
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Spyfic187 replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Mokurokugatari (Monogatari/Waifu Catalog)



As always, my day began by being awoken by my two little sisters Karen and Tsukihi Araragi. It was a tradition at this point in time, or maybe just a habit formed from a lack of negative reinforcement for me to be woken up by the duo every morning bar none. Even during the restful days of Summer Break, I was not freed from this.


The blissful rest I had earned myself after a long night with Shinobu was broken as figures assaulted my being. . Two pairs of hands asserted themselves onto my sides and began jostling me back and forth.

"You can't sleep all day dammit."

"It's summer though." I groaned my eyes still firmly shut.

I could bind them. Set up a ritual circle under their beds or an anchor in their rooms and have them bound by the morning or sooner if I didn't want to be discrete. Then I'd put in the same default commands as Shinobu and have them let me sleep in a bit. Then maybe have some fun with them while I sleep. Life-size body pillows were better when they were real.

Wow, that was definitely more of an Alvin thought than a Koyomi one.


No, that plan wouldn't work. For several reasons. Mainly because subjugating the will of my sisters and binding their souls to myself and a nebulous eldritch corporation just for a few hours of sleep wasn't a good enough reason to bind them.

"It's morning and Mom's already made breakfast. Get up."

"You've got Miss Hanekawa coming over too so you can't just laze around all day. Wake up!"

In a new hell, one of them moved to the other side of my bed and began assaulting me from that side as well.

I was being double-teamed by my sisters. My adorable little justice-obsessed sisters were assaulting me from the flank and I was defenseless against their ministrations.

Technically they were right.

Today was a day where I was supposed to be studying with Hanekawa. Where I was meant to be tutored by the top high school student in Naoetsu High School, if not the country. Personal friend or not, wasting the time of someone like that wasn't a good thing. Not to mention our mother had already graciously provided us with sustenance before her departure for work. It would be a waste to let that get cold and not provide some level of gratitude for the service.

They held the status as being correct in an objective sense. However, my own subjective experience of the world. My own personal continuity of existence that joined from two separate paths like rivers merging together held that I was tired and wanted to keep sleeping.

A foot slammed down onto my head and buried my face into my pillow.

I had to give them this: If nothing else, these two known as the Fire Sisters were reliable alarm clocks. Perhaps they could get jobs working as a wake-up call service for a hotel.

No, this wasn't a matter of them being reliable alarm clocks. They were better than those mechanical monstrosities.

I couldn't breathe anymore and even if I wanted to I would only be met with fabric and the musk of last night entering my nose.

"I'm up. I'm up. Don't step on my head just to try and wake me up. If anything, assaulting my skull is completely at odds with your entire goal here." I put considerable effort in pushing myself up and throwing off the sister that was taking the effort to lord over me with her weight. Not effort in the manner of having to force her off of me with all my strength, but the inverse.

I was holding back my strength. The physique I was granted by The Company and my vampirism.

The job was done and the sister - Karen it turned out to be based on the cry of surprise - was thrown off her balance and slammed down ass-first onto the other end of my bed.

"I'm awake. There. Are you happy? My consciousness has been restored thanks to your relentless attempts to harass me."

"It's not harassment. We're your alarm. Without us, you would never wake up Koyomi!" Tsukihi declared striking a pose reminiscent of a two-syllable repetitive name.

"The eternal watchers of your sleep. We've existed since the beginning of time and shall continue to act this way until the Earth turns to dust. All to make sure you never miss a morning." Karen declared matching the littler sister's pose with one of her own while still on my bed.

"You're that old and you're still in High School?"

"Until the Earth turns to dust, or until you get a wife we can trust to take care of you."

"Such little faith in me!"

With my vision freed from the confines of my comforter and the pillow, I was able to take in the simultaneously new and old sights of my new/old siblings.

Karen Araragi, age 17 and starting her second year of High School. The second child and my older little sister. The athletic one of the family she possessed lithe muscles that complimented her figure nicely. More so than her figure, her build complimented her attitude and lifestyle. Even this early in the morning, she was already wearing her usual yellow jersey and track pants. Even this early in the morning she kept her hair pulled back in a ponytail.

If I had to describe her in a word, I would say tomboy. Not because she was very boyish, but in a manner that she just lacked conventional femininity. She was the kind of person you could picture throwing back drinks with at a bar or an izakaya and not feel anything from it. Hell, she'd probably even be the one shouting aggressively at whatever sport was playing on the TV. Cheering her side on with the fervor only a sporty person could have.

Then there was the other sister.

Tsukihi Araragi, age 16 and finishing up her first year of Middle School. The littlest sister and third child of our family. In contrast to Karen's hard-won athletic physique, Tsukihi's appeal lay in a softness she held in her appearance. Brightly colored yukatas and kimonos were the brunts of her wardrobe. Including the pajamas that she wore now. An obsession she had to the point of joining the tea ceremony club at school just to wear them more often. As opposed to Karen, Tsukihi's hair was neatly taken care of. Pulled back in a cute bun today. Her hair changed from day to day with her moods.

I should probably touch on that as I had Karen's personality. If the straightforward nature of the older sister made you complacent as to how the younger acted, then you would have fallen into her trap. Not an intentional one, but one she exploited nonetheless.

To describe Tsukihi in a word I would use hysteric. She was short-tempered to that level of excess. Despite the confrontational and directness of Karen, Tsukihi was the larger problem child of the family. If Karen got in a fight or caused a scene, it was a fair bet that Tsukihi had caused it.

The pair were close, as close as siblings could be. Those who met them for the first time would be forgiven for thinking they were twins. Apart from their year apart when the younger was in Middle School and the older was in High School, they operated as a duo. As a team. A combination dubbed the Fire Sisters. Karen was the enforcer, and Tsukihi the strategist. The muscle and the mind come together to impose their lopsided view of justice upon the world.

These were my sisters in this new/old life. They, alongside myself, a formerly loner quasi-vampire, made up the Araragi children.

How proud our parents must be.

"Well, if you have been around that long. I guess it has been noticeable."

I poked at Karen's breast. Her being the closest sister.

"I see. You have grown, haven't you." A foot met my face.

"Of course I have! I'm a high schooler. It should be expected that I would grow."

"It feels like just yesterday you two were in middle school causing trouble for everyone in town."

"Oi! We weren't causing trouble! The Fire Sisters are the bastions of Justice in town! Even if there was some turbulence when I graduated Middle School. Rest assured, we have not lost our edge or our ideals!"

"That does not reassure me in the slightest."

"In fact, we're even stronger now that Tsukihi's in High School as well."

"That's even worse!" Everyone Middle Schooler knew them back before Karen graduated. Even those who didn't attend their schools. How bad of a hit was my reputation going to take now that we were all in the same High School.

"Anyways, get up now and get studying. Cram yourself in that corner until Miss Hanekawa gets here."

"I'm not even allowed to take a bath or change?!"

"The moment we give you a bit of leeway, you'll just fall back asleep."

"It's summer. I should be permitted that at least."


How cruel. What inhuman treatment I'm being subjected to.

"Well, I'm off for a run! Get a bath running for me will you." Without waiting for a response, Karen leaped out of our house and disappeared in a cloud of dust into the streets.


So she wants me to draw her a bath, yet at the same time get myself studying before Hanekawa gets over here.

"I don't think she thought those words through." I declared to the sole other occupant of the room.

"No, she didn't." Tsukihi agreed.

"How are we gonna do this then? You're clearly on her side."

"Get studying. I'll get the bath."

"Fine." With those words from me, and under her watchful gaze, I dutifully stood and walked over to my desk. Still clad in my pajamas, that still smelt of my night with Shinobu, I pulled out one of my textbooks at random and plopped it open before me. Tsukihi left me with that, and I watched her go with...something in my heart.

My nature divided me at this point.

As Koyomi Araragi I held no desire for them in my heart.

As Alvin Delian, and perhaps as the amalgam I had become, I found myself appreciating their forms to an extent higher than should be permitted.

My heart as an individual with no relationship to them, one who knew them as only fictional beings, was already picturing how best to claim them.

What sounds they would make as I bent them over and took them in every hole. Who was tighter? The cherubic Tsukihi, or the athletic Karen?

What triggers I could put into them. What I could make them believe to make fucking them more enjoyable. Common sense manipulation was obvious. "It's normal to treat your brother's morning wood when you wake him." is an idea that came to mind. One that would make me much happier to submit to their alarms.

With how much of a moron and impulsive Karen was, making her believe she was a dog was certainly on the table. Have her run around as my faithful pet unaware of her own humanity except for submitting to her owner and his sexual needs.

For Tsukihi, anything I tried was liable to be subject to her mood swings. Maybe unawareness. Make her unable to perceive me or anything I'm doing and fuck her as she tries to do daily tasks around the house.

I would definitely have to play them both off of each other. Oh, how could I do that? Maybe make them believe they were each other's boyfriends in secret. Make them desperately in love with each other but still harbor a desire for their brother to complete the set. Make them desperate for some pocket money and service their newly hired brother for an allowance.

Conversely to this desire, my heart as Alvin held. My heart as their brother also told me to care for them, to shelter them from the excesses of the world through whatever means necessary. They had boyfriends already. Roso-who's-a-whatsit, and Kiss-a-door-hinge or whatever it was.

Tsukihi was supposedly chaste with her boyfriend, and Karen was going through a rough patch with her's. But how long would that last? When would they have their first kiss? Their first attempt to go further?

And what of Aberrations? This town was certainly a place where the Odd gathered. They had close calls in avoiding Black Hanekawa and would definitely have more in the future.

A bee.

A phoenix.

Both of those would come to grace the attention of my siblings at some point in the future. Even with the latter being part of Tsukihi's nature over anything negatively affecting her. They were still aberrations that would push both closer to noticing what was Odd in the world.

Once a person is subjected to an aberration, they are more likely to encounter others. Just knowing what was ahead, was I willing to let my sisters possibly encounter aberrations of their own? With how they were?

My heart as both found agreement. Though in different directions, through different meanings and wants, my identity as both Alvin Delian and Koyomi Araragi conceded to one another.

They were going to be mine. I would bind them for my own satisfaction as Alvin and to protect them from the worst this world could throw at them as Koyomi.

In direct protest to what my sisters ordered, I stood up and left my room. Left the desk where I would study with Hanekawa later that afternoon, with naught but a pen and my phone.

I scrolled through The Company's provided app and began designing to my specifications as I walked. My sisters both wore matching hair clips on opposite sides of their heads. Sunnyside up eggs with Karen's being on the right alongside her ponytail, and Tsukihi being on the left. They never took them off except to shower and sleep.

As a part of joining The Company, I was granted the option of choosing a method with which to perform my task as an Asset Acquisitions Contractor. The method I chose was a lesser-used method called a Ritual Circle.

Essentially, I draw a magic circle and put a target in there, then they would be mine after a set amount of time. With free hypnotic trance to boot.

As I reached the bathroom I peeked and heard the sound of running water coming from behind the door to the bath. To the side piled neatly up next to the door was a pile of clothes and an egg-shaped hairclip.

Normally, with a Ritual Circle, I would have to design an actual circle large enough to encircle a set amount of the target. Either the heart or the head. I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure because I disregarded this and chose to invest in a more useful way to utilize my binding.

Instead of a circle, I just needed to draw runes that would act as the center of an imaginary circle. Much less conspicuous and much more versatile if you ask me.

A set of runes on each of their hair clips. Invisible to both yet constantly nudging them into my trap. It seemed I was going to be the villain to the Fire Sister's heroics for today.

All I needed was an opening to mark each.

For example, one sister taking a bath while the other is out running. The latter of whom would also be taking a bath once they got back.

AN: This chapter was originally intended to be longer and include the capture of Hanekawa and the Fire Sisters and some lewds for both. Since it got to a point where I felt I could end naturally rather than my initial expectation, I'll get you all another update here before going back to working on Fetial.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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