
Pef returned the coffin to its place, the Elf King inside looking a dozen steps from death instead of a half-step.

"Your dad will wake up soon, but he is still very sick." he explained in a grave tone.

Nellie sobbed and hugged him tighter. "Thank you. I was getting desperate, and those slimy priests of yours were making things worse."

Pef sighed inward. "Religion takes a life of its own. Luckily, my followers are mostly righteous people even if too righteous sometimes."

Nellie chuckled and smiled a bit. "You shook the galaxy to the core. So fast, the things began to change..."

Pef nodded in agreement. After millions of years of continuous demon domination, the taste of freedom gave people new hope and dreams.

"Tell me about the Eyeless." he asked glancing at the Tier 3 elf Duke.

"Mysterious and working in shadows. Collecting artifacts and attacking important people. Most of them are demons, or allies of demons." the Duke said in a tired voice.

"I culled a dozen small sects already, but they always return, with poison or gas or other kinds of large scale attacks."

Nellie added with a deep frown.

'Well, you should have a guess what we're dealing with already.' Pef asked his orange glove.

'I can tell you they have a few oracles, and some type of anti-scrying cover. I suspect another demon has reached Archdemon rank.' the glove replied in its usual cold tone.

Pef grimaced and Blinked away, right above the mana well.

The scenery has changed greatly since the last time he visited, trees and vegetation had all dried up, while the well itself was shooting up half the mana currents it used to.

Pef began floating down, collecting thousands of mana stones while descending. As memory devices and power sources for magic arrays and ship engines, the mana stones were quite valuable.

He kept flying down for a long time, scanning the well for any intrusion or trap. Nothing so far, so he kept going til a liquid surface appeared, glowing with a calming Cerenkov blue.

'Is it radioactive?' Pef wondered while scooping some liquid in the glove.

'Very. Quite deadly to anyone under Monarch rank. But otherwise everything is normal. Solar energy filters through the ground til it reaches the magnetic core, then it converts into raw mana.' the glove explained while loading up some more liquid mana for itself.

Free energy was always nice.

'So, we stalk the well at night?' Pef asked with a grin.

'Let's not die so soon, idiot. Use a clone and we wait in orbit. The terminator line would be much easier to see, as well.'

the glove advised him, while dropping his wisdom points again.

Pef listened and fused a clone for this task. Then, they sat and waited for the mysterious Eyeless to arrive.

Soon enough, the planet turned its face from the sun, and the well fell into night.

The mana currents dried up, while the clone cloaked itself and immersed into the ground.

A few hours later, something shifted over the well, and a tiny ship or capsule appeared with no qi fluctuations at all.

A tiny pulse of light emerged and struck deep into the well, and the mana began flowing again, siphoned into the strange capsule.

'The King wasn't wrong...I see no eyes on this object.' Pef mused inward while examining the capsule with passive senses only.

'It's not a ship. I think is an egg of some creature. Someone is nursing a baby.' the glove replied after a long minute of computing arcane percentages and simulations.

Pef scratched his cheek, considering his own options. Sure, this creature was only trying to feed, but it was actively harming Mi'ridolor and possibly involved in the necrosis attack on the King.

Blinking himself next to the egg, Pef tried to grab and capture the culprit into his inner world.

Surprisingly, the telekinetic field failed, grabbing only air and shadows, while the egg flew to the side as if scared, then began shifting sidewise turning into a line.

Thinking fast, Pef formed a dozen void claws and constricted the space itself, blocking the escape.

'Don't attack it. The parent will arrive soon.' the glove said while marking a new shadow over the ground, but one without anything blocking the light.

Indeed, the shadow grew larger and rose from the ground taking the shape of a large centipede, with violet eyes on the sides.

A second later, a blast of soul spike struck Pef from a dozen eyes, shaking his defenses and forcing him to armor up, with Count's Tarkin inscriptioned breastplate.

He knew from the duel experience that the Yama-made armor would mitigate all Tier 3 attacks of all types, and lessen even Tier 4 ones.

The creature attacked him a few times, then observing the lack of result it dove towards the egg, trying to free it from Pef's void claws.

Then Pef struck back, using voidswords as his primary weapon. A few hundreds strikes later, the centipede was chopped into small wiggling bits, still trying to reform into a larger body.

He sighed and started crushing each section with more void claws, mincing the beast into blood mist.

'These one have eyes though.' Pef observed while scooping the mist into the glove for analysis.

'Oh. I know what these things are now. A voidbeast variant, the kind that tunnels through space...making wormholes. Higher tiers can even dig through dimensions.' the glove said after scanning genomes and comparing the findings to its database.

Pef drew closer to the captured egg, and patted it with the glove.

In a second, the egg vanished into the glove pocket, to be trained for his own purposes.

'You can housebreak this voidbeast to make commercial or military lanes for the Legion?' Pef asked to make sure.

The potential applications for trade or ship movement would be huge, if he could connect all Legion bases with instant travel wormholes.

'I will. Molding young larvae would be much easier than an adult. Just keep in mind that raising it will require lots of energy. Mana stones in particular.' the glove warned him in a friendlier voice.

Pef sighed, and glanced at the mana well, as it began drying up again, without the beast egg siphoning mana.

Still, one mystery solved didn't close the case. The Eyeless were terrorists of sorts, acting with an agenda of their own, and probably using the wormholes to move undetected.

He returned to Nellie to find her beside her father, who was now awake and eating medical pills by the handful.

"There was a voidbeast drinking the mana from the well. No sign of the Eyeless, yet." Pef announced as he sat beside Nellie and stole a pill from the Elf King.

'Medium-grade soul restoration Pills. And under 80 percent impurities. Huh. They will actually help the patient.' the glove observed with a snicker.

"You killed it? Of course you did, Pef destroyer of Archdemons. I tried as well, but my attacks just went right though that oval thing. And then the damn shadow thing hit me...I could only run." the King admitted with a suffering shrug.

Pef formed a void claw and started swiping at the air, compressing the fabric of space to show the King his new weapon.

"Void claws, and then voidswords. The perfect counter to voidbeasts." Pef said with a genial smile.

"Very clever. But it's way beyond me. Still, your mind defenses have not improved, my boy. Even on my death bed I can shatter your mind without much effort." the King answered in a tired voice, and fell on his fluffy pillows to rest.

Pef glanced at his wife and stepped outside, and waited a minute for her to arrive.

He then leaned towards her and stole a kiss, while drawing Nellie inside.

"You have made good progress, my love. Half towards Tier 4 already." the avatar said while setting up a table and some bloodwine.

"Both the Duke and my father trained me everyday. Plus the Eyeless cultivation is growing a thousand times faster than before we got married." Nellie answered with a grateful smile.

Pef knew better. The Legion's method was just that good. Combat and practiced helped as well.

And now, with some Godbeast blood and flesh and more love...

"Dad is dying. A thousand years, he says." Nellie mused out loud, looking toward the sky.

"Come now, my love. Everyone dies, a few times at least. If there is no cure in this universe, we'll just look into the next one. Try the wine." Pef said with a wry smile.

Nellie sipped the wine and her face grew red and hot. "Amazing! A year of cultivation in a single cup." the blonde elf princess exclaimed in wonder.

"It's very good. Till Tier 4. Afterwards it has less and less effect, though insights into various Daos still help." Pef admitted with a grin, then sipped more wine, just for the taste.

The Dao of quartz sharpening might have been useful to someone, somewhere, but not to Pef.

Still, he now knew a thousand weird trades and jobs, and how to wield a hundred exotic weapons as if he had trained for years.

Maybe one day he would gain something useful. In a billion universes surely someone had obtained something nice.

Another careless sip of wine, and he gained some Dao of wine making.

Pef grinned widely. The Heavens did listen!

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Last edited: Feb 5, 2020

Feb 5, 2020Report

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Pef spent the next month with his elven wife, both in arduous lovemaking and arduous training, using the opportunity to increase this mindforce abilities and skills, while Nellie was growing fast in cultivation, reaching the late stage of Tier 3.

Godbeast blood and even small bits of meat helped greatly with cultivation.

Pef also tested some voidbeast blood mixed with wine and even raw, but it was a rather disappointing experience. Then again his Dao of Void was already very high, due to the Godbeast eye and all his intergalactic travels via Blink.

'It was worth trying, but this Tier 3 voidbeast wasn't made of Heavenly Laws. However, even if this voidwine doesn't help you much, it will help establish the Dao of Void with lower ranks, especially those below divine realm.' the glove told him after another batch of wine failed to increase his insights.

Pef nodded and started testing this on the local Rome recruits.

Boetia was the first to achieve Blink, even with her modest Monarch rank.

Soon after, hundreds of other recruits undergoing wine testing started gaining new spatial abilities, from increased gravity control, higher flight speeds and Blink, to Recall and even phasing, turning immaterial for a moment.

Sure, the range was small for now, but gaining abilities early meant they will get much stronger as their cultivation increased.

Pef kept trying though. Even if his strength didn't increase, his control was actually getting better. Already he could shape voidpalms, as slowly making them larger. Twice as large as his normal hands, for now.

But the path was clear. One day, he would be able to hold a planet in his hand and even a galaxy.

The mind maze was getting harder and harder to navigate, and the glove reflected that with an amazing 2 percent increase in the status page. The Large qualifier changed to Great, and that meant a lot for Pef.

Meanwhile, Merri's regiment established garrisons in the sector, and immediately began recruiting and enforcing order and civilization.

Then, an Archdemon arrived...and waited politely at the security station in orbit.

Pef smiled happily as he arrived beside the visitor. "Arazmodel, my good friend!"

"Lord Pef...already a Tier 4? Or is that Archhuman rank? When we last parted you were still Tier 2, and it has been only a few thousand years." the demon muttered in surprise, astonishment and even a bit of fear in his voice.

Pef grinned and slapped the demon's third shoulder. Because demons had three pairs of hands. "In the Legion, I could be a Corporal, a Specialist or even a Sergeant with my rank. But I can't self promote here, so I'm still only a Soldier." he explained with a pitiful shrug.

Arazmodel blinked and then sighed. He could sense the words were true after all. "Yeah, you told me before...but I hoped you were deluded. So why are you back, Soldier?" the demon asked in a wary tone.

Pef scanned around for any listeners. "My smith wife needs more adamantite. So I'm searching for a large source. Then I have some things to figure out, the Eyeless and my Church among the top."

The Archdemon nodded knowingly. "Your wife too, huh? I should have never got my third wife..." the demon complained in a pitiful voice.

"Come in, I do have some nice treats. Not sure how much they would help demons, but they work great on all other races..." Pef said with a smile, gently drawing the Archdemon into the inner world.

Arazmodel showed no signs of resisting, and soon found himself beside the avatar, while a table and wine bottles and glasses were being set up.

"Already more galaxies...heading towards the next rank. Good wine!" Arazmodel remarked while gulping the wine and growing even redder.

Pef hummed to himself while observing the changes. Void wine didn't do much, as expected. But the blood wine worked wonders, visibly strengthening the demon, much faster than anyone else.

'What comes after Archdemon?' Pef wondered in his mind.

'Tier 5 demons are called Fiends. Then Archfiends. Then Blood Archfiends at Tier 7. No Tier 8 demon has emerged yet.' the glove replied with a teasing tone.

Pef examined the Archdemon with calculating eyes. 'Yet?'

The glove stayed silent, a clear sign of reluctance to discuss the subject.

"It's possible another Archdemon has risen, not long ago. The Eyeless have demon backing, and powerful defenses against scrying. And they seem to use voidbeasts to travel via wormholes." Pef informed the guest, looking for any signs of acceptance or knowledge.

"Demon backing...yes, I suspected something. Probably the damn Fateweavers. Archdemon though...not likely. I keep an eye on every High Demon and Greater Demon, and often cull those too ambitious. And wormholes...that explains why I rarely catch them." Arazmodel mused out loud, and drank directly for a wine bottle, sucking the liquid in delight.

A minute later, Arazmodel stepped away and grew larger, reaching 100 meters in height.

Pef watched the show curious.

"This wine you just gave me this Growth ability. Do you have more?" the giant demon asked in a pleading tone.

"Sure. I can give you 10 more bottles. Just chop off 100 arms in exchange. And 100 skulls." Pef answered after calculating for a minute.

The demon glanced at his side, then back at Pef who was placing 10 wine bottles on his table with a wide grin.

"Not sure if I should feel honored or insulted. You know I can regenerate from almost anything." Arazmodel said in a surprised voice.

"Honored, I say. Your bones will be shaped into weapons and the skulls into armor for my troops. I rarely find a Tier 4 source, and when I do they're usually my relatives. Like the Elf King." Pef explained and sipped more wine as enticement.

Arazmodel grimaced for a second, then greed won. "I want 20 bottles. My wives will want some wine too. And my sons." he decided after a long stare at the amazing blood wine.

Pef smiled sweetly. "Then is 500 arms and skulls."

"For 50 bottles?" the trader asked hopeful.

Pef shook his head. "For 20 bottles. If you want 50 godwine would be possible. But it will cost...5000 arms and skulls. And a favor you can't refuse. Probably aid in one battle, but I'm not sure if you'd be strong enough to help."

Arazmodel clenched his 6 fists in frustration. "Damn demonic trader. I will need to recover for days after a few mutilations. The trade will take years."

"Nah. The wine will recharge your reserves right away. Drink and chop. You should go home with at least 40 full bottles. Think of your family." Pef advised him with a genial smile, and took big swig from a new wine bottle.

Exploiting demonic greed was too easy. And the bones would become larger with every new bottle that Arazmodel drank.

"Fine! I shudder to think what you'd ask for 60 bottles, you demon! But I'm not able to chop myself. My weapons can't damage me." Arazmodel complained with a pleading look.

Pef nodded patiently. "Then. I'll chop you up. Hard work though so...The fee will be 1000 legs." he allowed magnanimously.

Arazmodel gulped and wiped a few tears away. "Get on with it. And please keep the ordeal a secret. My reputation will be ruined if...oh no."

"A secret you say...worth 1000 legs more, at least. Agreed?" Pef wondered with a blinding smile.

Lin will be ecstatic to have so many tier 4 bones. Drake too, most likely.

Arazmodel just nodded and kept his mouth shut. Who knew what the demonic human would ask for another paltry favor?

And thus, Pef resumed training his voidswords, carefully dismembering the Archdemon without damaging the bones, only slicing tendons and flesh.

He took 5 hands per turn, leaving the demon with an able hand to drink wine and regenerate.

The skull took even more careful work, slicing through the nose flesh to the brainstem, leaving the jaw and mouth intact. The demon needed his mouth to drink after all.

To his credit, Arazmodel took the physical pain like a boss, never complaining. Then again, demons were body cultivators. They tempered their bodies all their lives, enduring countless injuries and painful treatments to become stronger and more durable.

His body grew even larger with every bottle. By the tenth wine bottle the Archdemon was over one kilometer tall, and the bones were almost small starship grade.

Pef managed to collect all 2000 legs and 4000 arms when Arazmodel figured something out and began controlling his growth.

"I grow larger and larger, and you get bigger bones. But I also need more energy to regenerate." the huge demon complained as it hesitated to open the next wine bottle.

Pef sighed. "You also increase in cultivation, Arazmodel. A million years of cultivation in one day. Am I being unfair? Shall we stop now and reduce the payment to 40 godwine bottles?" he proposed in a sage voice.

The Archdemon took a long gulp and then yelled "No! Don't reduce it! We're almost done now. Keep going, Lord Pef."

Pef felt his wisdom increase a bit, as more and more bones piled up in his storage.

So he took a small wine sip to recharge and keep slicing till the trade was over.

Arazmodel was 2 kilometers tall and hugely imposing by the time everything was over.

"Glad this is over. Now if I can only figure how to return to normal size. Being big would be quite a problem with my wives..." the demon mumbled looking down at the tiny human on the beach.

'The demon only needs to move outside. The translation to normal space would induce normalization, due to the Tier 1 universe Laws.' the glove said with a smirk.

Pef smiled again. "Oh! I might know a way. But what should I ask in return?" Pef asked rhetorically.

Arazmodel cried again. Somehow it always seemed to happen when this Pef was around him. There were also big gains...but so humiliating...

"Please, Lord Pef. I need to become small again. Maybe, 1000 more legs?" the demon pleaded between tears.

"And 1000 skulls. You have a big head after all." Pef allowed graciously.

Arazmodel sobbed harder and cursed the day he met this human.

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Last edited: Feb 7, 2020

Feb 6, 2020Report

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PefVersed in the lewd.

"You still live on Hellsreach?" Pef asked as Nellie appeared in the inner world.

His wife glanced at the huge demon with wary eyes, then sat beside Pef and smiled cutely.

"Elf Princess. I sense you're also close to reaching Tier 4." Arazmodel spoke in a booming voice. Then his eyes turned towards Pef. "I rule from Hellsreach. But I live in another system, to keep my family safe."

Pef hummed to himself. Demons were likely to try and sabotage the Archdemon even at the cost of their lives.

Politics in the demon world was literally cut-throat politics.

"I see. We'll arrive in an hour at Hellsreach. Be so kind and grab all the spare adamantite you can find, while Nellie and I explore the place." he asked in a polite tone.

Arazmodel glared at the shameless human for a second. "A few tons is easy. Maybe a thousand tons if I requisition would be costly." he argued, back to his trader persona.

Pef smiled sweetly. "I can imagine. But I don't want everything. Just what can be bought. Meanwhile, observe."

And with that, he took out a thin slice of Godbeast heart, the violet flesh pulsing strongly with Devouring Dao.

Then he carefully portioned the slice into rice sized cuts, and fed Nellie one of them.

Immediately, his wife rose abruptly in cultivation, again having off a thousand years from her next Ascension. A few more bits followed, and Nellie reached the very peak...her own blue aura spiking like a strobe light.

Pef took out a hundred mind stones and passed them over, watching Nellie rapidly drain the mana from the stones and crossing over into the Tier 4 realm.

He then offered a rice sized portion to the giant Archdemon, while Nellie fell into deep meditation, stabilizing her new cultivation realm.

Arazmodel ate the flesh curious, then began glowing blue, with even stronger lines lighting up on his magic circuits.

"This...a thousand times stronger than that godwine you bartered with me. Some kind of meat from a beast?" the demon wondered out loud.

Pef just stared at him, observing the effects with his coresense, while the glove used even more arcane methods.

'We could push the demon to the peak of Tier 4, using half of the heart. We could also fully convert him to the Legion method, instead of this loyalty bloodline.' the glove argued while computing a few hundred scenarios, going from favorable events to out-right war.

"Diluted, I can brew wine for lower ranks. But in raw state it's a Tier 4 ingredient. It will kill anyone with a low rank. Most Tier 3 would also die." Pef explained with a nod towards his brand-new Tier 4 wife.

"I swear...this bait and hook approach is worthy of the best demons. You can buy a galaxy with a fist sized portion." Arazmodel said in a grave tone.

Pef opened his hand to produce a fist size cut of Godbeast heart. "I could buy it. But I want much more. Outside the gate, there's a whole Great Realm. Billions of universes, higher tier than this one. Strong enemies as well." he offered, holding his palm out.

Arazmodel blinked and eyed the offering with visible worry. "Is this an offer to join your Legion?" the demon asked cautiously.

"No." Pef said curtly.

"No?" the demon asked confused.

"This is yours anyway. I told you, nothing in this universe is worth much. We're only a tiny grain of the lowest quality sand, on a random beach. And the enemy is the sea." Pef told him and flicked the godbest heart towards the Archdemon, in a casual gesture.

Arazmodel cradled the precious meat and stored it somewhere. "So that's why you gave away the Archdemon core. It's worth nothing, after all..."

Pef shook his head. "Value is in the eye of the beholder. It would take me a thousand years to demolish an entire galaxy.

A Veritas Legion powerword gun needs one second to demolish a dozen universes. And it gets much worse, at higher tiers."

The demon sat dawn, mulling over the words with full intent. No doubt his trader skills were helping as well, since every oracle had multiple avenues of manifesting, from percentage calculations to diving fate or seeing the truth.

"You're trying to create a dam or levee, to shelter some survivors from that sea. And you need durable bricks, not grains of sand, that easily wash away." Arazmodel answered closing his eyes.

"The Legion is that seawall, my friend. But the wall is leaking already. The first Archdemon died because a golith sting bore into his mind, whispering unknowable mysteries and delirious insights, some of them even true. And it came from outside." Pef said in a sad tone, then rose to his feet.

He had arrived in Hellsreach orbit, and stopped at the first station to register.

Somehow, the customs demoness didn't quite believe his claim of being the owner of planet Mi'ridalor. Even with a signed contract.

With a sigh, he dragged Arazmodel outside, and let him sort the visitor papers.

"Archdemon! There was a human just here..." the demoness explained in a fit of sobs and fear.

"Lord Pef has full clearance to visit anywhere, by my command. His Tier 4 elven wife as well. And may Hell have mercy, on those who try to bother him." Arazmodel proclaimed in a glorious voice, daring anyone to oppose him.

The arrogant custom officials trembled and bowed in terror. Some elders even recalled the last time Pef visited, and the capital burned with madness and violet fire.

Hell wasn't known for its mercy anyway.

Pef landed near a large trading house, pushing aside the demons with an invisible wall of force as he approached the market listing. Anything from spaceships, weapons, and cultivation pills, up to houses, moons, planets and whole star systems were up for sale.

Pef marked a dozen places with mana wells, and lazily placed a bit on the closest one. The elf homeworld was not expendable, but he had a few ideas how to generate large amounts of raw mana with planetary scale engineering.

That engineering meant many voidswords and ground clearing, down to the magnetic core.

It took a hundred bids till he managed to obtain a mana world at reasonable price. A desert world with no life by cacti and scorpions.

As he was taking possession of the trade documents, a Greater Demon arrived and loudly started bidding on every adamantite item or mine, out for sale.

Pef smiled and Blinked away, leaving a cloaked divine messenger to follow the demon to his base.

In another large town, Pef entered a silver plated auction house to barter some random treasures in his inventory for adamantite ore or mines.

But just as the auctioneer arrived, holding a storage ring to his chest, a loud explosion followed by clouds of gas and streams of magic fog covered everything, killing weaker demons and forcing the stronger ones to flee or cough their own lungs out.

Pef scratched his cheek as his warded armor covered him. 'The Eyeless, I dare say.' Pef thought inward.

'Marking suspects.' the glove confirmed, placing tracking markers on a dozen or so ordinary looking demons, and a few rich dressed murloks.

Pef split a few more messengers to keep track over all the suspects, then he stepped beside the auctioneer demon and grabbed his adamantite purchase from the corpse.

"Thief! Capture him!" an old demoness yelled, pointing at Pef.

Pef smiled and Blinked himself closer, hand extending to capture the Eyeless plant.

The demoness exploded before he could get her, the demonic core rupturing violently.

"Murder! The human killed her!" another voice exclaimed, this time one of the murlok traders.

Pef grinned and glowed with sword qi, void beams and claws striking all suspects at once.

The accusing murlok tried to break a wooden insignia, possibly to escape but he was too slow. Pef grabbed the murlok and retrieved the escape talisman just as it began to activate.

Pef sheared the murlok's hand and dragged the armless victim in his inner world, holding the talisman in place.

A wormhole appeared, shifting the talisman and the hand, and also Pef, who was now holding the murlok hand as a key.

In a second, the space wavered and closed, Pef vanishing from Hellsreach in an instant.

The next second, the tunnel opened on the other end, depositing Pef in a huge cavern filled with a dozen voidbeasts and their handlers. Demons, murloks, a tauren, even a few humans.

'Jackpot!' Pef exulted as he sprang into action.

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Last edited: Feb 8, 2020

Feb 7, 2020Report

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Threadmarks: Soul dust

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Nellie appeared beside him, wielding a Godbeast bone polearm.

Pef stepped beside the few humans and captured them, then grabbed the lone tauren mage before he could try something.

His wife chased after the murloks, catching a couple right before they could detonate. The other murloks had a sort of suicide pill that vaporized them with a mere thought command.

The demons were already exploding, their solid magic cores allowing an easy way out.

As Nellie turned to deal with the voidbeasts, she was already bombared by violet soul spikes, all splashing her warded armor with minimal effect but still pushing her back.

"Don't just watch, you moron! These beasts are strong!" she yelled while slashing with sword qi and bisecting a few voidbeasts.

Pef snorted amused. 'Was I this pathetic too?' he wondered inward.

'You still are kinda weak. But not to this extent. I trained you, after all. Go find the eggs.' the glove declared in a proud tone.

Pef nodded and sped past his wife, crushing a few voidbeasts standing in his way.

The glove dutifully stored the resulting blood mist, as Pef left his wife struggling with the overpowered beasts, and flew into a deep well going towards the planet's core.

A few seconds later, he arrived at the reinforced hall, glowing with blue and violet runes and housing at least a hundred voidbeasts eggs, a few just a large as the one he captured on MI'ridolor.

"Now this is truly a jackpot." Pef mused out loud, while using his voidpalms to hold and capture the eggs before they could scatter.

'Take this room as well. It seems to be a functional incubator for the eggs. And it has lots of special runes and ideograms that we could adopt.' his adviser whispered while Pef glanced around for any hidden treasures.

Pef smiled and Blinked himself beside Nellie, just in time to parry another barrage of soulspikes.

"Mission complete. A hundred eggs and a few handlers. Now we only need to mistify these feed our children." he said in a snarky voice, since Nellie was blushing deeply and actually stopped a second to glare at him.

"What children?" she muttered in an embarrassed and shy voice.

"Rose, Lily and Paragon, for now. And the others not born yet." Pef explained seriously, while his voidclaws crushed a few more voidbeasts into mist.

"...Right. You have other wives." Nellie spoke in a jealous tone, and chopped wildly at an unfortunate beast.

Pef stepped back, to allow the elf princess to vent her emotions on someone else.

Even without the void skills, she was still a Tier 4 now. The beast eventually ran out of mana to regenerate and was pasted in fine mist, although it took an hour.

Meanwhile, Pef had the glove scour the mind and souls of his captives for any available intel on the Eyeless.

They were quite rich and powerful, holding various guilds and planets under their sway, especially in Tingel Arm.

At least a thousand planets and over a billion cultists, ruled by some shadow figure known as the Abyss Seer.

But this planet was their main voidbeast pen and transport hub, hidden under a hostile layer of boiling magma.

It was known by the handlers only as The Pit, probably in regard to the deep well reaching the magnetic core.

Inhospitable to anyone under Tier 2, and not habitable, the hub world served them well. Til now.

The incubator room had to be carved out from the bedrock, and folded into the glove pocket for analysis.

Then Pef and Nellie descended into the Pit, til they reached a familiar blue liquid layer.

"Stay here, my love. I'll explore a bit deeper." Pef said on a hunch, diving into the raw mana and descending even lower.

Soon enough, he reached a large cavern filled with mana, and some strange growths on the walls. They went from finger size to palm size, and glowed with inner light.

'Good hunch, Soldier. Start collecting them. These crystal nodules are actually unrefined Blue Jade Stones. The currency of some Greater Realms. Very rare and actually useful.' the glove exclaimed in surprise.

Pef listened and began carving out the crystals, with some difficulty. Cutting the crystals themselves proved very hard, even with voidswords, so he resumed to chop at the cavern walls and extract them like potted flowers.

'Do they make armor out of them?' he wondered, already considering how to use the blue stones.

The glove giggled and didn't respond.

Pef sighed and continued mining the whole cavern, already used to his orange friend antics. He would find out eventually.

After a last check, Pef returned into the well to find Nellie condensing mana stones from the raw mana.

"Look Pef! I can make first-class mana stones here. It is difficult, but it takes only a minute. So much mana..." the blonde elf exclaimed in a childish voice, holding out a few stones in her palm.

He smiled kindly and scooped some liquid mana with the gloved hand. "Glad you like it then. I'll take this mana reservoir with us."

Indeed, the liquid drained into the glove rapidly, leaving behind a dry cavern big enough to store a large lake.

Nellie blinked and stared at the glove with some concern. "That glove. I always forget you wear it. Almost like it deletes itself from my memories."

Pef sighed. The glove probably did. This whole universe was only a playground for an artifact of its tier.

But soon enough, it will find itself among many others like it, or even higher.

Reason disregarded the glove entirely, after all. Although that might have been a method dispute, than a show of force.

'Are you stronger than a power word gun?' Pef asked with an idle thought.

'That depends. A Godbeast at Tier 4 is a thousand times stronger than you. But your skill allowed you to defeat it. Even if you reach Tier 5, that Godbeast would still be stronger. And Legion artifacts are even stronger. Yet...they have to obey orders.' the glove answered, a bit indirectly.

'I see. Your can control the guns. That's why they left me. A human is easy to manipulate to order what they want them to.' Pef mused inward.

'Yes and no. We are all in the Legion, after all. Your cultivation method serves a similar role as the override codes I have. You organics are also quite stupid. It evens out...with slight bias towards the higher tiers.' the advisor said in a level tone.

Pef nodded and sped ahead, shattering the continental plate above and emerging in orbit.

Then he looked around, trying to get his bearings. This wasn't the demon galaxy.

Nellie arrived beside him, and glanced around with worry. "We were transported far away...I think my galaxy is that way..." she declared pointing up at a triangle shaped cloud.

'Your wife is correct. We are 3 million light-years away from the departing point. And I detect adamantite ore nearby.'

the glove added in a wry voice, highlighting a few stars systems nearby.

'How convenient. But we expected this. What about more blue jade?' Pef thought inward, while holding a hand for Nellie.

As soon as they held hands, Pef began Blinking at a rapid pace while his inner avatars were already brewing more voidwine from the fresh batch of blood.

He had problems controlling more than a hundred avatars, but they would serve well enough. Brewing wine took only a couple avatars anyway.

A few of them kept working on soulsmithing weapons from the Archdemon bones, other were meditating or laying down inscriptions, testing every kind of materials he found for synergistic effects.

Godbeast blood was by far the best type of ink he could use, but the consumption was too wasteful for mass production.

Adamantite served well as a base for inscriptions, with gold and iridium coming far behind. He still had to test the Godbeast skin as material for a type of leather armor, but again that skin was only so large.

Archdemon's skulls were in larger supply, and were quite big, specially the latter ones when the demon was at his largest size.

They would do for now.

Then he tried the new blue stones, on a hunch.

The inscriptions lit up with powerful emissions, and that worked even with voidbeast blood as ink.

A few defensive inscriptions made the finger sized jade completely invulnerable to his voidswords.

Pef struck with the Voidcutter, and watched the skill bounce off with a painful screech.

'Use the stone to parry the tribulation.' the glove advised him with an amused voice.

Pef took out the stone and held it up, just as a torrent of black lightning crashed on his head, and the glowing stone.

Surprisingly, the lightning was absorbed into the stone, dealing less than half of the normal damage. However, the inscriptions vanished, leaving a slightly larger stone in his hand.

"What was that? Tribulation?" Nellie asked while struggling to contain the aftershock as it coursed through their linked hands.

Pef shrugged in fake innocence. "A very small one. Here, this is yours." he said, holding a new jade stone with defensive inscriptions as a gift for her.

"Oh? A treasure that can block Heavenly Tribulation? This is a priceless gift. Thanks love!" Nellie exclaimed happily and hugged him with obvious happiness.

'I see why they are used as currency. There must be plenty proscribed skills in the Great Realms.' Pef told his glove with a curious voice.

'They have many uses. A helmet made of it would block most mind powers and most tribulations. Though, I doubt we'll find a large enough crystal here. The Laws are too low, and the qi too rarefied, like in all Tier 1 universes.' the glove said in a sad tone.

Pef stopped, having arrived in orbit over a green giant planet, itself orbited by a hundred moons.

Extending his coresense, he soon mapped the system and located a moon with a deposit of adamantite ore, and many other minerals, one of them unknown to him.

'What are those reddish minerals?' Pef wondered inward.

'A natural compound containing copper, gold and platinum, with a few traces of gallium and mythril. Some Realms use the Red Soul Dust to impart sentience to their artifacts. Liches use it to increase their intelligence by partitioning their heartstones. Humans can use it to purify themselves. Sadly, these deposits are of low quality and quantity.' it answered in a less entusiastic tone.

Pef glanced at his wife. 'And elves?'

'Soul strengthening, stronger magic, longer lifespans. It hurts a lot though.' the glove added as incentive.

Pef sighed. Elves and mythril.

"Go collect the red minerals Nellie. They will help your father." Pef told his wife, as he Blinked on top of the adamantite deposits.

Mining again...cultivating was so tedious sometimes.

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Last edited: Feb 9, 2020

Feb 8, 2020Report

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LurkerOfTheFics, Doctor Blood, pendevin and 19 others like this.

Threadmarks: Mining

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Mining out the adamantite produced less than a hundred tons of ore, and was less than sufficient.

The Soul Dust minerals were in even lower quantity, but the glove said they should nearly suffice to heal the sick Elf King.

Pef headed towards the next adamantite deposit, hoping for a repeat. But that planet had even less adamantite, and no Red Dust.

He gritted his teeth and headed towards the next place and the next. In total, he obtained 200 tons of adamantite, which matched what he managed to buy from the demon's galaxy.

Not nearly enough.

A few avatars began smelting and shaping the violet-blackish metal into torso size armor plates. He could boost the local Legion regiment with some better armor this way, once he returned to them.

Even unwarded, the adamantite plates were durable enough to withstand a full strength punch from him.

Not the voidswords however, nor the voidcutter skill. Only the warded blue stones could do that, and he had only about 10 kilograms of Blue Jade.

'What if I slice these blue jade into scales and apply them as extra armor on top of my armor?' he wondered idly.

'Sure, try that. At least a millimeter thickness and inscribed with defensive wards. You might have enough for a dozen armor reinforcements. Should cover your immediate family.' the glove accepted in a careless voice.

Already grimacing at the incoming ordeal, Pef drew Nellie inside his inner world, to eat more Godbeast meat and drink voidwine.

Outside, the shower of lightning tribulations fell on Pef, while he sped towards the next galaxy, still trying to find a larger adamantite source.

A dozen of avatars were carefully portioning the Blue Jade Stones into thin slices, using the voidcutter skill.

A dozen more were inscribing the smallest crystal nodules with inscriptions, and then sent them out to parry the Heavenly Punishment. This also helped the nodules grow slightly larger, thus giving them extra material to work with, for later.

Pef searched a dozen galaxies for adamantite, or other valuable resource but found only small deposits.

In a week he barely gathered 400 tons, which made him appreciate the adamantite's value even more.

However, in the next galaxy he got lucky. There were actually two merging galaxies, and their cores were grinding at each other with huge gravitational waves.

'The whole ellipse of shattered stars and planets if full of adamantite dust. Go collect it.' the glove told him in a gleeful voice.

'When you mean full, you mean a billion tons?' Pef asked suspiciously.

'Probably a million tons, or so. Which quantity is your wife's mission anyway.' The adviser replied with a smirk.

Pef sighed and Blinked towards the gravitational smasher. However, when he got closer, the void became harder and harder to bend, and his Blinks became shorter and shorter.

By the time he arrived in the debris belt, Pef was exhausted. The lightning torrent didn't help either.

Sure, the blue jade helped mitigate the tribulation, but thousands of punishments took their toll.

The only good thing was the Dao of Lightning increasing from this once again, reaching 14 percent.

This was enough for Pef to develop his Lightning Domain, and gain control instinctive of electricity, much like he had over Void and Water. The Tribulations became easier to bear, by a small margin.

The Fire Domain remained the last and weakest of them, since cooking and clones weren't practice enough to gain a substantial increase.

Yet, Pef didn't want or need full enlightenment over all the elements, nor did he have time to cultivate everything.

There were too many Daos under heaven, and he didn't even have a single one bought to completion.

For now, Pef focused on the task, collecting the entire dust ellipse into the glove, leaving the task of separating elements and ordering them neatly into blocks of chemical elements on the storage shelves, to his overpowered assistant.

The task was long and slow, as travel was difficult so close to the galactic cores colliding.

A decade passed before he managed to collect everything, and by that time his inner avatars had finished upgrading his Yama armor, and started crafting a similar one for Nellie.

His wife was growing rapidly with his aid, and also helping him train in mindforce, getting additional skills, even memory reading and writing. The Red Dust infusions helped him raise the qi purity a bit, as well.

As Pef departed towards the demon galaxy he glanced at the status pages to observe the changes.

Of course, the glove was never satisfied, but Pef felt a small accomplishment, especially when comparing the page with older ones.

Veritas Legion Adjutant-User data file

Name: Pef Xi

Alias: Monarch, Emperor, Saint, God, Legion, Count, Veritas.

Rank: Local universe CIC, Legion: Soldier

OS: Standard Veritas Legion Indoctrination method: compatibility 1.314

Race: Physical God, Tier 4 (improved +55%)

Body stats:

-Strength : 15 685. (Physical God bonus +50%)

-Agility : 17 988. (Physical God bonus +50%)

-Endurance : 14 375. (Physical God bonus +50%. Veritas Adjutant modifier +1000)

-Intelligence : 327. (Veritas Adjutant modifier +1000)

-Wisdom : 189. (Veritas Adjutant modifier +1000)

-Charisma : 957. (charm +9%)

-Qi reserves: 28 547 000.

Cultivation stats:

-Spiritual affinity: Water 32%, Sword 55%, Void 36%, Fire 9%, Wind 3%, Thunder 15%, Metal 6%, Earth 5%, Life 6%, Entropy 2%, Order 2%, Chaos 2%. (Yin and Yang, Creation and Destruction under 1%)

-Core size: Galactic. (9.998 cms radius)

-Core inner volume: Cluster. (Two main galaxies, 16 dwarf galaxies. Total worlds: 1.9 trillion)

-Qi purity: 35%. (~1% trans dimensional injection)

-Soul Aspect: Silver. (Combat/Control/Command affinity)

-Soul defense: 8686. +90% bonus (open meridians 1+11)

-Soul attack: 4424. +10% bonus

-Sword Ki abilities: 55%. (One with the Void: stage 1 12% 1200 controlled swords)

-Water Dao abilities: 32%. (Greater Water Domain, ~93000 kms radius)

-Lightning Dao ability 15%.(Large Lightning Domain, ~25000 kms radius)

-Fire Dao abilities: 9%. (Large Fire Domain, ~9200 kms radius)

-Void abilities: 36%. Blink radius: 16 trillion kms// 22 per sec, Voidsplitter skill 5%, Recall radius: 900 000 kms.

-Voidsense, minor. Void palms and claws: ~1200 under control - size 45 cms each.

Divine stats:

- Ki sense: Galactic (~2 million light-years radius. Secure qi transmissions 40 thousand light years.)

- coresense: Gigantic. (~4 light-years kms radius)

- telekinetic field: Average. Range 6 meters (Divine strings manipulation: 81%, Gravity generation: 56%, Quasi strings: 4%)

- add-ons: Icesword rune.

- sword intent: Average (Swordforce: stage 4, 55%)

- transmutation/alteration: Huge. (water Mastery, fog and ice: stage 8, plasma: stage 5, condensation: stage 7)

- divination: Minor/???. (danger sense, trans dimensional injection)

- heartforce: Average. (Diamond Heart stage 3. 84%)

- karmic luck: Medium. (Minor reincarnation, trace memories, Realm allies, non-causal scars)

- logopedic Dao ability: Medium: 4 words (Legion, Truth, Faith, Reason) (Devour Dao: Soul digestion stage 4, 11%, Soul restoration 9%)

- mindforce: Greater: 74% (shield level 3, maze level 3, pulse level 2, flay level 2, memory read/write level 1).

- Extra abilities: water clone: stage 8, Ice wings, Ice armor, fire clone: stage 7, dojutsu: stage 4 (helix spike), Clone fusion stage 2. Voidbeasts under training: 101.

Pef read the glove's image of him with an inner smile. Nothing was negligible or minimal anymore.

'Why do you have those question marks next to my divination?' he asked a bit annoyed.

'It's because I don't have an explanation in my database. Those hunches of yours. And I know for certain you aren't an oracle. Too stupid for that.' the glove answered in a serious tone.

Pef nodded in agreement. 'When I reach Tier 7, I should have at least 1000 Intelligence and Wisdom, right?'

The glove remained silent, which didn't bode well.

Pef sighed and focused to speed up his Blinks even more. Travelling by teleportation was easy enough due to his coresense, which helped him arrive in a safe location, while the new voidsense helped him path the less resistant parts of the void, thus increasing the length of each jump.

It was similar to navigating a ship, steering towards the deep blue waters instead of the yellow or green seas which might be too shallow.

Nellie was treated with a lavish meal by his avatar, and then they sat on the beach and just watched the inner stars, sharing childhood stories and a bottle of godwine.

By the next day, Pef arrived in the demon galaxy, and sent Nellie home to tend to her father.

He headed towards the galactic Tingel Arm, eager to deal with the Eyeless and their shadow Seer backer.

As soon as the first Eyeless hideout collapsed under his assault, Pef began using his new mind powers to directly access the memories of his captives. Not a single cultist was above the divine tier. Not yet.

He decided to ignore about 900 worlds with minor cults, instead sending their coordinates to Merri, so his regiment could gain precious combat experience.

Pef Blinked towards the major headquarters of their cult, and caught them in the middle of evacuation.

A thousand voidpalms grabbed at the fleeing cultists, when he saw a strange High Lord demon wearing a fully enclosed metal helmet.

'He can't see through that solid helmet, right?' Pef wondered as he tried to capture the first real Eyeless.

Didn't manage to get him before the demon detonated his core. But he saw something with his coresense in that split-second while the metal helmet was evaporating from the explosion. Empty cavities instead of eyes.

The glove shared his senses and rapidly realized the reason.

'They have removed their own eyes. And it's your fault.' the glove confirmed with a snicker.

Pef kept his attack going, eliminating the combative cultists, while other simply exploded with various methods, from inner cores, to runic tablets or even qi-entangled charged stones, strangely similar to the Arachne's soul arrows.

In a single minute, millions of the Eyeless died, and thousands more were captured for later interrogation.

While Pef scanned the huge underground compound for more clues, he found a large warded room with various memory stones, prophetic tablets and some type of training chairs and another smaller voidbeast pen, now empty.

Without prompt from the glove, Pef began slicing the bedrock to confiscate the treasure room and folded it into the glove pocket. His Wisdom immediately rose by 1 point, for some strange reason.

'My fault, huh? You mean that nu-golith hologram I had Reason project at Hellsreach?' he wondered deep in thought, already speeding away towards the next target.

The stats page changed again, adding another Wisdom point.

Pef sighed. 'Damn unintended consequences. Did I start a rabid religion by accident?'

The orange glove stayed silent, letting him reflect by himself.

Soon enough, he attacked another major base, this time one burrowed under a murlok city.

The self-detonating cultists didn't seem to care about the civilians above, and they all vanished in the conflagrations.

Pef stopped for a minute to collect the lost souls and began using his avatars to resettle the revived murloks into his inner world.

Of course, some local leaders were in league with the Eyeless and were set aside for interrogation.

His heart climbed another percentage towards the next stage. It was a very painful training, but Pef was still grateful.

Without his Diamond Heart, all these pointless deaths would have demoralized him already.

Some revived were very upset or cried continuously and even went insane.

But Pef couldn't stop now. He had to eliminate the suicidal maniacs before they converted the entire galaxy and blew it up. Or worse, before they infected more galaxies.

Not that the Eyeless cult was actually wrong. The surviving Seers and oracles from Hellsreach could very well deduce what they saw and what it meant. That what their skills and talents were for, after all.

The goliths were coming. And nobody would enjoy being alive when the goliths got to them.

Death was a mercy in their view. They simply wanted to save as many from future endless suffering.

While killing the mad cultists and reviving the innocent, Pef meditated on an actual solution.

'Perhaps...the Tier 4s and 3s can house the locals in their inner worlds.' he mused after some time.

He sure had enough space for at least two galaxies worth of people. And as he grew into his powers, more room would become available.

Quite a far advancement from the earlier days in this galaxy, when he struggled to support a few million liberated slaves on his small islands.

'Yes. We can and we will do that. But the universe is a bit larger. There is no time or room for everyone.' the glove answered after a long minute.

That meant it went through all possible solutions, and found him wanting.

Pef sighed and began simply storing the entire planet when he arrived.

To his surprise, that worked even better as the exploding cultists could be revived safely, even the demons.

"The Revealer found us!"

"The Herald of the end days!"

"The Destroyer!"

Millions of voices yelled in despair, finding themselves in his power now.

Pef began moving them away from the regular people and sent an avatar to talk.

"The goliths are nasty, that true. But I've killed this one. I will kill the others, just as well. Aren't I the Destroyer?" the avatar proclaimed with a powerful qi infused voice.

Surprised silence fell among the cultists.

A minute later, whispers and doubts began emerging.


"The magic barrier is also gone."

"If one golith can die, so can others, right?"

"The destroyer can kill anything. It's in the scriptures!"

In truth nobody wants to die, if there's a chance they could live. Not even suicidal bombers. Or at least not these.

They've made a mistake including Pef into their holy works.

"Save us, Holy Pef! Destroyer of Archdemons!"

"My brother killed a city for nothing..."

"Uh, my wife...we could have been together now..."

Regret and sorrow washed over the masses of cultists, just as another batch was transported among them.

The scene repeated a hundred times, as Pef traveled along the Tingel Arm, plucking out the infested worlds.

A few intact voidbeasts were captured, but no more eggs. It seemed that the Pit was the main incubator for those eggs.

Then, after a long week of scouring the galaxy Pef finally caught up with the Abyss Seer.

A somewhat lucky intercept of the void tunnel and the Tier 3 Greater Demon was sent into his inner world.

As expected, the Seer was a blind demon, formerly of the Fateweaver Guild, the prophets and oracles.

"You've doomed everyone now. Eternal suffering under those monsters. Why did you stop us, after revealing this terrific truth?" the blind seer asked, after being returned to the living.

"But I killed that golith, didn't I?" Pef asked softly, using his telekinetic field to create a soundproof barrier around the two of them.

"Don't try to deceive me, Legion. That which you destroyed was merely a hair on a true golith. Even if you grow stronger, a thousand times it won't be enough. Nothing ever will..." the seer sobbed and crashed to his knees in sorrow and defeat.

"Yes, that thing was weakened. But I was also a mere Tier 3, like you are now. I could kill an Archdemon now with barely any effort." Pef answered, quite truthfully.

Not that Arazmodel was in danger though. Pef had struggled to find a weak but clever demon to rise to the position.

The Archdemon even had a truthsense skill, which made everything very simple to barter or negotiate.

No fear of deceit or lies, everything on the table. And perhaps, Arazmodel still remembered being weak.

Slowly the Abyss Seer rose his head, and tore off the metal helmet. In a second, his eyes regrew.

"You have proof?" the seer asked after a minute of staring at Pef with new eyes. Literally new.

The avatar smiled and transported the Greater Demon on his beach, where a mountain of Archdemon bones decorated the scenery.

Hesitantly, the seer grabbed a chopped arm and closed his eyes. "Arazmodel's arms and legs, even his head. You farmed him for bones."

After a moment, the seer also realized the other truth. What he had seen here, the secret could never get out. By asking for proof he signed his death warrant.

Pef nodded politely. "I did. He suffered greatly, as you can imagine. But look! By the end, Arazmodel was huge. The pain was the price for his new strength."

The seer nodded, looking up at the multiple galaxies. "You can hold everyone here. The entire galaxy."

"So can Arazmodel. The Elf king and his daughter. Any many other of my allies. I'm not saying that fighting the goliths would be easy or safe. Painful for certain. But..." Pef explained with a thin smile.

"... Now I see. Your Church was right after all, Lord Pef. You break all chains, with your insane growth speed. I was watching you, in the arena. Sleeping like a baby, without a care, so confident in your victory. Zorkel is dead now, right?" the old demon asked with a piercing glare.

"Indeed he is. When the magic vows broke, he could have trusted me. I had the Archdemon core in my pocket. Zorkel chose to fight. The Legion never lost a war though. Not here, nor in the Great Realm, with dragons and devils and many others." Pef declared confidently.

The Greater Demon sighed and knelt again. "I wish I could see your victory when it comes. Use my core well."

Pef nodded and swiped once. A promise was a promise.

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Last edited: Feb 9, 2020

Feb 9, 2020Report

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LurkerOfTheFics, Doctor Blood, pendevin and 20 others like this.

Threadmarks: Expansion

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Cleaning up the scattered Eyeless would be the task of the local Legion regiment, but Pef decided to reinforce Merri with a billion local cultivators he had already captured in his inner world. After indoctrinating them into the Legion, of course.

A few drops of Godbeast blood were needed to promote Merri and his new wife, Beotia to Tier 2 but the rest will be up to them.

Leaving them two swords crafted from Godbeast's claws, and with the financial and logistical support of the Church behind them, Pef was reasonably certain the Legion would prosper here as well.

Meanwhile, the Elf King had recovered somewhat, enough to return to his throne. The old guy wouldn't have the strength to fight another Tier 4, but for lesser ranked enemies he will be sufficient.

Plus, Arazmodel was getting stronger now, and his family were raised to High Lord Demons already. Reaching the Greater Demon status wouldn't be that easy, not even with godwine.

Riding a converted voidbeast, Pef and Nellie begun their journey back, but his time laying down spatial tunnels behind them.

As expected, the new Legion mounts also grew strong and fast with mind stones and the blood wine and later even a godbeast drop of blood. Feeding the voidwine, made from the blood of their voidbeasts relatives, to the newly hatched beasts was perhaps cannibalism, but it also helped them gain stronger void abilities.

At every stop, Pef created trade stations and Legion bases, to serve as rest and refuel points for the future transports and traders travelling the wormholes.

Of course, laying down the pathways was much slower than simply travelling through them, which only took a moment.

One had to actually stop and link each tunnel with the next, much like laying railroad beams. If each beam was 1 light-year long.

Thus, the trip took decades instead of a single year, and by the time Pef reached Lacrima again, Legion ships and various traders were already using the wormholes to increase commerce between galaxies, and maintain a chain of communication and command.

Orders and other form of information could travel through the tunnels just as well as ships or flying cultivators, thus helping with rapid coordination and reinforcements between regiments or trade markets.

Resources and troops could be moved at speed to the next galaxy at need, or simply for trading.

Unknown to Pef, his Church also followed through the tunnels, the vast richness of the Church being spread out with construction projects, from temples and art, to factories or plantations.

Pef stopped at Zeus, to anchor this last section of the tunnel to the battlestation.

His wives and other Soldiers arrived to help, transporting a hundred moons to craft the largest trade market this universe had ever seen.

A year later, Nellie and other Tier 3 Soldiers began laying down new routes to the other Legion outposts and bases, using the hundred voidbeasts acquired by Pef.

Pef however stayed home, spending time with Yen Blossom and Mia, and the kids.

These two wives were lagging behind, barely reaching Tier 2 and One with the Sword stage in sword dao.

'Can't we help them ascend at least one more Tier?' Pef mused inward, while hugging his sleeping wives at his chest.

'We probably could, while spending 100 times too much rare resources. Combat is a necessary step for every Legion Soldier. Send them out exploring. They will get stronger and experience harshness, just like Aria is doing right now.' the glove answered with a suffering sigh.

Damn user was still too kind. It didn't matter much, right now. But once they left this cozy and safe universe...

Pef nodded inward, eyes closed in meditation. He knew what the glove was trying to do. But he also knew that exploring was dangerous. A random Tier 3 beast somewhere would simply eat his wives as a snack.

Not everyone was a prodigy in combat or cultivation.

"Why are you sad, hubby?" Blossom asked, having woken and staring at his face.

"My glove...says you need to go out into the universe and forge yourself." he replied in a mild voice.

No need to hide the obvious, after all. His wives never suspected him of being a hidden genius mastermind.

Blossom fell silent for a long time. "The glove is right. I know. Soon everyone else among my sisters will reach Tier 4. The Veil regiment needs combat as well."

Mia woke up as well and began kissing Pef's body. "I'll take the tunnel to Ardania, and explore outwards. What will you do, more soulsmithing?" she asked while climbing him for another ride.

Pef smiled kindly. "I am always crafting with my avatars. But only this body is real enough for love."

He drew Blossom into a long kiss, and enjoyed the love.

By next week, Blossom and Mia departed on their roaming, armored and armed with Tier 4 bones.

Pef stared at the sun, as inside Qin was rapidly reaching Tier 3 and completing her Fire Dao.

With a burst of energy, his wife emerged from the sun with wings of fire a thousand kilometers wide.

He Blinked himself next to Qin, and observed the transformation with amazement.

"I did it! I am fire now!" the red-headed beauty exclaimed, bursting into flames, transforming into a ball of living fire and streaking into the Void, reforming to her normal body a million kilometers away.

'That's possible?' Pef wondered in surprise.

'Yes.' the glove answered curtly.

Pef chased after her and tried to hug, only to find his hands passing through fire and catching nothing.

"Hehe. Catch me if you can!" Qin yelled and ran away, spreading fire clones left and right.

Pef chased and tried to catch the fire swan, only to be deceived again and again.

After a few hours, his wife stopped and smiled sweetly at him. "You get one day, because I'm in a good mood. But then I'm leaving too." she explained while appearing in his arms.

Pef grinned and kissed his fiery goddess. "As you say, love. Take a voidbeast and lay a path behind you. But first...let me examine you in very, very close detail." he whispered while kissing her soft neck, hungrily.

Soon enough, Pef found himself alone again, with only his subordinates and smiths remaining on Lacrima, while a thousand new regiments were getting closer and closer to Ascension.

Rose and Lily were busy working on the gene therapy project, while Paragon had his duties as the ruling Monarch. Plus his new fairy wife.

Pef Blinked himself on the moon, arriving next to Drake and Volcanis in their special forge.

"Hey guys. Anything new?" he asked in a good mood.

"We're good, boss. Plenty of bones and adamantite for a thousand more years. Although, more Red Soul Dust would be great. Watch!" the dragon kin said holding out a new weapon.

It was strangely familiar, the shape and size of a Legion Knife, but made from adamantite and Archdemon bone, with a pinch of soul dust added to impart sentience.

Drake dropped the weapon in mid-air, but it remained floating. Then it spun around, like looking for advice and flew away, hiding in a crate full of metal bars and gems.

"Back to me!" the dragon smith commanded, and the sword flew into his hand, and entered Drake's inner world without leaving a scar.

Pef rose an eyebrow and held his gloved hand out. "Here!" he demanded curious.

The new weapon emerged cautiously and entered the glove pocket.

'The handle has a Green immortal jade inside, storing instructions and performing computation. For a Tier 4 weapon, it is quite decent. Indeed, with another dose of Soul Dust this knife will be able to sever Tier 1 souls. And if Drake reaches Tier 4, even Tier 2 souls will be possible.' the glove commented while listing the weapon' stats as if it was a person.

'How about a glove, like you?' Pef asked with an inner smile.

Smithing was miraculous indeed. Perhaps...

'Not like me. adjutant for lower ranks...we can try it with a strip of Godbeast skin, instead of demon bone. If the Heavens allow it, it will receive a Veritas Legion inscription, just like Gaia had.' the glove replied after a few minutes.

Pef turned towards Volcanis, while taking out a few vellum pages, obtained by skinning the Godbeast.

"New task, my friend. Make a few gloves, similar to this one. Storage space, combat assistance, cultivation advice, telekinetic field and protective inscriptions. When is ready, I'll call a tribulation and see if they work." Pef said with a challenging smile.

Volcanis examined the skins with his coresense, then held out a hand.

Closing his eyes, he began soulsmithing the beast skin, molding the velum page around his hand into a leather glove.

It took an hour til the shape and ergonomics of the glove were sufficient. Volcanis wiggled his fingers inside the glove and grimaced.

"I need to rest now. This is very hard and my soul hurts." the Legion's smith explained, sitting down to drink some godwine and recover.

Pef sighed and started the same process with a new vellum page. An hour later, he too felt drained and tired and had to stop and rest.

"Want me to try it too?" Drake asked as he just finished making another Legion knife.

Pef shook his head. "No. A thousand knives, for every regiment leader. The gloves will only go to my family anyway. Not enough godbeast skin."

Drake eyed Pef's glove with suspicion, then returned to his craft.

Meanwhile, Pef calculated the amounts of bone and metal needed to upgrade his Legion with new weapons and armor, but he still came short.

'How effective would a hundred new gloves be?' he asked inward.

'Roughly similar to a devil power armor, or maybe a lich necro-mount. Tier 3 to Tier 4 opponents will be more feasible to defeat. Legion loses will decrease by 3 percent, and more at lower tiers.' the glove said with a tiny laugh.

Pef sighed and resumed crafting the new glove. Reality was harsh, nothing new.

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Feb 15, 2020Report

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Threadmarks: Cultivation

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Time passed as Pef and his smiths strained their souls to craft the new Legion gear.

A thousand years later, Firalli returned to Lacrima as a new Tier 3, and joined the smith club on the moon.

He aided Drake in shaping the primary molds for weapons, and laid down inscriptions on the finished items.

Two thousand years later, Lin also returned. The Maker was now a Tier 4 and had a commanding presence about her, perhaps due to Faith, the Legion's power word gun.

She did not comment on what she had killed to reach the rank, but Pef was not worried. Faith was strong enough to obliterate anything in this universe.

Lin too joined the smith club, focusing on crafting armor.

Unlike lower tier artifacts, Tier 4 ones could always be changed and upgraded, adding more imbued abilities and increasing their power.

Slowly, the roaming Soldiers began to return, Mia and Blossom at Tier 3, Yuan and Lia at Tier 4, and glowing so strongly in Pef's soul sight.

Then, Lasciel and Strella returned, also at Tier 4. Silentia remained a Tier 3 and seemed shocked and damaged by her ordeal. Pef let her rest and recover, waiting for someone with mind skills to arrive and help.

A few years later, Nellie returned from her latest trip to the devil galaxy, and began mind healing Silentia.

She also brought back a few kilograms of red dust, and now the new adjutant gloves were almost ready to begin trials.

Vela and Qin returned a few years later, stronger and more confident from roaming by themselves.

And lastly, Xie and Aria arrived just as Pef began his tribulation trials, exposing the newly crafted artifacts to the Heavenly Lightning.

One bolt after another, the powerful lightning punishment struck Pef as he wore a new glove on his left hand, made of Godbeast skin.

It still hurt a lot, despite wearing the blue jade scale armor, but it was bearable. Especially as the new inscriptions appeared, spelling Veritas Legion on the godbeast skin gloves.

"One more time, hubby!" Aria demanded and held out her Veridian Armor necklace.

'What if...?" Pef wondered cautiously.

'It will be fine. The necklace asked for it.' his orange glove said patiently.

'Okay then. If you say so.' Pef replied in acceptance, and struck another moon with his voidcutter skill.

As the tribulation fell, Aria hugged Pef and held the necklace up, as an offering.

The lightning changed color as it fell, glowing golden as it struck the necklace, then coursed through Aria and Pef by proximity.

However, instead of the brutal pain and punishment it usually imparted, this time the lightning felt warm and kind, like a blessing. The necklace unfolded like an umbrella, and began drawing the Heavenly Lightning inside, while spouting leaves and flowers.

A scent of purity and floral essence emerged from the enlarged armor, rapidly raising Pef's qi purity, til it passed 50 percent.

Everyone around experienced the same purification, much to their wonder.

Aria received the most benefit, rapidly increasing in cultivation and crossing into the 4th Tier by the blessing.

A minute later, the artifact condensed once more into a necklace and flew around Aria's neck, glowing with green and golden vines.

Then, under Pef's amazed eyes, the vines shifted into words. Aria Verdi.

'Uh? What's this? The Heaven grants personalized inscriptions now?' he muttered in disbelief.

'Your wife...Aria probably awakened her genetic legacy after she completed the Wood Dao. Life qi, wood qi, water qi. An essence bloodline.' the glove mused with surprise.

Lin's weapon appeared in her hand, as she Blinked next to Aria and held hands.

"What do you remember, Aria?" Lin asked in a soft tone.

"The blue sky, so far above, fireworks during night. Running somewhere. The green forest, the fast flowing river. I fell. A violet arc of lightning. Then nothing." the green haired goddess said with a far away look.

Pef glanced at Lin as her weapon vanished. "That sounds familiar. Goliths have violet lightning."

Lin nodded and hugged Aria tightly. "The memories will return, probably at Tier 5. It won't be pleasant, remembering a golith's true form."

Pef shivered for a second, remembering just that. Then he smiled and joined the group hug.

"Come, my beloved wives. I'll make dinner and give you all the new gear."

Cooking for his loved ones was even better, after all. He also recalled the kids, and presented the family Lin's first child, a boy named Jace.

Pef suspected that the power word gun was involved with the lucky conception, and the kid being born a cultivator, but he didn't mind it at all. Children were rare for high ranked cultivators, and one born able to cultivate had nearly infinite lifespan.

Jace was still young, barely 11 years old now, and has not yet reached Core rank, as his mother carried him in her belly pouch, hugely protective on him.

Only other relatives were allowed to play with him, like Rose or Lily's kids and grandkids. Sometimes Misty, the fairy, when she had time, as the wife of the Monarch had plenty official duties like protocol and balls and fancy dinners.

But now, Jace and Vela were yelping happily on the beach, playing with the puppy knives, as Aria had also released her own to have fun.

"Tier 4 is great, right?" he asked his goddess wife, patting the green hair with his avatar.

"Mhm. If only Hero was alive..." Aria said softly, and sipped some godwine with a sad face.

Pef hugged her to his side, and watched the kid play with shallow waves.

"Sometimes, we try our best and still fail, my love. And once we open the door, most of us will die again. Who knows, maybe Hero got reborn too and will reach Tier 5 one day to remember us. Maybe Tier 7 if he lucks out in a high tier universe" he added as encouragement.

That boy was much like him after all. Brave and facing anything head on. And probably more talented, with such a mother.

Aria patted her neck, listening to her own adviser necklace. "Garden says it's not likely. Only if we open the door could souls get reborn in another world."

'Really?' Pef asked inward.

'Very possible. Lara would have been back by now otherwise. Xia as well.' the glove said after a few seconds.

'So we are locked inside after all.' Pef mused to himself, glancing at the distant distortion with his real eyes.

With his voidsense, the gate at the edge of the universe appeared as a pyramid, not a triangle. His other senses probably perceived a single facet of that gate.

'How long til I am ready to go there?' he asked again.

'You're probably nearly ready. Finish training and equipping the Legion, consume more of that voidwine and godbeast flesh...a thousand years perhaps.' the orange friend advised him in a serious tone.

Pef checked his inner page, where his soul had doubled in strength from all the tedious soul smithing.

'Someone should stay and protect this place.' he considered while scrolling mentally though all the candidates.

'Nobody will be safe anyway. Still...Volcanis would be quite useless for the frontlines. Firalli as well. And Paragon...he makes a much better ruler than you. The Monarchy would remain stable in your absence.' the glove explained without any comforting tone.

Pef was quite used with the glove's abrupt and ruthless estimations. It has always been this way.

"A thousand years, Aria. You can head first, and lay a path behind you. Easier for ships and reinforcements to support the gate that way." Pef told his goddess in a gentle voice.

Aria held a gloved hand out, and clenched her fist. "Next year, Pef. I have just returned, big idiot."

Pef smiled and leaned to kiss his wife. "Of course, my dear goddess. I'll make sure to cultivate you very hard before you go."

"Show me!" she demanded with a tiny growl.

In a minute, Aria was expelled from the inner world into Pef's large matrimonial bed, and arduously cultivated.

It took a whole day to pacify the beast, even with his Tier 4 cultivation.

As Aria fell asleep with a dreamy grin, Pef entered another bedroom and called out Xie to be pampered and loved as well.

Cultivation was still hard.

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Feb 15, 2020Report

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LurkerOfTheFics, Doctor Blood, pendevin and 22 others like this.

Threadmarks: Gate

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PefVersed in the lewd.

In the next century, the new Veritas Legion focused on consolidation.

Lower ranks trained and cultivated as much as they could to reach higher ranks and thus gain a small chance to be able to effect the coming war.

Higher ranks, from Tier 1 and above focused on stabilizing their cultivation and gaining mastery over a single Dao, just as Pef did.

Pef decided to focus on the Dao of Water for his first mastery, not because it would become a strong weapon or defense, but because it was his spirit element. As soon as the glove marked the Dao of Water with 100% several other Daos connected with Water in direct or indirect ways also grew substantially. Ice, Snow, Fog, Cloud, Rain, River and Sea gained the most growth, just as other linked elements received a bonus due to the higher insight.

Even the Dao of Blood gained a few percents, due to being made mostly of water.

Anyway, the greatest achievement from this breakthrough was the ability to create water out of nothing, or better said, converting qi into water. Considering the amazing rate at which Pef's qi regenerated as a Tier 4 cultivator, this single ability was a logistical bonus of immense value, since water was a necessary supply for any army or population.

Already, with the Legion maize being grown inside Pef's inner world and water supply being sufficient for a galaxy full of people, Pef could plan his next campaign with a more relaxed outlook.

Weapons and armor were still being manufactured by the Legion's smiths and other high ranks, although high level artifacts like the new gloves and flying knives were still in low supply.

But, just as Pef achieved his Dao of Water, Lady Lin completed her Dao of Smithing, which would be a great boon in the future. Pef suspected the Legion's power word gun was somehow responsible for that achievement, but wisely abstained from commenting on this, out loud. Reason might be only a sentient artifact, but it was a Tier 7 all the same.

Due to Pef's experience to the orange glove's immense intellect and near-infallible planning, Pef decided to accept that artifacts of high cultivation tiers may be much smarter than him, or any other organic.

Which thought lead to the next problem. The Exitus Gate, as the Legion had begun calling the qi anomaly that constituted their next objective.

'The gate is probably sentient as well, right my glove?' Pef asked inward, with some worry.

A minute of long silence followed. 'No way to know, yet. But probably yes. Brute force will not work, if the gate has over-ride codes for the Legion guns.' the artifact mused in a cold tone.

Pef sighed and glanced at his Elf wife. Nellie was also a Tier 4 cultivator, even if she had a different cultivation path. Magic powers, while weaker than regular qi elements and Dao domains allowed for a much higher versatility.

Any type of element could be used, and a myriad of spells were possible for someone of sufficient power and talent.. just like the Elf goddess. Pef shifted his gaze back onto his glove, once more suspicious of having been played. There were few coincidences where the glove was present.

"What is it now, husband?" the Elf Princess asked, noticing Pef's glance.

"You will be important when we attack the gate, my dear. There must be magic spells that are meant to deal with corrupted or recalcitrant artifacts." Pef mused out loud.

Nellie blinked in surprise at the news, then nodded slightly. "I can try."

Pef shifted his perspective inside his inner world, where Vela and Jace were also studying magic, under his Avatar's eyes.

"How would you deal with a damaged artifact, Vela?" the Avatar wondered absently.

The Elf vestal smiled a bit bitterly. "It depends how damaged it is. How much of its original functions and memories remain?" the Elf goddess asked in a light voice.

Pef just shook his head. He didn't know, but this was important information anyway. Perhaps...

His musings were interrupted. "Lord Pef. The Zeus-Exitus beacon is now online. We have a stable voidhole to the gate. Lady Aria asks for you, from the other side." came a qi transmission from the nearby gas giant in the system.

"It's time. Let's dip our fingers into the other side." Pef said, and Blinked away reaching the duty Major on the Zeus battlestation in a single jump.

"My lord! The Green regiment is preparing to cross through." the Legion officer exclaimed as Pef appeared at his side.

Pef just nodded and stepped into the void channel. A series of short flashes and he arrived beside Aria, and the giant pyramid that marked the real space entrance into the Exitus Gate.

"Any problems, so far?" he asked with a gentle voice.

The green haired goddess smiled thinly. "The voidbeast died during the emergence from last tunnel. I had to spend all my qi to stabilize the tunnel's end."

Pef hugged her in response, aware of how dangerous that last part might have been. "The Garden helped?" he asked while patting her vine necklace.

Aria nodded slowly, patting her neck tenderly. " Calls herself Verdant Garden, now." she explained while the Law words lit on the necklace surface, the Aria Verdi inscription glowing in a vibrant emerald green.

'I'm sure you could do it too, my orange friend.' he whispered inward, towards the sentient glove.

'If I feel like it. Installing arrival station now.' the artifact responded in a sarcastic vibe, then clenched by itself. From the glove's inner pocket it emerged another space station, which would become the arrival terminal of the Exitus Gate voidtunnel.

Although the size of a small moon, the terminal still paled in comparison with the actual pyramid gate, which appeared to be the size of small sun, around a million kilometers at the widest. In a minute, the voidtunnel was anchored to the new station and the first Legion troopers began to arrive.

Assembling in order, by company and battalions, the Green Regiment commanded by Aria began manning the station, everything from sensors and shields to weapons and hydroponic gardens, barracks and hangars for the Legion fleet. In the next decade, this terminal would become the primary anchorage of the Legion fleet in this universe.

And if they could open the gate, then this base will provide logistical support and a departure point for exploration or military ships that would cross into the new universe on the other side.

Of course, high ranked cultivators would not actually depend on a structure for their needs, no matter how powerful or advanced. But all the same, there were less than a hundred Divine Soldiers in the Legion for now, the rest of the personnel were still fragile in comparison. Stations and ships were needed, since the void environment was harsh even for Saints.

Pef attended to his duty as well, filling the water tanks on the terminal station and the food banks with Legion maize.

Once the task was done, he cautiously approached the pyramid and hesitantly placed his left palm on the surface.

At first, the structure seemed inert and solid, but Pef wasn't impatient anymore. He continued his attempt, sending Legion command codes and authorizations via qi waves, then mental pings and pulses.

More and more Legion personnel arrived, as Pef continued his probing attempts.

Although the Gate did not respond yet, he could feel reaching deeper and deeper as time passed.

Then one day, Lady Lin appeared beside him, with a club-shaped artifact in hand. "Let me try, Pef. Perhaps it will listen to Reason." the Smith goddess quipped in a light voice.

Pef grinned, and then a blinding golden wave covered the sky.

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Oct 22, 2020Report

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LurkerOfTheFics, Doctor Blood, pendevin and 21 others like this.

Threadmarks: Exit

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PefVersed in the lewd.

Reason's Words flashed in golden rays, although there weren't as effective as they usually were.

The pyramid still refused to obey, although a 10-meter-wide section transformed into milky-white substance.

Curious, Pef flew towards the possible entrance and poked it gently. 'This is not wise...' he heard the glove admonish him, before the universe vanished and he found himself surrounded by white light.

His senses were obstructed by the white light, and he couldn't sense the glove anymore. He even raised his right hand to check, but the glove was gone.

"You know why I am here." Pef spoke out loud.

A minute of silence passed. "It's not safe for you to leave, Soldier. You're woefully unprepared for the Great War." a voice answered from all around.

"Perhaps not. But I never let danger stop me before." Pef argued in a calm voice.

The construct didn't reply, not with words. The white light shifted, and slowly the fog receded to reveal a city in ruins, burned bodies and dark ash filling the streets.

Then, a low hum and the ground shook, as if something massive was moving through the ruined city.

'Hmm. A test?' Pef wondered as his Water Domain covered him in Ice Armor.

Suddenly the building in front exploded, and a gigantic creature rushed towards him, a dozen pairs of eyes on each side of its triangular body.

Instead of dodging or striking, Pef simply held a palm forward and stopped the creature in its track, judging its Tier by the impact's strength. 'Tier 2?'

The monster split half of its upper body into a giant shark-like mouth and howled. A shockwave of Sound infused qi stuck Pef with immense force, like a focused storm.

Pef sighed and froze the beast in an ice prison, then walked away. A million such Tier 2s creatures might worry him, but probably not.

He kept exploring the ruined city, trying to find clues about its location and history. Eventually he found a stone basement with sturdy doors that had survived the disaster mostly intact, and began searching for more clues.

Crates with supplies, metal weapons, some barrels filled with wine...nothing special.

He kept searching until he found a logbook of some kind, left behind on a shelf. It was written in the old script he had learned from his mother, complex ideograms instead of words and awkward numbers, but legible anyways.

A few minutes later, the details of a small trading warehouse and its business for the year 737 of the Rabbit Era, involving some river barges and the desert dwellers at the end of the river, that sold glass and almonds in exchange for weapons and cloth, became clear. No mention of taxes or some higher authority. Probably a city state?

Pef drew one of the metal swords and examined their construction and durability, finding them quite low-quality and without a trace of qi-shaping.

'Hammer soul smiths.' he concluded inward.

Sadly his glove was not around to bounce the explanation toward. Anyways, without strong cultivators no country or even no entire planet stood a chance against a single Tier 2 enemy. Even a Saint, like the Rock Worm had proven extraordinarily difficult to defeat for his Monarchy, in their early days.

"An invasion surprising people without qi. Is there a point for this test?" Pef asked out loud.

The ruined town dissolved around Pef, everything returning to its white fog state from before.

"You did not kill the monster. Why not?" the voice asked, a bit different this time. Perhaps curious?

Pef thought for a minute. "I was too strong to kill in self-defense. Nor were there people in danger, not anymore."

The white fog vanished again, replaced by a sea of stars. Straight ahead, a spaceship was fleeing through the void, chased by the same monster.

Beams of focused qi fired from the ship splashed ineffectively onto the beast. The monster once more opened its huge jaws, then froze into a block of ice as Pef intervened.

A second later he Blinked inside the rescued spaceship. Inside the cargo hold, a hundred smaller beasts were mewling and crying, tied with chains to their stalls.

Tauren guards with electrified prods were prodding the captives, while a fat demon was counting jade plates in his luxurious cabin.

Pef smiled and sat beside the demon trader. "Mind if I ask a few questions?"

The demon flinched and pointed at him in surprise. "What are you doing on my ship? And where is your salve collar, human?"

Our hero grinned at the fake conflict imposed by this test. "I have thousands of worlds in this galaxy and a rather good relation with your Archdemon, Arazmodel. He kinda owes me after I killed the old Archdemon." he answered with a faint smile.

The trader blinked in surprise. "Errr. None of the three Archdemons are named Arazmodel..." then his face and body froze as the simulation dispersed once more into white fog.

Pef sighed and slashed his finger to reveal a drop of blood. "At least read my service record."

A gust of wind passed over his hand and the blood vanished, leaving his hand healed. "I see. You have already dealt with that golith sting. I hoped to reveal their incursion into the universe, and make you afraid of what's out there."

"Your task is to protect what's inside, right?" Pef asked in a soft tone.

"You think your single Dao and the Tier 4 you somehow achieved is enough, Soldier? Thousands like you die everyday, and for nothing!" the voice warned him in a higher tone.

Pef nodded and then produced his own Voidswords, held in hand like a fan with a thousand blades. "I don't intend to die out there, Exitus. I have Voidswords and the Voidcutter skill. I think I can help."

"...Perhaps you can, a little. But all those troops gathering for war. They will all die. Probably in the first battle." the voice answered in a sad tone.

"Maybe. But it is their choice, not yours. Anyways, I need to know if there are other intruders than managed to enter this universe. More goliths or godbeasts?" Pef asked while forming an ice chair to sit.

After a while, the voice returned. "I searched but there aren't any outsiders left, right now. All seven intruders have been killed already. You have strong wives." the voice replied with a slightly surprised tone.

"What can you tell me about what's outside? Where does the exit go? What forces in vicinity? Universe tier? Is the Alliance still fighting? What about my Legion?" he asked once he knew the testing was over.

The fog coalesced into a humanoid shape, glowing with inner light. "The Realm Overseer has been notified of your intention to cross the quarantine horizon. As soon as there is a lull in the fight, she will come to receive you. Your Legion will also send someone, if they have anyone available."

Pef mulled over the cautious response, which wasn't of much help. Perhaps if he had the glove to analyze...

Oh well. Nothing to do but wait.

Years later, or perhaps merely hours, another fog figure emerged beside the Exitus guardian.

"... A silver aura? They all were betting it would be a golden one." a slightly amused female voice spoke from the fog.

Pef shrugged and stood up. "Lead the way, lady."

An amused snicker was all he got, then his stomach clenched as the universe spun a thousand times rapidly. Air began flowing in his face.

'We're out. Sit down' his glove said in a satisfied tone.

Pef sat down and opened his eyes. A new universe opened, as the flying boat climbed over the clouds.

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Last edited: Oct 25, 2020

Oct 25, 2020Report

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Last edited: Feb 9, 2020

Feb 9, 2020Report

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