
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, sinereal replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Sine's Dumping Ground for Decommissioned Projects




Venom 53


"Today has been the longest fucking day in the history of days," Widow groaned aloud as she swung through the air, away from Uber and Leet's hideout, towards the old ferry terminal.

"Get used to it. You thought being a normal hero was bad? Hah! You're a Spider-man expy now. Or close enough. That means you've pretty much signed on to become the universe's spittoon. Shit only gets worse from here. Hell, this is fucking tame compared to—"

'Miles,' Missy stressed. 'Please shut up. I don't need that kind of shit in my life. Pretty please? With sugar, a cherry, and a fucking blowjob on top?'

"Well, if you're offering… Got that new human body to test out. I'm thinking we can head to Arcadia and we can do a little teacher/student roleplay. Something pretty vanilla, compared to the usual tentacles."

Flipping through her next swing, a chuckle left Widow's lips as she grinned under her mask. 'Sounds fun. I could stand to blow off some steam. …All the fucking steam, after today. So, swing by, eat Allison's shard, and go to Arcadia?'

"It's a date," Miles confirmed, nodding Widow's head.

'No, if it's a date, you're buying me dinner first,' Missy countered.

"Dinner and an appletini?"

Rolling her eyes, Missy asked, 'Will alcohol even do anything for me any more?'

"Not really, no."

'Then just dinner. And there's our appetizer,' she focused their eyes on the ferry terminal as they were forced to drop altitude as the buildings fell in height, bringing them down to just above street level.

Swinging around the back of the old ferry station/lab, Widow landed in front of the back door and reached for the doorknob. Something itched in her brain, screaming 'danger,' and she jerked her hand back like it was hot. 'Uh. Miles? The fuck was that?'

Widow's face pulled into a frown under the mask. "…A contingency plan. It's one of the things I couldn't genuinely mimic by eating half the animal kingdom and this symbiote I was shoved into didn't come with it by default, apparently. So I'm using Eidolon's shard to mimic a spider-sense. It's sort of like a limited precognitive danger sense—area of effect with a range of about a klick, depending on threat level."

'So… we're sensing danger from the door?' Missy asked, and her head nodded.

"Yeah. Which is… weird. Hang on, let me just…" Miles slipped a tentacle towards the tiny crack under the door, only to pause as his fake spider-sense went off again. Attempts at the sides and top of the door met with the same result. "What the fuck?" Widow muttered out loud. "Did she booby trap the door?"

Miles could admit, if he was a bomb tinker, he would definitely leave surprises at every entrance to his lab. 'Maybe she hasn't disarmed it because she didn't see us coming in?'

"Maybe," Widow's shoulders shrugged as she backed away from the door and moved to a window. Probing along the sill of the sealed up window got the same danger sense response. "Okay, at least she's taking security seriously. Let's try the roof."

Moving away from the building, just in case, Widow spawned a raven and sent it up to roof level. Movement from the roof caught the raven's eye in time for a small pop-up turret to pop up and open fire—the resultant small explosive effect disconnected them from that bit of biomass. "Okay, no. What the actual fuck was that?" Widow growled. Another half dozen ravens spawned from their mass—one moving well away and taking up a position on an overlooking rooftop, while the other five circled the building. There was more very quiet grenade launcher fire and several flashes of light, resulting in disconnection with those lumps of biomass, but the raven on the roof caught what happened with its enhanced vision.

"Salt?" Missy mumbled, only for her head to nod.

"The Sodom grenade. As in 'turns people into pillars of salt.' I can see why she made that, but… why's it keying on what should register as just birds? Unless it's set to target anything trying for roof access. Let's try something smaller."

With that thought, he spawned another raven and sent it towards the building, only to have it shift into a swarm of wasps and disperse as they got close. This time, the defenses didn't appear to register a threat and they were able to safely approach the roof. Once they reached the air conditioning unit, they slipped inside and navigated through the duct work towards a vent, only to stop as Miles' danger sense went off again. "Okay, this is fucking retarded," Missy grumbled. "Who the fuck sets up defenses on vents too small for anyone but me to… get through. Fuck me. Do you think she knows?"

"Could be coincidence. Or just paranoia. We'll have to pick her brain after, when we're eating her shard. Make sure her cheese isn't slipping off her cracker."

The wasps backed well away from the vent, before focusing on the walls. Jaws that could have chewed through steel made short work of the ducting and they entered the space above the ceiling tiles—only for their danger sense to go off again. "Mother fucker. She… really did not want anyone getting in. Looks like there are enough grenades set up here to kill anyone who tries to bust through the roof."

'Safe to assume the walls are similarly protected,' Missy surmised, and Widow's head nodded. 'Can we get one through?'

"I think they're proxy or laser. Maybe light curtain based. Either way, that's a big 'no,' unless we want to set something off. But… there is a way. You're just not going to like it. Neither am I, for that matter."

Widow hummed, before her nose scrunched up in disgust as the wasps moved back up the ducting. "Through the toilet? Really? What about the fucking water entrance?!"

Widow sighed a moment later. "Yeah, really. At least we won't taste or smell anything. And I want a look at it from something other than the obvious bait entrance."

'But still, that shit's gross! And… ugh. That mass is going back into us? No. Suicide by salt grenade that, please.'

The spider-themed hero chuckled quietly where she sat overlooking the ferry station. "Fine, fine."

The wasps left the air conditioner and flew down, along the road, until they found a manhole cover. Melting into a puddle, they spilled over the top of the iron circle, oozed down through the cracks, and reformed as wasps on the other side. A bit of looking around found the pipe coming out of the building and some chewing had them through the exterior wall. Another shift and a puddle of goo climbed its way up through the old, stained pipe and through the bottom of the toilet, before coming out in the bowl. An eye-stalk tendril peeked out between the seat and the bowl and looked around, before the puddle oozed its way out of the toilet. Once out, it shifted into a mess of cockroackes, which skittered across the tile and out of the room.

"Holy shit, that's a lot of hardware," Miles mused as the bugs found the lab and looked it over. Bombs, bombs, bombs. Enough ordnance to make a marine hard.

Leaving the things that go boom alone for the moment, the bugs spread through the rest of the converted building. Eventually, they found… not Allison. A person-shaped figure stood facing the water entrance to the bay with an old, wood stock, break-open action grenade launcher pointed at the water. More worrying than the launcher was what 'she' was wearing—a set of black overalls and a full-face gas mask with red lenses. 'What are we looking at here?'

"Bakuda. But… what the hell?"

Roaches crept up the back of the figure's boot, before digging into the leg just above it… and finding plastic. Hollow plastic, with a wire frame inside. "A mannequin," Widow murmured. Tilting her head slightly, she said, "She's going to a lot of trouble here to set things up for a trap." Her head tilted back the other way and a grin stretched over her lips. "Fuck walking into it. Let's see what it is."

Looking around using the roaches, they found a motion sensor set up angled at the waterline. A wire, painted over black to match the new coat of paint around the lip of the dock, ran back to the mannequin. Digging inside the thing, they found a set of speakers attached to what looked like a portable MP3 player, along with a simple motor and pulley system attached to the M-79. A bit of careful chewing with the roaches disabled the cord connected to the launcher's trigger and into a pocket dimension separate from their biomass it went. Next, they fished out the MP3 player and sent it to their pocket dimension with the rest of their biomass, then pulled it out again on the rooftop. With the roaches no longer needed, they went back outside and committed suicide by salt grenade per Missy's request.

"Alright, let's see what we have," Widow said, before pressing 'play.' The first track began to play, but something seemed wrong with the audio.


"The fuck is that?" Missy asked.

"I think I know. Hang on, I'll see if I can do something with it. Shards are bullshit for hacking other tech remotely. Pretty much computer wizardry, using fields that manipulate and read electronic signals directly. There's technically not actually a power for 'hacking' so much as a request queue to the user's shard do the dirty work. And done. Piping it to your audio cortex."

"Hey there, lovers," Allison's voice sounded teasing. Amused. "You're a little early to the party, but that's okay. By the time you finish listening to this, I should be all done taking care of things. You forced my hand today, and I really wish you hadn't. I like you. You're fun and you hit about ninety percent of my fetishes, so the sex is really great. But that thing with Coil? I don't want that shit happening to me. And I get the feeling it will, because I don't want to be miss goody two-shoes. I want to take over this shithole of a city and run it for myself. But if I do that, and I wind up the next Coil for you, well… I can't have that.

"So, I'm going to give you the same choice you gave me. And it is a choice, lovers. I'm not going to force your hand. Option one: everything stays mostly the same between you and I, but I call the shots. You can go off on your little crusade to save the world. I'll even help how I can, so long as I don't have to get involved directly. But I will be queen of Brockton Bay and where the fuck ever else I decide to lay claim to, and you'll stay out of that. I'm not even asking you to help, because I know you wouldn't.

"Option two: we part ways. All you have to do is clear out of Brockton Bay, call me when you're a hundred miles outside city limits, and never come back without calling first. You stick to your half of the country, I'll stick to mine, and maybe we can hit each other up for a booty call every now and then so long as we can both agree to play by the rules.

"Option three: the hard way. You force my hand… and their heads explode." Widow disappeared into her pocket dimension, reappearing halfway across the city at a raven left there to act as a teleport point near the apartment. "Yeah, sorry. You see, this message is moving at about one three-hundredth of normal speed—slowed down to match the time dilation effect of the bubble around you. So while about five minutes have passed there, about twenty-five hours has passed outside that bubble. Plenty of time for me to visit Amy and that hot new piece of ass you brought home for us, knock them out, and surgically implant them with small bombs. These bombs will go off if my heart stops, if I say the trigger phrase, if I manually detonate them, or if I don't reset the timer on them every now and then.

"If I see you coming, and I will, I'll assume you've chosen option three. I'll make you watch me turn their heads into dirty fireworks, and I don't want to do that. I like Amy and the new girl is basically a kitten. I like you, and I don't want to have to hurt you like that, but I will. And… I think you know I will. It was in what you told them, about that crusade of yours. I think that's why you came after me first. How you knew where to find me and what I was planning. Don't make me do it.

"If you've chosen option one, go ahead and call me now. If you chose option two, leave now and call me when you're gone so I can ping your phone's GPS. In the first two cases, the bombs will be armed, but I won't be using them against you to manipulate you… further than I am. If I don't hear from you in ten hours from when this message ends, I'll assume you've chosen option three. I'll call you and make you listen to me turn one of them into dirty fireworks, just to prove that I will. But I'm not heartless. I'll let you pick which one goes out in a blaze of glory.


The suit around Widow thrashed, its surface looking more like an ocean in a storm than cloth as it writhed over itself. Missy felt the world narrowing down to a tunnel around her, like the walls were closing in. Her heart pounded in her chest and her fists clenched so hard they ached. Taking a deep breath that only seemed to stoke the inferno that was her anger, she quietly growled. "We're going in, and then we're going to skull fuck her."


Tapping away at the computer Gwen (or a copy thereof) had brought her earlier, MJ wore a small, contented smile as she worked at Gwen's kitchen table. What passed for a kitchen, anyway—the place was small and not a room unto itself. Anyone entering the apartment from the front door could see straight into it, really.

Looking over the homes for sale in the Bay was a bit depressing, thanks in part to her power pointing out things about their locations and why they were as cheap as they were, but it was still better than just sitting around the mostly empty apartment while Amy… babysat her. And it was babysitting, no matter what the other girl said.

MJ couldn't really be mad at her, though. At least the healer cared. Even if she did practically drool on her as she leaned over her shoulder to look at the screen and stole the occasional look down the front of MJ's shirt. She had about as much sexual experience as she had experience with life in general—that is, none. Her power told her the other girl's actions were not quite outside the bounds of socially acceptable behavior and that it was mostly harmless, since Amy actually liked Gwen.

Gwen was nice, too—even if that wasn't really her name. Beyond being curious, MJ didn't really care what the girl's name was—if she was in some kind of trouble, as her power implied, then MJ wouldn't force the issue, especially since Gwen and Miles had saved her from freezing to death and taken her into their home. And that was another oddity. The relationship dynamics here were strange—

Love triangle. Amy has unacknowledged feelings for Gwen. Gwen has feelings for Miles and Amy, the first acknowledged, the second unknown to the target of her desire. Miles has feelings for Gwen but is also sexually attracted to Amy.

Didn't need to know all of that, but thanks, she mused, looking at another house.

The jangle of keys came from the front door. Keys. Not Gwen or Miles—Gwen teleports, Miles goes with her. Allison/Bakuda?

The door opened and the half-Asian half-Japanese, half-Caucasian girl stepped into the apartment carrying a medium sized purse, closing and locking the door behind her. "Brr! It's fucking freezing out there," she complained.

Demeanor inconsistent with previous observations. What's that mean? Something is wrong.

Amy turned and greeted the girl, MJ following with her eyes in the reflection of her new laptop's monitor. "Hey, you're back. Thought you said you 'had ideas?'"

Allison chuckled. Danger. "Well, I had other ideas, apparently." Danger!

What danger?

Pulling off her jacket and setting down the purse, Allison turned away from them briefly. Amy turned back to her, but in the reflection MJ saw Allison pull a cylindrical object Grenade. Danger! from the puffy jacket's pocket. The older girl pulled the pin Dangerdangerdanger— and tossed it underhand at them from across the room, sending it bouncing across the floor. MOVE!

Time felt like it slowed to a crawl for MJ. Kicking her legs out, up, and then tucking them in and arching her back just so, MJ sent the chair tipping backwards. Planting her tucked in feet on the bottom of the chair, she kicked out against the chair, bringing her arms up. Her hands hit the ground and her body rotated around her shoulder as she turned the fall into a backwards handspring. As soon as her bare feet touched the cold linoleum of the kitchen floor, she shifted her weight and thew herself into Amy, who was only just now turning to see why MJ had moved.

MJ tackled the brunette at the waist, sending them both to the floor, and threw her body over the other girl's. Then, something popped Not explosion her world erupted into pain, pain, pain Pain grenade. Effects temporary. Effective tactic for stunning and incapacitating targets.

MJ couldn't think through the pain and the tears. Couldn't draw breath to scream. Couldn't move away from the all-over pain. And then it stopped, and the redhead sagged. Her entire body ached and her breath came in quiet sobs, as did Amy's below her.

"Wow. Damn you're fast, Red. Flexible, too," the woman praised. "Sorry about that," Allison apologized. Genuinely apologetic, but believes actions necessary.

The Tinker's footsteps sounded across the room, approaching where they lay. Small but strong hands rolled MJ off of Amy. "There you go. You're okay. The effects are only temporary."

Reaching into her pocket, she produced two sets of steel handcuffs. One set went on MJ's wrists, the other on Amy's. Then, after clearing off the kitchen table, she hefted Amy up and set her on top of it, face down. She pulled the curly-haired girl's costume down, away from her back and neck. Then, she moved over to MJ, picked her up, carried her into the living room, and dropped her onto the couch. "Oof. Heavy," Allison grunted.

Dusting her hands off, she grabbed her purse from beside the door and walked past MJ. The redhead followed her through teary eyes, watching as she set the purse down on the table and began pulling out items.

Isopropyl rubbing alcohol, 90%.

Cotton swabs.



Propofol—sedative. Sourced from veterinary clinic.


Super glue.


Suture needle.

Gauze bandages.

Battery powered, remote detonated explosive device.

Surgical gloves.

Battery powered clippers.

"Okay, hold still. You're going to feel a little prick. I know, probably a first for you," Allison snickered as she measured out a dose of sedative and administered it to Amy. Then, she set about using the clippers to cut a patch of hair free from the back of Amy's head. Once she had a little square clear, she used cotton swabs and alcohol to clean and sterilize the healer's freshly shaved bald spot. Grabbing the nearby chair, that MJ had kicked over, she turned it around backwards and sat down at the level of Amy's head.

"Let's talk while we wait for the sedative to kick in."

"Why," Amy croaked.

Allison chuckled quietly. "Yeah, that's fair. So, all that shit 'Gwen' told us today? I figure it's true. Because she knew who I was, where to find me, and what I was planning. She gave me a choice and laid it all out—what would happen to me if I went down the path I was considering. She offered me a place to stay and everything I needed to work as a Tinker, in exchange for helping her out. And I'll admit, they were probably right. Having spent some time in the Bay, I've had a chance to look into the gangs, and I don't want anything to do with the ABB. I appreciate everything they've done for me. But it doesn't change what I want. We've just got different goals, is all. Gwen wants to save the world. I think Miles just wants to survive. Me? I want more. I want to rule. And I can't do that with the threat of them coming after me when I eventually decide to start making moves towards that hanging over my head. That's why I'm going to stick these little beauties in your heads," she picked up one of the bombs and held it out for Amy to see.

"Perfectly harmless, as long as nobody fucks with it. As long as they follow the rules I've laid out for them, you'll be fine. As for you, I'm not going to use them against you more than I already am. I'm not going to explode your head if we get into an argument or you eat the last eggroll or something stupid. As long as you don't get cute, we can carry on like normal."

She's… she's insane. Probability: high. Thanks for confirming that. Now, what can I do to keep from having bombs shoved in our heads?!

MJ's eyes rolled about a bit as she surveyed the room. Eventually, something stood out—a small piece of metal on the floor, stuck in the living room carpet under the coffee table. Bobby pin. Bend open. Insert flat side between teeth of handcuffs, pull to open.

Okay, I have a way out of the cuffs. But I still feel shaky and if she sees me moving, she could do something worse. So I have to wait.

So, MJ laid there on the couch, just breathing as she tried to relax, hoping the faint twitching of her muscles would stop soon as she let Allison's words wash over her like white noise. Eventually, her body settled down, but she still waited, tension pooling in her stomach…

Finally, the Tinker stood up and grabbed her scalpel. "Show time," the crazy woman murmured, bringing it up to start cutting into Amy's flesh.

Slowly, oh so slowly. Quietly. Carefully. MJ reached out with one foot, spread her big toe apart from the others, and grabbed hold of the little piece of metal. Pulling gently as she watched Allison work, she worked it out of the tangle of carpet it was in. Once it was free, she brought it up, tucked her leg in, and pulled it from between her toes before lowering her foot back down into place. Then, she lay there for a few seconds and waited.

Allison continued working, talking quietly to herself as she did. When nothing changed, MJ began working on slowly pulling the bobby pin open—

Allison's phone chimed. MJ went wide-eyed and froze, before smoothing her face out and hiding the little sliver of metal again. "Ah, damnit," the Tinker grunted. Pulling one glove off, she fished her phone out of her pocket and opened it up. Her eyes scanned back and forth for a moment before she turned around and eyed MJ with a conflicted look on her face. "Well, that settles it. Lover's trapped in amber for a day. I'd kind of hoped they would come home and stop me, you know? Save you and Amy before I finished and armed the bombs. Push me down, maybe do a little mind-break to 'set me straight.' Maybe even get Miles to stick around in me permanently to make sure I stay on the straight and narrow. Everything could've just gone back to normal, mostly."

Sighing, the Tinker closed the phone and slipped it into her pocket, before taking out another glove and putting it on. "Oh well. Back to work."

MJ gave Allison a minute to get back into things before slipping the shim into the gap of her cuffs. Carefully, she worked the bracelet open just enough to get her hand free. Freeing the other hand just as quickly, she considered her next move. Roll off the couch. Silently cross the carpet. Squeaky section of flooring beneath carpet in highlighted area, step over. Step over the creaky board. Cross into the kitchen. Linoleum does not absorb sound as well as carpet. Tread softly. And then… what?

Several areas on Allison's body highlighted and pulsed one after another. Grab shoulder. Jab nerve cluster. Take hold of wrist, twist behind back. Apply handcuffs. Take control of second wrist, maneuver into handcuffs. Step into back of knee while leaning forward. Slam face into floor with full weight of body. Lift head, repeat slam against floor. Target should be stunned temporarily.

Nodding to herself, MJ took a steadying breath and put her plan into action.

Rolling off the couch to her side, she caught herself on the tips of her fingers and toes. She raised herself into a crouch and, staying low, quickly but silently crossed the carpet, walking around the bad section of floor. Once on the border of the kitchen, she paused, waiting as she timed her attack. When Allison moved her arm just right, she sprang across the six feet or so separating them.

Grabbing the half-Asian by the left shoulder and pulling her away from Amy, she drove two fingers into a point along Allison's spine. The woman stiffened and cried out in pain and anger, trying to spin around. MJ caught the crazy woman's wrist and wrangled it back behind her back, but not before Allison picked up a second scalpel from the table in her left hand. As MJ got the first cuff on Allison, the Tinker rammed the scalpel into MJ's thigh, drawing a grunt of pain from the redhead. Seeing as this had little effect, Allison pulled the scalpel out and jabbed it in again and again.

As MJ reached for Allison's stabby arm, Allison arched the arm up behind her back, aiming at the redhead behind her. "Let go, you little bitch!"

MJ ignored her words, but the scalpel she had a harder time ignoring when it caught her in the forehead, just above her left eye, barely missing the eyeball as it kept going downward, and sliced open her cheek. Allison pulled the scalpel back as she thrashed her body around, reversing her grip on it and driving it back into her attacker from the side, stabbing MJ in the gut. MJ whimpered in pain, but grabbed hold of the hand and shoved it the rest of the way behind Allison's back between them, where she clamped the cuff on.

Then, she followed her power's directions and forced Allison to fall forward, driving her face into the floor. Lifting her head up, she smacked it into the floor again. Then, just to be sure, she went back to the well a third time. Allison had stopped thrashing and was only moving weakly now, bleeding on the floor from a busted nose. MJ didn't blame her, she felt pretty tired herself. Blood loss combined with adrenaline crash.

Have to do something about the blood loss, then, she decided. Confiscating the Tinker's scalpel, she carefully stood on her good leg. Her left eye was full of blood and she couldn't see out of it, her left leg was mauled and bleeding profusely enough to leave a puddle on the floor, and she was pretty sure… Perforated intestine. Yup. That. Still, she was alive!

A somewhat hysterical laugh escaped her throat as she pulled her pants off and dropped into the chair she had started this mess in. The redhead examined the wound on her leg first. Damage severe but not immediately life-threatening. Remove pants. Disinfect with alcohol. Wrap with bandages and gauze. Panacea can fix muscle damage.

MJ whimpered in pain as she removed her jeans and poured alcohol over the mess of hamburger meat that Allison had made of her thigh. With some effort, she managed to bandage it as her power directed her. Then, she moved on to the gut wound and finally, the face wound. Once she was through, she eyed Allison on the floor, slowly coming around. Recommend sedating prisoner with propofol.

Nodding, MJ took up the second, clean syringe and followed her power's directions for measuring out a dose, then groaned as she had to get out of the chair to administer it. Once that was done, she wondered, What now?

Remove explosive devices from proximity. Likely small blast radius. Suggest bedroom.

Whimpering at the thought of having to walk across the apartment, MJ stood and gathered the two small bombs. Then, she hopped her way on one leg to the bedroom, pain radiating out from her wounds every moment. Tossing the bombs on the bed, she hopped back into the kitchen and once more collapsed into her chair. With that, her eyes slid closed and she allowed her head to droop as she finally gave in.

And a moment after that, a sea of shadow, eyes, and gnashing teeth exploded through the crack under the windowsill, filling the apartment as Widow shifted her primary body inside in full eldritch horror mode and took in the situation.

Allison was down for the count, handcuffed and bleeding from a broken nose on the floor. MJ was slumped in the kitchen chair, unconscious and a hair away from just falling out of the chair onto the floor, her pants off and left thigh wrapped in bandages. Amy was face down on the table, bleeding from a cut at the back of her head.

"Huh. Looks like it's been taken care of. We're going to have to find some way to reward MJ."

Relief filled them, only to be overshadowed immediately by betrayal and anger at the one responsible—along with a whole load of self-recrimination for giving Allison so much slack.

Tentacles flashed out, going after all three women at the same time. Allison, they delved into her brain and poked the big button for 'sleep' and healed her nose before withdrawing for now. They would deal with her in a minute. MJ was the worse off of the other two, so they spent a little time and biomass putting her back together the way they wanted her.

'Leave the scar over the eye or remove it?'

"Remove it. Eye scars are cliché."

At the same time, they closed up Amy's head wound, regrew the hair that had been shaved, and cleaned her system of sedatives. Since they had her unconscious already, they went ahead and ate her shard, bringing their count up to seven. Once that was finished, the memories that were shaken loose were compartmentalized for dealing with later.

With injuries seen to and Amy and MJ safely resting, their focus shifted back to Allison. Tentacles grabbed the half-Asian woman and hauled her into the air, before the whole mass moved out of the kitchen and into the bedroom. The door closed and they isolated the room from the rest of the world with Miles' biomass. The tentacles carrying Allison pushed her up against the wall and her arms and legs were immediately swallowed by red-veined black, fleshy material. Tendrils ran over her body and ate her clothes before retreating, leaving her bared to their many-fold gaze. More tendrils planted themselves at Allison's—Bakuda's—temples and burrowed in, passing through flesh and bone, before connecting to her brain.

While they were in, they consumed her shard while they were at it. Hitting the 'wake up' switch, they goosed her with adrenaline and waited.

Bakuda came to with a gasping heave, straining against the flesh that held her in place as she tried to sit up. Her eyes rolled around wildly for a moment as she took in her surroundings. When she registered where she was, along with Gwen's presence, she strained even harder—muscles going taut as she tried to flex off the wall and reach them. "Hey, lovers."

Gwen's face shifted away, revealing Missy. The Tinker laughed, then. "Oh, so you're going to eat me. Because there's no way I'm leaving here alive after seeing that."

"In a manner of speaking," the blonde murmured. When Allison raised an eyebrow, she sighed. "It's our own fault. We thought that since we got to you before you chose to walk the path of the mad bomber that we had saved you from that fate. Turns out, we just delayed it. Should've realized you wanting to call yourself 'Bakuda' was a sure sign that you were still the same Bakuda we knew of. We didn't start eating memories until Eidolon. If we had poked around in your head, we never would've let you get so close or given you so much freedom. But we're going to correct that problem now," they nodded to themselves.

"So what're you going to do about it?" Bakuda leered. "You need me for this 'save the world' crusade of yours."

Missy's smile was full of sharp teeth. A smile that was mirrored a thousand times over by the appearance of smiling mouths in the walls, floors, ceiling, and even the material holding Bakuda in place. "No. We only need your power. We don't need 'Bakuda' for that." Stepping closer, Missy leaned in, her tongue flicking out and extending to curl around and in Bakuda's ear, eliciting a shudder—most likely of arousal, given the way her nipples stood to attention and the trails of moisture leaking down her thighs.

Their breath was a hot whisper against Bakuda's flesh—a promise waiting to be fulfilled, "Just like we didn't need Tattletale. We gave her so many chances. Every time we offered our hand in friendship, she tried to bite. Until eventually… we ate her. Slurped up everything that was Tattletale until there was nothing left. Locked her mind in a prison of our own making just so she could watch and suffer while her body walked around and lived the life she couldn't. Crafted her flesh to our liking and brought her home to snack on later. Sweet, innocent, delicious MJ. All ours."

"All ours.""All ours.""All ours."




Bakuda chuckled nervously, her eyes flitting around the room, sweeping over the multitude of hungry gazes meeting her own. "You, uh, you wouldn't. Aren't you a hero?"

"I was," Missy nodded. "We got over it. Today has just been full of surprises. We hope you enjoy these last few moments of being free. We're going to fuck your brain—comb through every memory, every motive, every thought and feeling, and figure out what went wrong. And then we're going to mind-break you. Leave your body a pretty, warm, willing, pliant doll for us to play with while we lock that rotten mind of yours away in a cage and make you watch. We think we'll get a bit more creative this time, too!"

They grinned, impossibly wide and showing rows upon rows of teeth. "Every time the person we twist you into does something objectively good, you get to come and she gets a nice little reward herself, so it becomes a positive feedback loop. Maybe it'll train you to be a decent person. Who knows? Who cares?"

Bakuda's thighs rubbed together as her breath came in short pants. "Do it, bitch. Try to break me."

A clawed hand grasped Bakuda's head and firmly pushed it against the wall. Tendrils crept up from the wall to wrap around her head and neck, slowly squirming their way over Bakuda's face. They poured into her mouth, wriggled into her ears, flooded up her nose and down her throat to supply air directly to her lungs. Until all that was left was her eyes, which had gone wide and wild as she moaned—and then those, too, were covered.

The tendrils in Bakuda's mouth merged into a single, thick tentacle, coated in tasty aphrodisiac fluid that filled her mouth until she was forced to swallow. As soon as she began swallowing, the tentacle followed, forcing its way down Bakuda's throat. This time, they didn't turn off her gag reflex, and the woman choked as her body tried to force out the invader as it rushed down her esophagus and into her stomach. Hydrochloric acid was no threat to the tentacle invading her body. It swelled up, filling Bakuda's stomach to nearly full with its mass, before it began secreting even more aphrodisiac fluid as it continued to grow its way down her digestive tract.

From the other end, two sets of tentacles spawned from the wall. One of these took a moment to smear Bakuda's asshole with more of the thick, slimy fluid before it unceremoniously forced its way up the Tinker's ass—eliciting a muffled squeal from the woman in question. Whether in pain or pleasure, they didn't care. The tentacle in question shifted and swelled, growing lumps at regular intervals, every three inches—lumps which grew progressively wider the further along the tentacle they went, up to the size of a baseball.

Bakuda jerked when the first small lump forced its way past her tight little ring. The second drew a quiver from her hips. The third a full body twitch as she seemed to realize it wouldn't stop and would, in fact, only get worse as the tentacles inside her sought to meet in the middle and leave her fucked completely through from one end to the other. Her bladder lost control as she came hard and fast, spraying down her legs and onto the floor.

"Disgusting," Missy's voice echoed in the room, over the sounds of Bakuda's flesh parting and their tentacles moving, filled with a sort of casual disdain that somehow made it even more erotic in Bakuda's mind, for the degradation.

More tendrils cleaned the mess while the second tentacle from below forced its way into Bakuda's snatch, filled it beyond capacity, and went straight to invading her womb and filling that as well. Tendrils split off from the main mass of tentacle and sought out every ridge and fold of the half-Asian's pussy, prodding, flicking, tickling, and otherwise stimulating every erogenous zone at once. More tendrils split off, attacking her pussy lips, her clit, even burrowing up into her urethra and filling her bladder uncomfortably.

Their long tongue flicked one of Bakuda's nipples, hard and begging for attention as they were, coating it in their drool before switching to the other—leaving both wet and cold when they stopped paying attention to them. Pressing her face up against Bakuda's, Missy whispered, "And that's just your body, Bakuda. Are you ready for the main course?" The Tinker moaned, her body shaking as she came uncontrollably again.

Around them, Cheshire grins filled the room with whispers.

"Get ready.""Get ready.""Get ready."




Their tendrils were already in Bakuda's brain, but a little playing with the part responsible for detecting touch, and they were able to spoof her senses—namely, creating a horrifyingly realistic sensation of tendrils sliding pleasantly through her skull and delicately flicking her brain meat. Something that shouldn't actually be physically possible, considering the brain doesn't have pain receptors—but that was the beauty of being able to change things on the fly, or just straight up lie to someone's brain. Kind of like how they weren't actually doing any damage to her throat, stomach, intestines, ass, and so on beyond a little pain or discomfort, maybe some bruising in the more heavily abused areas.

At the same time, they pushed their actual biomass into Bakuda's brain in the same way they had invaded Tattletale's, delving down into her memories and—

The doorknob rattled and tried to open. A moment later, there was a firm knock at the bedroom door. Both Missy and Bakuda froze. Missy's attention shifted to the door, a tendril poking out around the edge to find Amy on the other side.

"Let me in," the healer demanded.

Missy sighed. "Excuse me for a moment." Bakuda sagged slightly and nodded her head as much as she could. "Thank you. For that, I'll give you a little reward while we put off your brainectomy." The tentacles in Bakuda's ass (and through her guts at this point) and cunt began to slowly swirl around in different directions, teasingly jerking in and out a few inches to increase her stimulation—and teasing the balls just inside and outside her asshole with threatening to pop in or out.

The 'shadow' of biomass over the door parted and shifted, allowing Missy to pass but closing up behind her to hide what was going on in the room. Opening the door a crack, they sent a strained smile at Amy. "Hey, Amy~," they dragged out the name. "What's up?"

"Where is she."

"Uh," they looked shifty-eyed. "Where's who?"

Amy crossed her arms under her breasts. "Allison." Looking what she could see of Missy up and down from the crack in the door, she added, "And why do you look like Lovecraft's jailbait wet dream?"

Missy huffed. "Don't kink-shame us. You've got no room to talk."

"She's in there, isn't she?"

They shrugged, a small grin crossing their face. "Nope. No one named Allison in here. Just a dirty. little. slut. named Bakuda." The words were accompanied by a few particularly forceful thrusts, that got both balls in and out of Bakuda's ass and drew a squeal from her that was audible from the door.

"dirty little slut""dirty little slut""dirty little slut"




"Nope, sorry. Can't help you," Missy shook her head. "Welp, little busy. Catch you later!"

Amy stuck her foot in the door as Missy tried to close it. The door thumped against her foot and Missy frowned. Amy leaned into the door and pushed. "Show me."

"Nnnoo," Missy denied, putting her own weight against the door but not actually doing anything other than holding it there.

Sighing, Amy closed her eyes as her hands balled into fists. "Missy. Let. Me. In." The words came out in a clipped growl. "I need to see it for myself. That bitch tried to put a fucking bomb in my fucking head. Please."

"We really shouldn't."

'It's her choice.'

"And if she chooses to report us to the PRT and they decide to nuke Brockton Bay from orbit, just to be sure?"

'Then we'll erase her memory and put her to sleep before she can. That good enough?'

Missy's head nodded once. "Fair enough."

The door opened and Missy stepped out of the doorway. Amy's eyes roamed over her, finally getting a good look at her 'sexy eldritch horror' look—little more than a few strips of red-veined black in irregular patterns over her body that left her mostly naked, with tendrils drawn tight behind her, stretching out to the wall of biomass hiding the rest of the room. Amy's mouth watered, taking in the tight, fit body of her younger friend, but she reigned it in and filed it away to masturbate to later. Stepping into the room, the healer closed the door behind herself, sending the little closed off section into total darkness.

Missy's hand found hers and Amy felt it before she saw it—the entire nest of biomass stretching across the room ahead. The shape and form of it. The eyes, lips, mouths, teeth, tentacles, tendrils. Everything. And trapped within her fleshy, erotic prison, a human form that stood out from the rest of the biomass but which was connected through it. Amy gasped, her hand tightening on Missy's as the pair pulled her forward through the dark. The mass ahead parted as she walked through it, dragging over her exposed flesh almost longingly, a lingering caress as she passed beyond it and into the room. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the red glow and she took in Bakuda's position.

"Why does that look like something out of a tentacle hentai?"

"Why have you been watching tentacle hentai?" Missy countered.

"You mean more tentacle hentai. And for research purposes," Amy deflected. "My friend became a real life tentacle monster. What did you expect?"

Missy shrugged. "Fair enough. So," they drew the word out. "Here she is."

Amy hummed, studying the figure encased in the flesh wall as tentacles continued to work her over and squeezed another orgasm out of their prisoner. Amy's face felt like it was on fire and her body felt flushed, her nipples hard and her pussy throbbed. Her panties were absolutely ruined. It was, quite possibly, the sexiest thing Amy had ever seen in her short life. Through her power, connected to the mass as she was, she could feel what was happening to Allison—Bakuda, as Missy insisted—by proxy, but didn't quite know how to interpret some of it.

"What are you doing to her? I can see it with my power, but what am I looking at?"

Missy hemmed for a moment before her resolve firmed. "We're mind-breaking her. We're going to eat everything that makes her Bakuda and shove it in a box. The body, we'll sculpt to our liking, fix her brain, remove her memories, and set loose to let her live as she could have without being bugfuck crazy. All the while, Bakuda will be forced to watch as whoever takes Allison's place lives her life, unable to do anything to affect it—feeling everything that new person feels, the entire time. Probably going to add in some special kind of punishment—make Bakuda come every time her new self does something good, selfless, altruistic, and so on. And when we think she's ready, we'll let the person she's become judge the person she was and decide what to do with Bakuda. It's the kind of thing that would get us thrown under the Bird Cage if they found out, assuming they didn't just nuke the Bay to make sure we didn't escape."

Missy sighed, letting go of Amy's hand and stepping away. "And now you know. We've become a monster that eats other monsters." Chuckling quietly, she added, "We await your judgment."

The brunette considered them for a moment before reaching up and pulling her white and red costume off over her head before letting the garment fall to the floor. "I want to watch."

The pair blinked. "What?"

"I want to watch," Amy repeated herself, toeing off her shoes and socks. Her feet touched warm, slightly pulsing flesh on the floor and her power reconnected to the mass, filling her head with them. "And I'm going to touch myself while I do," she decided. In for a penny…

"Uh…" Tilting her head, Missy turned away slightly. "Didn't count on this." Her head tilted back the other way. "No shit. I mean, maybe from the Red Queen, but not Panacea."

"Another of those future things?" Amy asked as her tight jeans hit the floor and she reached for her shirt.

That drew their attention to the brunette. "You don't have to—"

"Bomb. In. My. Head." She cut them off. "I am so far beyond my limit, I'm considering twisting her body into a fucking chihuahua. If I do it, I'm going to be mean about it. I can see brain structure and the parts where memory reside, but not interpret it into something coherent. You can. I trust your judgment."

When they simply stared at her, Amy tossed her shirt to the ground—leaving her standing there in just a bra and panties—looked away and added, "Okay, look. You kind of hit about half my fetishes right there. Mind-break, brainwashing, locked in, corporal punishment, bimbofication/forced transformation… And I am really, really tempted to ask you to do me too. Because I know you won't abuse it. But right this minute? I want to watch you do it to her. I want to watch you fuck her brain inside out and touch myself while you do it."

Their head tilted to the side again. "She's a keeper," Amy heard the leer in the voice. Missy nodded, turning their attention back to Amy. And then, Amy yelped as she had her hands full of small, eager blonde—a sweet tasting tongue probing her mouth as Amy was swept up in a hug. The feeling was electric, addictive, she wanted more— And then they set her back on her feet and stepped back. "I'll do you one better," Missy grinned.

Strings of biomass dripped from the ceiling down to the floor, before spreading out from about the middle outwards to the bottom, producing a structure that looked vaguely like a web or hammock, but set at an almost vertical angle for most of it. "Take the rest of that off and sit down," Missy gestured to the strings of tendrils.

Amy's breath caught in her throat, but she quickly slipped her panties down and kicked them off, followed by unhooking her front-open bra and letting it fall to the ground. She felt their eyes on her—all of their eyes focused solely on her. On her soaked pussy and the neatly trimmed little brown bush above her lips. Her large, heavy breasts that drooped in a way Amy didn't like without the bra to support them—not like Vicky's naturally perky super tits, or even Missy's delectable mounds that seemed to ignore gravity. Her full, round ass and nicely toned thighs. Her belly and the little bit of pudge there that she wasn't particularly proud of—seriously, Missy's feminine six pack was both mouth-watering and unfair. The curve and flare of her wide hips. Her lips, neck, face.

Seeing herself through someone else's eyes and feeling the collective sexual desire of not one but two people—a man and woman both (or was it tentacle monster, collectively?)—was a bit… okay, an absolutely massive ego boost for Amy. For what felt like the first time in her life, she felt sexy instead of just awkward and self-conscious. She put a bit of sway into her hips as she walked across the soft, warm floor, adjusting her walk by the way the eyes tracked her. Stopping at the pillar of tendrils, she laid a hand on it and sent Missy a heated look, before easing back into the web. The whole thing shifted as she sat, cupping her ass, thighs, back, neck, head, and legs and lifting her off the ground into a reclined position, about Missy's waist height.

"Now what?" Amy asked.

The answer came in the form of tendrils grasping her arms, wrapping around her hands, down her fingers, and pulling them slightly away from her body as they held her in place. Missy stepped around her, out of her field of vision, but after a moment she felt the tendrils around her shift a bit and Missy pressed herself flush against Amy's back—small, hard, hot little nipples poked her back as Missy draped her arms over Amy's shoulders and pressed her left cheek against Amy's right. "You want to watch, right? Why touch yourself when I could…"





Amy shuddered at the liquid sex voice right in her ear, Missy's lips wrapping around the shell of her ear and sucking it into her mouth where she licked and teasingly chewed it, before her tongue snaked out and poured itself into Amy's ear in a way that made her whole body go taut. Some of the tendrils wrapped around her shifted, stretching over her breasts and hefting them up, supporting and squeezing them as smaller tendrils teased her nipples—flicking back and forth, rolling over them, squeezing and occasionally pinching in a way that drew a quiet gasp from the healer.

More tendrils teased at the lips to her pussy, spreading them open, little bumps and nubs covered in hot, thick slime rubbing back and forth over her sensitive sex. Two tiny tendrils began playing with her clit, covering it on either side, before one slowly dragged itself up and the other down in a delicious, slick friction that had her shuddering in her seat. Then, like the tendrils on her labia, they grew bumps that sent little jolts and shocks of pressure through the little bundle of nerves every time they passed over it. More tendrils poured past her lips, into her canal, teasing at her insides in a way that threatened to drive her wild—but they only teased. They didn't completely fill her, take her pussy, shape it to conform to Missy's will and that left Amy aching for more.

"Tell us to stop—"

"I will seriously give you hyper cancer and all the STDs if you don't shut up and keep going the rest of the way," Amy threatened.

"Alrighty then," Missy purred into her ear and planted a kiss on it, before more tendrils spilled into her cunt and split her wide open in a way Amy's fingers or even her vibrator at home never could. The tendrils running over her labia and clit picked up their pace and pressure, working her over hard and fast.

Amy whimpered as she came for the first time, seeing through their eyes as her own fluids drooled and dripped from her clenching pussy. Seeing herself through their eyes as she quivered and shook, blushing, lips parting as she gasped, tongue flicking at her lips—it was one of the most intensely erotic things she had ever experienced.

"Oh, that was a nice one," the blonde murmured, nipping at the soft flesh of her neck. "But—"





"Look," Missy pointed, drawing Amy's attention back to Bakuda's strung up form on the wall. "We've been neglecting the reason we're here. We've been a poor warden. But don't worry, Bakuda. We'll give you lots of attention. Get ready to—"





Missy giggled and resumed her prodding at Bakuda's brain with illusory tendrils. Their real tendrils accessed the Tinker's memories and began going over everything, using their shards to process the data. Meanwhile, using a combination of their own powers and Amy's and MJ's shards, they analyzed Bakuda's brain to figure out what the fuck was wrong with her and began making a list of changes that needed to be made.

'She always planned to betray us,' Missy noted, her mental tone a mixture of hurt and anger as she reviewed the Tinker's memories from the time when they met to the present. 'She was using us and keeping us around for sex, but if push came to shove she was planning to kill us if we forced the issue. That's why she made so many Sodom grenades. She figured we'd run out of biomass before she ran out of grenades.'

"Paranoia, inferiority complex, superiority complex, needs to be the smartest person in the room, wants someone to challenge her intellectually but can't stand the challenge at the same time, also can't stand people she feels aren't on her intellectual level… She's a ball of neuroses and contradictions. Well, more so than most people. And looks like she caught feelings, too—in that special, 'sick love' yandere way. We set her off because we're clearly at least as smart as she is, but we never bothered to directly challenge her… That's what this was about. She wanted the challenge, but wanted one of us to come out on top with no chance of the other doing anything but admitting complete defeat. All or nothing. And those feelings are why she even bothered to offer us a deal."

'Doesn't excuse her being a traitorous cunt.'

"Not really, no."

'Let's just… finish her and be done with it. Stick Bakuda in a hole so we don't have to look at her face any more.'


"We're all done looking over your memories, Bakuda. We know just what's inside that rotten brain of yours, but how about you share with our audience?" The tendrils over her mouth retracted, the tentacle running through her from one end to the other retracting back to her stomach, but no further. Tendrils in her brain disabled her brain-to-mouth filter. "Go on, tell Amy what you planned."

"I," Bakuda gulped, biting back a moan as the tentacles in her kept working her over. "I wa-was going tooo use you all," she got out, her voice having problems from the force at which she was being fucked. "It. Was. All. An. Act. Hng~"

The Tinker shuddered as she came and Amy bit her lip as she watched, her own body reacting and her next orgasm growing ever closer—looming ever larger.

Bakuda panted where she hung for a moment, before a tendril formed and whipped her ass, drawing a shriek from her. "Ee! I don't give a shit about either you or the new girl! I wanted lover all to myself and planned to kill you both eventually!" Another slap against her ass and other shriek. "I was going to take the city, and if they didn't agree, I planned to burn it down and rule over the ashes!" Another slap. "Hold the eastern seaboard hostage with an EMP for a shit ton of money, and then set it off anyway after they paid for shits and giggles!" Another slap. "Nn! Plant a bomb on top of the Yellowstone super-volcano and blow it, just to feel the Earth move for me!"

Amy frowned, growing angrier by the syllable as Bakuda spewed out her plans—her true self on display for all to see.

"And now, hehe, and now lover's going to eat me. I'll still be here, watching, listening, enjoying every minute of their affection, secure in the knowledge that they won't get rid of me because they need me. And you know what? Unlike that bitch Tattletale, I actually want it! I get all the benefits and don't have to do any of the work! And you?" she erupted into choked off giggles as she came, squirming around against the wall as juices dripped from her sopping snatch onto the floor and her tongue lolled out for a moment.

When she caught her breath, Bakuda continued, "And you, Amy! You get to watch it all. Watch it all knowing that wherever I am, I'm laughing at you every second lover is giving me their tentacles, fucking me with his cock, rubbing her cunt on my face. I hope they knock me up and you have to deal with that, too. Do it, lover~ Warp my mind into someone else, change my body to look however you want, and then fill me full of your seed. Put your babies in me~ Ahhehehe. You're gonna get NTR'd, cunt! Bahahaha!"

Amy tilted her head to the side, her lips finding Missy's where the blonde watched Bakuda with… an absolutely bored look on her face. Missy returned the peck, red eyes shifting to meet Amy's hazel and she raised an eyebrow in question. "Finish her off? I want to come again," Amy breathed against her friends' lips.

Missy's lips pulled into a smirk and she turned her attention back to Bakuda. "Well, I hope you enjoyed that."

"I did! I really did! Still enjoying it," Bakuda laughed. "Gonna enjoy it for a long, long time, lover."

The tendrils covering Bakuda's face and in her nose retreated, causing her to blink as her eyes were exposed again, while the ones at her temples and in her ears remained—mostly for the imagery, since they didn't actually need them to get the job done. Her eyes found Missy and Amy across from her and she smiled. "I love you," she purred.

Then, the tentacles inside her took on a manic pace. Ribs, nubs, bumps, and spurs formed everywhere—optimally placed to hit every nerve cluster, every erogenous zone, trace and fill every crinkle and every fold of her body. Then the tendrils within her body grew new nerve clusters and erogenous zones and made even more little changes to catch those as well. The ones connected to her brain upped her sensitivity, shut her pain response off entirely, and disabled her body's refractory/over-stimulation period.

Bakuda came within the first dozen strokes of the tentacles speeding up. Once the changes to her sensitivity set in, she began coming continuously and just didn't stop. The half-Asian screamed and wailed and thrashed at first, before her voice trailed off into moans and whimpers, her body reduced to quivering and clenching muscles as the sounds of her body being turned inside out filled the room. Aphrodisiac fluid filled her womb, her pussy, and her intestines as her belly swelled to impossible proportions only made possible by the tentacles altering her as it happened.

Missy's teeth nibbled on Amy's neck and shoulder as the tendrils around the brunette's nipples withdrew, replaced by the blonde's eager fingers. "Look at her, Amy. Look how hard she's coming!" they whispered into the healer's ear, their voice dripping honey and smoke, warm, teasing, and affectionate. "You want that, don't you~"

"Y-yes," Amy mewled out pitifully as her pussy clenched around the squirming mass of tendrils inside her, the two little knobbly tendrils running over her clit picking up their pace. Missy's lips found her neck, licking and sucking almost painfully, leaving a mark that would be visible when she went home. What if Carol sees? What if Vicky sees it?

Amy came at the thought, a muffled squeak escaping her throat as she did, hands scrabbling desperately, latching onto Missy's arms and squeezing as her hips shook in the chair of tendrils holding her aloft.

They weren't done with her by any means, however. "You want us to do a lot more than just make you come until your mind checks out and goes on vacation, don't you, Amelia?" Amy shuddered at the name, her head nodding weakly. "Do you want us to change your body?" Another, stronger nod. "Shape you how we like?" More frantic nodding. "Or maybe, you want us to poke and play with your brain. Dig into what makes Amy Amy… and change that, too. Just bundle Amy up safe inside us, where she can watch another, stronger, better Amy live her life for her—"

"Yes!" Amy screamed as she came again, before turning and latching onto Missy's lips with her own, her tongue trying to force its way down the blonde's throat in a show of her own inexperienced enthusiasm.

Missy chuckled against her lips, returning the kiss eagerly, her tongue stretching out and splitting off into a dozen smaller tendrils that explored Amy's mouth, rolled around her tongue, tickled the roof of her mouth, swept over her gums, and probed the back of her throat as delicious, thick fluid filled the healer's mouth. And in the background, the sound of Bakuda's ragged moaning and groaning in continuous forced orgasm played as a soundtrack to their makeout session.

"How would you like to have us inside you~?" the liquid sex voice whispered in Amy's ear even as Missy's mouth did its best to rape Amy's own—and appeared to be succeeding. Amy nodded again.

"You want us to fill you all~ up~ Amelia~?" Frantic nodding.

"Here we come~"

Parts of the 'seat' around her moved, flowing over Amy's body. Some of the tendrils inside of her liquefied and flowed into and through her inner walls and womb, threading their way into the rest of their body. Something hot and thick poured from Missy's mouth into Amy's, forcing her to swallow it all down. Her power felt it as Miles' body spread through every part of her own, touching every cell, until they were almost indistinguishable even to her power.

Finally, he settled into her brain and she felt something click. And then, she could feel everything in the room in an entirely different way than just through her power. She could feel the mass that made up the walls, floors, and ceiling. The tendrils cradling and invading herself and those thoroughly ruining Bakuda. Moreover, she could feel Missy's body like an extension of her own.

Amy's eyes blinked open, meeting Missy's staring directly into her own—her hazel shifting to glowing red and slitted, red staring into red. She kissed herself kissing herself kissing herself—

"Easy there. No feedback looping us with your power, Amy," Miles voice chastised, directly into her brain.

'Can she hear me?'

Amy's eyes went a bit wide as she heard and felt Missy. 'Yes!'

'No need to shout,' Missy chuckled, her tongue/tendrils still plumbing the depths of Amy's mouth. 'How is it?'

'It's amazing!' the healer sent, her eyes rolling back in her head as she came again—not that she needed her own eyes when she had all of theirs to command. She turned her attention to Bakuda. 'What about her?'

'I think we're about done with her,' Missy admitted. 'I mean, look at her brain.'

Amy's body nodded of its own volition. "Cooked. She'll never be the same after this. I'll go ahead and do the consciousness transfer, then wipe her mind."

'Mm,' Amy agreed, reaching up and back to run a hand through Missy's hair. 'So. Tattletale? What did you two do?' she asked, as she took hold and gently pulled, trying to move Missy around.

The blonde allowed herself to be led, settling in to straddle Amy's lap at the larger girl's direction and draping her arms over Amy's shoulders from the front as she continued their kiss. The fingers of Amy's free hand found Missy's bare, puffy little pussy and slid back and forth along her thick, dripping lips. Her index finger circled the blonde's clit, drawing a quiet purr of appreciation from Missy's mouth into Amy's own.

'Offered her every chance in the world to be a decent human being and she spit in our faces every time. Spent all of last night on it. Then she… she stumbled over my trigger and hammered away at it. I overreacted.'

"We did what we're doing to Bakuda, and made MJ. Yeah, it's… monstrous."

Amy bit Missy's bottom lip, glaring into the blonde's eyes and flicking her clit hard, drawing a ragged breath from the smaller girl. 'You can share memories, right? So give them to me and let me judge for myself.'

There was a moment of silence from two third of the collective they had become, before, "She's quick on the uptake. I like her."

'Good, because we're keeping her,' Missy's mental voice was possessive, and the tentacles inside Amy arched and flexed just so, drawing a shudder from the brunette.

Memories not her own flooded Amy's mind—not just the highlights reel from Lisa, but the same from Allison. The girl recoiled almost immediately, feeling disgust at what she found there. 'No. Fuck them both. They were human garbage.'

Missy raised an eyebrow. 'What happened to the sweet, innocent cinnamon roll we knew and loved?'

Amy sighed into the blonde's mouth. 'I'm tired. Tired of pretending I give a shit about everyone else. Tired of… of hand-holding the world. I want to be selfish—at least, just a little.'

"We get it. No need to explain," Miles murmured. Turning their collective attention to Bakuda, the pair broke off their kiss and shifted in Amy's lap to face the Tinker, reclining against the healer, who brought her arms around to loop over Missy's waist—one hand teasingly stroking the smaller girl's mound. They watched as the half-Asian was released from the wall and brought before them, strung up by tendrils and put on full display for them.

"So, how do we want to change her?" Missy asked, and even connected as she was Amy couldn't tell which of them it was using her lips.

The healer shrugged. "What did you have in mind? I don't really have a preference here."

Missy hummed, tapping her bottom lip with a finger. "I'm thinking… slightly smaller boobs, give her some more muscle definition, maybe shorten the hair, we can leave the eyes," as she spoke, the body before them changed. Breasts shrank, hair past her shoulders fell off and was consumed, she grew more athletic and fit-looking. Her facial features changed, losing the half-Japanese look for full Korean, stress lines that had begun to appear on Allison's face bled away into perfectly smooth skin giving her a younger, cute look as the years seemed to fall off of her from mid-twenties to mid-teens.

"What are you going for here?" Amy asked, staring with fascination as her powers clocked all the changes, actively helping them along and completing the work of altering her DNA to match as it happened.

The blonde chuckled. "I think I get it," she murmured.

A moment later, her demeanor shifted. "What? If we're going to be a Spider-man knockoff, may as well go whole hog. We've already got a Gwen and an MJ. I'm pretty much Venom. Cindy Moon is one of the better alternate world spider-themed heroes, and one of Peter Parker's best girls. Actually, rates higher than Mary Jane Watson in my book. If only because canonically MJ was a fucking moron who kept doing stupid shit and Peter should've stopped chasing her and gone for Gwen, Felicia Hardy, or any one of a half-dozen other women in his circle."

Amy hummed. "Who's Felicia?"

"Black Cat. Sexy blonde thief. Kind of missed an opportunity there with Tt, but I really wanted to distance her from who she was and encourage her to do good." Missy's shoulders shrugged. "Alright, she's pretty much done. Just need to wake her up." Her head tilted, "Question is, what do we tell MJ?"

Amy frowned at that. "Not sure."

"Actually…" the pair spoke up again. "I think I have something. The salt grenades in Bakuda's lab. Bakuda had one as a backup. A faildeadly. She triggered it when we came in and confronted her. She's just salt now. Just going to need her weight in salt to pull that off. Shouldn't be a problem. I'll send a body out for it now."

Amy felt a bit of biomass break off from the rest, shifting into a raven before making its way outside and heading for a store to do exactly that. "And… Cindy?"

"Coil victim," Miles explained, though Missy's mouth. "Found her in Coil's workshop. He was using some Tinkertech helmet to play with her head and we smashed it all. Unfortunately, it left her in much the same state as MJ. Full amnesia, save that she knows her name. Probably connected to the group that wiped MJ's mind and dumped her on a rooftop, or a derivative technology anyway."

Raising an eyebrow, the brunette asked, "And her Tinkering ability?"

The blonde in her lap snorted. "I can modify, copy, or transfer powers. We ate Bakuda's shard before she died, which is when her salt mine tripped. We decided to hand out her power to a new host. Give her the same physical enhancement and combat packages as MJ. Give her a minor blaster power to go with her 'original' spider-based powerset, allowing her to shoot silk webs, using Eidolon's shard and copy my 'spider-sense' over to her from Eidolon's as well. Both of those should be pretty cheap—cheaper than powering fucking Endbringers, anyway." Considering the Asian woman, they hummed quietly. "We shouldn't wake her here. In fact, we know for a fact where all of Coil's safehouses and little even-blacker sites are. We'll take her there set her up, let her wake up on her own, then beat down the door to rescue her."

Shifting around, they sent Amy a disappointed look. "Which means we need to go now, before either MJ or 'Cindy' wakes up."

Amy pouted. "But, but we just started," she gestured between them, "you know!"

"Fucking?" the paid deadpanned. "Yeah, but it's fine. Delayed gratification is fine, too. And believe us, there will be some gratification later. We are going to fuck you six ways from Sunday, little Amy. And don't think we've forgotten just what it is you want. We can see into your brain now. We know all your fetishes."

"That… is so not fair," Amy pouted harder.

The blonde snorted, her face shifting from Missy back into Gwen. "And? You like it."

They hopped up and used the seat under Amy to force her up as well. The glowing eyes closed, mouths disappeared, and the biomass turning the room into the inside of some horror that would make H.R. Giger jealous shifted away to their pocket dimension.

The brunette moaned quietly as a suit made of biomass roiled over her body, pulling tight and squeezing her in all the right places to remind her that she wasn't quite satisfied yet. At that thought, a malicious chuckle floated through her mind and the tendrils playing with her clit and filling her pussy returned, even as the suit shifted to look like Amy's clothes. Tentacles lifted the costume up from the floor and pulled it on over her head, while the clothes went into their pocket dimension as well, so Amy could take them home later.

"And because everyone needs some time in their own head to themselves," Miles said, and the pair of Missy and Amy felt the connection between themselves muted. It was still there, they could bring it up if they wanted, but it wasn't transmitting everything full time by default any more—just a general empathic sense of the other person's state of mind. Amy took immediate advantage to shove her arousal straight down the link, earning a giggle from Missy as she was brought back to full arousal again, only to shove back on those feelings—turning it into a game of hot potato.

Cindy fell away into their pocket dimension with the rest of Miles' biomass, kept snug and asleep until they were ready to take her out. "Remember, keep MJ asleep until our body gets back with the salt. Then you can wake her up and explain that we left to go take care of some leftovers with Coil's operations. After that, you should probably get home."

"Hell of a way to spend a Saturday," Amy sighed, looking over the bedroom. She collected the two explosives off the bed and Miles disappeared those as well. "Alright, get going, before I start trying to push you down on the bed."

Amy yelped as Missy smacked her ass, then laughed as she fled the room via the window.

They were only a block or so away when the smile fell off of Widow's face and she groaned. "Longest. Day. Ever."

"And we've got more to do."

'I know!' Missy whined. 'When we're done with this, I just want to curl up and sleep for a day. Just… take me into the pocket dimension and let me sleep there. Somewhere isolated, safe, away from fucking everyone. Twelve hours of uninterrupted sleep.'

"Alright. If that's what you need."

'Thanks, Miles.'

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