
You can handle that later, capsicle. I believe the main concern is tied as to why I'm approaching you of all people when I could have spoken to Tinman himself despite the little hate I have for him," I rekindled the conversation once more. "And that is tied to a member of your group. Someone that, as much as I hate to say, needs to die."

I was caught off-guard when I felt his hand slam onto my neck and start strangling me. The symbiote started to form around my body, but I forced it to wait and not rush to completely cover me as I left my head and parts of my upper body exposed.

"Why?" He demanded to know, understanding that I was allowing him to be in control as a reason to trust me. I needed his trust for the big shit I was asking him to close an eye to. And I knew I was going to risk a lot if I didn't get that chance out for today. I had left Criti in a reinforced prison of web that was meant to last 24 hours, but I was still unsure about how it was going to hold against any struggle on her part.

"It's the queen, Steve. The Skrull have discovered the way to make their infiltration perfect, except for knowledge that is more practical," I explained without being too lengthy, dropping part of my usual personality just to make it simple for him that I wasn't trying to play any games about it. "I just have to ask two questions. Two simple questions and the answer will validate if I'm lying or not."

"What if you're wrong?"

"I will come out and say I'm wrong. I don't plan anything invasive as the second best way would draw blood after inflicting just enough trauma to the infiltrator. But I will not do any of that," I admitted with a serious look. "I know what risks I'm asking you to take, sir. But I wouldn't be asking you of all people to take those if I didn't know these are worth it."

My hand unconsciously went to my neck as I was let go from that chokehold.

"Alright. But you will have to… promise me that you will leave the headquarters until you've answered other questions beyond that," He remarked and I nodded.

"Can be done, but I will not join your group since… I'm trying to handle this matter on my own," I commented flatly. "Plus, bad rep for having Venom join your crew means no Puny Parker coming to your side when he realizes that he has fucked up."

"What do you mean? What do you know about… Spider-man?"

I sighed, deciding to give him just a bit of what will probably happen… if I don't do something about it.

"Stark is cooperating with the Kingpin to find out where some of the criminals are here in New York. Plus you," I gave him that special info. "This relationship has allowed Kingpin to have a lenient approach in jail, and that allows him to speak with his representatives when he needs things to move here in Manhattan. A hit has been already placed on Peter Parker, but Mary Jane Parker and Maybelle Parker are in that list too."

Giving me an apprehensive look, I could tell from a mere glance what he wanted to know.

"And I will do things to prevent deaths from happening. But I will make it so that Parker understands how shitty of a choice that was. 'Nice suit, but I don't think it can save your friends and family from snipers.'"

Cap didn't speak about it, troubled but not entirely willing to extend further thoughts on the matter as we finally arrived at our destination. Old warehouse in the middle of the city, it was supposedly a decommissioned base of the S.H.I.E.L.D. that Nick Fury knew about and got Cap and his Secret Avengers housed there.

The place had been fixed so it could also have equipment Stark wasn't going to find with his scanners while also giving them the edge to still move and do things all over the US and beyond. The entrance was mostly empty, with the small hallway that led to the main room devoid of life… or so I thought.

It was instinct that drove me to raise my hands up as I felt the end of a rifle's barrel pressed against my back. For some reason the Spider-sense just failed me on this occasion, but I could distinctly feel a minor headache now that I thought about it. Just a small one.

"Who would have thought Brock would have forgotten his black tights for a kid to start wearing them," A rough voice spoke up. "Rogers, who is the brat with the Symbiote?"

I could have made so many jokes in that moment regarding a long and sturdy thing pressing on my back, but I held back due to how deadly that sounded in that very moment. I didn't need to look behind me to know Nick motherfucking Fury was the guy doing that and...

Don't call him Daddy Nick! Don't call him Daddy Nick! Don't call him Daddy Nick!

"What's the answer that doesn't see me getting blown apart by a… Sonic gun?"

"A smart one too. Still, is the kid clean?"

"He is good," The blond replied tiredly, finally ripping off the fake mustache from his face. "And he brings… news. But we would need- I don't think you mentioned who you needed to dispatch to deliver the info."

"Spider-woman, it's Japanese and-"

"I speak Japanese too," Fury interjected. "You may tell me this t-"

"He will talk with Jessica," Steve firmly stopped the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., gaining a surprised look from him.

"What?" A bewildered look appeared on the man's face as he finally stopped pressing the gun on my back and walked around so he could get a better look at us. One eye, just like the MCU, but he was white and… well, a tough Sarge from the Marines in a very high-position than anything else. "What is going on, Rogers?"

"Infiltration of the Green-skin kind. Actually, I believe you can do the honors since you know Japanese, Mr. Fury," I commented quietly, gaining a tense look from the military man. "I ask you to do me a huge favor. I need you to ask Spider-woman 'are you dumb' and 'what is your name' in that language while telling her that it's top-secret coding in Japanese that she has to decipher."

"That's… dumb."

"The infiltrator isn't prepared in Earthly languages, English being her strongest right now."

"But what if Jessica forgot?" Steve argued and, much to our combined surprises, Fury snorted in disagreement at this notion.

"That's a fat load of bullshit, Rogers," The former director pointed out with a 'colorful' take on the response. "Agent Drew is experienced in Japanese, and I doubt she would mistake something that simple, no matter how long it's been since she spoke that language."

I was glad to have two allies instead of one, but it was the time of the truth. Fury switched to his normal guns, deciding to trust Cap for trusting me and calling on the infiltrator to finally come at the entrance and speak with us. The smaller the place of combat, the lesser the chances of Veranke getting out of there alive.

Still donning her spider-woman suit, Queen Veranke approached us with a calm approach… until she noticed me. I doubt she knew that I was Venom, but I could tell she was trying her best to remember who she was dealing with. Possible pawn? Trouble for the invasion? Only a direct intervention would have determined if I was a treat or not.

I was staring at her alright… because who wouldn't? Big breasts, hourglass-shaped body- Jessica Drew was, all in all, a 8/10, with She-Hulk being a 11/10 due to inherent thick thighs and large tits potential.

Still, those are but the hopes of a guy with a dream and a boner with many questions tied to it.

The why boner... it returns with a vengeance! Hopefully without Avengers coming to attack its deeds of personal conquest...

"Director, any reason for the sudden call?" She inquired to the one-eyed badass.

"Important info from our informant here. A secret project that Stark started in Japan, only two sentences just now that we believe might help," Nick went through the act without breaking coherence and keeping himself serious through it. "First is 'Bakajanaino' and second is 'Onamae wa nan desu ka'."

Steve tensed up just barely as Jessica regarded us with a frown.

"I don't… recall the specific meaning of these words. I would have to check back and-"

"I don't believe it would be needed," I interrupted with a serious hum, looking at Nick Fury with a curious look. "Does that suffice?"

"..." He didn't reply, holding back a grunt as he readied his gun, gaining a surprised look from the woman.

"W-What is going on?"

"First sentence is translated as 'Are you stupid?' and the second one is 'What is your name?'," I explained to her with a flat tone, her eyes on me. "I will answer that last question myself."

Her eyes narrowed, but I managed to speak fine.

"Queen Veranke, Empress of the Skrull Empire. Your Secret Invasion dies before it can start."

"I-I don't understand-"

"Your cult, Dard'van, is an extremist part of your Empire. You were born in it, shaped by it, and also condemned because of it by Emperor Dorrek VII," I added without hesitation, her mask collapsing with each word I let out. "You came here to try and bring a 'glorious' end to your empire. But first Earth has to fall to satisfy the little slight Tony Stark and Reed Richards caused a few years ago."

"I'm impressed," She muttered, her voice changing to something silkier and... scary. Dommy Mommy scary. "I wonder who betrayed me but… it's too late. You will have to die by accident… and I will have to prepare new infiltrators."

I saw her start to form bio-electricity by her palms, preparing to blast us all and try to make a run for it. That was a brilliant plan if she hadn't failed to take into account the worst thing possible for her to make as a mistake. She left herself exposed for a quick attack. I didn't blame her, with her skin as tough as it was, no bullet or shield would have delivered enough damage to hurt her. But I wasn't planning to just hurt- No…

It was time to kill!

Forming a reinforced claw on my left hand, I delivered a ferocious uppercut that saw the sharp ends of my fingertips slam into her jugular and pierce into her head and brain. Sudden, instantaneous, but still something that she felt and that left her in the most frightened look possible.

The damage was so devastating and so deadly that her blood barely kept red as the trauma started to kick him really fast and forced her infiltration ritual to snap and reveal the true color of her life liquid. Green flowed down to the floor as her skin changed back to its original color.

"Y-You're him. The- The bane of the Skrulls."

"I'm still confused. There is really a prophecy about me?" I asked, unfazed by the gore I had caused, and having to hold a grin at it. "I'm not a big fish- at least, not yet."

"C-Curse you."

"Say hi to Mephisto to me then, big green," I replied mirthfully before retracting the claws and letting her fall in the puddle created with her blood. There was silence at first, then I hummed.

"So, I suppose now you will help me kill the rest of the infiltrators within your group? I kind of have a schedule to follow…" I pointed out at the two other men, making it clear that I had that bet to cash in and get me to the next step of my own plan.

But first… more murdering and then chatting with some freedom-fighters. I could already feel my Inner Uncle Sam demanding me to go to Vietnam and corrects a few wrong.



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