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The Love of a Lazy Potato with Cheats- MCU FanFic




Episode 54-Looming Tensions

 Fiction Page Report Chapter








[Pakistan and India border]

*ROAR* A tank flew towards the small battalion of soldiers trying their best to stop the enemy from advancing to the Indian border.

"Retreat!" The captain cried out... *Thud**Squelch* …just before he was crushed by the tank in the heavy snow.

The soldiers looked at the scene of the green raging monster, walking away from the wrecked border of Pakistan, in terror as they ran back following their captains' last command.

"GO! I will cover!" A woman screamed at her running comrades as she turned around with her gun.

"Aditi don't!" One of the soldiers turned around as he realised what the woman was about to do.

*Bang* Just as the first bullet left the automatic rifle the green monster's attention turned towards the woman running away from the group.

*ROAR* The monster bellowed as it jumped towards the woman. "DIE!" The woman kept firing as the man's teammates dragged him away.

"NO!" The man shouted in horror as he saw the woman he had liked crushed under the fist of the monster before the snow-covered their sight.

The man wretched free from the grip of his shouting teammates and ran towards the abomination that he hated with his whole life. The same abomination who took the lives of the 2 people he liked the most.

"RAJ STOP!" One of his teammates shouted just before the soldier started firing. *Bang* The monster lost in the visibility of the snow found its target…

"ROAR!" …and it jumped.

[30 minutes later]

*Whizz* A fiery orange portal opened up in the snow inside the Pakistan border. David stepped out and looked at the raging flames and mutilated bodies of the soldiers on both sides of the border, with a frown.

Passing over these bodies were several trucks. Trucks passed in front of David allowing him to see the contents carried on the back barely: weapons, golds, ammunition, and people.

The strange thing was none of the people noticed the being in an alternate dimension as he observed the group passing into the border of India.

A truck pulled up on the side. Out of it came few people with scarf having covered their faces, carrying rifles. They guided the truck they were in over the large foot imprint in the snow while still inside the Pakistan border.

The masked men walked over to one of the destroyed camps inside the Pakistan border. David followed him to see him taking out some equipment's and fixing the wires of a communication machine. The man took a deep breath as he looked at his fellow member who nodded beside him, before flipping the switch and began speaking.

"To the HQ…" Several of the men by his sides began firing the guns up in the air along with throwing the grenade in their hands towards an empty spot. *Bang**Bang**Boom*

"…we are being attacked. The border has been breached. I repeat…" The man tore off the wires as they moved towards the truck waiting for them.

As soon as they got into the Indian border a similar process of wiping out the track of the monster was repeated, along with fixing the machine. "To the HQ…" *Bang**Bang**Boom* The sound of guns and grenades going off was heard while the man tried communicating.

"…the border has been breached. We are being attacked. I repeat…" Similar to before the wires were torn off not allowing the man to finish his words before all of them got into the truck and moved off.

David quietly followed them until their path and the path of the footprints David was after began diverging.

Ignoring the group David rushed his way after the footprints. 10 minutes later he appeared before the monster that had massacred the groups of soldiers ruthlessly.

"Huah!" A small petite man shivered nakedly in the cold as he threw up while leaning on a tree.

*Snap* Exiting out of the mirror dimension David walked up to the person quietly.

"Sorry, I was late, Bruce." The person throwing up turned around frantically just as he transformed halfway into the green monster.

"Dav…id…" Bruce's last remaining struggling conscience managed to spell out as he lost control.

*ROAR* The Hulk roared towards David who calmly stayed in front of it. "Let's take this somewhere quiet." *Snap* Reality began folding upon itself.

The green monster looked around in distress and confusion as it stepped away from the moving ground in annoyance. It angrily looked towards the being it believed to have been the cause of its problems right now.

*Roar* It made an angry roar before jumping towards David. "First comes the stick…" David muttered.

David extended his left hand out causing thousands of fiery strings to erupted from his palm and rush towards Hulk in the air.

*Chssshhh!* **Roar* The strings began to burn his green skin causing the green monster to be even more furious just as David slammed his hand down.

*Bam* The strings followed David's hand movement and slammed the beast to the ground with it.

The ground suddenly folded around Hulk and locked its arms and legs in place just as the strings disappeared to show the burn marks visibly healing.

*Roar* The monster screamed in anger as the ground began to crack. David raised both his arms up making several of the surrounding glass-like reality launch themselves over the Hulk and weighed on him and restraining him.

Seeing it still for a moment David smiled. "…then comes the carrot." David reached into his pocket quickly as he saw Hulk getting angry increasingly while the several hundred tons of weight on top of him starting to shift as it continued to roar.

David took out a black cube from his pocket. *Crack* The ground laying on top of the monster broke in half.

*Roar* Hulk's roar this time caused even the flaps of David's robes to sway from its might.

*Thud* It ran towards David angrily just as David opened the box and extended it towards the Hulk with a smile.

The monster suddenly stopped in its track as it suddenly looked at the green cube sat inside the box. "Made this especially for you after examining Bruce's blood sample and combining it with a bit of magic." David smiled as an orange string emerged from David's hand and extended the box towards the Hulk.

*Sniff**Sniff* It sniffed at the box before looking at David warily.

"Roar?" David smiled as he moved back hearing the pitiful roar as the monster tried to restrain its urges and impulse going towards the green cube.

Seeing David backed away the Hulk quickly turned its attention back to the cube. Quickly grabbing the black cube from the string it threw the box into its mouth.

A small orange portal quickly opened up beside the black box and grabbed it with an orange string before being pulled towards the portal while the green cube flew into Hulk's mouth.

Hulk ignored the action just as the black box appeared in David's hand from the portal opened beside him.

An unreal scene happened before David as he saw the rage monster's eyes closing with a blissful expression as its tongue began rolling around its mouth. "Haaaa…" Hulk sighed in content as he sat down like a child before lying back on the floor happily as his arms swayed on his side, light as a feather.

David watched this calmly with a smile and waited.

A few minutes later Hulk opened his eyes and looked around with a calm expression. He suddenly began transforming back into his alter ego. "Uhh!" Bruce heaved as soon as he gained control back of his body.

"What the… hell was… that?" Bruce looked up at David in revolt.

"I figured the big guy might be angry since I never once fed it when you were staying with me. So, I decided to make something for him to eat; hardly anyone ever asks him for food when he comes out." David shrugged as he walked up to the shivering Bruce.

Bruce looked at David in surprise before he went back to throwing up what little was left inside him.

David took out a small vial containing a blue liquid and knelt beside Bruce.

"Drink it up." David opened the led.

"Can you make solutions that look safe to consume?" Bruce asked David who chuckled.

"I was in a bit of a rush as soon as I realised what was happening with you. So, I had no time to alter the colour." David reasoned as he held the vial up to Bruce's lips causing him to drink it.

As Bruce drank the liquid he failed to notice the mirror-like reality around him collapsing to a normal one.

"Doesn't taste bad." Bruce complimented to which David just smiled.

"Let's get you somewhere warm." A small fiery ring appeared under Bruce.

"Woah!" He yelped as he went down.

David smiled as he jumped in after Bruce to arrive inside the New York Sanctum. "First of all, what the heck are you wearing? Then what the hell just happened? Where are we? And what was that?" Bruce looked up from the bed to see the portal closing.

"My uniform of sorts while I am here, which is one of the safest places in the world. Now I recommend you to be quiet as everyone here is quite wary against me, and won't take it kindly if they realise I brought someone here without asking the person in charge permission, not that I need to anyway.

Not to mention, I wasn't even supposed to meet or teleport you here, so I will have to put you back where you originally belonged later." David got out of his bed and walked towards his wardrobe.

Bruce looked at David in shock. "Teleportation? As in Quantum Teleportation?" Bruce tried to clarify causing David to shake his head.

"No, more like a wormhole but without the time travel." David grabbed a set of his old clothes and threw it towards Bruce.

Bruce failed to catch the clothes as he just looked at David in disbelief. "Bullshit!" Bruce stated to which David shook his head.

"Can you keep your voice down or do you want to go back into the freezing snow?" Bruce held his hands towards his mouth.

"Sorry, but seriously?" David nodded towards Bruce's question.

"But I didn't invent or discover it. Just using my organisation's tool." David pointed at his sling ring causing Bruce to narrow his eyes.

"You belong to an organisation?" Bruce asked David who nodded.

"Yeah, the same one who send you away from me." David pointed at Bruce's clothes by his bed.

"You are naked, get dressed." Bruce looked down before quickly grabbing the clothes.

"Sorry." He apologised as David waited for him to finish getting changed.

"You can rest here for today. I will arrange for your accommodation and safe passage to a place called… Calcutta in India, I think it was. You can stay there for the next 2 years, just that this time a government agency will be…" David couldn't finish his words as Bruce interrupted him with his serious face.

"David, can you cure me?" Bruce asked David.

David closed his eyes and sighed. "We have been over this Bruce," David answered Bruce.

"David I killed people today. That monster made me crush those soldiers under my fist along with those..." Bruce held his head while trembling.

David watched Bruce quietly. "It wasn't you," David spoke up after a while.

"What do you mean it wasn't me? I was watching from a corner of my rational mind as that thing slaughtered those people. Do you know what that feels like?" David chuckled as he heard that question causing Bruce to frown as he looked up at David.

"I don't care if you believe me or not, but I understand what that feels like more than anyone in the world. However, unlike you, I have control over my strength, Bruce." David looked down helplessly, as Bruce listened quietly.

"But sometimes I wish I could just lose control and run away than live in control of my life. That way I would have never met her, and she would have been happier." Bruce suddenly realised who David was on about.

"What happened after I disappeared?" Bruce asked David who just smiled as he shook his head.

"Topic for another time. Coming back to our matter at hand, answer my question: who is at fault when an innocent dies by a gun: the gun or the person who fired the gun?" Bruce stared at David who was unwilling to dwell into the matters between him and his girlfriend for now.

"The person, but the gun is partially at fault for being used as a tool to kill someone," Bruce replied seeing the direction David was going at.

"Alright. Now say if you could destroy guns and weapons of mass destruction by taking away technology from people would you do it?" Bruce clenched his hands at that question.

"But that's different." Bruce countered to which David shook his head as he took out his phone.

A video hologram of Bruce appeared surprising, Bruce as he saw it was video feedback of the last place he remembered he was in before he transformed. "Hulk is the gun, and you are the technology in my analogy," David explained as the video started playing.

It was Bruce attempting to cross the border peacefully amongst the several groups of people crossing the border in the boot of a bus.

Unfortunately, they found Bruce and pulled him out with their guns raised. Just as Bruce was out someone fired a shot causing a bullet to hit his chest. Just as it met his skin a green patch appeared around that area much to Bruce's horror.

Very quickly Bruce transformed into the Hulk. David paused the video and rewound it. "And the person that pulled your trigger is the real criminal here." The video stopped just before Bruce was hit. A bullet was highlighted in red on the screen and the camera suddenly began to follow its initial trajectory.

Bruce clenched his fists tightly as he saw the bullet leading up to a man 200 meters away inside a building with a sniper rifle. "You were simply used for their plans, without you realising it, Bruce." David watched calmly as he saw Bruce getting angry by the minute as he watched the sniper grinning from the shot.

"You can never accuse a stone of being a dangerous weapon when people use it only against each other when it is perfectly capable of hurting man and beast alike but also capable of using it to build houses.

Technology is never to be blamed for the weapons it develops. Weapons are just there to defend from threats, just like Hulk protects you from danger. The true dangers are people like him, who just loves to pull the trigger and watch the chaos that follows up." Bruce gritted his teeth as he watched the sniper watching with a binocular as he rampaged and killed several innocents and soldiers on the border before running off.

"Who is he?" Bruce asked in anger.

"Wrong question." David shook his head causing Bruce to look at David.

"It's who are they?" Bruce sat in his place quietly wanting to know more.

"They are a group called Ten Rings. A terrorist organization dedicated to destroying world peace by any means necessary. They were behind Stark's disappearance and your attack on both Pakistan and Indian border." Suddenly Bruce realised something.

"What is happening?" He looked at his body in amazement to notice he had not transformed despite feeling fury like never before.

"Don't worry. Something I added to the food. He won't come out unless you are hurt for the next few hours." Bruce looked at Dan in amazement.

Bruce shook his head of amazement before he sighed in relief as he laid back down. "Why did they try to attack me?" Bruce asked David.

"They were using your attacks as a distraction to smuggle several hundred millions worths of weapons, goods and wanted criminals/ terrorists across the border. Not to mention very soon both countries would begin a temporary fight with each other, thinking they were the ones who tried to cross the border; just what they wanted." Bruce sat up to look at David in his eyes.

"What are you going to do with them?" David sighed hearing that question.

"Nothing." Bruce had an angry look.

"What!?" David smiled sadly.

"My hands are tied for few years for the very same reason I didn't come to your aid sooner, despite wanting to." Bruce didn't accept that reason.

"What kind of bullshit are you saying? People are going to lose their lives if you don't do something." David smiled sadly hearing that.

"500 people would die at most if I did nothing…" Bruce stood up in anger hearing David's answer.

"…but billions more would die in the future if I wiped out the Ten Rings from the face of the Earth." Bruce's anger vapourised to terror as he heard the numbers.

"What? How?" Bruce asked but David didn't reply.

While David imagined a future without Strange to bargain against Dormammu. Unlike Strange, David didn't believe he had it in him to live through an endless loop of being constantly killed. He would have to use his powers to aid him on that front. A future where David would have to use his rooted potato to go in a loop for hundreds if not thousands of years in the dark dimension to bargain with Dormammu.

Just nearly 2 decades of using rooted potato consistently caused David to emerge as a cold-hearted ruthless person. David couldn't even imagine what would happen to his mind if he stayed once more under the grasp of rooted potato indefinitely. Maybe this time not even love would move him, and he would end up killing everyone, including Natasha. Such was the future David wanted to avoid.

"Such is the weight of the choice I have to make and carry now Bruce." David didn't answer Bruce's question.

"Save billions of potential future lives or save the current lives of hundreds of innocents who can only helplessly wait for the terror of death that comes under the guise of war." David smiled helplessly.

"Sometimes I wish you and Nat simply wouldn't have changed me to make these kinds of choices. I preferred to have just been the cold and logical person I was to easily make these kinds of choices." David looked up at the roof regrettably.

"No pressure and no guilt if it was the old me." Bruce sighed as he sat down, not intending to ask anymore as he was used to David's conservative nature.

"Sorry." Bruce apologised.

"I thought I was the only one suffering. Looks like we all have a burden of our own to carry in our lives." David smiled hearing that.

"If it's any consolation I will make sure you won't hurt many innocents from now on." Bruce smiled as he heard that.

"You better do, now that you can teleport around." Both of us sat there quietly.

"You were saying about me settling down in India?" Bruce asked David who nodded.

"Not for too long. Just 2 years." Bruce had a thoughtful look on his face.

"I am going to lose the bet, right?" Bruce deduced why David said 2 years instantly when he pieced together the time frame of the bet.

David smiled hearing that as he nodded. "There is an organisation called Shield. A world government-funded group. You heard of them?" Bruce nodded.

"Bit of like the Interpol but more stealthy?" Bruce asked to which David bobbed his head in reply.

"They will be watching you when you are in India. But don't worry they won't interact, do or say anything with your life for 2 years. They will from now on divert general Rose from you, and keep you safe." Bruce looked at David in shock.

"How do you know that?" Bruce asked David.

"I mean is your source of information reliable?" Bruce rephrased his words.

David nodded as he saw Bruce still had concern on his face. "You can say I am nearly omni-present." Bruce worry turned to a look of intrest.

"A story for another time when I come to visit you.

Don't worry about anything and just relax. You can just live normally for the next 2 years. Think of it as taking a break of sorts for 2 years, because you are going to deserve that break after 2 years. If you need money don't be shy to ask me." David smiled as he looked up at the roof.

"I know everything is very different and difficult for you to comprehend." David closed his eyes.

"But once I am free from my limitations, I will answer you what you need to know. Along with taking care of several pests of this world." David opened his eyes with a plan formulating behind them.

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The Love of a Lazy Potato with Cheats- MCU FanFic




Episode 55- Expensive Fruits

 Fiction Page Report Chapter









Normal release schedule means normal word counts.

*Whizz* An orange portal appeared inside the rather well-decorated hotel suite. "You sure I can stay here?" Bruce asked David.

"Your choice." David shrugged his shoulders as he walked into the portal.

"What are you going to do now?" Bruce asked David who smiled.

"I am going to try and cheer up Nat. After that prepare myself for what is about to come." Bruce had an unpleasant look as he heard that.

"Better send me a postcard or something." David chuckled as he heard that.

"Just give me a call, if you need anything. I will try to visit you every now and then." The portal began closing up.

"Sure." The portal closed leaving David alone in his room.

"First thing first…" David sat down on his chair, took out his phone and began watching Nat infiltrating a research facility in Egypt.

Smiling, David watched her take down a guard quietly.

Opening his laptop David began looking for a certain place on the internet before finding their number.

Dialling their number, he called them up. "Hello, Rainbow Gardens. How may I help you?" The sweet voice of a young lady with a thick Russian accent entered David's ears in Russian.

"Hi, can you arrange for me the best raspberries you have in your garden to an address once a week?" The lady on the other end frowned hearing that question.

"Sir, we don't do deliveries. You have to come here and pick up the fruits by yourself…"

"₽100 million per month," David interjected her denial with an offer equal to £1 million in Russian Ruble. The woman on the other end froze as she heard the figure.

"Selena Popov…" David called out to her name frightening the young woman.

"…tell your parents about my offer. I will call back in an hour." David hung up the phone as he sat there with a notepad open.


[David PoV]

"What should I build first?" I wondered unable to decide from the multitude of things I could build.

"Nanobots and nano suit is a must." I wrote both those things down on my list.

'Should I add in the Pym particles to that?' Shrugging my shoulder I added Pym particle to the list of things I needed to make/ steal before improving on it.

Thinking about Pym particles made me think about time travel. "Time huh?" I smiled seeing how the future was going to be very different from now on until the main events.

[Time machine] I wrote down on my notes, but I didn't intend to create a machine to travel in time but rather a machine that can predict the future without the need for time stone.

I roughly had an idea how to do that. A simple way to do that was by keeping track of all the data stream in the world with the help of my 'Vines' and using a simple algorithm to predict the flow of the world. A bit like how a chess grandmaster can see several moves ahead of most people, given there are the correct amount of limited variables known as chess pieces.

"Okay, I have covered offence and defence in the suit in nanotech and Pym particles. Utility in the time machine. Now transport…" I looked down at my sling ring.

It is better that I had another form of short rapid form of movement available should the sling ring become unusable.

[Space Stone] I wrote down on my notes. 'I hope I don't see you again Clint.' I prayed as I opened up the camera feeds for Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility, in Mojave Desert, Nevada.

I didn't like hurting him because as much as he had been my friend, he was Natasha's only family.

A heavily fortified base with several researchers running about appeared before me.

Taking note of everything I walked forward to my suitcase sat in a corner of my room. "Long time no see."

Smiling I grabbed the nano mask I hadn't even used for a long time. Looking up the researchers inside the Dark Energy facility I chose a researcher that was fairly average in social life but had access to the space stone.

Uploading his biometrics onto the nano mask, I turned back to my phone.

Dialling the number, I had called an hour ago I sat down and waited. *Beep**Beep* "Rainbow Gardens. How may I help you?"

This time it was an aged Russian man who answered the call. "Mr Popov, please check your account for the money."

While ordering him I finished the transaction. Popov asked back in concern. "Who is this?"

"You can say I am the most expensive whore in the world, who crushed the heart of a woman and is looking for ways to remedy it."

*Ping* I smiled as I heard the chime of his phone's message box. "Check your message."

He was quiet for a second before I heard him scrambling. "What can I do for you?"

His tone shifted to a very polite one as I began texting him Natasha's address. "Keep delivering the best raspberries in your farm every week to the address I just forwarded to you, beginning next week. Miss a week and we will have no more further dealings, understood?"

He had no more questions as money answered all his questions. "Yes, yes. Gladly!"

I hung up and placed my phone aside. Opening up my notebook I wrote down several things I would be needing for my daily visit to the Dark Energy Facility from now on.


[Outside Natasha's home]

A Benz pulled up outside the quiet house that had seen the stress of gun and bombs several times.

A man in a formal regal suite walked out holding a silk-covered box in his hands. Walking up to the door he rang the bell. *Ring*

A few seconds later the door opened to reveal a beautiful redhead. "Yes?" The man lost himself for a moment seeing the stunning woman.

He held out the package in his hands while the woman relaxed her hands seeing he was no threat to her. "Parcel for Natasha Romanoff."

Natasha frowned as she heard that before looking down at the box. "Who is it from?"

The man took out his phone from his pocket before reading it out loud. "Rainbow Gardens. VIP delivery service."

Natasha hesitantly grabbed the box before giving it a shake. *Rustle* She found the sound to be neither the sound of bombs nor anthrax.

The man extended his phone along with the stylus towards Nat. "Can you please sign here?"

Natasha nodded as she quickly signed it before the man passed her a note. "I was told to give you this note after you signed it."

Natasha grabbed the note from the man as he left. She closely observed the car he got into and memorised the plates as he left.

*Clack* Closing the door Nat walked towards a table and sat down. Taking the note in front of her she read it.

[Raspberries are bitter and sweet. But I found a raspberry that is only sweet.] Natasha froze as she read that. She realised who the message was from as there was only 1 person she had ever told her love for raspberry to.

She remembered the question David asked her during their first date meal inside the dessert shop. "What about you? You like raspberry?"

"Yeah. Something about the bitter and sweet taste in raspberry tells me not to give up during the bitter moments of life as there is always sweetness that accompanies bitterness."

The conversation they had flooded her mind as she held her head. How they ate, talked, laughed, held hands, hugged, warmth… "I love you."

The way they confessed to each other as they stared into each other's eyes, the way he held her face like she was the most precious...


Natasha woke from her emotional rewind and swept at the box sending it flying to the ground.

Crunching the paper in her hands she threw it down before going up to her room, ignoring the box of raspberry on the floor.

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The Love of a Lazy Potato with Cheats- MCU FanFic




Episode 56- Dream Boy

 Fiction Page Report Chapter









I opened my eyes feeling someone shaking me.

I looked at Daniel who was standing beside my bed. "Daniel?"

He was looking at me in worry while casting what seemed to be some sort of defensive warding magic. "Why are you in my room?"

I looked around to see a few masters of the mystic arts peering through my door. "You were crying, pretty loudly."

I froze as I heard him. My hand slowly crept up to my face and touched it to see it was still wet. I looked at Daniel who removed the warding magic around his hand. "What happened?"

"Your neighbours complained to me about you wailing. I decided to check up on you only to hear you crying while mumbling some numbers and something incoherent."

Daniel's explanation had me even more worried now. "What exactly did I say?"

I got up and wiped my face as I began casting magic to trace any remnants of magic that might have been cast on me. "You were constantly repeating the number 95,489."

An indescribable sorrow that rivalled even the pain of staying away from Natasha hit me as I heard those same numbers I heard from Natasha long ago. "David, you okay?"

I woke up and nodded as I actively began using even more magic only to see there was nothing or no trace of magic. "What was I saying that was incoherent?"

Daniel thought for a moment before he began waving his hands. "It would be easier to show you."

An image appeared in front of me. It was me crying in tears as I laid in bed. "Ninety-five thousand …"

*Sob* "…, four hundred…"

*Sob* "…, and eighty-nine…"

'What the hell is this?' I held my chest feeling extremely sad as I kept hearing that number. Not even magic could track the source of my sorrow and dreams down.

My only hope at this moment was the all-encompassing mind or infinity sto… *Sob* "…Vormir…"

I took a deep sharp breath at my sleeping mention of Vormir, the location of the soul stone. "I tried to see if anyone was messing with you, but it turns out no one was, and you really did have a terrible nightmare."

It has been 3 weeks since I spend some time next to the space stone and studying it, inside the dark energy facility. Everything had been progressing smoothly to the point that I had even managed to finish collecting all the data I need from it, until now.

I sat down in disbelief as I held my head. 'Could it be because I have been interacting too much with the space stone recently?' I theorised.

The stones were known for having sentience of their own.

'Did it sense my intention and know I was capable of attaining its unlimited powers without any cost? Was it afraid of me who could mystify one of the infinity stone and was warning me to stay away? Or was it both?' Questions began popping up left and right scaring me almost.

In a way, I was terrified.

The infinity stones despite how powerful and lifeless they are, are very terrifying tools. I have been blind so far to not see the weight of terror behind those stones. It just settled on me after so many years, through one dream.

I mean how could I even forget the fact that it was the space stone that sent Schmidt to Vormir to guard the soul stone.

'Is it planning to send me off to Vormir too?' I wondered in fear.

I had no intention of being an eternal guardian of the soul stone for all eternity. I didn't want to one day end up watching Nat sacrifice herself as I stood there helplessly as a guide. Death was better than that.

"Thanks, Daniel."

Daniel nodded in worry as he left the room.

*Whizz* Grabbing my sling ring I opened a portal. I needed to confirm if the addition of Vormir in my list of numbers in my dreams was because of being next to the space stone or not. I needed to know if I would end up as a threat to anyone or if someone is trying to control me.

I stepped into the portal. "So good to see you here, Jack. Would you like to join the teaching session?"

I smiled seeing the Ancient One who stood in front of 100's of students who were all staring at me. "Sorry, I thought you would be in your room at this time."

I apologised only for her to turn around to look at the class. I was glad she decided to not say my proper name whenever I am here. "Mordo take over please."

Mordo nodded as he glanced at me curiously before taking over the class. "I thought it was a mystical entity attempting something sneaky. So, I diverted your portal towards me."

Ancient One walked up to me with her hands behind her back. "Any particular reason for this visit?"

She asked to which I nodded as I looked around. "Follow me."

A portal opened up and we walked into it, to appear inside her room. "So, I saw that you have been having the time of your life studying one of the infinity stones. Not many get the chance like this, and when they do it lands under the hands of those who don't know how to use that opportunity. You are truly blessed in that regard. Is that why you are here?"

I smiled at the accuracy of her deduction. "Partially yes."

I showed her the vision of me crying in my sleep. "Didn't know you were a cry baby."

She jabbed at me to which I smiled. "You would be surprised at how easily certain things can make me cry."

Chuckling we both decided to get to the matter at hand. "Any meaning behind those numbers?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, but I feel overwhelmingly sad whenever I say or hear that number."

The Ancient One looked at me curiously. "What about Vormir?"

I looked around before deploying sealing magic of the highest class before proceeding to barriers. "That important?"

She asked seeing how far I was willing to go. "Yes."

She watched me for a few seconds before adding her own spells. We were both down after a minute of casting the spells. She looked at me extremely curious to know what might be so important about 'Vormir' that would require me to cast multiple master level barriers along with her. "It's the place where the soul stone is stashed."

Her eyes widened at the news and she looked around. "How do you know that?"

Her face turned very serious and with worry. "I told you, that I know a certain version of the future."

She sighed at my reply and began pondering on my words, before asking me. "Very well, what do you need?"

"Is it possible for you to rewind my mental state to that of a few minutes ago when I had the dream? I just want to check for any intrusions."

The Ancient One frowned as she understood the seriousness of the matter and my helplessness if I had to request her to use the time stone. "Alright."

*Whizz* A small portal opened up out of which the Eye of Agamotto appeared. "Ready?"

She asked just as the eye opened up. 'Calm mind' I nodded as the reality we were in shifted towards the mirror dimension.

I would have loved to blame it all on coincidence, but 3 times in a row with deep emotional trauma wasn't exactly a coincidence. I needed to understand where the root of what was going on with me came from. To do that I needed to first experience the dream once more, but while I am awake.

As the eye began glowing I began to feel all the emotions I had went through the past few minutes coming back at me, but they were nullified by my calm mind.

My calm mind acted as a sort of filter to only pick up on the emotions felt by my dream. It wouldn't be pleasant, feeling all those emotions I had in the past few minutes again.

From the test I did last time the dream happened, I know for a fact that the emotions in my dream bypassed the effects of calm mind. "10 minutes."

The Ancient One signalled to me how much time in the back she was at now. "Keep going."

I suggested seeing nothing being picked up by my calm mind. "20 minutes."

This was very strange as I had remembered I have not even been awake for more than 20 minutes. I should have definitely felt the sadness from hearing that number by now.

"30 minutes."

This was the time when I was asleep and murmuring.

The Ancient One's left hand began glowing orange as she employed her own detection method to see for any intrusions.

"40 minutes."

Feeling nothing so far I decided to risk it and turn off my calm mind. "Huh?"

Only to see I felt no emotions. My brain was bland just like how I always felt when I used calm mind. "Do you want to keep going?"

At the Ancient One's question, I nodded, as I hoped there would be some kind of clue left behind.

We rewound my mental state to 8 hours ago, at which point I began to actively feel the emotions of tiredness just before I went to bed. "Can we go forward now?"

She nodded as she dialled her hand clockwise. My head felt empty for the 8 hours of sleep I was in until the moment I woke up feeling confused, but there was nothing about the emotions of grief I felt.

I looked at the Ancient One before opening my mouth to ask. "Did you find anything?"

The Ancient One replied. "Nothing, what about you?"

I shook my head. "It was as if I had no dream at all."

She frowned hearing my answer as she pulled up the image of me crying. "You know what this means if even the time stone can't pick up the reason for your sadness?"

I nodded at her answer. "Another infinity stone or something of equal power."

She acknowledged my reply as she looked at me in concern.

Thanos was shown to have subtly manipulated the space stone to send Loki to Earth. The same Thanos who gave Loki the sceptre containing the mind stone. Who knew how long Thanos had his hold on the mind stone for?

'Could he or someone else who is equally capable like Thanos, that has the mind stone, be manipulating or influencing me somehow?'

*Whizz* The Ancient One hastily deposited the time stone in her hand away. "Stay away from the Space Stone or any other infinity stones for a while. If this problem persists we are going to have to have some serious discussion."

I nodded at the Ancient One's warning as I stood up. "I have had 2 similar experience before. The first one a year ago and the last one about 5 months ago. Each time it happens so far, I keep spilling more information. Frankly, I don't think these experiences have anything to do with me being in the vicinity of the infinity stone."

I informed her before she started imposing strict rules upon me whenever I got close to an infinity stone. "That may be true, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Someone is attempting something with you, so be careful."

A portal opened up behind me as she warned me in concern. "I will keep that in mind."

I walked out of the portal and closed it.

Someone began messing with me a long time ago, and I didn't take it seriously enough at that time. Now the messing has got dangerous, that I am not sure if I would become a danger to anyone.

Walking up to my laptop I looked at all the data I had gathered in the past 3 weeks. 'Should be more than enough.' My only answer now was to understand as much as possible about the space stone from what I had gathered. After that, I can use that to understand my situation and see if this dream thing is a good thing or not.

If that didn't work then the mind stone would arrive in 2 years. I just had to be patient and safe until then.

I decided to begin, with a slight concern as I looked at my door. 'I should move out now.'


[Romanoff Residence- 3rd person PoV]

A portal opened up inside the hall room out of which David walked out. He smiled sadly seeing a box of familiar packing on the floor.

Picking it up, he walked towards the room where he knew Natasha was in.

David sat down outside her room, with the box and waited. "I tried calling you and messaging you..." Natasha laid in her bed quietly as she placed her gun back under her pillow as she heard David.

"…but you didn't answer any of those. So, I decided to come and inform you some things before I leave."

Her ears picked up on the sound of David opening the box. "I see that you didn't like any of the raspberries I send you. I guess I should have at least tried it myself before sending it to you. This is what happens when you blindly trust the internet."

David chuckled as he leaned his head against the door as he took a bite of the raspberry. "I am sorry for being a pathetic coward, but honour and straightforwardness have no meaning to someone who lived his life following the most efficient path and loved to have everything in his control."

Natasha listened as her arm rested against her forehead covering her eyes. "I began to notice something with me, and I don't know what's happening to me anymore. Until I am sure that I am not a threat to you or anyone else I won't contact you again."

Natasha clenched her fists tightly. "I will be disappearing from the world for a long time, probably a few years. Will you wait for me?"

Hearing the silent response David smiled just as Nat got up. "You still giving me the silent treatment because you hate me? Guess I deserve it for being such a dunce."

David chuckled to himself. "I will miss you Nat, but I promise that I will wait for you. Sorry for lying to you."

*Whizz* As the strange sound disappeared Nat opened the door to see her empty hallway. The only proof of her not being crazy was the box of opened and half-eaten raspberry in front of her door.

[4 days later- Russia]

"Romanoff, where are you?" Someone asked Natasha through the device in her ears.

"Relax Coulson, I am just taking the long way round." Natasha smiled as she walked holding a small package in her hand.

"Remember, you have to meet with your target in 6 hours, no matter where you are going right now." Natasha nodded as she approached the place she had been tracking for the past few weeks.

Natasha stood before the newly furbished gate that had a signboard in her mother tongue. "6 is too long, I just need 2, but I will be there in 1 hour."

She hung up the line and examined the place beyond the gate.

The place before her looked very normal, albeit with the workers moving around like a busy bee as they refurbished the place.

[Rainbow Gardens] Natasha tightly held the box with the same name on the packaging of it.

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The Love of a Lazy Potato with Cheats- MCU FanFic




Episode 57- Magic Lamp

 Fiction Page Report Chapter








[David PoV- A week later]

*Ping* [Production complete] I smiled looking at my nano babies inside my new facility. "The product of magic and science." I stretched out my hand and several silver dusts flew towards my hand.

"Eat!" I gave a simple order, and the dust flew off from my hand. *NEEOO* "Alert! The facility under attack!"

The security system began going off as the nanobots began consuming everything.

As it ate the nanobots multiplied. 1 became 2, 2 became 4, 4 became 8 and so on, until everything in the room was consumed leaving nothing but a big silver ball floating in front of me awaiting orders.

*Whizz* A portal opened up inside my now empty facility sending in the cold air, and snow from the other side. "Let's go."

I walked in followed by the large mass of silver dust which began assimilating together to form a solid ball structure, to not be scattered by the wind.

"The Antarctic." I smiled seeing I was in the middle of the stormy Antarctic.

I had always wished to come here, but never could in both my lives until now. The white canvas was a beauty of its own in a world filled with colours, especially on a day even the sky was white from the storm that was brewing here.

A smile came upon my face as I looked down at the ice sheet under my feet. Placing my hand on the large silver ball I passed the mental image I had in mind, through the telepathic link I had built-in with magic.

"Begin," I ordered as soon as I finished showing my plan to my first technological mystical relic, the Bots.

I watched as my bots landed down on the ice and slowly the size of the ball began growing smaller by the second until nothing was left. Looking at the spot it had disappeared onto I saw a tiny hole digging far into the ice sheets.

*Ping* I looked down at my phone ignoring the freezing temperature that would have put any person into hypothermia by now.

"Just in time."

*Whizz* Another portal opened up. Sending my hand in I grabbed the large pink cube from the table that had finished its construction.

I hated fixing humanities mistakes, instead of letting them learn from their mistakes, but this one is for my own selfish reasons. Taking a step back I aimed the cube up at the sky.

"Off you go!"

*Boom* The pink cube shot out faster than any rockets could as I left several cracks on the ice floor. "Oops."

I smiled as I watched several silver specks of dust filling the gap releasing a white liquid. Within moments the cracks had disappeared leaving behind a perfect sheet of ice.

Closing all my portals I sat down on the ice as I took my phone out and watched the cube ascending. "Activate thrusters!" I ordered seeing it slow down.

*Whoosh* The cube began reorienting itself as I activated its life purpose.

[Initializing ozone layer repair] Closing the software I began opening up the portal towards the warehouse, where I had several tons of metal stored. *Whistle*

A small swarm of silver bots flew out as a sphere from the initial small hole it used to enter the ice sheet. I pointed inside the portal. "Eat!"

The bots flew into the warehouse as I started a timer.

20 minutes later the bots began flowing out. "Alright need to improve the consumption time." I made a note to improve upon my bots. It wasn't the most perfect thing in the world, but I had plenty of time to improve upon it.

The bots gathered in front of me forming the largest silver sphere I have ever seen in my life. "Crap!"

I think I might have gone overboard ordering the consumption of everything inside the warehouse at the same time, once I saw the football field-sized black sphere floating above me, which kept on growing as more bots came out.

'Thank God I chose a stormy day to do this, lest anyone saw this from afar and got a heart attack.' "Alright go in."

I pointed at the small hole from before and the swarm moved.

10 minutes later all the swarms had disappeared. I made another note to improve upon. "Need to find a much more efficient movement method as well."

As all of the bots disappeared into the hole I sighed in relief. Turning my hand clockwise I dropped into the portal I had just opened up under me.

I closed the portal as soon as I arrived inside the small facility. "Status on Pym particles." Several data popped up in front of me which analysed the components needed to make this beauty.

"Interesting." Several of the methods or you could say the equations used to make the Pym particles seemed to have been similar to the data I got from the space stone. It seems he gleaned off the data subconsciously from the Tesseract which housed the space stone. 'Must have been the tesseract feeding him with ideas, with its sentience.' I deduced.

If you think about it Pym particles in their simplest form were just a modem of transportation. Moving from the normal world to the subatomic world; from one dimension to another as long as they lowered their size.

So, it made sense that the space stone could be the culprit behind his inspiration as well, just like the arc reactor.

*Rubs hand* I grinned in excitement. "Time to start!"


[3 weeks later- Desert in Saudi Arabia]

"AHH!" A blue muscular spirit screamed sending several people in the orange robe flying back inside a mirror dimension, as the spirit shattered the reality clinging onto it easily.

"Mordo, call for reinforcement!" A man with a grey ponytail ordered as an orange whip appeared on his hand.

Mordo nodded as he drew a portal causing several masters of the mystic arts there to summon several fiery whips.

As the blue muscular ghost with the beard saw the portal it flew towards it. "WAIT!" It screamed as Mordo rushed out.

"Now!" Kaecilius ordered and all the sorcerers launched the whip out and restrained the Arabian ghost.

"LET ME GO!" It screamed causing all the sorcerers to look away from the terrifying scream that blew their robes.

*Whoosh* The portal closed enraging the blue ghost severely. "AHHH!" It screamed in anger as it began pulling all the masters in.

"You will all die!" It vowed as a gigantic blue ball appeared above it, worrying everyone.

"What now Kaecilius?" Someone asked causing Kaecilius to look around in worry.

"Hang on Mordo should be back any second!" Kaecilius ordered as he stabilised himself with the fiery rope.

Everyone began sweating as the blue ball slowly began emitting waves of heat. *Whoosh* A portal opened up managing to garner the attention of everyone.

Mordo walked in awkwardly followed by someone most of them recognised by now as Jack. "Seriously? A genie?"

David looked at the muscular titan in bewilderment and excitement. "Where is the lamp?"

Mordo looked at David in annoyance. "Can you do something before the others get killed?"

At Mordo's question, David sighed while everyone looked at Mordo. "Where is the reinforcement?"

Kaecilius asked Mordo noticing the genie's attention was on the portal leading to the outside world causing the blue ball of heat to begin dwindling in size.

Mordo pointed at David. "She told me to pick him up since he was free."


Everyone was suddenly flung off from the genie as it began actively moving towards David and Mordo.

David looked at the genie curiously. "Can you grant wishes?"

The genie looked at David before grinning, revealing its fang-like teeth as Mordo closed the portal as the genie tried to get to the closing portal as quickly as possible.

"It's not a genie Jack, it's a djinn and that too a 10,000-year-old evil one. Some idiot unsealed him a few hours ago, and it has already begun to cause serious problems. Unless you want it to escape and cause several nearby countries to start a war, between themselves out of greed do something."

Mordo rushed David who began looking at the Genie in disappointment just as its face became aghast seeing its opportunity to get out was lost again. "NO!"

It screamed as a blue ball appeared above its head. "Fine."

David snapped his right fingers causing his right arm to be shrouded in a silver metallic. "Physical objects don't work against a djinn. You have to use magic."

Mordo advised David as a fiery whip appeared in his hand and quickly restrained the djinn hands which were raised above its head to slam on them. Mordo kicked off the ground into the air, pulling the djinn's hands behind it. "LET GO!"

The djinn screamed in anger as the blue ball grew in size.

Several sorcerers including Kaecilius used that chance to restrain the djinn once more. "How is he a reinforcement if he doesn't even know what a djinn is?"

Kaecilius asked Mordo in anger at the situation as the djinn trashed in anger while the blue ball grew to send a heatwave after heatwave out. "Just have faith in her alright. If she was confident enough to send Jack despite knowing the danger, she must be confi…"

*Pshhh* Everyone halted in their movements as they looked at the weird metallic pole sticking into the blue ball. "Interesting… condensed blue fire. And for your info I know what a djinn is from the books, just never seen one before."

David looked at Kaecilius with his blank face.

The djinn looked at the human from whom the silver metallic pole extending from. "Are you not burning human?"

The djinn asked curiously seeing the steam coming off the metallic pole connected to David's right hand. David grinned at that question. "If there is one thing you should not put next to me..."

To everyone's shocked eyes the metallic pole began twisting as it brought the ball of condensed flame next to David. "…it's fire!"

David placed his hand on the blue ball. "You know, I was getting hungry as well. Good thing you brought me my meal."

David hugged the fire and took a bite of it. "NO!"

The djinn screamed as it rushed towards David as it noticed everyone's hold on it weakened.

*Swish* The metal poles suddenly dispersed and assimilated hundreds of tiny daggers next to David.

The djinn ignored the daggers as it flew towards it. "You are dead if you think that can harm me like that fool!"

The djinn grinned as all the daggers phased through it and reached for David who leapt at the last moment. *Boom*

Everyone watched as David flew up, leaving a crater behind. "COME BACK!"

The djinn flew after David as the daggers kept trying to go through the genie again and again as everyone watched from below helplessly. "Uhmm Mordo?"

Kaecilius looked at Mordo who nodded as he stepped into the air running after the djinn. "Follow."

Kaecilius ordered and they began waving their hands. Soon the mirror dimension began lifting all of them up, from the floor to meet David and the djinn up in the sky.

Just as David slowed down he landed on a platform of the sky in the mirror dimension which acted as a footstool for him. "DIE!"

The djinn screamed as it brought both its giant arms towards David's head to squash him in between.


Mordo shouted as he ran after the djinn with his fiery whip.

*Kichik* The djinn suddenly stopped at the sickening sound of flesh being pierced.

The djinn looked at both its palms to see 4 daggers sticking through its palms and pushing it back. *Kichik**Kichik**Kichik**Kichik*

Several hundreds of the dagger pierced the djinn's body and began pushing it back. "How…?"

The djinn looked at David who was smiling while holding onto the blue ball of flame. Slowly David's left arm began turning metallic as well.

David touched the blue flame with his left hand causing it to suddenly decrease in size. "Science fool!"

*Chomp* David launched his jaws forward and ate the blue ball causing the Djinn to suddenly shrivel up in size.


It screamed in agony. "Hmm, that filled me for breakfast."

David rubbed his belly as he swallowed causing Mordo to look at David in worry. "You see every being oscillates in a certain frequency. Most magic attacks are usually tuned into all these frequencies at the same time by a universal frequency, allowing those attacks to hit solid and ethereal beings alike."

As everyone caught up they looked at the shrivelling body of the djinn in amazement, while watching David and the hundreds of tiny dagger pushing and bleeding the blue giant. "AHHH!"

The screams of the djinn became unbearable for even the masters as they covered their ears and stepped back.

Mordo persisted through the noise and quickly raised a barrier shielding everyone behind him from the scream.

"All I did was find your oscillating frequency and dial my daggers to the same frequency before attacking you. It wasn't hard with you blatantly providing me with the data I need by letting my daggers through your body muppet."

As the blue blood of the djinn slowly kept pouring out, it began to shrivel and shrivel until it was the size of an AA battery and its scream like the squeaking of a mouse. "You guys need it alive or dead?"

David looked at Mordo who looked at him in confusion for a second before he realised David was speaking to him.

Mordo quickly lowered the barrier. "Sorry, I didn't hear you."

Mordo apologised. David shook his head as he pointed at the tiny figure laying on a small silver dagger, surrounded by numerous daggers. "No problem. Just asked if you need him alive or dead?"

Mordo looked at the pitiful state of the 10 millennium-old djinn. He turned towards Kaecilius who quickly got a lamp out. "So, there was a lamp involved."

Mordo rolled his eyes as he opened the lid of the lamp. "More like we have to bring a lamp to seal it peacefully."

Mordo mumbled as David's dagger carrying the djinn came towards Mordo, who warily picked the djinn up. "Thanks."

Mordo nodded towards David before stuffing the djinn in the lamp. "No problem."

The daggers rushed to David as if ready to pierce him, causing everyone to look at him in worry. Just as the daggers were about to pierce him, it dispersed into a cloud of silver dust before being assimilated onto David's clothes. "Well, then I am off."

David smiled as a portal appeared before he went through it while everyone looked at Mordo for an explanation. "I don't know either. He one day just popped in with the Ancient One."

Mordo gave a summary causing Kaecilius to look at from where David had left in curiosity.


[David PoV- 2 days later]

I began transferring all my equipment's from all the hidden facilities I had running around the world to here, deep under the ground of the Antarctic ice sheet.

I looked at the massive computer frame sitting before me with a 2 meter wide and high screen. I had finished almost everything except my time machine.

I figured I could finish everything within 1 week.

"What then?" I asked myself as I sat there going through the ways to build my time machine.

1 of my rooted potato was figuring out a way to remove the HE serum completely from my body, while the other was trying to comprehend the data collected from the space stone. The anti-HE serum was taking much longer than I was expecting, and it doesn't need to be said about the space stone, which I was relying on for solving my 'crying' crisis.

I had to rely on my own brain for everything that I had planned unless I want to press pause on any of the current task running through my potatoes. "I miss my lab rat."

As I began lowering myself in the air to sit down, a chair began constructing from the ground up. I sat down thinking about what I could do till I finished comprehending the data behind the space stone, and comparing it with everything I had learned about magic and science alike.

"Hang on." I suddenly remembered something as I quickly accessed the Shield database.

I pulled up my profile to see a special remark on it halfway through my long list of profiling. [Gifted Index Number:07-017-GB-00]

"Gifted?" I pulled up the Shield index list to see quite a long list.

Shield often categorised objects and humans that were enhanced or special- like Tony Stark and me- in a special category known as the Index.

I began downloading all the data before coming off the Shield database like always.

"Show me all the humans in the index." Several of the index candidates disappeared to reveal 1000's of humans.

I began going through the files of each human as my memory was jogged of something I had heard about from my friends about the MCU from my past life…the Inhumans.







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I tried to implement the advice some of you suggested to me about dialogues in last chapter. Did I do it right?

Also no, I am not picking on Russia lmao. It just happens that Russia makes the best and most raspberries in the world. Not a coincidence since our feamle lead is a Russian too, so its understandable her love towards the fruit.






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Now you understand why Bruce hates having the Hulk in him so much. Hulk makes Bruce kill and hurt innocents behind the scenes which a scholar like Bruce doesn't like at all and MCU doesn't show.

To those that don't get what the Ten Rings are doing- India and Pakistan hates each other's guts like North Korea and South Korea(I think from my research). Figure the rest out by yourself.






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