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The Friend Who Ease The Pain of Your Lonely Night
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Genius Prince – v1-c30
Sensing the presence of uproar, Drawood immediately jumped out of his sleep.
He picked up the sword that was standing next to him and jumped out of the tent. What comes into his vision was fires spreading around the foot of the mountain.
"General! it's an enemy attack!"
His adjutant comes to Drawood side who was still standing puzzled.
"It was reported a moment ago some Natra soldiers ran down from the mountain and they set the tent on fire and turned back…"
"What did you say?!"
To run down the mountain slope, one would question the person sanity. However, the fire was proof that they had managed to do it.
"How many are they?!"
"We're not sure, sir! The information is mixed, some say there were hundreds of cavalry, some say less than a hundred…"
If they had hide horses inside the Gol mine, then there can't be more than a hundred. At most they could have a hundred horses with them… Drawood immediately assessed that and moved to the next question.
"Where are their location now?"
"We don't know that either! The fire had caused confusion to spread, and due to that, some friendly fire had started to happen, sir!"
Brilliant– It was too brilliant of a skill.
He had to put the confusion down first, but he was wondering where to start first…
Drawood hesitation then disappeared… As if to ridicule his current situation, something happened…
It was sound. Something loud.
Even with the chaos the Marden currently in, they still could hear the sound.
It was something from the Gold mine, it was as if a big thing run down the mountain.
'It can't be,' crossed Drawood mind…
(Are their entire army going to run down at once?!)
First of all, quickly stir up the enemy, then use the main force to destroy the confused enemy. Drawood thought whether such plan was possible, but then he shook his head.
(That's stupid! Even with this confusion, we have thirty thousand men with us! It is not a number where a mere five thousand could break!)
But the sound of an army-run down the mountain didn't stop. Then they should've some aim. The one that was being targeted by the five thousand men, the one with such worth—…
(— The headquarter here!)
If the army itself was impossible to break, then what about the headquarter?
What if they planned to run through the confused Marden soldiers and try to take the commander's head.
(It is not impossible but…)
Everything was just a guest he had derived from the situation. However, he had no time to think of it more deeply.
Drawood raised his voice.
"Gather all the troops from the vicinity and form a defensive formation around the headquarter! Those who near the other camp also immediately build a defense position and stand by! Even if one saw the enemy, prioritize to re-group!"
"Y-Yes, sir!"
His aide then quickly speak with the messengers then they immediately spread toward a various direction.
Drawood also directed nearby soldiers to take a defensive formation and turned his angry gaze at the top of the mountain.
"Damn you barbarians. Are you aiming for my neck, as if it would be that easy!"
The movement of the Marden army since then could be said quick.
They formed an iron wall defense and waited for the enemy. But by that time, the rumbling sound stopped.
What was the enemy's doing? Were they going to attack, or did they going to attack secretly… It wasn't possible to know everything due to the darkness of the night. Only tension build-up.
However, when the sky begins to brighten, a shock ran through Drawood's face.
"It can't be…!"
The Natra army didn't descend from the mountain.
It was rock and logs that roll down from the top of the mountain. By rolling those rocks and logs they had prepared before the war, they had created an illusion that five thousand soldiers were moving.
But then, what did they use that for?
The answer could be seen in the first defense position at the very end of the mountain road. Natra soldiers once again retake that point.
(… In anticipation of enemy attack, I've instructed the soldiers to make a defensive formation on their current spot. However, as a result of that, each unit becomes isolated, and it causes them to be unable to cooperate with the surrounding groups!)
Natra had aimed just that. All of that was too isolated the unit that was in the position of the mountain path first defense point. While they were desperately prepared for defense, Natra's side quietly regained their position and their goal.
"Those bastards…!"
Marden soldiers knew how hard it was to get that defensive position. Therefore, the effect of losing it was enormous… They didn't have time to sleep, and when morning arrived, the achievement they had got with much hardship was lost. This causes their morale to drop…
In addition, the damage caused by the night attack was started being reported… There was also the disastrous scene of the friendly fires… Combining the dead and injured, it could reach thousands… And many supplies got burned down as well…
It was considerable damage that cannot be compared to the damage from the tunnel collapse. And it was almost the same trick as the time with the cave-in…
Due to the fact that he was dancing on the palm of the enemy's hand, Drawood was only able to raise an angry roar…
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The Friend Who Ease The Pain of Your Lonely Night
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Genius Prince – v1-c31
When I noticed, half a month had passed since the war started.
The damage the Marden army had suffered from the previous night assault was as many as 700 dead and 2,000 injured. Including those who were died fighting against the Natra army, many of their soldiers were deserting, leaving only about 23,000 soldiers left in the Marden army.
Of course, that didn't mean the Natra army was left without casualties either. From the five thousand soldiers they had at the beginning, only three thousand were left. Their overall layer of defense had also become thinner.
However, looking at the result so far, it was clear that their struggle had an effect, making the Natra soldiers morale remained high. That was the difference between Natra soldiers and the Marden soldiers.
Inside the tent where the high spirited Natra soldiers had built, Wayne was staring at the documents in front of him.
"Our food supply is okay for now… As for the materials… As expected, we've barely scraped by, but looking at it, we still can go on…"
Reports coming from all direction indicate that the current situation was better than Wayne had expected.
"No, this is actually too good! It's going too well than I had planned!"
Toward Wayne, who shown such dispirited behavior, Ninim showed agreement to his words…
"It is good that everything has been going well, though… Compared to that, Marden's assault has been decreasing a lot lately, are they going to withdraw soon, I wonder?"
Wayne shook his head, hearing Ninim's words.
"As expected, it's impossible for them to do that now. It might be possible if they did it during the first week of the war, now it is not possible anymore… The damage they suffered is too big for them to withdraw now…"
Knowing the one who caused all of that was Wayne himself, he laughed in a good mood.
"Knowing they could not break through against us, I guess right now they are preparing? For a single large assault that is…"
"By preparing you meant… Siege weapons?"
"Yes, they would mostly prepare field types of equipment. By now, they should have gathered some ladders, catapults, and others, I guess?"
"But bringing catapults to the mountain, I think that would be really hard?"
"When human being cornered, they won't even understand what is normal anymore…"
Only after their preparation was done and they performed the assault, and if we manage to surpass them and make their plan sunk. The possibility for them to negotiate for peace would appear.
Though it was essential for them to survive the assault first, one still need to lay the groundwork.
"There's no deviation in my arrangement. In half a month, I will leave this place alive."
Toward Wayne who was in full confidence, despite still half in doubt, Ninim responded…
"Then that would be great… I'm really bored with the scenery here already…"
"You sure can say that… I also want to spread my wings in the royal palace too…"
"Have a nice hot bath would be nice. Since we can't afford to use hot water here…"
The water on the battlefield was something precious. The most they could do was wiping their body once in a while, though it was possible to have a hot bath, it was very inappropriate to do that here.
'Indeed,' Wayne responded to Ninim words with a deep agreement.
"I've been worrying if we standing closely, the smell would– wait, oi, that's hurt!"
Ninim flicked Wayne's forehead with her middle finger.
"Don't say that…"
"Uooooh… I-I never thought I would win like this…" -TLN: In argument.
"No, this is not about winning or losing, you know?"
When they had such pleasant joke between them, they feel a presence in front of the tent.
"Your Highness, please excuse me."
Raklum showed up. Wayne and Ninim immediately fixed their position and greet him.
"What's wrong? Is something happen?"
"Yes, sir. A messenger has come from the Marden army."
"A messenger you said?"
Wayne frowned.
Sending a messenger means they have the willingness to discuss the war with him, and it was something Wayne welcomed very much since he wanted peace as soon as possible.
But, the timing was weird… He had predicted that Marden army should've prepared their last big offensive, and the negotiation of peace would come from the result of that afterward…
(I've cornered Marden more than I had imagined…No, I guess that is not it… Which mean are they trying to disturb us? Or…)
After quickly thinking about the meaning behind it, Wayne gives out an instruction.
"I understand, for now, let us hear them… Ninim, go set up the meeting place… As for the place… Hmm, let's see, I think the middle of the mountain path would be great. Raklum, be cautious and watch around the surrounding. The other side might move while I'm responding to the messenger."
"Understood, sir."
"Please leave it to me!"
Ninim and Raklum immediately left the tent.
Until the meeting time come, Wayne continues his thought…
(… Or something happened in their home country… Marden's plan has already failed considerably… Fushtar would be angry by now questioning why the Gold mine has not been returned. The vassals must've started to feel uneasy by now… And someone, might be proposing it would be good to ask for peace now, huh?)
If that vassal was someone who Drawood could ignore, it had the possibility that this meeting was only for form sake.
Of course, that was only Wayne speculation, he didn't know what really happens on the other side entirely… However, in this war, who had been ongoing longer than anyone had planned, there was no doubt, the pressure from the central would be enormous…
"Isn't it about time for your butt to catch fire? Drawood!"
Thinking about his opponent agony, Wayne smiled…
While looking at the other side, Wayne's expectation was right.
"General, a massage from the royal palace, has come…"
Toward the commander who comes with a cloudy face, Drawood smacked his lips and responded…
"Treat him appropriately and turn him back. We have no time to deal with the royal palace now…"
"But General, if we ignore the royal palace more than this, the royal palace might do something…"
"They might intervene with our siege weapon preparation…"
Drawood could not hide his frustration, but he could only grit his teeth.
This was the difference between Wayne and Drawood. Wayne was a prince and a regent in the Natra Kingdom, he was effectively the leader of the Natra. He had the authority to push forward.
However, Drawood, on the other hand, was only a military commander, his power was delegated by the King. If the King's mood was compromised, he could just blow away Drawood both professionally and physically. In order to prevent all of that, Drawood needed to continue to show easy-to-understand results to the King and his surrounding.
But, that was not possible right now. The plan was for them to take back the gold mine within a week, and now, half a month had passed. The strategy didn't advance, and now Drawood demand to prepare siege weapons…
It was inevitable for them to sent a messenger to ask what was going on… At first, Drawood manages to turn back the messengers several times, but there was a limit for doing that… And the voice who demanded Horonie, who had backed Drawood, to take responsible had started to raise.
"… What is the message?"
Drawood exhaled deeply and then asked the commander quietly…
"Yes, sir. Take control of the mine as soon as possible. For that reason… To take into consideration for negotiation for peace with the Natra Kingdom."
Hearing that, another commander stood up.
"That's stupid! Peace, at this late of time?!"
"Impossible! How much blood do you think my men had shed blood?!"
"General Drawood, let's ignore those royal courts people who know nothing and advance the preparation for the offensive!"
The commanders speak one by one refusing to end it with peace, though their feeling could not let this war to end peacefully, there was also frustration that they haven't been successful. Since if they asked for peace at this late of time, they won't receive any war merits…
Of course, Drawood felt the same.
He understands their feeling, but…
"It's fine, let us sent a messenger to the Natra army."
"But that is!"
"Calm down. It's just for appearance sake. If we sent a messenger out and the Natra army refused the negotiation, we will stand. In the meantime, continue with the preparation, we will take the mine by force. If it is like this, then, it should be fine."
The commanders agreed to his words uniformly.
"Logan, you will go as the messenger."
Drawood named his adjutant. In order to make peace never happened, there was no choice for him but to choose the person he trusted the most.
"Don't flatter them. Make them wants to do resistance to the bitter end."
"Which mean, it is fine if we just incite them, yes?"
"That's right. But, don't overdo it and get yourself killed."
Thus, after they discussed the condition for peace, the messenger went to the mine where the Natra army situated.
The moment they meet the messenger, Ninim sensed that he didn't have any intention for peace.
The man who called himself Logan, who was sitting across the prince didn't even try to hide his rude behavior.
"In this negotiation, my words could be treated as General Drawood's words, who was in charge of the Marden army's command. Your Highness Wayne, it seems your ability to handle that pet dog of yours seems to be excellent. General Drawood was also highly regarded your ability in that…"
Hearing his remarks, the guard voltage who was on guard raised greatly in an instant. Had Wayne didn't control them by waving his hand, Logan would've died.
"So Logan, what are you coming here for today? There's no way that you come here just to provoke us?
"Of course, Marden didn't have time to spend time on such a useless thing. I'm here to negotiate peace."
However, the conditions of peace that had been spoken out were too ridiculous.
Immediate withdrawal from the mine, disarmament, return the mine citizen, and compensation for illegally occupying the mine. It was transmitted to them that the other side didn't have an intention for peace.
"How is it? Your Highness, Wayne."
"It was regrettable, we can't hope peace with those conditions."
Naturally, that was Wayne's response…
"We're willing to make the most compromise but… If you continue this war, you might return to your homeland without your head?"
"How terrifying of a story indeed. But Logan, I have a high expectation, and I feel like I would go back to my country in triumph."
"I see, it seems there are only dogs around you like we've thought. My advice might just fall into the old woman deaf ears but, for Your Highness well being, Your Highness should choose better people by Your Highness' side."
Logan then stood up. It seems the talk was over.
(Geez, it was a waste of time…)
As Ninim sighed inside her heart, she began to think about how to clean up the meeting place.
However, something unexpected happens. Logan turned around ad spit out while looking at Ninim.
"Especially that 'ash' should be thrown away quickly. It is not very noble to keep a low life on one's side." -TLN: Ninim has silvery-grey hair, thus Ash.
At that time, Logan probably didn't understand why the air had frozen.
Ninim was trying to talk to Wayne quickly, but he blocked her before she was able to speak. That was because she could feel that a demonic aura was leaking from him. -TLN: Just a metaphor, he did not possess any superpower.
Wayne's voice was surprisingly flat.
"The words you said were General Drawood's words, are you certain?"
"Indeed, anything wrong?"
"No. Tell the General, please be careful with his health."
Logan showed doubtful expression, but he left.
After Logan leaves, Wayne didn't move from his chair, Ninim decided to speak to him despite the tense air around him.
"Y-Your Highness, about that…"
"I'm very sorry, Ninim."
Wayne spoke, cutting Ninim's words.
"It wasn't like that went we talk with Ziva. Thus I let my guard down. As expected, prejudice against Fulham still very persistent on the west. I've carelessly exposed you to such eyes and made you uncomfortable…"
"N-No, such a thing is…"
"Let us be more careful next time. Now, can I ask you to clean up the place? I will go back first…"
Wayne stood up and walked to the top of the gold mine.
Ninim, who was ordered to clean up, could only see off his back, and when he was finally out of reach from her gaze, Wayne speaks to the escort soldiers…
"Call Raklum."
A few days after the meeting, the Marden army completes preparation for the offensive.
The war for the Gold mine was reaching its final stage
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The Friend Who Ease The Pain of Your Lonely Night
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Genius Prince – v1-c32
"General, all units have been ready!"
"Ladders have also been distributed."
"All that remained is to wait for the General's command."
Drawood stands in front of all the commanders.
He exhaled and turned his sharp eyes toward everyone.
"Three weeks have passed since the war started. We've wasted a lot of time."
The war that supposedly ended fast ended up being prolonged. Their soldiers had been killed by foul plays, and their supplies had run dry.
"All of it was my mistake. I've made all of you going through a hard time."
After all, the war had been prolonged this much. Perhaps, he won't receive decent reward himself. On the contrary, there was even the possibility of being punished as a war criminal.
But he didn't mind those anymore… Everything would be fine for him as long they could beat them.
"The humiliation ends today. Without waiting for the sunset, we will dye the mountain with those barbarians blood. —Advance!"
""Yes, sir!!""
When the sun was at its peak, the Marden army begins their advance with his signal.
The news of Marden army total assault was immediately being delivered to Wayne at the summit.
"Finally, huh?"
Wayne whispered, he then quickly give instruction to the messenger.
"Discard the defense point at the bottom of the mountain. Gather soldiers on mountain top defense point and solidify our defense."
"Yes, sir!"
"Tell the miners to destroy the mine tunnel halfway up. Don't let the enemy get inside the tunnel."
"Will be done immediately!"
The messenger then left the tent, the one remained inside were Wayne and Ninim.
"Will we be able to endure it?"
"Impossible I guess…"
Wayne response was concise.
"We've been able to maintain the war situation by limiting the enemy's advance route. If they could climb outside the mountain path, it will be down to the difference in strength. If that being the case, there's no way for us to win."
"But, that is if we left it like this… Right?"
"That is how it is…"
Wayne smiled.
"I'll leave the command here to Hagar. Ninim will act as his assistant."
"Understood. — Don't die okay, Wayne?"
"My soul is left here. There's no reason for me to die."
Wayne left the tent after he stroke Ninim's hair gently.
Waiting for him was Raklum.
"Your Highness."
"Raklum, preparation, ready?"
"Yes, sir. You may go anytime."
Wayne nodded satisfactorily.
"Now, let us go see the idiots."
The war situation was one-sided.
Freed from mountain road restriction, Marden army used long ladder all over the Gold mine and runs up the slopes one after another. The sight was like a flock of ants climbing a pile of sugar.
Even if Natra soldiers were more skilled, they were greatly outnumbered. They know that they would be pushed back even if they solidify their upper defense point.
"General, our troops manage to overwhelm them in all direction!"
The voice of the messenger was excited as he relayed the news. It was clear that the flow was in Marden favor.
"If that is the case, it is a matter of time before they fall."
The expression of the commanders and Drawood adjutant were also bright.
Drawood then speaks with strong words to reprove them.
"Don't let your guard down because of this. We don't know what kind of a solution those barbarians would do after we corner them."
He then asked a question.
"We isolated the beck of the mountain properly, right?"
"Yes. In the unlikely event that they tried to escape, we've prepared troops to stop them. There was no problem since Logan-dono directly conducting the command."
"That's fine then. We can't let them do however they want anymore. I will let them died here and make a rain of blood."
When he had exhaled his breath, he saw a few Marden soldiers rushing toward him.
"General! Where's General Drawood?! An urgent call from Commander Logan!"
A tone of voice that everyone familiar with was being heard. The look of the commanders become tense. Since the war began, an urgent message only filled with bad news. 'Did something happen behind the mountain?' Such thought crossed everyone's mind.
"… Let me listen. Call the messenger."
"Y-Yes, sir! Oi, the General is here!"
The commanding officer then called the messengers then rushed toward Drawood and kneel down.
"Speak. What happened with Logan?"
"Yes sir, about that—…"
The messenger lowered his body and placed the box, then he casually spilled the content.
Freshly severed Logan's head was rolling out from it.
"WHA-?!" Everyone thoughts stopped working.
The messenger kicked the ground and closed their gap distance. At the same time drawing their sword. Smooth, just like running water.
"—-Let us meet on the other side."
The iron blade slashed at Drawood body, making a high pitched sound.
Drawood falls back with his eyes wide open.
His armor hits the ground making a loud sound, and the frozen time finally starts to move.
"Y-You bastard, what are you— Gah?!"
Even when the commanders trying to take their swords out, the remaining messengers cut them faster than they pulling their swords. Furthermore, spears come flying from outside the tent, piercing all the commanders in no time.
"Your Highness, we've managed to clean it up."
"Good work."
The man who slashed Drawood responded with short words. Then he directed his gaze at the falling Drawood.
"… Huh? You're still alive?"
Drawood was breathing and gazed at his attacker, while a large amount of blood spilled out of his armor.
"As expected, my sword skill is still lacking… Well, it's not a big deal."
"Khu…Guho… Y-You…"
"What? Are you curious as who am I?"
The man took off his helmet. His youthful figure. Drawood remembered him. Yet, he was no doubt wearing Marden armament.
"You bastard… Wayne!"
"This is the first time we meet face to face, General Drawood."
As he threw his helmet, Wayne Salema Albarest laughed.
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The Friend Who Ease The Pain of Your Lonely Night
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Genius Prince – v1-c33
"Why, why are you here?!"
"Of course, to get your head. You can't do that you know Drawood. Making your headquarter thinly guarded…"
Drawood glared at Wayne then turn his attention the swords at his feet. His body hurt as if it was being burned. His mouth also could feel the taste of iron. However, if he could take the sword. And if he manages to create time, someone might grow suspicious and come. r
"No one will come."
Drawood body shivered as if he was being seen through.
"My soldiers are guarding the tent, and your soldiers are currently climbing the mountain. They won't come here unless the tent goes up in flames…"
"You speak as if you're sure…!"
"Of course, I know… To begin with, I encourage you to do that…"
Wayne shrugged his body while looking at the desperate Drawood.
"After being suppressed a lot of time, how do you feel after engrossed in a liberating feeling? That is the basis of my plan. It is interesting, do you know, it was a lot harder to control a large power compared to a small one? In today great offense, all soldiers had joined the assault and leave the headquarter alone. It is easy for me to see you guys restless gap from above the mountain and find an opportunity in it, in this past three weeks."
Drawood wanted to open his mouth and argue. Drawood wondered in his mind and realized something…
"But! But, soldiers should've been able to confirm if you went down the mountain. If we get that information from the person commanding the unit then…!"
"That is impossible. For them, we're not going down the mountain."
To that response, Drawood eyes shook. 'How did they arrive here if they didn't go down the mountain?'
"Do you remembered the tunnel?"
Drawood consciousness was hazy, Wayne was trying to explain it as simple as possible…
"… N-No, that can't be, it should've taken a few months to open the blocked tunnel…"
"Next to it…"
Wayne said that sounded happy.
"I've asked the miners to dig in advance along the side of the blocked tunnel. Up to the cave."
Drawood shoulders trembled.
"T-That can't be…"
"Yes, that collapse was not to block Marden soldiers. It was done to remove the cave from your consciousness…"
Hearing that, Drawood felt many things that he had accumulated as a soldier were collapsing. He understood, as a General, he was not as good as the young man in front of him.
"After that, we just have to open it by digging a little, and put on your army's equipment, nobody would doubt us as Natra soldiers. Though it was a coincidence that I found Logan along the way here…"
"…Everything went according to your plan, huh?"
He could see it… The sword at his feet. His body still could move.
He admits it. As a General, he lost… But now, the enemy's neck was within his reach.
"Fu…Fufu, Khu, Fuhahahaha…"
Drawood laughed while spitting out blood.
Laughed and laughed…
He squeezed all of the remaining energy in his body and jumped at the sword near Wayne's feet.
"Well, I have no plan to go out officially at first but—"
Wayne's sword penetrated Drawood body.
"I've decided that those who insulted my soulmate, shall die…"
One flash.
Drawood head was cut off and rolled down the floor.
"Goodbye, Drawood."
Wayne wiped the blood off his sword and put it in a sheath.
Raklum took off his helmet and stand next to him, then bowed…
"Very brilliant, Your Highness…"
"You think this degree is excellent? … Wait, why are you crying Raklum?!"
"I'm sorry. It's just, my heart is trembling due to the beauty of your swordsmanship."
"… Well, whatever. It is almost time. Well then, the rear soldiers might sense something wrong soon…"
"After this, we burn it as planned?"
"Yes. Set it on fire, on the supplies pile too. If they didn't notice it soon, our soldiers who are still fighting would be crushed. Let us go immediately…"
"Yes, sir!"
Wayne and the other quickly set the enemy's headquarter and stockpiles on fire.
The fire quickly swallowed Drawood body as well. Due to the smoke that rose high in the sky, even the soldiers who fought at the top was also able to see it.
"O-Oi, that!" "Isn't that the main headquarter place?!" "No, that can't be?!"
Every Marden soldiers remembered what had happened when they received night assault. Therefore, the fear and confusion of the flame spread quickly, and when the death of General Drawood was being confirmed by the commanders who still alive, disorder begins to happen…
Those who still want to fight argue against each other, those who tried to withdraw, those who were stunned. Marden army who lost command had lost all power, they were forced to retreat to the foot of the mountain with many casualties…
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The Friend Who Ease The Pain of Your Lonely Night
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Genius Prince – v1-c34
Wayne and his unit returned to the top of the mountain.
As soon as he returned, he was welcomed by the soldiers.
"Ooh! Your Highness has returned, I'm glad. Your Highness is fine!"
"Welcome back, your highness!"
"The Marden army has retreated following Your Highness fireworks!"
Many of the soldiers were wounded. Those who died were also not few. However, their expression was still vibrant, they rejoiced at Wayne's safely return and showered him with praise.
"Everyone did well! Today's battle is definitely a blow to Marden! Victory is near! Think of this as the last turn around! Focus your mind!"
The soldiers shouted.
After he speaks some words to the soldiers a little, he went to meet the old General Hagar.
"Hagar, you did well during my absence…"
"Thank you for your kind words…"
Hagar bowed with respect.
"I want to hear the current situation. How is everything?"
"Yes, sir. The siege of the Gold mine has been dissolved, and they try to solidify themselves on flatter ground. Currently, there is no appearance for them to make another offense."
"Right now, they are contemplating who should take charge or should they continue the war, huh?"
"Your Highness still think that Marden would continue the war?"
"No, that is not it."
Wayne affirmed.
"If they decided that now, they've lost a lot of battles and the morale of the soldiers were at rock bottom. Their supplies were also gone. The other commanders would definitely decide to withdraw and place the full responsibility on the dead Drawood. If they decided to take over the command now, they would be blamed for the lost…"
"That is indeed reasonable…"
Hagar nodded.
(And the peace negotiations that began after that… This is the real battle for me…)
This time he must not fail.
Use every skill he had and sell this dirt-cheap Gold mine to Marden.
(To that end, preparation must be made. Ninim should also help…)
Thinking that far, Wayne suddenly realized.
"Come to think of it, where's Ninim?"
"Ninim-dono, she's currently checking the overall damage. She should come back soon."
"I see. Then until Ninim return, I will drink to celebrate the victory…"
When he was about to go and drink, a noise comes from all over the Gold mountain.
Wayne and Hagar immediately glanced at the surrounding.
"What the hell happened?"
"Ah, Y-Your Highness… Look at that!"
The lookout soldier pointed to the flat ground where the Marden army was stationed. Seeing what happened, Wayne shook in astonishment.
Marden army was slowly moving away from them…
"This is… Are they trying to withdraw?"
Turning away from the Natra army had no other meaning than withdrawing.
However, Wayne was concerned. It would be good for the enemy to withdraw sooner. However, one cannot make such judgment too soon. The people that could make such swift judgment should have been dealt with alongside Drawood.
"Hagar, what do you think? Are they trying to trick us?"
"… No, from what I see, they are retreating. In the current situation, Marden army should not be able to perform the sophisticated maneuver."
Mumumu, Wayne gritted inside his mind.
He was not complaining that Marden army withdraws early. The earlier for them to have a peace talk was the better. However, he still thought that the enemy was up to something…
"Your Highness, about that, it can't be…"
Suddenly, a soldier standing near him speak.
"Is this war, we have won it?"
Before he noticed, dozens of soldiers were gazing alternately at Wayne and Marden army.
'What should I say to them.' Wayne contemplated for a while, and then he decided…
"Listen, everyone! The Marden army is turning their back and escape from us!"
Soldiers who were far from Wayne also started to turn toward him.
"Or maybe they were planning some sneaky strategy! But at this point, I believe they had acknowledged that they cannot fight against us anymore!"
Wayne said that with a powerful voice.
"Therefore, I declare here, this war, the victory belongs to us, the Natra army!"
The surrounding of the Gold mine was silent.
The next moment, soldiers cheered as if every emotion inside them exploded…
"Raise your roar! Let the Marden soldiers who run away know that we are the winner!"
Fueled by Wayne, the soldiers raise their voice. Hearing them up close, it was actually could shake one's shivered to the bone.
"Are you sure about this?"
Hagar whispered to Wayne.
"We don't know if the other side is trying to pull some sort of a plan or not, but I have no doubt it won't start immediately. Still, what we do might raise their morale instead. Hagar, keep vigilant."
Hagar nodded.
But then, Ninim appeared in front of him while out of breath.
"Your Highness, I finally found you."
"Ninim, huh? … What's wrong?"
Wayne feels something extraordinary happened when he sees her in such appearance.
"I heard you were investigating the damage but was it more serious than expected?"
"No, in fact, that was less than expected…"
Ninim shook her head, then continue…
"The problem is not that. Your Highness, the spy that is in the capital of Marden now, have contacted us…"
"Hou… Did Fushtar started slaughtering his vassal or something?"
"They have capitulated…"
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