Questionable Questing
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[NSFW] - I've Been ROB'd

Alright, lets see what the damage is. I look in on Sakura to just about see whats going on. Episode 5, so... is the bell test over, or was it a two-parter? I can't recall, but I've promised to just be an observer for the duration. I guess this will also let me see how well my advice has settled in, over these past... two days? Wow, it hasn't been long, after all.
Hmm, lets see... Sakura's hiding in some bushes, observing a clearing. Naruto's hanging by his ankles from a rope, being lectured by their teacher. I comment, waiting for things to progress, "[How's your test so far, Sakura? Proving yourself as a Ninja?]"
Her eyes widen a little, and she shifts her weight.
'Host? I thought you were...'
"[Oh I'm not interfering, my adorable Partner. This is your test, and I want to see you pass or fail on your merit, not mine.]"
She blushes faintly at the term of affection, which is interesting to note, and then gasps as Kakashi is impaled and flung to the side by a number of sharp objects. Of course, he's almost immediately revealed as a log. I fall silent again, leaving my Partner to go through with her part of things to come. Sakura takes off running, and looking for Sasuke I suppose, diving down behind some bushes when she spots Kakashi in a small clearing ahead.
'Safe! He didn't notice me!'
I don't need to comment, and I won't... but I have no positive impression of how this goes canonically. Sakura might be taking the first steps towards polishing her behavior, but so far as her training goes she's not even begun.
"Sakura, behind you."
She gasps and whirls, only to find the gray haired man squinting at her with his one exposed eye. Man, from here I can't help but see how obviously he's just toying with them. It's kind of insulting that she can't even fight back though; Wasn't Sasuke a broody little badass during this episode? I wish my Partner could be on that level.
Sakura screams out, and Kakashi runs through a quick technique that weaves her into an illusion. Its weird how I can feel its weight against her presence in the bond we have. I was only dimly aware of the actual weight of the monitor-symbolized connection until I felt the Genjutsu point it out by weighing down her mind.
Well, I know its her test but I can't help myself, in the end.
"[Hey, Sakura?]"
... She doesn't respond. Oh, actually I hate that. I don't like being muted out by the Genjutsu, to nobodies surprise including my own I'm sure, but I have no way to press through to her mind itself. I watch, unable to aid even in my limited capacity, as she whirls around with hazy eyes, smiling at something before being overcome by horror. Tears well up in her eyes, and then she screams and faints. Wonderful.
Frustration wells up and I guess it's out of my hands now. No, actually, it's entirely in my metaphorical hands. As far as I'm concerned, Sakura failed her test by fainting at the first sign of a harmed teammate.
She's unconscious but that won't last for long. I activate the power I've recently purchased, and watch as it folds into her.
Sakura Haruno.
Ninja Lv6.
Hehe... level 6, out of... 100? That's going to be pretty embarrassing for her.
She doesn't have one of the base three classes, but that's more or less what I expected. Feeling my way into the Class Power, I get an idea of its' leveling system. It's not quite perfect: This system won't teach her any techniques, but it does expand her in ways both physical and otherwise. It makes her more. Even if she didn't put any study into being a ninja, it would at the most base and crude interpretation make her a natural prodigy at the various Ninja Arts so that she would be able to stand shoulder to relative shoulder against others of that class. Brute strength wasn't everything though, so the technique and... technical skill would be her own to hone. Idly waiting for her to wake up, I musingly chart out how the levels should compare to how the Naruto-verse does Ninja Ranks.
Lets see now...:
01-10: Academy Trainee
11-30: Genin
31-50: Chunin
51-70: Special Jonin
71-90: Jonin
91-100: Kage
Is that accurate? Is it right? It feels like it. Something in the part of my power that is the Class System thrums in affirmation, so I accept it with a wince. Sakura's going to take a real knock to the ego. Her intelligence had her punching above her weight, academically, but as far as Ninja went she was solidly in the middle of the Academy weight class. I considered pressing a different class onto her, and got a warning from the Class System for the idle thought.
Partners may only level their Primary Class. Partners still access all achieved benefits of Secondary Classes. Set Ninja as Secondary Class?
Mmm, better not. I'll let her make the decision, after she wakes up. Speaking of which, my graceless partner finally sits up with a dazed expression, mumbling. I speak into our bond and press a little into her GUI, making sure it fed her the new Class System.
"[I know I said I wouldn't interfere until you passed or failed, but you just got taken out by a singular Genjutsu, Sakura.]"
She blushes, and her eyes race across what the GUI tells her.
'Oh... is- is Level 6 good?'
"[Not especially. Genin starts at level 11, and the meter goes all the way to 100. Draw your own conclusions from that, Pinky.]"
She blushes and straightens up, starting to stand.
'So youre saying Im categorically awful?'
"[You have potential, is what I'm saying. Even if you had the intelligence of a rock, the class system I offer can make you a natural prodigy at the classes it provides. I'm sure I can expand on that in time, but for now look at it this way: You were book smart enough to get this far while being a mid-tier Academy student in terms of power. You can only go up.]"
She gives a slight nod, a little encouraged by the fact that there's no further down to go at the very least. Well there is, but she'd have to be literally a child starting at the Academy to qualify.
'I- Sorry, Host. I saw Sasuke on the verge of dying and...'
"[Fainted instead of providing any aid. Fortunately for you it was a Genjutsu. Unfortunately for you, it was enough to block my attempts at speaking out from your awareness. Something I'll work on in the future if I can. Now... you've failed my test, but Kakashi's is still going. Get a move on.]"
Resolve fills her and she looks around, before taking off. Thankfully, without the useless yelling I think she'd have given otherwise. For now, I get to watch as she takes off through the trees, and I idly prompt her.
"[I can't personally give you opportunities for growth right now. Take every opportunity you can to practice your Ninja Arts. Oh, and be prepared to sacrifice some of that beauty sleep. You can see how underwhelming you are in numbers now- I don't think either of us will be satisfied before that number is legendary, do you?]"
She whines, but doesn't deny me.
'Yes... Sensei!'
That makes me pause. And then 'grin' with some interest, focusing more prominently on her.
"[Sensei, hmm? I wonder what schoolgirl fantasy you've got going on in this head...]"
Her cheeks pinken and then she forces that down with speed, stammering mentally.
'I! It was just habit! You sounded like a Sensei so- hey! Now isnt the time for that, Host!'
"[So there's a such thing as a time for that, hmm? Sakura... how bold.]"
'Shut up! I need to focus!'
She does her best to drown me out with resolve on the test, and I sit back and let her, watching in amusement. This girl... well, I could see what was appealing about her. Intelligent and with a lot of potential for Growth, yes. I wasn't quite disappointed that she was mine, any longer. I want to go far with her.
Abruptly as she exits some bushes into the clearing properly of the test, she spots something on her right. Sasuke Uchiha's head in the ground, right where it belongs. For a second she looks faint, recalling the Genjutsu she was under before. If she faints now we'll lose progress, though. I'll lose progress on her resolve: My Partner needs at least one win this soon after a rally, for her own sake.
"[Oh look, a Broody Teen. I swear, those weeds are everywhere...]"
Despite her attraction to the boy, and the horror the moment reminds her of, she snorts in amusement as he calls out to her.
She stays conscious, and the crisis is narrowly averted. As she starts digging him out of the ground quickly, she speaks.
"Sasuke. I know I haven't been proving myself in this test yet. That's why..."
She grabs his hand once it has the range of motion to move, then anchors her feet and pulls, working with the man to get him out of the relatively loose soil.
"That's why I'm going to do my best to prove myself from here on out! If I'm going to be your teammate, I have to be better, right?"
Those words... they were meant for me too, right? How perfectly chuuni, making a protagonistic little speech for the two of us.
Her broody lower-case partner nods as he shakes some dirt off, and speaks up.
"We don't have much time before noon. Lets make the most of it..."
Sakura winces, but this may be the first positive interaction she's had with the boy.
"Y-Yeah! It'll be hard but this is a test, right? He won't be going all out on us..."
'This is going to be hard! We can't beat a Jonin!'
The two take off into the woods together, eyes forward and bristling with resolve. Truly, this would be the moment some triumphant battle music started playing in an anime. Well, it would be except what these two got instead was an alarm bell going off. Game over, kids. Better luck next time.
< I've Been ROB'd >
Its a few minutes later that three hungry teens are gathered. Two sit on the ground in defeat, and one is tied to a pole, like the cheaty little fox he is. Two lunch boxes, and a Sensei, sit before them.
Kakashi seems rather smug and superior as he stands before them, wagging a finger.
"Listen to those growling stomachs... By the way, about this exercise: There's no need for you guys to go back to the Academy."
Naruto starts gasping in joy, and Sakura looks utterly surprised. She'd had her big turnaround in the end, but she didn't feel like she proved herself. Not really. I'd let her take this knock on the head though without spoiling it for her. Personally, I think the best unity an early team can have is against their leader, which is why I approve of Kakashi antagonizing them in a lecture. Even Sasuke is smirking a little as his two teammates start cheering properly, and Kakashi does his stupid, iconic eye smile.
"Yes. The three of you... must quit being Ninja!"
Silence and an utterly killed mood crash into my Partner and her partners, and I roll my eyes. So dramatic, these Ninja. Though I can't disagree with Kakashi entirely... as I recall, only Sasuke has really shown any technical skill at being a Ninja, and I'm sure that's offset by personality.
Naruto is the first to overcome his shock and cry out indignantly.
"H-Hey! Its true we weren't able to take the bells, but why do we have to be told to Quit?!"
Kakashi looks utterly bored, though that's a staple, and doesn't provide anything but blunt criticism for the yelling blonde.
"That's because you're all kids who don't have the qualifications."
Sasuke loses his temper at the insult and darts forward, to Sakura and Naruto's surprise. Dramatic Ass Punk. He gets pinned with a foot to the back of the head and Kakashi sitting on his back in a blur. I'm honestly impressed, that was derogatory with how effortless it was.
"I'm saying you're kids."
Sakura indignantly reaches for a Kunai, yelling out as she does.
"Don't step on Sasuke!!"
Kakashi looks up at her dryly, and asks the group as a whole, "Are you kids thinking that being a Ninja is easy? Hmm? Why do you think you're doing this exercise in teams?"
Naruto frowns, and I can practically see the light bulb start to form bit by bit over Sakura's head. She'd already been so close to the solution before the buzzer rang, and she was a smart girl regardless.
"Its as if you guys have no understanding of the answer to this test."
Naruto sweats a little as he mumbles, "The answer...?"
I don't know how Kakashi doesn't roll his eyes, because I sure as hell want to.
"Yes. The answer that determines passing or failing of this test."
Sakura furrows her brows a little and confesses, "That's... what I've wanted to ask about for a while now."
Kakashi snorts.
"Man, are you guys brainless or what? Don't you get the meaning of a three man squad?!"
Naruto gets frustrated with the roundabout conversation because, in my opinion, he doesn't know patience outside of his pranks.
"Man, what about three people to a squad?!"
Kakashi narrows his eyes.
"That's... teamwork."
It stops all three of the teens short, bluntly rubbing the answer in their faces.
Sakura blinks.
"You mean... working together?"
She had been doing that, right at the end. In a test like this though, that was a bit late.
"Exactly. But it's too late even if you realize that now.", Kakashi nods.
"You might have been able to take the bells if the three of you had come at me... well, it's too bad."
Sakura doesn't quite get it yet.
"Why use teamwork if there were only two bells? If the three of us were to desperately go take the bells with one having to hold back, that wouldn't be teamwork. That'd create internal discord."
"[You're so close its painful, Sakura.]"
'Im close? Wait, dont tell me that he meant to do that??'
"Of course!", Kakashi leans in as he explains it.
"This is a test set up to purposely place you against each other."
That makes Sakura blink in realization, and internal dismay, while Naruto seems more properly startled. Neither imagined anything underhanded in Ninja work, huh?
Kakashi continues to lecture them through their startled expressions.
"It's under that sort of condition where your own interests aren't the issue! The intention was to select those who could prioritize teamwork..."
He looks up, stern.
"Despite this, you fools..."
He starts addressing them one by one on their failings:
Sakura straightens up with a small gasp.
"You were only concerned with Sasuke and you didn't even know where he was. You didn't care for Naruto, who was right in front of your eyes..."
Sakura blushes and bows her head, chastised. Its exactly the sort of thing I've been telling her.
Its like watching people be sent down a firing line.
"All you do is run solo..."
He looks down at Sasuke and presses his foot lightly on the boys head with his next words.
"You labeled the other two as hindrances and acted on your own!"
Again, he addresses the group as a whole. I dunno, I think this is pretty good to drive home exactly what I've been trying to get at to Sakura. It'd be worse, I'm sure, if she'd fainted uselessly when she actually found Sasuke.
"Missions are carried out in squads! Despite any skills you might have, Teamwork is the most important thing! Individual actions that disrupt teamwork throw the team into crisis and lead to death! For example..."
He whips out a kunai and holds it to Sasuke's throat just like that.
"Sakura! Kill Naruto, or else Sasuke dies!"
Naruto and Sakura are both shocked by the declaration. Judging by Naruto's sweat, he's aware enough of which way Sakura's feelings run if she absolutely has to go through with this.
Then, Kakashi relaxes and pulls the dagger away.
"Is what will... happen."
The three teens relax too, with the threat gone. Each is relieved, and Sakura shakily lets go of her Kunai pouch. Her hand had gone there when Sasuke had been pinned and had never left, but she was very aware of her weapons after that dramatic example.
Kakashi is coolly spinning a kunai on one finger by its ring as he goes on.
"On top of having a hostage taken, you're faced with two impossible choices and end up being killed."
He stops the Kunai and puts it away just like that.
"Every mission is a life-risking assignment."
He starts walking away, towards the memorial stone, and I decide to respectfully not pay close attention to what comes next. It has... nothing to do with the fact that Naruto's about to shove his foot so far down his throat that he'll still be able to walk.
"[Hey, Sakura, let me know once this thing's over. I've got to take care of some things.]"
I know she's heard, so I let go of my attention there and go back to the Nothing. I'd like to figure out moving a little more, I think.
< I've Been ROB'd >
[Timeline Progression: S1E5 Complete] : 5 Points.
Honestly, while there might be only so much movement practice I can do, its leaps better than the cringe I vaguely recall from the last quarter of Episode Five. So I ignore the notification and practice pushing my little soap bubble around, getting smoother and smoother at it. Honestly, there isn't much else to do out here but that's a blessing in my opinion.
For now, I simply look to the future: I have 14 points right now. I can't remember the next episode but I think I have some wiggle room before they leave the village, so I can afford to wait and purchase the Quest System next, and then restock things. The important part is seeing how Quests work and what rewards I or Sakura can expect out of them, and then going from there, I think. Convincing her to grind Ninja levels isn't an objective since that's already been accomplished, I expect. The trick's going to be making sure she has the motivation to keep at it.
I'm thinking about what I can dangle over her head when I hear, from a metaphorical distance, my name being called.
Well, I hate to come like a called dog but I did tell her to call me, didn't I?
So I redraw my focus and find that my Pinkette is back in her house, dressed in... only a towel and a blush, staring into her bathroom mirror.
"[Oh my... well this is much nicer than what I walked out on.]"
She lets out a little puff of air.
'You knew what was coming- all of today!'
"[I did, but only roughly. Enough to know that you'd make it without my influence.]"
She smiles at that, then teases while adjusting the hem of her towel.
'You knew Naruto would stick his foot in his mouth too.'
"[Guilty. Can you blame me for leaving?]"
She takes a nervous look at the empty bath and then shakes her head.
'I... would have preferred to be elsewhere too, so not really. But uh... you did give me power and youve been looking out for me...'
She sounds like she's leading up to something.
"[Yes? I've been making the most of things and you aren't unpleasant to empower, Sakura.]"
'And well, you and I are stuck together...'
She sounds like she's trying to convince herself now, as she takes a step towards the tub, one nervous hand now clutching her towel.
'So, uh. I should encourage you, right?"
"[I'm not opposed... plus it'll make things less awkward when you finally find a boy, right?]"
Despite the casual tone I'm keeping to, I'm very much interested right now. I didn't think she'd be this brave so soon.
She blushes and nods hastily, as if my words were the final push she needed, and drops the towel before her nerves can flee her.
'S-So uhm- you can look as much as you like! But you can't complain!'
She's obviously embarrassed and expecting criticism, but I swirl my view around her for the effect of it and then murmur into our bond a little string of words that makes her ears go red before she steps into the tub and turns on a spray of hot water.
"[I see absolutely nothing to complain about, Sakura.]"
I really don't. Despite her dieting, she's got some faint muscle and an appreciable chest. Nothing to compare to Tsunade, but I can't call her flat either. Her outfit must have some slight compression in it.
"[Quite the opposite.]"
She cracks open an eye and looks down at herself, a faint frown on her lips and arms starting to fold over her chest.
'Im not too... small? Or uh... Im womanly , right? Boys will like me?'
Insecurities... I wish I didn't have to deal with them, but I neither want my Partner to feel insecure, nor do I want to miss this opportunity to make her trust me more. That bit sounds dickish and manipulative though... hmm.
"[Boys like most anyone of the gender they prefer, yes. However, by the time your training is even half complete? Men will like you, boys will lust over you helplessly.]"
Her blush grows a fair bit.
'You mean that?'
I don't miss the hand slipping against her belly with the pretense of brushing away some sweat, or maybe just idly tracing the flow of water.
"[Of course. Men respond to confidence and capability... and you're going to be a confident, capable shinobi. You're going to be sexy.]"
I purr the last word for her and she shivers in the steaming spray of water.
'Even- even Sasuke?'
Mentally, I shrug. He goes down some bad paths in the future, right? There was a sequel past Shippuden but I never followed it...
"[If that's what you like. I'm not here to argue though, Sakura... I don't share your taste in men]"
I don't think Men are my preference at all, though I haven't thought about it and I'd rather not think about it right now. I've got my Partner heated up and soaked right before my view, what do I need to think of others for?
'So... even Sasuke...'
Her fingers curl a little and she lets out a quiet groan
"[I think he needs a firm hand. If you want to become that hand... show him how to properly appreciate a woman...]"
She lets out another noise at that, fingers moving slightly, and I guess I know what I'm doing for the rest of the evening. Well, it's not like I mind working for my entertainment, yeah?
. . .
[Silver Tongue]: 4 Points.
[Daily Point Gain]: 1 Point.
Hey Hey, back at it again with Chapter 6 and a nice little ending ;)
We're through with the Bell Test and Sakura has her class now. I hope I've sort of spread out the levels relative to Ninja Ranks in an understandable and fair way. To preempt some questions there, I didn't include Jonin Commander because that feels more like a Political Role, or even more mechanically "The Highest Level Jonin", and I didn't include ANBU because when I actually look into them they're not part of the standard ranking system regardless.
If anyone has any other questions feel free to ask, and I hope you're all enjoying things so far.
Next Episode is actually the beginning of the Land of Waves arc. I honestly thought there was at least one more episode in between while I was writing this, but it doesn't hurt things. Host's knowledge isn't perfect, sadly for him. Oh well, who could have seen this coming, am I right? :P
As is tradition at this point...
| Shop | Points : 19
[ Piggy Bank 1 ] . . . You retain as many as 5 points, if you have them, when you enter a Point Loss Condition. 50 Points.
[ Class Pack: Ranger ] . . . Requires purchase of Starter Class Pack. Unlocks the 'Ranger' Class. 4 Points.
[ Introductions ] . . . When you get a new Partner, you'll have a quiet moment to meet them and explain things. Warning: While you can't reject your Partner in that moment, they can choose to reject you, which will cause a Loss state. 15 Points.
[ Quest System ] . . . You may now assign Quests for your Partner. Rewards will occur for both of you, dependent on Quest difficulty. 20 Points.
[ Restock Slot ] . . . Invest in your own success.
[ Shop Slot ] . . . Another item slot is added to the Catalogue, for purchase. 2 Points.
* [ Shop Slot ] can be bought multiple times, but the price will increase with every purchase.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads
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