
Questionable Questing

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[NSFW] - The Artisan and the Yandere - Skyrim/Oblivion Self and OC Insert


The Artisan and the Yandere - Skyrim/Oblivion Self and OC Insert


The Daedra


I hummed happily to myself as my Darling Gaius led me around Whiterun, our date was so nice!

We had our friends with us of course, but that didn't mean it wasn't a date, right?

Even the crowds of mortals glaring at us for some reason did not detract from it.

Oh, Gaius asked me something.

"My first life? Not much to say, just a nerdy girl who enjoyed fantasy games. I wasn't particularly smart or good at sports, and I didn't have many friends…" I frowned, "Huh, I don't remember sounding so pathetic?"

Gaius shook his head.

"That's hardly fair, you just described the vast majority of non-extroverts."

I shrugged.

"I guess. Anyway I barely remember that life, my adventures in Cyrodiil were far more defining."

The moment I killed the guy who killed the emperor was the real start of my life, for better or worse.

We entered the 'Wind District', slowing near what Gaius told me was the Gildergreen. I felt a barest whisper of divinity from it, weak and dying.

"Mind telling me about these adventures?" Gaius asked, looking up at the god touched tree.

Happy to oblige!

"I started my journey by joining the Arena and the Thieves Guild for a bit, so that I could save up my moneys until I could afford some Steel armor, then I ran off to go save Martin, who I was crushing on at the time. I was really lucky, the invasion had only happened the day before, so I managed to close off the Gate before Mehrunes' minions could swarm over the countryside, at least so early on."

I felt bad lying to Gaius, but things like prophecy are better discussed between higher powers.

I'll teach him more about that stuff when he ascends, but for now it was better he thought he had a strict time limit for certain events, or he might stretch prophecy too far ignoring the truly important things for years or something and break time again. I didn't dare let a Dragonbreak happen while he was still so vulnerable to being erased from reality.

Gaius was stroking his very pretty beard as he took in my story.

"Sounds like you had it pretty rough at the beginning." He said, fingers sifting between the trails of his beard, "How old were you when you crossed over? I'm 25, though this body I would assume is older considering that's barely more than a child to elves."

"I was 13."

Gaius' beautiful golden skin paled, and I tilted my head.

"So you've been killing and fighting since you were barely a teen. Jeez, no wonder you… Okay, good to know."

We started heading back to the plains district, as Gaius continued stroking his beard.

"You know, when I was doing that whole Naming thing, I got a bit of an info dump on you." He said, and I smiled.

"I hope it wasn't anything too embarrassing. I'm happy to tell you anything you want, just some of the things I got up to…"

He shook his head.

"Nothing like that, I'm just wondering what this 'Black Legion' thing is, and why you were its General?"

Ah, that.

Such nostalgia, such… sadness.

"It's a bit of a story?"

He just nodded at that.

"I'm fine with that, go on."

I took a deep breath.

"When Mehrunes' invasion started picking up pace, I quickly found that his armies began gathering in larger and larger numbers for every attempt at establishing a beachhead. Eventually, the sheer number of lesser daedra became too much for me to deal with alone. This culminated in me being ousted from the Deadlands when trying to close the portal outside Skingrad."

I frowned in remembrance.

"That day his forces swarmed around the city, putting it under siege. Meanwhile I had no other choice but to run to the Imperial City, to ask for any aid possible. When the Chancellor Ocato heard that Skingrad would be taken, and the path to the Imperial City itself being attacked opened, he sent me back to Skingrad with a hundred Legionaries, the most he could afford while the legion was fighting everywhere else attempting to stem the tide."

I looked down at my hands, clasping them together.

"By the time we made it to Skingrad, half the city had been taken. Only its split design stopping the daedra from getting to the other half, for now. We began our attack by breaking into the occupied half, killing any daedra we could find. Despite the fact I was only attached to the group, I quickly ended up becoming the leader, everybody looking to me for advice and eventually orders in hopes of dealing with the enemies only I had any real experience fighting. Soon enough the city was retaken, and I coordinated my reduced Legion force with the city guardsmen, sallying out to break the siege and lead the charge into the Gate once more."

"Once inside, the daedric forces were still strong enough to force us to actually besiege the fort inside. Daedra don't need food or such things though, they could simply have their mages continue flinging fire at us for eternity, so we were forced to commit to constant assaults against the walls. Eventually, having lost half my forces, we managed to reach the sigil stone, and the gate was successfully closed."

I closed my eyes, remembering how I had felt at the time.

So many of my men, lost to my own inexperience commanding an army, and the sheer determination of the Dremora in repelling our counter invasion.

Opening my eyes again, I looked to my Gaius, who seemed transfixed.

"When I returned my bloodied but hardened soldiers to the Imperial City, I was immediately handed enough green recruits to make my command a full Legion, all volunteers who had seen I could attain victory against Mehrunes, despite the losses. I was given the rank of General, and we then marched across Cyrodiil, fighting against the hordes of Dagon. As we did so, we looted the armor and weapons of the Dremora, and over time the entire thousand man Legion was equipped in full daedric sets, the only thing distinguishing us from the enemy being the black tabards we wore over our armor with the symbol of the Empire upon it. That was when we were given that name by the citizens of the Empire, the Black Legion."

There was only silence for a bit, before I found a powerful arm wrapped around my shoulders.

I looked up, seeing Gaius giving me a gentle smile.

"I'm probably not the best equipped for helping a veteran of such a horrible war deal with her issues, but." He squeezed me a bit, extracting a blush from me, "I can tell remembering this hurts. I'll always be here if you need anyone to listen."

I bit my lip, lowering my head to rest against his armor.

While his attempt to help me was rather basic and blunt, It just felt so earnest.

"Thanks." I muttered, feeling a heat fill up my core.

This felt… good, to share my history with Gaius. Even if the memories were painful.

"Ah, would you like to tell me about your soldiers? I hear that's a good place to start with this kind of thing."

I brightened up.

"Ah! I've never been able to cook to save my life, so let's start with the cook! That glorious man somehow managed to make the plants of the deadlands palatable in our stews. His name was Quintus Varien…"

I talked and talked, telling the story of my Legion, recalling each and every name I could remember over the course of that day.

By the time I was finished, it was getting dark, poor Gaius looked like he was barely alive any more, and I was feeling guilty about talking his ears off.

But I felt a melancholic happiness in my chest. I'd helped my men be remembered, their tales of heroism and sacrifice remembered by at least one more person.

I'm very sure those in Sovngarde, at least, were listening. If those shits weren't drunk off their heads, at least!


Those idiots, I loved them.

Still do, really.

So long ago, but it felt like it was just yesterday…

"We should be getting to bed." Gaius muttered, and I blinked.

Oh, that would make a nice end to our date.

I glanced at Barbas, and he gave a suggestive bark before running off to explore the city, and Lydia excused herself back to her own home.

Gaius found us an Inn, but oddly tried booking two rooms.

"Have you forgotten already Darling? We'll only need one~" I mewled into his ear, and I grinned impishly at the blush on his cheeks that my words invoked, the innkeeper and his helpers chuckling under their breath.

As we made our way to our room, I planned my attack.


The Dragon


As soon as I closed the door to our room, Vera smashed her lips into mine, teeth clinking together.

Caught off guard, I fumbled, not knowing where to put my hands.

Wait a second, a woman's kissing me!

Bringing a hand up to her head and letting the other rest on her hip, I explored her mouth, finding it to be so very warm, nearly searing.

Then she pulled on the latches of my armor, somehow managing to get the cuirass off in record time.

pulling my lips away from hers, I grinned stupidly, delighting in the way she looked at me, eyes half lidded and gaze smouldering.

Then the rest of my armor was removed, and I started pawing at Vera's furs, removing them layer by layer, slowly revealing her delightfully toned grey skin to the open air.

I was a bit surprised at just how ripped she was though. While most of it was hidden under the thin layer of fat which kept her feminine form smooth and curved in all the right places, there was no hiding the sheer amount of bulk she had underneath.

Her arm muscles were just larger than the average man's, and at her core I found myself sliding my hands along her six pack and the bumpy muscles to the side of them.

Pulling her to myself, I nibbled on her neck, making the goddess moan lowly, and giving me a view of her back.

My god that back, anyone who hadn't cheated for the perfect body like myself would look upon it and weep.

I felt fingers gripping my pants, and Vera showcased her own strength as she ripped them open.

"Oy, those were expensive." I growled into her ear, before biting it.

She squealed, giggling internally before falling backwards, pulling me with her.

Now collapsed on the floor, she finally wiggled out of her fur skirt, revealing her naked sex winking with arousal. I could practically see steam rising from it.

"Please Gaius, stop teasing me." She mewled out, wriggling her shoulders to make her huge breasts, nearly the size of her head, dance, dragging my eyes to them, "I've been waiting for you to make me your woman for weeks now. Do it, make me yours! Claim me as your queen and break me!"

My brain fogged over at those words, and I reached down, pulling off the last of my clothes.

As my loincloth was removed, my monstrous cock was revealed from its prison, and Vera gasped, eyes transfixed as blood engorged it ever thicker, ever longer.

"By the Void, Gaius~" She moaned, wrapping her legs around my waist, pulling me into her and making the underside of my cock grind against her opening.

Wetness covered the underside of my cock, and Vera kissed my collarbone, suckling on it.

"Please Gaius, do it. Make me yours~"

I reached down, grabbing ahold of her shoulder, my other hand grabbing my cock as I pulled back.

With her teasing me so much, I couldn't even be bothered to remember foreplay. All I could think of was hilting myself inside her, and making her mine.

And so I did.

As soon as I lined myself up with her gushing cunt, I slammed myself inside her, ramming through any hints of resistance, her undulating wet folds making way for my mighty cock until I hit her cervix, which barely offered up a token moment of defense until I broke through that too.

I couldn't help a moan myself when I smashed into the back of her womb, the impact making her scream.

Covering her mouth with mine, I shuddered, pulling back shakily before jerking it back inside her.

Pulling back from her mouth, I panted.

"Fuck, I-"

I slammed home again, making Vera release a gasp.

Then again, and again.

Now holding her powerful arms down into the floor for leverage, I ramped up my pace, feeling more in control by the second as Vera moaned and screamed my name, my cock shaping her cunt to be my perfect cocksleeve.

As I slammed into her, juices sputtered over my pulsating balls, splattering all over the floor and our legs.

The sweat formed a lube, making Vera's back slide along the floor, but she only screamed for more.

I don't know how long we fucked like that, it could have been hours, it could have been minutes.

But as her folds slid along my cock, I felt a terrible pressure building in my impossibly huge balls.

I let go of her arms, now grabbing onto her hips as I used her body to bring myself to my end, thrusting harder and faster than I thought myself capable, and with a roar I hilted myself painfully deep.

My balls contracted, and my hips twitched as I released long spurt after spurt of cum deep into her womb, swiftly filling it to the brim and causing thick oozing gunk to spill out, over my balls and then the rest of our lower bodies.

Gasping for air, I collapsed atop her, trapping her under me as I continued lightly thrusting into her perfect cunt.

After a minute of basking in the afterglow, gasping for breath, I blinked in surprise when I was flipped over, Vera now sat atop me, still speared on my fuckstick, a blissful manic grin on her face.

"By the Void Gaius, I've never felt anything like that!" She cried, gyrating her hips as she leaned forwards to caress my abs and pecs as she spoke, "But I don't think you've quite broken me in yet. Are you going to let me just sit here and mouth off like this all night? " She said, lifting herself up and down now.

I winced as my post orgasm sensitivity threatened to overwhelm me, before I pushed on through.

Grabbing her hips, I grunted as I pulled her down, and Vera squealed joyfully.


With that, I fucked her like a man possessed.

Using gravity to assist me, I bounced her up and down, delighting in how her glorious breasts bounced for my viewing pleasure.

The weight of her ass pressed into my balls with each impact, and soon enough I came again, even more cum finding itself splatter across our groins.

None of us cared.

Spinning her around on my cock, nearly making myself cum yet again then and there, I pushed her forwards, propping myself up to kneel behind her, before thrusting into her doggystyle.

From that position my balls were allowed to loudly slap into her wet thighs, the cum covering everything making a squelching noise, and I smirked at the primal satisfaction of slamming into my woman from behind.

Spotting her with her head resting on the floor, I reached for her messy and misshapen hair, digging my hands into it and wrenching her head back.

"Let me see your face." I muttered into her ear, now able to see her eyes glazed over, her mouth agape as she panted.

"Darling~ I- Please keep fucking me. Break me, make me yours~" She whined, her words slurred.

I growled as I quickened my pace, and she started squealing with each thrust.

I'll break her all right!

I raised my other hand, holding her hair with the other, and brought it down harshly on her ass.


I felt fluids gush around my cock, and I smirked cruelly.




With each unrestrained smack to her meaty ass, each I'm sure capable of killing a normal person, Vera's eyes rolled up further and further into her skull, until...

Now she had her tongue hanging out, a constant whine spewing from her throat .

Just seeing that face made me lose all my newfound control, and I groaned, releasing into her one last time.

Then I dropped her head, letting it fall to the floor as I fell back onto my haunches, still spurting thick globs of seed over her form as my cock popped out of her now thoroughly used hole.

I panted hotly, watching as actual steam rose from Vera's skin, and especially from her gaping, overflowing pussy.

I did that.

Holy fuck, I made a goddess ahegao.

I laughed, collapsing backwards, chuckling to myself as I closed my eyes.

Fucking hell, I love this new life.

I don't even care about the little inconveniences. This made everything worth it.

I'll take on the entire damn world, just for this!

I opened my eyes as I felt a weight drop on me, and I glanced over, seeing Vera slumped over my chest, her lips pressing up into my jaw.

She didn't say a word, just kept pressing little kisses wherever my skin showed itself.

With one final kiss against my lips, she groaned, collapsing atop me.

"I love you." She muttered, before her breath turned even, and she fell asleep.

I blinked, before wrapping my arm around her body.

"I love you too,''

I don't know if I mean that yet, but I absolutely intend to if not.

Because this woman was goddamn perfect, despite her insanity.

Maybe because of it?


I clenched my eyes tighter as sunlight hit them, turning my head aside.

It was then I noticed that I was sleeping on a super hard surface for some reason.

Carefully blinking my eyes open, I saw that I was laying on the floor, Vera snoring lightly atop me.

...Fuck yeah.

Just going to let myself feel very full of myself for a bit here, who just fucked a Daedric Prince into the ground? Yeah, that was me! Gahaha!

Okay, settling down now. People who brag out loud are assholes. I can be an asshole in my head but not to other people otherwise... I'm going to shut up now.

Shaking my head. I brought my hand up to Vera's head, running my hands through her hair, before stopping myself.

Her hair was a tangled mess. Full of knots and even tiny bits of wood.

Ah, I don't think I'm the cause of all this. Has Vera taken care of herself at all since she manifested?

I moved my hand down, instead stroking the fine lines of her wondrously muscular back, until she grumbled, slowly opening her eyes.

"Oh hey Gaius, fancy seeing you here." She mumbled, nuzzling her face into my pecs, "Man you did a number on me, fancy doing so again?"

I chuckled.

"As much fun as that sounds like, I think you are in desperate need of a bath... So am I come to think of it."

She frowned, lifting her arm up and sniffing.

At the face she made, I'd assume it wasn't too pleasant.

"Yeah, I suppose so. Inns like these should have a bathing service, but the water will likely be mildly cold at best."

I sighed.

"Good enough for me, I guess. Come on, get up."

With a series of groans from both of us, we extricated ourselves from the cold hard floor.

I looked around, wincing at the results of our fun last night.

Little puddles of cum and fem-juices were splattered all over the floor. Yeesh.

As much as the sight filled me with masculine pride, it's going to be a bitch to clean.

I got to that task as soon as I pulled out my threadbare pants from my pack, as Vera had ruined my better pair.

Ah, seems like we've got some shopping to do.


When we came to the Innkeeper's counter to request bathing services, I found myself and Vera being glared at by most everybody in the building.

Despite that, nobody said a word about anything, and the innkeeper gruffly handed me and Vera keys for our bathing rooms.

Uh, I suppose everybody heard our escapade. Oops.

I… somehow couldn't find it in me to be embarrassed. Just more self satisfied smugness.

Now for the task of cheap medieval bathing, urg.


The Daedra


I hummed to myself as I tried on a variety of shirts.

The thought of clothes was rather distant, compared to the fact I'd finally done it.

I'd had sex! (Well, with a physical body. I'd done it a few times as Sheogorath, but they weren't very memorable experiences) Heck, it wasn't even awkward, except for the clothes part.

Gotta plan that better next time.

Anyway, we're totally going to do that all the time now. Being fucked into a puddle is just so satisfying.

I giggled, finalizing my outfit.

I wore some tight laced leather pants over my legs, high waisted like most clothing of the age with the belt at my belly button, alongside some ankle boots with an upturned pointed toe, with a soft single layer of leather for the sole.

Gotta feel dat earth yo, helps to be sneaky and you get used to it after a while.

I finally found a good shirt, dark grey and made of a nice silky material with silver colored swirling patterns over it, cinched at the waist to emphasize my boobs and the hem just barely reaching past my belt.

Gaius liked my body a lot, so I have to show it off!

Hmm, thankfully the thing had a laced up collar, so I could undo said laces to show off my cleavage. There, I'm sexy and stuff now!

With Gaius having tamed my hair into a long side swept style, I am no longer the crazed mountain woman, and instead am a sexy amazon, who just so happened to be crazy.

Showing off to Gaius, some other women in the shop glared at me sidelong, but what did they know? Bitches were practically covered head to toe in fugly dresses, I'm not even showing off my legs properly!

"Ah, it's good to see you wearing something other than your fur getup." Gaius said, and I smugly grinned to myself as his eyes traced my body possessively.

Then the owner, Belethor, tapped the counter.

"I know you're having fun gawking at your girl and all, but it's about time to pay up. That blouse is silk, and imported from Cyrodiil. It'll be quite the pretty penny."

Suddenly Gaius looked pained, and I felt guilty.

The shirt was so pretty though!

Still, Gaius handed Belethor several gold coins, ancient pieces from his delving into Bleak Falls Barrow, and the man seemed happy enough with that.

I glared at him, before casually making my way up the stairs and to his lockbox, swiftly picking it open and pocketing the pile of silvers and ignoring the other lockbox, which was clearly designated for coppers.

Then I made my way back downstairs, completely unnoticed of course. How would a common store owner possibly detect a shadow like her, even when she wasn't really trying?

After we left the store, I showcased my ill gotten gains to Gaius, who just sighed.

"Only rob the absolute assholes, alright?" He said, before pocketing the coins.

Haha! I'm useful!

Then he led me towards the entrance of the city, where there was an open air forge, a woman working there sharpening an ax at the grindstone.

"Hey Adrianne." Gaius greeted, and I looked at the woman.

Hm, she's pretty enough, but is she hot enough for Gaius?

I didn't detect anything from him, but I'm kind of new to this stuff.

"Oh, Gaius! You caused a big commotion when you came into town, mind explaining what that was all about? All the Nords are muttering about magic users again."

He laughed, rubbing his head.

"Ah, it was a teleport spell. I didn't cast it, but my, uh, paramour did."

The Adrianne woman blinked, before turning to me.

"Hm? Already found a woman for yourself? You work quickly."

I just smirked impishly, and Adrianne chuckled.

"So, what're you here for?"

Gaius clasped a hand on my shoulder.

"I need to make Vera here some equipment, was hoping you'd let me use the forge for a bit?"

Adrianne sighed.

"Yes yes, try not to make this a habit though. I've got orders to fill you know."

With an uttered thanks, Gaius moved to start gathering materials and tools.

I found myself sat down a bit away, watching as he prepped the forge,

He seemed… in his element. Making things.

"So Vera, what do you prefer to fight with?" He said, sticking several ingots into the forge, "I know you use 'heavy armor' from your story, but what weapons, a shield?"

I nodded.

"Mace and shield. Also I like using moccasin style shoes, uh, just a layer of leather between me and the ground?"

Gaius nodded.

"Sounds good, any stylistic preferences? I'm pretty new to this, but I can probably work something in."

I shook my head.

"I'm no good at that kind of thing. All I know how to do is break stuff, and make music I guess." I watched as he began pounding metal into shape, turning useless hunks of steel into a deadly weapon or protective plates.

Gaius made things. That was… significant.

I watched as he brought to life my mace, then my shield.

Soon enough there was a pile of armor plates, waiting to be assembled into my armor, but before he could finish making them all dusk came in and Adrianne entered the work area.

"Alright, pack it up. Guards will start bothering me soon if you're hammering metal into the night."

With a nod, Gaius gathered his materials, dumping the armor pieces in a corner before we headed off for the inn again.

"As long as there isn't a repeat of last night, you hear? I've got other patrons who need their sleep." The innkeeper said, while other patrons from the night before refused to look at us.

Gaius just chuckled, handing over a larger amount of money than last night, and we were given the same room.

Then he fell onto the bed, making it creak dangerously.

"As much as I'd like to have more fun tonight, let's let the other people sleep, alright?" He said, and I pouted.

"I was hoping you'd immediately disregard what he said…" I said kneeling next to the bed and arching my back, "Please Gaius?"

He groaned.

"Don't tempt me, demon. Come here and actually sleep, we can fuck every night when we don't have people on the other side of the wall."

I giggled, clambering up onto the bed, my weight making something snap.

How dare you bed, calling me fat!

I hugged Gaius, taking in his scent.


"Hey, I was wondering how that teleportation thing you did works." Gaius asked, and I raised my head to look into his eyes.


"You know, it's a pretty rare spell these days." He said, stroking my back.

I shook my head.

"It's not a spell, more like… I'm bringing us into my plane of Oblivion, then back into Nirn. That might be part of what makes it feel so unpleasant since it's just a formless void right now, as I haven't actually shaped it into anything yet."

I frowned.

"I need to get to doing that at some point, it's like an instinctual urge kind of thing, but I suck at designing stuff. Like I said, I'm only good at breaking stuff."

Gaius rested his hand on my waist.

"That sounds like it's probably something important for you to do." He said, and I dug my face into his side.

"Yeah, but I don't want to. I want to stay here with you, and have fun and sex and stuff instead of doing that."

… Wait a minute!

"Gaius!" I exclaimed, pulling back from him with a grin, "You can do it instead! That way I just have to pop over into Oblivion and do what you tell me to do."

Gaius furrowed his brow.

"What are you talking about?"

I laughed.

"You can design the, uh, designs! Er, blueprints?"

He raised a brow now.

"I guess? I suppose I can do that on the road, I'll grab some papers and writing utensils before we go."

I nodded happily, glad to not have to bother with such things.

"Now I'm curious though, you don't even have your own proper plane yet, how powerful are you compared to the other Princes?"

I shrugged.

"That's kind of a nonsense question. We don't really measure power in the same way mortals do… But, I guess, in terms of pure military might and 'god magic' power, I'm barely more powerful than Barbas, and he isn't even technically a Prince. It's part of the reason I can't teleport you at whim, it takes a lot of power to break through the barrier into Oblivion, take a bunch of people with me, then break through again to manifest somewhere else."

I squirmed into him, wrapping my legs over his.

"That'd change if I got a bunch of mortals worshiping me, I guess, but that's never really been fun. Or I could steal power away from other Princes, there's a variety of ways to do that."

Gaius sighed.

"I should probably be writing this down somewhere, I'm likely the only mortal alive who's gotten something like straight answers about how the Princes work from the source."

I giggled, my Darling is such a scholar.


The Dragon


I didn't have enough money for three horses.

Vera asked Barbas if she could ride on top of him, but the daedric dog rebuffed her, saying only his real master could demand such things from him.

Then he ended up playing fetch with her.

So anyway, no horses for us.

Kind of a relief, I wasn't looking forward to the inevitable saddle sores, and taking care of an animal like a horse was bound to be dirty and inconvenient.

Despite our lack of horses, we began our winding journey to Markarth, the first point of interest on our journey to be Halted Stream Camp, where I had picked up a bounty to kill the bandits there, but that was a side benefit, really.

The real goal would be the spell hidden there, Transmutation.

Essential for one on my path, really.


A/N - And so the beginning has finally ended, sex has been had, and our party consisting of a demigod, a demon-goddess, a demon (angel?) and normie human head off on their adventure.

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