs of blood, swaying side to side as he tries to regain his balance.

As Guerra slowly trots towards the dying ronin in front of us, I can't help but feel proud of my companion here. Apparently he's been by my side since before I began my life as a Gamer, and even then when I first brought him out, he already had some form of affection for me.

While I'm normally terrified of horses, I think Guerra is my rare exception in life.

"Guerra, when this is all said and done I am treating you to all the mares you want and an all-you-can-eat buffet!" I tell my companion, really proud of carrying me throughout the battle since I know for a fact I would have been already dead if not for him.

Increased Affection with Guerra 40/100 (+20 for giving him the best rewards.)

Without wasting any time, Guerra blitzes towards the dying ronin who seems to be putting up one last attempt to take me down.

"You coward…! To hide behind your Teigu like that…! You are Pathetic…! " Izou calls out hoarsely as he aims a stab straight into Guerra's chest, but Guerra rears up and smacks the blade out of his hands before bringing down his hooves onto Izou's head.

FATAL! 2706 Damage! HP: 0/7360

+36,500 EXP!

Exponential Combat Improvement activated! Fallen enemies stats and skills now being allocated into yours!

You have leveled up! You are now Lv. 17!

EXP: 1995/6850

Need 4855 EXP more to reach Lv. 18!

For reaching Lv. 10, each Lv. will now give you 10 Stat Points!

You have acquired 115 Stat Points!

Quest Complete!

[A Taste of Power]

Objective: Kill the bandits in their camp. (20/20)

Reward: Information, 5,000 gold, Common Loot Crate, and the spoils of the camp.

Bonus Objective: Kill all of them within 3 Minutes.

COMPLETED! Reward: 10,000 gold, Common Loot Crate *4.

Hidden Objective 1: Escape Izou.

FAILED! No rewards are given.

Hidden Objective 2: Kill Izou before he joins Wild Hunt.

COMPLETED! Reward: 100,000 gold, Rare Loot Crate x1, Kousetsu.



Of all the places I get thrown into, it has to be the world of Akame Ga Kill. I only watched the anime and I know that the anime diverges from the manga, and even then I don't remember much- wait a minute.


It's all coming together…

Is.. this a perk of high INT or WIS? I'm pretty sure this a perk for either of those two or maybe both?

I remember Tatsumi. How he went to the Empire along with his friends Sayo and Ieyasu to make money for their village. How Aria and her family killed Tatsumi's friends and many others before them. How Tatsumi joined Night Raid, a group of assassins each of them with Teigus serving under the Revolutionary Army in order to take down Prime Minister Honest and in turn The Empire.

Akame: The silent aloof assassin with the cursed blade Murasame.

Leone: The sexy blonde bombshell with the teigu Lionelle.

Bulat: The gay man with the pompadour and the original owner of the armor teigu Incursio.

Sheele: The clumsy ditz with the scissor blades teigu Extase.

Mine: The petite pink-haired tsundere sniper with Najenda's original teigu Pumpkin.

Lubbock: The fellow pervert with the versatile teigu Cross Tail.

Chelsea: The girl who can hide in plain sight with her teigu Gaea Foundation.

Najenda: The leader of the group, with the badass biological teigu Susanoo.

If I want to have a guaranteed chance of survival in this world, then looking for Night Raid would be my best bet.


I'm not going to do that.

I have the chance to fuck canon over like how this empire fucks over its citizens and I am NOT going to let that go to waste!

I am going to build my own group. Find people with talent and get them to be stronger than ever! Turning around, I look at the woman named Jennis, currently covering herself with a blanket as she is kneeling near the barracks looking terrified.

Hmm… after killing all those bandits and the wandering ronin Izou brutally, I have no doubt that she is more than wary at the sight of me, even if I haven't done anything to her so far.

Getting off Guerra, I walk in a calming manner towards her as Guerra slowly trots by my side. I take Arthur's hat off of my head and place it over my chest, letting her get a good look at my face. "I think it's time to get you and those other girls somewhere cleaner than this dump." I state as I place Arthur's hat over her head before picking her up and placing her on top of Guerra. "Don't worry. I'll keep all of you safe." I assure her, placing the best genuine smile I can muster.

I enter the shack, seeing four girls all huddled up together in fear as they begin to tremble when they see me get in. "As I said to the lady outside, you all are safe now. I'm going to take you all to a doctor." I assure them politely as they look at each other hesitantly before putting on whatever rags that can be called clothes before they too cover themselves with blankets.

I gently nudge them out of the shack and they find themselves surprised by the size of Guerra. If even people in the world where Danger Beasts exist get surprised by the size of my horse, then I can't even imagine going to a place where there are only regular sized animals.

After picking each of them up and setting them on Guerra's massive frame, I take a look at the camp and see that it is relatively unscathed if one ignores all the dead bodies lying around.

Well… time to plunder.

Faust, The Gamer, Lv. 17

Class: Horseman of War Lv. 17/100,000

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 10600/10600 [177 every 5 Seconds]

SP: 10600/10600 [177 every 5 Seconds]

MP: 5580/5580 (LOCKED) [1162 Per Minute]

EXP: 1995/6850

STR: 1389

END: 1060

DEX: 1244

INT: 558

WIS: 581

CHA: 552(+20 w/ Arthur's Gambler Hat)

LCK: 368(+50 w/ Arthur's Gambler Hat)

Currency: 115,000 gold

Stat Points Available: 125

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and I hope all of those who enjoyed it look forward to more!

As you all have hopefully read and not skipped to the end, this gamer has a really OP ability that will over time, essentially allow him to steamroll through any competition.

So long as he is prepared for it of course.

Once again I would like to thank Shiro and Vishnu for creating such awesome fanfics that inspire many people to write their own and thank you for giving me the inspiration and motivation to write this.

Well anyhow, Thank you so much for your time and I will see you all in the next chapter! After writing One Piece for so long I think this is a good change of pace that I need so that I don't burn myself out with my other fics.



November 2, 2020

 Chapter 2: Champ it up!

Man… that took a while…

While the women's stares unnerved me for a bit, in the end I was able to get everything useful out of the camp.


You have Obtained:

[Steel Sword *4 - Common, C-Rank]

A sword made of steel by the average blacksmith. Great for beginners.

Damage: 25 + STR*2

Durability: 100/100

[Steel Axe *3 - Common, D-Rank]

An axe made of steel with a wooden handle crafted by the average blacksmith. Takes lots of practice to be proficient with it.

Damage: 30 + STR*3

Durability: 75/75

[Steel Spear *7 - Common, C-Rank]

A steel spear with a wooden pole as a base that has been crafted by the average blacksmith. Has great range for a melee weapon.

Damage: 20 + STR*2

Durability: 90/90

[Longbow *5 - Common, B-Rank]

A bow made of hardwood. Has great range for taking prey out from a distance silently.

Damage: Arrow Damage + STR*4

Durability: 125/125

[Basic Arrows *55 - Common, E-Rank]

The ammunition for the bow. In desperate times, can be used as a knife substitute, if a bit more fragile.

Deals 50 Damage when used as a projectile, 10 Damage as a melee weapon.

Durability: 10/10

[Magnesium Rapier - Common, B-Rank]

An incredibly lightweight stabbing blade made of magnesium alloy. Surprisingly durable despite its size. User's attacks are 15% more likely to cause critical hits.

Damage: 40 + STR*1.5

Durability: 185/185

[Empire Standard Issue Automatic Pistol - Common, C-Rank]

A regular pistol that is standard equipment for the standard Imperial Soldier.

Damage: 30 HP per bullet

Ammo Capacity: 13 Rounds

Rate of Fire: 6 Rounds per second

Reload Speed: 2 Seconds

Durability: 150/150

[Pistol Magazine *5 - Common, E-Rank]

Extra ammunition for the standard empire issued pistol.

[Empire World Map - Common, A-Rank]

A map of the Empire and the nations that surround it. Using it will unlock the minimap feature for this world.

[300 Gold - Common, A-Rank]

The currency of the world.

[Bag of Jewelry *2 - Uncommon, D-Rank]

A bag filled with the jewelry of nobles and wealthy aristocrats. Contains precious metals such as Silver, Gold, and Platinum along with Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, and Emeralds. Can be used for crafting or sold for cash.

[Torturer's Beginner Tool Kit *1 - Uncommon, C-Rank]

Entry-level torture kit created recently by Esdeath for those who want to start the lovely profession of being a torturer.

[Tents *5 - Common, E-Rank]

A regular tent. Nothing special here.

Durability: 30/30

[Chest of Expensive Garments - Uncommon, E-Rank]

A chest that is full of expensive clothing from nobles and wealthy aristocrats. The clothing is but of the highest quality in terms of status. Most of the garments in the chest are not known for being comfortable. Can be sold for cash or be used for crafting.

All in all, for a first-time plunder, I'd say this was a great experience! I put them all together in one spot and because I am not an idiot to so blatantly use my inventory skill in front of so many people, I strip all dead bandits from their garments and use them to make an oversized loot bag to hold the items in until I can find a safe place to just put them in my inventory.

The one thing that kinda made me a bit disappointed was the little amount of gold I got from looting the camp.

I mean I don't want to sound greedy, but after all the rewards and gold I have gotten from the Game, the amount I collected from the camp was… underwhelming to say the least.

Eh, it's whatever. As I haul the massive bag over my shoulder, I can see that the women I saved look at me wide-eyed at such a feat.

I mean I would too if I wanted to look like some bumbling idiot in front of them by being surprised by my own strength.

Ugh… That's the thing with the gamer power in my opinion. Depending on which world you end up in, you may end up getting too strong too fast.

Kinda like me at the moment.

If the baseline for the average joe in this place is between 1-15 stat points per stat, then I am way beyond that with my mental stats already being in the mid-hundreds and that's not mentioning that my physical stats are in thousands now.

And this all happened in a few minutes of killing a group of bandits and the autistic swordsman that was going to join Wild Hunt originally.

Speaking of Wild Hunt…

Syura. His Teigu if I remember correctly basically allows him to use a weaker version of Minato's Hiraishin on his opponents so long as he has the stamina. That teleportation plus the trump card of having its own pocket dimension…

I want it. And I will have it.

Quest Added!

[To Kill The Predecessor, Kill The Successor]

Objective: Kill Syura

Reward: The Teigu Shambhala, 250,000 gold, Epic Loot Crate, Greatly Increased Reputation with The Revolutionary Army, Gain Perk {Protector of The Defenseless}.

Bonus Objective: Have him notice you and try to recruit you.

Hidden Objective: ?

Well game, you sure know how to make one feel special now don't you?

"Um… sir?" my attention is brought to one of the girls, the smallest of the five with bright green hair. Hmm… [Observe].

Dina, Rescued Foreign Girl, Lv. 3

Reputation: 30

Thoughts about you: Hopeful, Curious

HP: 25/30


STR: 2

END: 3

DEX: 10

INT: 8

WIS: 14

CHA: 15

LCK: 10

"Yes?" I respond, looking at her inquisitively.

"Where are you taking us to?" she asks, making me look at the minimap in the corner of my vision.

"The closest place that resembles civilization. There's a village near a big town called Joyou so I am hoping that I can get you all patched up there before taking my leave." I respond, looking at the recommended trail that the game has set for me to reach my destination in the shortest amount of time.

"You… are you going to leave us alone?" one of the other girls questions, fear evident in her tone of voice. A quick use of [Observe] tells me that the black haired girl's name is Sumiya.

"That was the plan, yes. None of you are fighters and weak as you are now. Taking all of you along with me while I try to accomplish my goals is tantamount to suicide and makes this rescue pretty much worthless." I explain bluntly since while I can probably mold them and make them be the first of my group, I won't be able to do that effectively with them in such a disheveled state.

I don't have any medical skills yet so it's not like I can just take them with me willy-nilly and everything will be okay.

The other two, whose names are Raquel and Kesis, seemed a bit pensive, looking at one another before Kesis decided to speak up. "Can't you stay with us a while longer?" She asks while the other one nods, making me sigh in slight frustration at these girl's persistence.

"Okay, to make this easier on all of us, can you tell me your names please? I'll start with mine. My name is Faust." I start off, just so that way I have a reason for knowing their names.

"My… My name is Jennis." the amber-haired woman whom I lent my hat to says.

"I am Dina!" The short girl with bright green hair proclaims

"My family has given me the name Sumiya." The yamato nadeshiko-looking lady says softly.

"I am Kesis and this is my sister Raquel. She can't speak just a heads up." The dark blue haired woman speaks as her sister nods rapidly before lifting up her head to show a long, thick, jagged scar that's on her neck.

"Right. Now that that is out of the picture let me ask you all something. Don't any of you have family members you can go to?" I question, since I find it rather odd that they are being this persistent with wanting to be by my side.

At that they all seem to be crestfallen, each of their eyes adopting a far away look. Dina is the first to speak up. "My parents were killed by some of my racist relatives after they found out about their relationship. I've been going village to village before being captured by those bastards." she states as she shrinks into herself.

"The Prime Minister took away my mother and my sisters for his sick pleasures. My dad tried to fight him, but he got killed for doing so. I was the only one who was able to escape because I hid in the pigpen." Jennis states as she holds the hat I have temporarily lent her tightly against her person.

"My family lives far east. I doubt I would be able to survive on my own trying to go back. Especially when I was sold by them in the first place." Sumiya states with disdain.

"Raquel and I have been orphans for as long as we can remember." Kesis replies while holding her sister's hand tightly.

Man why do they have to appeal to my soft side! God dammit now I feel bad for trying to ditch them. I mean I'm still going to do it anyway but now I can't do it while having a clean conscience.

Wait a minute… How about a compromise? I think that would work. No scratch that, it will definitely work, one way or another. I am pretty sure that subconsciously these ladies know that I am not one to mess with, and that try as they might they will hold me back and I can't afford that.

"Look, I'll come back in six months after dropping you all off to get some medical attention. If you all can impress me, I'll take you all with me." I state, wondering what they are going to say next.

Increased Affection with Jennis, Dina, Sumiya, Raquel, and Kesis 50/100 (+20 for giving them time to prove themselves.)

Increased Obedience with Jennis, Dina, Sumiya, Raquel, and Kesis 30/100 (+20 for giving them time to prove themselves.)

50 Reputation Award - Jennis

Perk Gained: {Speed Is Bliss}

Increased Affection, Reputation, and Obedience for characters whose highest stat is DEX.

50 Reputation Award - Dina

Perk Gained: {Small is Justice!}

Increased Affection, Reputation, and Obedience for small chested characters.

50 Reputation Award - Sumiya

Perk Gained: {The Ideal Image}

Increased Affection, Reputation, and Obedience for people of very traditional backgrounds.

50 Reputation Award - Raquel

Perk Gained: {Mute Understanding}

Increased Affection, Reputation, and Obedience for mute characters.

50 Reputation Award - Kesis

Perk Gained: {Multilinguist}

Increased Affection, Reputation, and Obedience for those who speak multiple languages.

Damn 50 rep with all five already!? Man and I just got here! I feel like this is too easy so far… and I genuinely don't like it when it gets too easy.

It's like something very difficult is coming.

Nevertheless, we continue towards our destination and reach the village. It actually looks pretty well maintained all things considered. The local hospital was actually pretty easy to find as well. As we near the hospital, I hitch Guerra and leave my bag of loot with him before turning my attention to the girls. Picking up each of the ladies off of Guerra, I grab Jennis last since she can't really move due to her achilles tendon being severed.

As we head into the hospital, the receptionist looks up towards me and has a surprised look on her face. "I take it that these ladies need medical attention?" She inquires, taking a good look at all of them.

No shit Sherlock. "Yes. I just saved them from a bandit camp. Don't know how long they have been there, but it's evident that they were there for far too long." I state as I dig into my pocket and pull out a bag full of 1,000 gold. "Will this suffice?"

She opens the bag and I see her eyes pop out in shock. "S-sir? T-This is too much!" She stammers as she stares longingly at the gold.

"I'll throw in an extra 500 gold if you can give these five ladies the best treatment possible." I state as I hand a smaller bag of gold and place it into her hands.

Her demeanor changes instantly. "Sir, with this, we can do more than just help them here, we can take them to Joyou's main hospital! Let me just get the doctors quickly!" She exclaims as she goes and runs off towards the door behind her.

I let Jennis down onto a chair. "Okay this is it. I'm sure they will treat you all well over there." Well I hope they do. I apparently gave them too much money and if I find out that they have died in their care…

Well… in this world many villages and towns disappear via the politics of the world. What's one more?

As I reach for my hat, Jennis presses it tighter on her head. "Uh… I will be needing my hat back." I state as I grip on the brim, only for her to hold onto it even tighter.

She better not be doing what I think she's doing. "C'mon, I promised that I will be back in six months. Hell, I was even planning on giving you all some of the weapons I got from the camp as well as some gold for each of you. Surely that's enough." I reply as kindly as I can physically muster, only for Jennis to curl up and press my hat firmly onto her chest, meeting my gaze head on.

My eye twitches.

I am being VERY generous here. Hell, I am going out of my way to help each of you. I am giving you what many people out there for sure would kill to have and I am sure many already have.

All I want is my FUCKING hat back!

Y'know what? Call me petty, but I am NOT losing 50 LCK and 20 CHA to keep a girl happy.

I rip the hat out of her grip faster than she can realize. I am not happy with her little stunt, who does she think she is? Just because I am a decent human being who went out of his way to help someone in need doesn't mean you can take advantage of my kindness.

"We'll pretend like this didn't happen okay?" I state seriously as a place the hat on its rightful place: my head.

Increased Affection with Jennis 55/100 (+5 for showing her the kind of man you are.)

Okay what the actual fuck!?

I was expecting to lose affection not gain it! What the hell is wrong with her?

You know what? I haven't been here for long and I already want a break.

I walk out of the hospital reception room and am about to take the massive bag of loot when I realized that there is a knocked out person next to my bag with Guerra looking quite prideful.

I give him a wide smile. "So how about those mares huh?" I ask him as I grab the bag of loot and discreetly put it in my inventory. "Question is though, with your size, how are you going to be able to even mount them without crushing them?"

At my question, Guerra was practically glowing with anticipation. His body shifts into a much smaller frame, with his burgundy coat turning a much more brighter crimson color while his mare and tail turns into actual black colored hair instead of those powerful flames of his.

"Okay then… I guess I shouldn't keep you waiting then." I say before he grabs me by the vest and puts me on his back before running in a random direction. "Wait, where do you know where you're going?" I ask Guerra.

He lifts his head triumphantly as he lets out a long snort.

Did I even need to ask.

The Next Day…

Guerra went through twelve different mares by the morning, each of them laying on the hay completely exhausted by Guerra's stamina.

I know I said I would give you as many mares as you wanted but…

-3,600 gold

I didn't think that they would be this expensive! And why did you have to choose the stable in which The Empire gets its horses from!? I look at the big brawny man in front of me who is looking at me with an expression that is a strange mixture of wanting to strangle me to death while also being so happy that he wants to engulf me in a hug.

I'm guessing that he's happy that his mares got inseminated by one of Guerra's caliber since Guerra has shown to be a horse of incredible stamina. But i'm also sure that he's pissed by the fact that he exhausted twelve of his mares to the point of collapsing.

Guess he really cares for the horses placed under him.

Though that begs the question: Can Guerra have offspring? I mean he is a male horse, but he's also an aspect of the conceptual manifestation of War.

We'll get there when we get there I guess.

Anyhow, after I got myself out of that debacle along with a very satisfied Guerra, I decided to head out towards the outskirts of the village to make the women I saved individual care packages that will hold the necessary tools for each of them once they are all healed up.

Though, it looks like when I finish making the packages I get hit with an alert.

You have created [Faust's Basic Care Package - Uncommon, C-Rank]!

A Care package created by you! You have put in care and effort into your package for those who you desire to give them to. Contains weapons and money for them to use as they please.

Well would you look at that. Even if all I did was just used some of that expensive fabric to wrap said weapons and money, it still created an item that has been recognized by the game.

Good to know.

As I get them all set up, I decide to head back towards the hospital to give them these gifts of mine to them. Heading back into town, I am surprised by the sudden amount of children that surround my horse in awe.

He ain't even big this time so what's the deal?

"Hey mister!" my trail of thought is cut when one the kids calls out to me. "What kind of horse is that? Some kind of new breed? Will there be more like him going to the military?"

Well I see no reason to lie, but I also know to omit some information. "Well my good friend Guerra here is a war horse. The strongest of his kind in fact. And I guess you could say that he comes from a breed that is in a league of its own. As to if there will be more like him in the military, that remains to be seen now doesn't it buddy?" I respond before framing my last sentence to Guerra, who seems to hold himself higher for each compliment I give him.

Increased Affection with Guerra 45/100 (+5 for telling the kids how great he is.)

I let out a chuckle at the air of superiority that Guerra is giving from all the praise that not only I gave him, but the kids are now giving as well. "How would you all like to ride on him?" I ask, getting multiple excited chants from them in return.

Increased Affection with Guerra 50/100 (+5 for giving him the chance to prove to these children how much of a superior horse he is.)

50 Reputation Award - Guerra

Perk Gained: {Cavalry Support}

When on your mount, You and your surrounding allies get a 25% bonus to their stats plus a 50% Bonus on HP/SP/MP Regen. These bonuses do not affect your mount.

Must not lose control. Must not lose control. Must not lose control. Must not lose control. Mustnotlosecontrol-!

My thoughts were cut off by a gentle, mature laughter coming from behind me. Looking behind me, I get a glimpse of someone who I never quite expected to see. [Observe]!

Run, Village Teacher, Lv. 54

Reputation: 20

Thoughts about you: Happy that you are going out of your way to entertain his students.

HP: 1450/1450

SP: 1450/1450

STR: 54

END: 145

DEX: 174

INT: 669

WIS: 608

CHA: 623

LCK: 424

Well hello. I never thought I would ever call a man beautiful, but seeing Run in person… he is the literal definition for it. I just keep getting surprised here now aren't I? "Ah, hello there! I assume you must be these childrens' teacher?" I inquire, even though I already have the answer.

"You have assumed correctly. My name is Run. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He states, his smile never wavering.

I get off Guerra in order to see him eye-to-eye, though it seems that I am much taller than him, which I have noticed to be a recurring theme for the most part. As much as I want to know how tall I am, I put that thought in the backburner as I go to shake his hand. "I am Faust, It's nice to meet you and your students as well." I reply.

I turn around to see the Guerra is gently picking the kids up and putting three of them at a time as he gently trots around like a show horse, giving the kids a nice gentle ride throughout the area.

This goes on for a good hour, as Guerra gives each of the kids a chance to ride him both in groups and individually, Me and Run watch from the side as we make small talk with one another about everyday, mundane things.

Before long, I had to take my leave. I have to give my packages to Jennis and the others before it's too late and I'm already on a tight schedule as it is.

Walking towards there though, A flash of colors from the corner of my eye catches my attention. A fat obese clown looks to be entertaining the people surrounding him as he smiles joyously at them, particularly towards the children in the crowd.

Champ, Serial Child Rapist Murderer, Lv. 63

Reputation: 0

Thoughts about you: Doesn't know you exist.

HP: 15590/15590

SP: 15590/15590

STR: 495

END: 1559

DEX: 444

INT: 95

WIS: 83

CHA: 31

LCK: 211

Oh this fucker… While I have never read the manga, I do know of this guy.

He kills Bol's family after violating his daughter.

He's going to die by my hands… one way or another.

Quest Added!

[The Ballad of Gacy]

Objective: Kill Champ

Reward: The Teigu Big Leaguer, Rare Loot Crate, 50,000 gold

Bonus Objective: Kill Champ in one hit.

Hidden Objective 1: ?

Hidden Objective 2: ?

I silently walk away, heading back towards my destination, still intending to pass on my packages.

Though, now that I know that he is here… I need to make a plan.

This bastard won't live to see tomorrow.


Sitting in my rented room, I call out my [Inventory].

[Kousetsu - Rare, S-Rank]

A sword that once belonged to the delusional ronin known as Izou. There's nothing special about this sword except for the fact that it is of exceptional quality, capable of going against teigus with a skillful enough swordsman. Critical Hits do triple damage.

Damage: 840 + STR*5

Durability: 4,800/4,800

[Rare Loot Crate]

A blue crate filled with a random item from a random world that is of the rare variety.

[Common Loot Crate *5]

A grey crate filled with a random item from a random world that is of the common variety.

Well, might as well get these crates open.


You have obtained the following:

[Graphene Cloak - Rare, X-Rank]

A 5mm thick cloak made entirely of graphene threads weaved into each other. Insanely durable, it is 200x stronger than steel. Impervious to all but the strongest of ammunition, reduces kinetic and thermal damage by 100%, though can only take as much thermal damage as the user can handle as the material absorbs the heat. Can be used for crafting.

{Warning!}: This material is a superconductor. When worn, electrical attacks ignore defense and do quintuple damage.

Durability: 25,000/25,000

[Vial of Suicide Plant Neurotoxin - Common, SS-Rank]

A Vial containing the neurotoxin of the Dendrocnide Moroides, also known as the Suicide Plant. The poison is so agonizing, that many who get the poison into their system consider committing suicide to end the suffering. Can be used for crafting or coating onto your weapon.

Durability: 10/10

[Carbon Fiber Gauntlets - Common, A-Rank]

Gauntlets made of carbon fiber. Lightweight and durable, these gauntlets increase punching damage by 20%.

Durability: 520/520

[Men's Levi's 559™ Stretch Relaxed Straight Fit Jeans - Common, F-Rank]

Relaxed, straight fit jeans produced by the company Levi's. Provides all day comfort. Comes in the color black along with a belt.

Durability: 40/40

[Steel-Toed Combat Boots - Common, D-Rank]

Boots with Steel weaved into the toe area. Kicks to the testicular area do 10x more damage.

Durability: 60/60

[Crate of Ammunition - Common, B-Rank]

A crate full of ammunition of your primary gun. Holds enough ammunition for ten magazines.

My smile widens when I see the loot I have been given. I immediately equip the new pair of pants and boots before putting the cloak on my person. I then reload Proposition before strapping the machine gun on my back while Kousetsu is strapped on my waist. I put the vial and the remaining ammunition away along with the shoes and pants I had on originally.

Okay, got all of that ready… [Status]!

Welcome to your Status!

This is the place where you can see not only your stats, but also the perks you have gained. You can gain perks either through quests, increasing or decreasing reputation/affection, and even just increasing your stats to 100, 250, 500, etc.

Oh yeah! There's also extra information about yourself that you can check out as well!​

Wait a minute? I get perks once my stats hit a certain milestone!? What were they!?

Perk for reaching 100 STR: {Dense Muscles} - Your muscles are now much denser than ever. Physical attacks now do 30% more damage and have a 45% critical hit bonus.

Perk for reaching 100 END: {Body Regulation} - You have a higher understanding and therefore control over your bodily functions compared to the average person. HP & SP and their respective regeneration rates are now doubled

Perk for reaching 100 DEX: {Circus Acrobatic} - Your body's flexibility has increased substantially. You gain a 35% bonus on dodging your opponent's attacks.

Perk for reaching 100 INT: {Eidetic Memory} - While not photographic memory, it is near there. You are able to recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once. Through this perk, you unlock the [Copying] skill.

Perk for reaching 100 WIS: {Tactician} - A skill for carefully planned strategy to achieve a specific end. Your strategies now have a 50% higher rate of success.

Perk for reaching 100 CHA: {Charismatic Aura} - For some reason people just can't help but be attracted to not only you, but what you represent as well. You have a 60% higher chance to convince someone to be your ally.

Perk for reaching 100 LCK: {Consistent Improbability} - You know what's lucky? Getting consistent results in a game of chance. You have a 77% higher chance of getting what you want on things based on chance.

Perk for reaching 250 STR: {Second Wind} - Some People die when they are killed, some people don't. Instead of dying your body's HP will be brought back to 30% while HP and SP Regen is tripled. This can only be activated once per battle.

Perk for reaching 250 END: {Iron Body} - Your body has broken through the limits set by a regular body to achieve such toughness. Damage taken reduced by 40%.

Perk for reaching 250 DEX: {Contortionist} - You have reached the pinnacle of flexibility, being able to twist and bend your body to your desire. SP Cost for physical attacks and defense reduced by 55% and chance of evasion has increased by 45%.

Perk for reaching 250 INT: {Discoverer} - Things that would not make sense for even the brightest minds make sense for you. So long as you have the materials you need, your creations will essentially have infinite potential. Crafting options have been expanded.

Perk for reaching 250 WIS: {Finding the Pin} - There are times where you are left in an impossible position with an impossible choice in which even some of the mightiest begin to lose hope. Now however, you have the chance to realize that very miniscule sliver of a chance of success into a reality.

Perk for reaching 250 CHA: {Mesmerizing Voice} - Your voice has such an otherworldly attraction that one can't help but be mesmerized by the weight your words carry. Your chances of convincing someone to your side has doubled!

Perk for reaching 250 LCK: {Second Chance} - When the going gets tough, sometimes luck is all you need! Any hit that would originally guarantee death to you either misses entirely or gets stopped entirely through a random sequence of events. Can only be activated once per combat situation.

Perk for reaching 500 STR: {Concussive Combat} - What's even better than beating the everloving shit out of your enemy? Beating the everloving shit out of them from afar! You can send out invisible explosive projectiles through your punches and kicks.

Perk for reaching 500 END: {Regeneration} - Usually when one loses a body part, they tend to lose it forever. With this however, any damage received is regenerated shortly, regardless of the damage. Your HP & SP Regeneration is boosted by END X 150.

Perk for reaching 500 DEX: {Sky Walker} - When one says the sky's the limit, they tend to mean it metaphorically. This is certainly not the case for you. You can move around in the air as easily as you can move on the ground.

Perk for reaching 500 INT: {Telekinesis} - Your brain has evolved to the point that you move and lift things with it! The amount you can carry in kg is INT X WIS.

Perk for reaching 500 WIS: {One with the World} - You are one with the world, and the world is one with you. Animals ranging from normal to mythical understand your importance and bow in your reverence. Your connection with the world allows you to 'see' without flaws or error as to what is around you, making it impossible to surprise you as long as you maintain your connection. [Animal Taming] Skill is automatically boosted to Lv. 400.

Perk for reaching 500 CHA: {Flawless Body} - You are the literal definition perfection in human form. Almost everyone will see your body as the ideal one and those that don't will begin to think otherwise. It is 4x easier to increase your reputation/affection while 2x harder to decrease it.

Perk for reaching 1000 STR: {Pincer Grip} - Your hands are the motherfucking strong! You have attained the power of a nigh-unbreakable grip. Has many applications that I will leave up to you. If used as an attack, Damage is STR/Per Second. Per Hand.

Perk for reaching 1000 END: {Pain Suppression} - Pain lets you know when to quit, but with power such as yours? It is merely just a hindrance. When activated, it allows you to ignore the sensation of pain so you can think clearly, continue to move, ignore torture and generally function in situations where the pain would disable a normal person.

Perk for reaching 1000 DEX: {Accelerated Vision} - When you need a little extra time to figure out what in the world is going on around you. When this perk is activated, Time slows down by 95%.

Bonus Perk for reaching 1000 stat points on all physical stats at the same time: {Herculean Physiology} - Named after the Demigod Hercules, Your body has ascended to newfound levels never before seen in the world you are in. HP/SP and is increased by END X 500. Physical attacks do 50x damage. Any attack under a certain threshold will not do any damage whatsoever.

My eyes popped out of their sockets.

-60 HP!

No literally, they actually did. Shoving them back into my skull, I ignore the additional 300 HP I lost while trying to do so as I take a look at my stats.

Faust, The Gamer, Lv. 17

Class: Horseman of War Lv. 17/100,000

Race: Human(?)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 1,070,600/1,070,600 [26,853 every 5 Seconds]

SP: 1,070,600/1,070,600 [26,853 every 5 Seconds]

MP: 5580/5580 (LOCKED) [1161 Per Minute]

EXP: 795/1450

STR: 1389

END: 1060

DEX: 1244

INT: 558

WIS: 581

CHA: 552(+20 w/ Arthur's Gambler Hat)

LCK: 368(+50 w/ Arthur's Gambler Hat)

Currency: 108,900 gold

MP Regen = WIS X 2

MP = INT X 10

SP/HP Regen = END X 304

HP = END X 1020

SP = END X 1020

What… the… actual fuck!?

This… It can't be this easy…

Where's the fucking challenge when I can just steamroll through everybody!

Nonononono calm down calm down… no need to tempt the higher powers for spewing some dumb shit.

Just… take it in stride me… take it in stride…

Ugh… for fuck's sakes! At this point I'm pretty sure I am strong enough to take down the empire myself! If not immediately, then when I kill enough mooks to take down Honest, Budo, and Esdeath!

Well, my plans haven't changed for the most part. I'm still thinking of a name for my group, but nothing is popping up. Eh, once I've gathered enough I let them choose the name. I'll probably train them up to be at Night Raid's strength whether or not they end up getting teigus of their own.

Okay, enough of that, let me see what skills I have accrued from killing those people. [Skills]!

[Axe Proficiency](Passive): Lv. 22/1000

Your ability to handle an axe. You are but an average joe in the art. Axe related attacks cost 5.5% less SP to use.

[Polearm Proficiency](Passive): Lv. 30/1000

Your ability to handle a polearm. You are an intermediate in the art. Polearm related attacks cost 7.5% less SP to use.

[Sword Proficiency](Passive): Lv. 96/1000

Your ability to handle a sword. You are a master of the art, particularly in the form of Iaido. Sword related attacks cost 24% less SP to use.

[Long Range Weapon Proficiency](Passive): Lv. 44/1000

The art of murdering people from a distance. You have a guaranteed chance of hitting a stationary target, a 88% chance of hitting a moving target, and a 44% chance of hitting them exactly where you intended.

[Torturing](Passive): Lv. 15/100

The art of getting information out of someone through the use of pain. You are a novice in the art of torture.

[Animal Taming](Passive): Lv. 400/1000

You have a natural affinity for animals. Animals have a sixth sense on who to trust and you are one of them. Wild untamed animals are Guaranteed to trust you and domesticated animals are likely to obey you rather than their owner. Mythical Beasts or those of unknown origins find you to be an ally rather than food.

Dungeons containing animals can be completed without killing any of them, as they would rather give you the rewards.

Okay now this is… definitely something I can work with.

My smile widens the more I reread the [Animal Taming] skill. I basically have the power of Noah in my fingertips.

To test it, I extend my arms out, mentally calling out any bird out there to perch themselves on me.

I got more than I wished for.

My entire hat is completely covered in birds, all of them in many shapes and sizes while my arms are no different.

Even then, I can see many of the birds that couldn't find a spot to perch on me instead surround me in the trees.

Definitely a great power.

"I want you all to search the village for a big man with white face paint who wears bright red and blue colors. The one who finds him comes back to me while the rest of you discreetly keep your eyes on him." I command, and in a single synchronized motion, the birds fly away towards the village in search of Champ.

I guess being overpowered isn't so bad.

Later in the Night with Champ…

This place is so wretched.

Filled to the brim with such ignorance of these filthy adults.

But that is why I am here.

I have a mission to fulfill.

A mission to have such young angels stay angels. They don't need to see how bad it is out there in the real world.

Not when I am there to give them such a euphoric experience.

I overheard a teacher talking to his students about leaving the village for a day or two while he leaves them to their devices.

Such an opportunity… brings a blissful ecstasy in my very core.

I can just imagine how… thankful these children will be when I am done with them.

The sheer thought gives me giggles.

"Ah pardon me sir, can I have but a moment of your time?" I hear a refined voice speak beside me.

I whirl around, completely taken by surprise at this new face in front of me. 'He's beautiful…' I can't help but admire looking at the tall, cloaked man from the ground up. Even with that hat of his shadowing much of his features, I can tell immediately that if he were a child I would've pounced on him immediately. It's such a shame that he is a fully grown man now.

If he was as beautiful as a child as he is now, he would be the most beautiful angel he has ever seen.

That I am most definitely sure of.

Shaking my head of such thoughts for this already detestable man, I give him my old jolly smile. "What can I do you for mister?" I ask him.

The man takes off his hat, finally getting such an amazing look on his face as he smiles such a beautiful smile. "I was wondering if you would be interested in entertaining some children I have camping along with me?" He asks me as he places his hat over his heart. "The entertainer I had hired for them originally got sick at the last moment, so I have been left in quite the conundrum." The man suddenly gasps in slight surprise before giving a small bow. "Ah forgive me, I seem to have forgotten my manners. My name is Faust. May I ask for yours kind sir?" The man named Faust says as his increasingly loving smile gets wider.

"Not to worry! My name is Champ! I will bring those kids memories that they surely won't forget!" I proclaim joyously as Faust beams happily at me.

"Wonderful! Were just a good fifteen minutes away from the outskirts of the village! I'm sure it won't take long if you follow my lead however." Faust exclaims happily as he begins to lead me into the forest.

It's as if the gods have heard my wish and have agreed that what I am doing is right! Children in the middle of a forest that is far away from all those wretched adults? This is truly a blessing for me.

As for their caretaker Faust… hmmm… he might be a delectable appetizer before the main course.

As we walk and continue towards our destination, I can't help but notice the amount of birds in our area.

Was it always like this?

Eh… I got better things to think about, like in what ways I should caress and lick the heavenly bodies belonging to all of those heavenly angels awaiting for my arrival.

Once we get into the forest, I notice the campfire in the distance and I can't help but get eager to seeing my prize getting ever so closer.

"You seem very happy Champ. You sure love children don't you?" Faust asks innocently as he looks down into my eyes as he gives me a smile that I can't help but to like more and more.

"Oh I do… More than anything… They make me feel… complete." I respond, imagining all of the little angels I have sent to heaven this year alone.

Oh those memories bring me such joy!

Faust suddenly pauses, making me pause as well when I see the pensive look on his face. "Strange…" he begins as he places his hand over his chin. "They would usually be making such rowdy noise by now, I wonder what happened?" He states as we both look at the camp surrounding the camp fire.

He is right, it is very quiet.

"Maybe they are in their tents?" I say to Faust, who looks at me with a brightened look on his face.

"You may be right, Champ. Would you be willing to help me wake them up if they are in their tents?" Faust asks me.

Waking up such beautiful angels from their peaceful slumber? How can I say no to that?

As he heads towards the right side of the camp, I begin my search in the left side. Strange… there's no one here in this tent. Maybe they might be in the oth- no they are not in this one either.

Though I do notice a pair of frilly underwear hiding under the pillow. I quickly glance towards Faust's direction only to see him looking in one of the tents, completely concentrated on finding the missing angels.

Grabbing the pair of underwear, I give it a deep sniff. Ah… smells like rosemary… such a wonderful smell.

Wait a moment, the longer I take smelling this wonderful article of clothing the longer it will take for me to find my little angels! I must hurry!

In the end though, it seems that neither of us could find the children. Was this man lying to me? He better not be lying to me or I will be mad.

And he will not like me when I am mad.

"Oh!" Faust yelps in surprise as he looks at me happily. "They must be playing hide and seek! Such a fun game if I do remember." Faust reminisces as he looks towards the darkness of the forest. "Hey kids! We know what you are trying to do! I have brought us a new friend here! His name is Champ and he is it!" Faust calls out as he looks at me happily. "Would you like to be it, Mister Champ?" he asks me kindly as he places his hand on my shoulder.

And now it begins.

My Heaven.

"Be ready my beautiful angels! I am Champie the Clown and I am coming to find yo-!"

Why's the floor getting closer?

When I wake up, I feel incredible pain.

I can feel my mouth open as I try to scream, yet the only sound coming out is that of air exiting my mouth…

What's going on?

When I try to move my hands, all I feel is something pinning them down.

Same thing when I try to move my feet.

No… I will get out of this. I am Champ! I have a dream to fulfill and I won't let this get in the wa-!

A blunt object hits me on my groin, making me writhe in agony as I try to scream as loud as I can.

"Oh shut the hell up you damned pedophile." a voice snarls as I lift up my head to see who is the one who has me nailed down on a table like some kind of lab rat.

Faust is staring me back in anger and disgust.

"You know, I have always been wanting to do that to you ever since I first heard of you." He strikes my shin, shattering it as I scream once more.

"I have never understood why many people find the screams of their enemies so satisfying. Personally I just find it annoying." He goes for my other shin, shattering that one as well.

"That's why I had your voice box removed so to speak." he pulls out a knife as he drags it through my head from the back of my scalp all the way to my nose.

I am filled with such pain that it has eclipsed all of my other experiences by far. "Oh, I should let you know that my knife has been coated with a neurotoxin that will make this experience much more painful for you I'm afraid." Faust says earnestly before chuckling to himself. "Oh who am I kidding, I am going to enjoy this so much."

"Let's start with the nails and work our way up from there." He says as he grabs my hand and rips it off the nail pinning my hand down.

I try to resist, but the moment I do, he crushes my shoulder with a punch.

Please… please stop! I didn't do anything wrong!

"Any more unnecessary movements and it's bye bye to your little champies~!" Faust states in a sing-song voice as he grabs some tweezers and begins to roughly pull out my nails.

Why…? Why is this happening to me?

"…And that is twenty! Now that didn't take so long now did it?" The monster with the angelic voice speaks to me as his eyes glow a sickly orange.


This vile creature then pulls out a jagged saw before placing it over my wrist.

"Oh you don't need to worry." He begins as pressure is now being applied.

"I'll make this hurt as much as I can!"

"Now that you have no hands, let's begin with the feet!" The demon speaks as he puts the saw over my ankle. "With swollen feet such as these, I am doing you a huge favor."

Mama… I want my mama…

"I think I should give your face a makeover. That make-up of yours is quite atrocious." Faust states as he points that thing of his to my face.

My teigu… where's my teigu…?

"Looking for these?" and suddenly in Faust's hands are my teigu.

Big Leaguer.

"Sadly, they are mine now, and there's nothing you can do about it." he replies as he puts them away in a flash of blue before suddenly having that cursed blade of his back in his hand. "Now where should I start… The left eye, the right one, the nose? Or maybe one of your ears? SO many options to choose from…" he smiles at me as he begins to wave the blade around my face.

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. I wonder where this knife will go? If he hollers, I won't let him go. Eeny, meeny, miny..."

He plunges the knife straight into my eye.


Please make this stop…

Anybody… somebody…

Please stop this monster from hurting me anymore…

"Y'know, I have always wanted to do liposuction on someone before. And I think you are the perfect candidate for that. Thank whoever gave you that 1500 END for this taking so long."

Mama… mama… maaaamaaaaa…

Help meee…

"Why the long face? I thought clowns such as you were supposed to be happy in any situation?" Faust mocks as he pulls out the weird yellow purple stuff out of my body.

"I know! How about a permanent smile?" He says as he begins to put pressure on my cheek. "You know what? Just in case…" he pulls out some pliers from his pocket and forces my mouth open before the pliers grabs onto one of my teeth.


END (4255) → (7