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Shades of grey




Mr. Grey

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Planet Atrisia, Atrisian Commonwealth

There are three ways to defeat your enemy. The first, and most obvious, is to better him in a trial of force. The best way is to have him destroy himself…The middle way is to destroy your enemy from within.

- Sayings

Ventress was dispatched to convince the other side of the galaxy to align with my Empire, and not the Sith, and to create a stable route to Jedha. And Jedha was a major target, for 100 reasons. Being the jump point to Rakata Prime, just the first reason.

With a string of independent worlds, converted behind her, like Phu , only the constitutional monarchy of Atrisia remained as an obstacle. Or a trampoline.

We shall see. We definitely didn't want to conquer these people, but instead make them join willingly.

"The Immortal Pef's offer is not a joke, Atrisian Empress. Or do you doubt that the Pef Empire is not capable of making judicious use of power?" Asajj argued pretty nicely.

"Oh, someone has read our Sayings. But I'm afraid I do not have the negotiating power I'd wish. The Atrisian Parliament has wrestled the decision from the emperor courts domain over 500 years ago. We live in liberal times now, Lady Grayshade" Grace Tching, the Empress, a stern woman about 30, said with a tinge of sadness.

"As a personal boon for your line, our Empire will conceive a solution to augment your decision strength. Perhaps as a Hand, for this region of the galaxy. But, if your people will prefer a Moff governor, nominated by Sith Lord Palpatine, we will find someplace else. S thread hyper routes are expensive, but so are we." my Voice argued politely. She was getting better at diplomacy and war.

"Oh, not at all like Emperor Palpatine's Fists then. But not a Voice? Or is that something else?"

"The Voices are more than people, and less. We are ideals and legal instruments. Our own words and deeds reflect the will of the Pef Empire, and oblige everyone to obey. We are the law, and our words are law.

It is not a political nomination, Empress Tching. If I say for example 'this star is in my way' soon after that star will be erased, and let me pass freely. If I call a holy war, the Empire will rise. If I say, there is 30 trillion credits in that gift box..." Ventress said softly, pointing gracefully at the droid which decloaked to her right, and carried an aurodium chest.

"Good. All three paths, and mastered flawlessly. Force, cooperation, subversion. And your fleets are already expanding in the Deep Core, ready to strike from within. Looking to encircle the galaxy, and protect the ripe core, until is ready to rejoin the wealthy crust. I shall try what I can, Lady Grayshade. Who knows, perhaps we'll be sisters, one day..." the scheming Empress concluded with a wide smile.

She'll be perfect. A bit flat chest wise on the Fibonacci beauty index, but I could fix that.

And not with artificial breast implants like our female agents, carrying soft satchels of liquid explosives as insurance.

Real gene alter and hormonal rebalancing. For the kids, of course.

'Keep saying that to yourself Pef. This woman is much like Zero. Peffy will have to tame her a long time.' Asajj whispered in the bond, before returning to her audience with the Atrisian Empress.

"I am certain you will, Grace. You can promise your Parliament massive investments and war reparations, for your valued help in the Clone Wars. Perhaps a thousand ships, and a few Meteors. To keep those pesky pirates away, and ensure liberties for nearby worlds, so filled with slaves and poverty."

"Oh, even Meteors? Money, ships, new'll have your answer next week, Honored Voice. Your gift is well-received, for such a long audience. Let's stop the politics and chat a little more, about that wonderful speech of Avatar Greyshade. I watched it ten times, and he seemed to believe every word." The Empress said with a tinge of worry. So, some people did pay attention.

"Oh, our Avatar did indeed mean every word. But that's a medium future, 20 or 30 years away. Those visions contain people who are mere babies now, or still not born. By that time, we will be more than ready, dear Grace. So, the capital city is called Jar'Kai..." Asajj said calmly, taking her future sister arm, and starting to gossip.

Her favorite form, originated here. My Voice was in heaven.


Planet Bespin, Independent

Cloud City

There were a few Imperial Navy ships in the system when Peffy arrived, but they didn't stay long enough for a misunderstanding to happen. Too bad.

Anyway, it was time to claim the gas giant for ourselves, and then increase the production a hundred times.

The Empire will need more weapons. And Jedi willing to upload themselves into computers were pretty good weapons too.

"So, this is where the Altisian Jedi have stayed hidden eh? In the clouds." I said gently, looking towards Mister Altis and Miss Callista.

"Not just here. But we were ignored till now. Until Palpatine began hunting all of us." Master Altis complained, still blinded by some hogwash beliefs.

"Well, darksight is a potent unifying force ability. Predicting and manipulating your opponents, scrying all over the galaxy, and arranging false prophecies. That the Ruusan Jedi didn't even know it existed, made them foolishly simple to exterminate" I answered with a shrug, and kept spinning the spherical holocron over my palm. The grey holocron.

"But you do. It seems you know everything, just like Emperor Pef." Callista discovered, a bit late.

"We share a force bond of course. All Voices do. Look, there's powerful force-user on that platform! Maybe 20 years old, works as a gas prospector." I exclaimed in fake wonder, pointing towards Streen .

I already knew he'll be around, just kept an open mind to sense his thoughts.

"You're still toying with us. There was no surprise in your voice" Master Altis remarked with some regret.

"There's a trillion stars in the galaxy, esteemed refugees. I can only be in one system, so don't expect miracles. I can help in one place, or arrive late and punish someone after. Strength is useful, but skill matters more. And I have much to learn" I answered with a sad and truthful voice.

"Huh, that's a sobering thought. You trashed everyone in the Zero garden. Even the Masters. With your pinky finger" Callista said with a bit of envy.

"The former jedi order gave master titles too easy. Master Fay, Master Ha, Master Yoda...yea, they almost deserve it. Living for 700 hundred years and learning, even half the book, is quite remarkable. Now go and collect the others, while I speak with Mister Streen. Maybe he wants to learn more..." I said half joking.

He should want to learn more. And control his telepathy and force visions.

I mean, really? There was an Altisian praexum right on this planet. Darth Vader came around, looking for rebels, in the movies.

And they all missed him? What's wrong with this picture?

The one-eyed, leading the blind and causing disasters at every turn.

Planet Dantooine, Pef Empire

20 BBY, tenth month.

" Dantooine . They're on Dantooine."

―Leia Organa

More scavenging hunts, for Rakata tech and answers.

I have another crystal now, stuck to my crystal self, along with many others.

The Shadeshine from Ventooine, which normally drains organics of life and boosts them to sorcerers levels of force ability. Not gonna work like that on my Rur crystal, but the dozen abilities imprinted on the force matrix can do things I could barely do till now, like boost organic life to grow fast, like Bendu can. Or abuse fire and air elemental alter just like Peffy can.

I have no ears and nerves to be enhanced, but the stone gave me electromagnetic senses, just like Shards have.

And some kind of force sight, that Peffy is learning from his miraluka maids, much better than the blind bat mode I had if I don't use the droid's photoreceptors. More senses, yay!

And to think Han Solo would have destroyed this wonder, for whatever reason he destroys things. He once blew up a planet just to steal some box. I'll have to make sure that doesn't happen.

A life crystal from Rafa works on me as well, allowing me to stay at x6 speed without overheating. Not forever, as they are consumables, but for emergencies it will be great. Peffy and my Voices carry a dozen with them, just in case.

Another crystal, the Quilan Pyradex that we located a few at Roche, can boost my computation and mathematical formulations ten times. Core and Zuralee also received one of those, since they need it the most to plan our economy or discover new mathematics.

Whoever lived on Roche, before the planet was pulverized into asteroids must have been really smart. Possibly some kind of insects, so likely the killiks.

And we have leads for two quinlan crystal pyramids more. One on Tatooine and another on Klatooine.

Possibly not a coincidence, that I'm now on Dantooine.

It has another force ability embedded inside, for complex numbers, much like Altis has that astronavigation ability.

I think I'll give one to Na-jia and the other to Solanus, once they are recovered.

And there it is, the Rakatan ruins (Dantooine), with the cute guardian Overseer (droid)

I am the Overseer. The Builders programmed me to enforce discipline among the slaves while this monument to the power of the Star Forge was constructed." ― Overseer

Yes, very cute. 'Now open the penetralia, and go wait outside.'

'This is not fun anymore. It's slavery!' the Overseer complained wisely.

Now, any holocrons or nice stuff? Of, course not. Not here.

And the star map is fused to the floor, so no one can steal it. Unless they take the floor too.

Now let's drain the dark side a bit. This grey haze is not the warm love of the Daughter.

Too bad that beautiful green haired girl is actually something like the droch plague, a colony of insects, and not a real girl.

I'll deal with the Adams family later.

For now, knowledge. You, mighty Rakata salver droid, who killed all the slaves on this planet!

Yes you. Do you know what we do, to slavers now? Here, new laws!

Now rip off your limbs, before I do it for you.

Nope, there no statute of limitations. The law is the law, unless I change it.

Here, let me help you with that last spider leg. See! Now you have been punished, and your reeducation can begin.

I may need you to open more things for me.

Let's spread our senses, and see what else is worth 'liberating' on this planet. Look, a former Jedi academy. And a holocron named the Codex of Tython ? Thanks a lot.

What else?

A Jedi, identical copy? Which was hidden from the force...another blank.

Hello X2 . Guess I have your clone brother X1 on Blueforge, being examined right now.

And landing again.

"Falon Grey , what a surprise to meet you here. Pef Greyshade is my name. And this young one, must be your clone brother X2?" I asked them amused, after my ship took custody of the map and the paraplegic rakata droid.

" the Immortal Pef? The Emperor of this new Empire..." he asked confused, but a bit wary now.

"Very good. So, telling war stories? Teaching your brother mind tricks? Kidnapping babies? What are you doing on my planet, mister Grey, former jedi, and still wearing a lightsaber illegally?" I asked amused.

"Just helping the farmers...although the new droids do most of the work..."he admitted a bit ashamed.

"I'm certain there's holonet here on Dantooine, I paid for it after all. And my Avatar's declaration was not conditional. You must register with the Imperial Servants and relinquish force weapons, unless you become a member of my Assassinorum Office or the Grey Paladin Office. Or you can be deported, to Coruscant. Lord Palpatine might give me a whole planet for an evil jedi..." I mused out loud, then turned away, going to inspect the fields and growing entire crops in hours. This was kinda cool too.

Especially on an entire continent at once.

And more food would be useful, if the droids managed to collect all. Of course, they would. I was here after all.

'Go collect the crops, valiant farmer droids. The Empire needs this food!'

And here they are, still awed at my magnanimity, gifting the farmers a new crop, 6 months sooner.

"You have Grey Paladins, like the heretic order from Coruscant?" Mister Grey asked, a bit hopeful.

"I have a few of those, but not exactly. This unit will be formed of various units, from Mandalorians, Sun Guard, Echani, and dozens more. Power armors, bolt pistols, sniper rifles and other nice weapons. Our own counter-terrorism unit. The guard panthers, protecting the baby banthas from rancors" I explained in a relaxed voice.

I couldn't keep the Jedi locked up forever. But I could use them.

"I see. Not like Jedi at all. Shoot first, then rescue the hostages" X2 commented, quite aptly...

"Yes, or stopping bioweapons and whatever. My Assassinorum are more adept at revenge and retaliation. So, my grey brothers, what say you. Ready for 100 years of hard duty?" I asked curious.

"I'm in. My lifespan might expire in 5 years..." X2 said with some fatalistic tone in his voice.

"Nonsense. 100 years is the minimum term for a pension. Unless you get killed. But age and disease, come now, that's silly. It's like three or four abilities to learn. Takes a month, or three for a newbie like Grey the third" I answered in a derisive voice, as my ship came to glide 10 meters above the crops.

And flying...let's lift X2 as well...

"Kriff, I was kinda bored..." Falon Grey muttered, so he got plucked up and taken into the Fade II frigate.

Let's send orders to Vanquo and start organizing this new branch.

Good position, with easy access towards Hydian Way, Mandalorian space, as well as the Pentastar and Gordian Reach.

I'll have to begin mapping and taking over that pocket as well. Yavin 4 was too much a threat and prize.

Now what was my Peffy doing on Ukio?

Planet Ukio, Pef Empire

former Jedi agriworld

"Indeed, sweet green lady. He came to Mand'alore, possibly to challenge me for my title. So, I put him to sleep and had him shaved all over. Then I sent him back to Coruscant in a bacta tub. But to think it would make him go mad and attack Master Yoda...unintended consequences" I explained over a glass of ice-tea. Who knew there's ice-tea here?

"Don't blame yourself Avatar. The danger you can't sense is usually the most deadly. And I never believed that crap of prophecy." Miss Keelyvine Reus said sadly, but looking amazing in her green bodysuit, which let me analyze her curves to perfect accuracy. And she wore green lipstick, which was new and probably tasted nice as well.

"You said that loud, Avatar. Mmmm. Want a taste?" the woman asked me seriously.

How could I refuse?

I closed my eyes and hoped for warm, moist...hard lipstick tube?

"Hey, you tricked me, you evil green witch!" I exclaimed, half upset.

"No way! You really expected a kiss? We met like an hour ago..." Miss Reus said with an awed and bewildered expression.

Oh, right. Fanatic jedi women. Possibly, Reus has never been kissed in her life. No matter how beautiful her green eyes and lips were.

"Nevermind then. Go hop on that corvette with the other plant monks, and join the boring conclave on Ruul. And to think, I thought you were cool...mmmm" I managed to say before the crazy nonconformist jedi planted a kiss on my lips.

"That's for the trick you played on Skywalker, nothing else. But don't think if I did it once....mmmmmm" She managed to say before I returned her kiss.

"You have much to learn, dear maid. Come with me then, to Kitel Phard. There's this city called Jar'kai, like the saber style. And..."

And we walked into the sunset, holding hands. Sigh. Romancing a Jedi was hard.

Next, she'll want movies and dinner.






Seriously people! Rate and review the story!

Or else...or else...darkness...the harem will shrink. 

The galaxy will collapse without love. 






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 10.08.2018, 18:00:51




 Bio: New writer, and working hard.

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Shades of grey




Taming the shrew

 Fiction Page Report Chapter








Planet Vanquo, Pef Empire

Grey Paladin Center

19 BBY

I made X2 the leader of the Grey Paladins, for a simple reason, and a dozen less simple.

He was trained as a Null Clone, and thus much better prepared for urban warfare and small squad tactics than any Jedi 'general'.

Plus, he was force sensitive but untrained. So I could mold him to my wish. And I did.

In one month, while the planet was being partly terraformed to remove the pollution caused by millennia of corporate style mining

Grey Xman became a moderate adept in with agelessness, dark healing, light healing and gene alter. And his genome was cleaned of stupid genetic mistakes that made him age rapidly.

A few hundred other former clone troopers found their way to Mandalore along with some Jedi, and were convinced to defend their new homeland from any threats, and with pretty big guns.

Having nice equipment and training helped.

The former Death Watch and Sun Guard also had to join, and receive rapid mnemonic education regarding the laws and actual warfare.

The Grey Paladins were all given the Force as well. Because force makes people lucky. And fast.

And after one month, the Chapterhouse is ready. A cube 20 kilometer on a side, placed in a Lagrange point between the planet and its moon. Took a lot of asteroids and droids to construct, but there will be room inside for a thousand corvettes or frigates,

along with barracks, training rooms, and a million jacuzzi baths.

I'll have to enlarge the space inside later, but one million SWAT equivalents will do for now.

Their families will live down on the planet, but operatives had to be ready to leave at a moments notice, and a huge grey cube was a statement anyway. We can build it, and you may resist. But, 'lower your shields, resistance is futile'.

In fact, that a motto written over one of the hangars doors.

Other mottoes were drawn from various other cultures that will mingle to form my paladins.

'Paladins never die, they just go to hell, and regroup.' ' We are the shield, that guards the galaxy'

And hundreds more, all inspiring and glorious.

And now the first graduates are lined up in front of me, and their leader Strategos Grey Xman.

"Proud Paladins, you were selected and trained to protect our civilization from danger. From bombs and kidnappings, to assassins and bioweapons. You wear the armor, so you can stand in front of the madmen and terrorists, and block their weapons with your armored chest. So that our children don't have to be afraid, or wear gas masks. You will go out there, and die to protect civilization.

It is your calling, and your duty. But above all, it is your honor. Death before dishonor!" I yelled on the podium, and thousands of voices yelled back.

Huh, this might even work. If they believed it, and the Force helped...

'I think it will work, mostly. The Force wants what people want. And if enough people want something...' Wialu said, somewhat interested, since 20 of her people also joined the Paladins.

'Perhaps. But a proton torpedo works pretty well to keep madmen in check' I said with an inner smile.

"You heard the Emperor, Paladins. I know you will do your best to keep our people safe. Our families down on Vanquo look up and feel safe, knowing we are here, ever vigilant and protecting them. And if you have personal divergences, work through them.

Half the galaxy depends on us now, to keep them safe. And everyone of you who will die, it will be while doing his duty. Make me proud, Grey Paladins! " Their Strategos proclaimed, not all that self-assured as my Voices could, but pretty good.

I'll have to guide them carefully a few months, until they gained some experience and confidence, but unlike in a democracy, the local leaders and politicians had no say about Empire wide policies. There will be no dragging feet or legal obstacles.

We had sufficient funds and armories to equip a billion potential Paladins. And we eventually will have them, or more.

But for now, every organic team of 10 people will be supported by 100 commando droids, wearing similar power armor.

Because a BX11 droid took 11 minutes to be printed, fully trained. While force-sensitive Paladins will take years to reach even Jedi Knight levels in force connection and intuition. The same as the Findsmen, who sent 1000 of their Gand new recruits to fill out the ranks.

The Echani sent 1000 girls to balance the genders a little. Hundreds of planets sent police officers or custom inspectors.

And now, there were 50 thousands Grey Paladins, and 500 thousands support droids all wearing the Armor, which cost about 50 thousand credits each. Plus ships and drops ships and weapons and equipment.

But compared with the Jedi, who were now some 200 adults and 4000 children, we had 50000 force sensitives, using modern weapons and tactics. And in about 10 years, those kids will not be Jedi anymore, but Paladins as well.

And from the Sanctuary, thousands more will come, as new generations trained to master themselves and the Force.

Perhaps the future could be better.

On Nam Chorios, I decided to evacuate the planet, removing every single sapient, except the Tsil. They wanted to stay. The planet became a fortress world, any traffic interdicted for a Gamma-class threat. And the droids that remain there are all variants without synthskin. It seems the droch can infect even synthetic tissues. The people there will stay in quarantine for a year, while we tested them for any kind of possible anomaly. Then the 'listeners' can be moved to Sanctuary.

Cularin system received a thousand more ships for the same reason. Not Darth Revan's fortress, but the insane Darkstaff. Again, everyone was forcefully evacuated and the system interdicted.

Kessel system as well, although it wasn't just the planet there. Pretty much the whole sector was considered Delta threat, and Kessel system and the Maw, Gamma-threat.

Planet Belsavis the same. I didn't have the means to deal with that kind of threat yet. But I wasn't going to let some smuggler release World Eaters or Devourers or whatever else there was in there.

And on Corellia, we let the Council know that Centerpoint station was also a Gamma-threat, or Galaxy ending event, and that letting squatters and smugglers live inside the station might mean their sun will die, by some kid pressing a button somewhere.

And if destroyed, the rest of the galaxy.

By next week, the station was evacuated and welded up, with 10 ships guarding it non-stop.

Sigh. Better than nothing, but I will have to visit it and learn what I can.

Anyway, the Iron Knights from Dweem will have to move, as that world will open for colonization.

Maybe on Malagarr?

'No way, not letting my family stay with that genocidal AI.' Luxum exclaimed at once.

'Okay then. On Ruul. Make the Jedi doubt their beliefs' I said a bit amused.

'They could be Paladins, Pef. It is a noble group, and my race can do electronic warfare pretty good.' my shard Voice argued, only not quite sincerely.

'Yes, They could. I haven't received any requests, from them or from Orax.' I answered sternly.

'I'll explain it to them. So, where do you want us to expand next?'

'Rutan and Atravis system . If the Sith take the planet 9 billion people will die. Kill their leaders if they object, but save the rest Luxum. Plus there're hordes of pirates around Tosste. And you have a billion of droids and 10 thousand ships. Use them' I demanded with a little push.

Come on girl. Don't expect me to do everything!


Planet Atrisia, Pef Empire (under MPT)

"So you're the famous Avatar. You seemed taller in holovids" Empress Grace said with an amused tone.

"A trick of the light, most beautiful Empress. I am perfect the way I am. But your children might go hungry. If anyone dares to approach you that close" I answered with a charming smile, and made Reus and Ventress choke in surprise.

"You, I like. Not afraid to say what you think. But I might change your mind about some things..." the woman said, trying to keep herself from blushing.

"Perhaps, most enchanting Grace. But experience with vibrating toys is much different from the real thing. Miss Asajj here can confirm that first hand" I said with a wicked smile, and dodged the slap from the aggravated Empress.

"Y-you rude mongrel! Get out from my palace! Didn't your mother teach you manners?" She yelled now flushed with anger.

I just smiled calmly, and looked around with curiosity.

A few guards were smirking. A few generals were looking at me curious. Ah.

I was right after all. They wanted me to tame the shrew.

"Actually no. I wasn't born like the lower class, from blood and guts. We do have high class technology, unlike primitive planets. And I was raised by a droid. It worked perfectly, as everyone can see. I am smart, and rich, and quite popular with the opposite sex" I explained politely, then turned my back and went to kiss Keelyvine and then Asajj, while the Atrisian Empress sputtered at my back.

"Guards! Arrest him. Throw him out!" Grace yelled ungracefully.

Sigh. I was their leader now. She just didn't get it.

"Okay, fine. You can show me what you know, Empress. But remember, I won already" I answered amused, turning around and opening my arms for a hug, while lifting her a centimeter and gliding her in my arms with telekinesis.

After a few seconds, Grace realized her public blunder, and pounded my shoulder with a weak hand.

"Fine. You've won this battle Avatar. But the war will be long and bloody. And I promise I'll make you scream, when I win" she murmured in my ear.

Oh, I think you'll scream first, dear Grace.

Planet Denon, Corellian Diktat

19 BBY, three months later

"Moff Fliry Vorru , you are also Corellian, just like we are. Order your ships to stand down and surrender. This planet and their assets belong to Corellia, as part of the Clone Accords between Pef Empire and its allies. Denon is part of the Corellian Oversectorand will stay that way." The Corellian Admiral said on the holorecorder.

Now where was the help he was promised?

The holoconference was somehow enhanced, and another figure sliced in, breaking through the encryption like a lightsaber through steel.

"This is Admiral Etahn A'baht with the Pef Navy's 77th fleet. Those blips on the scanners are with me" the Dornean Admiral, who was already famous for destroying 100 thousand CIS ships at Celanon, said humbly.

And indeed, 15 thousands ships began emerging from hyperspace, 12 thousand corvettes, some 2000 cruisers and 1000 new ships, large enough to be called Dreadnoughts, at around 8 kilometers long, and with a prow made of a horizontal blade 3 kilometers wide, like a hammer-shark.

And those ships were not lumbering hulks like his 3 Meteors.

They accelerated greatly, almost at same rate like the Calamari MC80 Liberty cruisers escorting them. And if his computers were correct, they had 1000 heavy guns and 200 proton torpedo launchers on those ships, each.

There won't be a battle anymore. Not even this Galactic Empire could hope to defeat such a fleet. Not for a decade.

When did the Pef Empire had time to build a brand new fleet like this?

These were not the 100 thousand ships that Pef Navy obtained from the CIS after the Mustafar command center was captured. Not even the upgraded variants, which transformed the Munificent frigates into destroyers.

1000 of the cruisers were the new Strike design, that Pef Empire has also donated to Corellia, 500 were Recu carriers, no doubt loaded with droid starfighters, and 500 were Calamari made Liberty star cruisers. Block II it seemed, with 250 turbolasers each.

When the Corel droid said "Go ahead with the Denon liberation, 77th fleet is ready to assist", they figured it will be a 30 Meteor fleet, not this...whatever this was. A show of force, most likely.

From a weird and laughable ally, that Corellia Navy figured it will delay the CIS for a few months, to this. A juggernaut of production, of ships and droids so far.

Not to mention the Neti Grandmaster that their avatar had saved from Ossus, and whatever else they gave the Green Jedi, who were now twice or three times stronger, and most of all, still alive.

"You heard the man, Moff Vorru. Stand down, or some misunderstanding might happen, and your two thousand ships might evaporate in a minute or two of confusion" Admiral Rostek Horn said with a short smile.

Only 80 of those 2000 Galactic Navy ships were star destroyers anyway, but winning without a fight was even better.

It was good to have the upper hand. For once. And turn off the holoconference. The system was taken.

Master Halcyon muttered something beside him, like "...not again"

"You said something my friend? At least this time, you were not delivered back to Corellia in a kolto tub" Horn quipped with a light laugh. The Green Master will never get over that shame.

"Hey! That woman is evil, I tell you. She put everyone to sleep, and left only the desiccated body of the Jensaarai's leader behind. Even the Grandmaster is wary of her" Halcyon complained, like a schoolboy.

"Yesss. Very evil. She didn't even shave you, like the Avatar did to Skywalker. I say you got off easy, for going on a mission requested by Palpatine himself" Horn replied in a more serious tone.

They took the warnings more serious after that.

Even if that scare with the Centerpoint Station seemed blown out of proportion.

No matter. With Denon and Rendili for they own population centers to draw from, and with the quadrillions of credits they received as war reparations, Corellia will be great again.

"Admiral Horn, there is more to discuss" the hologram of the Dornean Admiral said, coming online on its own.

Great, now they could control the systems on his own bridge. Then again, the Meteors were made by this Pef Empire.

"Yes? Of course, I mean. What is it, honorable war hero" he managed to say.

"A specialist team will arrive to examine the station, and attempt to neutralize the threat. Their frigate is already landed on your flagship, on the left wing. In exchange, Exodeen and Belassa will be added to the Accords, and possibly Ojom and nearby systems, once the examination is complete. We will leave you 10 thousand corvettes as well, since your patrolled area will double from this expansion. Let us know if there's anything else you may need" the Pef Navy admiral said in a flat tone, like this wasn't adding some 500 systems to Corellian space.

"Alright then, I assume that frigate is cloaked?" Horn asked, to make sure.

"It sure is. It was there for 6 hours at least. Good fortune, and green dreams. May you die with honor!" the Admiral said curtly, and saluted with a fist, before the hologram vanished.

He looked around, then towards the bridge officers in charge of scanners.

"They had been here for 6 hours! Come on people! You can do better..." he muttered with a long sigh.

"I can't sense them at all. Whoever is on this team is scary good. Like that..." Halcyon whispered with wide eyes.

"Voice Wialu is on Teta, taking Kuar, or something. It's not her, this time" Horn said with a bit of amusement at his friend's panic.

"This is even worse then. They have more!" The Green Jedi complained, taking out a bottle and drinking a tiny sip.

"You drink? Since when?" he asked curious.

"Nah, this is medicine. Some plant extract." the Jedi said furtively.

Huh? Medicine eh? Brandy was a plant extract too, after all.




In response to popular demand, the harem grows once again.

Still, more love would be nice. And by that, I mean give our Emperor a handful of stars.

The galaxy...full of stars!







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Shades of grey




Of gods and men

 Fiction Page Report Chapter









Centerpoint station, Corellian space.

19 BBY

"The whole system? That's impossible. No one could generate an interdiction field that big."

―Leia Organa Solo

Being inside the Killik space station is like being in a mall full of nice toys, and a whorehouse and a museum at once.

You guessed already who was on the special team exploring the spacestation, in exchange for some 500 star systems, which we 'gave' to Corellia.

Not like they were ours to begin with...but anyway, 2 trillion people should help Corellia grow strong, as soon as the hive cities were mostly emptied out, and distributed on inhabitable planets. Even in the Core, there were millions of planets with only a few million people. They could be used more intelligently, right?

Sure, my Empire received some 10 billion immigrants so far, but it was just a drop. Only the really poor and desperate, and sometimes criminals, would choose to emigrate outside the Core.

But those planets that Corellia received, were all in the Core, with some in the Deep Core and Colonies, but still viewed as high class.

Add to that thousands more systems used only for mining, and at once they became a good ally.

It will take them some time to build up and adjust, but it was a start.

Now, let's see. A Null quantum field generator strong enough to blockade the entire Corellian sector. Nice work, Son and Daughter.

What else? Tractor beams, repulsor beams, engines, hyperdrives, Teleport beams...

Man, this was the find of the millennium.

Now, some calculations, and adjustments, setting Corellian planets Talus and Tralus on new orbits, independent of the station. Select a few hundred asteroids from nearby systems, and form a small belt, for the Corellian shipyards.

And select Vanquo for a destination...and jump.

Centerpoint Station stolen successfully!

Now let's select a few planets from Kessel to orbit Vanquo star.

And lock them with a Hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer . And jump. Come to daddy.

There! 3 new planets, brand new! Two of them were already Pef planets, but they were wasted in Kessel. In the Grey Paladins' system, they'll be able to support food and recruits for the whole Chapterhouse.

Adjust the new system balance, to keep the new orbits safe, and well into the golden band of life.

Energy reserves low, since it needed a force nexus, and I kinda depleted the energy stores. Okay then.

Select Corsin and engage hyperdrives. We'll arrive there the slow way, like a ship.

'Pef, you're going to steal planets from around the galaxy, and make new trade hubs?' Lira asked me in the bond, a bit flabbergasted.

'Well. Only a few. Can't abuse this as much as I want, since it draws very strongly in the force. But I can move these 15 planets from Kessel, to a safer and richer route' I explained with an inner smile.

'Stealing 15 quintillion credits wasn't enough eh? You're stealing spacestations and planets now...' Luxum said with a worried tone. I blame GTA! My formative years were strange...

'Well... I asked permission first, and paid the Corellians well. Not like it was doing anything there...' I explained politely, then lost myself exploring the tech wonder of the Centerpoint.

Still, the inside of the station was now quite hot and Glowpoint was radiating enough energy to melt all the dwellings left behind by previous occupants.

And the controls were still the kind of hive mind interface, that my numerical ability pyramid had.

Very likely that only a Killiks Joiner or an AI with technopathic power could use this thing as intended.

But reverse engineering this marvel...not likely. 90% of the artifacts here were force-powered somehow, and the rest used gravity and hyperspace manipulations.

And at Corsin, I'll look for some nice, rich asteroids to steal, and make some shipyards and spacestations, since those immigrant people will need work.

Hmmm, at Algunnis system there was a huge asteroid field made by dozens of crushed planets.

And planet Makeb was in Hutt Space, but uninhabited now and with its deep core made of Isotope-5 . A really great source of energy, for droids and ships.

Yea, I could bring it to Corsin, way in the comet cloud, but close enough to be mined and exploited.

The asteroids in Hoth system, could be stolen as well. Yea, those asteroids, where Han Solo hid inside a slug, with the mynocks.

This really was an amazing artifact.

I will have to install the Rakata forcefield from the Celestial River cruiser on it, and some weapons.

Just imagine, a frozen planet somewhere. A few adjustments, and that planet will be temperate or warm.

Rich planets far away, brought next to the shipyards and the workforce.


I was now truly a Celestial myself.

'Not really, Immortal Pef. Much disturbance you have caused, young one. Killed the Chosen One. We shall meet and test you, soon enough' A strong voice, reverberated from inside the Glowpoint reactor.

Right. The Adams family Father.

Duh, if you really believed that fake prophecy, you're not a Celestial either, overgrown insect!

'I heard that!'

"Still dying of old age eh. Chased away by the Rakata, with their crude weapons. You won't like what I do, when we do meet, oh Father and Husband of Abeloth. Pray it won't be soon" I spoke out loud wishing I had a mouth to eat popcorn with.

Oh wait! Peffy had a mouth...only he was quite busy with it.

Sigh. Diplomacy is hard work.

Corsin system, Pef Empire.

On board Centerpoint Station

Installing the Rakata forcefield takes some work, since the shape and the size of the station is not at all compatible.

Come now, semi-sentient AI, just make an oval field, 400 kilometers in length. Not so hard...

Eh. Took almost a week, and all the knowledge I could, including using the Overseer droid to bark orders in Rakata's own language.

That worked better than I imagined. Must be some poor slave enteched inside, brainwashed to obey certain commands.

But the forcefield is so thin, only on former Rakata planets will be of any use. Sigh.

Also, the Sith Empire didn't listen to our warnings, and decided to test biological weapons on Dentaal

possibly trying to vanish the rebellious groups there. In a few days, all the population will be gone. Dead, I mean. At least 10 billion people.

Well then, lucky I have a solution.

Lock onto that planet, cover it into hyperwave immersion shields and bring it here.

And let's deploy nano-viruses to analyze and counteract this Candorian plague .

And who is wearing biosuits? You there. Let's take them off, for now. See how you like breathing your own plague mister Crix Madine and your commando troops.

No, you can't suicide. I promised you will suffer for eternity. And thus you will.

Now, There's about 50 thousand imperial troops and their walkers and ships on the planet and in low orbit, but unfortunately, they are in Pef space now, and thus subject to my laws.

Let's gather them all, while I organize a few gatherings and explain to the 10 billion people what happened. Slicing through all the ongoing holovids and datapads.

"Citizens of Dentaal, this is Emperor Pef, of the Pef Empire. You may notice the Galactic Army troops being gathered forcefully in your largest cities plazas. That is because they didn't listen. Releasing bioweapons is a capital offense for all involved, from design, production and actual usage.

The penalty is death, and worse. Torment for all eternity. Counteragents for the Candorian plague they have released, will be administered to the Dentaal population, free of charge.

The Imperial Army will not be given such mercy, and instead left to suffer, until they die. And those who ordered this crime will have their soul extracted and punished.

Also, be advised that your planet was moved temporarily to the Corsin system. Please let me know if the majority desires to return your planet to the previous orbit or perhaps remain here. Good day."

And now, let's find out, who is actually involved, what labs, what doctors, what officers.

And make their name and locations public. And announce their fate to my media and other neutral sites.

Huh, more and more such stormtroopers and officers begin being landed in the largest plazas, and people start gathering to stare at them.

Mister governor Taliff and your staff, please join the nice group in the capital Calif City .

And let's lower a few soul snares for the next part.


Moon Jedha, Pef Empire

Jedha City

I am walking the streets of Najedha like a pilgrim, in my power armor. Nobody notices me, with the huge diversity around here.

The people are one thing, but the town, with its walls and temples, reminds me of holy cities back home, in the future. Markets and bazaars, peddlers and holy men.

Some trinkets they sell actually glow in the force. I bought a few hundreds pendants and bracelets, doing my duty to increase commerce in the Empire.

But the huge and ancient skyscraper glows the brightest.

This Temple of the Kyber is a wonder of the galaxy. The nearby Dome of Deliverance too, but only for religious people.

There must be a million pilgrims here, from all over the galaxy, from thousands of cults.

Some of them are even death cults like Central Isopter . I'll have to see what's so nice about them, beside the cool clothes.

Other cults, like Church of the Contained Crescent and Clan of the Toribota or the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance are more benign, I guess. Their leader, The High Priest also renounced his name, and follows only the force, much like Zero and Zao. And here, I am myself just like him, Avatar. A rank and not a name.

"In darkness I follow the light and find my way to the beginning again, and again, and again."

Sajar Ohmo told me when I asked what was his quest.

Hard to make sense, what's real or not, on his moon. I won't know for sure until I learn all they know. And there is much to learn here.

The Church of the Force is just hogwash Jedi worship, figured that out in 10 minutes, but the really important ones are the Disciples of the Whills whose members wore simple red robes like Silvanie Phest .

Tomorrow I will also meet the Guardians of the Whills . They use wooden sticks and bows to patrol the city, but they do not use any of the four types of Force that I know. So it is true after all.

".... I was trying to have the story be told by somebody else (an immortal being known as a Whill); there was somebody watching this whole story and recording it, somebody probably wiser than the mortal players in the actual events. ..." George Lucas said back in my memories, but it seems it was true.

There is a fifth Force and it's the Whill.

The one who actually wills things to happen, and tells stories to those who listen. Or perhaps to himself. Much like me.




The original timeline is kinda toast now. 







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Celestial engineering

 Fiction Page Report Chapter









Corsin system, Pef Empire

19 BBY Two weeks later

The rescued people from Dentaal have thought about it for a week, then decided it was safer to remain here, then have their planet return to the Galactic Empire. I wonder what took them so long.

And while they did that, 3 more planets from Kessel and a few gigatonnes of asteroids were also moved to Corsin, and spacestations and shipyards arose, much easier than before. Since the Centerpoint was a cheat with teleport and tractor beams as well.

And now is time to let the energy recharge, and go on the next destination. Gizer system.

And here, first thing I need is another former Rakata planet, and I decided on Seoul 5 , that planet which Han Solo would have destroyed as an 'adventure'.

It is deserted, but thrums strongly in the force. Much stronger than other such planets.

Very likely because of the Crystal control room from below the capital.

And the Key crystal inside..."the crystal is also capable of boosting any sort of energy source, even mental energy!"

Yea, I'd like another boost please. You never know when some evil demon like Wutzek is being set free by some nice adventurers.

Sigh. I'm beginning to lose count how many evil abominations would be committed by this Leia and Han. Including destroying this very Centerpoint Station. Maybe I'd better make sure they'll be locked up tightly.

Right we have arrived at Gizer, and...yank! Come here, Seoul!

First a nice Force imbued planet, to power up the station, then 3 more planets from Kessel.

And now, more nice asteroids...

And let's go visit the Seoul 5 city. Don't worry, we will replace the weird crystal powerplant with modern ones, so the lights will keep running, I'll just move the stockpile of crystals and all the ancient machinery which is still running some 30 thousands years after the last human on this planet was wiped out.

Much to learn I have...

While my fleets and droids begin arriving in strength at Gizer, to help boost defenses and production...

Planet Jedha, Pef Empire

Temple of the Whills

"The future is mutable, most holy Guardian. Which is exactly why I am here. Sadly, no religion is true." I said gently, as the blind man before me murmured some prayer.

"You stand on the holiest ground, on the holiest world in the galaxy, and claim it's a lie, Avatar?" Chirrut Îmwe asked with furrowed brows.

"Peace is a lie. Knowledge is a lie. Power is a lie. Victory is a lie. Freedom is a lie. Only fragments of truth, misleading and causing conflict and evil. A Jedi or a dark jedi, working with half the first book of the five books, learns half of it or less, and is called a Master. And then he goes out into the galaxy, and bends planets and people to his will, thinking he is right. That he has the truth on his side." I said sadly, remembering all those 'Masters' that I defeated with a finger, or just waiting for them to suicide into CIS fire, not even lifting a finger.

"The Prophecies of the Whills come true..." the man said, now looking young, and too wise.

"It is exactly because of the Will of the Force. 25 millenia ago, when the Rakata had conquered the galaxy, enslaved everyone, chased away the Celestials themselves, the people under them all wanted the same thing. And that will, became manifest, and the Rakata lost their force powers, and thus the mighty Rakata force gates and force hyperdrives and force prisons and weapons...became gradually useless. No Rakata could operate them. And so they fled, and took their toys and hid, to wither away. The Infinite Empire became myth, and only a handful of mostly feral rakata remain. The slaves revolted and became free." I mused out loud, my words ringing true, more so than usual. Maybe it was this temple, all the words spoken here vibrated somehow.

"And the Journal, you've read it now..." the man added politely, expecting more.

"The Whills...they are the fifth book. But reading how things end, is not the truth. There is a kaminoan jedi, who had a vision, 700 years ago. A dark army of clones appearing to terrify the galaxy. And when it happened, when the Republic's clones became Imperial stormtroopers, she realized she was the one who made it happen. Master Ha stood watch 700 years, while the Sith Lords completed their plans, and saw nothing." I explained in a soft voice, and used a few telepathy images to show the man the transformation, from clone soldiers, to dark troopers and pilots, in black armor.

"Palpatine. Why isn't the Pef Empire doing something, you could..." the guardian wondered, clenching his lightbow, which was a force weapon...and proof he has attained the 7th duan, or physical perfection. But I already knew that.

"After the Rakata, came the Jedi. At first, doing good things and helping. But slowly, they became fanatic and fundamentalist, exterminating everyone opposing their views. Doing evil things, kidnapping children, mind raping everyone, even helping enslave entire races like the changelings or the Huk.

Orbital bombardments of Mandalorian worlds, or Boonta and lately, began excommunicating their own members, for being different. Like the shards inside the Iron Knights, the Altisian Jedi and many others. And thus, the prophecy of the Chosen One, to bring balance in the force became manifest. The Jedi Order is scattered, their temples gone or looted, the survivors hunted. To balance the Jedi, their numbers had to dwindle, and another sect appear. Thus, Palpatine and his Inquisitors. Now, there is balance in the force. The will of the galaxy came true." I said sternly and letting my despise of the Jedi filter in my tone.

"Ah. So are we to endure thousands of years of Sith domination now?" the man asked, with a faint smile.

"When the people of the Galactic Empire will desire the oppression to stop, it will happen. The Sun Guard of Echani has a prophecy about the Son of Suns. The Order of the Esoteric Pulsar marks the suns in their Book of Stars. And the Journal says... " I whispered softly, since there was a ringing in my ears now.

Someone or something was writing my words down, scribbling furiously.

"I know what the Journal says, Avatar. "... And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior. " We'll just have to wait, for the time of despair, eh? " the man asked rhetorically.

"Well, perhaps not quite so dark. Lianna and Duro obliterations were stopped. Dentaal and Atravis extinctions were prevented. Soon it will be Caamas, or maybe Alderaan.

We will help, here and there, till the sapients of the galaxy make up their minds.

There are thousands of rebellions already. They just need to become millions. Or it won't be enough despair, right?" I said jokingly.

"Very well. You have rested enough, Avatar. One more spar?" the Guardian asked smiling.

Kriff. I forgotten how bad it felt to get your ass kicked. By a blind man.

Boonta system, Pef Empire

Cennterpoint Station

19 BBY Next month

The system at Gizer was prepared and opened for colonization, after I finished terraforming planet Seoul which the Rakata had glassed almost completely, with the exception of the magic city protcted and powered by magic crystals. 3 more planets from Kessel were also moved into orbits that guaranteed liquid water and everything. Goldilocks zone. 

And now at Boonta, I'll bring planet Alzoc III , also a Rakata planet and home to the Tlaz race.

They have the Son of Suns as well, so it's not just for the rich minerals.

The last 3 planets from the Kessel death trap get moved as well, and another star system becomes a clone of Corellia's Five Brothers. Hey, I learn from the best!

And the vital access gate to the Pef Empire gets protected by a Force nexus, where the Meteors and the Silencers can use their Force-enhanced beams at best capacity.

The 6000 Meteors at Redforge still need some 6 months to be finished, even with the immense wealth and workforce my empire can throw at them. They are just that big. And becoming a bit useless now.

The Core AI can produce the smaller and faster Hammers battlecruisers at 10 times the speed, even though those ships only have 50 MACs, and those cannons are much shorter, like the Devastation has. Should be enough to blow up an Imperial star destroyer in one salvo, so they'll be good enough. The next 3000 Hammers are already undergoing trials and Core has an ongoing order for one million Hammers. Because this galaxy has a lot of nails. Nails and Hammers, get it? 

The shipyards at Raxus now produce Silencers, about 1000 per year, which is good enough. They are small and expensive ships, but those blue Maser-force beams are awesome. In a 'test' run around Gyndine, one Silencer cut 5 Venators in half, in one minute. The droid in command was demoted for 'forgetting' to check the IFF sensors. Too bad the Silencer cruisers need a Findsman to activate and control the beams. Force-weapons are like that. Now my Silencers patrol the North of the Galaxy, hoping to 'stumble' on Vong ships and test the beams on real targets.

Palpatine is throwing all his money and efforts into repairing and defending Kuat Shipyards, and the smaller bays already churn out frigates and small cruisers by the hundreds.

I'll wait till the new star destroyers are half built, then 'leak' the info to the Jedi covenant at Ruul. They'll be happy to sacrifice themselves and stop the Sith, again.

My Corellian friends are sort of upset at the 'liberation' of the Centerpoint, but hey. It wasn't theirs for once, and it was also deserted, for some reason. Not a single person on board. It's in all the books, free salvage.

I'll have to give them more credits to shut them up. In fact, Corel11, go ask them much much.

And have them sign the deed. See! 10 quadrillion credits buy a lot of things.

Now, let's jump to Sarafur, the Rakata planet near Endor. Where the evil dinosaurs will invade, in some uncertain future. And let's break the tidal lock with the parent star, Kuna's Tail, and tractor the planet a bit outside the hot zone. There! No more perpetual dark side.

And lock on planets Telti and Foundry and bring them here, since those are production planets, which we claimed as loot from the CIS. Then, planets Eadu and Jakku. Mineral and energy.

Somewhere farther from the sun, bring planet Dor, which I sort of 'kidnapped' from Endor.

And now we can begin mass producing ships and droids here as well.

And I get to loot the Jakku Observatory, and every Sith relic that Palpatine left for me here, while the planet is being terraformed, and the sand is lifted up to make mirrors and transparisteel.

First thing though, clearing up the pirates, and setting up a factory for explorer droids. I will need a hyper route to Sanyassa, and thus to Bakura.

This will take a month or so till I'm ready, so don't wait for me.


Jedha system, Pef Empire.

Planet Najedha

The planet NaJedha that the holy moon Jedha orbits, is perhaps even more amazing than the moon itself.

There's no plant life, but the surface is overgrown with pink crystalline structures, some a thousand meters tall, and jagged all over.

And crystals measuring a 100 meters are the norm here. Not to mention, the air is breathable, for some reason, and the wind speaks. Or I'm having auditory hallucinations.

Or this place connects to the World between worlds , where the Guardian of the Whills go, after they die.

But then, these voices are not the wind, are they? The wind is not Force sensitive, is it?

'It appears not, Avatar. Remember to take us with you, when you steal the little ones.' The wind whispered in my head. Telepathy. Memory scanners. 

 I'm not even sure I want to.  This position on the other side on the galaxy, is quite perfect for a lot of things.

'The story says all 5 of the Whills will gather. Here or elsewhere. So it is written...' the wind whispered, and then the ringing in my head stopped.

When did I get here? I was like on autopilot, for a month. Doing and saying things out of character, for me. Where is my armor? Or my ship, for that matter?

How did I get here? Where is Pef? I feel so alone...

The girls...where did I leave my girls?

Planet Najedha, Pef Empire

Centerpoint station.

19 BBY, next month

Whoever stole my Avatar will pay. Unless it's the Force. Then I'll just rage against the cruelest of fate, and build another.

It's a bit of an irony, that I came to Jedha to find myself.

Well, our ships are here, even Avatar's Fade. Asajj and the new girl, Reus ...yep, still in the holy city.

Both half converted, Asajj to some...whatever nomadic thing, and Reus as a Disciple of the Whills.

The Avatar's Terminator armor is empty, and lies abandoned in a closet, inside the Temple of the Kyber.

No damage, last contact with user two months ago, user vanished, without exiting.

So self-teleport or transubstantiation. Or ascension.

'Peffy...where are you?' I sent in the Voice bond, using it the first time like this. No response.

If that Father stole him, he was gonna regret it.

'Wasn't me' the voice from the Glowpoint responded, a bit concerned.

Spooky action at a distance, confirmed. Very spooky.

Nevermind, I had stuff to do.

First, let's bring planet Arbra here. Then Lothal and Ilum.

And lastly, the planet they made Starkiller Base from, the one with a kyber crystal core.

To repair the desert I need a bit colder climate, let's drag Najedha a bit outside...

Huh. I can't? Energy reserves should be enough, especially with Arbra here. More than enough in fact, for a slight change of orbit for a mere planet.

This station can teleport black holes...ten orders of magnitude stronger than what I needed. 

Oh well. Another mystery, for later.

Time to figure out what that Grotto City on Arbra is about. Sending explorer droids.

Droids get sucked out of energy when they enter the caverns. Not cool, whoever kills my droids.

Let's arrange a landing party then.

"Good climate. Lots of natural resources. The thick growth of trees will give us perfect air cover. And from the looks of it, no dangerous animals. We might have found just what we're looking for."

―Leia Organa

And there's some nice rabbits around the cave.

I wonder if they talk.

"Of course I talk. Most civilized beings do, you know." Plif , a flufly rabbit male replied annoyed.

Telepathic rabbits. I've seen it all now. Okay then, let's see what's so dark in those caves. Beside the dark.

"Might I remind you, sir, that this is our home!'" ―Plif

Yes, yes wise guy. But there's something there, a rhyme from a song. 'You wanted darker, you kill the pain'

And the original Arbrans did exactly that, after the Rakata left. The Hoojib rabbits are just late immigrants from wherever.

Or else the Rakata would have spitted them on a spear and served them with fries. Possibly fried and spiced sauce on the side.

"That's horrible. So glad I didn't meet this Rakata then" Plif replied with shock.

And then proceeded to drain the energy from a cloaked VSS droid, and his cloaking device.

Huh. Another one like Angie, but worse.

"Hey! I was hungry. Your droid will be fine, right?" the Hoojib leader asked, a bit concerned.

'Stealing a thinking being's life energy is rude. Unless it's a criminal.' I explained gently.

So, a city deep under the crust, surrounded by a self-perpetuating energy field. A library filled with tons of books.

And this Darker guy, which was pretty much a Sith Lord, being for once of Sith species, even if green. And for the other, quite adept at Force powers. Flight, telekinesis, energy absorption, mind alter, somehow focused in purple beams of hate and fear...useless on me anyway, but cute.

"Why are you still standing! Fear me! Tremble before the Darker!" the guy yelled, a bit miffed.

And he can speak too. In Galactic basic. Soon it will want the right to vote!

Weapons tests then. Pew! Maser beam ineffective. Absorbed, in fact. Lasers, too. Electricity. Tractor beams. I cycle about three dozen weapons. Sound weapons are still effective. Disruptors too.

I'm bit disapointed. Well, Zero needs to learn flight...time to imprison...

'You're giving him to me first, metal head. Who's your Voice?' Wialu muttered in the bond, a bit upset I forgot about her. I can't argue with her, or her logic. 

'My apologies, Mistress. Of course you have the first pick. I'll come visit Koros soon.' I replied promptly.

Without my Avatar, I wouldn't get any dere-dere from anyone else. And she could use these flight and telekinesis abilities. 

Now let's bring up the soul snare....and snare the dark. Whoa, the whole crystal turned black.

This thing is really full of hate and anger. And a biological body that has survived without food or water for some 25 millenia...

Yeah, we're keeping it for 'experiments'

And above the caves, there is this huge Great Hall (Arbra) , which would make a nice tourist attraction. Especially as it is powered by geothermal energy flowing up through power rods.

Maybe a giant mall?

"We're still here, remember? What about our home?" the rabbits asked, a little upset.

Hmmmm. Telepathic rabbits, what to use them for? They could serve as translators, for wookies and other species without speaking abilities.

Help make the galaxy a happy place, and increase communications.

Also on Jedha, with the millions of tourists.

'And keep an eye out for Vong, and Tof and Nagai and whatever extragalactic invaders. Freedom isn't free. It takes hard work and vigilance. Or else...roasting spits' I said, more sternly. They would have done it anyway, but in an amateur way. With a bit of neural training, they'll make excellent counter-intelligence agents. Cause...telepathy. Few things can hide from that. And when the things do hide, then it's even better. They stand out, and we get to apply 'persuasion'.

'Ehhhh. We have to work?' a bunch of rabbits wondered, confused.

'Or be served. With sauce. Or maybe enteched and drained of life energies...corrupted and transformed into batteries or hand radios...erased and killed because you're organic or simply alive. A dozen more crueler fates, I can't describe to children...'

I mused telepathically.

'Work...sounds not so bad, in comparison. Meet new people, and new races. Explore the galaxy...sign us in!' Plif requested formally.

Yep. We do our duty.

Now, where did my Avatar go?

Planet Lothal, Pef Empire

Lothal Jedi Temple

Wherever I am, is not the Najedha planet anymore. Nor once, no more whispering winds and pink crystals the size of skyscrapers.

Caverns, natural caverns with ornate stone pillars and adorned the walls with glyphs and paintings, and laid tile and stone artwork to form meditation halls and rooms devoted to study and contemplation.

And somewhere below, a huge Force vergence, quickly determined to concern the nature of attachment.

Thanks, I'm quite attached, with my work and my maids. And a few friends. A few unborn kids.

Not as attached a Jedi is to his lightsaber. Or even a dark jedi. Miss Fay figured it out huh?

Then again, there must have been 3 months since I wander around in this realm, wearing only thin pants, without eating or drinking.

Not in Corsca galaxy anymore. Not in the Mortis least I don't think so. There's no Mortis monastery here, or the creepy killik family. Not the void where the Charon roam. I haven't noticed any entropy lovers around.

If this was the Abeloth's realm, the dimension behind Kessel, I would have noticed.

Just corridors, and halls and...Wait.

This painting.

I found out where I am. 100 thousands light-years away, near Mon Calamari space. This is the Lothal temple.

Which needs two people to be able to leave.

And I'm the Avatar. Not even a quarter, of one people.

Kriff. I'm so getting desynchronized right now, from my host crystal.

Poor Pef, must be worried...nah. He'll just build another Avatar. And a better one too. With Fay genes and whatever.

Pef doesn't do worry. He just gets a bigger hammer.

This should teach me to learn flow-walking, in the Temple of the Whills. Yeah.

I'm so screwed.


Planet Lothal. Pef Empire

100 meters away, and in another dimension.

So, if my Avatar managed to mind-walk or whatever stupid trick he learned. He should be underground, and trapped.

If he's not dead already, of thirst and hunger.

Nah, he'll be fine. He learned the Diathim eating trick, at least the basics.

"Hold my hand Asajj, and think yourself as my apprentice. And step into the circle." I demanded out loud.

"This is stupid. Never gonna work....why is the ground trembling?" my maid asked a bit curious and scared, but more annoyed.

"That's the ritual key to summon the temple from whatever dimension its in. Nothing to worry about" I replied calmly.

Duh, I'm always calm, bitch. No glands to get excited, except over cool machines, or Wialu inventing another...


Let's enter this thing...hey are those things a Dreambeast ?

So nice of you, whatever Jedi master built this. Dark side apparitions? Not heretical at all, right?

"Hey Pef, why is that illusion showing me having a double team with your skinny droid and my dear Avatar?" Asajj asked curious.

That's your darkest and deepest fear? Or desire? Hah.

Possibly both.

"I'm good as we are, so far, dear maid. But if you feel adventurous..." I muttered, faking perversiness.

"In your dreams, model 34/C vibrator. I have the G model in my room, and still sucks. There's no passion in it. Only Peffy that Peffy?" Ventress asked with joy, and rushed forward into the the maw of another beast.

Oh well. She has to learn somehow, and this is a perfectly good place for it.

Damn, the Terminator armor dispels the beasts as you pass through them. Must be the cortosis shortcutting whatever force ability this is. Now she won't learn...

"Take off the armor, and your clothes Asajj. Peffy needs you, a lot" I yelled after her.

Time to study how this spell thing works, in its intended form. And Asajj naked looks really sexy.

Well, maybe not with those claw marks gouging her pretty skin...

"You know...Peffy is tender and doesn't have claws. Are you into masochism Asajj?" I asked curious.

"W-what....the hell? You tricked me, stupid Emperor! Where are my clothes, get over here you freaky thing. I'll show you pain, here, lightning and fire! How you like them apples?" Ventress yelled while torturing the poor apparition, and still naked.

Very pretty, verry sexy and a bit cruel, my Asajj. And just perfect.

I wish I had popcorn.

"You too huh? What is she doing?" my Avatar asked curious, having stepped out from a picture on the wall.

"Passing her Knight test, I guess. With flying colors, mostly fiery red. So, how did the attachment thing go?" I wondered, really curious.

"Eh. I was mostly naked and without a lightsaber. Just walking around, speaking with the wind, getting lost in another dimension..." My Avatar muttered, a bit ashamed.

"Yeah. So Asajj wants us to do her together. In her darkest desires..." I said, with a tinge of lewdness.

"I do not. Just die, you freak!" Asajj yelled and blasted the dreambast one last time.

'I don't mind. It be like Naruto, once we reconnect" My Avatar said in a dreamy tone.

Huh, exactly like Naruto. If he had any imagination.

'So you found him already...only took you 3 months' Wialu muttered in the voice bond.

'I am reshaping the galaxy and stuff, can't bother to walk the valley of the shadow of death every time a Avatar is lost. He was fine anyway.' I explained politely. I really was pretty busy.

'I can see that. But I get first dibs on the double team. Cause I been all alone here for 6 months. Just one of you won't be enough...' Wialu complained, quite reasonably.

'Right, of course Mistress. We'll jump to Teta momentarily.' I replied promptly. That was gonna be fun.

"So, where you been, lover boy?" Asajj asked the Avatar, while wrapping around him naked.

"Here, there. You know. Adventuring..." the boy replied cheekily.

"I don't care anyway. Let's get to my ship and relax a little. My head is spinning with religious dogma right now, I need to disconnect" Asajj whispered seductively, and dragged Peffy into a long, deep kiss.

Sigh. I can't feel it anymore. I've been disconnected...disconnected...disconnected...disconnected




A bit more serious look at the Force. 







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 12.08.2018, 18:42:58




 Bio: New writer, and working hard.

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