
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Chastity replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Gamer Power In Real Life (Commission)


Drawing Amber (2,257 Words)

Based on how much I could focus on work, on studying, on practicing - on anything I put my mind to, basically - it appeared that Gamer Mind really intensified my ability to just do tasks. I wasn't getting burned out no matter how hard I worked, and I couldn't just attribute that to my high Intelligence or Wisdom. I guess it made some sense, only a rare minority of games made you actually budget your character's willpower, as opposed to just their time. But it made me crazy productive - I'd drawn twenty-six good, full pieces in the time between when Amber and I set a date, and when she actually came over, not to mention the homework I'd done.

"I have a girl coming over," I told my parents, the day of, while they were watching this sitcom they both really liked, in the hope that it'd reduce the chances they'd make me cancel.

"A girl?" My mother asked, one eyebrow arched as she muted the TV. "Why is this the first time I'm hearing about her?"

"Because she's coming over for me to draw her. I've been working on life drawing a lot," I said, taking out one of the notebooks that had by this point been half-filled with pictures. My father actually jerked back and blinked as he saw it, saw just how good the art actually was.

"Huh. You could probably make a living with this, son," my dad said, completely forgetting about the girl for the moment, which was good.

Unfortunately, my mother wasn't so easily distracted. "What sort of... what's it called..." When nobody supplied her with what it was called, she appeared to change tactics. "What sort of drawing is she going to be in?"

"Oh, um, I don't know, just a normal one? It'll be my first time working with a still human subject, you know," I said, restraining the urge to fidget at the faintly accusatory note to my mother's tone.

I managed, in the end, to convince them to let her over, and into my room. I didn't argue that I should be allowed to close the door, and they didn't suggest I couldn't. I'd just wait for them to make some noise, then close it using that as an excuse. Not exactly foolproof, but not a terrible plan either.

Amber came over, looking fairly nice. I had used a skillbook to pick up at least the basics of makeup, and I could tell she'd put some effort into it. There was "I'm just putting on the minimum level of makeup," mostly foundation to hide any acne and maybe a little blush or eye shadow, and then there was "I'm putting as much as I can on without looking like a clown," which she wasn't quite at, but she was pretty close.

There was a brisk, maybe two minute conversation with my parents, then I took her to my room, got out the sketchbook I'd bought at the used book store - it had had a few pages torn out from near the start, the original owner presumably having bought it and then given up soon thereafter - and directed her to lie on the bed in whatever way was most comfortable to her. "It'll take a bit for me to draw, but I need you to either stay totally still, or at least, be able to very closely return to the position again."

"Kay," she agreed, looking the room over for a second instead of actually shifting position. "Your room's pretty nice. Most of the guys I know have really sloppy rooms."

"Well, I have to admit, I cleaned up a bit before you came over," I told her.

"They did too," she said, with a little grin on her lips, showing just the faintest hint of teeth. "Yours still looks much better."

"Thank you," I said, and suddenly there appeared in the periphery of my vision, a new quest:

Quest: Have Sex With Amber White

Reward: 5000 XP, increased closeness with Amber White​

I fidgeted slightly in my seat at the new quest that was being unceremoniously dumped in my quest log, and had to mentally remind myself that just because I had such a quest, didn't mean she would actually have sex with me. Certainly not today. It wasn't as if every other quest I had gotten was trivially accomplishable, and this one was going to pay out more XP than pretty much any other I had.

Might pay out more XP, I mentally corrected. I couldn't take it for granted that Amber would be that interested in me. I looked up at Amber, hoping that she hadn't been talking and I'd been so zoned out I'd missed it - fortunately, she had just been finding her way to lie down on her side, one arm dangling over her stomach, the other eventually finding its way to stretch down towards her legs, which were somewhat folded. It meant her knee-length black skirt hiked up enough to reveal an inch or two of her thighs, and I managed to keep my eyes from lingering probably due to some of my recently-heightened stats.

"Is this good?" Amber asked, and I nodded rapidly, then set to work, starting to sketch her out, my fingers hurriedly scritching and scratching at the sketchbook, my eyes flicking up and down. Occasionally, she'd fidget or shift, and I'd have to pause, wait for her to get back to her earlier position, and then get back to it. We did talk, a bit, but I was distracted and she couldn't move, so the conversation wasn't exactly the best or the deepest. A bit of school gossip and general shooting the shit. I mentioned my mom worked at the local grocery store and my dad at a local landscaping company; she mentioned her dad had disability from the VA and her mom had run off with another guy.

I didn't really have anything great to say to that. "That sucks," is what I settled on.

"Yeah. I think I'm better off without her, though." She said it lazily, like she was speculating on what they really do at Area 51.

"Mm?" I prompted, as I kept on sketching her. By now I had a pretty detailed outline, and it was just a matter of shadows and detail work - luckily, I'd previously had the presence of mind to close the blinds and turn on the light. It had even provided an excellent excuse to close the door, and my parents hadn't yet noticed.

"If she'd just abandon me like that, I don't really want anything to do with her."

"Yeah, I can see that," I said, as I gingerly and carefully drew her nose, using crosshatching to create the interplay of light and shadow to give it form and definition, to capture the petite thing on paper. "Sorry about her being a..." I trailed off, not wanting to say something nasty if it would be too far.

"Bitch," she offered, with a wiggle of her lips that crinkled her nose and forced me to stop for a moment. "It's cool. Happened a long time ago."

I just nodded in agreement, waiting for her expression to level out again, and returning to my work.

It was the most detailed picture that I'd ever drawn, by a good margin. I'd gotten more experience with the Artist skill than I had ever gotten experience before, and the picture was actually really good, if I dared to say so myself. "It's done," I said, and immediately she shifted on the bed, twisting her shoulders around in a way that immediately drew my eyes to her body. It wasn't that she was trying to show herself off - at least, I don't think it was - but I was a horny teenage boy and there was a pretty girl in front of me twisting her body around and around.

I just swallowed and held back any commentary, forcing my eyes up to hers. She wore a lazy smile that suggested she knew I'd been looking, and wasn't put out. Her hands went to the bed, balancing her weight on it as she finished stretching, her legs now dangling over the edge. "Can I see it?" She prompted.

"Oh, sure," I agreed, immediately, handing over the sketchbook. She let out a soft noise, showing how impressed she was with the picture as she held it in her lap.

"This is really good," she said.

"Yeah," I agreed. "It's actually not as hard as you'd think, um, learning to draw from life." That sounded like total bullshit, especially to me, so I explained further. "You just... have to draw exactly what you see, rather than what's there, I guess." I took out a lined notebook and drew a simple cube, then I drew an ugly, incorrect cube, the kind a child might draw, where the fact that all six sides were the same length was something they tried to appreciate rather than ignore, creating a bizarre shape that had no three dimensionality to it. "Like, a cube looks like this, but it is like this," I explained, and she nodded after a couple seconds of looking. "Anyway, it's just making sure that when I draw your shoulder, I draw what it looks like from where I'm sitting, not what its actual shape is."

She hummed at that. "That's cool," she said, but it was obvious to me that she didn't actually care that much about how drawing worked. I couldn't really blame her, I'd cheated my way to my present level of skill. "You're pretty smart, huh."

The way she said it, it wasn't a proper compliment, a question, or even a challenge. It was more like... fishing for something to talk about. It was hard for me to figure out quite what to say, despite that. "You say that like it's a surprise," I decided on.

"Yeah. You used to just..." she trailed off. "I mean, you sit in the back of the room for a reason. We both know what the reason is. Used to be?" She prompted, some curiosity in that lazy look of hers.

"I still am not paying attention in class, if that's what you mean." She let out a small laugh at the line, a gentle curling to her lips accompanying the movement.

"Good to hear." There was a silence, then, and she shifted her weight subtly to one side, letting her shoulders fall, her lips faintly pursed. It was, I realized, a pose intended to invite me in towards her. To suggest maybe I should kiss her.

I was pretty sure it was, anyway. I decided to go for it, getting out of my chair and stepping towards her, kissing her very softly on the lips for a half-second or so, more than enough time for her to pull back if she didn't like it. She didn't pull back, though. Instead, she let out a soft hum into my mouth, her lips curling up, her eyes lidding as she stared into mine. I could - did - push her back onto the bed, soon looming over her, but as her fingers came up to run through my hair rather than paying any attention to my below-the-waist region, I had to assume she didn't want to go there, despite the raging hard-on in my pants.

Now, I may have been a horny teenage boy desperate to fuck, but I wasn't going to go too far with a girl. My parents had raised me better than that. I just kept on hungrily kissing her, my length throbbing in my pants despite the knowledge that it was not going to get to enter her today. Eventually, though, her thigh wound up brushing against my hard-on, and she let out this quizzical little noise.

I broke off the kiss, then, staring down at her with a flush to my cheeks. "Do you want me to... take care of it?" She prompted. I swallowed, my brain running a mile a minute as I tried to understand what she was saying. Was she really okay with sex, on what, charitably, could be described as our first date? That kind of thing only happened on TV, right?

Her fingers went to my groin, and she just squeezed on my dick through the fabric of my jeans, then she started to stroke. I let out a groan in response to her touch, and she jerked her hand back suddenly. Okay. She was... pretending to be more confident than she was. Maybe she meant a handjob or something. "My parents are home," I said, as a way for her to get out of her offer. "Maybe later?" I suggested, with a sheepish smile.

She nodded beneath me, and then leaned up to kiss me again, forcing me to put the erection to the back of my head as her fingers gently trailed through my hair. When we finally finished our makeout session - somehow unmolested by my parents - I rolled over to one side, and we chatted for a bit, my hard-on eventually going down, and then she left.

Of course, the second she was gone from the house, I was in my bedroom jerking off. I was a teenage boy, after all.

When I next checked my stat sheet - well, maybe it was partly other things, but I was pretty sure that somehow the entire incident had resulted in me gaining an additional point of Endurance. Well, I could hardly complain.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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