

Just In




Rhaegar Targaryen, Son of the Dragon (SI as twin of Aenys I Targaryen) by Dragonspectre01

 Books » A song of Ice and Fire Rated: M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, OC, Aegon T., Visenya T., Maegor T., Words: 24k+, Favs: 453, Follows: 574, Published: Jan 1 Updated: May 1174Chapter 6: CH6: Prince of the realm

It was hard to blend in as a commoner especially in a remote fishing village. He learned that when he decided to stay by the prince's side posing as a trader seeking to buy fish from the fishermen. He was Ser Addison Hill of the Kingsguard personally inducted by Queen Visenya into the order. No, he was Addison the Fishmonger as the Prince would like to call him.

He was immensely indebted to the Targaryen monarchs for offering him a position among the White Cloaks. After the end of the war, his prospects were not looking well and he was planning to join a few of his friends in seeking a job in Essos. The stigma associated with his bastardry would see him excluded in certain circles and he had no intention in serving under a moron with higher opinions of themselves simply because of their birth. Then the Queen impressed by his powers in the battlefield offered him a post that would give him glory and recognition.

Turns out it was a double-edged sword as he was now dressed up as a glorified merchant from Crownlands seeking a steady supply of fish. He had thought if anyone would be uncomfortable it would be Prince Rhaegar but no! The young prince was in his element completely immersing into the local village playing his part as Nemo the Taster. The Prince was supposed to be his nephew who could take one whiff of a fish and tell whether it will be tasty or not. He was still struggling to understand how that was supposed to keep them hidden.

But to his surprise, the smallfolk believed every lie the Prince made up in a short amount of time. The Prince or Nemo as the smallfolk called him was doing what he did best while he was forced to bear the shame of trading fish! There was no glory in trading fish, he thought with some scorn. His only relief was that he could escape this godforsaken place after two more days. By then the time allotted by the King would come to pass and he could finally be free of this shameful play. A few weeks later these last few days would look like a nightmare he had on a bad night.

But till those two days have passed he would endure for the sake of duty and his paths.

"Here lad. This salmon is rare only to the Mander. Hold this over a fire for a few moments and you'd never taste anything better." said a local fish trader as he handed over a large fleshy salmon to the prince who took a whiff of the fish. Then the Prince began to animatedly discuss the taste and supposed health the fish offered with the fisherman.

Frankly, Addison couldn't understand how the Prince could act as if he was an experienced fish trader. He had thought the Prince's story wouldn't hold up with these people but surprisingly it did. He didn't know whether he was going mad or the Smallfolk in these lands were just dumb. Either way, he was looking forward to getting out of this predicament as soon as possible.

"A long sturdy body and the right amount of flesh for keeping one's belly full. Just with a few pinches of salt and heat you get a fish that would fill your belly." The Prince gave his verdict after a lengthy inspection which made Addison stare incredulously at the second son of King Aegon.

In contrast the fisherman was bouncing on his legs excited that his catch was getting praised.

"We will take a barrel of these beauties Polts." said the Prince.

"Only a barrel?" asked Polts with palpable disappointment.

"Ah, first we must test the quality of your fish Polts. Then only can we decide whether we should buy in bulk. Our market is in King's Landing and we never know when the Royal Family takes an interest. So we always keep our merchandise in top quality."

Truly Addison was surprised at the ease with which the Prince was spilling lies. To him, it looked like the Prince was doing it as easy as breathing. Then again the Prince has always been a troublemaker who wormed his way out of trouble with his silver tongue.

"You have the Royal Family as your customers?" asked Polts excitedly.

"Oh yes. My uncle is a very famous Fishmonger you see. He has a few shops in the Capital City as well as in Duskandale. The Royal Dragons always seek out fresh meat be it fish or animal. You see they have gigantic dragons that prefer raw meat to sate their appetite." said the Prince

"I've heard of those Dragons. Are they as big as a castle?" a nearby fisherman asked who's name Addison forgot. Not that it was any special name as he was sure it would be something as ridiculous as Polts. The names these people have for themselves, he thought with a snort.

"For once my good man the rumours are true. There is Balerion the Black Dread, the largest of Dragons. Its roar would shake the bones of any sturdy knight. Vhagar has the hottest of flames. Then the dragons of the two princes sleek and fast. Of course, this means the dragons ought to be fed and we fishmongers make a fortune in the capital."

"Truly! The dragons prefer fish?" asked Polts excitedly and Addison could see the greed shining in the fisherman's eyes.

"Oh yes. The dragons love fish especially those that are fleshy." said the Prince and Addison rolled his eyes at another blatant lie.

Living in King's Landing he was more than familiar with the appetite of the dragons. Those flying monstrosities most certainly did not prefer some small fish. The dragons preferred hunting for whales and sharks in the sea. If that was not available they preferred pigs and cows. He wondered why the Prince lied about that though.

Later that day he was collecting some firewood for their nightly stay with the prince in tow. As the village was a fishing village there was a lack of proper lodging and that had forced them to make a camp on the outskirts of the village. For security reasons, everyone in their party has been ordered to keep a healthy distance from the shores. He didn't want any of his fighting men to be in the way of a surprise attack from the bandits. Just because he thought this was a waste of time didn't mean he was not cautious.

Taking in all the anger and frustration he felt at the ridiculous situation he found himself in he swung. The wood split cleanly in two courtesy of his axe and the Prince was there to push another piece of wood to his line of sight. The wood suffered the same fate as the previous one under his axe.

"You look as if you are killing some hated enemy Ser Addison." Commented Rhaegar

"What gave you that idea my Prince?" asked Addison as he continued to split wood.

"You have a very disturbing smile on your face Ser. Isn't that right Ser Baelium?"

Addison glared at the Crownlander knight who was trying and failing in lighting up a fire. The knight looked up from his efforts of creating fire by rubbing sticks only to be on the receiving end of Addison's glare.

"Perhaps Ser Addison misses the opportunity to swing his sword and is compensating with the axe my prince. We knights tend to be at odds with ourselves when we can't train." said Ser Baelium diplomatically.

"Hmm…is that so?" the Prince raised a sceptical eyebrow. "Don't you worry Ser Addison. I am sure you will have your chance to bloody your sword soon enough."

"Really! How can you be so sure that these bandits will attack this village?" Addison asked as he took a break from cutting up firewood.

"Just look at the pattern they have kept up." said Rhaegar but Addison just stared at the prince unconvinced.

"They have targeted fishing villages so far and hardly left any tracks on the ground. That means they arrive through boats. The pattern of attacks that they follow is in order towards the east of the Mander so we know they are travelling along with the flow of the river. They are travellers or nomads striking at villages that they pass by. There is no sense of planning in their strikes except for killing every living thing they come across. And attacking fishing villages is not going to give them a mountain of wealth. This means they do this for pleasure, not for materialistic possessions. In short, these men are madmen extracting pleasure by inflicting pain, misery and death upon others." explained Rhaegar

"And you wonder why I object to your presence here in this ill-thought adventure. These men won't hesitate to kill you and you are willingly throwing yourself up against them for the sake of fun." growled Addison

"No. I am throwing myself at them so that they will stop exploiting the good people of these lands. I wouldn't have to do that if the local lords and knights of these lands actually did their jobs. But no! They are all busy gorging themselves up with food, wine and women. Why would they care about some dead smallfolk and burnt out fishing villages?"

Addison had no retort to that so he wisely kept his tongue on the matter.

"Doesn't mean you would have had to directly involve yourself, my prince. We are just worried about your safety." said Ser Baelium surprisingly siding with him on the matter but even then the Prince had a rebuttal.

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." said the Prince and that if nothing else silenced both Addison and Baelium.

Addison had nothing much to say after that as what the Prince said was a fundamental concept adhered in the oath sworn by a knight. While he wouldn't claim that he was a perfect knight he did try to live up to his oaths however conflicting he found them to be. It was for this reason he stopped all his complaints about the present scenario and decided to wait patiently for the last two days of their stay to pass.

That night Addison found Baelium keeping watch near the fire while the prince peacefully slept inside the tent.

"You may take your rest Ser Baelium. I will keep the watch." offered Addison as he took a seat near the fire.

"I can keep the watch, Ser Addison. You worked hard today and you would need the rest."

"Not as much as you need. I can see you are barely holding back sleep. Take some rest Ser…." He trailed off as the peaceful night sky was pierced by a scream.

"Did you hear that?" Addison asked but Baelium merely looked confused.

Then another scream followed and this time he knew that it was not his mind playing tricks on him. The scream came from the direction of the village and both of them looked at the fishing village peacefully slumbering under the veil of darkness. The night sky was cloudy and little moonlight was left for them to observe the village. Then a fire was lit in the village shocking them both. Addison realised that it was a wooden house that was burning and screams began to pick up the pace.

"Bandits?" asked Baelium

"Maybe or it could be a genuine fire." He mused

"What do we do?"

He took a moment to think and then the words of the prince came floating back into his mind. He quickly came to a decision and hoped that he was making the right choice.

"Alert the others and take a few men with you to the village. If there are bandits sound the horn." He ordered as he began to douse the fire lest the bandits notice their presence.

When Baelium left he moved into the tent and saw the prince was awake.

"What was that?" asked the prince

"A house is burning in the village, my prince." He reported as he took out the chainmail and weapons from their belongings and handed them to the prince.


"We don't know for sure but I intend to find out. Whatever happens, you will not leave my side. I know I won't be able to stop you from going into the village but you will stay by my side no matter what."

When the prince nodded he let out a sigh of relief and helped the prince to don the chainmail and fasten weapons on his person. After that, they slowly began to move towards the village joined by several other men in their party on the way. Just as they were about to near the village a horn blew.

"That was Ser Baelium. There are bandits in the village. We don't know how many so go in groups of two. Do not show any mercy. Kill them all." Addison ordered before he stuck close to the prince and moved to the village at the far back of their party.

Soon they were in the thick of the fighting. Addison barked out orders once he saw that the bandits were spread out unevenly throughout the village. Even in the chaos of the battle, he kept a firm hold on the prince afraid of what might happen. He was however forced to relinquish his hold when a bandit managed to reach near his charge. He parried the axe that was aimed at his ribs with his sword and punched the bandit with his left hand. He flipped his sword and gripped it in reverse hand and swiped the sharp edge through the bandit's neck drawing a sharp red line. Red hot blood sprayed from the bandit's neck and the bandit fell to his knees spitting out blood straight into the face of the prince. The man died clawing at his throat desperately trying to keep blood from pouring out.

"This what the real battlefield is Prince Rhaegar. There is no glory, there is no right or wrong in it. This is just one man killing the other pure and simple." He said to the prince as he ducked a swing from another bandit while driving his sword through his opponent's belly.

He looked into the shocked eyes of the Prince and dragged his sword out of the bandit's belly spilling blood and guts into the floor. Many more wooden structures were now burning increasing the visibility but at the same time covering the entire area with smoke. It was getting difficult to breathe but the battle was raging on around them all the same. He could see the Prince looked quite sick at the blood and gore that was spilling around him.

He felt a little sorry for the young lad to see this but he hoped this would temper the recklessness of the Prince. Seeking out battlefields on a misplaced sense of self-esteem and morals tend to end badly in most cases. Before he could shake up the prince a figure barged out of the smoke aiming to skewer the prince with an axe. His eyes widened and shouted at the prince in a warning. Thankfully the prince had the presence of mind to throw himself to the side effectively escaping a gruesome death.

And just like that Addison was once again facing a bandit and this one was wearing armour, unlike the others. His enemy was wielding two axes which made it difficult for Addison to manoeuvre. Not to mention the aggressive attacks from the bandit was quite effective in keeping him solely on the defensive. There was a moment in the fight that he thought he was going to lose and then a sword pierced straight through the left knee of his enemy. To his surprise he found his saviour to be Prince Rhaegar who quickly drew back his sword and beheaded the bandit. The prince's legs wobbled and he watched as Rhaegar fell to his knees throwing up on the spot. He rushed in and dragged the prince to his feet all the while keeping an eye out for any more enemies.

"This is not the time and place to get sick my prince." he admonished as he slapped Rhaegar's back two times. Thankfully that seemed to bring a semblance of alertness to the prince.

"I know. I know…. It's just not easy." The prince heaved and huffed but managed to breathe out evenly and steady himself.

"It is never easy. So are you ready? We got to move from here. The smoke is getting thicker and it is getting harder to breathe."

"Lead the way Ser."

Addison led the Prince away from the burning wreckage of several small huts. He would have preferred to get back and leave the village but something told him that the prince would oppose strongly. Instead, he and the prince concentrated on helping people out of the village and thankfully the prince was fine with that.

In helping the people escape they came across a small wooden cabin where a woman was screaming. He kicked in the door and saw that it was a man raping a woman. Before he could so much as blink the prince took matters into his own hands and swung his sword. The surprised bandit didn't even get to see anything before his head was rolling on the ground. This time Addison noticed that the prince was keeping his balance. He was quick to help the woman out of the cabin and the prince gave the woman a blanket to cover her modesty.

They went from cabin after cabin and hut after hut liberating women and children from the bandits. Until finally they walked in on a scene where some of their men were cut down by a group of bandits. Among them, he saw a figure with a red helmet.

"Are you the Black Septon?" he asked as he saw many of their men had also caught up to the bandits. Now that he knew that he had men at his back he could end this fight favourable to his side. Ser Baelium was also present and thankfully pulled the prince to the back of the group.

"Do you wish to meet the Stranger?" asked the one with the red helmet.

"No but just tell him that I send my regards." said Addison before he charged at the bandits followed by his men. He was confident in leaving the prince behind as Baelium would no doubt guard the prince.

Addison found himself facing the Black Septon while the others took on the bandits. He had to be extra careful in how he fought as he was not wearing any armour and to make matters worse it was starting to rain all of a sudden. The Black Septon was wearing armour and was a good swordsman. Addison actually was beginning to enjoy himself fighting the bandit leader to his own horror. But that came to an end when another bandit tried to intervene in the fight. While he did slit the throat of the bandit the Black Septon managed to disarm him.

Addison fell back as the Black Seton kicked him down to the ground. His life up to this point flashed through his eyes as the Black Septon raised his sword to end his life. But then a small figure jumped in and engaged the Black Septon in single combat. The haze surrounding his vision cleared and to his horror, he realised that it was Prince Rhaegar who was fighting the bandit leader. He struggled to find his sword in the mud and the rain was starting to set in making it hard for him to find his weapon.

He felt the prince being kicked into the mud and he hauled himself to protect the prince with his body if necessary. Then the unthinkable happened. He watched as Rhaegar drew his arms back and threw something from the ground. He watched with an open mouth as the bandit leader fell to his knees with a thin knife lodged in his throat. The Prince who was lying in the mud climbed to his feet and swung the sword. The rain washed away the blood and the night hid the act from many but Addison saw it all clear and true. When his eyes found the purple eyes of the prince it held no weakness but only strength. At that moment he saw a dragon, a dragon taking birth out of a roaring inferno with the head of Black Septon in one arm while the other held steel.FanFiction

Just In




Rhaegar Targaryen, Son of the Dragon (SI as twin of Aenys I Targaryen) by Dragonspectre01

 Books » A song of Ice and Fire Rated: M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, OC, Aegon T., Visenya T., Maegor T., Words: 24k+, Favs: 453, Follows: 574, Published: Jan 1 Updated: May 1174Chapter 7: CH7: The House of Dragons

Rhaegar let out a grunt as his waist was tightened with white bandages dipped in peppermint oil. It was supposed to bring down pain and he hoped that it would work because he was having a lot of pain from his ribs. Apparently, taking a full-blown kick from a grown man while wearing chainmail was a bad idea. That was a lesson he took to his heart and he would not repeat the same mistake ever again if he could help it.

At the same time on his left hand, a wound was packed in with bandages and some honey. These measures would do so for now before they could reach the safety of Tumbleton.

"How're you feeling, my prince?" asked Baelium sporting a concerned frown on his face.

"I think you were going easy on the training yard. That bandit kicked me with enough force that I nearly saw heaven." said Rhaegar and groaned painfully when he tried to adjust his position on the bed.

Well, it was bound to be painful considering he was lying on top of a type of bed that looked hardly anything like a bed. It was just a pile of clothes on the ground and on top of that he was lying down recovering from last night's ordeal.

"We are so sorry my prince. We don't have anything better for you to lie down." said Polts the fisherman with shame. It was the same fisherman that Rhaegar had befriended in the village yesterday. He was glad the man survived.

"Oh no. You and your family have been gracious hosts to me Polts." He reassured the fisherman who had little in his life and had yet shared what he had with all of them.

Despite his efforts, the man looked like he was horribly embarrassed in his supposed failure in treating royalty. To distract the man Rhaegar latched on to the other members of Polts.

"Introduce me to your family Polts."

That excited the fisherman who pulled his children forward.

"My eldest son, Colts." The fisherman introduced an older boy that looked like he was old enough to twenty. A well-rounded face greeted him with an awkward smile and Rhaegar, in turn, gave a small smile.

"Well met."

"Then my youngest son Dols." said Polts pushing a young boy of seven. The young boy was so shy that his cheeks and ears were red. Although, that was preferable to the black soot covering the boy's hands and face.

"Are you really a prince?" asked the young boy only to receive admonishments from his father and brother.

Looking at the innocent face of Dols made him think about his own younger brother Maegor. Last night he had nearly died and when the bandit had kicked him down the first face that sprang to his mind was of Maegor. Perhaps it was his subconscious mind trying to communicate something to him. He shook those thoughts away for the time being and smiled at the young boy. He beckoned him closer and he waved off the apologies from the rest of the family.

"If anybody should doubt when you say that you met a prince show them this." said Rhaegar as he handed Dols his own silver ring that had the insignia of House Targaryen.

"My prince you shouldn't have to do that." said Pols

"And yet I have done so. I do have a brother of a similar age and children no matter their birth ought to be treated as children." said Rhaegar as he patted Dols on his head. The small boy was staring at the ring in utter fascination and happiness. At that moment he wished he had something truly useful he could gift to the family.

"We ought to move to Tumbleton today my prince." Interjected Baelium

"Oh! I had hoped we could stay for a day."

"Not with your condition and that of the men. In the castle, the wounds could be treated properly. Besides we would be imposing on the people of this village."

"You are right. The people of this village have enough problems to worry about." He said thoughtfully. "So when are we going?"

"I was hoping we could move by noon. It will give us time to treat those who are seriously wounded and gives our men some resting time." Belgium suggested.

"Hmm. That's alright then. I suppose we move at noon." Rhaegar assented before frowning at his sworn shield. "Where is Ser Addison?"

"Overseeing the men and burying the dead." said Baelium

"Oh. How many did we lose and what about the villagers?" asked Rhaegar with a grimace.

"We count three men, my prince. The death toll among the Smallfolk is not certain. We are looking for survivors and we have to search for the burnt houses to get an exact number."

Rhaegar closed his eyes and prayed for those poor souls. He didn't pray to any god but just made a wish that their souls would rest in peace. He was someone who derided prayer and religious apparatuses in his world but lately he had found some peace of mind in praying. He knew that he was outsourcing his issues to an imaginary omniscient being in the sky. When faced with the kind of shit that he went through even a staunchest atheist would find solace in religion. Already he could feel a headache settle in as his rational mind argued with his irrational faith using logic and cold hard facts.

"Let me get some rest Ser Baelium. Will you be joining Ser Addison?" he asked as he briefly disengaged from his thoughts with his eyes closed.

"I will stay by your side, my Prince. A moment I am away you managed to injure yourself. It is a failure on my part and I am not keen on making that same mistake again." said Ser Baelium with a huff.

Rhaegar could feel that the knight was trying to cheer him up with some banter but he had no wit to spent after last night's events. The blood and gore nauseated him and thinking about that incident forced him to relive those events. It was hard to take those sensations out and for some reason, each moment of last night's battle was imprinted in his conscious with stark clarity.

Till last night he had never thought a battlefield would feel like that. He felt dirty and no matter what he felt that feeling would not go away.

Till yesterday he had never killed anyone in his life. He had not even killed an animal to his knowledge. Even when he stayed in King's Landing he had not harmed any animals. He knew that he was expected to kill or maim another living being when the situation called for it. When he decided to seek out the bandits he thought he would be ready but he was not.

He had thought that he would be killing the worst criminals and would bring justice to those who were suffering. He didn't feel he committed justice last night.

No! What he did last night was murder. And through that murder, he contributed to justice.

He killed a bandit who was hell-bent on killing a lot of people for his pleasure. By killing those bandits he stopped any future victims of that bandit. That was the only significant achievement of last night's events. He also most likely saved this village from annihilation. But in the process, he felt he became a part of something and he wasn't sure whether that was something he could live with.

He wished he could just fall asleep because closing his eyes was not only proving to be ineffective but it was contributing to making him queasy. He felt as if blood was sticking on to his hands and itched to wash it away. A portion of his mind argued that his hands were clean but his senses were not agreeing with that thought.

It was confusing and it was scary. He was a bundle of emotions and he doesn't know what he was going to do about it. But one thing he could agree on was that if he had the chance he would murder the one responsible for sending him into this world. He didn't care if it was gods, an ASB or the bloody Easter Bunny. He was going to kill that bloody thing even if it was the last thing he would do.

"Your grace, a raven arrived from Tumbleton." said Maester Gorme

Aegon accepted the scroll of parchment from the Maester who was a travelling companion in his procession.

Your grace,

We have succeeded in routing out the bandits within the time you graciously allowed. The Prince personally slew the bandit leader, the self-proclaimed Black Septon. We lost three Crownlanders in the battle but managed to save a village from the vices of the bandits. We resume our journey on first light.

-Ser Addison Hill

"I see. It seems my son has dealt with these bandits." said Aegon as a proud smile blossomed on his face.

"Your grace. Shall I oversee the arrangements you asked for?"

"Yes… Yes, indeed Maester Gorme. Do see to those arrangements." said Aegon distractedly never taking his eyes off from the piece of parchment in his hand.

The Maester moved away in a hurry to carry out his orders and he finally took his eyes away from the parchment distracted by his son's dragon taking to the sky. He watched as the aptly named Starfyre glide through the sky perhaps in reflection of Rhaegar's success. Dragons have been known to be extremely intelligent and empathic with its riders.

He had hoped his son's hunt for the bandits to bear some fruit. But he never imagined that Rhaegar would kill the bandit leader. This made his plans all the more effective and simpler.

Aegon had come to realize that dragons alone won't be enough to control the seven kingdoms. Visenya had warned him of this fact even before he launched his conquest and at that time he had dismissed her concerns. The battle of Gulltown and his disastrous attempt to conquer Dorne had proven the wisdom in his sister's warnings.

To his defence the consecutive victories he enjoyed against Harren the Black and the combined Lannister-Gardner armies had emboldened him. He had even tried to use diplomacy with Dorne for a unification. It was only when those efforts failed he went for war despite Visenya's concerns. On doing so he lost Rhaenys and her fall shattered the invincibility of dragons.

He proved that what happened to Meraxes was a lucky shot by burning Dorne to the ground in the following year. Despite that, the Dornish war revealed dragons can be killed in battle. Not only did he failed to conquer Dorne he also made his vassals question his authority. He had Dorne on the ropes and he was determined to wipe out the Dornishmen completely but his vassals forced him to pull back the armies and abandon his dream of a unified Westeros.

He had miscalculated the resolve of the Dornish and the troops of his vassals paid their price. It was then that he saw the inherent weakness in his power. He had no blood relation or economic dominance over his vassals and hence he couldn't hope to control them indefinitely with the threat of Dragonfire. This had let him know that House Targaryen had to ingrain themselves into the local culture to generate goodwill among his vassals and the people of his realm.

To that end, he began a rapprochement with the Faith hoping to generate goodwill by showing his deference to the Seven. Although, that was a half measure as he knew that the polygamy and incest practised by his House were seen in a bad light. But that would not matter with Aenys marrying a Velaryon.

He had tried to build better relationships with other lords like Edmyn Tully whom he even named as his Hand. But all of those measures were not as effective in generating respect and loyalty toward House Targaryen. One of the crowning achievements of his reign was that he managed to generate goodwill among the Lords of Crownlands and the Narrow Sea. His Small Council was filled with lords from these two regions.

But this was not enough in his opinion and he realised he would always be limited in his efforts to promote loyalty from the lords of Reach, Westerlands, Stormlands, North and Vale. Even the Riverlords who should have felt a spark of loyalty for his aid in saving them from the yoke of the Ironborn were unreliable. He didn't even make an effort to cultivate loyalty from the Ironborn. Those pirating lunatics were inconsequential for his plans in building a better kingdom.

Where he failed he thought that his children might succeed. He was painfully aware of his heir's limitations. But Rhaegar was whom his hopes and dreams of a better unified Westeros rested on. When the time came Maegor would also join Rhaegar and with three heads the House of Dragons will achieve wonders.

He was sure of it and that's why he gave certain leeway to his second-born son. Rhaegar was smart and was skilled in befriending people. His son had the natural charisma to make friends and his benign nature made people trust Rhaegar.

Aegon could already see a bright future of his legacy. Aenys would take over as King in his place. Rhaegar will be by his brother's side being the one to attract attention and loyalty from the lords and the people of the realm similar to Rhaenys. Maegor would grow to be a warrior that would make the enemies of House Targaryen tremble replacing Visenya.

And thus the history of Westeros will be changed by three dragons. His dream may not come true in his lifetime but he will ensure that his legacy will complete the dream. The dream of a unified Seven Kingdoms growing under the shadow of three heads of the Dragon.

All of that will come to pass but first, the tale of Rhaegar has to be spread. His son may be smart but he will need help to spread his influence. As of this moment, bards will sing songs of Rhaegar's bravery. He will ensure every corner of his kingdom will hear of Rhaegar's victory over the bandits. This will not be the first but it will be a start and he had learned the valuable lesson in starting small.

Aegon looked at the rising sun from atop the Stonebridge across the Mander. He would wait for his son to reach Bitterbridge and by then he was sure the tales of his son's bravery would spread. He smiled in satisfaction at the rising sun and let the wind carry the parchment into the clean waters of the Mander.

AN: Now that happened. Now you know what Aegon is thinking. Any thoughts?

Is anyone interested in writing a song about Rhaegar? Could be useful in the coming chapters.FanFiction

Just In




Rhaegar Targaryen, Son of the Dragon (SI as twin of Aenys I Targaryen) by Dragonspectre01

 Books » A song of Ice and Fire Rated: M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, OC, Aegon T., Visenya T., Maegor T., Words: 24k+, Favs: 453, Follows: 574, Published: Jan 1 Updated: May 1174Chapter 8: CH8: Rise a knight!

It felt cold, far too cold for his liking but there was no other option but to bear the cold. He was not so keen to move this early in the morning but Ser Addison was the one to lead their company. So the Kingsguard Knight's word was law and even a prince was bound to follow that order.

Thus Rhaegar found himself on the road well before first light. This has been the norm in the following week after he started his journey from the fishing village. While the cold was not as intense as a wintery night he felt the intensity of cold was rising day by day. Perhaps winter was nearby lurking in wait before unleashing its wrath to cull the populace of Westeros.

For a large continent, Westeros is hardly populated and population disparity is huge between the various regions of the continent. The Reach was unsurprisingly the most populated region followed by Westerlands, the Vale, the Riverlands, the Crownlands, the Stormlands, the North and the Iron Islands.

But this was soon going to change. The Riverlands was as fertile as the Reach but with constant warfare, the region was always destabilized. That would change with the Targaryen rule and decades of peace and minimal self-governance was bound to make Riverlands prosper. The same could be said for the Crownlands.

He had designs on a piece of land in Riverlands. Not just because he wanted some land to his name but he saw the piece of land as a way to curb any future Targaryen conquest of Dorne. He wanted Crownlands to be a giant trading hub but at the same time, he wanted to marginalize Dorne. Dorne's greatest asset is its trade with Lys, Volantis, Summer Islands and other eastern provinces of Essos.

Dorne's geographical position allowed this trade to flourish and he hoped to subvert this advantage from the desert principality. A canal connecting the Blue Fork to the Ironman's Bay should attract more trade. More ships would prefer the route instead of going around Dorne to reach Oldtown and Lannisport. Theoretically, this canal should increase trade in Crownlands, Riverlands, Vale, Westerlands and the Reach. The one who owns the canal will get incredibly rich and become one of the most powerful lords. He hoped to be the owner of that canal and he hoped to build a city near that canal.

This was his dream project but there were a lot of hurdles before he could even start this massive undertaking. He had to first ensure King's Landing was properly built to start this project. Then there was the funds and manpower to think of. The canal itself was going to cost a fortune and building a new city was going to be another headache. All of this requires manpower which the Riverlands lacked at the moment. If workers could be called in from other kingdoms then it may be possible.

This was the reason why he was very keen on surveying the lands of every kingdom sworn to the Iron Throne. The present taxes paid to the Iron Throne was a pittance compared to the annual revenue of some of the major lords of the realm. The Riverlands and Crownlands need time to regain their economy as the war of conquest and other wars fought on these lands were costly.

This is why Rhaegar was keen on raising taxes on major cities and some of the more affluent lords of the Reach and Westerlands. The crown needed funds to connect all the lands it controls. The best way to do that is to build better transportation. While he was no fan of Jaehaerys Targaryen but the guy had the right idea to build roads. Economically connecting the kingdoms was the way forward in keeping the peace and it is good for the prosperity of the masses.

When the Crown sponsored works would commence it would require enormous spending. But he had a plan to cycle the capital back into the coffers and that was by promoting local businesses and establishing a smooth system of taxation.

Again this circle back to increasing taxes on highly affluent lords. In the Reach alone there were too many affluent lords not to mention the political yoke they hold over the Iron Throne was a danger in his eyes. The Reach was the cultural capital of Westeros for a long time, there was no doubt about that. House Hightower alone had influence over the two most influential organizations of Westeros. The taxes were the first step in diminishing the power of the Reach. He had plans, dangerous plans but that would require time, influence and a lot of work.

"You are hard at thought my prince. What bothers you so?" asked Baelium who had carefully managed to flank Rhaegar.

"Ah, just thinking about all the work that remains to be done." He said shaking himself out of thoughts

"I believe those maesters and tax collectors with the King would do a fine job. There is no need for you to worry about everything my prince." said Baelium

"Oh, I am not worried." which was a blatant lie as he didn't trust any of the Grey Rats that hung around his father. "I think there is much to learn by observing the maesters and tax collectors at work."

"What is there to know? They just go around village after village and collect taxes." said Baelium as if that was obvious.

"Yes, but how? Are all the villages taxed equally? Is it based on the acres of farmlands? Or is it based on yearly produce? Or is it based on just coin made by the lord of the land?" he fired off question after question only to receive an incredulous stare from Ser Baelium.

"To my knowledge, the lords collect the taxes and the king tax the lords." said Baelium

"Not exactly true Ser Brune." Ser Addison pitched in and Rhaegar just wondered how the Kingsguard knight sneaks into his conversations.

"What do you mean?" asked Baelium with a frown.

"While what you say is true to some extent. But I believe the King intends to overhaul this system."

"Truly! Won't the lords protest? After all, no lords would prefer the Crown interfere in their lands." Baelium pointed out.

"The Crownlands will be the first to be affected by this reform. The other kingdoms not so much." said Ser Addison with a shrug.

"Where did you learn this Ser?" Rhaegar asked as he frowned at the Kingsguard Knight.

"I am surprised you have not been informed, my prince. I assumed you were told." said Ser Addison now looking quite troubled as the knight realised that he spilt a secret of his King.

"This is the first that I am hearing of this. I just assumed father intended to survey the lands and raise taxes of affluent lords." said Rhaegar and then went silent as he quietly pondered the issue.

On one hand, it was stupid of him to not learn the current method of taxing. While he knew the lords were the ones that collected the taxes from their land holdings he had assumed that the crown had established a certain percentage of taxes to each region. He knew the Crownlands paid taxes according to the size of land held by the lords. He just assumed this was the case for every other region.

This was one more shortcoming that he saw in his kingly father. The inability to properly communicate Aegon's intentions was famous in the court. The only person that his father interacted openly was with Orys Baratheon who is sadly holed up in Storm's End after the Dornish War.

He berated himself for not looking deeper into the matter. He should have had a word with his aunt Visenya before this trip. The only reason that he did not do so was because of the awkwardness to face the Queen. Not to mention he always felt intimidated in her presence.

A drop of water fell on his forehead jolting him out of his thoughts. He looked to the sky and to his disappointment it was beginning to rain. Already they were delayed because of repeated rains in their journey. It seems like they were not going to catch a break.

Due to bad weather and muddy roads they were further delayed two days to reach their destination. But when they did reach Bitterbridge a large crowd had gathered to welcome them into the castle.

For Rhaegar this was not a new occurrence. Along the way to Bitterbridge, many villages had welcomed them to stay. He found no reason to decline the offer as the weather was hardly perfect for travel. Apparently, he was getting some fame for slaying the Black Septon from the Smallfolk. He approved that as this was the reason he went on that suicide mission. He was never going to pull a stunt like that again as he had stared death in the face at that moment and only luck saved him from the grip of death.

His attention shifted to the guards of House Caswell arrayed on either side of the road holding the banner of a yellow centaur. The guards were doing a good job of keeping the Smallfolk in order and giving his retinue a clear path to the castle. Nonetheless, he could hear some chanting being picked up from the Smallfolk but he could not pinpoint exactly what that was as he was forced to speed along with his entourage.

Ser Baelium and Ser Addison flanked him and they were quickly announced to enter the court held by his father. Rhaegar was a little nervous and annoyed that Aegon was holding a court promptly. When the herald called his name he walked in, head held high despite the weariness of his travel.

Rhaegar walked into a hall of the main keep of the castle and he found his father Aegon sitting at a table on the far end. He walked forward and at some point, he noticed that Ser Addison and Baelium fell back a few paces behind.

"Your grace."

Rhaegar knelt and bowed his head showing deference to his father and king. He was aware that the hall was filled with lords, knights and other important people.

"Rise my son. Tales of your battle against the bandits that plagued the Mander have reached our ears. You have performed admirably befitting the title of a royal prince." proclaimed Aegon in a powerful voice and Rhaegar could see how pleased Aegon was right now.

"I did my duty and I had help from Ser Addison, Ser Baelium and many other fine knights."

"Yes, you did. Yet you slew the bandit leader in single combat and brought an end to the reign of terror of this outlaw." said Aegon with pride evident in his voice before turning to address Ser Corlys Velaryon. "A fine deed won't you say Ser Corlys?"

"Yes your grace. A deed worthy of knighthood even if the prince is young." said Ser Corlys to Rhaegar's surprise. He was not the only one that was surprised by this proclamation as the people in the hall began to murmur excitedly at the events unfolding before their eyes.

"Then you may do the honours Ser."

Rhaegar looked up to meet the blue eyes of Ser Corlys that gave nothing away of his personal opinions on the matter. After all, it was unheard of to knight someone so young and Ser Corlys was a well-renowned knight.

Rhaegar felt the weight of the blade on his shoulder and the oath of a knight was recited. He never imagined that he would be knighted this early. A tourney, he expected but becoming a knight, that was something he thought was in the future.

So when the rites of knighthood were finished he rose to the applause of many in the hall. He was congratulated by many and was led to the high table to sit with his father. Then the bards began to sing their songs.

Hearing the songs Rhaegar realized that his father was well prepared. On one hand, he applauded the candid political move from his father yet a part of him felt like he didn't deserve the title. But that negative thought was carefully pushed down and he engaged in small talk with Robert Caswell the heir of Bitterbridge while keeping an ear out on the bards.

With the darkest of mind

and blackest of hearts

lived a beast, in the skin of a man.

Red he drank, blood or wine

red he reaped, heads or limbs

with a heart as black as night.

For the Stranger, he lived

For the Stranger, he sinned

Until a Dragon roared 'No more!'

Stars stood witness

And so did the Mander

as the silver dragon slew the beast.

On, the dragon went

To kneel before the King

Only to rise a knight, as Dragonknight!


lalalamb: I believe the most prevalent theory is that Maegor was impotent. Rhaegar was a boy in his previous life. I don't like to write gender-bend inserts. I think it creates needless drama. The problem with the reforms you suggest is that they can't be applied universally across every kingdom. It will take time and consistent push. Not to mention he will face severe blowback from local lords who will be against losing their power.

The grandfather of Aegon severely curtailed House Targaryen's power in a fit of madness. It is insinuated that the Targaryen treasurer before this event was filled with treasured tomes and priceless Valyrian Steel artefacts. The crown that Aegon wears is one such surviving artefact as it is made of Valyrian Steel.

T149Man: The story will be picking up pace soon.

vyoom: Visenya is the smart one of the three siblings. Aegon has always been portrayed as a recluse. His reputation comes from his ability to thrash opposing armies on a dragon.


Just In




Rhaegar Targaryen, Son of the Dragon (SI as twin of Aenys I Targaryen) by Dragonspectre01

 Books » A song of Ice and Fire Rated: M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, OC, Aegon T., Visenya T., Maegor T., Words: 24k+, Favs: 453, Follows: 574, Published: Jan 1 Updated: May 1174Chapter 9: CH9: At Blueburn

When Rhaegar joined the procession he had high hopes for a grand adventure. A long journey that would take him to the most populous and vast region his family ruled was bound to be exciting. Not to mention this was an opportunity for increasing Targaryen soft power. Making new friends and brokering favourable trade deals from the nearby Reach lords for the benefit of King's Landing was also a nice plus.

For the most part, it was everything he imagined. He met a lot of people both nobility and commoners. The noble houses of the Reach were extremely accommodating. They were competing with each other to please his father Aegon.

There were two reasons why the Reach lords were trying their best to please Aegon. One, they sought Highgarden and refused the authority of Tyrells in ruling the Reach. Second, they want to shield House Targaryen from finding out the subtle hostility present among their population.

Rhaegar found nothing surprising in the ambition of Reach lords to displace the Tyrells. It is common knowledge that Tyrells are not held in great regard in the Reach. There was already factions formed within Reach aimed at claiming Highgarden. The only saving grace is that the lords of the Reach were discounted and they were all aiming for Highgarden.

The Hightowers had the support of Redwynes as Rosemera Redwyne is the wife of Manfred Hightower. The other strong contenders include Florents of Brightwater Keep, Fossoway of Cider Hall supported by Addam Oakheart. It didn't help Addam Oakheart held hostility to House Targaryen for refusing to punish the Dornish for raping his sister and selling her to slavers.

Many such intricate alliances were being weaved around in the Reach. The Tyrells were not falling behind in this field either. Theo Tyrell, the current lord of Highgarden married Lilian Costayne of the Three Towers. Not only that Theo Tyrell managed to secure his sister's hand to Lord Edric Bulwer of Blackcrown.

He had to admit Theo Tyrell is a shrewd man. The Lord of Highgarden managed to corner Oldtown by securing an alliance from House Bulwer and Costayne. Both of those houses bordered Oldtown and could pose a military threat to House Hightower.

As for the hostility to House Targaryen, he noticed a pattern. The people living close to Septs seems to look at him with barely disguised hostility and revulsion. In Tumbleton he encountered no such problem. But from Stonebridge onwards he noticed this hostility among the populace. He had an idea why this was happening but he was adamant to make sure his suspicions were true soon enough.

Now, Rhaegar learned all of this undercurrent of politics of the Reach from his companion Arthur Merryweather, the heir and only son of Lord Webett Merryweather. The heir of Longtable was of a similar age to Rhaegar and he was quick to strike up a tentative friendship with Arthur.

"So, who do you think should inherit Highgarden?" asked Rhaegar glancing sideways atop his horse. Arthur Merryweather was young but quite pudgy in his opinion. It looked like the heir of Longtable favoured feasts and songs rather than swordplay. He noticed Arthur rarely visited the training yards and if he did it was only because of Lord Webett's insistence.

The heir of Longtable was a few inches shorter than Rhaegar and had an unimpressive face. But at least Arthur Merryweather was a good company, unlike Robert Caswell of Stonebridge. He could barely tolerate Robert Caswell who is an avid womanizer and cruel. To be truthful the heir of Stonebridge was not cruel by the standards of Westeros but he couldn't tolerate women being demeaned in his presence.

"Father says the lords vying for Highgarden are morons. It is not as if King Aegon will accept the Tyrells being overthrown." said Arthur with a derisive snort.

Well, that was a good argument but Arthur didn't know that Aegon was not so fond of Theo Tyrell especially after the Lord of Highgarden dragged his foot in the Dornish war.

"So lord Webett is not taking any sides?" he asked tentatively keeping his thoughts to himself.

"Hah! My father could care less what all those southern fools are doing. We at the Longtable have long since taken no part in Highgarden's court even when the Gardners were kings."

"I see." He hummed and decided to prod the issue a bit more. "Why is that? Did the Gardners offend your family somehow?"

"Well, it all starts with an ancient rivalry. For a long time, House Merryweather helped move grain and other resources through the Mander and Blueburn across the Reach and even the Stormlands. We became wealthy because of our ability to safely ferry goods and armies in times of war across the two rivers. All that changed when House Gardner gave lands to a knight and raised them as lords."

Rhaegar looked at Arthur intrigued. "Which is this new House?"

"You already met them Prince Rhaegar. The Caswells of Stonebridge. The Caswells constructed a bridge across the Mander connecting the north and south banks of the Mander. They began to build roads connecting the bridge to either side and since then we lost our prominence. Rumour has it that the knight was a secret lover of Princess Veina Gardner. Since then we have removed ourselves from the court intrigues of Highgarden."

"Interesting." Frankly, he could care less about ancient rivalries but this sort of knowledge would certainly come useful in the future. "Are there any other houses that are refusing to take sides?"

"Well, the Marcher lords could care less who sits on Highgarden. Their eyes are always trained on Dorne for those thieving barbarians to crawl out of their deserts. But other than that most houses would silently support some claimants."

Before he could continue the conversation his attention shifted to a commotion on the road.

"What is happening over there Ser Baelium?" asked Rhaegar squinting his eyes into the distance.

"I don't know. It seems our scouts and a few Smallfolk are having a bonding moment." said Ser Baelium before urging his horse to pick up speed leaving Rhaegar and Arthur with a platoon of guards.

Rhaegar was quick to catch up with his sworn shield and came upon a cart with its wheel halfway submerged in the muddy road. Once again the bloody rain had turned the roads into muddy swamps. This just highlighted the need for concrete roads for Rhaegar. He was already working on it and if everything went according to plan then roads in Westeros would become far smoother.

"Take your cart and move away old man. Don't you see you are blocking lord Arthur's and the Prince's way?" a Merryweather household guard yelled that Rhaegar assumed to be a farmer.

"A thousand apologies m'lord. Mi Ox can't pull the cart from the mud." cried the old man all the while beating the Ox to pull the cart to no success.

"Then just pull the cart out of the mud yourself you dumb old man. Or do you want a lashing?" the guard fired off heatedly.

"I tried m'lord. I am just an old man."

"Then ask the other man in the cart to help you, dumb old man." The guard was now calming his sword handle quite ready to use force.

Rhaegar had not even noticed there was someone on the cart. He guided his horse forward and took a better look. Sure enough, someone was lying on the cart but he could see bloodstains on the cart from the angle he was looking at. He doubted the others were seeing it as the cart held a lot of Paddy sheaves.

"Why is that man bleeding?" he asked the old man on the cart.

"M'son is a woodcutter milord. A tree fell on his legs. I was on the way to see a healer." said the old man.

Rhaegar could see the old man had already given up on his son's survival. It was understandable as Westeros being a medieval society there was hardly any quality medical care available. A major injury like this was bound to kill the man but that doesn't mean he could not offer help especially when he has more than enough resources to spare.

"You are addressing the Prince of Seven Kingdoms old man. You will address him as my prince." The guard looked like he was about to pop a vein as he shouted that out.

Rhaegar dismounted his horse and moved towards the cart as the old man began to fire off a string of apologies. Despite living fourteen years in Westeros it still boggled him when those that are senior to him by decades would bow and scrape in his presence.

"My Prince?"

Rhaegar looked at Ser Baelium who was subtly shaking his head to dissuade him from what he was about to do. Ser Baelium should have known better. There was hardly anyone capable of dissuading him from helping another human in a time of need.

He untied the belt that secured his sword on his hip and handed it over to a nearby guard. He took hold of the cart from its side and began to push earnestly. His honest intention to help the poor man aside he was no Bulgarian weightlifter. So he made a face at his trusted sworn shield, one that screamed 'help me'.

"What are you all looking at? Help the Prince." Ser Baelium barked out before he dismounted his horse and joined in pushing the cart out of the muddy floor.

When all was said and done the cart was pushed out of the mud, the injured man got treated by a Maester and Rhaegar got to see Blueburn in great detail. It was his intention to take some time to appreciate the river that connected the Mander to Storm Lands but only after he completed the inspection of farmlands nearby. He was not disappointed by seeing the Blueburn. In fact, the river was very aptly named with its crystal blue waters and round pebbles a common find on the shores.

His stint with the cart had filled his boots with mud and a stop at the riverside became necessary.

At least I managed to get the man some much-needed medication, he thought happily.

Rhaegar's eyes found the injured man on the cart being treated by Maester Trepole.

"It was a good decision taking the Maester with us. Else the poor man may have suffered so needlessly." he said as he used more water on his legs and rubbed away the mud.

"I doubt that my prince. I have complete faith you would have somehow dragged the poor sod all the way down here to treat that man." Ser Baelium grumbled as he cleaned the mud off his boots.

"I am glad to know that you have such high expectations of me Ser Baelium."

"High expectation?" Ser Baelium asked incredulously. "This old man could have been a part of a bandit group and was paid to play a role to let our guard down. There could have been men waiting for ambushing us in the nearby trees."

"But there weren't." he pointed out.

"Thank the Seven that was not the case." Ser Baelium looks to the sky in gratitude. "My point is that you are impulsive and rarely apply caution before you involve yourself in matters frankly should not concern you." said Ser Baelium with a disapproving frown.

"I will not be someone who is afraid to do the dirty work Ser and what you call impulsive I call it courage." rebuked Rhaegar.

"Courage is good to have my prince. But one must temper that courage especially you. There is a time and place for courage. When you set out to wipe out the bandits near Tumbleton you showed courage but it was not courage when you took on the Black Septon."

"If I didn't intervene Ser Addison would have died." He argued.

"Then Ser Addison would have done his duty." Ser Baelium argued

"Well, because of my presence he lived."

"You can't save everyone, my prince. You can't right all the wrongs in this world."

"Do you think I don't know that?" he asked with a scoff. "I know it well Ser Baelium but that doesn't mean one should give up. I will continue to help others to the best of my abilities."

"There is no arguing with you is there? You are a Prince born to a prestigious family. You should focus on learning to rule the realm not righting all the wrongs in the world." said Ser Baelium.

"Is that why you tattled to father about my plans to humiliate Lord Eric Caswell?" he asked not so pleased that his plan to knock that prick down a peg went into the gutter.

"You were about to publicly humiliate the man in his own castle for a flimsy reason." Ser Baelium reminded.

"I will have you know that it was no flimsy reason. The man basically tried to whore his daughter out to me. Then you told my father what I planned to do which made him forbid me from riding Starfyre."

"And you can expect many lords to do that in the future. If you are intent on insulting every lord that tried to push their daughters into your lap you will have many enemies. This is why I say that you are too impulsive." Ser Baelium let out a tired sigh. "Do you truly want your family to incur feuds from Reach Houses? They are already hostile to House Targaryen as it is."

"So you noticed that too Ser Baelium. Curiously, the Smallfolk close to the Septs seems to hold most hostility towards me." Rhaegar mused out loud.

"Probably because House Targaryen is now the royal house instead of Gardners." Ser Baelium suggested although Rhaegar could discern the knight didn't believe that for a moment.

It was obvious that the Septons were hard at work in preaching the cursed existence of children of Aegon Targaryen. The Faith sees incest as a sin and he along with Aenys and Maegor are abominations in the eyes of the Faithful. For now, the hostility will be confined to local preachers and village squares. Soon this will change and he needs to be ready for the day when the Andal Kingdoms rise in rebellion.

Religion is the poison that would cloud the minds of people. But in this particular case, he would stand with the Faith. Incestuous relationships will destroy the future of his house. It was not just the genetic weakness he was afraid of but also the morale weakness inherent in such relationships. Siblings should love each other but that love must be tempered to never led astray. Love should not translate to lust and he will change this abhorrent practice. But that doesn't mean he will now and scrape before the High Septon.

"My Prince."

He snapped out of his thoughts to Maester Trepole's call.

"Yes, Maester."

"The man's injuries are well treated as best as I could my prince. I am afraid I will need more supplies if the man is to be saved from the grasp of the Stranger." said Maester Trepole

"In that case, we shall take him with us to the castle and treat him there."

"But my prince what about the survey? Surely King Aegon will be disappointed if we did not complete the surveys of farmlands south of Blueburn." reminded Ser Baelium.

"You are right. Have the injured man and the old man sent to the castle." He ordered before turning to the maester and asked, "Maester Trepole will you accompany the man and treat his wounds?"

"I would be happy to do so my prince." said Maester Trepole.

Rhaegar nodded with a smile. He had always found Maester Trepole a likeable man for his commitment to help others. This man loved to heal people and found it his life's calling. This was why despite his reservations about the Citadel Rhaegar trusted Maester Trepole to an extend.

"Then take your leave and take the necessary men with you Maester. I'll complete the survey myself."

He watched on as a small group along with the injured man split off from his host. He hoped the man will live and prayed that the injury to his leg was mild enough to be healed.

"Well, onwards we go." said Rhaegar as he turned his horse towards the path further south and they traced the path along the shores of Blueburn.

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