
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, JBukharin replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Always looked good in Black (Marvel Venom!SI with possible Xover)


8 - Cashing in some new rookies

Parker Robbins, The Hood, Kingpin-in-the-making. The list is quite long on what I could say and not say about the guy, but one sentence better described the individual I was hunting down.

School-dumb, streets-smart. Despite the lack of impressive logic-driven pursuit in normal works, the man had a knack in getting cozy with many different criminals that most of the time weren't even up to any team-up. One would foolishly assume his cloak and boots were the source of his dangerous level- yet many of those that believe this would be sorely mistaken.

The Hood wasn't an A-tier villain out of power, but out of charisma that he had built after years of trying to put his hand on the OG Kingpin's own system. He was resourceful, methodic, but all in all… a man with a magical cake and some swift boots. I could say that I was going to be worried about attacking him since the chances of large groups of criminals at this hour being in the same room as he was were pretty high. The truth? The Symbiote had mostly integrated the Carnage entity that had left many years ago. And I could tell something different had happened during the integration, but it wasn't just about the need for food.

One thing that Carnage learned when he first established his cult was that absorbing symbiotes that had been for a long time around and growing accustomed to their hosts while adapting and gaining power and strength translated in gaining the released symbiotes strengths and abilities out of them through the absorption. Carnage had been for long confirmed to be stronger than both Spider-Man and the original Venom and… I could tell now that it was the truth. Sadly, my target was blissfully unaware of this development as he went through what looked to be a normal meeting between him and his thugs. The list was long, but noticeable 'novelties' were Shocker and Scorpion. These two weren't meant to be around at this point, but... to be fair, maybe my bonding with the symbiote caused the butterfly that got Gargan here of all places. He was still the Scorpion, no Klyntar-induced life changes from the looks of it.

My entrance was glorious- at least, that's what the Symbiote was assuring me as I slammed down onto the skylight and fell on my feet without using any web to restrain the fall. The impact cracked the floor all around and it definitely caught the attention of the criminals inside. Never in my entire life I had to deal with so many eyes upon me… as much as there were guns and weapons meant to murder me fifteen times and more. I could only grin and blush at the amusing reaction.


The Hood lifted a hand up, stopping the others from trying to gun me down at this abrupt interruption due to my arrival.

"Venom? I don't recall inviting you-"

"That's because you didn't, Robbins," I interjected flatly. "And I'm so offended- so bruised and all of that list of hurt-related feelings I bet your wife and baby daughter are feeling at knowing you just threw the chance at normality to be there and be 'a tough man' with 'tough dreams'."

I could see the scowl forming on his face. "What the fuck are you doing here and-"

"Cloak and boots. I need them. Now," I replied flatly, catching him off-guard.


"You know, the thing you stole and are now giving Dormammu the chance to spy on this world and plot his return. The things you have used to be of the super-villain ranking you need to be and… yet, the red hood and the boots. Relinquish both."

"How about no, ugly fucker?"

Can we eat him?

Now, now- he is just shy and nervous about losing his powers. He will think more about it with a proper response.

I smiled. "If you want this fight, I will have to say something to your current minions," I pointed out with a big wide grin. "Robbins' plan is doomed from the start. You all want the slice of cake that Kingpin left after getting jailed. It would have had some merit if not for the fact that first, Kingpin is working for Stark to hunt down criminals that are not under his control. He still has power in the territory you're planning to expand to."

"How do you know this?" A woman asked, and I turned to look at… Madame Masque. I had thought a little while about how to handle fellow Italians but… meh, I guess I will keep quiet about this for the time being.

You like… her?

It's more like kinship. She is part of a culture I'm also part of. It's like Americans, but more united in the name of pasta, pizza, and all that nice stuff.

"Prison-breaking matters. Let's just say that the newspapers are going full nuts from tomorrow's morning and for the next week," I answered happily. "Still, Kingpin is making sure that you are all easy to control by having you enter his lair undisturbed and… then he will strike once he is out. Because he will eventually leave prison since he has, you know, money to outbribe any loyalty guards have on Stark."

"So you think my plans aren't worth listening, bastard?"

...Are you sure that-

Not yet. But he is grating at my nerves too now.

I huffed. "We just told you that those are being subverted before those can be started. Kingpin is the issue, not you- except I really need your cloak and boots for a quick favor from Doctor Strange. Stuff tied to personality division and hell-banishing matters."

"But what about us? You mean we should just disband and act on our own- getting captured and all?"

"Oh no, that would be mildly upsetting for you all… but I have a simple idea. Some of you don't want to be in this position. Your references are stained by the fact you did some job in the bad circle and now you are stuck in this," I explained with a serious tone. "Which is why I have an offer- which is also extended to you, Robbins, but not as the Hood. You all work for me, you will be paid on a monthly basis and I promise you that once the war is over, you get some stable jobs which will clean up your past messes."

"I'm not giving up my-"

"Your? You genuinely think those things are yours, Robbins? That these pretty things come without a catch. You were scammed, man, and leaving you unchecked means leaving a doorway for Dormammu to come in and give a loud 'Hey, hey, Hey' that not even Fat Albert could manage to get out in his best day."

I sighed at the lack of response. "Still, the offer is open and- oh right. Another thing."

Almost face-palming at my little brainfart as I did forget of one thing, I turned to the side where the ranks of criminals were watching the entire thing unfold.

"I need Slug to stand up here. And please, be honest- I don't wish to kill you, little green."

I saw some frowns appear on some of the thugs' faces at that last nickname, but the fat bastard that was addressed looked way too aware of what I had just said. Despite some reluctance to follow through my orders, the bespectacled man stood up and made his slow steps out of the rest of the group and stood right in front of others.

"How about you show what the Hood had been ignoring? The little secret you're keeping right now."

More reluctance came from the big-boned guy, the people were even more confused as they started to murmure to each other about what I was trying to accomplish with this and… then everything got quiet.

Pink skin went green, his chin changed radically and his hair was no longer there as the infiltrator was bald. There was a deadly silence that ensued and before anyone could have jumped the gun, I decided to speak up again.

"Now, you and your brethren will work for me. I killed your queen, I stopped the invasion you got through the hate-boner aimed at Reed Richards and Tony Stark, and now you have nothing but death coming at you," I added with a dry tone. "So you either join my group, or you… try to live through this? Can you actually pull that off without risking everything?"

I didn't get the chance to get an answer that the Skrull was struck with a gunshot that slammed onto his head. My grin turned in a toothy scowl as I gazed back at the Hood as he held close his still-smoking pistol.

"Once again, bastard. I ain't selling anything to you."

I don't want to eat him anymore. Let's kill him.

I gave him the chance, he gave me the finger, and now I'll give him the fisting.

"I suppose I will have to spare your daughter the chance of knowing how scummy his father really is."

Despite his incredible confidence at winning this one out, he really wasn't up to the challenge I was throwing at him. I expected some criminals to jump to rescue their boss, so I wasn't surprised when I saw four more men jump into the fight. Out of loyalty, I presumed, or out of idiocy since they didn't understand what I just told them.

Music time, it is.

Either way, the battle started quite… weakly. The Hood jumped back and away from me, trying to create some distance as he knew the real issue about fighting Spider-man was about fighting in close encounters. Venom was worse in that regard, but the strategy he used had sense also due to his handguns being his primary weapons. Now, I don't blame him for being so hopeful or to have severely underestimated my speed but… I did blame him for believing that kind of firepower would have mattered against a symbiote.

He could have used some of the demonic magic coming to him through Dormammu and spared himself the hassle but… He definitely learned his last lessons when I rushed up at him at a neck-twisting pace and slammed a solid punch onto his chest. Magic is a finicky thing when it comes to protecting someone, especially when that someone was doing out of willpower rather than through standard incantation. Had I been slower, the protection offered by the cloak would have covered for him. Sadly, he proved to be too slow to react to my blitz.

I heard his ribs cracks and collapse inwardly, the resulting bloody cough just as he was propelled into the nearby wall did certainly confirm the critical condition he was in. I blinked as I saw something blue coming my way and… I held myself strong against the sudden blast of water that came from one of the bastard's fanboys. Hydro-man was… a mild annoyance. His power was literally the opposite of one of Venom's classic weaknesses, which made his attempts ever so amusing. Plus, he didn't have much of a water source to draw power from. This was severely stacked against him.

While trying to get a hit landing through his tangible form proved to be problematic, the same wasn't for vibrations that were caused without the Symbiote being nearby. Throwing rocks on the ground just below the bastard's watery feet didn't cause him any damage- but if forced him to relinquish part of the 'invincibility' he flaunted about. Seeing its frame shake at the little attempt, I sure got a mental picture of the shock on his face as I slammed a powerful punch onto his face. I didn't gauge my strength, but I could see a few teeth flying away at the devastating attack. The blonde tumbled down, unconscious and… I had to handle three more issues. These ones are slightly easier to face due to the fact they didn't have any power to keep them safe from me.

The original Enforcers, Jackson Brice (Montana), Daniel Brito (Fancy Dan), and Raymond Bloch (Ox), would have spelt trouble for a younger and inexperienced Spider-man, but they sure failed to stand up against me. The tactic was simple, Montana trying to hold me put with his lasso, while the two other men tried to manhandle me. I decided to give them something to dream on as I didn't cut through the restraints and allowed both villains to strike at me as much as they could. Fancy Dan proved to be a small tap from an ant, while Ox was a little more of a fly constantly flying and landing on the same spots all over my chest. My grin widened even more as I saw them all realize how futile it was, with Ox stopping first and he was soon followed by the rest of the group.

"Are you done? Or do you want to die?"

"T-This is unfair-"

"More like a you problem than a me problem. Why did you think it was going to make a difference?" I asked, but I found no answer to that and I turned back to the other Villains, with men and women there looking at me with a glint of 'interest'. I was the golden ticket to success, but they had yet to be told how I had some heroes in the group too. When I brought that up, some looked a bit upset, but I swiftly guaranteed that their past was going to be unimportant for the duration of the civil war. Until they were with me, they counted as players of the chessboard against Stark and his cronies.

An address was given, and a route through the sewers was provided. There was some reluctance by many, but roughly half of the criminals there accepted and I felt interested to see how things were going to be from now on. With this task over, I was back on the streets, both the cloak and the boots having been recovered from the dying corpse of the Hood and wrapped up in a fair bit of my web. I thought about putting them inside the symbiote, but I doubted Dormammu couldn't just take over Venom and ruin all my plans. With that out of the way, I was once more focusing on the last task before getting back home, which was food-gathering. First, I had to call on the home front to check on how things were going while I was out.

"Criti? Yes, I believe you should mention to the others that I might have found new recruits," I muttered quietly as I calmly made my way through the city by web-slinging around and trying to pass without getting any attention to myself as I went through the process of retrieving food for dinner. "Groceries? Almost done. And they are criminals with some Skrulls, so you should perhaps warn the others before we get a new Civil War, this time in my flat. How? Well, bring up football. I doubt everyone likes it but, I also doubt the majority doesn't like it."

"Yeah, tell Normie that tomorrow he is getting the nasty tooth taken away. That should make him happier. Okay… bye."

The call ended and I went back to getting all the groceries I needed to buy. I had a limited window of opportunity before the closing hour came and I had a lot to buy from multiple places. I managed to get through all these issues by being quick paced, getting all that was needed out before going back home and… find quite the interesting chat.

"The Grizzlies would knock them off their feet!" Montana's yelling caught me by surprise, but I felt more confused than shocked when the reply was a: "Giants all the way, you old fuck."

So, while Football had been brought up, it still caused quite the warring between the two groups and… within the groups themselves. I really forgot how divisive the sport was at times but it prevented any trouble with the others and the element that defused any escalations was the sheer amount of bags filled with food I had bought all around. Some wanted chinese, some wanted pizza, a couple of them wanted something quick and others indulged a fair bit at the chance of eating.

Still, much to my relief, the entire group, albeit not as cohesive as I wanted, seemed to hold it well enough to not cause any assassination attempt on each others.

Progress, but not poggers enough. Still, I hope Doc Strange is willing to come back from his self-exile if I knock at his door hard enough…



New friends:

Giuletta Nefaria (Madame Masque);

Jackson Brice (Montana);

Daniel Brito (Fancy Dan);

Raymond Bloch (Ox);

MacDonald Gargan (Scorpion);

Herman Schultz (Shocker);

Alan Fagan (Mister Fear);View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Questionable Questing

Gusfes, JBukharin replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Always looked good in Black (Marvel Venom!SI with possible Xover)


9 - The Exorcist Situation ft. Cookie Monster

Never thought I would find myself standing in front of the Sanctum Sanctorum itself in my entire life. And I definitely felt a little uneasy at the chance of Strange just coming out of his exile to kick my butt. It was a possibility, albeit a slim one considering that I wasn't trying to attack him. Prejudice would still be warranted due to the fact it was a risk to come there with Norman Osborn in tow but… maybe some chatting with the guy that was currently handling the chores in the house would prevent any misunderstanding. Which is why the priority at the moment was to talk with Wong and get through any sort of awkwardness through that.

'Lo and behold the man himself was by the door already as soon as I pressed my finger on the doorbell. I was a little surprised when the bald monk opened the door to greet us, but even more surprised he looked so calm that we were visiting. I would have imagined that some hints of distrust would have been raised at the sight of the unmasked Green Goblin and Venom himself but… he was so calm. And he definitely looked like he had expected us to come here today and at this hour.

"Mr. Osborn, Mr. Bukharin. Master Strange is waiting for you in his study room."

I sighed, glancing at the older man. He looked as surprised as I was but… yeah, Strange is strange. Not a shocking discovery, but definitely one that left me particularly confused as to how he knew I was coming and that I meant no harm in the process. Despite the weird start, we still followed Wong inside the Sorcerer Supreme's grounds and let the monk lead us through multiple halls of the curiously-built building. I took this chance to ask a couple of questions to check on what kind of predicament we were in.

"So, the Doctor knows the reasoning behind our current visit?"

"You seek to offer him a fortuitous deal. Regarding both Mr. Osborn and… the artifacts you recovered from… the Hood."

I nodded, smiling at the way he pronounced the jerk's name. Someone without some context would easily mistake it as the 'place' rather than the 'person'. And then the internet would take it personal without hesitation.

"And he is… happy about it?" I asked with a curious tone before elaborating on that point. "'Fortuitous' it could be, the deal is still between him and currently-received criminals by the government."

"His claims over the Civil War are of neutrality. But that doesn't mean he will shy away from helping others. Especially a troubled person like Mr. Osborn."

We nodded at this comment, and We could see that Normie himself was feeling calmer the more we addressed this matter. Any doubt left about my legit interest in helping him seemed to vanish completely as we ultimately arrived at our destination. Stephen Strange looked modestly placid, with a hint of seriousness keeping his entire composure afloat. He had been blessed by mystic powers, yet curiosity still reigned in his mind and face when it came to unusual elements within the universe. And he was giving me a rather intense look that could either be justified by the reasoning above, or I was unwittingly walking in what looked to be a gay rendezvous. I still had to sort out why it just exuded that much confusing masculinity.

"Doctor Strange, we come to bargain," I greeted with a big grin on my face. Nobody seemed to catch what I just did… except Strange from the annoyed look forming on his face.

"Mr… Bukharin," He took a moment to bring up my last name, which made me wonder if he also knew my true name. The symbiote knew due to the bonding but… I doubted the magician should. I never brought it up with anyone so that shouldn't be 'seeable' by anyone. "The new Venom, I believe you are aware of my titles and I would spare as little time as possible in this realm so that I can avoid… dealing with the unpleasant circumstance that is the current conflict between superpowered beings."

I nodded. "Sounds legit, Doctor. But still, can I offer something to the table that I believe you're not aware about? Think of it as something that helps us all, as in the planet, in the long run."

"Truly? And that is?" The sorcerer asked with insistence.

"Hulk has been driven out of Earth," I flatly commented, driving a more confused frown from the man. "I would suggest visiting the Planet called Sakaar with Captain America. Just because he might have a hate boner for anyone affiliated with Illuminati and all that stuff."

"And why would he find my presence detestable?"

I shrugged. "Dunno, maybe it's tied to the fact Stark signed his death by space as part of a plan agreed by all Illuminati."

More surprise, but he stared deep at my face to see if I was lying or not. He definitely paled several shades of white when he ultimately concluded that I wasn't throwing random BS at him. His lips twitched and he seemed keen to ask another question.

"How is… Bruce doing then?"

I hummed. "Hulk took over completely, but he retained Banner's humanity. He is happy where he is since well… he is creating a family. I doubt bringing him back home would do much, but I would do something about the spaceship that brought him there since there is a bomb that could detonate any month now."

A grim look appeared on Strange's face, and he nodded at this suggestion before he moved to handle Norman's issue. There was a clear interest from everyone to know… how the fuck I knew what I knew and I was just waiting for any of those guys to ask. None did, and I felt saddened because I had the response ready just for this matter.

Still, we were glad that nothing bad was happening while the 'good doctor' was going through the ritual needed to pull the same shit that Bruce Banner from Earth-11638 used to yank Hulk out of him and send him to Hell. The difference between the two cases was that Green Goblin didn't have the physical advantage of the Hulk and wouldn't live long enough to become some Hellish form of its normal self. Which meant he was going to die there while Norman regained enough mental stability to not be a threat to me.

There were some pretty green lights, then red ones, then some screeching from the entity getting pulled off Normie's back and sent straight down under (And no, we don't mean Australia). The entire process wasn't as long as I expected it to be and I definitely enjoyed giving out the red cape and the boots to Wong as soon as the process was over and-

"I-It is gone. I can't feel it- the voices-"

"Are they quiet now?" I interjected with a fascinated tone, gaining Norman's wide-eyed stare as he nodded at my words.

"Y-Yes. You- You didn't lie. It worked."

"I told ya. I'm really trying to get a working team to fix things up. Starting from-"

"Saving the heroes and politicians captured by the Skrulls," Strange interrupted and I scoffed.

"You know, I consider that a dick move. You don't spoil ambitious plans like that. It's rude."

He shook his head, asking to check on Norman to see if there were any chance of this ending up poorly due to a 'magical relapse'. I wasn't the expert in this kind of stuff but… I admit I had quite the interest in reading some more on the matter. I doubted that I was ever going to zap people like Grandpa Sheev used to, but then again- one can't know until they try it.

Just to zap bad guys. With styles. And not ripping off InFamous, of course.

That would… copy it?

NO, no. I mean, it would be a… gesture of appreciation for that series?

We believe that would still be called copying.

I'm so going to enjoy the times when we can't get any cookies. And no, you ain't getting my brain, big boyo!

We don't seek your brain. It's too precious.

Despite the light-hearted banter, we couldn't help but feel slightly weirded out by that last comment. Once the entire exchange was over, I thought we were ready to leave and go back to glorious planning but… the Sorcerer Supreme had more to say about this matter.

"Before you leave, there are a few things that should be brought to your attention, Mr. Bukharin. Regarding your current symbiosis with the parasite," He pointed out and I sighed.

"I'm well aware of-"

"Beware of that knowledge you have of it. While you know some of its aspects, there is always room for it to evolve and adapt to circumvent what you know and tend you to an unfair bargain. Be careful about it," He warned with a serious tone, taking a moment to walk up to his desk and retrieving a thick book off its surface. "Also, there is also this tome I wish for you to take. It will aid you with your current aim once this war is over."

We blinked in surprise, almost mirthfully grasping at the fact he was giving me so much with ease and… I just had to ask. "Then what? You'll tell me how I get settled down with a girl and make a family?"

Much to my immediate bafflement, he actually said something about it.

"You will find someone. But not of this current plane of existence," The sorcerer muttered as he handed me the book. "Do not underestimate her mask driven by sadness, but accept the idea that she will not see you as a good man at first. Prejudice drives many apart, yet… you two share a keen understanding of life that not many can accept. You both live within sadness but find joy within your own temporary purposes. Only your bond shall complete each other."

...Is he pulling my leg here?

He is not lying. We can tell.

Glad to hear that.

"Nothing else?"

"She will bear the star that binds Wisdom to Ice," Strange added and I felt even more clueless about this figure. Was he being serious? Can the venomous and utterly smutty Cookie-Monster find love in our existence? We really wanted to know more about it but that didn't seem to be on the table. We were led outside the Sanctum Sanctorum, with the door closing behind us once we were out of it and… we started to walk back to the base, plans forming as we had a lot to discuss about with the others.

"And now?" Norman asked with a serious look. "What's the plan for the team you're assembling?"

"First we… go for easy PR by saving those kidnapped from the Skrulls. They're all in the same ship, so it should be easy to infiltrate it and get out with the legit guys."

"I can aid you with any speech regarding that. I've been in that position plenty of times but… that's now what I meant, Bukharin," He argued with a slightly annoyed look. "What is my purpose in this ordeal? You don't want Goblin, you want me specifically and I'm not a fighter- even with the current enchantment from the formula-"

"Your potential would be wasted if you were sent in the frontline," We interjected knowingly, drawing a sigh at this pressing matter. "We are aware of that. Which is why I have to offer you something a little more interesting that is tied to what made Norman Osborn the… man that he was before getting a thing for Goblins."

His eyes gleamed with intrigue, still failing to hide away his irritation at the comment about his former problem. "And that is?"

"How about we help you to get Oscorp back?" I offered with a small smile. "Ever since you were outed as the Green Goblin, Oscorp fell in disarray and with it, no competition exists for Stark Industries. This needs to change as competition in the world of business allows for advancements."

"And those had been minor ever since Stark took over the entire realm of competition and got into the S.H.I.E.L.D. affair. I suppose there is a logic tied to it but… it will not be easy."

"We thought you had already seen that 'difficult' just ain't something that troubles me," I mentioned with a smug smirk. "Give me tasks to ease up the pressure, and I will make sure you'll have a smooth rise up to power once the war is over. But not as a politician, that would ruin you."

Norman seemed perplexed by the last comment, but he didn't inquire about it. There was a lot more to do and I had to get the group ready for the little plan to save good people from the Skrull's ship. Those that were part of the Secret Avengers had decided to remain for the time being, with Billy being the most reluctant due to the chances of him coming to 'fights' with his boyfriend. I had a conversation with Teddy and I could tell these worries were unfounded. I wasn't planning to hit Cap or give him a reason to react badly at the group- no, to win a war of this level, one needed to strike where it mattered the most.

And we were going to hit Stark with the harshest truths this world had held from him for so long~!



New outfit coming soon~!View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Casualfarmer replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Beware Of Chicken (xianxia)


When this mission had merely been him fulfilling a minor duty of the Sect, Lu Ri had been relatively frugal. In his mind, the only thing that had been taken up was his own time, and thus he kept resource costs relatively low, save for the one rallying of the disciples.

Now, however, things were important. Important enough to begin to use true techniques. With Elder Ge's command, he immediately sought the use of a Divining Formation. The answers one got were murky at the best of times, and Lu Ri could confess limited talent. But his other Senior Disciples, the ones who had not been driven into a frenzy of activity by Elder Ge's sudden and imposing presence as he began demanding more records, could aid him.

He would keep things discreet as commanded. His fellows knew he was looking for someone, but respected his silence on who. Or more likely, never thought to ask, too concerned with the clouds above their heads that boiled like a cauldron.

But for this divination to even have a chance of being successful, they needed more than a mere letter. The preliminary search had revealed nothing. Which was to be expected. It was also why so few embarked upon this path. Before mastery, uses were limited, and reagents expensive, in addition to needing personal affects, or even samples of Qi.

Luckily, they had plenty of such samples. Or so Senior Disciple Lu Ri thought.

"Ah, yes, the high quality Lowly Spiritual Herbs? The ones in this room have all been used." An aged cracking voice commented. The Senior Disciple, and Lu Ri did mean Senior Disciple, the man looked his age, was stroking his beard. "When things are of such superlative quality, they are used up swiftly."

"There are none left? Truly?" Lu Ri asked with dismay.

"While they were all used, or at least the ones in circulation, I did keep a sprig for myself." The old man said. "Though it did come from another set of disciples. They claimed they grew them themselves, but… This old man has some suspicions that they did not."

Lu Ri frowned. "They stole them?"

"One of the younger ones looked extremely guilty, when they were brought to me. When I asked another to investigate, he claimed it was… merely coincidence. They were merely Lowly Spiritual herbs, so he saw no point in pursuing further. And these bones are not what they used to be."

Lu Ri sighed at the laxity one of his fellows had shown, irritation coursing through his veins, and bowed to his elder. "Thank you. I shall investigate further." The old man nodded, wincing as he stood. He was obviously running out of time, and he had clearly given up on ascending past his current limitations. But the sect still kept him on, for his organisation was superb, even with his failing health.

The old man walked into his personal rooms, and retrieved the sprig of lowly spiritual herb. It was slightly dried out looking, but still vibrantly green and pliable.

"Thank you, Senior Brother--" Lu Ri began and was cut off with a booming roar.

The entire mountain shook, and Elder Ge's Qi flooded outward. The black, boiling clouds dropped ominously, like the very sky itself was falling.

A black maw descending to devour them.

As soon as it came, it left. The clouds paused their executioner's descent, and retreated. Merely churning angrily, rather than boiling.

Both Senior Disciples swallowed thickly.

"I shall find out the truth behind this matter, Senior Brother." Lu Ri intoned.

"May the heavens be with you, Junior Brother. May they be with us all."


The sprig was delivered to his fellows, the shock of Elder Ge's intent having worn off swiftly. The formation would be ready a few hours after Elder Ge's assembly call. Lu Ri turned his attention to the ones that had given his Senior Brother the Herbs.

To make certain that they were from Disciple Jin Rou.

The disciples were still a bit jumpy as they gathered before him, wondering what his summons were about.

"The sprigs of Lowly Spiritual herbs that you grew last year were of superlative quality, Disciples. Why have you not been able to repeat this feat?" He questioned.

The looks on their faces told Lu Ri all he needed to know. The shifty eyes, even with their bodies held serenely.

Lu Ri's own intent filled the room.

"We took them as payment, after we helped him!" One of them broke immediately.

Lu Ri was very, very close to spitting blood at his point.


The courtyard was packed, with every single Disciple of the Sect, save for the Old Masters in Closed Door Cultivation. There was murmuring, and confusion. What could call them all out of their duties? Why had Elder Ge called them all here?

Many were staring up at the black sky. The nervous, uneasy energy filled the rarely used courtyard, that had cracks going up the pillars.

Lu Ri stood with the rest of the Senior Disciples, who were all outwardly calm, but he could detect fear and unease in all of them as well. This had not happened for centuries, at least. The Call of the Disciples was something that was only undertaken in emergencies, and very, very rarely were there any emergencies in the Cloudy Sword Sect.

A hush fell out over the crowd, as two elders arrived. Elder Ge, his face calm and Serene, and Elder Chen, who looked as ill at ease as he had ever seen the arrogant and boastful Elder.

Elder Ge's eyes slid over the disciples, and where they passed, men and women stood straighter.

"You may wonder why This Elder has gathered you all here today. It is due to something that has been brought to this one's attention. Come Down here, Chen Li. This old man would have words with you."

There was a murmur in the crowd, and Chen Li stood straighter as he was called. His smile came across his face, and he stepped arrogantly towards the powerful Elder. His father was there, so what worry should he have?

"This Chen Li pays his respects to the Honoured Elder." The boy declared politely.

Elder Ge took him in, staring at the boy silently. He stroked his goatee once, having disdained long facial hair.

"I hear you have been trading pointers with the Outer Sect Disciples." Elder Ge mused idly, still staring at the boy.

Chen Li bowed his head. "Yes, Elder Ge, I have aided their training greatly, and exchange my knowledge with them frequently." He said with a smirk. Lu Ri felt his gut twist at the words.

"Indeed. It is a blessing to receive a pointer from one more powerful than yourself. To witness their technique first hand, and use that knowledge to better oneself." Elder Ge lectured as he paced from side to side, addressing the crowd. The storm above them was still and silent, mirroring the Disciples of the Cloudy Sword Sect. Several of the Outer Disciples clenched their fists, and held their tongues.

Chen Li smirked, nodding along. He stood proudly under the Elder's gaze. He was obviously wondering if he was about to be rewarded, and Lu Ri felt a single spot of pity for the boy, before it was wiped away.

"So, you should have no problems trading pointers with this Elder." Elder Ge declared with a serene smile.

Lu Ri noted well the exact moment the statement finished imprinting itself on the young man's mind. The cracking of his facade. The sudden trembling in his qi. The smug look of superiority faded, replaced with the pale white of abject terror.

"Are you not honoured? Fear not, I, Your Grandfather, shall treat you exactly as you have treated your juniors."

Not a soul in the courtyard dared to take a breath, even Elder Chen, who was biting his lips so hard they bled. His son sought him out, his eyes jumping desperately to the man to defend him.

The Elder remained silent, staring forward blankly.

"Come. Take your stance." Elder Ge demanded.

The courtyard had realised that they were about to watch an execution. The boy was shaky. His eyes were full of terror. Yet he formed his stance, raising his hands.

He knew that he would not be allowed anything else. Best to preserve some dignity.

"Now. Your Honoured Elder shall trade pointers with you." An open hand rose, raised leisurely backwards.

Chen Li's head jerked to the side. None had even caught the Elder's movement. There was no notice of his motion, not even a displacement of air. But there was a single sharp crack, and Chen Li staggered.

He seemed confused as to what had happened. Blood dripped out of his mouth.

"What did you learn from that blow?" Elder Ge asked him, tiling his head to the side.

"I--I-- Your Supreme Skill, Elder--" the boy stammered out. He tried to compose himself.

"So you have learned nothing. Very well, I shall show you again."

Chen Li jerked to the other side, blood spraying out of his mouth.

"What did you learn?" Elder Ge asked again. "The whole point of trading pointers is to learn, is it not?"

"You are correct, Elder Ge." The boy managed to cough out.

Elder Ge nodded, seeming to ponder something.

"Ah, You could not even perceive it. Here, I shall slow it down for you."

Chen Li barely had time to wince. There was another ugly crack. But this time, Lu Ri could see it. The hand that slammed directly into the boy's face.

"Better, I think. I have to restrain my strength, but such is life." Elder Ge sounded as if he was discussing the weather.

"What." Crack. "Are." Crack. "You." Crack. "Learning?" Each word was punctuated with a blow. Chen Li's head jerked form side to side, as each perfectly controlled motion kept him standing, and ready to receive another.

"What have you learned? I shall answer. Nothing."

The Elder struck, and this time he was not so kind.

"You dare euphemize this. You dare call it a pointer?!" The Elder roared. "Is it enjoyable, to crush other members of our Cloudy Sword Sect!?"

More blood arced through the air, and the boy's Qi shuddered like a dying heartbeat as he was broken.

"Two were crippled permanently. Three had to restart their cultivation. Two just left, and many more simply received the blows without comment, because what could they do to an Inner Disciple?" Elder Ge's eyes darkened further. "Some even tell me that a Disciple was killed."

Blood sprayed. Chen Li's body could take no more.

Elder Ge caught the boy by the arm, as he started to fall, raising him up, so that all could witness his beaten and broken form. He turned to the Inner Disciples, the Core Disciples, and The Senior Disciples.

"And none of you intervened."

Qi Shuddered, and the wind, for a brief moment, roared with fury.

The words forced some to their knees, as Elder Ge's carefully restrained intent boiled out of him. The cloud above shuddered, and descended like an executioner's sword. They could all feel the the sharpness of the intent, as if the very air was trying to cut them.

The black clouds were death.

Lu Ri barely remained standing.

"To suppress a member of another sect is one thing. To beat your juniors is another." His voice was a whisper, but everyone in the courtyard could hear it. "The reason this Cloudy Sword Sect was formed was to teach. Teach the wisdom of our Honoured Founders, and to live the way they envisioned. To forge bonds between cultivators, so that they may stand together against the darkness that now seems so far away."

Elder Ge's eyes pierced their very souls.

"We have grown fat and lazy. We have grown cruel and arrogant. We have let our high perch blind us to the earth."

He threw Chen Li's twitching body to the side. "Keep him isolated, his fate is for another to decide." He commanded, and two of the Senior Disciples hastened to obey.

"This stops now. Our righteous sect will be tainted by such acts no longer." Elder Ge intoned, the weight of his conviction pressing into all who witnessed him.

"Yang Linlin." His eyes pierced a female disciple. A female Disciple that had been growing increasingly worried looking as the strikes continued, and whose fellows had turned glares upon her. "Come and receive pointers from your Elder."

The beautiful Inner Disciple trembled like a leaf in a storm.

But she had at least some teachings of the Cloudy Sword, and went to face judgement with dignity.

"This Humble Disciple thanks her Elder for showing her the path." She bowed respectfully with a dead voice.

Elder Ge raised his hand.

The Disciples watched, transfixed, at the Elder's justice.

Five more were called. Some Inner Disciples. Some Outer Disciples. One Senior Disciple. The Core Disciples managed to remain untouched, to an approving look from the Elder.

"Some of this lays upon my inattention. Upon our inattention." Elder Ge stated once he was finished. There was not a drop upon him, not a piece of clothing out of place. "So I shall be taking a personal hand in matters going forward."

His weight was all encompassing.

"I will correct our lapses. I will return us to the Righteous Path of the Cloudy Sword."

"I swear this, in the name of our Honoured Founders."

Not a soul dared to breathe.

"I command you, meditate upon the meaning of righteousness. All shall provide this Elder with their answer of "what is righteousness" after their morning meditations, in this courtyard, and stand ready for work details."

"You are dismissed."


The formation was complete, drawing the small bits of Jin Rou's Qi from the Lowly Spiritual Herb.

A full eight Senior Disciples were in attendance. Their faces were a mask of concentration, as they manipulated the subtle energies of fate, the orb of water high in the air cascading with prismatic colours.

Lu Ri hoped this would work.

Qi surged, and was guided, the formation searching for the one whose Qi this was.

The ritual was nearly complete, solidifying into an image…. When the image suddenly froze, golden cracks running through it.

The formation trembled, shook, and broke along the golden lines.

The orb of water fell, splashing into its basin.

He knew that an important person might have some defence against scrying, given to them by their master, but it was worth attempting anyway. Or their concentration was not what it should be. The sect had been greatly disturbed by Elder Ge's… appearance.

Lu Ri sighed.

Manually it was.

He left the sect that morning, after giving Elder Ge his views on Righteousness. They were spoken near verbatim from the Honoured Founder's own scroll "Meditations Upon the Nature of Righteousness", but they were good thoughts and good words. Superior to his own comprehension.

Elder Ge was very pleased by his answer.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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