
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Ultimatedaywriter replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - The Event That Never Was


Camellia watched a group of elven heroes broke through her trench lines under the protection of a dragon bombardment. First, dragons taller than Ent's blasted Camellia's own forces with precise strikes of lightning breath. Then, even as the line closed and her own anti-dragon forces engaged the elven artillery, the heroes continued to wreak havoc behind her lines.

She intentionally let them through. After this war began, her master had gone into seclusion meditation. He had lined the interior with gold from within the great mobile fortress she had constructed for him and boarded himself up inside. His only contribution to the war was an endless bombardment of light arrows and spears. Weapons that had slowly but surely been outdated as the war dragged on.

Her own forces battled the Ents to a standstill, and the elves had supplemented their numbers with barbaric breeding programs. The sight of them had nearly turned even her stomach.

So, after a year of this war, she decided to force her master's hand. A group of elven heroes broke through her lines with her master's fortress in mind. It was time for her master to wake up.

Her attention turned to the group of heroes. One was a purple-haired brat with a mysterious stone implanted into her forehead, granting her psychic powers for a price. While other elves withered at the sight of what Camellia had done to the enchanted forest Teah held her emotions at bay.

"Do you really think killing the golden conqueror will end this war?" Teah asked.

Camellia watched the girl raise her hands high as psychic forces ripped a juvenile rose dragon from the earth before ripping it into pulp. Even as seedlings of the rose dragon launched in all directions, an archer fired ebony arrows at the seedlings. When the arrows struck the seeds, they withered. The archer's name was Leonight of the umber elves. A group of white-skinned elves hailing from the darker places of the enchanted forest. Their arrows caused whithering and rot.

She directed a half-damaged EarthBound Puppet in their direction from the front lines. Its power source had been damaged to the point where the creature was irreparable. Camellia knew it would have wanted to go out with a bang instead of being decommissioned for parts.

Leonight's arrows bounced off the formidable construct's magic shields and the items Camellia had equipped it with negated outright destruction by Teah. It raised its arm cannon to launch a volley of parasitic seedlings that would quickly grow out of control through their bodies. Before the rounds could hit either of them, a protective wooden box appeared.

"You're evil will find no root in my allies." An obnoxious voice said. The wooden box quickly shifted into the traitorous image of her least favorite puppet. Pinocchio model VI was a shapeshifting puppet with a liquid mana core that she had worked tirelessly to perfect. Unfortunately, it possessed a little too much free will. It went by Pistachio now.

It quickly took the form of a Red model puppet and rammed into the terminal Cyclops model. After a few good hits, the older model couldn't take anymore.

Camellia pulled a few strings and launched a towering behemoth of wood and rage. The behemoth was a mix of some of the most lethal forces she'd ever designed streamlined. But, putting it bluntly, it was her future standard unit.

It moved in quickly and fired a new blaster at Pistachio driving the puppet back before sliding a knife across Teah's side before she could lock onto him. Then, with a flick of her wrist, she bound Pistachio for a few seconds. A round of seeds shot into Leonight, and already she could sense her power rush through him.

Just before he would have been hers, golden light bathed Leonight as a high elf dressed in the purest white plate moved on the scene. This figure waved killed the seedlings before they could spread any further and healed Leonight.

"If you're having this much trouble, then you don't belong here." The hero Chronan said before his sword pushed the behemoth's knife away before plunging a golden sword into the unit's unarmored neck. Golden light swept through the unit, burning it despite its resistance to light magic.

Holy was a mysterious element that followed its own rules. The holy skills imparted by the gods didn't act the same with different creatures. Some holy spells might harm undead, while some might aid them. It depends on the deity.

This deity hated her, so it killed her units. Next, she'd need to increase her efforts to leak secular beliefs into the elven nation. Already she had lessened her attacks on the elven villages that embraced atheism. If she could just convince the godly elves to use price controls, she could start causing food shortages.

It was a plan of her master's she had borrowed. Sometimes his thoughts reached her, and she learned the most interesting tactics. At the moment, without him, she was at a standstill; the elves had slowly started to adapt. Their leaders had become dangerously competent, and actions that would have been unthinkable were taken for survival.

She set up a final monster in their path to stop convince them that they are on the right track. The party approached the entrance to the fortress as thousands of tentacles snapped out and captured them. Camellia watched as the final enemy in their path began to toy with its prey as it undressed the men and primed its tentacles. Teah's eyes widened, and for the first time, emotion appeared in her eyes. Even as Pistachio shifted forms, the tentacles always countered him.

Camellia sensed a presence shoot through the landscape on a broom. A massive ice crystal shot through the tentacle monster right before it would have raped Chronan.

Hovering on her broom was a tragically beautiful snow elf from the destroyed north. The staff she wielded held a bobble on its head contained the last breath of the north. An icy orb with near-endless freezing capacity. Combined with her natural ice affinity as a snow elf and her hard work in her craft, the weapon made her formidable.

In any other circumstances, she'd just gas them and call it a day. Heroes rarely fought in real battles; they weren't really soldiers, just individual fighters. While they were powerful, she could wear them down with numbers before destroying them. They seldom followed orders and didn't know the meaning of the word retreat.

"Are you sure we should do this? What if it's a trap?" Teah asked.

"Do you know how much trouble we're in for disobeying orders? If we go back, you will be sent to the breeding farms if you're lucky. We men will be brainwashed until we believe we're grown soldiers before they send us out on the front to die gloriously." Leonight said.

"He's right, Te-chan; if we turn back, we'll be silently removed. So the only way is to charge forward." Chronan said.

They found the secret door she opened for them and entered the immortal's cave of her master. "I have a bad feeling about this." Isley, the snow elf, said.

The fact the woman wasn't a breeding sow showed a weakness in religious elven control. Ideas of equality have been infused into the capital well. Some of those elves have never seen outside their utopian city's walls. Camellia grinned at the thought of lost genetics. She would take every advantage she could get.

Once they entered, the door closed behind them. Camellia watched through the parasites still within Leonight. Camellia could still use them to see out of Leonight's eyes despite the holy damage done to them.

Their group looked around at the gold-covered wall of her master's immortal cave. She wasn't sure why but he lined the place with lots of gold. There was so much in the mobile fortress that it wasn't mobile anymore. So much gold lined the interior that it couldn't move by itself anymore. Three other mobile fortresses had to drag it like a chariot.

"Is this the treasure of our people? I've never seen so much gold before. Chronan, you're from the capital. Have you ever seen anything that came close?" Leonight said.

I awoke to a raging headache as the sounds of light tiptoeing feet roared in my ears. After spending a year in secluded meditation, I had become bored. Between hours of meditation, I worked on runic arrays by copying enchantment applications I've taken pictures of in the past. With all my free time and boredom, I even reworked some rather nasty formations and began experimenting.

King, an old friend, and enemy of mine went a little off the deep end and devoured a few hundred thousand souls to turn himself into a spiritual creature. The whole battle against my friend ended in a shit show leaving a city-state ripe for an invasion from a neighboring force. Although he did go off the deep end, King did create a masterful application for gathering spiritual energy. It just so happened I had a use for it. At the low price of a mere 10,000,000G, I purchased a demon lotus seed.

As they say, the rest was history; I set up the runic arrays needed, tweaked a few runes to gather souls instead of using bodies as a spiritual super magnet, and activated it. Unfortunately, the first attempt blew up in my face, and I spent another 20,000G on an app to properly debug runes. From there, I worked on and off between my meditation breaks until I got my soul magnet right. After that, everything fell into place.

And now I had guests Camellia hadn't died; our bond had only grown stronger with time. She had even sent me 3 different A-rank skills to look over.

Cleansing Fire Omega Armor lvl1

Rain Dragon Super Ultra Armor lvl1

Thunder Judgement X lvl1

None of them were to my lightning, and the Rain Dragon Super Ultra Armor clashed with my own dragon skills. My own Root Of Black Dragons skill didn't play well with it. Since Camellia was all about the natural order, I thought about giving her these skills. I had begun relying upon other powers than my skills.

My demon blossom swayed back and forth in rage at the sounds. Anything that disrupted the screams of the hundreds of thousands of elf souls digesting in agony annoyed the plant. Snoring too loud often pissed the black flower off.

After two class breakthroughs, I had thought about calling it quits. That's when I repurposed some runes I knew that could gather souls. Then I saw on Reddit that demon lotus seeds could significantly boost cultivation rates when mixed with a few easy-to-find ingredients. But, of course, the demon lotus could only be used once and produced 7 seeds for the 7 deadly sins. So raw spiritual energy might have worked, but I had a soul-gathering array on hand.

Time moved at a different pace in each dungeon compared to the real world. This one had an almost hyperbolic time chamber time flow. So, I had time and an array that might do the trick.

Of course, I needed some start-up QI to run the array, and I only had a claim on souls I or a subordinate of mine killed. Subordinates of my subordinate also counted, so when the array formed, the souls started rolling in and screaming a lot. I expected Camellia to wrap up this conquest in a month at most, and then she drew it out for a year.

When I heard the strange pitter-patter of elf feet in my immortal's cave, I was a little annoyed.

I wasn't in any shape for company. After all, I've done nothing but meditate and toss light spears and arrows for nearly a year. The smell coming off of me wasn't pleasant. Then there was the massive flower in the room.

The lotus grew from a fist-sized sprout to a massive lotus the size of a city zoo. Of course, that wasn't my intention. But the number of souls trapped in my array had increased to nearly a million in a year. I didn't know how; there shouldn't have been that many elves. But the supply of elf souls was tens of thousands every day.

With a bit of focus, I identified and marked all five intruders as targets. Of course, killing them now would be easy, but I'd like to at least hear what they had to say. Maybe they could convince me to leave after I had already completed all my goals and the lotus was practically formed already.

Then I remembered that the souls were screaming all the time. So I wrote an array to isolate the noise to the lotus. With that done, I sat on my golden throne and waited for the elves.

"We finally meet arch conqueror, tree burner, devil, and despoiler of our lands. You're even uglier than I.." The elf turned to look at some of the souls struggling against my array. "Father, mother, sisters, but the Solare promised to take you into his light." The elf put a shaking hand on the handle of his sword. More souls gathered around the edge of the array in a desperate attempt to reach out for their relatives. "This is a trick to break my resolve; it won't work."

Camellia was good enough to inform me of their names through the party message system. I had no idea why she'd invited them here; none of them appeared powerful. Even to my strength a year ago, they were nothing.

"That's right, we're heroes of the kingdom, and no vile sorcery will turn us from our task," Leonight said.

"Mother," the youngest elf of their group said and charged for the array. There wasn't a reason to stop her; the defensive arrays could survive anything short of a nuke.

The other elves tried to stop her, but an invisible force pushed them away. Soon the little girl stood at the edge of the array and pushed against it with all her might. Waves of power radiated from her to no avail.

"They're an illusion. But, Teah, don't let this evil creature get to you." I shrugged and decided to practice some battle tactics even though I didn't have the skill.

"If you turn on them, I'll reunite you with your parents." The girl elf Teah turned to me.

"You aren't lying," Teah said. I held no allusions to turning her against her friends. Why would I have to they weren't a threat?

She turned to her group, raised a hand, and the pale blue-skinned elf started to choke. Then one of the male elves shot in my direction. The arrows stopped midair. The puppet threw himself at Teah, only for the arrows to turn and fire into him. Where the arrows struck, the puppet dissolved.

I blinked at the sudden turn of events. The group of adventurers were already turning on themselves with minimal prompting on my part. After scanning with my preternatural senses, I discovered a formation on the girl's frontal lobe that lobotomized her decision-making skills. To be blunt, her emotions were either nonexistent or on a hair-trigger. When they struck, she felt them a thousand times normal. Seeing her mother had been a major trigger.

"Teah, I thought we were friends," Pistachio said.

Teah raised a hand, and the arrows sunk in further, and the puppet's body began to rapidly disintegrate. Then, with the group's tank down and the other tank choking out the main DPS/debuff, the healer/tank struck. He ignored Teah and ran straight for me.

I had time to laugh before a light arrow appeared above my shoulder before spinning rapidly. After a year of near-constant bombardment, my Light Arrows skill had maxed out. The arrow blinked out of existence and passed through the paladin's chest plate.

"Once marked, my arrows can travel at light speed to hit their target," I said and formed two more light arrows. With the healer down, they weren't getting back up. The moment they entered, they should have checked for debuffs and acted accordingly. Instead, where my Light Arrow struck, a black tar-like substance seeped down the high elf's armor. The curse had already taken effect, and healing him would be next to impossible.

An amulet around his neck glowed with an ominous yellow light as starlight infused the elf's body. The ice suddenly erupted, freezing Teah in a block of ice.

"I'm sorry, Teah, but I'll have to unfreeze you after we end this war. Leonight get Pistachio out of here and don't look back."

The snow elf glowed with a distinctly dragon power that radiated ice. She screamed as white armor appeared around her body, forming a suit of balance breaker armor. The white and blue armor gleamed with a formidable light. It was enough to make me pay them some attention.

The male elf was swallowed by the fiery force of his medallion; it formed a hole in his chest where a tiny star grew. Orange and gold armor spread across the elf's chest, and the heat within the chamber increased. He possessed a scarce drop, an S rank skill called Starlight Oversoul Burst. From what Reddit said, only 15 users in at least 5 billion have received the drop. I had drop rate increase armor on from this dimension which increased the drop rate more. My chances of a drop were around 0.01951%, so nearly 2 in 10,000 drops.

I'd have to thank Camellia and do something nice for her. The other armor was just an A rank drop called White Dragon Envy Drive. A powerful evil dragon skill of the A rank, to be sure, but nothing compared to the Starlight Oversoul Burst skill. If I possessed, it then all my Star Dust Crusader perk would take effect.

Star Dust Crusader – Light Skills Gain x10 XP and +100% L DMG multiplier per active light, starlight, holy, stardust, nebula, and cosmic skills.

Like my Light Mastery skill, Starlight Oversoul Burst could be stacked and would feed into the multiplier. But light with all things, there was a weakness to the skill. Using it lowered L RES and upped L DRN; in other words, it allowed the user to turn L DMG into health. Usually, that would seem like an excellent feature.

I fired off hundreds of Light Arrows at the snow elf, watched Chronan react at near light speed, and use himself as a shield. Had he not been aware of my tactics the last time, or did he think himself immune to debuffs? While his increased stats did lessen the effects of Curse, they hadn't removed the affliction. No debuff removal spells had been cast, and the new armor didn't have any protection against light. I noted that if I had simply applied a curse, it wouldn't have taken effect.

Chronan took a step forward. "Are you embarrassed that the tables turned so quickly? With a few words, you turned our friend against us, and now words don't matter. Even your magic, no matter how powerful, can't surpass the will of the gods. It's over for you." Chronan yelled and took a second step forward, and fell flat on his face.

My arrows hadn't stopped. Hundreds of them ripped through the snow elf, Isley. She didn't share the drain ability with her companion, and the light arrows never slowed down. Unfortunately, neither elf dropped what I wanted, so this fight was a waste of time. Their souls joined the others, and the Demon Lotus reached the end of its life cycle. I shot an ice arrow through Teah's head, and she quickly joined her parents whaling in the Soul Containment App. Black roots from the Demon lotus stretched out and fed upon the elven souls.

After that, I hit teleportation. Camellia showed up, and I stored the Demon Lotus seeds in my inventory for later. They would be vital for the future of my cultivation. "Did you like my gift, master?" Camellia asked.

"It was very sweet of you. We've spent enough time here, and I've long since completed my order." I said.

"Your order, do you work for someone even more powerful? Do I have other peers you haven't seen fit to introduce me to?" Camellia said.

"No, I came here to make some chairs for a customer of mine. In exchange, they are going to manage a rather embarrassing problem of mine." I said.

"Master, you've tripled in power since the last time I saw you. If something can inconvenience you, then it would destroy me." Camellia said.

"There are laws that I must obey to live a quiet life. When those like me grow in power, it's important to live at least a single normal lifetime to give our minds time to acclimatize to the new power. Do you understand?" I asked.

Camellia nodded her head. "Yes, Master," somehow, I was sure it went through one ear and out the other.


When Red returned with a war goddess in tow, she contemplated calling her sister. Serafall was a lot of things, but weak wasn't one of them. Her sister could turn the entire underworld into a frozen wasteland at any time she felt like it. It wouldn't be impossible for her to kick out a random goddess. Only the goddess didn't act like a goddess; she acted like a servant to an all-powerful master.

Red flew in without wings or any dragon characteristics on display. Magic detectors went off one after the other, screaming extreme power. It wasn't the goddess; it was Red. Somehow, he'd tripled his power, and that complicated thing. Already a tricky situation became even more difficult. Not even dragons should be able to triple their power in a day.

Most creatures only gained strength after years of practice, yet he was this strong after a day. The goddess herself looked around as if the entire world was new to her.

Sona pushed her glasses up higher on her face. Nothing made sense even a child of The Great Red should follow some laws of this dimension. Human growth couldn't attribute to it either. She could have been wrong about his strength before and only scanned a portion, but it was so much stronger now. The awakening of a sacred gear might make sense. A dragon with a sacred gear would be completely unstoppable, especially if it was Loginas class.

After an hour of preparing her clothes, she stepped out to go visit the dragon. While the old adage don't poke a sleeping dragon was true, in this case, she hoped to gage him while he was wide awake. Indeed, he didn't think bringing a goddess here was ok or did he even consider it. Dragons didn't think like humans or devils; to them, a goddess might not be that different from a devil or angel.

"Wait, Sona sama, take me with you?" Tsubaki said. Sona quickly calculated the advantages and disadvantages of having her queen accompany her. If she brought too many peerage members, it might be considered, an attack but too little could prove dangerous. On the other hand, Tsubaki's sacred gear might be the ace in the hole she needed if this confrontation turned Tsubaki would be her reverse of reverse.

She couldn't know what powers the goddess might have, but Sona felt a sense of nature. Perhaps the goddess was merely a powerful nature spirit. That could mean many things, including a lack of knowledge of treaties. If that were the case and no one saw a reason to tell Red anything about the treaties, then all of this would make sense.

They took a cab to the apartment and knocked on the front door. After checking the time, it was concluded that Red wouldn't go to his usual spot for a few more hours. When the door opened, she noticed first Red's lack of illusion and his damp beard. No jewelry covered it, and the look in his eyes were relaxed. He clearly wasn't looking for a fight and seemed positively passive.

"Good afternoon Ms. Sitri. May I ask what a high school girl is doing at my home at this time of night?" Red asked.

Sona remained quiet while Tsubaki fidgeted beside her. The dragon's size, the weight of his power, and the sheer immensity of his presence practically demanded respect. By speaking up and making demands at his door, they would place themselves in danger. Even hinting that he'd done something wrong could cause problems. No, they needed to deescalate before any escalation ever began.

"Sir, you brought a foreign goddess into our territory without informing the kings of your intentions. You've shown a willingness to work with us in the past; it's protocol to inform a territory." Tsubaki said before Sona could stop her.

The dragon narrowed his eyes, and Sona thought for sure it was going to be a fight. "Why didn't Rias inform me of this rule? It sounds important?" Red asked.

Sona resisted the urge to sigh. Not only could she toss all blame on Rias, but she could also maintain the honor of her kingship. After she spanked Tusbaki later, she'd tell the woman she did a good job.

"She must have assumed you already knew its common knowledge among devils. Please may we come inside?" Sona asked.

As a rule, always ask a dragon before entering their lair. While the outside may be her territory, a dragon owned their lair no matter where it may be. Wars have been fought for less.

"Of course, Camellia will put some tea on, Earl Grey," Red asked.

He sounded almost civilized for a living, breathing disaster waiting to happen. The goddess in question moved at inhuman speeds preparing their tea before presenting it to them. At times she paused only to adjust her methods as if she were taking orders from an invisible voice.

Sona focused on her tea while the dragon glanced at both of them. "I don't get why you're doing this. Why not simply take their territory? Neither of them can stop you." The woman said.

"Dragons and arrogance go hand and hand as well as the consequences. The heavenly kings were all made into sacred gears, the evil dragons were sealed, and the God of the bible," Sona winced at the word. "Hated us enough to create a poison designed to kill us." The dragon raised an eyebrow. "Am I wrong?"

Sona frowned; this dragon had the sense to hold back and assess the situation. She was sure other dragons might even call it weakness, but he seemed sure of himself.

"To that end, I'd like to give you a gift, and in exchange, please excuse me for this breach of etiquette," Red said.

From a ripple in space, the dragon pulled free a glowing ball of blue light. She hadn't ever felt anything like it. The object resembled a sacred gear, but it wasn't. Sona sensed dragon and water from the ball in powerful waves. But there were elements of air and magic energy flowing from the object in waves.

Red held his hand out and offered it to her.

"What is it?" Tsubaki asked for her. "My king can't accept anything stolen from another pantheon."

"It doesn't belong to any realm, and it's incompatible with my power. Take it for yourself or give it to one of your subordinates. The Rain Dragon Super Ultra Armor is powerful, but it isn't the strongest power I've come across." Red said.

Sona couldn't begin to understand what Red considered powerful. He implied that if it weren't incompatible, whatever that meant, he'd use it. So she could extrapolate that it was strong enough to improve an already strong dragon's power. But there was a compatibility issue, one he believed she wouldn't have most likely due to her Sitri heritage. Did that mean he knew about it or were there other factors at play?

"Could a normal human use this power?" Sona asked.

"Of course, if you don't already have a number of powers adding a power isn't the issue. Once mastered, anyone who uses that power will add the equivalent of a powerful dragon onto their strength." Red said.

It was an addition, not multiplication, but adding a dragon's worth of power onto her own reserves would be beyond valuable. Mastering such a power would take time, so it wasn't an instant power-up.

"What's the catch?" Tsubaki asked.

Sona wanted to thank her queen for asking a question she hadn't dared ask. "Don't be rude, Tsubaki; it's a gift." She mentally added ten licks of the paddle to Tsubaki's rear later and ice cream later to make up for it.

"Until the power is mastered, the user will have the urge to act like a rain dragon," Red said.

That could be a problem for anyone. Red offered an incredible power that could become a double-edged sword. Sona was a devil and knew better than to accept a deal that sounded too good to be true. But this was a gift with no strings attached and a warning given freely. Could she afford to disregard it? If she added a powerful rain dragon's power to her own, then she could reach her sister's level much sooner. But there were weaknesses to such a power Red wasn't wrong about dragon's bane.

"How can I activate it?" Sona asked.

"Grab ahold of it, and if you truly want it, the power will become a part of you," Red said.

Sona stared at the seemingly innocent blue orb glowing midair. So if she wanted it, then whether consciously or not, it would merge with her. That was insidious, and since the gift was offered, she had to take it. On the other hand, commanding Tsubaki to take it could cause her to merge with it instead. She didn't want her queen to pay a price she wasn't willing to pay.

It was odd she was a devil, but Red appeared now as the devil. A powerful being of darkness offering power and explaining the price clearly. He gave a choice that was never really a choice. To take power was instinctual for devils.

Sona took hold of the blue orb, and it vanished. A warm feeling enveloped her body, and she felt an awakening. Knowledge she hadn't considered opened up to her, and her control over water increased by leaps and bounds. She could command the rain and gather power from the sky. Combined with her Sitri bloodline, her strength would be formidable. But that wasn't her greatest concern.

There was a connection formed between Red and Sona that would bring them together more often. Then, just as the feeling came and she became sure their destines would intertwine, the feeling vanished. Instead, she felt safe as if she were under her sister's protection. She turned her head and glanced at the jewels and piles of gold coins scattered on the ground. Instead of feeling that it was gaudy, she felt impressed.

The alien feeling of admiration for a lair with so much wealth filled her with deference. Red looked less like a problem and more like a successful older man. An uncontrollable urge to walk over and play in the gold spread through her body and made her feel entirely uncomfortable.

She had just realized her room didn't have any gold in it, only posters of her sister's magical girl antics. So the thought of going to such a drab gold-less place felt entirely unappealing.

Tsubaki shook her shoulder, and Sona snapped out of it. All of those alien desires she suddenly felt hadn't gone away, but Sona managed them. She pushed up her glasses until the lenses flared.

"I apologize; the power's downsides are more powerful than I thought. What is the item called? Is it a type of sacred gear?" Sona asked.

Yes, it was rude to ask if Red had yanked the sacred gear out of some human to give to her. But she needed to distract herself, or she'd dive into a gold pile.

"It's called a skill, and the one I gave you was quite rare," Red said.

"One of three I found for you, master. Were none of them compatible?" The goddess asked.

"Yes, one was, but its price was too steep. It would fit you better with a good water type skill." Red said.

"Like the one you just gave the child." The goddess said.

"No, that one was incompatible. You need a water-type skill unaffiliated with dragons. We'll go to Lake Baikal in Siberia and see if we can't find a powerful water skill for you." Red said.

"What pantheon do you serve, goddess?" Sona asked.

Tsubaki's mouth opened wide.

"Ah, you're finally being direct. Well, devil, I'm in no one's service other than my master. Can you say the same you might be King of this territory, but you're hardly a powerful devil? I could swat you like a fly." The goddess said.

Sona felt magic energy build up around the goddess, and it felt like a water-thirsty forest. She could feel the humidity in the air quickly decline. Instead of panicking, Sona called on her new power, and fortunately, it was already partly cloudy. In moments rain began to fall.

"If either of you thinks you're fighting in my apartment, you have another thing coming," Red said. The elder dragon's aura shifted, and she felt a colossal presence shift. Then, on instinct, she reined in her own magical power at the same time as the goddess. It had happened so fast she hadn't realized she'd withdrawn her power until she was meekly back in her seat. This power would take time to get a handle on.

"I apologize we didn't come here to fight. However, if you need to bring any other supernatural creature into our territory, please call Rias or me." She downed her now cold tea and stood up with Tsubaki, who had activated her sacred gear. They were definitely having ice cream after discipline.

After making their excuses, they made their way out.

"Sona sempai, do the Maos know about him?" Tsubaki asked.

"I've made my report, and they've decided to take a wait and see approach. A dragon that isn't causing problems isn't something to worry about. He even interacts with normal humans daily. So it would be a waste of resources to watch a dragon nap and play video games." Sona said.

She watched Tsubaki shiver and wanted to feel empathy for her but couldn't. When she felt Red's power less than an hour before, she had felt an overbearing force. From him, she had felt the promise of might and unending ruin if she fought him. Now she felt oddly at peace, even comfortable so close to the might of such a powerful dragon. The instincts she'd been warned about were acting up, and she couldn't find it in herself to care. She was still a devil but also a dragon now. It was a weird sensation.

"He's dangerous if the wrong person disrespects him, he could destroy the city," Tsubaki said.

Sona turned to her queen and gripped her shoulders. "Tsubaki, nearly any high-class devil could wipe Japan off the map if they felt like it. My sister could literally flood the world, and the humans would think it was global warming. Ever since the Phoenix family thought it would be hilarious to melt the polar ice caps with a little phoenix flame." Tsubaki's mouth opened wide. "It's not important. Don't think about it, and you'll be fine." Sona said.


I hadn't expected her to just take the skill. Yes, it was convenient to hand off a powerful skill to one of the protags of this world. Sona didn't play too big of a role, but it was convenient. A protag more powerful than in series promised to have an easier time. If they had an easier time, that meant fewer headaches for me. Yea, I could punch Kokabiel to death and pluck Riser. But why would I fight them? This was my vacation.

My phone suddenly rang, and another knock at my door revealed a very flustered Rias. She yanked me out of my own apartment the second the door opened.

"Red, we have to go. Did you finish up the furniture? Mom is excited about some local chairs. Um, I may have made a typo with the order. You got that right I ordered 72 and not 720." Rias said.

My eye twitched, and I knew for sure that Rias was going to be trouble. I might have even given her a skill like Thunder Judgement to give to her Akeno but not anymore. It took me so much time to carve those chairs that I could have spent cultivating. If not for that typo, I'd nearly be ready to break into the next realm.

"You're getting 720 and a massive table, and if the room isn't big enough, then you can tear down some walls. I cut down a forest for your order. The least you can do is make use of it." I said.

"Sorry, you're right, we'll find a room for the table and chairs. How did you make the order?" Rias asked.

"Have you ever heard of dragon ball Z?" I asked.

"You have a hyperbolic time chamber. Is that where you go all the time?" Rias asked. "That's so cool. Could I take my peerage there?" Rias asked.

"It's in Iceland and another time. Let's get this over with. Is there anything I should know before we meet your mother?" I asked.

"Please don't have sex with her; she likes to seduce young artisans; it's like her hobby," Rias said.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. Of course.

Nickname Red

Class: Cultivator lvl1/10

Realm: QI Condensation lvl6/9


135% of QI added to all physical Parameters.

Years Of Cultivation to the next stage: 200 years

Perks: Dragon Lord, Destroyer, Milestone, Tempered, Ultimate Dragon Power, Living Fortress, Bullet Sponge, Cangdi's Blessed Roots, Haunted, Light's Shadow, Star Dust Crusader, Light Speed, Solar Congruence, Multitargeting, Fine Control, Exceptional Quality, Youthful Spirit, and Spreading Curse

STR 265 (3,975) 107,128.5

CON 804 (8,040) 111,193.5

DEX 956 (11,472) 114,625.5

AGL 155 (1,550) 104,703.5

QI 7641 (76,410)

PER 95 (950) 104,103.5

MAG 355 (3,550)View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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