
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Infonticus replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Dragonborn's Might Makes Right (Evil!SI, Skyrim, MCU, Waifu Catalog)


Chapter 6: A Valkyrie's Homecoming


[Nova Empire - Planet G-69]

There was a particular thrill to be had when two so-called gods looked up at me with helpless expressions of pure horror on their oh so flawless faces.

We had been fighting for more than fifteen minutes- an eternity in a duel. And every time they turned their gaze to me, I knew they would look at me with such vexed expressions. The trio of gods knew that they could not pierce through my metal hide, and that I had enough power to rival theirs. All in the form of a dragon large enough to swallow a car whole, snap humans in my palm as if they were toothpicks.

In their minds, Ei's plan of attempting to destroy me from the inside was reckless, but had merit.

So when the Raiden Shogun had used her lightning to blast her way into my gargantuan Dragon Form's pocket dimension and was likely doing her best to destroy me from the inside, both of them had looked so hopeful. The sparkling aqua-green eyes of the God of Freedom as he grinned in premature victory- confident that they had won... and the focused golden eyes of God of Contracts alight with restrained optimism.

At least, until I closed the door behind her.

And their hopeful faces crumbled like rotted flowers- giving way to the horrid realization that the third in their trio of Gods had fallen for a trap that she couldn't free herself from.

That she wasn't going to come back intact.

The two gods made such pitiful expressions then: The horrified face of the God of Freedom as he rightly worried that Ei was in grave peril and the bitter expression of God of Contracts as he realised that they had been played for fools. It was a sight that I will treasure forever.

But I wanted more.

Their crying faces of intense pain should be a good next step.

Like an angry red meteorite, two hundred tonnes of my Proto-adamantium Dragon form hurtled from on high towards the two of them. My shining metal wings- larger than ship sails- roared and crackled with the purple flame-like energies of the Power Stone.

But the two gods did not falter. Not yet.

Their expressions hardened with valorous determination- likely thinking that they could still save Ei if they fought hard enough. And it was up to my humble Dragonborn self to violently disabuse them of the notion.

The Wind Deity strummed his Lyre, and hurricane winds- powerful enough to uproot entire castles- battered at me from all directions. The Earth Deity swung his spear in a golden arc of light, and a small mountain of soil and rock launched from the ruined grounds and soared through the air at me like one would throw a pebble.

And I was reminded again that although they looked human and displayed human emotion. My enemies were still Gods unshackled by the enforced power limits of the 'videogame' reality from which they came from.

But then, so was I.

Because I am the Dragonborn.​


The Unrelenting Force Shout aligned very well with the nature of the Power Stone; for they were, in essence, both blunt and uncomplicated instruments of immense, yet straightforward power. They were a perfect fit with one another and I suspect that the other Infinity Stones would complement other Shouts as well. I can only imagine how powerful my other Shouts would be when I gather the other Infinity Stones when right now, even just one of my Shouts was enough to make an entire planet shudder.

In the game, the Unrelenting Force Shout was powerful enough to send enemies flying across the room. Here, in the reality that was the MCU, the full force would have been enough to blast a concrete building apart. Further enhanced by transcendental powers of [Dragon Scale] and the fathomless energy of the Power Stone?

Reality itself acquiesced to my bellowed command.

My battle with the Gods of wind and of earth had already had the world teetering into planetary catastrophe- my Shout pushed it over the edge. The entire world beneath me trembled as pure Force was imparted into it and sent earthquakes- both small and large- across its face.

The Wind Deity's swirling torrent of hurricane winds unraveled in the face of my Shout and were cast away from me. The Earth Deity's mountainous missile crumbled apart and its shattered pieces sent back to its god with threefold the force.

However, Zhongli, the God of Contracts and Earth, stood unbothered by such power- willing the pieces away from him to impact across the ruined plains around us. Venti, the God of Wind and Freedom, merely twirled and glided with the wind.

But harming them was never the point of the Shout.

The two Gods had both undoubtedly figured it out as well, for their bright eyes widened in alarm: The purpose of my Shout was to herald my arrival into arm's reach of them. Gleaming Proto-adamantium claws- longer than Zhongli was tall- whistled through the air in effort to cleave him into two bloody halves, and the god in the brown and gold coat barely had enough time to bring up his shining spear to block it.

Whatever magical energy he had imparted into his spear worked as it admirably withstood the Proto-adamantium edges of my claws, but I had still put every ounce of my two hundred tonnes into that swipe.

Zhongli, in his mortal form that was barely 75 kilos of flesh and bone, knew that he could not absorb all of the force at once. So- annoyingly for me- he did the next best thing and deflected himself out of the way. His body was thrown away from where I impacted with the ravaged ground- his brown-coated silhouette tumbling across the ground like a pebble skipping across the surface of a lake.

He was hidden from view however, as several tornadoes descended from the sky and closed in around me- hurling anything and everything that the winds could carry with them. Fully grown trees, car-sized boulders, even the meteorites that Zhongli had conjured earlier on… all of them struck at my proto-adamantium hide. My glowing blue eyes caught the figure of Venti with his green hat and cape fluttering in the wind above. And while all the Wind Deity had done so far had done no damage to me, they were distracting.

Which was the point it seemed. A shining forest of rectangular columns with each one almost a meter thick and intricate golden designs burst from the ground. Against my Proto-Adamantium hide, they broke of course, but they were replaced with more and more- each one striking at me with the force of a cannon.

In the far distance, Zhongli with his arms outstretched and shining with gold as he continued to cast this annoying rising stone steles.


Within a fraction of a second, my gargantuan dragon body of proto-adamantium closed the distance of several football fields- appearing right before the thoroughly surprised Earth Deity as my massive claw rocketed downward in a furious swipe.

This time, he was not able to reinforce his spear with enough magic to fully withstand my proto-adamantium claws. No, instead, Venti pilfered the Earth Deity with a gust of wind- pulling him out of the way of the strike and leaving nothing but empty air where my claw slammed down with force enough to rock the earth.

I growled in frustration as I quickly realised that we were all spiraling into a bitter stalemate.

My glowing blue eyes glanced at where Zhongli and Venti were rapidly keeping their distance- having learned after what happened to Ei. They were complementing each other frustratingly well: Zhongli would hinder my movements with his Earth Magics, while Venti would ensure they would always slip away with his Wind Magics. Together, they could keep the distance for as long as necessary.

Support characters always were annoying little pests to deal with.

That could be countered by the pure speed of my Time Slow Shout, anything they could come up with could be countered by that. Which makes it more confusing as to why Aether didn't purchase [Temporal Defense] when he knew that he would be facing off against another Contractor.

And yet again, the most important question of all rose up once again: Was Aether an idiot?

At first glance, he seemed woefully unprepared for PvP. The Company's PvP rules state that all hostile Contractors should be equal or greater in power to me. With the time they had spent in their respective worlds -which vastly surpassed my own- they should have been able to compete, but that wasn't the case.

But again, perhaps it was all a clever trap.

Aether could be feigning an all-too-obvious weakness as bait for whatever kind of crazy maneuver he has planned. So, either he is a tactical genius pretending to be an idiot to lull me into a false sense of superiority or… he really is an idiot that jumped into PvP without being fully prepared for violence. But there was no way to know which one he really was until I could get Ei to break under my 'interrogation techniques.'

Speaking of which, I doubled the aphrodisiac effects of [Adjustment Field] on her just now, and her panicked squeals and lustful moans rose in volume accordingly. Mind Breaking the virgin Goddess of Lightning and Eternity shouldn't take long now.

But before that bridge is crossed, this entire battle will be one bitter stalemate.

It was my one weakness: I didn't have any effective long-range options compared to my peers. No tornados, no meteorites, no heavy magical artillery, no giant death lasers. I had my Skyrim Magics and a select number of my shouts, but none of them were particularly powerful in the grand scale of the multiverse.

I would still win, of course. All it would take was to do as the big bad of Guardians of the Galaxy aimed to do: Slam the Power Stone into ground and blow up the entire world. If I went with such a plan, even if Venti and Zhongli were to somehow survive the apocalyptic world-shattering, they would have to fight me in the cold void of space where neither wind nor earth existed.

And also...

My massive metal dragon head glanced at the direction where I had thrown that beacon- in the direction where Aether was likely on. He may have the power of magic, mystical beasts and the greatest collection of knights, archers and alchemists on his side. But I'd like to see how they would have fair when thousands of ships descended from the sky en masse to carpet bomb Aether's band of medieval heroes back to the stone age.

Except there was one catch.

It has already been a few hours since I had Sylvie place that bounty, and as I understood it, it should have taken no more than six hours for most of them to get here. Four hours have already passed and not one of them has arrived. It was obvious that they weren't just running late: Things have gone wrong somehow on the bounty hunter front, and that left with one course of action.

It would seem that I will need to win this battle with Aether all by myself: No waifus, no in-universe allies, just my capacity for violence and cruelty... and my willingness to exercise it.

Glancing back to the two Gods in the distance- deliberately away from the direction where Aether and the rest of his waifus were. No doubt they wished to draw the battle away from their precious master. So why would I give them what they want?

Channelling as much energy from the Power Stone to my Proto-adamantium wings, I gave a vicious toothy smile filled with proto-adamantium teeth at the two gods… their horrified expressions telling me that they were thinking exactly what I had in mind. My enhanced hearing managed to pick out their terrified shouts of "NO!" just before I shot towards the horizon in the general direction of everyone they've come to know and love. My day was ruined, but that only made me motivated to make things even worse for everyone else.

If Sylvie's and Brunnhilde's raid on O-12 is successful, I'll have everything I need to jumpstart Sakaar down the road of turning into a galactic superpower.

My glowing draconic eyes made the briefest glances to the stars above.

If they're successful.


[Planetary Orbit above the Nova Empire Armoury World O-12]

Peter Quill was doing what he did best: Playing it cool.

And that was especially needed when he almost screwed things up with Yondu's mission: He had thought he blew the mission when he arrived at Sakaar with the Sakaarian Fleet having already departed. Being late to the party wasn't something he wanted to be known for, but Quill got lucky and managed to catch up with them just as the party down on the planet was starting.

Quill took a look out the window.

Past the window and hanging in a sea of stars was a dusty brown ball of rock that was the Nova Empire world of O-12. The hundreds of ships of the Sakaarian fleet returned from the surface with ships that were laden with loot and plunder. Hijacked Nova Empire ships crewed by victorious Sakaarians.

"All thanks to the timely arrival of Star-Lord." He patted himself in the back. He even disabled enough Nova Empire drone fighters on his own to land a meeting with the girl in charge!

Quill glanced around the interior of the Statesman where the 'Governess' was leading the fleet from. He heard that it was once a cargo ship for the Tivan Group, but you wouldn't guess it by how the inside looked now. Practically every other room in the refurbished cargo ship had been turned into a comms room, and the ones that weren't for comms were barracks for these goons in black and green armour with gold lining. The Governess' personal staff and guard. They were coordinating the entire Sakaarian fleet of several thousand from this one ship.

A space-faring command center, government building and troop transport rolled into one- living up to its name of the Statesman.

And Quill had to hand it to Yondu- that old tall-blue-and-ugly knew how to pick his intel. From the small talk he'd made with the other Sakaarian ships, Quill found out that Yondu's intel was right on the money: The Sakaarians were planning something big. Really big. Hitting an entire planet, and a Nova Empire military installation at that!

This new Grandmaster of theirs had balls to pick a heavily fortified target like that, Peter gave him that much. Did that mean that the new Grandmaster was smart? Maybe not. But Ballsy? Definitely got it in spades.

Nonchalantly, Quill finally made it to the center of the ship where a green and gold door flanked on either side by the Governess' Guards. The girl really liked her green-black-and-gold colour palette.

The guard clad from head to toe in black and green and gold asked him as he gave Quill an unconcerned once over- not even bothering to check him for weapons. Hell, he wasn't even hiding his pair of Quad Blasters and the guard just straight ignored them.

"Star-Lord?" the guard asked him in a gruff, uncaring tone.

"You know who I am?" Quill hesitated at that. He didn't think his moniker was well known enough outside of a few times he'd shouted it to a frightened crowd somewhere, "I mean, damn right I'm Star-Lord."

An indifferent nod from the guard.

"The Governess is waiting for you inside."

And he swung the door open for him and Quill couldn't help but feel thrilled at being treated at that: He'd never had a door held open for him before! It felt like he was a king of a fringe world!

"Welcome to the big leagues, Quill." he murmured to himself as he stepped through the held-open door, and with a soft click, was shut behind him. Quill gave a low whistle of appreciation as he walked into the Captain's Lounge of the Statesman.

Plush leather armchairs and couches placed on top of opulent carpets that were likely hand-woven in the fringe worlds, a full wet bar stocked with crystalline bottles filled with every colour of liquid from golden amber to exotic purples, hand-carved wooden interior framed with polished mirrors that gave the already spacious interior with even more feeling of expansiveness.

"This place has some pretty swanky decor for a pirate ship." He muttered to himself with an approving nod- his light-green eyes checking out the room and liking what they saw. "When I make it big, I want a room like one of these."

"That time might come sooner than you think." A feminine voice rang out alongside the bell-like tinkle of wine glasses and liquor bottles. And Quill couldn't help but smile. It was time to put on that Star-Lord charm.

"Governess Sylvie, right?" He asked, turning as smoothly as he could to the source of the voice.

Resting her elbows on the wet bar's surface was the girl heading the largest independent raiding operation in the galaxy in the past decade. Black leather armour that hugged her curves and squeezed around her considerable chest. A luxurious green cloak that accentuated her curves. A gleaming gold circlet with horns slipped right over her soft blonde locks. But most of all, a wicked, vulpine smile that Quill could realise promised that she had something dirty and underhanded planned.

She was just his type: beautiful, classy… and very dangerous.

"Charmed, I'm sure." She flashed a smile of straight white teeth at him.

The sight was immediately followed by her slender hand pushing that glistening crystal cognac glass on the table right in front of him. Quill knew that the rich, amber-coloured liquid inside was worth a few hundred Units on its own, and he figured that the crystal glass that it rested in cost thrice as much. The girl liked her expensive toys.

"So, you are Star-Lord." She drawled, her blue-green eyes giving him a once over as if taking his measure.

"The one and only, beautiful." He responded with a cocky smile and a raise of his glass at her. "Cheers."

"Cheers." She replied with a smile as she took a dainty little sip from her own crystal tumbler.

Quill helped himself to a big gulp from his cognac, followed by another one just as big. He felt that he's going to need it: a whole lot was riding on his shoulders on this one. Impressing the Governess was important not just for Yondu's mission for him. No, it was important for himself too.

Cozying up with the big shots of the galaxy can only help him in the short and long run. He could remember more than a few times back with Yondu and the crew where they found themselves in a heavy pickle, only for their brave captain Yondu to make a single call to "A ole' drinking pal o' mine" and fix everything with a snap of his fingers.

Quill wanted Governess Sylvie to be that kind of drinking pal for him. And maybe another kind of pal too, if he played his cards right.

"I take it my flying caught your eye?" He hummed with a confident smirk. "Was it impressive enough for you, or do you want to see me do something like that again?"

"We're not exactly lacking in skilled pilots. But..." She smiled before gesturing with her slender hand to his chest. There, stitched to his maroon jacket's right arm, was a leather patch of a golden flame: the insignia of the Ravagers.

"…what does pique my interest is that a lone Ravager has chosen to join in. Why leave your crew, Star-Lord?"

Quill just kept his cocky smirk as he cradled his drink; but really, he was sweating bullets. His favourite jacket might have just given him away as Yondu's spy. Anyone who's anyone here in the galaxy knows the Ravagers, even from just the reputation that they don't really let a member leave the organization quietly. Someone must have caught sight of it over the comms when he announced his arrival and reported it to her.

It was a good thing that his motormouth ran faster than his wits sometimes.

"Well, a bird's gotta leave the nest sometime, right?" He brushed off nonchalantly even as he tried to calm his rapidly beating heart. "Doesn't mean that they never come back to the nest though. I'm just seeing how far these wings of mine take me. So, I thought to myself: Why not go merc for a while?"

Governess Sylvie merely raised an elegant blonde eyebrow in interest as Quill patted himself in the back for that excellent lie.

"I think you underestimate your worth, Starlord." Governess Sylvie gave him a knowing smile. "I think you're more than just a pilot with a good aim and fast hands. I think you're smarter than most people give you credit for."

"Damn right, I am." He immediately agreed without being able to stop himself.

She gave an indulging nod with a slight, knowing smile.

"I believe if Hevnokren was here, he'd definitely agree with me that you're worth so much more than just that." Her blue-green eyes seemed to glow in a way that Quill found uncomfortable, like he was the butt of a joke to her.

"But…" She continued to ask in a skeptical tone, slender fingers cradling her crystal tumbler filled with amber cognac. "You came here alone? With no crew of your own yet?"

"Nope, but I'm told that I can be one hell of a team player." Quill reassured her.

"Do you have any prospective crew in mind?" The Governess questioned.

Quill's light green eyes widened just slightly as he realised what she was after: Governess Sylvie was scouting him as a captain of a crew! But his lips pursed in indecision as he couldn't help but feel tempted once again to ditch Yondu for Governess Sylvie: Quill had always dreamed of running his own crew, and here she was offering him exactly that.

"Zilch, I don't have any prospects for crew right now. But I can always whip some greenhorn new-guys into half-decent pilots if it comes down to it." Quill bluffed again, he didn't know the first thing about training pilots to be as good as him.

"Hmmm, I can have you on standard merc captain rates right now. However…" She gave him another knowing smile that told him that he was right where she wanted him, and Quill couldn't help but feel that he didn't mind that at all, "I like your energy, as they say. A signing bonus of 50,000 Units sounds more than generous for an untried captain, wouldn't you agree?"

Okay, he had to admit that he was really tempted to switch sides now.

But- swallowing a heavy gulp- Quill held himself back. He shouldn't be so quick to throw Yondu and the Ravager crew away the moment a sweet deal drops onto his lap. Even if Yondu kidnapped him from earth and worked him to the bone and… the potential 200k Units that he'll get once Aether's head is on a platter.

But if he's employed as a merc for the Sakaarians, that means the infiltration was a success, right?

Mired in hesitation, Quill looked down into the crystal tumbler in his hand as he gave it a little swirl- the golden amber cognac that was mesmerizing both in how it glittered and in the sheer wealth of it all. The Governess was offering him 50k right here, right now. As well as a legally-binding promise for steady pay.

And finally, he made up his mind.

"Where do I sign?" He replied, all while repeating the mantra 'It's for the mission' over and over in his head. And even then, he only half-believed it himself.

"Right here." She drawled with a small smile, and as if waiting for just that question, she reached underneath the bar counter and pulled out a holographic clipboard- already shining with page after page of binding legalese that Quill recognised to be standard merc contract #38.

He recalled how Yondu had stressed the importance of knowing which number was which about a year ago. Standard merc contracts #1 through #22 meant that you're getting chump change, and all the numbers from #23 up to #37 meant that your employer's trying to screw you over. But #38 meant that you're getting paid like a cream-of-the-crop merc.

"Score..." Quill whispered in glee as he signed away with a flourish- all under the watchful blue-green eyes of Governess Sylvie. And Quill couldn't help the shiver that ran down his spine as he signed- feeling like he had just sold his soul away for 50 grand, good stable pay plus benefits. Okay, maybe it wasn't so bad for him.

"Welcome to the Sakaarian Fleet, Captain Star-Lord." She drawled with a vulpine smile as she shook hands with him, and Quill couldn't help but shiver in delight at that title. 'Captain Star-Lord' sounded almost as cool as 'Flash Gordon' or, as blasphemous as it would sound, almost as cool as 'Freddie Mercury.'

This whole mission was turning out to be a whole lot better than he thought it would. At this rate, he might just switch sides for real!

"There are a couple of things that a man of your talents can do for us at this stage of the raid." Governess Sylvie began as she began walking over to comms terminal. But Quill stopped her.

"Hey, uh… Gover- wait, can I call you Sylvie?" He called out, suddenly remembering himself and earning an hesitant nod from his new boss, "Before we get down to business, Sylvie, can you tell me what's the deal with the big man?"

"Excuse me?" She asked as a puzzled look came to her pretty features, her hands on her hips.

"Hevekron." Quill clarified- no doubt butchering his new big boss' name in the process, "What's Sakaar's aim for kicking over the anthill of one of the biggest players in the galaxy? Why is he doing all this stuff stirring up crap with the Nova Empire, in particular?"

"His name is Hevnokren." Governess Sylvie corrected him, blue-green eyes alight with a mischievous sort of amusement, "And I guess there is no harm in telling you… Tell me, do you know what Infinity Stones are?"

"Sounds incredibly expensive." Quill immediately replied.

"Indeed they are." She affirmed with a small mysterious smile. "Six of the most expensive and powerful stones in the entire universe. Each of them holds great power. Sadly too much power for a mere mortal to use- any attempt made would end explosively… but Hevnokren? He already wields two."

"And he wants to complete the set." Quill finished for her- already knowing how obsessive collectors can be, "But how does kicking the Nova Empire where it hurts supposed to fit?"

Sylvie leaned over the counter- steepling her fingers over her lips.

"The other four are incredibly difficult to acquire or even locate. For now, Hevnokren can only gather the manpower and the capital required to acquire the other four. All this 'kicking over the anthill' is merely placing ourselves in a position where we can retrieve them up the moment they surface."

And it was at that moment, Peter Quill realised something important about his new big boss: Hevnokren was one superstitious motherfucker. Six Magic Rocks of Power? Really? And Hevnokren wants to collect them all as if they were toys that came with his Happy Meals?

But on the other hand, Quill was about to be too well-paid to care what his employer did in his free time.

"And if you don't mind me asking, where do you fit in all this?" He asked- aiming a pointed look at his slender new boss in the distractingly tight black leathers. And the cheshire smile Governess Sylvie made told Quill that she was waiting for just that question.

"Once Hevnokren does acquire all six Infinity Stones, he needs someone to do the day-to-day errands of ruling an entire universe. You see… he's not interested in holding court, making laws, erecting monuments, attending parades, or looking down on the galaxies from a golden throne. But luckily for him…"

Governess Sylvie gave him a wide grin- excited like a girl that Santa promised a pony on Christmas day. And despite it looking, Quill found that really cute.

"...I'm just the woman for the job."

Quill had a witty remark all ready for Sylvie, but Lady Luck seemed to have other ideas for him as the Governess' comms terminal behind her flared to life- the green hologram showing a dark-skinned pilot with hardened eyes. The same pilot that had sent him to Sylvie. 'Valkyrie', Quill remembered her callsign to be.

"Sylvie! Captain Marvel just dropped in from the 3rd quadrant jump point!" Quill heard the Valkyrie shout. And he couldn't help but freeze at that. Captain Marvel? Miss 'I get off to punching fleets out of the sky and eat battleship plasma for breakfast'? That's who they were up against? Shouldn't they be running right about now?

"What?!" the Governess squawked- knocking over her glass and sending it shattering across the floor in the process, "She was supposed to be heading towards planet G-69! Damn it all! Why did she switch targets to us?!"

"Hevno- WAIT! She's heading straight for us! EVERYONE SCATTER!" the pilot shouted through the comms as bright explosions lit up her face. Valkyrie's squadron must have been the first to get hit by Captain Marvel.

Cursing under her breath, Sylvie punched an alarm button under the bar counter and the entire luxurious room was immediately bathed in red light. The howling blare of a siren rattled Quill's bones as it blasted its warning all across the ship.

"Figures something like this would happen..." Quill muttered, immediately realising it as he watched the Governess rush hurriedly to the nearest comms console- the blue hologram popping up from the metal and showing at least dozens of requests for the Governess.

Quill looked to the Governess and wondered if she'd make the right call as she immediately set the comms to broadcast on all frequencies- glowing in that distinctive yellow colour that was hardcoded to every comms console.

Briefly, their eyes met: Quill's light-green locking with her hardened blue-green. With her eyes still locked on him, she raised a slender hand clad in black gloves raised up in the air and an honest-to-Freddie-Mercury magic staff came whistling through the air as it flew to her palm with a clap of leather.

"Sakaarian fleet, this is your Governess." Her pretty face was all business as she commanded them with an imperious bark of orders into the comms. "A hostile Captain Marvel has just arrived from the 3rd quadrant jump point. Scatter and regroup at Sakaar! I want all of you to come back alive! That's an order!"

And just like that, the Governess already proved herself to Quill as being a better employer than half the galaxy. In Quill's opinion, knowing when to cut losses was a gift that most employers lacked. And all the while, Quill stood straight in the red light- cool as a cucumber.

"Governess Sylvie, got anything for me?" He spoke calmly, now that he knew that they weren't just going to send him on a suicide mission was already a dealmaker for him.

Blue-green eyes turned to him, and unlike before, they had taken on a type of laser focus- cutting through whatever will he had to make witty quips.

"I've already sent the full ship composition of the Sakaarian Fleet to your ship's computer. Go to Sakaar and take stock of who got home safe, who was lost in space and who ran off with our loot." She explained, even as continued to type away at the holographic interface. And Quill couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Uhh… isn't this above my paygrade?" He questioned with uncertainty. At most, he was expecting to be a merc-captain under the Sakaarian, not a bigshot commander with all the responsibilities that entailed.

"Do a good job, Star-Lord, and I'll double your signing bonus. NOW GO!"

"You can count on me!" He gave the most enthusiastic salute before turning on his heels and charging out the door. 50 big ones were as good a reason as any to get his ass in gear.

He rushed through the metal hallways of The Statesman. Sylvie's black-and-green goons rushed around in every direction with arms full of tech or munitions. He couldn't blame them. Captain Marvel's reputation was very well known throughout the galaxy. After all, you can't spell her name without spelling 'Collateral Damage' too.

Reaching the docking port, Quill stumbled through his ship's entrance hatch and deposited his ass on the pilot's seat. The alarm was still blaring all around him as he hurriedly started up his ship. All around him, Sylvie's henchmen were also starting up their own ships. And for a brief second, Quill had to wonder where the hell Sylvie was.

The Milano had barely decoupled from The Statesman before a blindingly bright explosion tore through the big, blue ship in front of him.

"FUCK!" Quill cried out as he reflexively put all power to engines- distancing himself from the fireball as he blinked the spots away from his vision. And the sight that greeted him froze his blood cold.

The photon-wreathed form of Captain Marvel had shot through the belly of the big ship like a sewing needle through cloth- leaving behind a white-hot thread of exotic energies as thick as a human that melted the 400m long starship's hull like it was hot wax.

Ahead of him was the jump point for Sakaar, but Quill took the second to watch in the rearview holographic display as the flaming wreck of the Statesman grew smaller and smaller into the distance. He didn't know how many survived that massacre by Captain Marvel.

"Fuck, I hope Sylvie made it." He muttered to himself as he initiated the jumps to Sakaar- thinking back to that pretty smile and those blue-green eyes as the stars blurred past him.

Because despite being sent here to spy on them, this was what he always hoped he'd get when he daydreamed of running away from Yondu and the crew: getting treated with the respect that he deserved- like a real valued professional. Now that wouldn't have meant much to anyone else. But after decades of getting pushed around by Yondu and the crew… those things meant a lot to him.

Sylvie had done right by him, so he'll do right by her and get the job done as best as he can.

And as the sand-yellow and blue orb that was Sakaar appeared in the distance, a newfound determination filled Quill's gut. With a steady hand, he opened his comms and set it to broadcast.

"To the rest of the Sakaarian Fleet, this is Captain Star-Lord. Governess Sylvie put me in charge of taking stock…"


[The Warsong]

The bright light of the Statesman being rocked with explosion in a spectacular fireball illuminated Valkyrie's face through the glass of the Warsong's cockpit.

The four hundred metre starship broke in half like a crisp biscuit in the wake of Captain Marvel spearing her way through the midsection. The photonic energies of the inhumanly powerful being melting the frame into slag.

"Sylvie! Don't tell me that you were in there!"

But her shouts went unheard amongst the midst of the dozens others screaming into the comms as well. It was all too familiar for her. The sounds of the dying. The desperate pleas of those who were about to die. The wreckage of a fleet in shambles.

"Respond, damnit!"

There! The Warsong's sensors picked up the exotic radiation signature that Sylvie's magic staff, the Staff of Magnus, emitted. And the holographic HUD locked onto the source of it: the Staff of Magnus, held tightly in the hands of someone floating in the vacuum of space.

Teeth gritted, Brunhilde poured every gram of the Warsong's power she could to the engines. The holographic screen flashing red as she pushed the plasma engines to the breaking point.

Past the floating wreckage of dozens of ships, she weaved Warsong. The remains of the Sakaarian fleet laid low by the actions of one impossibly powerful being. Brunhilde's dark eyes couldn't help but flicker towards the frozen corpses that floated stiff like statues in the nothingness- a reminder of what would happen to Sylvie if she didn't make it in time.

"Hold on for just a few more seconds, Sylvie!"

Surviving getting spaced was a matter of how many seconds it took to be pulled back under atmosphere. Asgardians with their robust physiology could last a few seconds longer. It's been almost three minutes now since the Statesman broke apart.

There! The tell-tale glow of the Staff of Magnus. The little orb on its head glowing a distinct blue and the exotic radiations that it emitted. Her friend was in sight, helpless floating in space. No holographic spacesuit in sight.

And as the Warsong drew closer to her friend's motionless form- likely just unconscious, Brunhilde slapped her holographic spacesuit onto her chest- the bright purplish light encasing her entire body. And as soon as the smell of recycled air hit her nose, she disengaged her cockpit doors and the inertia dampeners.

As the entire cockpit suddenly vented into the void of space, Brunhilde found herself lurching forward as the sudden rush of air battered her. Arms wide, she caught Sylvie's frost-covered form in open arms.

"I've got you!" She shouted just as she hurriedly, but gently laid Sylvie down onto the reclined co-pilot's chair. A quick punch to the holographic interface later, and the cockpit doors closed and atmosphere once again filled up the interior of the ship.

Brunhilde's spacesuit disengaged and she realised just how utterly cold Sylvie was. The thin sheet of ice that covered her head-to-toe cracking everywhere Brunhilde touched her. After all, she'd seen it a hundred times before.

In the dead.

"I won't accept that!" Brunhilde roared in defiance. The first aid kit was already in her hands before she knew it, and her shaking hands were tearing open frosted black leathers of her friend's armour before placing the first aid kit on Sylvie's motionless chest.

"Power, On." the machine's feminine coldly droned in monotone. The metal suitcase-like object hummed to life in a flashing of holographic interfaces. "Self-Test, concluded. All functions, nominal."

"It's going to be alright, Sylvie." Brunhilde whispered to her friend. There was a small whisper at the back of her head, but it was saying things that she wouldn't entertain. "You're going to make it, Sylvie. I know you will."

"Organic Lifeform, Detected. Diagnostics, Engaging." Half a dozen metallic arms ending in sharp needles articulated from the kit and jabbed through Sylvie's ghost-pale skin.

"Vital signs: zero. Emergency defibrillation, Engaging."

There was a high, almost inaudible, whine as electricity surged through Sylvie, and Brunhilde pursed her lips as Sylvie refused to wake. The Staff of Magnus that Hevnokren had granted to Sylvie clattering from her grip and onto the metal floor of the Warsong. Brunhilde's fist clenched so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

The first aid kit was supposed to work.

Brunhilde had shelled out for the thing- it was the top-shelf first aid kit that would automatically perform all the necessary functions: Doing everything from monitoring the life-signs to supplying oxygen to sending intermittent surges of electricity to jumpstart hearts.

"Vital Signs, zero. Emergency defibrillation, Engaging."

And yet, Sylvie's Asgardian heart… just won't.

"Work, machine! WORK!" Brunhilde shouted at the machine that couldn't even hear her. Her angry fist grasped the edge of the machine- the metal denting under her fingers as her brown eyes stared with desperate hope at the frost-covered face of the wayward princess of Asgard.

"Vital signs: zero. Emergency defibrillation, Engaging."

Another jolt. And the frost cracked once again as Sylvie's muscles twitched.

"Sylvie, don't you die on me!" She screamed, her voice echoing off the cockpit. She tried to run her fingers through Sylvie's blonde locks, but the hairs simply cracked into solid chunks like glass under her touch.

"Vital signs: zero. Emergency defibrillation, Engaging."

"Not like this!"

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Brunhilde was supposed to relieve the glory days of her youth. This raid on O-12 was supposed to harken back to those days, back when she was a proud Valkyrie. Under an Asgardian sun that never seemed to set. Standing shoulder to shoulder with friends who she trusted. Acting as the sword for Royal blood of Asgard with a grand ambition and a glorious purpose.

The future in front of her had been so bright.

"Vital signs: zero. Emergency defibrillation, Engaging."

"SYLVIE!" She cried out, ragged with grief as she all but accepted it.

"Vital signs: zero. Max emergency defibrillation attempts, Reached."

"Sylvie..." Her voice was just a tired whisper, "We were supposed to see Asgard again together..."

Feeling numb, Brunhilde picked up the Staff of Magnus before deposited herself onto the pilot's seat, her brown eyes staring into the stars ahead as her hands squeezed tight around the controls.

In the distance, the Sakaarian fleet continued to withdraw. And Captain Marvel continued her slaughter. Explosions almost outshone the stars as the woman in red and blue and gold tore through ships.

Shrouded in that radiant red and yellow energies, Captain Marvel was made her invulnerable to the explosions that she caused.


Brunhilde glanced up at the Staff of Magnus- her brown eyes considering the strange orb that floated at the tip of the staff. She remembered how in that brief battle with Ravonna in that warehouse and how the staff was able to absorb even the energies of an Infinity Stone. Even for just a scant few seconds.

And in her heart, she felt that this was how it was fated to be.

With a tilt of The Warsong's plasma thrusters once again blazed a bright blue trail in space as the ship shot headlong towards the woman that had taken Brunhilde's friend from her: Captain Marvel.

Brunhilde recalled what the mortals on Midgard had written about her culture. Norse Mythology, they called it. It had been an amusing read once upon a time. Of the founding of Asgard on the bodies of even older gods. Of Odin's supposed enlightenment in the spring of Mimisbrunnr. Of Valkyries carrying the valorous dead to Valhalla.

Brunhilde glanced over her shoulder to where Sylvie's body lay on the floor- a peaceful expression on the blonde's face.

"If there really is a mythical Valhalla waiting for us, I'll carry you there myself, my friend." She solemnly promised. A part of her recalled those thousand years that she had spent in a drunken haze. How she wished to have died like the rest of her Valkyries, like how all Valkyries should die: Weapon in hand as they fought a worthy foe, even if it meant charging to their death.

This was her finest hour.

After all, it was only fitting that the last Valkyrie carried the wayward princess of Asgard home in her arms.

A tap on her chest reactivated her holographic spacesuit- spreading across her like liquid holograms were being poured onto her Valkyrie armour. A punch on her ship's controls opened the cockpit doors- letting nothing come between her and her quarry. Another swipe to the controls and she disengaged the safety features of the Warsong's plasma reactor- willfully setting it to detonate.

The exotic energies of Captain Marvel's unknowable power flared red and yellow as the two of them flew closer and closer.

"My sisters…" Brunhilde whispered to the ghosts that had haunted her for over a thousand years. And she found her voice growing stronger than it had ever been, "My Valkyries! We ride to battle!"

Perhaps it was the roar of the Warsong's thrusters that she heard, or perhaps her mind had finally broken after so long, but Brunhilde could swear that she heard her sisters' warcries resounding from all around her. And Brunhilde shouted with them- letting her voice join with the chorus.


Like a lance, Odin's last Valkyrie thrust the Staff of Magnus right at the head of Captain Marvel- poured all of her strength into that one final blow.

The fiery wreath of red and yellow energies that shielded Captain Marvel from harm dissipated into nothing as the Staff of Magnus approached. Like a black hole impacting with a sun, the little mysterious orb at the Staff's tip drank deep in Captain Marvel's luminous halo of energies.

And Brunhilde felt it.

It was like liquid fire flowed through her veins- burning her from the inside out. But her grip on the staff only tightened. And for the briefest of moments, Brunhilde's earth-brown eyes met with Captain Marvel's sky-blue ones. And glittering in the woman's eyes were the same things that Valkyries saw in all their enemies' eyes.

Surprise, Disbelief, and Fear.

The exotic energies of the Staff of Magnus illuminated the flurry of emotions in her blue eyes just as the orb at its tip pressed against the powerful superwoman's fair cheek. Then the Warsong's plasma reactor detonated, and it was like a star had gone supernova above O-12- consuming everything including Captain Marvel with all the fiery weight of the Last Valkyrie's final stand.

All forty megatons of it.


And so, Brunhilde, Hersir-Commander of the Valkyries, finally came home to rejoin her sisters- carrying the long-lost Asgardian princess in her arms.


- Chapter 6 End -​


Chapter 7: A Dragonborn's Recruitment Strategy scheduled for posting on Friday


This chapter is shorter than usual because I really can't continue on from a solemn scene like that. Switching to Hevnokren and his planet-cracking fight is going to be a mood whiplash. Better to wait till Friday.

'A Dragonborn's Pyrrhic Victory' should have been chapter 6, yes. But it was too much to fit into just one chapter, so it's now a small arc in itself. Originally, this entire chapter was supposed to happen in the background. Hev would only discover that Star-Lord has been hired by Sylvie when he returns to Sakaar. Sylvie's and Brunhilde's deaths would have been mentioned only in passing. But that was a bit too exposition heavy on the later chapters. So, this chapter exists to fill the narrative blanks.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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[NSFW] - Dragonborn's Might Makes Right (Evil!SI, Skyrim, MCU, Waifu Catalog)


Hevnokren's Waifu Catalog Stats

(Waifu Catalog Version 0.21.09)

Initial Purchase

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Total Credits Earned: 730

Current Credit Balance: 0

Balance Change this Chapter: +730

*New purchases/acquisitions made over the course of the chapter are in Green















{td=bottom}Starting World:

Marvel (Tier 6)

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Fight For your Right

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Deathmatch

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - No Future


Total Credits from Starting World{/td}


+365 Credits (base)





+730 Credits{/td}




Possess Husbando (Dragonborn){/td}


-100 Credits{/td}




Dragon Heart

Dragon Scale

Treasure Horde{/td}


-75 Credits

-100 Credits

-20 Credits{/td}








{td=bottom|300x@}Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Scale){/td}





Body (Lvl 2)

Wild (Lvl 2)

Environmental (Lvl 2)










Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart) Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Scale)

-30 Credits

-10 Credits

-50 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-60 Credits

-100 Credits{/td}




DemiPlanes & Dungeons:

Pocket Space{/td}


-5 Credits{/td}




Author Commentary:

I can't claim that this will be 100% accurate. When I started this story, I had resolved not to let statistics get in the way of writing this story.

I'll be using this spot to explain some of Hevnokren's purchases.

Total Credits Earned: 742

Current Credit Balance: 0

Balance Change this Chapter: +12

*New purchases/acquisitions made over the course of the chapter are in Green











Valkyrie (Tier 5){/td}


+12 Credits{/td}



{td=bottom}Starting World:

Marvel (Tier 6)

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Fight For your Right

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Deathmatch

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - No Future


Total Credits from Starting World{/td}


+365 Credits (base)





+730 Credits{/td}




Possess Husbando (Dragonborn){/td}


-100 Credits{/td}




Dragon Heart

Dragon Scale

Treasure Horde{/td}


-75 Credits

-100 Credits

-20 Credits{/td}








{td=bottom|300x@}Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Scale){/td}





Body (Lvl 2)

Wild (Lvl 2)

Environmental (Lvl 2)










Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart) Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Scale)

-30 Credits

-10 Credits

-50 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-60 Credits

-100 Credits{/td}





Sticky Fingers{/td}

{td=bottom} -10 Credits{/td}




DemiPlanes & Dungeons:

Pocket Space{/td}


-5 Credits{/td}




Other Perks:

Sexual Calibration{/td}

{td=bottom}-2 Credits{/td}




Author Commentary:

Story starts. Hevnokren focuses on purchasing defenses because he's aware that the MCU has some pretty powerful magicians/beings including the TVA.

Hev deliberately builds for PvP. The PvP Gauntlet Items massively increases his starting Company Credits at the cost of PvP mechanic being enabled. Hev sees this as a good thing, because he intends to just Capture/Steal the waifus of other Contractors instead of spending his own Credits for Waifus.

Reminder that Defenses come in two levels: the first level merely curbs most of the hostile effects, the second level makes one completely immune to such hostile effects.

For thematic and narrative purposes, I'll pretend that OCDS doesn't exist. That way lies so much cheese strats and munchkinry. Too much cheese strats and munchkinry. *shudder*

Total Credits Earned: 1102

Current Credit Balance: 260

Balance Change this Chapter: +360

*New purchases/acquisitions made over the course of the chapter are in Green











Valkyrie (Tier 5)

Hunter C-15 (T7) [SOLD!]

Hunter C-20 (T7) [SOLD!]

Ravonna (T7) [SOLD!]

Sylvie (T8){/td}


+12 Credits

+80 Credits

+80 Credits

+80 Credits

+120 Credits{/td}



{td=bottom}Starting World:

Marvel (Tier 6)

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Fight For your Right

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Deathmatch

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - No Future


Total Credits from Starting World{/td}


+365 Credits (base)





+730 Credits{/td}




Possess Husbando (Dragonborn){/td}


-100 Credits{/td}




Dragon Heart

Dragon Scale

Treasure Horde{/td}


-75 Credits

-100 Credits

-20 Credits{/td}








{td=bottom|300x@}Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Scale){/td}





Body (Lvl 2)

Wild (Lvl 2)

Environmental (Lvl 2)







Polymorph (Lvl 2)






Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart) Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Scale)

-10 Credits

-20 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-100 Credits

-50 Credits

-50 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-60 Credits

-100 Credits{/td}





Sticky Fingers{/td}

{td=bottom} -10 Credits{/td}




DemiPlanes & Dungeons:

Pocket Space{/td}


-5 Credits{/td}




Other Perks:

Sexual Calibration{/td}

{td=bottom}-2 Credits{/td}




Author Commentary:

Hev encounters the TVA, captures some of the named characters.

They are of such a high tier because they have pretty OP abilities (Time Travel to any point in the timeline + Timeline pruning + Time-slowing Batons). Despite most of them being baseline humans, according to the rules of Waifu Catalog, equipment counts towards their Tier ranking.

Hev rounds out his defenses.

Total Credits Earned: 1102

Current Credit Balance: 230

Balance Change this Chapter: -30

*New purchases/acquisitions made over the course of the chapter are in Green











Valkyrie (Tier 5)

Hunter C-15 (T7) [SOLD!]

Hunter C-20 (T7) [SOLD!]

Ravonna (T7) [SOLD!]

Sylvie (T8){/td}


+12 Credits

+80 Credits

+80 Credits

+80 Credits

+120 Credits{/td}



{td=bottom}Starting World:

Marvel (Tier 6)

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Fight For your Right

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Deathmatch

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - No Future


Total Credits from Starting World{/td}


+365 Credits (base)





+730 Credits{/td}




Possess Husbando (Dragonborn){/td}


-100 Credits{/td}




Dragon Heart

Dragon Scale

Treasure Horde{/td}


-75 Credits

-100 Credits

-20 Credits{/td}













Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Scale)

-10 Credits

-10 Credits

-10 Credits{/td}





Body (Lvl 2)

Wild (Lvl 2)

Environmental (Lvl 2)







Polymorph (Lvl 2)






Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart) Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Scale)

-10 Credits

-20 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-100 Credits

-50 Credits

-50 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-60 Credits

-100 Credits{/td}





Sticky Fingers{/td}

{td=bottom} -10 Credits{/td}




DemiPlanes & Dungeons:

Pocket Space{/td}


-5 Credits{/td}




Other Perks:

Sexual Calibration{/td}

{td=bottom}-2 Credits{/td}




Author Commentary:

Hev purchases the Communication, Performance, Covert Talents in order to better rouse the crowd to his side.

Most of what Hev does in this chapter is experiment with crafting. Uru (the material that makes up Thor's Mjolnir and the Infinity Gaunlet) is of particular interest. Hehehehe...

Total Credits Earned: 1102

Current Credit Balance: 25

Balance Change this Chapter: -205

*New purchases/acquisitions made over the course of the chapter are in Green











Valkyrie (Tier 5)

Hunter C-15 (T7) [SOLD!]

Hunter C-20 (T7) [SOLD!]

Ravonna (T7) [SOLD!]

Sylvie (T8)

Beta Ray Bill (T7) [SOLD!]{/td}


+12 Credits

+80 Credits

+80 Credits

+80 Credits

+120 Credits

+40 Credits{/td}



{td=bottom}Starting World:

Marvel (Tier 6)

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Fight For your Right

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Deathmatch

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - No Future


Total Credits from Starting World{/td}


+365 Credits (base)





+730 Credits{/td}




Possess Husbando (Dragonborn){/td}


-100 Credits{/td}





Dragon Heart

Dragon Scale

Treasure Horde

Dragon Cabin



-75 Credits

-100 Credits

-20 Credits

-30 Credits

-25 Credits{/td}













Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Scale)

-10 Credits

-10 Credits

-10 Credits{/td}














Polymorph (Lvl 2)






Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart) Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Scale)

-10 Credits

-20 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-100 Credits

-50 Credits

-50 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-60 Credits

-100 Credits{/td}





Sticky Fingers{/td}

{td=bottom} -10 Credits{/td}




DemiPlanes & Dungeons:

Pocket Space

Pocket Apartment

Sweet Home

Adjustment Field{/td}


-5 Credits

-20 Credits

-10 Credits

-200 Credits{/td}




Other Perks:

Sexual Calibration{/td}

{td=bottom}-2 Credits{/td}




Company Mission Rewards:

Under Draconic Rule: Take Over Sakaar{/td}

{td=bottom}+40 Credits{/td}




Author Commentary:

Hev Captures and Sells Beta Ray Bill as planned, as well earns the first sub-reward of the Company Mission.

Hev's Purchases (Dragon Cabin, Bifurcation, Pocket Apartment, Sweet Home, Adjustment Field) are all for his fight with Aether. In Chapter 6, Adjustment Field was used to Capture Ei.

Yes, Hev planned to trick one of Aether's Waifus into his 'weakpoint' from the very beginning, even before knowing he was against Aether. At the very least, he'd forcibly push a waifu into his [Dragon Cabin]. Reminder, right from the start of the story, Hev's intention had always been to Steal as many Waifus as he can. Fug, Hev is a typical NTR antagonist. How did I just see this?

Also, all hostile Company Contractors will be like Aether:

they're all good-aligned

they're the type of person who's going to simp for their waifus

they act like they're a good person despite being in the Company slaving business.

Total Credits Earned: 1102

Current Credit Balance: 25

No Actions/Changes this Chapter

*New purchases/acquisitions made over the course of the chapter are in Green











Valkyrie (Tier 5)

Hunter C-15 (T7) [SOLD!]

Hunter C-20 (T7) [SOLD!]

Ravonna (T7) [SOLD!]

Sylvie (T8)

Beta Ray Bill (T7) [SOLD!]{/td}


+12 Credits

+80 Credits

+80 Credits

+80 Credits

+120 Credits

+40 Credits{/td}



{td=bottom}Starting World:

Marvel (Tier 6)

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Fight For your Right

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Deathmatch

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - No Future


Total Credits from Starting World{/td}


+365 Credits (base)





+730 Credits{/td}




Possess Husbando (Dragonborn){/td}


-100 Credits{/td}





Dragon Heart

Dragon Scale

Treasure Horde

Dragon Cabin



-75 Credits

-100 Credits

-20 Credits

-30 Credits

-25 Credits{/td}













Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Scale)

-10 Credits

-10 Credits

-10 Credits{/td}














Polymorph (Lvl 2)






Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart) Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Scale)

-10 Credits

-20 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-100 Credits

-50 Credits

-50 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-60 Credits

-100 Credits{/td}





Sticky Fingers{/td}

{td=bottom} -10 Credits{/td}




DemiPlanes & Dungeons:

Pocket Space

Pocket Apartment

Sweet Home

Adjustment Field{/td}


-5 Credits

-20 Credits

-10 Credits

-200 Credits{/td}




Other Perks:

Sexual Calibration{/td}

{td=bottom}-2 Credits{/td}




Author Commentary:

Bifurcation sees some use here. Note, Bifurcation allows Hev to manifest a regular Avatar outside his full-size Proto-Adamantium dragon form. Hev essentially is operating two bodies with no lag or downsides except he can't have two full-size dragon forms)

"A fool's wager." Sylvie agreed with a vicious smile, "But yes, I agree with your assessment, I'll give him the 'VIP' treatment until I can contact Hev ab-"

Slyvie's comms device rang again much to her irritation, at least, until she found that it was from Hevnokren.

++ ☐ ++

See what Star-Lord knows, then keep him sedated until our rendezvous back on Sakaar.

++ ☐ ++

"How is he contacting us from way over in G-69?! While fighting?!" Sylvie exclaimed incredulously at her comms. There should have been a lag, at least, from having to cross several hundred light years.Hev's manifested Avatar was actually on the Statesman with Sylvie and Valkyrie- listening in on their conversation. That's how he was contacting them: He was texting them from across the room while his dragon form was fighting Venti on G-69.

Total Credits Earned: 1102

Current Credit Balance: 25

No Actions/Changes this Chapter

*New purchases/acquisitions made over the course of the chapter are in Green











Valkyrie (Tier 5) [Deceased]

Hunter C-15 (T7) [SOLD!]

Hunter C-20 (T7) [SOLD!]

Ravonna (T7) [SOLD!]

Sylvie (T8) [Deceased]

Beta Ray Bill (T7) [SOLD!]{/td}


+12 Credits

+80 Credits

+80 Credits

+80 Credits

+120 Credits

+40 Credits{/td}



{td=bottom}Starting World:

Marvel (Tier 6)

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Fight For your Right

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - Deathmatch

PvP Gauntlet (Multipliers) - No Future


Total Credits from Starting World{/td}


+365 Credits (base)





+730 Credits{/td}




Possess Husbando (Dragonborn){/td}


-100 Credits{/td}





Dragon Heart

Dragon Scale

Treasure Horde

Dragon Cabin



-75 Credits

-100 Credits

-20 Credits

-30 Credits

-25 Credits{/td}













Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Talent from Dragon Scale)

-10 Credits

-10 Credits

-10 Credits{/td}














Polymorph (Lvl 2)






Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart)

Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Heart) Free (Bonus Defense from Dragon Scale)

-10 Credits

-20 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-100 Credits

-50 Credits

-50 Credits

-30 Credits

-30 Credits

-60 Credits

-100 Credits{/td}





Sticky Fingers{/td}

{td=bottom} -10 Credits{/td}




DemiPlanes & Dungeons:

Pocket Space

Pocket Apartment

Sweet Home

Adjustment Field{/td}


-5 Credits

-20 Credits

-10 Credits

-200 Credits{/td}




Other Perks:

Sexual Calibration{/td}

{td=bottom}-2 Credits{/td}




Author Commentary:

Aside from Sylvie and Valkyrie coming down with a bad case of the 'She dead!', nothing happens this chapter.

Sylvie was actually when Valkyrie makes her suicide charge at Captain Marvel. I practically pulled lore out of my rear that she was just in a hibernating state due to Frost Giant physiology, and Valkyrie's auto-medkit didn't recognise her species and therefore pronounced her dead.

If she was conscious, she was the type of person who would never have allowed a suicide charge. Oh well. Lolololololol.

They'll return though. I need them for when the events of the Thor movie occur. But for now, let other waifus take the spotlight.

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