
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, JBukharin replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Always looked good in Black (Marvel Venom!SI with possible Xover)


16 - With Great Burdens comes Great Changes

Things happen when you are not really paying attention to your rear. I should have expected for something like this to happen, but I didn't. I was so distracted that I just failed to see the sign until something bad and yet fortuitous happened to me. To us.

It all started with a simple issue I had noticed back when I was so engrossed into the false sense of security I had built around the Symbiote. I could feel the bond deepening and shaping up to become something that absorbed, altered but still preserved the main details that made Bukharin… well Bukharin. My faith in the Klyntar wasn't driven by blind trust, but genuine attachment for how things had turned up until one single moment.

Peter Parker needed help. He didn't ask for it, but I did 'offer' it to him regardless of him knowing it or not. I had been keeping tabs on the Kingpin's plans ever since I took over his company as I knew he would have started to plot revenge. It was clear as the blue sky on a sunny day that a crime boss was going to get pissed when his civilian cover was stolen off his fat fingers. But what really intrigued me that day was one and only one thing.

Stark, besieged by defeats, needed a victory. A strong one. He needed to force Spider-Man to surrender. And to do that, he needed Peter to 'see the error of his ways'. Or, in political terms, he gave off the newest location of Aunt May and MJ to the Kingpin and let him 'scare' Pete back to his warm mantle of protection. Kind of assholish even for Stark, but he was facing a lot of heat, he had been seen drinking more than the norms and it was clear I might have gotten him to return being an alcoholic as far as I could see through the tabloids monitoring his private life.

Had it been in a situation without the context tied to his name, then I wouldn't have been so brutal. So vicious. But I had to for the sake of common sense. The best way to stop people from doing their worst and grow loving it enough to practice it in their normalcy, it was best to threaten and frighten them away from said path through ferocity and viciousness. So I knew I had to intervene so Stark failed again and I was swinging fast through the skyscrapers to beat any murderers to get through with their plans.

I arrived at my destination roughly ten minutes after realizing that something bad would have happened while Parker was busy with Cap. I knew that he had joined Rogers' side, out of respect for him rather than dislike for me. At least, that was what I tended to tell myself at night when I learned of this. And oh boy, did I need the motivation boost for what happened in that instance.

Dropping by one of the alleys near the flat I was supposed to reach, I switched to my ever-changing civilian disguise and rushed up to the floor they were in. Calm, confused, a little dreadful and… tired. Awfully tired. I've been feeling quite drained in the last few days, and I had long since crossed out this being somewhat tied to Toxin since I had perfectly absorbed both it and his 'mom'.

I didn't have the chance to study more about it, with my attention span aimed just at those important things that I couldn't look away from. Like mission debriefings, boobs, stock market, asses, and pussies. Especially pussies. Still, I could tell something was off about the Symbiote and that it was doing something to me. Something I wasn't sure I was liking, but I couldn't just find a reason to say no at the time. I was too 'deep' inside it to actually be able to understand what was wrong with it and why it was leaving me so depleted.

After knocking at the door twice, I was received by a confused Mary Jane Parker. "Yes?"

"Mary Jane Parker?" 'We' asked as calmly as possible, knowing already the reaction we were going to meet from the redhead. The woman's eyes widened and she tried to close the door on me. I stopped her just in time and spoke up again.

"Lady, we don't mean no harm, but we suggest you call your husband and tell him we have to relocate you and his Aunt somewhere else."

Her eyes narrowed. "Why?"

"Kingpin. He got a call from Stark and now he knows where to send his assassins."

She seemed perplexed but… allowed me inside. We looked around and gave a simple order.

"Pack the most useful things, don't waste time. We're on a small schedule."

Annoyance, but I could tell she knew we were really running out of time and she had to move. Her and May. I might have gotten the indirect ire of the older lady by having her pulled away from the kitchen since she had been closed to get some delicious-looking apple pies. Still, they were well on their way to get their things done when I had them just outside the flat as I heard it. The spider-sense called, something big, bad and incredibly terrifying was behind me. At first I was confused by this but… then I saw something burst through the wall and rush towards me. I turned, trying to protect the women while they left but… everything started to hurt like a bitch.

It was sudden, it was incredibly atrocious as I felt electricity flow through the symbiote and myself, our bond doubling the pain I was in and leaving me bleeding from my nose at the voltage. Double Super-Effective was never nice to feel up close and personally. The bastard behind it was the fucking Thor's Clone that Stark should have decommissioned at this point. I wondered what the heck was it doing here and, as he pulled me through the hole it had created out to the rooftop above, I was given an answer in the form of a green, angry and womanly fist slamming onto my punch.

She-Hulk, my Dommy Mommy, decided to deliver a tremendously powerful uppercut that cracked my jaw just as the Robotic clone left me in her trajectory and the result was a sudden flight that… was cut short by a full-powered Uni-Beam that burned and slammed me back to the rooftop. I felt a massive migraine cracking my head, rendering my grasp over Extremis weakened as She-Hulk decided to give me more of her love. I may have mumbled something about 'asking us out of a date first', but I was too distracted to even know what I was saying in those trying times.

Finally, I was allowed some 'mercy' in the form of understanding what in the glorious fuck just happened in the last two minutes of pain. Iron-Man descended calmly and approached me. My brain seemed to recover to get a clear reading of what was going on and… why would She-Hulk of all lovely girls be there to help Stark. I looked and… 'looked' deeper as I felt something inside her that I could recognize. Nanomachines- Stark was… mind controlling her?

What the fuck?!

"S-Stark? We weren't expecting you to be granted your leash back this soon," I muttered tiredly and he scoffed.

"If it comes to you, then there is no leash. In fact, you are so 'special' that I know I have to take some drastic decision before you doom us all with your manipulation."

"Speaking from… experience?"

He didn't reply, but someone else did… through an attack. The Spider-Sense alerted me… but the signal reached my brain moments after the hit landed… and pierced through my chest. A powerful electric-based spear breached the Symbiote's defenses and tore into my lungs and heart. I felt my entire self going numb as I was actually struck to an early death. It was like it happened to Goliath. It was sudden, horrible, absolutely bullshit all in all and like hell I was going to die and be forced to live an existence of me getting tortured by Mephisto. I wanted to fight back death, to get a chance to keep living, to do more, to fuck more, to be more and- and...

And yet it was there that everything faltered to… dust.

The world, the pain, the numbness- I was left in the whitest setting possible. A house, the floor was white, the wall was white, the paintings, the furniture, the windows… everything was blank. Everything felt meaningless, empty and… no.

No, not everything. This wasn't supposed to be like this. I couldn't tell why, but I knew something was wrong. In that state of mind that transcended anything I had experienced until that very moment, as I looked around and explored the familiar nothingness, I realized that everything here had actual color, it had personality, and… I just couldn't properly see those for some absurd reasons. It felt like I was blind- no, as if someone or something that was covering my eyes and preventing me from picking up these details. I felt aimless, but forced to be so by something beyond my current control. I looked around and then… something struck me. A memory, an old memory.

It was this… house. I had been there before for some reason- no, I had been there for… family reasons. I had been taken there by- by mom and dad- I was ten, I was so tiny and so confused by the need to move out from our first home. I was so perplexed, so unwilling to part away that 'world' I was leaving behind and how this would take so much of me to become my newest home and… and then I found it. A Canvas that was big and showing some color.

Something small and black tried to cover for it, shivering and failing to achieve such an idea with how limited it was compared to its current goal. I approached slowly and I saw what had color. A smile, mom and dad… but someone was missing.

"Stop it," I muttered without hesitation, feeling my chest heaved by a sense of anger, confusion and… betrayal. "Get off from there."

"No. This isn't necessary."

"It is."

"This is not something we need. Venom doesn't need this!"

Its exclamation left a dull taste on my tongue.

"Yes, it's not important to Venom. But I'm not Venom- WE ARE VENOM!" I yelled back, stronger than the symbiote. "That's my own treasure, just like you have your own memories to preserve. This isn't your job to remove what is mine and I want you to stop now!"

It shivered even more, but didn't stop in its disgusting attempt. Instead of wasting my voice on this seemingly wall I was shrieking at, I picked a chair and used it to stand taller and retrieve the little bastard.

"G-Get down!" I exclaimed as I finally got hold of it, pulling and yanking it away from the painting. It fought back, but it was too weak and frail to make a solid resistance. I snatched it after a strong pull, but the strength behind that move also saw me jump backward onto the table down below. I groaned at the impact and even more when I felt the goo-like slime manifest a Venom-like head staring straight at me.

"This is why we always lose!" It exclaimed in a hurt voice. "Others- being unfocused- this was our moment of glory, this was our bond, this was… our Venom."

It quivered, its expression aimed at my chest. "We don't hate you, John. We love you. Venom loves you. We are your best bond."

"That doesn't mean you have to hurt me like this. I know you don't… want to lose me," I admitted quietly. I knew this could have happened. Venom feeling this was 'too good' and taking steps to preserve it? I knew it. I should have been more aware of this instead of drowning myself in other matters about this. And yet… I knew I couldn't just pardon it with ease. Not when it hurt me so much. As it finished saying these words, memories flooded to my mind and color started to appear all over the living room.

"But what if that family… could be yours? What if this was Venom's time to finally accept that it can love more than just one individual? What if you had your family for once?"

My words gained a strange silence from the Symbiote, but I pushed forward.

"Why not have your own family? You always got dropped because you were afraid of sharing, but what if you were the one to receive something back?" I pushed as much as I could. "I really, really want to be your last host. But not because I'm afraid of Venom but… I'm afraid for you, my good choco-fiend of a friend that isn't evil, that doesn't want to really hurt anyone but protect those it cares about. I want this to not end. This wild and fun ride we have."

"I don't want it to stop too but… is it doable? Venom's family? My peace? Do I have a purpose, Bukharin?"

"I believe everyone has purpose in their existence. It's to be happy, but within the boundaries to achieve true happiness," I replied vibrantly, cupping Venom's cheek and grinning. "Happiness and loneliness don't do justice to each other. It's when we make ourselves happy while doing the same with others that we achieve maximum joy, my buddy."

"... I want it. Maximum… joy."

"Then let's do this! Let's start anew and make the best of our choices. We will be one, but we will find joy through others. My family shall be yours, just as much as you're willing to trust me with your life just like I will do with mine."


It grinned deviously, matching mine with intensity.

"Yes! Let's do this! Let's become one!"

And with that, I felt something wrapping and mixing with my body. Something that warped my humanity not in an effort to destroy it, but to change it to fit with the new status quo. No longer a human and his symbiote.

We were… one. We were… I...

A blink and… I was back. Venom was back. And I was pissed at a certain Tin-man!

The wound quickly healed due to the mutation I just suffered and Stark seemed surprised when I stood up from the ground. How long it has been, I couldn't tell but… I knew what to do. My Spider-Sense was working neatly, even faster than before as I saw She-Hulk rush back at me, trying to punch the back of my head and push me down. Much to her surprise and the rest of the occupants my head… disappeared in a tendrils and allowed the fist to pass without any issue… before reforming moments later as I retaliated with a kick right to her knee-joint on her right leg. The strike was so that she was forced to kneel down so I could quickly disable the nanomachines and free her of the mind control Stark was exerting on her. The result was that she seemed to regain consciousness… before collapsing and turning back in her human form.

I heard electricity forming behind me again, this time the Thor's clone trying to ram me with its hammer. I jumped just in time… before slamming down and tearing him in two by pulling him from his hammer and his legs. No blood or guts, only wires and more electricity as the robot was laid waste. Stark was tense and quickly hit me with two burning beams- or better, I allowed him to hit me with these as I knew one thing he was now learning through the attack.

Those hurt me, but they didn't do much beyond that. A stinging feeling, like mosquitos' bites. I grinned widely, feeling confident for once that this time, things were different. And I wasn't losing.

"How did you-" Stark started to ask, but his shock was doubled when his wrists were captured by webs and I pulled him closer. He tried to fly away, but I swiftly webbed him up nice and around. He struggled, perhaps fearing I would have done the same thing I did in the sewers but… I didn't. I let him struggle for a while, disabling his armor and forcing him to enjoy a few hours as 'simple human Tony Stark' while I waited for someone. I could feel him approaching and… Spider-Man landed right beside me.

"MJ and Aunt May-"

"They are fine. I brought them out of the way before they could get hurt," I replied calmly. "You should move them. The bastard told the Kingpin where you three live, which is why I came here in a hurry."

"You… why?"

"Why not? Do you think I really hate you, Parker? That I got you in some trouble because I don't like your face or something like that? No, I just don't like the choice you took. You were better than that and… look now. If you hadn't accepted this snake's offer, you would have had an extra chance to avoid this," I explained dryly, giving him a grin. "Which is why I don't need to tell you that you will have to bring them to Cap so they can be kept safe from harm."

"Y-yes but… wait, something is different," He muttered in confusion, and I tilted my head to the side. "You… what did you do?"

I merely smiled. "I had a choice and… I took it. Not only for myself but… for everyone. I am Venom."

He looked even more confused at this, but I was more surprised that he didn't point out that picking up the sleeping form of Jennifer Walters to bring her to safety was kind of wrong. But, to the victors the spoils!

And let us hope Dommy Mommy was up for some make up sex for that kind of unconscious anger towards me.

Questionable Questing

Gusfes, JBukharin replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Always looked good in Black (Marvel Venom!SI with possible Xover)


17 - Rocking the Bed and the World at once!

Individualism is so underrated nowadays. Everyone was keen to instantly decentralize and be part of a group of people when it came to decision-making. To be fair, I was still making use of that, except now instead of sounding insane with the 'we' and other plural pronouns I was keen to exploit due to my bizarre rehearse. Now I just had to worry about the 'limits', lack of those, within the range of things I could do. I wasn't overpower - not yet at least - and yet I had the potential to do so much more than what I previously thought possible. I was barely human at this point due to how my biology morphed to fit the concept of 'unity' imposed and accepted by the Symbiote.

I am Venom, I could now say legitimately- because the name John Bukharin barely met what I was now. Mostly Klyntar, with just the unique taste of humanity that made one question insanity and have it reworked to be a funnier kind of crazy. I was really invested into this, but I was also interested in another thing. Or girl. A big-tiddy girl at that.

Jennifer Walters woke up with a possible migraine considering the influence of the nanomachines, and her first reaction was to morph in her She-Hulk self despite the soreness she was in. Still-clothed, no damages on her now-green skin but… lots of confusion and suspicions when she eyed me while I tinkered around a few things in the spare bedroom I had brought her in.

"W-What?" She asked, tense and confused, so I turned around and offered a summarized account.

"Stark is a jerk, he used nanites or nanomachines to take over your brain and had you join his cool ride to try and kill me. Which partially succeeded admittedly."


"Care to be more specific so we dodge the unpleasantness of playing a guess game, Ms. Walters?"

"Why did you… bring me here?" She finally asked properly and I hummed.

"That's a bit complicated. Remember the nano-crap I brought up that Stark used to control you to do things you would have normally said no to?" I asked with a small grin before showing her a jar with… a strange gray mass of tiny things. "Ta-da!"

Her green eyes were aimed at the jar, then back at my face. "You… you removed them?"


"...How?" I could feel a degree of nervousness in her voice, something I expected considering the quickest thought possible regarding the extraction of these tiny things was through my tendrils. But that's not what happened, not when I was planning to advance a sexy rhetoric devoid of forcefulness.

"Well, considering that it's not nice to tentacle a girl without her consent and her awareness, I decided to merely use my version of Extremis to push them out by having them move to your mouth and then retrieving those by hand," I hummed happily. "Sadly, I had to use my hands but I swear I did not do anything weird."

"C-Could have been worse," She blurted out with a minor grimace. "But… Why did you leave me unrestrained?"

"Should I have restrained you?"

"You're against the Registration act," Jen replied flatly. "I don't think I need to explain myself."

"No, you're right. We are enemies despite the fact that we try to do right things-"

"You're doing these 'right things' illegally. Not only that, but you have killed-"

"Kasady, yes. We lost a man with high potential of redemption."

"It's not about the potential of… redeeming someone, it's the morality behind it," She argued and I sighed.

"Ms. Walters, do you understand that the statement you just delivered means that leaving criminals to rot in jail is more 'humane' compared to kill those that deserve it."

"And who does deserve it?"

"Rapists, genocidal murderers, war criminals- and in that regard I have to say the only one that can be saved is Usada Pekora. But that's me raving on it, and the main point is: those that deserve it," I shoot back. "Those that kill for the sake of hurting people willingly and that can't be helped mentally speaking."

"It sounds like selective executions."

"There are times at night that I imagine how a trial against Hitler would go," I remarked with a dull sigh. "Will the standard kept in the 40s be upheld? Will the murder of so many jews warrant a proper execution or life in prison, right where the bastard could potentially evade and kill more?"

"That's the thing, Ms. Walters. I'm a bastard, but I don't hide the fact many people in this world have forfeited their rights to be alive through their actions. I will kill only in extreme instances, especially when the individuals I have to deal with are not curable. Their conditions too extreme or they are just sane and outright evil."

"It's still not right."

I shrugged. "Never wanted you to change your opinion on that. In fact, this entire conversation is to establish 'what I am' within the big chessboard you have been yanked around by the one that sent your cousin to a distant planet."

She looked ready to vouch for Stark, but the news of the Hulk perhaps hadn't reached her from her reaction.

"What about Bruce? He is in Alaska-"

"'Was' in Alaska. I would tell you more about it, but you will probably not believe me. WHat about Doc Strange? I can say the guy definitely has more insight on the matter since I told him what happened to him and he had to have checked on Green Guy already."

She shifted in her covers and sighed. "So, does that mean that… right now I can leave?"

"No one is restraining you, Ms. Walters, but there is a good reason I would suggest you wait until the 'storm' is over," I answered while offering her a newspaper. Since she had been sleeping for a full day well… the aftermath of what happened during that skirmish had it the media and Stark was… fucked.

Iron-Man in shackles. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Maria Hill to apologize before a public statement for not applying harsher security systems on Stark's limited detainment.


"Read a little lower. I think it was the third line or somewhere around there."

She did so and she gritted her teeth in annoyance at what she saw.

Jennifer Walters has been reported missing. Her current disappearance coupled with accounts of witnesses seeing Venom dragging around an unconscious woman. Despite claims of this being a kidnapping, the situation is up in the air regarding the chances of Walters having switched to the Anti-Registration side.

"You leave now without having a good alibi and cover and-"

"They will fucking grill me about this possibility and kill my career. This isn't a pretty situation."

"But it can be solved," I argued with a small grin. "In fact, I will personally see to it will be dealt with in two days. I will be in D.C."

"What are you even doing here and… how?" The girl inquired and I hummed.

"I was invited by politicians that want to repel the Registration Act using what happened in recent months," I replied smoothly. "I will be giving a speech to the congress as a supportive individual for a ceasefire while politicians brawl it out in the Congress to see if the law remains or not. I will also deal with journalists, so I will be granted the chance to tell the truth and spare you the hassle. And they will believe me since I don't gain anything by giving out that truth."

"What do you want in return?"

I smiled. "Nothing."


"Technically there is something that I want, but it isn't something that I need to really do it. Because I would do it anyway regardless of your answer."

She blinked, catching on the hint of 'nervousness' in my throat. "And… that is?"

"I want you to fuck me."


"Hold up-"

"I'm not doing it."

"What am I asking you to do?"

"You want to fuck me."

"Yes, but that's not what I asked."

She raised a confused brow at that. "Elaborate."

"Everyone is out there thrilled at the chance of doing it with She-Hulk, but I know no one has the balls to actually do something for you too. And that is giving you the chance to have the 'rough sex' that you can offer, but never can due to your strength."

Her green eyes narrowed at that. "You want me to kill you… through sex?"

"Fun, but no. I don't think you understand what I am?"

"A jerk?"

"Yes, but I meant biologically."

"You… What did you do with the symbiote?" She-Hulk finally asked, realizing what I was trying to say and I sighed in delight.

"We are not Venom. 'I' am Venom. SIngle entity, a mixture of symbiote and human."

"That sounds… terribly wrong."

"In nature, yes. In scientifically and 'bond'-related stuff? This is pretty fine. And dope."

"And how does this connect to your… request?"

"The bed can be broken, but my pelvis isn't shattering."


"Regardless of the strength you use, I would be able to easily withstand it and give you what I know you've been missing a lot ever since you got your big girl powers."

"I-I didn't-"

"Li-ar~! But seriously, think about it. I will not force you but… I really want to touch them abs."

"You… like these?" She asked with a hint of surprise and… definitely some lust, patting her abs to highlight them chiseled pieces of green marble.

"Only these? No. I like all of you. Many would be deterred by your amazonian strength, height and… Yes, I'm shamelessly into that kind of kinkery, and I will not apologize."


My jaw dropped. "Really?"

"Can you do it? Not break if I go all out on you?"

"I will not break," I replied truthfully, despite the slim chances of that proving to be wrong if she really went all out in a mad rage driven by lust and sex.

Licking her lips unconsciously, She-Hulk proceeded to remove her one-piece and… reveal her pure nudity to me. My mouth hung open at the sight I was blessed with and I rightfully had a boner at the many ideas I got through a mere glimpse of that powerful bod I was about to screw… and get 'screwed' by.

As I 'morphed' my clothes away and revealed how happy I was, the girl seemed amused as she easily grasped me from my sides and lifted me up so we were on the same level. I pouted a little, but still offered a smile as she decided to plant a soft kiss on my lips.

"A little bit of loving before the roughing," Jennifer explained with a melodious tone and… she soon had been on the bed, leg spread and getting my cock aimed at her pussylips. I felt hardness mixed with the smoothness created by her… juices. She was a tad wet and… I could tell far from being ready for good sex.

"Can I call you Jen?" I interrupted quietly, gaining a quick nod from the girl. "So Jen, how about I first ready up things with a bit of foreplay? Tongue stuff, you know?"

She blinked in surprise at being interrupted, but as she looked down she realized that she really was far from ready. Leaning my lower body down, the woman pushed forward and suddenly forced my face right into the honey pot of hers I wanted so hard to fill up with cream. At first it was normal tongue time, growing accustomed to the sweetness, the resilience of her lower lips and then the tightness inside. After a few minutes, my tongue morphed into something longer and thicker, easily traveling inside the lady and lovingly getting her to squirm at my loving slurping. I reached really deep and got a little bit of teasing going at her cervix, deciding against reaching beyond that out of hurting her in the process. The little barrier was stimulated just nicely, and long enough to draw out a little bit of squirting out of her. And by 'a little bit', I should have probably mentioned that my mouth was suddenly filled up with a lot of her sweet nectar which I greedily drank while demanding for more… before realizing that she was ready and she knew it. As I felt ready to slurp her some more, Jen pulled away and forced me back in the earlier position, this time not hesitating in quickly slamming the length deep in her.

I had experienced a couple of pussies in my life, but the emotion that came out of this left me breathless just as I felt my entire cock suddenly getting grasped tightly and warmed up to the purest form of pleasure. The pressure was perfect, so much that the squeezing inside just made the entire pulling from her part to prepare the first slam after the penetration quite… 'intense'. But just as she slammed it back in and started to grow confident with how to work this one element out, the pace started to grow and become steadily stable. Her cunt milked and latched onto my meat rod as if it was a part of her body. Her 'pounding' was intense, precise, driven by desire and curiosity.

My hands were to her breasts, with my head tilting forward as I started to suckle at her nippels, teasing and enjoying the faces she was doing while she was effectively rocking my world with that. Considering the 'trajectory' of the thrusting, the bed was merely shaking and not hinting to breaking down. The speed increased and I wondered if she was really testing me with the way she was intensifying things. Did she expect me to break? Well, she was up for a surprise as my rock-hard dick survived and won over that 'onslaught' after two hours of getting intensely 'fucked' in the Amazon position. While I held mightily, there was one element I hadn't taken under consideration since it was the first time I was doing this kind of powerful sex.

The result was that She-Hulk tensed up, mouth wide open in pure bliss as my cum stormed her deepest and filled up her womb. I was still 'sterile' for the time being, but I would have definitely pregged her with how much I stuffed inside her. There was a pause, one that barely lasted a few seconds as she ditched the amazon position and, with my dick still inside her, swiftly pushed me in position for quite some bouncing off my cock. Her strong butt slammed down with vigor, with each descent drawing me closer to heaven. Not the real realm as I knew that would have been more worrying, but the purest form of… ecstacy. I think I lost control at that point, lust driving me a bit crazy and I started to be a little more 'helpful'. Tendrils formed and started to tease and rub her fat milkers, her lips were teased as one prodded and then started to piston in and out of her, nothing too extreme but definitely something that got her quiet down as I 'clashed' with her for control. Instead of lessening the speed, she increased, further driving me mad with pleasure and… I came. Again. Really hard. I believe I actually stuffed her womb full with how much I came, and she squirted madly over my lap as she seemed… ready for more.

I wasn't even listening at that point as my brain was just geared for sex for two more long rounds, with She-Hulk eventually conceding that I could into fucking her without getting broken by her legendary strength. Sighing in relief as I was finally 'freed' from that glorious yet too intense adventure, I stared at her as she retrieved a few towels on the side before looking back at me with a mirthful look.

"So… wanna join me for a shower?"

I grinned like a fat child that just received a family-sized pizza for himself. Maybe a little more but… I didn't have the time to wonder which metaphor to use as I was quickly running to the bathroom nearby and giving her some assistance in cleaning up. And I was 'really thorough' about it.

Ah yes, nothing will ever beat having sex with the 'Jade Giantess' before fucking with US Politics.



They banged. And it was glorious.

Also, since we are in this context.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Indeed! Take a guess what the MC is now. Modified human, symbiote, something new or… something old?

And yes, next chapter is a full lemon with She-Hulk, you horn-dogs!View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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