
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, ThatOneGuy69 replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - How Hard Can It Be ? (RWBY - Jacques SI)


I'm back!

The bad news is I still hadn't fixed my PC, but I couldn't leave half of a chapter posted, so there you go. This is more or less what was supposed to be the second half of the original chapter, so it is a bit short.

It was written on mobile over the course of several days, so some parts might feel disconnected, but please bear with me for now.


Winter was strong.

Some would call it arrogance. Some would say that it was the hot-tempered pride of youth. But she was not one to brag.

She was strong.

Trained from her childhood at the hands of her grandfather, one of the best huntsmen of Atlas, Winter was no stranger to combat. She learned how to wield her saber around the same time she was taught to read and write.

During her time at the combat school, and Atlas academy after it, she was always head and shoulders above her peers.

Hailed as the next Nicholas Schnee, she graduated with flying colors.

As a huntress, she soon made a name for her herself with successful mission after mission. She rose through the military ranks at an absurd rate.

Merely four years after attaining her license, she became the candidate to inherit the Maiden powers.

A prodigy, she was called.

She was not the strongest. Not by a long shot.

Winter had the talent in spades, but she was still lacking in experience. Experience that made her slightly inferior to the likes of General Ironwood, and Colver, the leader of the Ace Operatives.

Of course, she was more than confident that she would absolutely make them work for that win.

Fria being stronger than her was a given. A fully realized Maiden was more natural disaster than a human. Behind all those warm smiles and grandmotherly affection was perhaps the most dangerous human on the planet.

Ironwood and Clover, Winter might be able to beat. But Fria was more than capable of killing the three of them at the same time.

The point is Winter knew she was one the best fighters in the world, and aside from some off chance that might make a beginner's mistake in a fight, there was no way she would ever lose to anyone dumb enough to associate themselves with a terrorist group like the White Fang.

So while throwing her brother over her shoulder, she wasted no time moving towards the fight. The only on her mind was not about what strategy she might use to win against the assailants. No, the fight was over before it has even begun.

She was merely deciding on how many of them would still be alive at the end of this ordeal.

'Three or four should be more than enough.' She concluded. It was enough for conducting interrogation and making sure that the information was not fake.

Next was how many of the survivors would be able to resume the rest of their lives without the assistance of several medical equipments. The answer to that came easily enough.


They would serve as a good deterrent for future assassination attempts.

From the entrance of the Arched gate to the hallway leading to her mother chambers was a distance of 356 meters, a considerable distance for an untrained civilian. However, for a huntsman, especially one of her level, it was nothing.

Stomping her foot hard enough to shatter the stone beneath it, she moved.

Immediately, her surroundings change from the field of white lilies into the interior of the mansion. Faster than the eye could see, she moved deeper.

The specialist ran through the hallways, easily bypassing any servant standing in her way. To them, her form was not unlike that of a wraith, never seen but felt only after she was long gone.

Even at the pace she was going, the environment was as clear as day to her. Though none were as fast as her, she could already spot the guards, both human and robot, were all heading to the same destination as her.

A fraction of a second later, the security sirens echoed through the house. All throughout the house, all the gates and doors of every entrance leading to the outside of the house were rapidly closing.

Glancing to the outside as she passed a window, Winter noticed the grey outside sky gain a blue tinge as the hard light dome encased the Schnee mansion.

In less than three seconds, every escape route was sealed, and the guards were deployed.

Not bad for a newly established security system.

It seemed that all the money her father spent had not been for naught.

And not a second later, Winter was already at the scene. Without decreasing her speed one bit, she threw Whitley off her shoulder. Before he could even register what happened, he was grabbed by a pair of massive glowing hands belonging to her summoned Beringel.

The summon would be more than enough to hold any terrorist long enough for Winter to dispatch the rest.

She turned her eyes to the fighting, her saber raised to decapitate the first of invaders, and…

She stopped.

There were no White Fang members.

There were no Faunus.

Scanning the scenery, the only thing she could were familiar faces.

Her father was fighting a bunch of maids. Her mother's maids to be exact. Though calling it a fight was overselling it. With the way things were going, it was more like a wild gorilla stomping on ants.

That left the question of why.

Why were they fighting?

Did the maid rebel? No, that did not make sense. From what she could see, none of the maids was wielding any conventional weapon, so they did not plan for this. They, also look absolutely terrified.

Turning her eyes to her father, she saw the man grab a maid by the face and slam her head into the ground, breaking both her Aura and the chair she was holding.

So that meant Father started it?

It would sure look that way, but no. Despite the excessive violence he was exhibiting, he did not seem to be going for the kill. The moment his opponent was knocked out, he seemed to change targets.

It also would not have made sense for him to sound the invasion alarm, and notify every living in the house if he was the aggressor.


Even if the situation made no sense, that did not mean that Winter should just spectate. If she wanted any answers, she must first stop the fighting.

Launching herself, the Schnee huntress quickly headed towards her father as he maid to strike a maid. She kicked the maid out of the way and placed herself in front of the CEO.

Winter raised her forearm to block the older man's downward strike. In a fraction of a second, she observed his Aura in his arm and focused the same amount on her own arm. It would cancel his strike, and prevent the shockwave of their clash from harming the people around them.

This proved to be a mistake.

A battle between huntsmen, behind all the weapon, and dust, and techniques, was at its core a battle of Aura. If two clashed, the one with the most Aura would always win. Of course, the quality of Aura, experience, and how one used his Aura played a part. But at the end of the day, the best way to win against someone with more Aura was to simply not get hit.

That was something Winter was well aware of. If this was a real fight she would have not tried to go for a clash, but since her goal was to end the fighting, ignoring his strike and attacking him would have only made things worse.

So blocking was the only solution. Sure she would have use more of her Aura to compensate, but it would do. Or at least should have.

As rare as it was, It was not her first time fighting against someone with bigger reserve than her.

It was, however, her first time dealing with an abnormal Aura like Jacques.

So when they made contact she was caught off-guard.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the amount of Aura in her father's hand doubled. The direction of the blow, the superior Aura, and the fact that he outweighed by nearly 20 kg meant that the exchange could only end in one way.

Instantly, Winter was nearly forced to her knees. His blow had struck her flat-footed, not only by the sudden intensity it displayed but by the manner it was behaving as well.

Aura was in laymen's terms, a shield. It was something that served to protect, first and foremost. The additional boost of physical attributes it offered was merely a plus.

Her father's cursed Aura, on the other hand, appeared almost the opposite of that. It was as if its sole purpose was to hurt. Getting hit with it, the specialist could only stare at it in disbelief as his Aura reshaped itself to be more jagged. It latched on to her own Aura as if trying to rip it apart.

It felt like she was hit with a Morningstar.

However, Winter was nothing if not a veteran. Pivoting her foot, she pushed her forearm away from her body, letting her father's attack continue its way downwards towards the ground.

The floor tiles crumbled in the wake of the attack kicking a cloud of dust into the air.

Winter ignored the stinging in her arm, as she jumped backward. She had no idea how her father would react, but if he was still wanting to swing his fist, she had no intention of tanking one of his blows again.

With a swing of his arm, the cloud of dust parted showing his form as he walked towards her.

Physically, he was not hurt. The last clash not leaving a scratch on him. The sleeve of his left arm, however, was in tatters.

'It's just as I thought,'

It seemed that his Aura prioritized offense over defense. For even though he had the clear upper hand in their exchange, his clothes were destroyed while hers were still in pristine condition.

This confirmed her hypothesis. In order to bring his attack to a higher level, it seemed his Aura had to cut corners when it came to protection.

Whether it shrugged off defense starting from the outside, or from the least important parts, she did not know.

His Aura was an anomaly, so all she was left with were hypotheses for now.

"Stay," Jacques' voice echoed in the hallway.

At first, she thought he was talking to her. Winter opened her mouth to reply when a whine from behind her caught her by surprise.

She looked back, and sure enough, there was a white dog a couple of meters behind. It righted itself from a crouched position. It was likely planning to lunge at her from a blind spot.

The dog lowered its head as it passed her by as it headed towards her father. There was another one, colored black, looking at her from the other side of the room.

'Another summon of his,' she realized, remembering the crows he summon a couple of months ago. 'though, unlike the crow, these dogs appear to be used for combat.'

Individually, from what she could sense, the twin dogs were weaker than her Beringel. Yet, the fact that they were capable of receiving orders and displaying emotions meant that they were capable of thinking on their own.

That alone made them very dangerous.

"I was wondering who blocked my hit, and it's you," he said. The tone of his voice and the icy glare he leveled at her were enough to drop the temperature by several degrees. "Whose side are you on?"

"No one's," she said matching his glare. "Whitley felt your Aura rage, so I came to investigate. And what do I find? You attacking mother's servants."

Her words only seemed to make him angrier. "They were the ones who attacked me!" he yelled. "These traitors seemed to be so full of themselves, thinking that I would be easy picking."

Winter's eyebrows rose. The maids were the aggressors?

Looking around her at the maids, the tears in their eyes as they cradled their injuries, they hardly seemed to be capable of throwing a punch let alone try to kill someone.

"Why did you attack him?" she asked the nearest conscious maid.

The maid jumped her at her words. Her eyes watered and her breathing quickened as if trying her hardest not to cry. "H-h-He att-attacked Lady Willow!" she cried out. The maids near her all nodding their heads and yelling confirmations.

Winter's blood ran cold. She turned to face her father, who was looking at her with wide eyes.

That made no sense, if he was truly looking to make amends, why would he attack her. Was everything he did all an act?

No, she promised Whitley that she would give him a chance. As much as she wanted to attack Jacques, she had to confirm for herself.

There was no need to jump to conclusions.

With that in mind, Winter raised her saber and started walking in his direction aiming to go to the room behind him. However, the moment she came closer, his dogs bared their fangs at her and growled.


Letting a breath of air, Winter tried to control her rising anger.

"You piece of shit…" she said through gritted teeth.

To think that he would actually do it.

The Specialist aimed her weapon towards him and settled into a battle stance.

She would grant him the most violent of deaths.

She made to move when a voice startled everyone in the hallway.

"What the fuck is going on here!?"

There stood her mother, looking a bit disheveled, yet definitely not hurt.

What the fuck was going on here?!


When your past and Aura are not enough of a misunderstanding field, so your Semblance joins in.

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