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Gusfes, JBukharin replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Always looked good in Black (Marvel Venom!SI with possible Xover)


18 - Political Wallbashing

I really didn't look that bad by wearing a formal outfit while keeping my mask and my gloves on. The fact I had a mostly black suit possibly favored me in this endeavor as I knew that I had to appear 'smoking hot' for this little cameo that was going to surprise a couple of individuals at the congress. The plan was fairly simple: get in, deliver a heart-moving speech to plant one of the many nails to the coffin containing the Registration Act, chat with some reporters and then leave.

Nothing really complicated or that worrying as I reached D.C. without facing any major problem. With Criti keeping things safe back in New York while leading the team, I went through the steps needed to be allowed inside the big building without causing any trouble with the security employed for the occasion. I had to answer a few questions, take a few oaths and… yeah, there wasn't much that could be done to exactly prevent me from going ham if I 'wanted'. Not with many senators vouching for me to keep a humble and polite attitude through the entire hearing. The main concept of this visit was to either make a compelling case to weaken the stance of those supporting the Act or to outright provide the Casus Belli to have it demolished in a speedy trial within the Congress. The voice of disapproval for the lack of planning within the Act had only grown since the piles of dead heroes had risen up to absurd levels. This has to be stopped or the bloodshed of good superpowered-beings would only weaken the lines of protections against any external invasion.

The botched invasion from the Skrulls added more to the rhetoric, and I knew I would be asked more on the matter. Humming quietly as I refreshed my brain of the possible topics I was going to be asked about, I waited by the hallway just outside the Senate's floor. Many guards, most of them were already checking me out for any trouble I might bring into the important location. The waiting was rather grueling considering that I couldn't exactly fetch a magazine from one of those I had saved up in my pocket dimension to pass the time and… keeping quiet for a chatty person like me felt like hell. But I had to keep polite, respectful, formal and all that crap to not give bullets to the opposition.

My patience paid off well enough as I was finally asked to enter the room and I had minimal issues from the guards standing outside. Hands behind my back and walking with a slow pace, I used this opportunity to look around for any familiar faces. Many senators, many of whom I wasn't familiar with from my reality and some I had seen on TV. Eventually my stroll concluded by the 'witnesses' table as I sat down right to the empty seat that had been waiting for me. I heard several politicians mutter quiet words, some filled with anger and disgust as I put the tag with my name right by my side of the desk.


Flashes exploded from cameras as reporters and journalists were baffled but still interested in this development. If before now the hearing had a monumental importance due to the topic it was dealing with, now that the opposing force to the Act was making use of 'rising stars' within this Civil War made for quite the sensational scoop in the making. I would have smiled but I wasn't exactly trying to get my ass labeled as a threat. After a while, silence returned to the chambers as the members of the commission enlisted to value the situation regarding the Act regained control over the matter and started to ask me questions. Starting with the most obvious ones, of course.

"Mr… Venom," Old guy, asian complex, he seemed rather sharp with the way he was gazing over my appearance and the tag. "I understand that you support a specific side within the grand debate we found ourselves here to discuss about, yet I would like to understand why you decided to possibly violate the current law by appearing here, before us, with your Secret Identity."

I shrugged. "This is my real identity."

"...Mr. Venom-"

"And I understand this response might make it seem so that I'm trying to fool around and annoy the honorable senators here, but I mean it," I interjected flatly. "My name is Venom as I'm fully bonded with the Klyntar Symbiote."

The elder paused to look around for any confirmation, support- anything that could have given him the chance to push more on the line he had pushed through but he was soon interrupted by one of his colleagues.

"And where it the proof of that statement, Mr. 'Venom'? What would sustain your current line of 'defense'?"

I glanced at her tag and almost broke into a laugh at what I read there.

She is an actual Karen.

"The very thing that would enable me to give proof as this kind of request is currently asking me to. My current general documentation."

Her lips twitched in confusion at the response, but soon one of those sitting beside me spoke up.

"I would like to remind the commission that this isn't a hearing that specifically request for our guest's release of information, yet, due to the willingness of our guest to express openness regarding his stance to protect the right bestowed by him as a citizen with a specific name, I can already provide you with papers that testify this point of view."

Papers that I had prepared for the occasion and which would stop anything coming my way through this very topic. The senator requested to have a look at the documents and… here I was, with some info being truthful while the rest having been altered to make it troublesome for anyone to check. Like my birthday and place. As the group of 'defenders' tried to find anything they could use against me, those that had sympathetic views on the repeal of the Registration Act and those neutral on the matter decided to push through to more questions.

"Regardless of this minor delay, I would say that it's a bit of a surprise that you were able to come to this commission. I remember hearing reports that Mr. Stark had you ambushed and almost killed through his latest efforts before getting apprehended."

I turned to the other old guy, this one an afro-american that looked genuinely surprised at my relative calm.

"I would correct the statement by saying that I was killed during the skirmish. At least, for a while and it was more of my old human self."

There was a sense of confusion coming from all around at this reply, surprising even those I was sharing the desk with.

"You were… killed?" The man asked with a baffled tone.

"For a few minutes. The faulty Thor's clone gave me the Goliath's treatment if I have to be crude on the matter, which resulted in a beam of energy that tore my rib cage and burned up my heart, lungs and other nice organs that I needed to have to live as a human," I replied with some semi-gritty details. I could see some people around the room grimacing at the fact someone got put through that, but among them there were also those that knew it was the candidate that they bet on that was indirectly responsible for this matter. "Still, I managed to survive, my consciousness and soul at least, by finalizing the bond with the Symbiote and becoming one with it."

"And… Now you're fine?"

"Mostly. But I guess I have got a bit of a duty to tackle now that I know the Registration Act is willing to employ lethal force in case of non-compliant heroes that are just trying to protect people from those that aren't getting touched by this law. A law that has been urged mostly by those that can see the profit of having heroes on the government's payroll while also removing those 'undesirables' that have for long gone against the 'regular handling' of the laws."

"Mr. Venom, please. We're not here to listen to some political platform from you," Another guy, this one quite younger, dark hair, and blue eyes, replied with half a sneer.

"There is no politics here. There are many cases of heroes that have been targeted due to this very law. There was a convenience to build this Act for the sole reason of removing heroes, which was then augmented when frightened citizens were manipulated into believing this was a law meant to protect them but also the good heroes that were known to protect the weak and the innocents," I replied sternly. "Yet what the law did was the main purpose it was genuinely concerned for and that was to gain a monopoly over heroes and use them as attack dogs only when necessary. It means that people are now getting tracked down because they refuse to allow their families to be known as relatives of them, because some criminals, those that really profit from this instances, are already exploiting this opportunity to target the non-powered family members of those heroes that messed with their plans of destruction, of robbery, of killing. I hope, with the most serious attitude possible, that the government is willing to understand that trying to 'leash' heroes into not committing 'criminal behavior', is like trying to permanently remove the police and expect criminals to disappear together with them. It's not going to work that way, ever."

"So we should just let you cri- heroes, be let off the hook to end up damaging more and more of private property?" Karen returned to the charge, only to be met with a sigh from me.

"Obviously not. But you can't expect that heroes will be willing to adopt such a simplistic law filled with slight that is blatantly geared against them and the very people they protect," I argued back. "In fact, I would be more than happy to support an Act which was well-thought but put the wellbeing of heroes, mutans, and other civilians first and foremost rather than centering around the regulation of 'preserving private property'. During a fight, there isn't that much thinking about things because we're mostly focusing on protecting people. Which I believe is more important since these are the citizens that make this beautiful country and are those that decided that everyone here has a chance to be their representatives. And this isn't a point I'm willing to budge from."

There was a round of applause which lasted a while, people supported the modest look I offered on the matter while some of the least-radical pro-Registration Act members seemed pleased with the idea I would be willing to a better-planned regulation. I didn't have anything about putting a degree of 'restrictions' that served more to help rather than harm the current community. Revealing Secret Identities to the public? Who was the politician that came up with this idea and really thought it would have been fine in the long term?

I sighed as the hearing finally didn't need my presence anymore. I was a bit 'annoyed' by the overall assault I was subjected to, with the vocal support for the Act really making a staunch offense to try and besmirch me here and there in an effort to use me as the battering ram for their own point of view. Sadly, I was no idiot or ignorant of US politics. After listening to many hearings uploaded online to try and get a clear understanding of how those worked, I was well aware of what to expect and say during these interrogations.

Just as I was done with this hearing, I knew I had to also be there to face the journalists for a quick round regarding the senate situation and the little promise I made to Jen. Wouldn't want to feel the woman's wrath now more than ever as she really seemed to have taken this 'slow grasping' of the fact her cousin had been sent away to die alone through Strange as a good reason to genuinely plot a comeback. Had this happened before the nanites? She would have stormed the gates and tried to tore Stark apart before getting stopped through the tiny devices. But now that she knew the kind of games Stark was capable of? I knew She-Hulk's anger filtered through the legal sense was going to be a bitch for tin-man to endure.

I would learn a few hours later that the senate had decided to ultimately put the Registration Act on hold and have it verified for a genuine case of it being unconstitutional and thus unfit to be kept as the main regulation for superheroes. Progress but… I had to prepare for what happened once Maria Hill fell from her position.

That chair… It sure looked appealing to sit on.



Venom is aiming for S.H.I.E.L.D. but… can he pull it? Or will he be stopped- nah, we all know how it goes.

Plus, off-topic opinion/rant: Fuck the whole 'fixing' movement on Twitter. I'm really pissed that people are outright claiming some condescending roles into 'adjusting' art for the sake of making their egos inflate the size of a hot balloon. Very upsetting, especially since they are proving they have no creativity by attacking old standards. Quite shameful, really. (And yes, I'm referring to the fact that a moron 'fixed' an old Spider-Man comic so MJ 'looks like a real woman'. I can tell someone has never seen a woman up close through that 'correction'.)View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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