
Interlude 3: The University of Piltover

The most amazing discoveries can often come from the most surprising of sources. It was something he, as the head of the Hextech Department, can attest to. There in front of his desk might just be the clearest picture of the mystery flier that became headline news for quite some time now.

It was from the Piltover Journal, which might but might not be the most reputable of sources but their cameras were of the best quality. I Should know since I helped make the lenses for the particular brand they're using. The amount of detail shown in the picture was simply exquisite. All the little details captured for us to dissect and analyze.

"By the Aspects Cecil, this might just be the invention of the century. Powered flight downscaled for personal use and made by someone so young… Do you think they're apprenticed under someone? Come on Cecil, you must know who this is right? Is it the apprenta sponsored by the Giopara's?" My colleague, Professor Stanwick, exclaimed as he paced around in my office.

He was kicking up quite a dust storm from my Shuriman rug as he paced back and forth which reminded me I needed to get the room cleaned… or maybe I could just make an automaton dedicated to cleaning. A room vacuum... roomva… What a peculiar name. But how would I make it distinguish between trash and notes I've accidentally knocked off my desk?

My train of thought was broken as Stanwick called for my attention. "Cecils, Piltover to Cecil?" I blinked as I looked up at the other professor.

"What were we talking about again? I've just thought of the most wonderful idea, a roomva" I've honestly forgotten about it. This roomva was simply too promising of an idea to let go. My hand was already reaching for a pen and paper as I drew the schematics for one.

"Roomva?" Professor Stanwick asked, looking dumbfounded at my idea. Maybe I should explain it a bit more. "Cecil, we're talking about the Owl Boy"

I stopped for a bit before raising the blueprint I've been drawing up to see the Flier. Ah yes, the flier, how can I forget. "Oh that's not one of mine and young Jayce is far more focused on his mechashifting hammer"

"What? It's not one of yours? Is it from one of your associate professors?" Stanwick asked while I inspected my rough rudimentary blueprint before nodding as I tossed it in my idea bin. Who knew a simple barrel can help me hold my ideas for a while. Grabbing the picture, I held it closely as my magnifying glass came down to help me tease out the details that escaped me earlier.

"No, he is not" A look of concern washed over my fellow professor from the edge of my vision as he then asked

"Is he from one of our rival colleges or is he from the workshops of one of the clans?" All entirely possible but an impossibility thanks to some details

"Oh no, he's Zaunite" I answered but I was met with a look of scepticism.

"A Zaunite? I know there's some smart Zaunite but their expertise lies in another field. Just look at here, there's no sign of Chemtech" Stanwick replied

"Oh I know and this device is entirely powered from a single crystal located right at his belt if my guess is right"

"See? He must must be a Piltovan"

"I would have said the same if it wasn't for the quality of his clothes. See the weaving right here?" I asked as I detached my magnifying lens and held it over a patch of clothing. The stitching was uneven and hastily made and there was the fabric. These clothings were of poorer quality than even the cheapest clothing in Piltover.

"There's also the metals he used. They were beaten into shape rather than machined. Structurally poor but great too look at which makes me think that the wings he has are merely decorative rather than functional. Whatever powers his flight is far more elusive than many would realize. I still don't get why some of these gossip rags think he flaps his wings like a bird. It's ridiculous! The proportions aren't even proper if it's mechanical flight or even only half mechanical" I ranted before deflating as I leaned back against my chair.

"It's still a work in progress by the way. The exposed wirings along with the lack of polish in the design makes it quite clear. Must be self taught as well because I simply do not see the telltale signs of any Piltovan design on it"

Professor Stanwick nodded as he mulled over what I've said. Speaking of Zaunites, I wonder if Stanwick was still going to invite that promising young man. "Speaking of Zaunites, have you sent your letter to this Viktor lad?"

"Hmmm? Oh, I haven't actually. I forgot because of all the talks about this Owl Boy'' and maybe you wanted to poach this boy if he was one of my students. Classic Stanwick. "Been thinking of trying to find out who this bird boy instead"

I shook my head at that. I already have too many students to handle along with professors to coordinate. Taking in an apprenta would be too much but poor Viktor. No one should have been denied a chance like this

Our peaceful talk however would soon be disturbed as the sound of thunder echoed from the cracks of Zaun before a deep rumble shook the building. Dust fell from the ceiling while loose towers of books toppled over

"What was that?" asked Professor Stanwick as columns of smoke rose from Zaun.

"I'm not sure Stanwick but maybe we should go check on some of the more sensitive experiments"


Oh hey, would you look at that its already 21 chapters. You know what this means right? Butterflies are flying now and I wonder what that sound could be. Hope you guys like it. So excuse me while I put ice on my sprained ankle

 Scrapyard Angels Act 1 Chapter 22

"Run Ark Run!" Shouted Vi as the human blender named Warwick came barreling at me. I had turned tail to bait Warwick away from Vi but it was easier said than done. I was ill prepared with how fast this man could move.

With arms outstretched, he chased after me. As fast as I could fly, he could keep up to my speed. Fueled by whatever alchemical concoction was pumped into his veins, he ran after me. What terrified me more was the fact that it didn't rob him of his senses "Your boyfriend eh!? Let's see how you'll talk after I split him in half!"

I either need to defeat him or lose him in this warehouse. I didn't have much faith in myself in throwing something big enough to put him down especially when he's armed and dangerous but I might just be able to lose him in the warehouse. He was fast, yes but let's see just how fast he can turn.

I kicked against the ground and turned around the corner. Facing him as he turned, I threw bolts of electricity at him. My spell arced across the distance and struck him true but it only momentarily slowed him down, his muscle tensing for the briefest of moments, before he went back to the chase. I kept turning, looking to lose him in the maze of boxes and each turn brought me further and further away yet my shots were starting to miss. The man's reflexes became sharper with each shot until all my shots merely served as mere distractions. My attacks were only serving to fuel his anger yet it served its purpose as I finally lost him in one of my turns.

I didn't look back as I kept turning until I had circled around and was now heading for Vi. At my last turn, there was Vi as she struggled against her bounds. The rope bounded her to the chair but not for long as I raced towards her. I was so engrossed in my perceived victory that I almost missed the shards of wood exploding beside me.

Time felt like it slowed to a crawl as I looked to Warwicks fist emerging from the crates. Wood was torn to pieces and sent flying everywhere as he plowed through it like the Kool Aid man. I felt my heart leap into my throat as I beheld his grinning visage. His blood shot eyes and fanged grin met as he body checked me against the crates lining my path.

"Gotcha." I saw his mouth move before my world exploded into pain.

The hard wooden crates gave way as I crashed into them, dazing me as sawdust and whatever was inside crashed against my form. With my vision spinning, fear gripped my heart once more as an enormous fist came barreling towards. I barely turned my head when it hit me. His fist felt like an iron bat as it broke something in my face.

I felt a hand grab my face, its grip tightening to an almost painful level as I felt like my very bones were creaking before I was tossed aside like a piece of rag. I bounced on the floor, rolling across it before laying flat on my back.

"Ohhh that felt satisfying. Seeing you zip and zap here and there almost got to my nerves but it seems like our little flyer over here's just a fragile little sparrow." Warwick taunted me as he picked me up with my hair. I cried out in pain as I was held aloft by the bigger man.

It felt like he was going to tear out my hair but I didn't give him the chance to keep taunting me. I reached for my belt and grabbed hold of one of my Puffcap. I felt a bit smug as I held it across his face before squeezing down hard. It was only thanks to my goggles that I didn't have an eye full of caustic spores blowing up in my eyes.

I had the satisfaction of hearing him howl in pain as the spores and juices of the young puffcap sprayed all over his eyes. He dropped me down as he clawed at his face, crying out in agony as I quickly got up. He shouldn't have played with me.

As I dropped down on the floor, I braced myself as everything was aching. I could barely move and I just crashed against the ground. I couldn't stay long on the ground as I scrambled to get up soon after. I pushed myself off the ground, balancing myself on unsteady legs. Finding my balance, I lunged forward and swung with all my might at his crotch.

I drove my right first in, putting my entire weight under that single punch. He bent over and I soon followed my punch with an elbow to the temple as I moved to my left.

I had to move away as he swiped at me with his clawed arms. Even if he didn't have leverage as I was on his right side, I still didn't want to know what it's like to feel the sharp blade against my skin.

He was crying out blood and probably half blind but I could feel his eyes on me. The sheer malice and hate was almost suffocating as fear gripped my heart. I dropped down and ducked low as he punched before pushing myself away and letting my wings carry me off as he stabbed at me with clawed hands.

The intensity of his attacks became wilder and terrifyingly fast as all I could see was a small twitch out in the corner of my eyes before it came racing towards me. I couldn't fight back as all I could ever do was dodge. The danger only became more apparent as his clawed hand dug into the stone floor with ease but it was a blessing in disguise as he tried to pull his arms out but could only budge it.

I didn't bother attacking him at that point as all at what was in my mind at that point was to run the fuck away. I turned and booked it towards Vi who's eyes were wide in terror and panic. "Fuck he did a number on you"

"No time to talk, need to get you out of here now" I replied as I pulled out my shiv and tried to tear away at her bindings. The thing was thick, like they were made for ships, making it stupidly hard to cut through. I couldn't help but curse out for only having a shiv with me rather than a true knife as the rope frayed yet remained taut. The chair wasn't much better as the metal chair was firmly bolted down on the floor. They came prepared making sure that whoever was tied down here would have a hard time getting out.

"Look out!" Was all the warning I needed as I turned around and swatted at Warwick outstretched claw with my wings. I dropped my knife in panic as I turned around to face him. Sparks flew out as my wings managed to deflect the strike but I didn't want to risk my wings. I'd rather get my wings clipped literally with how wickedly sharp those claws looked. I need to keep it away from his claws from now on.

"I'm going to enjoy tearing you apart!" Shouted the bigger man as I spread my wings wide. He had a gun alright but his eyes bled and that was all I needed to know as I launched myself at him. He swiped wide but I flew down low and crashed against his stomach. Bracing myself, I slammed my head up against his jaw. I couldn't let up but I couldn't keep up.

He staggered yet whatever was flowing in his veins kept him going. It was disheartening seeing him keep going. His body felt like iron and each punch and kick I made made my fist and feet ache. What I found wasn't the body of a man but that of a monster who's physique made me feel like I was hitting a brick wall. Even as sparks danced across my fist, all I ever got were mere winces.

I backed away as he struck back hard, backpedaling away from Vi. It was hard backing away knowing how close I was to getting her out but I had to in fear of getting her caught between me and Warwick. He roared out and I fled. I can't keep this up and I needed to find a way to bring him down.

I flew away, trying to get some distance to think but he was hot behind my trail. "Coward!" He shouted as I flew as fast as I could. The sound of stone breaking made me turn my head and I looked on in horror as Warwick jumped up and launched himself towards me. I barely had time to think as I flew to the sides, hitting my head against some boxes.

I winced as I crumpled down on the ground just as he landed with earthshaking force. I scrambled to my feet before dashing for the narrow corridors leading to the offices of the warehouse. My heart thundered in my chest as he crashed against the entrance. I was just barely fast enough to avoid getting cut off.

Fear clouded my mind as I made a mad dash deeper inside, trying to lose him inside. The dark corridor made Warwick look bigger as I gazed back at him. Glowing green eyes as he ran at me in a hunched posture. The image of a giant beast all but imposed on my vision chasing after.

I ran up a flight of stairs all but running blindly as the lights behind me were snuffed out by Warwicks claws. The building was maze-like with blocked corridors and locked doors all meant to keep people out as well keep them in.

The flashes of light hitting a thin wire prevented me from running against piano wires strung across the hallway.

Eventually I hit a dead end. It was a fire exit but heavy boxes laid stack on top of each other blocking a way out. The cruel laughter of a man who knew he had just caught his prey echoed behind me. I was trapped and the only way out was blocked by Warwick

"This ends here" Growled out the man before me as he stood in front of me. His great bulk and wide reach all but ensuring there was no hope of escape except through him. Was this really the end? I refuse to believe it as I still have a promise to live up to.

I let out a shout as I launched myself at him one more time knowing full well about the cost of failure. I was met with a back hand to the face before his heavy boots came crashing against my sternum. I felt something break as I was launched against the crates. I slid down as my body ached but it was a blessing in disguise as his claws raked across where my head would be if I had stood up right after

"Well that was fun. You really worked me up good, but all things come to an end." The man before me replied with a grin as he loomed over me. Bloody green eyes staring down at me. I was quickly running out of options. My hands clenched tightly as I tried to pull as much mana as I could yet I couldn't pull hard enough.

"Nighty night" I gritted my teeth as he jabbed at me with his clawed hands. My heart was racing, blood rushing in my veins as his hands raced towards me. I was frozen in place, my mind screaming as my body felt like it was moving in molasses.

"Get the fuck away from my man!" Vi's voice cut through the haze of panic as Warwick roared out in pain. There on his shoulder was Vi's hands as she twisted and drove in my shiv. Blood poured down from his shoulder as he staggered back, reaching for Vi.

Hope filled me as I stood up. Hands filled with crackling electricity as I drew in all that I could. Hands glowing as my feet start moving, hands poised to deliver one touch.

My joy was quickly turned to sorrow as Warwick crashed Vi against the wall before he managed to pull Vi off him. Holding her by the neck, his hand stabbed her in the stomach. I could only look in horror as each clawed fingers dug in deep inside her before they pulled with the sickening sound of metal slicing through flesh.

Things turned to blue as I roared out grief. My hands glowing brightly as I rushed at his exposed back. Hands extended, I touched the back of his thighs. He toppled backward as his legs kicked before losing strength but I couldn't think of anything else as I rushed to Vi. I reached out for her, my hands feeling slick and warm from the blood flowing out of her as I took off.

She held onto her stomach, gasping in pain as we flew away. His laugh rang across the hallways as I heard footsteps behind me. I couldn't fly fast with Vi in my arm and with Warwick behind me, I had no confidence in even hoping to escape. I flew fast, just trying to find a place to hide so I could stem the flow of blood

I found myself inside a room filled with metal rods, iron beams, along with bags of sands and lime. My eyes burned as I gently laid Vi down and rushed to close the heavy door. The heavy steel door was shut close giving us some time to time. Tears dripped down my face as I went back to Vi. "Vi, Vi, we're getting you out of here ok?" I whispered as I lifted up her shirt to expose the wound.

"Getting tired" Vi whispered as she started getting pale.

I grabbed the hem of my shirt and started pulling, ripping it up to get some bandages for Vi. Hands trembling, I tried my best to stop the bleeding. I pressed down on the wound my scrapped cloths while I searched in my belt for any tape. Thankfully I found some. Keeping the piece of cloth firmly against the wound before tying it all down with copious amounts of tape. The clothing was staining but this was all I could do.

"Just stay awake ok? Don't fall asleep, please don't fall asleep" I begged her

"You won't go away?" Vi asked me

"Of course not. Why would I go away when my princess is here? We'll be together, forever and ever, ok?" I cried out before Vi reached out to wipe away my tears

"Aren't we a bit too young to get married?" She asked with a weak smile

"Who cares? When we get out of here, let's get married." I said as I held her hands. Her hands were so cold yet there was still strength in them as she held my own.

"Yeah… that sounds like a plan." I gave her hands a reassuring squeeze before standing up to figure out a way on how to get out of the mess we've landed ourselves in.

Heavy thuds started clanging behind the heavy door keeping us safe. I cursed as I wiped away the tears with my forearm. I cursed and cried as I struggled to figure out what to do. We were trapped in this room without any way to escape. It was just a simple square room with boarded up windows. With how small the windows were, I'm not even sure we could get out if we pried off the wood boarding us in. I'm scared, I don't know what to do, and then the taunts came.

"Little Vi, Little Boy, Let me in!" Shouted Warwick while he hammered away at the door which slowly dented from his heavy strikes "You know she's bleeding out so why don't you let me end it all?"

I pounded at the floor in frustration, wracking my brain for anything. Anything, just give me anything. I beg anyone or anything. Just give me something to work with. I looked up against the ceiling trying to find an answer but there was nothing. We were truly alone.

I was ready to give in, ready to give up but in my hour of need, I think someone listened to my prayers. Two of the heavy beams near the door suddenly slid from where it was laid against the wall, landing hard on the floor with a heavy thud. For a few seconds, I swore the I beams were steaming but it was quickly forgotten as I saw it lay parallel to another beam like a rail… like a rail.

I didn't know how long I had left or if I had any time left but I had to try. I reached for the bags of sand and started piling them just a few away from the door to create a platform. My arms and legs screamed as I started dragging the I beams and lifting them in place. It felt I was holding the weight of the world as I lifted both beams into place. I had to keep the two rails together so I grabbed on the metal rods. With my fingers sparking with electricity, I started welding pieces of iron here and there to make the ugliest bindings but they should work.

With my weapon in place, I still needed an ammo to load it with. With all the iron rods in the room, I had plenty to work with. Grabbing hold of one of the rods, I started heating them up. The pain was absolute and the smell of pork filled the room but I soldiered on. Bending the iron, shaping it into a rough ball just big enough to fit in the space between the two beams.

"You want to come in, Warwick?" I shouted in anger as I lugged the ball to my rail and jammed it inside.

"Ready to give up?" Taunted Warwick as the door started to buckle under the sustained assault.

"Well why don't you come in. I'm sure you're plenty strong, ain't yah?" I shouted back in reply as I aimed, lifting up the back end of my welded piece of modern art and pointed the other end at the door. My fingers gripped at both beams as my arms trembled both in fatigue and power. I was drawing in my flagging reserves.

I could smell ozone in the air as my hair started floating from unseen forces. Lightning danced across the length of the rails as they lashed out to anything even vaguely metallic. My vision wavered as dozens of miniature rainbow arches seemed to form and dance across my creation, stretching and snapping, but I ignored them as my eyes were trained up ahead.

"You think electrifying the door will stop me? Think again you little punk." He shouted as the door finally gave way. The horrible sound of metal bending and shearing as the door holding back the monster finally failed. It fell down to reveal the cause of all my misery in all his glory, A wolf in the guise of a man. I would forever etch the dumbfounded look in his ugly mug as I fired my weapon.

There I stood, hoping and praying for victory. As what felt like the last dregs of mana left me, I let loose. Burning fire, blinding light and the deafening roar of something breaking the sound barrier filled my senses. Thousands of volts traveled the length of the rail inducing a tremendous magnetic field and with it dragging the bullet I fashioned from iron down the length of the barrel. The tremendous friction caused by the bullet ignited the very air, all but blinding me as fire burst from the cracks of my rail.

It was at this very moment that Runterra shall experience its very railgun and learn to fear it. The bullet came roaring out of the barrel as the very bullet tore the rails in twine. Like the hammer of Thor, it stuck hard and true. The metallic shot tore through the heavy door like a hot knife through butter as it headed straight for Warwicks torso. I had the satisfaction of seeing it tear through the Monster in front of me before everything turned white.

Scrapyard Angels Act 1 Chapter 23

As the blinding light faded away, I was met with darkness and silence. At first I thought I had blinded myself but soon my vision started to clear. At first, all I saw through my blurred vision was the red glow that burnt brightly in front of me but soon I saw the twisted remnant of door with the bowling size hole where my bullet passed through along with the path of destruction ahead of me

My bullet not only tore through the solid metal door but had broken down the wall across the corridor in front of me. There was now a series of large holes big enough for a man to pass through ahead of me giving me a view of the city of glass of steel. Its green glow gave me a bit of comfort as the wind from outside flowed into the building.

There was silence even as I felt my hands loosen its grip on my ruined railgun. All I felt right now was the oppressive heat washing out from the warped wreck of my railgun, and the bone deep weariness. I felt alone in my thoughts with only my beating heart and the wind rushing in my lungs to remind me that I still felt alive. Then, as the adrenaline drained away, I felt pain.

My hands felt like they were cooked almost down the very bones but that was good in a twisted sort of way. I haven't burnt myself that badly but everything hurts. I had hurt myself badly in my haste but it didn't matter if I couldn't save her. Turning away from the scene in front of me, I shuffled back to Vi.

There she laid on her back, hands holding her stomach as her features twisted in pain. She looked up at me and I saw her mouth but all I heard was the ringing silence that I had grown familiar with. I shook my head, doing my best to speak out how I couldn't hear her only to be met with confusion as well. I could only hope that I didn't deafen us both permanently.

I knelt down in front of her and slipped my hands beneath her. I could feel my limbs protest as I lifted her up. I felt unsteady as I stood up but I let my wings carry me away. Holding her like I could lose her any second now, I floated off to the hole ahead of us. As I passed through the room, I realized that I hadn't seen Warwick's body but I felt reassured as I saw his right arm down on the floor, torn around the shoulder with bits of meat hanging down from the stump where it should have been connected to the body.

Pushing myself off the edge of the last hole, I flew off into the dark skies of Zaun. My wings carried me up high to let me avoid the low hanging buildings. I flew in between the tall skyward reaching towers dotting Zaun and above there as the rushing of the wind soon filled my ears. I wanted to stop and rest yet the feeling of her hands clutching my shirt reminded me why I fly. I needed to get help and there was only one person I could turn to.

I flew downwards, the buildings blurring past me as I went deeper into Zaun and back to where we lived. I flew down to the underbelly of Zaun, down in the city of the deep where the Sump lay suspended above the abyss. I flew straight for Bob's scrapyard. It was the one place I could always go back to and I felt horrible going back to everyone feeling like I was taking advantage of them but I had no other choice. Every other choice was just a different shade of horrible especially if you didn't know them.

There I was greeted by Jinx who's tear streaked face made my heart wrench. Right beside her was Cindy, Bob, and our pets. I shouldn't have let Vi go yesterday and I shouldn't have gone without saying anything. It was all my fault but at least now everything was at least a bit right.

"VI! Ark!" She shouted as she rushed towards us both. My feet haven't even when she crashed against us.

"Not… too tight" Vi groaned as our limpet could only cry her heart out.

"Oh god Ark, what the hell happened to both of you?" Asked Cindy as she and Bob came rushing towards. I must have looked like hell at the shocked looks in their eyes.

"God damn it boy, I knew you were a bit crazy but I didn't know that you were a bit suicidal as well" Bob scolded me as he followed closely behind his daughter. I deserved his scoldings

"Bob, I need your help. Vi's been stabbed, I need to know if you know someone that could help us. I know I've already asked a lot from you but please I need your help" I pleaded to him, begging him for anything. It was only Jinx's death grip that prevented me from kneeling down in front of him.

"I-I can work for it, anything. Just, just I don't want to lose her". I was desperate for any help, anything. I looked up at the closest person I could call a father figure. His blues staring back at me and for a second I feared for the worse as saw his jaw clench but his eyes soften as he reached out to me and gently nudge me into his home

"Get inside, I know of a sawbone or two but we need to get you both patched up. Cindy, get the first aid kit. We should have some potions in there" It felt like a dam broke inside me as I poured my heart out. I cried without shame as Bob guided us inside.

I felt hesitant to let Vi go, afraid that I'd never see her again if I did but I needed to to let go. Clearing the surface of a nearby table, we laid down Vi on the surface.

Vi was still bleeding but by some miracle my bandage helped stem the flow of blood. Bob soon started to pull back the bandage to clean the wound. Cindy had to push me and Jinx away so Bob could work in peace. I could see the clean cut even from where we were forced to sit down, a set of deep wounds on her stomach. I could feel Jinx grip on my arm as she held me close, my arms shielding her from the sight of Vi's injuries

Vi was quickly made to drink a small vial of crimson liquid. It was merely a small glass tube worth of healing potion but it wasn't meant to heal but rather buy us time. Time to help clean the wound to stop it from being infected as well as dress it properly to stop it from bleeding any further

"Ark, are you even listening?" Asked Cindy, catching my attention as she snapped her finger in front of me

"What?" I rasp out as I wiped away the wetness from my eyes with the back of my forearm

"I need you to open your hands. We need to get them wrapped up." She replied, making me look down upon my clenched fist. I didn't notice how my hands were balled into fist while blood dripped down on the floor. Small blotches colored the white stone floor thanks to how my nails were digging into my wounds.

I unclenched my fist to see my burns. Raw flesh along with the yellow patches of exposed fat were all there for my eyes to see as I looked down upon my injured hands. I hissed out as she started cleaning my wounds, patting cleaning cloth on my palms before applying a foul smelling ointment upon the burns. Soon my hands would be wrapped up, the burns hidden away after layers of clean bandages covered my hands.

As my hands were being wrapped, Bob finally finished dressing Vi's wound up and lifted her up. "Alright, that should do it for now. We'll have to take her to a Bonesaw just to be sure she didn't have any of her organs punctured"

I stood up, ready to go with them but Bob placed his hands on my shoulder and gently pushed me back down. My legs buckled, folding like a stack of cards, as they were unable to hold me up even from just the weight of his hands alone.

"You need to rest. You're hurt and you look like you're already halfway to becoming Kindreds prey" He reminded me

"I'll be fine" Vi rasped out as she gave us a shaky smile. "And Jinx, can you stay with Ark? Just keep him from doing something stupid ok?"

Jinx nodded fervently before wiping away her tears "I'll keep him safe"

"About paying for the potion..." Bob held up his hands to stop me and shook his head.

"Don't worry about it. It's just a small vial and what's it worth compared to someone's life?" Bob replied as he walked out of the room and carried Vi off to a doctor.

"Is Vi going to be ok?" Jinx asked as we both stared at the door.

"She'll be fine. She's tough as nails" I replied as I ruffled her blue locks, hissing a bit at how my wounds sting a bit. "She'll be good as day tomorrow! Our family friend's a really good Bonesaw" Cindy said with a confident smile on her face. I had to admit, I couldn't help but believe her. All I needed to do now was just wait but…

"Why don't we eat something? Maybe that'll help us calm down" Cindy suggested. It was then that my stomach reminded me that I had yet to eat anything today. Jinx let out a small chuckle for my trouble. At Least now she didn't have to cry

"Yeah lets." And so Cindy dragged us both into the kitchen. The kitchen was well furnished despite Bob admitting this wasn't really his main home. It makes me wonder what his main house is like but that's thought for future me to mull about. For now, all my mind could think of was the food before us.

Our host pulled out a basket of bread from the small stocked pantry they had along with a jar of mayonnaise. "That's all we have right now. We usually go out when we eat so we don't have much stocked up"

"I should be the one that's apologizing" I replied earning me a smile from my fellow blonde

"You better get one now or Jinx here would eat it all" I turned my head to see Jinx frozen in place as she was already busy stuffing herself.

"Wha?" Jinx asked as she started chewing.

"Never change Jinx, Never change." I replied as I gingerly got one bun and started eating. As I ate, my thoughts drifted off back to the warehouse. The image of that Chembaron imposed upon my mind. From the sound of explosions in the distance, I knew his place was burning but maybe it shouldn't be just his place that burns.

We ate in relative silence and before long Jinx and Cindy were dozing off. It's been a long tiring day and I must have disturbed their sleep when I dropped off the Jinx to her. With food in my stomach, I could already feel my strength returning and now I carried them off to a nearby coach. I laid them down side by side while I sat down on a nearby chair.

A familiar presence made itself known as I heard the scampering sound of Whump before he clambered up onto my lap while Mr Floofignton trudged over to Jinx feet and laid down there as if to protect her in case anyone decided they wanted to hurt her

I gently ran my hands across Whump's fur, petting him as I sat there in silence. My mind kept wandering back, refusing to let me forget that there's still some loose ends to tie. That man was still out there and probably would remain alive even if his entire territory burned to the ground. If he finds out that I killed one of his men then he'll come looking for us.

Fear was getting the better of me, its insidious coiling tentacles dragging me down and piling despair on my shoulder. I can't live on knowing that he might get away from what he did to me and my family. I just can't

Picking up Whump, he looked up at me with confusion as I laid him down beside Jinx. "Watch over Jinx for me. Make sure to keep them safe… I'll just take a walk outside"

He tilted his head to the side as I left him there. The cool air outside was almost refreshing despite how toxic it can be at times. I took one look back, looking over to Jinx and Cindy to remind myself that I could just… let it go but I feared for the future. I didn't want a repeat of what happened to Vi.

Turning away from them, I walked off into the night. Locking the door behind me, I look ahead. My steps turned into a sprint before my wings stretched out wide and off I flew up to the sky.

With a goal in mind, I made my way to that man's territory. All those good memories I made in this place and to think that this place would be where that man resided. My hate welled up and burnt like a thousand in my chest at the thought of him. Maybe tonight that hate would soon turn to joy if I have the chance to take his head

I came across a scene straight out of fiction. Buildings burning as enforcers from one side fought another. I could see the Vereza colors all the way up here along with a few others from other chem barons joining in as they fought against the forces that controlled this territory. I couldn't help but smile knowing that I might have just stumbled upon justice being rendered upon another Chem Baron.

Here I was presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. He was being put into place by a coalition of Chem Barons. They wouldn't mind if an independent actor decided it would be a good time to exact their revenge.

Knowing I had the slimmest of chance, I had to be quick if I ever wanted to have their head. People say revenge could only hurt you until they realize how sweet it can be.

Bolts of corrosive chems and bullets were exchanged down below leaving me relatively safe as I headed into the heart of his territory. It was looking bad now as I saw the large factory in front of me being besieged. All the merrier for me as I circled around the fortress looking for an opportunity.

The factory wasn't just merely a large complex for manufacturing but also served as the seat of any industrially inclined Baron. The manor on top of the building all but enforced the image. The large highly decorative building jutted out like the central keep of a castle and the wide road around the factory serving as a moat as it was rendered into a no mans land from the ordinance coming from within.

As much as they looked almost impregnable from the ground, the air was a different thing. With how crowded Zaun is, few ever thought of flying boats getting small enough to slip in deep inside, and no one ever expects a man sized flier. I was free to do as I pleased so long as they didn't see me and now I searched for my target. My eyes focused on the highest point, wondering if they were like the Vereza's when it comes to placing their office.

There they were, atop of it all was their office. Their large decorative glass window didn't hide them as I saw them shouting orders and throwing everyone off their office. The look of panic, their blood shot eyes wide while they paced around, suitedly them perfectly.

Seeing how they were already panicking, I decided to give something more tangible to worry about as I dove down hard. With my feet aimed at his window, I crashed against the fragile stained glass. I could see his face twist into that of shock with mouth wide open just as my feet slammed hard against his chest.

Glass exploded into the room as I crashed inside and sent him flying away from his desk. My hands crackled with power as I walked up to him. Compared to Warwick, facing down this soft man was almost laughable.

"W-who the fuck are you! Did the Vereza's send you?" He shouted as he unsteadily got up with his back against the closed door. His hands reached for his back as he defiantly stared back.

"Just your friendly neighborhood Owl" I replied as I threw my spell at him. Electricity arcing across the air just in time to throw off his aim. I threw as fast as I could as he emptied his gun in my direction.

I cursed as he booked it and fled out of the room but I was hot on heels. With my wings tucked a bit closer to my body, I chased after him. It was harder than it looked at the labyrinthian hallways before me. I could see him as he ran away from me, pointing his men at me as he ran.

"Shoot him you fucks shoot him! Don't let him get close to the lab" he shouted as the bullets started

I wasn't bullet proof and I didn't want to test that out as I took cover from the hail of bullets. I started pulling from within, pooling power in my hands as I fired back. A loud crack echoed inside the hallway as a veritable flood of electricity arced out. They went down screaming and frothing

I floated across the hallway drunk from the power coursing through me. I couldn't deny it, knowing how easily magic could turn things around for me.

"No matter where you hide, no matter where you run, you're never going to get away!" I shouted as the chase began.

Scrapyard Angels Act 1 Chapter 24

This was a reckless plan, a stupid one even but things got personal and I'd rather finish things now rather than have it bite me later when I least expect it. Things from the past have a nasty way of creeping up on you and destroying what you cherish.

I was hurt, yes, but it didn't hurt as bad as it should have. Whatever ointment Cindy gave me earlier was working wonders as my hands barely hurt anymore. Still, I was sore all over but I had my rest and my fill. I was more than ready to take on what's in front of me in my mind but, of course what my mind thinks is true and what reality is can be quite different.

"What the hell do you want! Money? Women? I can give it to you! Surely I could match whatever the Veraza's gave you" The Baron kept shouting even as he ordered his men to keep shooting. I'm getting mixed messages here you know and I can't help but laugh at the naked desperation he displayed.

"I told you once and I told you before, I'm after your fucking head!" I could afford to taunt him. Talking was a luxury and an opportunity I had.

The amount of gunfire being shot at my general direction as I hid behind a metal pillar was quite concerning. The constant ping of lead along with the splash and sizzling of chems hitting my cover was making me sweat as I hunkered down but eventually they ran out of ammo.

I came out running, tossing lighting whichever which way before I passed by another set of frothing and twitching guards. My fight with the guards was a dance at this point. Without support and back up as the rest were pinned down fighting the forces outside, I tore through them like a hot knife through butter. They shoot, I hide, maybe they get smart and try luring or flushing me out, they run out of ammo before I come out guns blazing. It was almost therapeutic doing this.

"You can turn around assassin! You know you can't win!" He shouted at me as our chase continued. I was quite frankly flattered at his words. Me? An assassin? Maybe but that would be a big maybe. I didn't bother to respond as I felt that our chase wouldn't last for long as no more guards came to stop me. He ran out of men to throw at me

Round a bend I went and there he was trying to open a small and unassuming wooden door. Rising to the air, flew straight right at him. While my hands can't be much use in a fight, my feet were still in perfect order. I lashed out with my left leg and planted my foot right against his face. We plowed through the door as I broke its hinges from my kick.

He rolled off to the center of the dimly lit room bleeding and broken. I grimaced as I felt a tooth against the sole of my feet. I pulled it out and threw it away before I started walking towards him.

"So it finally ends here. You took me on quite a wild chase." While I could have just thrown lightning at him from the start, it was a cathartic beating the shit out of someone so powerful and wealthy and it didn't hurt he had such a punchable face.

He rose up shaking, hand raised up in surrender as well to protect his face from further mauling. "Please, I beg you, I'll give you anything you want. Just let me go!"

"My girlfriend was tougher."

"Your girlfriend? O-oh t-this is just a misunderstanding! We can sort things out! Where's Warwick? Isn't he what you want?" For how weak he was, I had to give credit to him for having at least some brains inside that head of his.

"He's kinda dead." I honestly wished I brought the arm but I was too busy trying to get help.

His mouth was bleeding, his teeth chipped and broken and his face was a large patch of bruises and cuts. I gave him another kick for good measure.

He laid there gasping and groaning, hands clutching his face as I slowly floated up. He tried to crawl away but I was faster and I had wings to carry me up in the air. I hovered over him, flying just above his height.

I reached in deep once more, pulling at my flagging pool of mana before firing at the Baron. The blast hits him straight in the chest and sends him flying off, destroying several tables and scattering lab equipment everywhere before crashing against a purplish glass vat that shattered upon impact. He cried out as he toppled over, his back peppered with the shards of jagged glasses.

It's contents poured over him, washing his form in a purplish sludge of goo and viscera. It was a pitiful sight seeing him cradle his stomach as he crawled away from me. Blood trailing behind in a seemingly desperate attempt to escape. I landed close to him, walking up to him before stomping on his back to drive the shards in deeper.

"It ain't funny anymore when you're not watching it huh?!" I shouted as I gave him a good kick before he laid there groaning. I kicked him again and again, taking my anger and frustration out of him knowing that he can't fight back. As I gazed away, psyching myself up to kill him with my bare hands, I noticed something odd about the room.

I was so focused on toying with the Baron in front of me that I didn't notice the cages around me. It wasn't the cages that caught my attention but the dark figures inside them. I lit my hands up once again, letting electricity dance between my fingers to light up the room.As I raised them, I saw the occupants. There were children all in small cages, whimpering and trying to make themselves small.

As I looked around, then more I noticed how fucked up things were. There were occupied cages lining the walls of the room with tubes and wirings running here and there. Beakers and flasks lay around various tables along with what looked like a whole operating theater, tables with straps and all that.

Tubes of purplish liquid along with twisted creatures straight from one's nightmare lay suspended inside them. There were actual voidlings among them and I do not like how their eyes still glowed with life.

"What the fuck is this..." I whispered as I looked around. What the hell did I stumble into?

My shock was cut short as the man ahead of me laughed. I backed away as I saw dark veins crawling up from beneath his collar and up his head. He turned to his stomach and there clutched in the arm I thought was broken was a syringe with his thumb pressing down on the plunger. "Here I thought you were a hardened assassin but now I see you're just a boy. Funny isn't it, a powerful guy like me brought low by a mere boy out for revenge. Do you know how much I've worked to get here in the top? So many bloody years and so many bodies. If only you knew what you're helping to destroy." He laughed out as he slowly sat up.

My hands reached out, firing a blast at his chest. He seized up as the blast hit him squarely right over the heart, his limbs rattling before he settled down and tilted his head at me. A smile stretching across his before he let out a rattling laugh. Why isn't he dying? I kept firing, burning away at his flesh yet its as if his body was pulling itself back every time, pulling at the contents of the vat that was strewn around him

"You might be wondering why there's so many children here? Since everything's burning and I'm going to die soon might as well spill the beans as they say.

You see… The thing is, money and influence can only give you so much power. What you really need is real power like that magic of yours, but not everyone can have magic or wave some sword so we have technology for that. What you want are some test subjects and do some good old experimentation, or at least fund it. Cant have an omelet unless you've cracked a few eggs. Well I think my eggs heads already cracked enough of em to make me something"

He let out an unholy howl of pain and anger as the sound of bones and flesh tearing themselves to pieces reverberated across the room. His spine bending backwards in sickening before he hunched over. His clothes started to tear as his body expanded, boils spreading across his form as he started to deform before my very eyes. His limbs twisting in all sorts of unnatural manners as he clawed at the ground. Flesh seemed to flow out of him, veins spreading out as his body reshaped itself.

He was gaining size and purplish veins spread across his body. Chitinous spikes sprouting from his back. Whatever was happening, I can't let myself stay frozen. I kept throwing lightning at the thing in front of me.

The unnatural howl it let out shook me to the core. It was painful, like having nails drive themselves inside my ears. The room descended to chaos as the children finally cried out while a monster was born in front of me. I kept throwing yet all I ever got was angry growls and my only saving graces was that it has yet to find its footing thanks to its legs which have yet to form properly.

I cursed out as I decided it was time to book it. I came here for revenge but revenge wasn't worth it when you're going to put yourself in more danger than was necessary, particularly if your target refused to die. Right in front of me was a danger that I did not want to fight.

I should have booked it the moment he stabbed himself and everything went to shit; yet here I was flying down to start opening the cages. "GO! Get the fuck out of here!" I shouted as I started opening cages, cutting through the locks as I pulled out the kids inside. They were kids and I just can't leave them here to die.

The kids didn't need to be told twice as they fled but some stayed as they started helping the others go. Thankfully the keys were nearby and now it's only a problem of opening them all out.

"Come on, come on, we don't have all day!" I shouted as I started blasting away at the purple tumor monster. Even as flesh blistered and blackened, new flesh came back to replace it. Even its head proved to be tougher than its flesh as hard carapace grows in the place of skin. More and more it grew and soon it was pressing up against the ceiling.

It's size wasn't just the issue but now it was becoming more lucid as it started to lash out. It's titanic arms lashing out, crushing and destroying whatever lay before it. I hoped that I could free more of them before it was too late. It lashed out and my breath was taken away from me as I felt its knuckles slam against my chest.

I was thrown against one of the cages and it's only thanks to my wings that I didn't take the full brunt of it but now they were twisted and deformed. I could still fly but the magnets were all misaligned. I couldn't steer myself properly and I knew I was in trouble as an inhumane laugh echoed inside the room.

All the kids have been released now but now I was the one in trouble with this beast fully awakened. They were merely strangers but how could I not help them when it could have easily been Jinx in their place? What's worse was that I felt like the large pool inside me was slowly starting to drain. I was running out of time to get out.

It still possessed a humanoid build, yet it had been twisted, more akin to an insectoid form with all the claws and spikes it possessed. Purple veins pulsed across its form as blazing red eyes honed on me. My heart leaped up to my throat as it roared out and started running towards me.

I flew up and made a dash for the door but it was faster. He crawled along the floor like a demented beast, eating up the distance between us in large strides. His cruel claws swatted me out of the air and down on the hard ground before he reached out and caught me.

Dread filled my body as he held me in front of his large beady eyes. There was no trace of humanity in those cold sadistic eyes. I struggled with all my might to get out of his grip but his fingers were like hard iron, unyielding and cruel as they dug into my sides. I couldn't help but cry out, discharging as much electricity as he held me up to his open maw. Rows upon rows of cruel teeth raised up and pointed up like daggers ready to tear my to pieces. I had truly fucked up and there might be no way out.

Just as he was about to bite down when the most unexpected thing happened. "Here catch!" came a voice as Whump came flying up in the air and right at the eye of the monster. My mouth was wide agape just as Whump bit down hard on the white of the monster's eyes. I hastily closed my mouth as blood and liquid came pouring out.

I dropped down with Whump as he released his grip on the monster's flesh as he let go of us. Down we fell only to crash against the soft furry back of Mr Floofington. He grabbed me by the collar before dragging me away. If they were here then… I whipped my head at the source of the voice. It was then at that moment a familiar set of blue pigtails filled my vision.

"Hey you Shelob wanna be, how about you pick on someone your own size!" shouted my blue haired Angel before the air was filled with gunfire.

There Jinx stood like an avenging angel as she held a large mounted repeater in her hand. The continuous fire was almost deafening as the Chemtech Mechanism kept the barrel cranking.

"Jinx!?" How the hell did she get here and how the heck did she find me.

"Can't hear you! Too busy firing this weapon I found!" Shouted Jinx as she stared right at the beast while peppering it with shots. There in her hands was a multi-barreled minigun which looked like it was unscrewed from its mount before having a handle jerry rigged onto it. Brass casings flew everywhere as the beast was actually pushed back but soon she ran out of ammo.

I pushed myself up as I grabbed all of Jinx, Whump and Floofington and dragged them away from the scene. "Hey! I was just about to reload!" She protested as she stumbled a bit before finding her stride as I led her out.

"Jinx, trust me on this one but those things are far too tough. We need to get out of here!" I shouted before my words were drowned out by the monster's roar. We ran as it struggled to get out the tiny door before bursting through the hallway hot on our heels. Its clawed feet slipping as it tried to chase after us.

"How the hell did you find me?" I shouted out as we ran as fast as our little legs could carry us.

"Floofington followed your scent and there was a commotion in the direction you were heading. Also did you know that a major Chem river is running under this factory? Sneaking in via the tunnels was a breeze!" She replied as she slung the large gun behind her back

"Celestials be damned Jinx, you could have been hurt and are you really taking that thing?"

"You're one to talk when I'm saving your butt and it's mine alright? I got it from an armory and it's mine fair and square!" She pointed out how I was in danger. "It did help so why not a little thanks here?!"

I could hear stone tearing behind us just as we were about to reach a window where we could glide out of. "Ok fine- DUCK!" I shouted as I pulled her down as my sense screamed at me. A piece of rock came flying above us and tearing through the fragile window ahead of us. It was probably not a great idea to fly out in the open when there's an active siege but we had little choice.

"Jinx, I need you to grab hold of me and don't let go!" I shouted as I secured Whump on my shoulder before lifting up Mr Floofington.

"Are we going to jump?" Asked Jinx as she grabbed onto my back.

"It's more of a glide really, so hold on tight!" I run straight ahead before making my jump. Spotlights were immediately pointed at our direction as we glided down to the ground. While my wings can carry a lot, I couldn't carry the weight of my family.

The fighting seemed to stop as the monster behind us stood on the edge of the window. It was still growing, its heading reaching up to the high ceiling before it roared out. I quickly cut power in my wings as it made a leap towards us. We dropped down fast and it sailed past us and against another building.

I had barely enough time to power up my wings just as we were about to crash into the ground. As we landed down in the middle of no man's land, the gangsters and enforcers turned their weapons away from each other straight at the monster chasing us.

I let go of Jinx as we made our dash to friendlier lines but we were cut off as the monster cut us off as it landed in front of us. The road cracked under its weight, but it surprisingly held itself up. It roared as it was pelted by many small arms but we needed bigger guns to keep it distracted for us to escape.

"Jinx, if you still have ammo, this is the best time to reload!" I said as I tossed Whump at Jinx. "This thing right here hates us with the passion of a thousand sun and it will keep hunting us down, so why don't we try and take it down?"

With electricity on hand and Jinx behind me, I started taunting the beast. I ran to the side shouting out to catch its attention.

"Hey you! Remember me! Come on, you know you want a piece of me!" I dashed to the side as the monster slammed its meaty hands on the pavement. Its reaction was slowed as the men around us kept firing round after round. I joined in the fun as I threw electricity at its fresh wounds. I was running low but I needed to get Jinx out from danger.

"Yooo hoo, over here you big dumb lug! Bet you can't catch me!" Shouted Jinx as she got on top of Mr Floofington and started firing. We ran circles around the beast trying to take it down. Yes we could run, but I'm not sure this thing's going to stop anytime soon. It needs to die.

It ran after us, crashing against the buildings in its mad dash to try and grab us yet I fear that our efforts were futile. It reached out for the corpses of men and gobbled them up, growing faster with each thing it ate. It grows taller, wider, and meaner with each bite.

Men were starting to flee around us and leaving us fewer and fewer people around to fight. With all its hate focused on us, I just knew that it would never let us go. Even as my lungs burned, my arms leadened, I kept running hoping to find an weak spot or a chink in its armor but this wasn't a video game like League but real life.

Fear once more gripped my heart as it swiped at Jinx tossing her aside like a rag doll. I shouted out, trying to get its attention but whatever alien intelligence was up there knew she was important to me. It smiled, oh it smiled with its wicked fangs as it looked back at me before staring at Jinx.

My heart hammered against my chest as I quickly cycled through my options, trying to think of something until I saw parts of the roads gave way where he landed. I knew what I had to do.

 my wings before flying up high, trying to get as much height as I could. I wasn't as fast as I wish I could with my wings twisted in the wrong direction but I was quickly climbing up. The beast was heading for my sister and this might just be my only hope.

Up high in the sky I floated, my back almost up against the almost liquid like Grey. The scene below me is almost like a mere diorama with people barely visible to the naked eye. I whispered my apology, hoping that Vi wouldn't kill me as I dove down.

The air around me screamed as I head down feet first, my wings pushing me faster and faster. The back of the beast grew fast, becoming wider as I came down on top of him like the hammer of Thor.

It hurts crashing against his carapaced back but I felt him buckle beneath me as I kept pushing, pressing down hard with all my might. My bones creaked in protest as I saw him trying to reach for Jinx but it was his legs that gave out first before my limbs.

He crashed down against the ground; breaking the already damaged road. Spider webs spread from his form until I felt weightless for a brief instant. We were falling but we couldn't stop now. Drawing up the last dregs of my strength, I roared out as I pushed one last time. We crashed down hard against the multiple levels of Zauns, breaking through platforms and buildings until my vision was drowned out by a river of green sludge.

<< Index >>

Jul 29, 2021Report

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