

She walked to her lesson, deep in thought. The new spell that her teacher told her to master was devastating in its power. She considered herself wise enough to understand that the perils of working on it without oversight far outweighed her own giddiness and desire to master such power. Still, the old crone definitely should have warned her about the possible outcome. If she was looking just a tiny bit less away…

Her fingers clenched into fists.

It would be prudent for the teacher to receive the lashes instead it seemed. Anaise knew that murks were resistant to the direct Flow, but their fragile bodies would easily crumble from secondary effects. There was a reason why war-mages had trained a very particular set of skills. One would injure more with a flying boulder or a ball of fire compared to an impact or inflame spell.

She also had absolutely no intention to figure out which category the new spell belonged to, especially by using Erf as a target.

Worst of all, he would likely die from either of these effects. Murks were resistant but not immune and something like that would just result in a difference between quick and painless or slow and painful death.

Perhaps a harsher punishment would be required. Her teacher was of Kiymetl descent so execution was out of the question, but some bloodletting would not be. She was sure that her mother would find her decision acceptable, or even order a much harsher one herself. They had fields outside of the city for this type of homework! Moreover, there were plenty of lower rank wermages eager to teach the Lady of the House. Even within their own household. There weren't many slaves around that could stir so much gossip around Aikerim's Manor in a matter of days.

And have such an exquisite touch of his fingers. And timbre of his voice.

A shiver ran up her spine as she remembered the silver of his eyes. Anaise found herself enjoying his gaze lately. It was…different. He didn't look at her like other slaves, nor her own family members. Her lectures on poise and politics have been most illuminating yet disheartening. She knew how to read the gazes of others by now. Unfortunately, most saw her as a mistress to fear or a Lady of the House to flatter. While the ones in power saw the young wermage, still unfit for her status.

His eyes reminded her of the playmates she had in the past. Back when her mother was just a fifth daughter of the Pillar Manor. Back when she was just another daughter of the Kiymetl. Now her mother was a Domina of her own Manor and she became the Lady of the House. And all the eyes that looked at her and saw Anaise disappeared. Replaced by the eyes that looked up to her status. Either by their own volition or by the encouragement of their mothers.

Until now.

When he looked at her yesterday there was something else inside his eyes. Something more. Not greed but thirst. Not for her status but for herself. And she found herself elated knowing that. The murk that made her grand-uncle listen quietly while he talked. The one her mother valued enough to consider building him an entire estate. And yet he looked at her. Not her mother, not even that greedy werdrake of Shebet with obscenely large horns. Her.

She liked that very much.

A hint of a smile came and went away. She had other things to deal with. Planning for her bath will have to wait for now.

Her teacher watched her storm into the room, "Anger, huh. An unusual emotion, especially for you. I would have told you to rein in your feelings but Dominas-to-be require steel in their hands."

Anaise's eye twitched.

"As long as you do not let it overwhelm you either," Her teacher immediately sniffed.

"Explain," She immediately demanded, mentally counting to herself the tally of transgressions. Allowing her teacher to gather the necessary firewood for her own pyre. It was a useful trick her mother taught her: show too much of your ire at them and they will cower and scamper away, quickly hiding their wrongdoings. Let them talk and they will tell you more by themselves.

"I believe you have realized it yourself," The crone shook her head, "You might be a wermage and the young Lady of the House. But that is nothing for the Flow. Some things will always be out of your grasp."

Anaise blinked.

"Do not look so confused, child. Our magic is powerful but we are no Gods and you should always know that. That is why each Manor has a Purpose. To Fight and to Shield." Her fingers brushed over the symbol of scales on her sash, "To Trade and to Serve. Without us working as one whole, the Emanai would cease to be. Swallowed by ravenous beasts and rapacious neighbours. Use that anger to serve our Gods and our Land. And know that Flow is but their gift. Take from its plenty but know your place."

Anaise looked quietly at her teacher for quite some time. Ruminating at the emotions bubbling within. Pondering.

She lowered her head in a slight bow, "Thank you, wise teacher. I shall commit this to my memory."

"See that you will," She sniffed, turning back to her usual droning voice of an upcoming lecture, "You should learn to recognize the signs of impossible spells-"

Anaise stopped listening, stuck deep inside her mind. Her usual lectures were rarely useful enough to pay full attention to, the crone spoke verbatim from the codices. Today's lecture was just plain wrong. And Anaise had other things to worry about rather than taking notes of how the hole in the wall was just a product of her vivid imagination according to the dusty codices.

She did it. Somehow she did the impossible.

And now she was going to be quiet about it. She wasn't like her brothers, nor like her second father. They were males and their loud and boisterous behaviour was expected. Anaise prized herself as a true daughter of her father and her mother. And she knew the value of patience and cunning. A hidden blade could be revealed at any time. A visible one was always known.

She would need to visit her grand-uncle. Perhaps as soon as this lecture would be over.


Now that she was officially his student, Anaise didn't need Erf to enter Virnan's chambers. She also needed to be very careful with what she would say and having both of them in the same room would be a recipe for disaster. Anaise needed answers without getting uncomfortable questions in return. She also didn't feel like trying to pry Virnan's fingers from Erf's neck yet another time.

Speaking of Erf, she should…include his lessons in her Flow training as quickly as possible. It was almost as if his mere presence alone was enough for her to progress at a breakneck pace. Anaise idly wondered if that is how her mother felt when he gave her yet another invention of his. She could understand their importance, but this Manor was not yet hers and the feeling was more muted.

Her magic, however, was.

With a tiny smirk on her face, she picked up her wax tablet. Perhaps she will have him 'solve' more of these impossible spells.


"I am coming with you."

I slowly turned my head to the chest beside my face, "Um."

"You heard me," The owner of the chest crossed her arms, pushing it even further up, "I have no desire to learn about you being lost again. Especially by overhearing guards running all over the Manor."

In the periphery of my vision, Yeva nodded along. It appears the decision had been decided without my involvement.

I frowned, "Who is going to watch the workshops?"

"I will," Yeva interjected, patting some girl standing beside her. Most likely one of the younger slaves working with glass or soap, "Just because I am blind doesn't mean I am alone or helpless. A simple guide is all I need. Besides, Most of the work today would be recovery anyways."

Well, she was right about that. We have pushed the furnaces to their limits and beyond, getting that heat to the levels where it would turn glass fully liquid. Without access to pure oxygen and fuel, our designs were extremely inefficient and melted not only the products but everything else as well. Which meant that today would be spent mostly on salvaging the leftovers.

Granted that was the experimental furnace we have built to make the float glass. Which meant that other furnaces were still operational. However, these didn't require significant oversight anymore. The process was simple and repetitive and was quickly grasped by everyone a long time ago.

The fact that everyone was sufficiently motivated with monetary compensation meant that Irje wasn't as necessary anymore to watch them like a hawk, nor we were planning on spending an entire day out in the city either. Even if they all walked out while we were gone nothing critical would happen anyway. The most important products, the sheets of glass, were safely cooled down overnight and stored away from prying eyes.


I glanced behind me and sighed. Viter and a dozen or so guards stood waiting for our decision. And somehow I felt that all that horde would be unable to sway Irje, once she had come up with a decision.

"As you wish," I nodded, chuckling as I received an affectionate pat on the head in return. It wasn't really a big deal anyway, I was merely surprised by her sudden decision.

But deep inside I've understood her worry. If one of them had an altercation in the city the day before I would be likely ill at ease myself to let them out on the next day. With guards or not. The fact that she simply requested to come, instead of stopping me from leaving, told me that she at least took my plans into consideration.

"I will show you a proper place where you can get the toys."

Or not.

My shattered opinions aside, our group had quickly organized itself and set out to the entrance. Viter was following me with a quiet determination while the rest of the bodyguards had plenty of experience with these types of events. Sulla was also around, most likely being the one who organized the group of guards in the first place.

I've spent some time talking to him too, mostly to familiarize myself with the intricacies of leading a small army or burly men around. But he had shown himself with a cunning mind too. Which I came to be reminded of once again.

"You need potters," He harrumphed in his usual no-nonsense voice.


"You are looking for artisans to work with soft material, right? Someone who can work with soft clay would be quicker to pick up new skills than if they need to learn from scratch."

"You are correct," I mulled the new idea in my head, my mind aflame with possibilities, "You should definitely tell that to Domina. They could make the moulds too…no I need a smith for that. Not a blacksmith but one that works with delicate shapes. Brass or bronze at least but not gold - would be too expensive."

I turned to him fully, "Tell Domina of your idea, and that I would require a few potters and one good smith. Smith is very important."

He opened his mouth to respond but yet another voice interrupted our conversation.

"Erf? Are you leaving as well?"

"Lady of the House," we both turned and bowed, while I continued, "Indeed, I still have to pick up a few more products today."

Burly slaves brought her litter over as she lounged within. Ready for her own trip into the city.

"Well," She glanced over at the horde I have accumulated, "At least you are sensible enough this time around. Don't dally, however, my mother would like to talk with you in the afternoon."

She glanced at Sulla, who quickly bowed away and left.

"Should I report to her as soon as I am back?" I asked.

"No," She shook her head letting her locks spread over her lounging pillow, "You will be informed when she is ready for you. Or she might even visit the alchemy lab herself."

"Is it about the hole in the wall?" I guessed.

"Wha-No!" She hissed as her cheeks matched her hair, "About your work, you dunce! So make sure you are ready for her, and cover it up properly."

"Of course, Anaise."

"Good," She sighed as her tail jumped into her hands, "Make sure you have more of that conditioner of yours, my hair is starting to get duller. We will discuss my Flow lessons then... And bring the other t-thing you were talking about."

I smiled with a slight bow, "It will be done, Anaise."

"Off you go, then," She allowed as her tail dragged itself across her kaftan, pulling it slightly askew, only to brush my cheek with its tip.

She languidly stretched, "Get your tasks done for I would expect your undivided attention this afternoon."

Her clothes stretched with her movements and I did a double-take seeing a glimpse of pink within the fabric.

Did she?

Her eyes looked at me, full of mirth, a light giggle on her lips.

She did.

I stood there dumbstruck as she waved to her carriers to take her away. Watching her disappear past the gates. What did I get myself into? A sinking feeling in my stomach. I felt like I was sliding down a slippery slope into quite a dangerous future. And all my actions so far have only sped up my impending demise.

"Erf." Two strong hands grabbed my shoulders from behind.

I jolted awake, "Yes Irje?"

"Why is the Lady of the House is trying to seduce you?"

I felt the fingers slowly digging in.

I placed a hand on hers, "I am sorry Irje. I know you told me to, but I should have stood my ground back then."

She huffed, "Don't be. It is I who should have expected this. Especially from someone like you. And I still think that she is your best option."

"In liking you, she will keep you safe from other wermages, either due to her affection or jealousy," Yeva spoke as she approached us too, "That Censor is probably just the beginning of your future troubles. And she would be crucial in keeping us safe. We just hope that she won't decide to take you all for herself."

"I really wish it would not come down to that. It might be selfish of me but I have no desire of letting you go, nor do I wish to use her for her status only to throw her away afterwards. If I would even survive that."

"I don't think that would come to that," Irje intervened, "Besides, wermages tend to have their own cadre of companion slaves whether they are married or not."

She smirked, "You will have to have us like them in that case."

I frowned, "I don't believe that my sadaq should be like that."

"We know," Yeva touched me gently, "You know. She doesn't. But that only means it will take her some time to understand and get used to it. That is all. Treat it just like you are treating the seals you are picking up for us. They aren't for you or us. They are for others not to ask questions or issue demands."

She smiled gently, "Remember Erf, you are dealing with beings of immense strength and influence. You aren't ready to face them head-on. Use the soft touch as you were all this time. It doesn't matter how they call us or what they think of us. What matters is how we feel among ourselves."

"Thank you Yeva, We should have such conversations more often. If only to make sure that we are both in agreement since such decisions can only be taken together."

"Right," Irje glanced around, "This is important and we should talk about this more, but we should do it in the afternoon."

"Besides, if you really want to look, you could just ask," She smirked as she pulled her tunic sideways, giving me a generous view of her sideboob.

My hand met my face with a resounding slap.


As I predicted, no one tried to bother us today. It was hard to tell, however, whether that was due to the lack of prepared plans or due to the horde of people following me.

In fact, the only unwelcome attention I received was when I got dragged in to see the 'artisan' that Irje felt to be 'adequate'. I stood there contemplating whether I should accept Irje's shenanigans in stride or crawl into a corner while two women loudly discussed the dimensions of my package. I did put my foot down when she suggested that I should show my junk for a proper reference, however.

Only to hear raucous laughter in turn.

But even that ordeal had come to pass. Forgotten by the new emotions.

My hand gently caressed the sleek body of the guitar. It was finished, but not yet complete. I still had to install the fret wires and the strings themselves.

Just like their counting system, Emanai musical instruments used a rather archaic system. Just five tones with the sixth having the double of the first frequency - an octave. And that was for a good reason. These were the ones that sounded the best together. The simplest fractions that our mind had picked up as most melodious.

But a single pentatonic scale was not enough for me. I didn't want just happy, easy notes. I wanted them to cry. I wanted my music to have sad and eerie undertones. I needed twelve tones instead of five - chromatic instead of pentatonic. And that meant I had to either spend days explaining the new system to the artisan or a few hours at most, finalizing the fretboard myself.

I also heeded the half-advice and half-warning of Aikerim. Stirring up even more commotion by giving away knowledge for free was not in my plans today.

I couldn't stop smiling for yet another reason. The look of pleasure on Irje's face as she caressed her medallion. A large silver tree covering the familiar scales. Its meaning clear: she was a part of Kiymetl but not directly beholden to it anymore. Another one just like that was safely inside my pouch.

For Yeva.

A tree. A symbol of freedom and power. Knowledge and drive. I initially suggested that we should make a design together but I was instantly shut down and told to think about their desires for a moment. For they desired something of mine. Despite what Yeva said, these medallions were different for them, a symbol of ownership turned into an amulet of promise.

I also offered to make them out of gold and put gems inside. I had been shut down once again. The Golden Gestr on my neck was sacred. Golden medallions on theirs were dangerous. Not only it would attract some greedy hands, for it alone might pay for someone's freedom. But they will be noticed more just like I was whenever the Gestr shone outside.

We crossed the gates and I waved the bored guards off, leaving only me, Irje, and quiet and determined Viter. I set my feet toward my home first to leave the guitar. But the sounds of a commotion made me frown. And then - speed up my pace as much as I could.

One of the voices belonged to Yeva.

I rushed into the opening in front of my house only to see Yeva surrounded by a crowd of red ears and tails. Her guide nowhere to be seen. She stood her ground but I could sense how stressed she was already.

One of the werfoxes turned his head at our arrival and said something. One by one they turned to face us instead. A familiar face among the crowd. Amalric. The recently arrived brother of Anaise.

What the hell did he want? Especially from Yeva?

My hand clenched on the pouch. I tried to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach hoping I was fast enough.

"So here you are, slave," He murmured walking slowly to me.

Suddenly finding herself ignored, Yeva quietly moved around and joined our side, staying close to Irje. I sighed and passed the guitar to Viter.

The good news was that he wasn't interested in Yeva.

The bad news was that he was extremely interested in me. And not in a good way, based on his haughty looks.

Great. Just great. Like I didn't have enough on my shoulders already.

I didn't say that, obviously. Instead, I bowed slightly to the delegation in front of me.

"How can I help the Young master?"

 Chapter 37 And The Significance of Braids

Wisher Beware by Snusmumriken

 3.2k  59  105


"I leave my home for a year and I come back to chaos." Amalric murmured as he slowly walked back and forth in front of me, talking to himself, "And every time I try to make sense of things I always end up hearing your name, murk."

His entourage spread out a fair distance away, silently watching all of us and scaring away any passers-by. Groupies all of them. Close enough to provide him support and protection, but far enough not to interfere with his speech.

Amalric's eyes glanced at our group, "Leave us. Now."

So that is why the others were so far away. Looks like he wanted a private conversation.

I heard the shuffle behind me. Looking back, the girls only moved closer to me. Even Viter didn't move as much, choosing to shoot me a careful look instead.

"Please," I said, passing the pouch to Yeva, "Do as the Young Master said."

A quiet whisper between us and Irje nodded, pulling Yeva along. A quick glance at Viter and he had done the same.

Leaving me alone with the frowning Amalric.

"And now my mother's slaves listen to you instead?"

"It was Domina's own will. They were either sold or given to me so that they can help me in my tasks."

"They might be yours, but remember that you belong to Kiymetl."

I silently bowed in agreement, denying him of a potential continuation of the argument. Acknowledging that he was my master could likely result in him easily demanding something out of me on the spot. While specifying that it was his mother that owned me could lead to needless posturing. Surrounded by his cohort, Amalric would be unlikely to take kindly to any statements undermining his authority.

"Tell me, murk. Where did you come from and what have you done to earn my mother's trust? I have heard the rumours in the Manor. It has been less than five tendays since you've arrived and yet you are now a common sight within my mother's meeting rooms." He pressed on.

"I was bought as a work slave for the washing pits. In her boundless wisdom, Domina has noticed my aptitude in alchemy as I worked there, and then - my skills at math. She had sent me to meet Virnan Shah himself so he could observe me." I conveniently skipped my origin story trying to distract him with the golden bauble on my neck, "Having tested my ability, he gave me this."

He squinted at the Gestr and I could feel it vibrating in my hand. A string of runes shining through.

Amalric harrumphed but didn't challenge my statement. Whatever that was, it apparently worked as some sort of identification, most likely confirming its authenticity.

"Do you know what I think as I look at you?"

"Young Master?"

A hand lashed out with a supernatural speed, aiming for my throat. I barely had the time to insert a finger around the carotid artery as his hand grabbed my neck like a vice, nearly crushing my windpipe in the process. Bastard meant business. Luckily for me, I had secured the blood flow to my brain. In the meantime, my throat muscles started to rapidly readjust themselves in order to allow fresh air in again.

"I see a liar," He murmured into my face as he lifted me from the ground. He wasn`t as tall as his father, but taller than Aikerim and me. "Do you really think that I would believe some smelly farm slave managing to impress the Wise Fox of Kiymetl himself? How do you even know what math is."

"Some say that math is discovered, and not just invented," I made a realistic sound of wheezing, "It is all around us, we just have to notice."

"And some say nothing but farts into the air. A murk like you discovering anything my Grand-uncle hasn't seen before?"

"An ant crawling on the ground sees the world differently than a hawk soaring in the skies." I kept croaking my poetic garbage.

Of all the people to pick up on my spectacular rise in the ranks, why did it have to be him? I guess I grew complacent after every other wermage took my knowledge for granted and, most importantly, never bothered to ask me uncomfortable questions. And now the lovestruck fool was demanding reasonable answers that I was not prepared to give. Especially to him. Even putting the sneaky snake business aside, Aikerim would be absolutely livid if I divulged my story to him first while keeping her ignorant.

"You sing like a bird," Amalric smirked, "I wonder how pathetic you will sound when you find out that we have a Gift exactly to weed out the likes of you."

"The Orb of Truth?" I asked incredulously, holding back my own grin as I saw the look of dismay on his face, "Domina has been testing me with it since our first meeting. Just like you, she had made sure that I would not be here to undermine Kiymetl."

Amalric growled and threw me to the floor, his foot landing on my chest. "And yet you caused havoc yesterday! An important meeting had been postponed because you chose to stroll across Samat!"

"I was out by orders of Domina herself when I was assaulted on the streets. The rest was Domina reacting to me being potentially kidnapped or even killed." I 'coughed'.

He paled briefly as he quickly took his foot away from my body.

I chose not to move, continuing my play of a fragile murk. Less hassle that way. He put himself in this position and I let him simmer in it as I 'recovered' my breathing. The message was clear to both of us, his mother wouldn't take it lightly if he continued this interrogation. Not only that, but by staying down I prevented him from feeling challenged and thus retaliating out of spite. And now reason wouldn't let him take that path. He could either help me get up and apologize or…

"Consider yourself lucky," He spat, stepping away from me, "Do not speak about this to anyone, but know that I will be watching you. And I will make sure to keep my Manor safe from your kind."

…Or he would withdraw and leave me alone. Just like that.

I slowly sat up from my lying position. Amalric group have disappeared and I was alone on the pathway with only some faraway gawkers. Curious about what was going on but unwilling to come closer and intrude on the Young Master performing local 'justice'.

It was a good thing that I told the girls and Viter to head home. It would have been much harder to handle this if they tried to intervene, or he would try to get at me through them. The question is why did he bother to seek me out now? He could have easily found me yesterday if he looked. This means he decided to look for me today. But why?

I started to carefully dust myself off and fix my hair. Apart from rowdy Young Masters, I had horny Big Cougars to worry about. And I knew that she would raise a fuss if I came home looking beat up. Most likely demand me to seduce some other wermage or something.

An unconscious shudder ran down my spine as I imagined Irje telling me to seduce Amalric himself.

"Are you alright?" A soft melodious voice interrupted my nightmare.

I jolted only to jump up and try to dust myself off as quickly as possible. "Lady Shahin Esca! It is nice to meet you, er… May the warmth never leave your house!"

Amalric, you horny bastard! How gullible can you get? 'Keeping my Manor safe' my ass!

"And may the warmth never leave your breath," The eyes crinkled with a hidden smile, "You know of our customs, do you hail from Yusuf yourself?"

"I've never been farther than a tenday walk away from Samat. But I remembered the greeting my mistress used when she met you for the first time." I spoke as I carefully picked my words.

She obviously knew her way around conversations, or she would not be an envoy, especially with such a small escort. Shahin was most likely the one who pointed Amalric in my direction. I quickly tried to remember how much I managed to say in front of him. And calculate how likely that she had heard everything.

"A sharp mind in a boy so young," She slowly spoke as her hand moved out to fix my ruffled hair. Her skin surprisingly hot to touch. "Do not worry, child, I will not harm you."

Her other hand was held open in front of me. Some exotic sweet in her palm.

I quickly glanced around as if to make sure no one was looking. Thankfully for me, I could see some onlookers still paying attention to us. My hand quickly grabbed the snack and threw it in my mouth.

Mmmh. Some roasted nuts pressed with honey. No traces of poisons either. Not that it would affect me anymore, but I would have hated to have the taste ruined. Besides, you don't say no to offered food. That's Blasphemy. The Gods of Food will strike you down.

"Thank you for your generosity," I spoke with my mouth full.

She chuckled, "Do not mind it, I just do not want to see unnecessary pain. And please forgive Amalric Karim, it is just the custom of these lands. The harsh life makes them grow fearful and they would prefer to be safe rather than to venture out and get hurt."

Uh-huh, lady, your gifts are sweet but your tongue is insidious. I guess I looked gullible enough with my mouth full of food. That didn't mean I would stop playing the cards which were dealt to me.

"Rest assured, my Domina has been benevolent to me." I happily nodded as I finished masticating. The sweet was extremely chewy.

"That is good to know," She nodded without missing a beat, "It is always a blessing to have an honest master. One should pray to the Gods that they stay that way."

I glanced at her and she sighed, "It is always a worry if one in the family acts improperly. One would always wonder if that is just an unlucky occasion or a sign or something else. Who knows from where the wind would bring the sand next day."

Her warm hand patted me, as she kept slowly talking with a very soothing voice, "But you should be fine in her hands. I can see that she values talent, and I promise you that she will keep you safe as long as you are useful to her. No matter what her family might say or do. But if there is doubt in your heart, my ears will always listen to your pleas. Find me in my quarters then."

With a single flex of her tail, Shahin easily lifted her torso up and away from me, ending the conversation on a rather unusual note. She left as silently as she had arrived, leaving me dumbstruck in the middle of the path.

Somehow I expected her to try and kill me on the spot if she had a chance. And I didn't think it would have been that hard. Cautiously using Amalric as an example of a wermage's physical strength, I felt I had at least some chance against someone like him. That tail alone would have likely crushed both of us without a second thought.

Despite that, she decided on a soft approach. And she managed to achieve whatever she went out to do. Or she wouldn't have left in such a fashion. The question is, what was she really after?

Or did I misunderstand their methods and they opted out to buy and recruit, instead of removing competition?

I shook my head. Whatever it could be, this was not the time to think about it. If Shahin really was as benevolent as she sounded - she could wait until my family was secure. And then we would talk business. If that was just a ploy of a snake to lower my guard. Tough luck for her. I was already dancing on the edge of the blade here and leaving myself vulnerable would be plain stupid.


The reunion at my living quarters was full of relief as I managed to hide the details of the prior altercation. My assurances that everything was fine were met with a begrudging acceptance, which was only placated by my continuous reminders that Amalric still saw me as a normal murk. I kept quiet, however, that if I was a normal murk I probably would have had at least a few of my ribs broken. And my nanites hid the marks on my skin.

A slightly forlorn look on Yeva's face told me that she picked up on what was left unsaid. She chose not to speak about it, letting Irje's content wash over us. Our cougar was perceptive, but it took a murk to understand another murk. No wonder that it was she that reminded me to keep hiding in obscurity and bury my pride in it. Not like I had stopped doing that either, no matter how much new knowledge was jammed into my head - old habits died hard.

Irje left us soon after, choosing to resume her usual responsibilities and graciously allowing Yeva to spend some time with me and relax afterwards. To compensate for having me all to herself during our trip as well as her having to weather the Young Master's snooping.

Yeva immediately cuddled into my lap, demanding head pats, snacks that we have bought for her, and stories of our trip.

I let her laugh merrily as I told the story of our toy connoisseur and the mental damage her shopping trip caused to my psyche. She promised me that she will keep me safe from evil shopkeepers as I fed her yet another morsel of food.

And then she kissed me feverishly as I put the medallion on her neck. It was my promise to her, and I finally let it happen. From now on Yeva was both free and mine, and I was hers. And she made sure to make it obvious: her demands for my touch skyrocketed immediately after.

"I want to hear you play," Yeva murmured as she snuggled into my hug. Her naked skin flush with my own.

"Soon, love. I yearn to hear it myself but there are still things I have to do today. But I promise that it will be ready tonight."

"Like the Lady of the House?" She teased me back, her stuck out tongue making it quite obvious.

I groaned, "Behave. Or I will spank you like our cougar. Aikerim, however, might visit the alchemy lab soon and I want to have two projects of mine complete before then. And cover up a hole in the wall."

"Will you deal with that annoyance too?" Yeva asked after she stopped giggling.

"Absolutely. I might have ignored him otherwise but I will not stand idly when he dares to threaten you."

A wistful sigh escaped her delicate lips, "I wish to say the same to you one day."

"Perhaps you will. Or perhaps we will get to where you won't even need to do that anymore."

Yeva chuckled, "You and your dreams of grandeur. Now go while I still let you. Impress Domina and her daughter. And then rush back to my side."

She stretched on our bed, the beads of sweat glistening on her soft skin, "For I will be waiting on you here."


"Domina is here to meet you,"

I pulled a piece of glass from the molten salt bath without acknowledging Viter's voice from outside. While my nanites rerouted blood in my neck capillaries. Aikerim was likely to come in without waiting for permission, but I needed to be ready for her immediate arrival. Not that I would bar her from entering but dealing with someone unaware of the term 'occupational hazard' required some extra precautions.

Wermages could probably scoff at a lot of things deadly to murks but I didn't want to test how hot was too hot even for Aikerim.

Carefully covering the molten saltpetre with a lid, I turned around to see Domina glaring at my guard. To his credit, Viter looked extremely uncomfortable but didn't leave his spot.

"I welcome you, my Domina," I bowed, "And thank you Viter, you have done well. Please leave us."

The wertiger signed in relief and disappeared.

"Please forgive him, Aikerim. I didn't want you to walk into the nasty fumes and things hotter than they could ever be," I apologized as I took off the product of a forbidden relationship between an apron and coveralls. She wasn't the only one who needed protection in this room.

She smirked, anger nowhere to be seen on her face, "I am quite surprised how quickly you have gotten him under your thumb. Perhaps you do know a thing or two on how to rule."

Her brows furrowed immediately as soon as she glanced at me. "You have been hurt. Have you been attacked on the streets again? Explain."

I glanced down at the ugly bruise revealed by the open collar of my tunic. "This had happened inside the manor. And I have been told not to speak about it."

"Speak plainly, or I will consider adding more to your skin. I've heard enough from Irje to know this isn't from your sadaq. So tell me, who dared to raise a hand on my Alchemist? In my own House?"

"Your own son, or that is what I would have told you if you used the Orb of Truth. Otherwise, I have tripped and fell."

"Why was he near you?" She instantly pressed on ahead with her questioning.

"He sought me out, or I should say he found my sadaq while looking for me. He has been very concerned about my rise in your household, or so he said. And he demanded to know more."

Aikerim sighed and closed her eyes. Her jaw muscles flexing under her skin, "And what have you told him?"

"By your orders, as little as I could. We were in public after all. You have noticed my skill in alchemy and math, sent me to Virnan to confirm, and made sure I didn't lie by using the Orb."

She groaned, and slumped on a nearby chair, uncaring for its cleanliness. Her fingers massaging her temples.

"You respond to me, and you will be questioned by no one but me. Nor shall anyone else dare to discipline you. Or your sadaq. Not my children, nor my husbands. None of the Kiymetl, not even my Matriarch mother. I will make sure that all of them will be informed. And I will deal with my son myself."

I shuddered from the way she spoke her last words. Thank you Amalric for your service, your life was short but your gift to me will be treasured forever.

"Do not abuse my generosity, however. For I will hear every complaint about you myself. And I will not take it lightly if you abuse this gift."

I bowed, "Thank you Aikerim, this is already more than what I could hope for. But there is more. As soon as Amalric Karim left me lying in the dirt," Aikerim scrunched her nose at my description, "I was immediately approached by Shahin herself. Who was nothing but receptive to my plight. Helping me to get up and even giving me sweets as well. I have a suspicion that she wasn't there on accident."

"I wonder," She murmured as she slowly stroke her tail, her ears back and down as soon as I mentioned the snake. "If there is a spell to remake a son? And what is with you and food? You have access to the kitchens for a reason."

I scratched my chin, "The only one I know of takes nine mo-, I mean twenty-eight tendays. And food is sacred, my Domina. How would I refuse! Especially if she sees me as gullible in the process too."

Aikerim barked in a loud laugh, "Thank you, Erf, I needed that. Unfortunately, I still love my son to simply get rid of him. Nor do I have the time and will to make another one right now. So that would have to wait. In the meantime, tell me of your conversation with her."

"Shahin is insidious for sure. She spoke little, mostly planting doubts within my mind as far as I could tell." I quickly relayed the rest of our conversation. "I have no idea what her real target was, however. But right now, she could wait for all I care."

Domina sat in silence, her tail still inside her lap, "And what about your mind? Do you doubt my rule?" she spoke quietly.

"No," I shook my head, "You are smart, Aikerim. You are guided by reason and not by the fleeting fancy of the day. That makes you predictable to a certain extent. Which clears my doubts about you."

"You know, sometimes your praises don't really sound like ones."

"Because it wasn't. A praise, that is. I simply told you the truth. And like many truths usually are, it is not good nor bad. It just is. And it is our job to understand our strengths and limitations and, in knowing them, avoid a bleaker future."

"Strengths and limitations, huh," She slowly murmured, her ears slowly lifting up, "Still I would prefer to make sure. Perhaps I should leave the glass-working to you and your family. Let it be the tangible proof of my promise to keep you safe."

"No need, Aikerim. Really. I care little for glass as long as it is being made. One of the main reasons why I wanted it is because I needed better glassware for myself. Sometimes if you want to make it right you have to do it yourself. I did. And now I am ready to move forward. To bigger things than just some molten sand."

"Take a look at this, for example," I picked up the cooled ring of glass, and threw it. Not to Aikerim but into the floor.

She gasped as it hit the wooden floor only to bounce away intact.

"Is that what you were talking about?" she picked it up from the floor.

"Yes, chemically treated glass, soaked in molten saltpetre. Now it is many times stronger than glass from Esca."

"Can they make it?"

"Not unless they know about something only two of us are aware of. Even then, they can't just dunk any piece of glass and get similar results. The glass itself needs to be made properly to obtain the best benefit. However, they can temper their glass in air like one would quench steel blades in oil, but that would only work on simple shapes."

Her tail swished in a familiar and relaxed way. "Yet you don't even care about that?"

"I care that I could have resilient glassware. Soon I will be able to make glass that one could boil liquids in without fear of it shattering from heat. I care that I can have clear glass for other projects. But I do not care who will make it."

"Why?" Aikerim looked at me, "Why would you discard it so easily? You know how valuable it is."

"Time." I spread my arms, "Yours and mine. They are much more valuable than that glass. You have earned a fortune trading textiles. Yet, you do not grow your own. Because your time is more valuable than to spend it tilling land and shearing sheep. Just like you, I would prefer to use my time on something greater. And pay someone else to provide me with glass instead."

"I can see that. However, it only works as long you actually have something greater to replace it."

"Absolutely, and I already do." I picked up a wrapped object from the table. The product of my nitric acid hunt of yesterday. The one that Anaise had almost blown to smithereens. Forcing me to barricade the hole with wooden planks.

I smiled as I heard a loud swish of the tail. Aikerim looked away, her cheeks slightly pink.

"This is the reason why I needed that float glass and silver. And other ingredients I have been searching on the markets." I said as I unveiled the glass mirror to her.

It was an experimental piece and wasn't extremely large, just big enough to show her face. But judging by the look of amazement on Aikerim's face, it was more than plenty.

Her fingers plucked it from my hand and she quickly lost herself inside the mirror. Her tail swaying with abandon.

"I have never seen my face so clear," she murmured as her fingers traced the surface. "What a weird feeling…"

"This is why I don't care for mere goblets or vases. Think of the soap - how important do you think it is now?"

"I believe I find it easier to understand your point of view with each thing that you make. Especially with soap. I remember myself coveting it like it was precious. And now I would be amendable to give that knowledge away, for a proper price of course, just to free more workers for your current projects."

Aikerim glanced once more into the mirror and pulled out the silver comb, precious and exquisite. And offered it to me.

I took it without a single word and started to unravel her large braid, combing her hair free and letting her watch the process. Her ears relaxed and low as she leaned into every stroke of the comb.

"Your captive spoke," She said out of the blue.

I glanced down and saw her looking at me through the mirror, but said nothing in return. I kept working, allowing her to continue at her own pace.

"Long story short, Samat had to offer some concessions in turn."

House of Samat. The rulers of the capital? I wondered why the wersheep were so interested in me, but I kept my silence as my fingers run through her hair.

"I decided that since they threatened you, they should make it up to you as well. The construction of the estate will begin tomorrow. And you will get your aqueduct."

"Thank you, Aikerim," I smiled at her through the mirror.

She said nothing else about it, but I didn't really care. I had other priorities on my mind. I needed my family safe and I needed to wait for Albin to finalize whatever plan he thought of. And I needed Aikerim happy in the meantime because I had a feeling she might find it irksome that I was planning behind her back.

I also needed to head out to see Anaise soon, but I had enough time to finish Aikerim's braid.

And then I would be back home. In the embrace of my sadaq. And with a real guitar in my hands. None of that depressing political bullshit. Let Aikerim tackle that, she was born for these kinds of battles.

I inserted the clasp into her braid to keep it secure and passed the comb back to her.

"Keep it." Her hand softly pushed the comb back to me, "Let your hair grow. When it grows long enough I will comb it for you."

Her words quiet yet extremely loud to my ears, "And I will put them into twin braids myself."


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Comments (59)

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"I have been thinking about the Flow lessons," Anaise took the conditioner off my hands and put it aside, "Do you know why very few murks usually witness them?"

"I would assume that there is no reason for them to learn something they cannot do."

"You are partially correct. But it is also about status, and many wermages would react negatively, even violently, if you start to ask them questions on magic. Grand-uncle Virnan is an exception but even he took me aside to teach. Some things run deep. And you should keep it in mind if you find yourself at one of my lectures, or have a desire to ask someone about Flow."

"I see. Thank you for the warning," I smiled at her. I didn't notice it back when Virnan taught her but now, that it was pointed out to me, it felt obvious. When I explained to him the infinite series Anaise was right between us: listening attentively to both of us speaking and pointing out her discoveries. Yet when it came to her Flow lesson I found myself left alone at the window. With neither of them bothering to explain nuances to me in the process.

She smiled back at me and turned around, a wave of red flowing into my view. Her tail and hair shining even in the dim light of the bathhouse.

"As you can imagine my mother intended for you to listen in on my lectures as my servant," Anaise kept talking as she moved her hair aside, allowing me to untie her sash with ease, "You would stand in the corner as if to assist me and not interfere with a lesson otherwise. Even to ask a question. Especially to ask a question."

Her sash slowly unravelled in my hands, sliding off her body. I looked at her swaying tail, intrigued by the custom cut of her kaftan. Wermages loved to show off their 'magical' parts and tails were definitely counted as such. The kaftan was split into two tails with the cut going high enough to let the real tail out. The shift underneath, from what I could discern between the tail swings, didn't. Instead, it had a tail hole with a stitched-in ribbon to tie to the tail itself. Letting the fabulous appendage outside without leaving a gaping hole afterwards.

"While my mother can definitely order someone to teach you, neither you nor her would welcome the issues it would cause. People talk, especially between Kiymetl Manors. Not only will you be faced with additional scrutiny but they might use you to undermine mother's authority."

"Even simply observing your lessons would be enlightening for me," I assured her as I slowly folded her sash in my hands. A wide and long piece of cloth, full of embroidery. Great for holding up wermage clothing, identifying their status or position.

And wrapping over my eyes.

"You?" Anaise turned around to look at me incredulously, "Is that the same Erf we are talking about?"

Unsecured, her kaftan easily parted, revealing more of her thin shift underneath. Making her state of dress extremely informal and inviting to my gaze. Her eyes sparkling with mirth as she noticed mine wandering over her body.

"No," She smiled, as her hands took the sash away from me, "Despite saying all that, you won't be satisfied nor content. I know you well enough by now, Erf. You want more."

The sash slid down from her fingers and softly landed on the floor, "It isn't in your nature to stay blind. You wish to explore every nook and cranny. To see and taste. To experience it all."

"Yes?" I swallowed. Were we still talking about Flow? I wasn't so sure anymore.

"I knew you would," Anaise took my hands and slid them on her waist under the kaftan, "So I came up with a better proposal for you."

"Instead of standing still and listening to some old wermage mumble about common truths," She pulled my hands upward, "I will teach you about Flow myself. Starting from the beginning, I will lead you all the way through. Now, what say you?"

"Aye. I didn't even realize it was an option." My voice was surprisingly hoarse.

Covered by her kaftan, my hands slowly trekked up across the fine linen of her shift. My fingers acutely aware of her body heat and the thin fabric that separated me from her skin. The green eyes looked into mine, a lower lip bitten by the pearly teeth.

"It isn't," Her voice hitched as my palms slid up under her breasts, my thumbs and index fingers circling the curves around, "Except for you."

"You will find me a very curious student. Eager to know more," I quietly spoke as my hands made the next move, cupping her breasts completely. Grazing her twin hard nubs through the cloth only to let them settle comfortably between my fingers.

Anaise took a shuddering breath, but never took her eyes away as if challenging me to keep looking at her. A loud rumble in my palm akin to another one within my chest. A strand of hair, wet from the steam of the bath, stuck to the corner of her lips.

And then she moved. Forward. Pushing herself into my palms. A tiny whine of pleasure on her lips matching a groan from mine. A grin of satisfaction when she heard it, "Then you will find me a very welcoming teacher. Eager to show you more."

I leaned in for the kiss, but a tiny finger met my lips instead, "I will require something from you, however. As I've said before, no one should know of this arrangement. You can tell my mother if she asks but no sooner."

Wait so she was talking about Flow all this time? Damn, another minx!

She bit her lip and glanced away, her ears down, "And you will have no other teacher but myself. Not even my grand-uncle. I might be young, but I have years of knowledge to teach you. The knowledge that he himself had found exemplary! And if you ask me something that I do not yet know - I-I will ask for you, from those who do. And we will learn t-together."

My lips kissed the tip of her finger, only to stretch into a smile, "Hmmm, Should I learn from a grumpy and senile fox-"


"-or a beautiful and wise beyond her years' mistress," I kept talking, "I believe my answer would be obvious."

My hands slid deeper in and around her body. Pulling her kaftan even further apart and pulling her into a hug. A tiny squeak was all that she could manage before my lips claimed her own. A kiss, initially sloppy, quickly turned into a soft and gentle one as she copied my actions. Her eyelids finally hiding the green from me. A gentle shrug of her shoulders and the kaftan joined the sash on the floor, her body relaxed in my embrace.

"T-this means, we are in accord." Anaise panted when our lips broke apart.

"We are. My beautiful mistress."

A tail slid across my body, clamping on me and pulling me flush with her body.

"But I also want more lessons of my own. Not the math I usually study from you. Teach me more of that curved geometry." She demanded.

Now I would be stupid if I didn't know an invitation when it was right in front of my face.

Anaise yelped as I easily picked her up in a bridal carry, "Erf! What are you-"

"We shouldn't discuss such things at the entrance when a whole bath is waiting for us."


"You don't want to listen to my lectures while lounging on a massage table?"

"Well, yes. But-"

"Or just imagine listening to my voice as you relaxed in the warm waters."


I placed her carefully at the bench near the bath, her legs partially submerged,

"Just relax, Anaise. I am not going anywhere," I spoke gently into her large yet blushing ear. She clenched her legs with every word, "Everything has a time and place. There is no need for further negotiations at this time."

My hands slowly unravelled her red mane, letting it spread across her back like a river of red. Her ear pushing slowly on my lips, full of heat. A gaze of green eyes. Different this time. Expectant, not observant.


"No…" her ruby lips slowly spoke.

"Do you know what makes you so desirable? Or what makes me so interested in learning Flow? Or you, learning math? It is that hidden promise for more. Things that are too far are unfathomable or unapproachable, while things that are always with you are mundane and common. But certain things are just close enough to make you reach for them."

My hand reached out and scooped some water into a bowl, "They can even make us lose our minds, force us to chase them forever. Making us absolutely sure that we can reach it if we push just a tiny bit further. Take one extra step."

Warm water trickled down from the tipped bowl. Right on the chest of the heavy-breathing wermage. Fine linen now transparent and clinging to her curves.

"It was once said that there are four things that we should pursue. Four parts to travel on the road of life. Dharma - dutiful, virtuous and right way of living. Make sure that the road you chose is just. Artha - means of living and prosperity, to make sure that you can weather your path in life."

I spoke softly as I kept the water pouring. Making sure that the stream would fall on one of the twin peaks poking through the wet cloth. I kept her distracted as I teased her more and more, enough that Anaise didn't realize my other hand joined as well.

"The last one, Moksha, is just as important as the first one. Self-realization and freedom from the path you have chosen." I scooped up more water, "But there is one more thing missing."

The stream moved down on her body, pouring from a height right into her lap. Her legs conveniently spread apart by me. A shudder and a moan were my awards.

"Kama. The longing, pleasure, and love. For one cannot walk the path with no desire to push them forward. It would be hollow and without purpose."

Anaise didn't move as the water exposed the hint of red between her legs. Her tail didn't block my sight as it had done before, choosing to wrap tightly around the bench. I put the bowl aside, its work complete, as my hands continued to caress her legs. Slowly pushing the wet shift higher and higher. Revealing the creamy skin underneath.

I stepped down into the pool, unconcerned for my shirt, lowering myself closer to her lap. Her knees in front of my face, trembling. Her gaze looking down from above, anticipating. Her fingers on the marble bench, crushing.

Note to self, no handjobs for the foreseeable future.

"You have done great progress on the first two and the last will be something you will reach yourself. But now let me teach you about the third: the principles of lust, the Sutras of Kama." I slowly spoke as my cheek gently rubbed on her inner thigh. My hands slid under her dress and grabbed her hips, pulling her even closer to me. Or me closer to her.

"Let me teach you." I planted a soft kiss on her skin.

Her legs clenched around my head, hands combing through my hair and pushing it away so Anaise could see my face, "Your lessons have been most illuminating so far. Do not disappoint me, and remember the promise you have made yesterday," She demanded breathlessly.

Keeping my head firmly secure, she slowly started to pull her dress higher and higher. Watching my face as the shadows of the cloth slowly revealed the tiny slit in front of me. The thin line of pink, surrounded by creamy folds. A shuddering breath and the cloth was off, revealing the red fuzz above her petals. A familiar scent in the air and heat of her things - the young woman in front of me knew what she wanted.

And Anaise wanted it now.

Without saying anything, I let my tongue out. A loud squeak of surprise from her, clearly not expecting my reach, but it was too late. The tip of my tongue slipped through her open guard and reached the treasure within, feasting on her juices.

Despite her magical ears and tail she didn't look, feel, or taste any different.

Just a beautiful girl, seeking pleasure in my arms.

And I refused to say 'no' to her.

In the meantime my hands pulled out a knife, fingers pushing on its edge. Emanai knew steel, they were even aware that there were different types of it. But they were still far off corrosion-resistant alloys. So I had a very short period of time while the blade was sharp enough to cut wermage hair with ease.

"Erf?" Anaise asked when I stopped my ministrations.

"I haven't forgotten my promise," I slowly replied as my fingers gently massaged oils into her skin, right over her mound. Teasing her without providing the same levels of pleasure my lapping tongue did just moments earlier.

She groaned, "It can wait."

"It cannot. The blade will be useful for few moments until it would start pulling on your hair again."

Anaise growled but strategically placed kisses quickly calmed her down. To a degree.

"I want you to feel it. That burning desire in your body. I want you to experience it and learn the relief it brings at a later time," My hand gently stretched her skin as the blade shaved the offending hairs. My tongue and lips exploring her folds whenever I would stop talking. Keeping her horny and stock-still, almost on the edge of her release.

Not only did it help to keep her in place exactly where I needed, but it also kept her tail straight and away from my face.

"I want you to know that this feeling clouds the heads of many. Men and women alike. Know about it. And in doing so, be sure that no one could use it against you."

My fingers brushed against the smooth skin, devoid of hairs.

"Your skin looks beautiful, my Lady."

Tiny fingers joined mine, as she explored her flesh with me. A sigh of pleasure and content. A hand on my chest. A hard grip on my shirt.

Uh oh.

She yanked me out of the bath and onto the bench, effortlessly like a cork from a wine bottle.


"Be quiet." She huffed yanking my shirt up.

Her shift struggled against her rapid movements but Anaise pulled it off without a second thought. She climbed on top of me, her naked form glistening with sweat. Instinctively grinding on my shaft, lubricating it with her juices. Getting me ready in more ways than one.

Her hand reached out for my manhood but took it carefully enough. Frantically trying to guide it into herself.

"I don't thi-"

"Either help me or shut up." She huffed as my shaft slipped out yet again. Her tail, ramrod-straight and out as if to make sure it would not interfere.

A perfect handle to adjust her position.

She gasped loudly as my hand grabbed the root of her tail. A wanton moan, full of lust as I pulled on it, twisting her hips forward. Aligning her entrance precisely to my shaft. A throaty scream as I pulled her down, scorching grip on my rod. A hiss of pain.

"Don't move!" Anaise demanded before I could say anything and grabbed me again, placing a hand on her stomach. A few seconds and she sighed with relief, her hips gyrating gently. Trying new things with me inside of her, seeking new pleasures with each move.

"An important rule of Flow," She grinned, rocking in my lap, "Remove weapons from a wound, or a healing spell would work around it. Or don't, if you wish for it to heal a certain way."

I groaned and grabbed her tail once again.

"It can wait," I repeated her words.


In the end, the only casualty had been the marble bench. My bones had been non-magically reinforced, while Anaise was nothing but vigorous as she enjoyed the process with the fervour of a first-timer. Something obviously had to give.

The dust had settled, the foxes were satisfied. And now I sat on my bed all giddy inside. Making yet another lousy twang. The strings I've gotten from Albin as a peace offering weren't perfect, but I had to give him credit - he had no idea of my requirements and he had done a good job by providing me with a vast variety of them.

Now I just had to pick the best out of the bunch. And keep ignoring the snickering cougar that likened my experiments to the braying of a mule.

"It sounds a bit like a lyre or kithara, just…louder…" Yeva mused.

"They are close. You might even consider it to be a descendant of the kithara. And the boldness of the sound comes from the hollow body that enhances the sound of the strings." I eagerly replied as I stretched another string. At least someone was not outright dismissive of my glee.

"Will it sound similar to it too?"

"Yes and no, I would say. It has similar pitches and more, but it also has things that are harder to achieve, like there are no horns that I could bend, instead I have to bend individual strings."

"It sounds off, somehow," She furrowed her brows and crawled closer, "Not as crisp."

"I agree, it sounds like someone is dying," Irje butted in.

Yeva giggled, playfully swatting in her direction, "They all sound like that when you are tuning them."

"Ignoring the uncivilized critics on my side," I pushed the grinning face away, "I am surprised that you noticed. And it is intentionally so. The other instruments concentrate on only six separate pitches that work perfectly together with the sixth being the double frequency of the first. An octave."

I plucked the correct strings as I spoke to make my statements more obvious. Emanai words felt rather odd in me, my lips said 'full circle' while my mind thought of an 'eight', "The difference is that this instrument goes through four octaves. But instead of playing it as if I had four separately tuned lyres, the pitches are more evenly spread apart. Allowing me to strike a chord from any position and expanding the range of melodies immensely."

My fingers picked up speed as the last string was finally set. I strummed a few chords to confirm that all six were in harmony and kept going without a break in between. The itch in my fingers pushing me to play more and more in the quiet silence of the evening. Losing myself with a happy smile as I listened to the eerie familiar music. That was probably never been heard before in this world.

A suckling sensation in my stomach, a blunt reminder of a home I somehow forgot.

"Something like that," I blushed, realizing that I had a quiet audience around me.

"Oh…" Irje quietly murmured, "I, er, you aren't planning on becoming a performer slave? Domina supports you well already."

She waved her hands frantically, "I don't mean it is bad, it's very good! Just whom are you planning on using it on?"

I blinked, "No one, really. This was something I wished for myself. For you and Yeva if you like it."

Irje sighed and shook her head, "Of all the things you chose for yourself is yet another skill to please the others… You need to care for yourself too, you know."

"This is care for myself. Trust me I will be playing even if I was alone." I smiled back.

There was a tug on my shirt.

"Can you play some more, then?" Yeva asked.

I silently pulled her closer and began to play again. I plucked the strings without singing, content with just the music by itself. Soft melodies of Sol and stars spreading through the air as my body quickly adapted to the instrument in my lap. Brand new but painfully familiar.

A hum joined my melodies. Yeva's. Another familiar melody but of a different kind. I remembered myself singing similar songs before. When I worked in the Chimgen fields, sweating from the sun and cutting the wheat without stop. Simple melodies of the slaves that made their everyday life just a tiny bit easier.

My fingers quickly adapted to her voice, playing the correct tunes and she started singing in return. A tiny gentle voice, singing the tale of a young girl that got lost inside the Forest. How frightened she was, only to chance upon the Fairies and not the Things.

They dressed her white and washed her feet. And took her off into their lands. Away from trying times and deathly tolls.

I felt her grip and wetness on my shirt. But she sang strong and I didn't dare.

And so I played.


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You thought I wouldnt make it? Well, I thought so too, but I got