
Stewart is the one to carry me. I suppose that only makes sense. Turns out that without the ring on I retain my mild vertigo. It's not a fear of heights so much as it is a fear of depths. Thank you, Rincewind. The journey is quite short; although I'm voluntarily blindfolded for it. A flash of bright white light and a mechanical voice reading off names gives me some suspicion as to what's going on, however.

When the green blindfold came off I found my feet were resting on a nice carpet… somewhere. It was hard to tell. Looked just like an office building. I resisted the urge to look behind me but I did notice that Batman didn't seem to be around.

"Recognised; Wonder Woman, zero three." The light flashed again and this time I did turn. Sure enough, there was Diana walking out of a large metal tube. Seems I knew where I was. Not when, of course, but almost certainly where.

I didn't resist when she put a hand on my shoulder and gently moved me out of the room. Didn't recognize the corridors, or the carpets. Expected I would've. Maybe they'd remodelled? Or hadn't, as the case might be. It felt almost like an office building.

More than that, I really didn't foresee where we ended up. It was just like a bog-standard conference room. Nice carpeting, soft chairs, a good round table. Diana sat opposite me, Stewart to one side.

"We'd like you to explain what happened earlier, from the beginning, in your own words. Then we'll try and decide what to do." I nodded. Seemed reasonable enough to me. Stewart chimed in as well; he was, from memory, the most polite Lantern I could've gotten. Much better than Jordan, and apparently the ginger one was just a bit of a dick.

"You've been cooperative, and that is a point in your favour, but you showed up in a restricted area with something very dangerous." So they were a bit wary. That was fair. I started, in a halting fashion, to explain everything I could. At some point Stewart got up to get me a glass of water. Probably could've done it with his ring, but perhaps he was trying not to put me on edge.

There wasn't a lot to tell, although I had to spin it a bit. That was a particular talent of mine. Not lying, since I had no doubt Diana was good at seeing through those even without the lasso, but presenting the truth in a particular way.

I'd woken up in space with the ring fixing me up. Once we'd gotten through the details of that, and my description had made the Green Lantern a little greener, I went on to describe how I'd scanned for planets and made contact with earth. My downloading of a few publically accessible databases wasn't something I made a secret of, although Stewart seemed concerned by it.

In the end it all came down to the Joker. I'd managed to imply that I'd come across him during my research on the planet and the Contempt effect had spiralled from there. They seemed to accept that. However, there was something I did need to make clear.

"In the end, what I did to him was still my choice. It can't… it didn't generate feelings for me whole-cloth. Just made me more susceptible to them. On some level I had to believe in what I was saying or doing." Diana hadn't really stopped looking a little sombre this whole time, but she did grow a little worse at that. I hurried to clarify.

"I really don't think you're bad people! Or that you mean any harm. It's just... " How could I put this to them in a way they would understand? Not agree with, necessarily, but at least grasp where I was coming from. "Look… could I have the lasso again, please?" That seemed to surprise them.

"I did not intend to put you under it again after your earlier… reaction. It seemed unwise to re-expose you." I shake my head. No, that just won't do. They'll never be able to fully trust me without it. Batman would eventually want me to do it again anyway, if I knew anything about him.

"Without the ring on I'll be fine. So I need the lasso, because I need the ring back, and the only way you'll trust me with it ever is if I say stuff under the influence because as far as I'm aware it's the only artifact around that can force the whole truth out of me." Stewart raises an eyebrow and leans over the table a bit.

"If you're hoping to convince us to give it back you aren't doing a great job, kid." I sigh, leaning on my forearms. Can they keep it from me, really? I don't know. Surely they have some sort of homing function. I should've thought of that earlier, but taking it off hadn't been part of my plan.

"Lasso. Please. My story is a little fantastical otherwise." Diana shares a look with Stewart but, eventually, she accedes to my request and gently lays the lasso about me again. This time it feels far less unpleasant. Kind of warm, in fact. I close my eyes for a moment and think about what to say, and how.

I start at the beginning. My full name, date of birth, location of birth; suggesting that Stewart take a moment to look it up while I talk. He seems to do so, and I continue as a bewildered expression begins to grow on his face. I elaborate somewhat as to my life before this moment, what I last remember doing and then, the big thing.

"So, I fall asleep in my bach on the Kaipara and wake up in the Mars-Jupiter asteroid belt with a power ring on and most of my body being stripped to the bone by constructs." Hah. That got a jolt out of Stewart there. "When I went to sleep I was a slightly overweight, very white, vaguely ginger young man with glasses. Current President was still Barack Obama, current Prime Minister of New Zealand was John Key."

"None of that is true here." Stewart has been flicking through a green screen projected from his ring for the past few minutes. I'm sure he's right; case in point, myself. Near as I can tell the ring decided that since I partially self-identify as being Maori I ought to look the part. I'm also a lot more ginger than I looked before. With my old glasses still on that must look rather odd.

"Yup. The last two bits are even more unbelievable. The ring isn't from here either. It told me that it was undergoing construction when it was hit with a Bleed Fracture Weapon. Tore through time and space, by way of my dimension, and dumped me out into space. I was the nearest source of Contempt, I think, so it latched on; but I can't be sure.." Part of me had been wondering if anyone else had come through with me. If they'd suffocated in the void while I was still unconscious.

I'd have to go back and check later. Or… maybe not, actually. I didn't want to know. "It was also just recently twenty-sixteen when I left. Early January." Stewart shakes his head, projecting something for me to look at. A newspaper image?

"First of July, two-thousand and ten. Welcome to the past, kid." Not quite. I frowned and pushed the news image to one side. That wasn't quite accurate.

"The last thing is that none of you exist where I came from. No aliens on Mars, no Kryptonians, the Amazons were real but they died out a long, long time ago and Atlantis is an ancient fable by Plato that's become the new 'Holy Grail' of New Age Woo-Woo." Ah. That sincerely startled them. After a few more perfunctory questions they took the lasso back and left me there, albeit with refreshments and the television remote, to discuss in private.

I flicked through news channels for a while. It was just what I expected, for DC. Nothing about my antics in Gotham, but plenty of disasters, supervillains and… huh, alien invasion in a coast city just the last week. Maybe it was worse than I thought.

The next person to come in was Batman; perhaps an hour or so later. He sat down opposite me and crossed his arms. Seriously, was this how he got criminals to confess? The man made me feel guilty just by watching. Eventually he spoke; likely seconds before I cracked under the pressure.

"Your ring. I took it over to Star Labs for some analyses. It destroyed quite a few very expensive instruments when we tried to scan it." I shrug, but say nothing else. It's not like I ordered it to do that. He regards me with some scrutiny before unfolding his arms and relaxing a bit. "We are considering returning the power ring to you, conditionally." Yes! That was what I liked to hear. I could feel myself smiling; but I wasn't out of the woods yet, because Batman held up a hand to forestall my enthusiasm.

"I would like you to speak with a psychologist, first and foremost. Then we'll negotiate from there. This is a difficult situation for all of us; you lack any legal identity in this world. In a very real way your entire existence is dependant on our good will." Knowing Batman, that wasn't meant to be as much of a threat as it sounded like.

"That seems… fair. I assume you have one in mind." He stands abruptly and move out of the room; obviously intending for me to follow. I do so, trying to glean our location from the surroundings. It's all quite neat, almost like an office building, but looks nothing like what I remember of the 'Hall of Justice', or whatever it's called here. I consider asking but decide that might give too much away.

The therapist, as it turns out, is Dinah Lance; aka Black Canary. I don't let on that I recognize her, at least I hope not, but Batman probably picked up something. At least I have an excuse prepared for if he does ask. He doesn't yet, though; instead just leaving me in a nice office with a sea view that I have a sneaking suspicion is fake with a cheerful older woman.

That thought came out dirtier than I intended. Still. She directs me to sit down in a comfortable chair and we start talking about me. There's a lot to talk about. If this world is even remotely like the comics then I must be a shock for her; a real person with real issues. So I'm open. We talk about depression, about why I think I'm a bad person and why all my friends insist I'm not, about my feelings of helplessness when faced with problems I can't solve.

There's certainly an odd look on her face at the end of it all. Meanwhile, a thought has occurred to me. I look over at Dinah with a faint frown.

"Is this really helpful to them? Aren't you supposed to hold what I say to you confidential?" I think she looks pleased. Without the ring on my ability to accurately judge people's emotional states has been severely diminished.

"Yes, there is a certain degree of confidentiality but we have a system in place." I roll my eyes. Sure they do; and it's probably, 'Batman owns the computer so he gets to see whatever he likes'. She notices that, however, and shakes her head. "Not like that. Batman completed the requisite training courses, so he's licensed as well. I can share this with him, if you're willing, as a… consultation. He'll keep it confidential as well."

Huh. Bat-therapist, eh? That's… a little surprising. Now that she's said it I can see why he'd do that, though. Must be good when he's taunting villains. Really lets him get under their skin. Or, perhaps, he genuinely wants to help them; although I feel the ship has long sailed on most of those fronts.

"Alright then. You can tell him, I don't mind." She stood up and took a scrap of paper then wrote on it. I took it when offered and found it had her name, and phone number. "Whatever they decide, you can feel free to call me if you need to talk." Then I found myself being lead back to another room, this time by an inconspicuously armed guard.

Instead of another member of the Justice League I found myself meeting with a proctor for some examinations. Quite simple, he told me, and just designed to gauge my approximate education level. When I asked why, and as to the purpose of this place in general, I was informed that this was a special facility for testing potential applicants to the League; not the actual 'Hall of Justice' itself.

The tests were easier than I expected. My beliefs meant the ring hadn't been able to touch large parts of my brain directly, but it had done something to me because I found the information I reached for coming far easier than it ever had. I was only able to manage Mathematics up to mid-Secondary level even then, but my English scores were easily University quality. It felt weird to actually be able to write an essay and feel confident about it.

Then there were a battery of medical tests. They took blood samples, skin samples, hair samples, took my blood pressure, checked my pulse while exercising, and more besides. At the end they told me that my body was, frankly speaking, perfect. Everything was optimised to the extreme, and then some. They also confirmed the existence of strange biological architectures in my body put there by the ring, but didn't know what they were.

However; after I'd informed them I didn't feel pain and they'd carefully taken a slice of skin from my arm to study in depth, with permission, I noticed that it had scabbed over rather quickly. When one of the nurses came to wash my arm and bandage it they found that, to their great surprise, it was already healed. That lead to a quick theory by one of the Doctors who eventually stuck a needle into my spine to extract the contents of one of the odd new organs I had.

In the end they gave me the green light for health and promised to keep me appraised of any developments; plus I finally got some actual clothes. Afterwards, I was escorted back into a room with a League member. Specifically, Green Lantern Stewart. This felt more like it would be more of an interrogation than an interview.

"I've spoken with the Guardians about you." Ah. He'd told the Smurfs. My improved recall was reminding me of a lot of unpleasant things about them that implied I might just like to keep myself, and my ring, away from them. "They wanted me to hand over that Power Ring to them." Nothing else said. Just watching me, eyes glowing green. If his ring wasn't feeding him my biometric data then I'd be very disappointed in him.

"But you said no." He slightly inclined his head. Not quite a yes, but not quite a no either. "Well, I'd hope you did; it's not yours to give, or theirs to claim. I surrendered it to the League under the assumption I would, well, get it back." There's a moment of silence and then he makes a projector construct. On the far wall from us it put out a full-colour display of a laboratory somewhere, the Puce Ring sitting quiescent on a table.

The machine above it activates and shines a light down upon it, there's a flash of Puce energies and then the scanning device explodes. I wince. That… looked really, really expensive. My ring then rises and slams into the wall. Said wall cracks. It does so again, until a green bubble surrounds it; Lantern Stewart is on screen, containing it. He seems to be struggling to do so.

"That thing is a weapon. A very powerful weapon. You're just some random kid from another world. What makes you think you can claim it?" This… doesn't feel like a real question. He's already made his choice about what to do, and now wants me to either justify it to him or change his mind. Probably not the latter. Will is stubborn.

"Because it's mine. It chose me. I might as well ask what right you have to yours. It's not one they or any of theirs made, nor is it even from this universe, and nor am I. Even if I was…" I look hard at him, although I can't really match an adult superhero for grim stares just yet. Still, I've wanted to bring this up for years. "It's not like you have any legitimate authority here anyway." Much to my surprise, that brings him up short.

"What do you mean by that?" Wait, seriously? He's never considered… or noticed. Wow. That's, uh. Okay. I don't know whether to laugh or pity him.

"So you've never noticed that you work for an interstellar paramilitary group that acts on foreign worlds without oversight or permission?" Ah, he bristles at my… well, I'd call it an accusation but it's really an observation more than anything.

"One of the principles of the Book of Oa is acting within the bounds of local authority." Yeah, that's true. Except he forgot about the last little bit, didn't he? 'Within reason'. Still, I'm not going to win this argument. Not without a detailed look at what the Guardians have really been doing here.

"Yeah, fair enough then." I could bring up the Paladin Fallacy; is he Lawful, or Good? Is the Law more important, or doing the right thing? But then we'd end up getting into a debate on absolute versus relative morality and, given I'm literally in a universe where Hell exists, I'm not sure I can win that debate either. Hm. I'll have to add that of my list of things to do. "Even so. It's not yours to take."

"He's right." The door didn't open. I know the door didn't open because I was facing the door. Batman doesn't seem to care about that. No powers my recently-browned ass. He must have ninja magic. It's the only possible explanation. "It's not ours to take. However, in light of your psych report you must understand why I'm disinclined to let you have it back…" My head dips. Well, looks like I'm going to have to do something drastic. "... without some conditions."

… nevermind then. I sit up attentively, ready and willing to listen. "We've got a new team that we're putting together. A little more low-key than the League itself." Ahahaha, yes, I knew that was where I was. Freaking awesome. "Some of the members in similarly difficult states as yourself and need… careful management." Sweet! I have to avoid fist-pumping, or grinning too widely.

"You'll need to attend weekly psychiatric evaluations, attend regular training sessions with one of the Green Lanterns and keep ring usage outside of missions to a minimum. But, since I know from your evaluation that the last one will be very difficult for you, I will at least recommend you remove it to sleep." Ah. I shift in place for a moment and he somehow manages to raise an eyebrow. How can I even tell he's doing that?

"I… have significant Contempt for the concept of sleep. Developed a hatred of it over the last few years. It's likely that my need for it has been engineered out of my body by the ring." Batman very noticeably doesn't sigh, or make any sound of disappointment. He doesn't have to. There's just this… this feeling that he's disappointed in you and that you should feel terrible.

"Then the order you gave it will have to suffice for now." He pulls out a little box from behind his back and opens it. My Puce ring flings itself out of it with a sharp crack of something accelerating to supersonic speeds and halts just in front of me.

"Homing protocols fulfilled. This terminal is now ready for use, Agent Puce."

"I thought I… ugh, forget it. New order, all ring-based policy decisions are not to be enacted if I am currently wearing the ring."

"It shall be done."

I look up at Batman and see a faint glimmer of approval there. We both understand this is a powerful item, but with potential for great mental contamination. So long as I'm taking the appropriate precautions then he should trust me.

The ring slides home on my finger. There's a flicker as the environmental shield pops back up around me. My senses expand again as the ring takes over augmenting them; with some of my senses being slaved directly to low-key scans from the ring. If I wanted to I can focus on the walls and 'see' through them.

Warning; this terminal did not enact previous order due to duress and capture protocols. Does Agent Puce wish to enact Termination of captors?

"Gah! No, you stupid thing, I'm… hold on." I focus my will at the damn ring and assure it that I am not being held against my will. Then I glare at it and remove it again. "I said; all ring-based policy decisions are not to be enacted if I am currently wearing the ring."

"It shall be done."

I look up with a sheepish grin as I slip it on again. "Ah, sorry. It has, uh, 'duress' protocols. The situation seemed to make it think you were keeping me prisoner." Lantern Stewart was surprised again, but Batman wasn't. With my enhanced sight I was able to see enough of his pupils to notice his eyes flicker to Stewart's ring. Did… did the Green Lanterns not have those? I kept looking at him as he returned his gaze to me.

… they totally didn't. I bet they didn't have homing protoco-... oh, of course. The Guardians set up the software for the Greenies. They couldn't set their own protocols. That might make things interesting. Still, I allowed myself to float just off the ground and saluted. So this is what it felt like, huh? Felt good. "Agent Puce, reporting for duty. Please help me figure out a better name as soon as possible."

That actually got a chuckle from Stewart. Not so much from the Bat. He just stood to lead me away, when I had a thought for something I needed to test. "Ring, contact Lantern Stewart's ring."

It cannot be done.

"Not on the network, huh?"


"Damn. Well, I guess that would've been too easy. Ah, sorry about that Stewart; just thought it'd be good to test if my ring could call local Power Rings. No dice." He nods, understanding. Very good. Batman noticeably does not make any signs of impatience, so I hurry up and follow him. We head back to the room with the tube and Batman stands in front of it.

"Recognize B Zero Eight., 'Agent Puce'." I have to resist the urge to facepalm. Of course he would. Batman is a known troll. Really, I should've known better. He gestures for me to step in and I do so. There's a bright light.

"-ed; Agent Puce, B Zero Eight." Yup. That's exactly where I thought I would come out. Not squeeing is pretty difficult. There's another glow behind me. "Recognised; Batman, Zero Two." He walks right past me, I hover nonchalantly behind him. Up ahead I can hear voices… but not the ones I expect. There's someone standing just beyond the door up ahead.

Woah. That's Cyborg. Only it's not the one I was expecting. Is this... Young Justice: War, or something? Is that even a thing? Batman nods to him as he steps through the door.

"Quiet, all of you. I have your last team member. Agent, if you will." I float through the door and look at the team with a purposefully neutral expression. This is… unexpected. On so, so many levels.

"Great, so we get the discount Lantern? Couldn't spare one of the real colours, huh?" Kid Flash. He was expected. That barb was just a little bit more mean-spirited than I had thought he'd be but, then again, I remember the situation that he's in right now. Still probably upset over Speedy walking out. Assuming that still happened.

"At least this one is not another bumgorf." Then the surprises start coming in, because that is Starfire. Pre-season Starfire, if her battle gear and harsh demeanour are anything to go by; but by the hope in her tone the 'her' I remember is still in there. Really wish I'd looked up… actually, Ring?

The language is Tamaranean, and the term equivalent to 'child'.

Oh. Well, that's not so bad. Automatically translate those for me from now on, alright? I look over the rest of the team with no small amount of confusion as one of them steps forward and offers a hand.

"I am Aqualad; although my friends refer to me as Kaldur. I hope you may come to do the same." I take his hand, what a firm grip, and shake it. He's exactly as polite as I what little I remember from the cartoon implies. Then there's a green blur and, subsequently, a green dog looking up at me with huge eyes. Which quickly becomes a Beast Boy. His outfit doesn't look quite like the Doom Patrol one, but he still has an adorably dorky helmet slash mask.

"Wowie, are you really a Lantern? I've never seen one in that colour before, so I thought they only came in green." I shake my head, forcefully resisting the urge to pat his head. He's just so freaking cute, holy shit. Kid Flash snorts and rolls his eyes. Starfire does the same; they do not seem to like each other.

"So I know Green is Will. What does that make you?" Robin. Teen Titans age Robin. He'd be, what, sixteen? Seventeen? That makes me probably the oldest team member, since I'm guessing that Cyborg is actually meant to be our, ah… caretaker instead of Red Tornado.

"Contempt." I almost didn't see her. She's good at fading into the background. Even so, I was unprepared for the reality that is Raven. Now is a very good time to remind myself that she's not even fifteen yet. Very important to remember that. "It's rolling off him in waves. Like he hates us." Well, first thing's first then; I pull off the ring and drop a few centimetres to the ground. She blinks.

I stick it in my pocket and, with my fingers still touching it, think hard at it. Ring, nonverbal responses only; two short buzzes for no, one long for yes. Can you still hear my thoughts if I remain in contact? There's a long buzz. Alright, I can work with it. If you detect any direct and immediate threat to my wellbeing, transfer on to my finger as soon as possible.

A long buzz. With that done I pull my hand out of the pocket.

"That's right. My name is Huria Hakena, and my designation is Agent Puce. I am the highest ranked, and only, member of the Puce Lantern Corps; wielders of the light of Contempt." It goes down about as well as I expected. And, after wiping the floor with him during sparring practice later, I was eventually able to forgive Kid Flash for laughing so hard he fell over.


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