
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, d.rogers replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - A Simple Shopkeeper (Fairy Tail, Gamer-Lite)


Even though he closed the store around noon again, William still made a substantial amount of profit. More than half a million Jewels, to be exact, alongside 34 credits.

There were still potions left in stock, but William didn't mind calling it a day. Because if he didn't, he wouldn't have any time to brew more for tomorrow with his upcoming lesson in the evening. William also had tasks to take care of and buy furniture for both his shop and home. Erza probably wouldn't mind that much, but he wanted both of them to be comfortable.

So, William walked around for a bit, ordering everything he could currently afford. He even visited a wood crafter to commission wooden crates, similar to the Coca-Cola ones from Earth, to avoid the problem he encountered earlier.

Damn, how much William missed the carbonated drink and was itching for some soda. A similar beverage existed here on Earthland, but he hadn't tested it out yet. If it wasn't to his liking, maybe he could look into recreating his favorite drink in the future.

Ingredients were another thing William had to buy, so he spent half an hour just looking around the market. He bought whatever he recognized and passed a bakery on the way home. The gears in his head spun like crazy before William confidently entered inside. Having a trump card or a dozen sounded like a good idea for the evening.

The last stop before returning to his building was Geel's Glasswork. William had promised he would sign a contract with them, and he would run out of glass bottles soon. It seemed like the perfect time to form that contact. Also, he could use this opportunity to change up the bottles a bit by adding his brand to them. That way, people won't be able to scam others by selling fake products of his.

"Mrs. Geel," William greeted the old lady.

"William, good to see you," she replied in kind. "Here for the contract we talked about last time?"

"Yep," he nodded with a smile.

"Great! I will be right back. Just need to grab my husband. He's been eager to meet you," Mrs. Geel entered the room behind her with a spring in her steps.

Shortly, she came back with an older gentleman, who was dressed in simple clothes. His hair was already turning grey, and he had a kind face with green eyes.

"Ay, you must be the lad that's been selling those potions I heard about," Mr. Geel walked over and offered him his hand.

"That's me, please to meet you," William shook the offered hand.

"Thought so. Recognized my work when I saw it," Mr. Geel said. "I heard one of your potions is supposed to restore magic power. That correct?"

"It is," William replied with a nod. "I'm assuming you are interested in it?"

"Ay, would be useful for my craft," Mr. Geel confirmed.

"Oh," William uttered, realizing the older man was a wizard.

"Did you assume I made everything by hand?" Mr. Geel laughed when he saw his face. "Hah, I wouldn't be able to make so many on my lonesome if I did. Magic is a useful tool. It's hard to be a successful crafter in this town without it."

"With how this conversation is going, you would probably want to add it to the contact?" William might not be a business tycoon, but he wasn't that stupid not to figure it out.

"I would, yes," Mr. Geel nodded.

"That particular potion is one of my most expensive products, and the ingredients for it can't be obtained by normal means. I don't think I could easily add it to our deal," William said, and Mr. Geel's lips thinned to a slight frown.

"However, I do have another one in stock that I'm willing to add. Instead of instantly restoring magic power, it boosts the amount you regenerate for a time. It's also less expensive, and it would allow me to pay you more for your services."

William thought that was a better deal for both of them. If he added a few Mana Potions, Mr. Geel might not make any profit from forming this contract. That potion was just too expensive.

"That so?" Mr. Geel looked interested.

"Yes, I can promise you all of my products work as intended," William assured him before going straight to business. "Besides singing the contract between us, I also wanted to see if we could change the bottle a bit. Just adding a simple brand, nothing too much."

"We can do that. Let's have a seat while we talk it over."

And the two started haggling; for the price, for the number of bottles, and potions. They came to a satisfying contract surprisingly quick, and both were pleased with it. They shook hands on it with smiles.

"Before I go, Mr. Geel," William started.

"Yes, lad?"

"You said you used magic to make the bottles. If it's not too personal, may I know what type of magic?" William asked.

"Just a simple Fire Magic, why?" Mr. Geel replied.

"Well, I was wondering if you would be willing to give me a lesson or two in the future on it? For a price, of course. I'm more than willing to pay for your teaching," William asked.

He might not have any intention of making his own bottles with it since it would be too time-consuming, but knowing Fire Magic could be helpful to him. Concocting potions did require him to boil water, and this could save him some time. Plus, William might need it for other crafting skills in the future.

"I... would have to think about that, lad," Mr. Geel replied.

"Please do. I won't ask you of this anytime soon since I have my hands full, but when I have some free time to spare, I will come by," William said.

Mr. Geel smiled at him and offered his hand. "Thanks, lad. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

"Pleasure doing business with you as well, Mr. Geel," William shook his hand and left the workshop, finally done with all side projects for the day.

Now, it was time to brew some potions. Or so William thought as he found someone swooping around the front of his store, his head moving around back and forward like a dog trying to catch a scent. The person was covered in bandages and had salmon-colored hair. He was also accompanied by a blue-furred cat.

Dread filled William as he recognized the person, Natsu Dragneel. He was one of the main cast and considered as the main character of Fairy Tail. Natsu's one of the good guys, but he was a safety hazard, and destruction followed in his path.

Depending on how their encounter went, William might very well lose his shop. So, he made the safe choice of backing away and avoiding the meeting. Unfortunately, that wasn't meant to be as Natsu turned to him with narrowed eyes.

"It's you!" The wizard yelled and pointed at him.

"Can I help you?" William asked as he slowly backed away.

"You're the one that gave Erza those ideas!" Natsu stomped in his direction.

"Look, man. I just shared with Erza a few things that I thought about. Nothing much, really," William kept backing away while Natsu continued walking towards him.

"You must be strong! Let's fight" Natsu slammed his fist into his palm as a fire lit up in his eyes. Literally.

"No, no, no, no fighting," William wildly flung his hands in an 'x.' "I'm definitely not strong. Just an ordinary man, a simple shopkeeper, that's all."

"Oh, man, I'm all fired up!" After saying his catchphrase, flames burst around Natsu's body.

For a moment, William just stared at him in a daze. 'How the fuck aren't his bandages or even clothes burning? That doesn't make any sense!'

Natus didn't care about William's thoughts and just jumped in his direction.

'Oh, shit!' Fight or flight instincts kicked in, and as much as William wished to run away, he knew he couldn't flee from the fired-up Dragon Slayer. He was just physically weaker than Natsu. So, he had to fight back somehow.

William's hand shot inside the pocket of his hoodie. Oh, how thankful he was at that moment that it was one of those hoodies without a zipper and a big front pocket. He grabbed one of the potions he kept in there and just threw it at Natsu.

Seeing the incoming projectile, the Dragon Slayer just punched it with his flaming fist. That was the wrong move, as yellow liquid spewed out and covered him.

"Wha--" Natsu loudly gagged as the liquid not only had the color of one of the main ingredients for yellow snow, but it smelled just as bad, maybe even worse.

"Wha-- kind of ma-- is this?" With his enhanced senses from being a Dragon Slayer, Natsu had a hard time speaking without gagging at the smell.

'How is he still standing and moving?' The paralysis poison was more effective when consumed directly, but it should've at least frozen someone who was just covered by it from head to toe.

Well, if one didn't do the job, two might do it, so William threw another one at Natsu. This time, the Dragon Slayer wobbled and even fell on his knees. The gagging continued, and he even threw up a bit, but again, Natsu was still moving. He was struggling on the ground to get up, but he wasn't paralyzed.

'Stupid Dragon Slayers and their bullshit magic,' William didn't have any more paralysis poisons, but he had a couple other in his pocket.

The next one he grabbed was a light blue color and pretty much odorless. The sleep-inducing poison was thrown at the downed Natsu, and William waited with a bated breath.

"I--- won't--- lose," the Dragon Slayer, however, wasn't willing to go down, despite being covered in poison and the disgusting smell he was assaulted with.

"How many more do I need to throw at you?" William flung his last sleep poison and held his breath. Natsu struggled for a bit more, and finally, he dropped in his own vomit as he fell asleep.

'Two sleep-inducing and two paralysis poisons just to make him fall asleep. A regular human could've died from that, and Natsu already looked injured!' William shook his head and turned to the cat staring at him with a tilt of its head. The moment William eyed Happy, he started trembling as if he was afraid of William, which was obviously an act.

"I will pay you a fish if you get him away from here," in an instant, a smile blossomed on Happy's face as he shot William a thumbs up.

"Aye, sir, you can count on me!"

"And I will pay you a fish for every day you keep him away from me and my store," it seemed making deals was his way of handling things.

"Two fish!" Happy haggled.

"Fine, two fish," William agreed since it wouldn't cost him that much and would keep Natsu away from him. That right there was priceless.

"Three fish!" Happy continued haggling, however.

"It seems I would have to find someone to give my two fish then," William was having none of that.

"Noooo! Two fish, two fish! I will make sure to keep him away for two fish! Please don't give them away!" Happy now begged with tears in his eyes.

"You have a deal. Every day you keep him away, you get two fish. You can come to pick them up in the evening."

"Aye, aye!" Happy happily exclaimed as he picked up Natsu. A pair of wings sprung from his back, and the small cat just took off with the Dragon Slayer.

'Cats are cool, but this just proved why a dog is man's best friend. It would've never betrayed the owner for just a pair of fish.'

William entered his store feeling like he needed a drink. The encounter had been way too close for comfort.

In the anime, many people were shown to take a tremendous amount of damage and live through it. William, however, wasn't sure that those anime rules applied here, and especially to him.

If Natsu had hit him once with his flames, his skin wouldn't have simply turned black and fall off shortly after, replaced by new one. Chances were, William would've died due to third-degree burns. A Fire Dragon Slayer's flames were no joke, after all.

'I need more enhancing potions. And poisons, a lot of poisons.' William walked into his alchemy room and started brewing. He had a lot of work on his hands and just a few hours before Erza arrived.

The knocking came from his front door at exactly six. His teacher for the day was as punctual as he thought she would be. Before he went to open the door, he grabbed his trump card and only then answered the door.

"Erza," William happily greeted her.

"I heard you--" Erza took an audible gulp as her eyes zeroed down on the strawberry cake in his hand.

"I heard you beat Natsu," she continued in a moment after composing herself.

"Well, umm, you see--" William started with an uncertain tone.

"I'm impressed," Erza praised him with a smile.

"Natsu? Yeah, no big deal, really. Just a simple nuisance," William's tone changed in a second into a confident one.

"Oh, and this is for you," he presented her with the strawberry cake. She carefully took it off his hands as if it was the most precious thing on the planet.

William then led her upstairs to his designed living room. It only had a coffee table and a single couch for the moment, but that was by design. This way, he could make sure to sit right next to Erza during the lessons.

After Erza devoured the cake in a cute manner, it was time to begin his teaching. William, however, stopped her before they could start.

"Can I offer a way for you to teach me?" He asked.

"I'm listening," Erza replied.

"From where I come from, students are punished for doing bad and rewarded when doing good. It's like that, so they are enticed to always try their best. How about we add a reward and punishment to our lessons?" William offered.

"That seems like a good idea," Erza nodded.

"Great, I was thinking that if I do bad, I would have to treat you to strawberry cakes as a punishment," Erza audibly gulped as her mouth watered from hearing that.

'Good, this will make the next part easier' William thought, seeing her expression.

"As for the reward, I was thinking, oh I don't know, maybe a kiss?" He said before quickly adding. "Just on the cheek, of course. I would ask for one on the lips, but I don't want to make it too uncomfortable for you."

Erza just stared at him with a blank look, and William fidgeted under her gaze. Did he ask for too much? Maybe he pushed too far and should've waited for a few days? But William didn't know how many lessons he would get from her. Such thoughts passed through his mind.

"On the lips?" Erza asked, a blank look still on her face.

"No, no, just on the--"

"I don't think I would mind that," she continued, causing William's eyes to open wide as he froze in place.

"You wouldn't?" She wouldn't?!

Erza just lightly shook her head, "A better reward is supposed to entice you to do well, right?"

William made his mind right there and then. He would become a Requip master no matter what he had to do. Erza will be impressed, and he will make sure of that!


AN: A fight scene? In this story? Woah! Now, before people go crazy about William 'beating' Natsu, keep in mind Natsu was hurt from his spar with Erza and still took four poisons to take down. Poisons that might've killed a regular human since their organs should've stopped working from the paralysis.

As for Erza accepting the reward/punishment like that? She's a smut reader, so she might be repressed, the punishment might've enticed her a bit too much, or maybe she has a faint interest in William, or all of the above, who knows?

Lastly, for people like Snailpace that might have ideas or suggestions, please share them. Whatever you are thinking, just let me know, either in the comments or send me a pm. Even if I don't use your ideas immediately, chances are I will do in the future.

Not to mention they might inspire me, just like the many comments from everyone else. I can't stress enough how much you guys have helped me already. Thank you all for reading and supporting me!View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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