
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Chastity replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Gamer Power In Real Life (Commission)


Wrapping the School Year (961 Words)

Over the remainder of the school year, my stat and skill peaks were pretty much reached. My football skills rarely increased by so much as .01%, and my physical stats mostly leveled out. The only exceptions were the way that Agility and Endurance still, intermittently, stuttered up after I spent several hours going back and forth along the edge of "burning MP sprint" and "not burning MP jog." Sometimes I'd slam on the gas and go as fast as I could, burning through my MP, but that didn't seem to make my stat gains go perceptibly faster, and was less pleasant, so I went back to the back-and-forth. I had gotten to a ridiculous level of perfection at performing free throws, and I could now pretty much always make a three pointer even while moving.

Our school team did really well, obviously. We didn't win every game, but we won the lion's share, and everybody knew it was thanks to me, resulting in plenty more praise from my teammates to boost my ego.

Of course, I'd only gotten in partway through the season, and there were no doubt other guys headed on course for a professional football career at other high schools - otherwise, where would the pro football players come from? But I wasn't too attached to winning, it was all a means to an end, and that end was money. Sometimes, I'd go 'house shopping,' browsing through pages online of various houses with price tags in the millions of dollars, fantasizing about the not-too-distant-future where I would own one of them. Sometimes I remembered to include Amber in them.

Jenny did, eventually, get another boyfriend. I think that it was partly with Amber's prodding, because I did mention to Amber a couple times I was worried about Jenny getting too attached. I'd tried to keep it casual, friendly, mutually enjoyable, but clearly not romantic. My horny teenage brain may have caused me to stick my dick in my girlfriend's friend, but it could be appealed to with the logic of, If you keep going like this, it'll mess things up between Amber and Jenny, and then Amber won't let you fuck other girls again. Or we'd break up, which would wind up with me facing a similar fate of not being able to have a girlfriend and sex with more than one girl at the same time.

Her new boyfriend was one of my teammates, and I wound up giving him some sex pointers, at Jenny's subtle prodding. Well, it wasn't that subtle, since he basically said, "Jenny says that Amber loves what you do to her, any advice?" but it was subtle enough that the fact that I'd fucked Jenny was not revealed. I gave him my best tricks, including the ones specific to Jenny, and he was thankful when they seemed to work. I was also thankful, because it reduced the chances that Jenny would break up with him and I'd be back in the awkwardness zone.

When another one of Amber's friends - Austin - wound up with a dry spell, I did get a few rounds with her, but she got a new boyfriend much faster than Jenny did, possibly because I was more careful in... rationing out orgasms with her. I'd only let her orgasm once or twice for every time that I did. That sounds so stupid, but after Jenny, I realized that my sex skills probably counted as near peak human by that point, so if I went at a girl with everything I had (like I did with Amber), they'd wind up coming buckets and normal guys would have a tough time equalling it. With Amber, that was all well and good, but I didn't want to mess up her friendships just to enjoy a lot of orgasm faces and the ego boost of making a girl come buckets.

(Fucking Amber for an hour and making her come twenty or more times in that span was more than enough to give me all the sex-related ego boost that I needed.)

I was also getting straight As all through the year, just pounding away at tests with ease. I'd already gone through the textbooks we were going to use next year, and wasted a few nights doing all the practice problems in them, just to do my best to ensure I had it all drilled into my head.

Once the summer break hit... my ability to go out and do things with Amber rose like crazy. It wasn't that I had more free time - my grades were good enough that I wasn't really expected to pay attention in class any more, not that our school was good enough to reliably enforce attention from any of its students. It was that our parents became much less restrictive in their expectations of us. Or, more, accurately, Amber's dad did; my parents had given me a loose leash since I had started to just break through every imaginable obstacle and become an incredibly smart high-tier football player who drew professionally all at the same time.

"Hey," she said, coming over to my place not two days after the summer break started, just knocking on the door. She had a certain excited energy to her as she stood in front of me. "My dad... helped me buy some birth control pills," she explained, shifting as she stood in front of me. "Your parents are out at work, right?" She asked. I was pretty much instantly rock hard, and nodded rapidly. "So... it feels better without a condom, right?"

"How would I know?" I asked her, making her let out a giggle. "Come on in, let's find out together."

Sex does, in fact, feel better without a condom.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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