


Svanna was born near Riften, to a mother and father. Or so she assumed, based on what she'd eventually learned about how babies were made. In truth, the young red-haired Nord had never known her parents, and neither had anyone else she'd ever asked. When the asking had resulted in more than one paddling from the inaptly named Grelod the Kind, Svanna had eventually learned from context clues not to bother any longer.

She was an orphan, a girl who had been deposited in the Honorhall Orphanage younger than she could recall, and who had grown up under the care of Grelod, the Orphanage's Matron. The woman was a despicable human being, to be sure. Extremely cruel and incredibly abusive, she'd left scars on Svanna both physical and mental that were with the young Nord to this day.

But Grelod, like much in Svanna's life, was nothing more than an obstacle to be worked around, in the end. As much as she hated the old bat with all her heart, Svanna liked to think she'd grown far beyond her, in the end. Grelod the Kind… and all of Riften in fact, could fucking die in a ditch for all Svanna cared.

An uncharitable sort would say that all of Svanna's problems throughout her life could be traced back to her, but she disagreed. She'd only done what she needed to do. She'd only fended for herself. So, what if she'd taken a few things from a few people here and there? From a very early age, she'd been attracted to shiny objects. Septims were one of them, but honestly, it wasn't money that she craved… it was value.

Gemstones were the best, in Svanna's humble opinion. When she was younger, she hadn't been able to differentiate between actual jewels and the slightly shiny rocks she found by the shore of Lake Honrich. Anything that had a gleam to it, anything that glistened just right in the sunlight… she had to have it. She'd gotten into a few scrapes with the other children at the orphanage over it too.

And, when they'd banded together to hold her down and search her bed for their missing belongings, she'd learned a valuable lesson. She couldn't rely on anyone but herself, and she needed better hiding places.

It was only later, when she was growing older and couldn't quite fit into the smallest places anymore, but was also a wee bit stronger and tougher, that she found The Ratway. There was an entrance to Riften's underground tunnel system right near the Orphanage as it turned out and slipping down into it at night was surprisingly easy for her.

The Ratway was dangerous, and filthy, and didn't seem like the place one would find many treasures… and that made it the perfect place to hide hers. Finding a small cubby behind a loose stone, she'd begun to put her tiny hoard all in one place. Her few coins, her shiny rocks, and her prized position… a ruby no bigger than the nail on her thumb. Small as it was, it was everything to Svanna. She could stare at that ruby she'd found digging at the shore for hours.

And of course, once she had her own little hideaway in The Ratway, she was more incentivized to go and claim more things. After all, if they couldn't prove she'd taken their things by turning over her bed, then they couldn't accuse her of any wrongdoing. Not that it stopped them of course, nor did it stop Grelod from hurting her anyways… but at the end of the day, painful welts and fresh scars and all, Svanna was still the one who came out ahead.

Until, that is, her exploration of the Ratway led to her stumbling upon The Ragged Flagon. The underground tavern had seemed amazing to her, at first. It was filled with men and women in dark leathers, with hard, assessing eyes.

Of course, those eyes tended to soften when they landed upon her, more often than not. What she would eventually come to realize were members of the Thieves Guild, looked upon her with pity in most cases. Those who didn't, saw her as an irritant, with contempt. None of them took her seriously.

Except… the more she looked around the Ragged Flagon, the more time she spent in it, the more… rundown it felt. There were alcoves that seemed like they should have contained stalls or shops of some sort, but there were no merchants to be seen. Meanwhile, the men and women in their dark leathers looked disgruntled and unhappy, as if they were at their wits end.

All things considered, perhaps she should have recognized that going about things the way she did would win her no friends and do her no favors. But Svanna had thought she recognized kindred spirits… and like a kitten meeting grown cats for the first time, she'd tried to follow her instincts… and play.

She thought she got away with it, the first time she picked one of their pockets. She was so sure she'd done it sneakily and stealthily enough that they hadn't noticed. Except, mere moments after making it back to her little hidey hole elsewhere in the Ratway, she'd been set upon by those dark figures in their leather armor.

They'd taken her then… but worst of all, they'd taken her belongings. Kicking and screaming, shrieking and fighting like a banshee, Svanna wondered in hindsight how she'd even survived the experience. She certainly hadn't acted the part of the docile, quiet girl that she'd eventually end up adopting, not then. She'd struggled as hard as she could, but against fully grown adults, even her teenage body wasn't capable of anything truly special.

Dragged before the Thieves' Guild, she received their judgment. Not even their Guild Leader's judgment, but the judgment of the group as a whole. Apparently, their leader was out of the city on some mission, and she wasn't worth his time anyways.

They all took turns suggesting what to do with her. Some of the darker ones, the ones who had never looked at her with pity, had mentioned cutting off fingers, or removing her tongue so she couldn't rat them out, or taking out her eyes so she couldn't lead anyone to the Flagon.

Svanna had sat there amongst them and shivered upon realizing she was surrounded by monsters, and that there were worse atrocities that could be visited upon her than what Grelod the Kind and her fellow orphans had ever done.

Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. Those who wanted to maim her, to silence her forever, were ultimately talked down. But she'd still stolen from the Thieves' Guild, she was told quite sternly, and that… that couldn't be allowed to go unpunished. She would have to leave Riften, and never return. Nay, cried her worst detractors, the ones who wanted to see her maimed. She would have to leave Skyrim, for the Thieves' Guild laid claim to the entire Province, did it not?

That was the day that Svanna learned there was a whole world out there, beyond even Skyrim. She'd known of Skyrim of course, that Skyrim was where The Rift was located, and The Rift was where Riften was located. But having never been further than the shore of the lake before, she'd only known these things as abstract concepts.

None of that mattered to the Thieves' Guild though. Exile was to be her punishment. She was to leave Skyrim and never return, and to make sure that happened, a detachment of Thieves' Guild Members took her from Riften on a forced march sound. With her hands tied behind her back, Svanna couldn't even hope to escape them until they ultimately reached their final destination… a small mountain pass that they said would take her right down into Cyrodiil, whatever the fuck that was.

And so, with her bonds finally cut, she'd been ordered to go. But Svanna hadn't wanted to. Not without… not without her ruby. Sure, it was small, sure it was probably worthless to these people, but it was hers. More than anything else she'd ever laid claim to, that ruby was her prized possession. So, even though it'd rankled her young pride something fierce, she'd turned and begged for it back. Just that one little thing to take with her on her journey. Surely… surely, they could spare that much, right?

The brigands who'd marched her to the pass had looked at each other and laughed. A couple had even spared her pitying looks as it was explained to her, none-too-gently, that none of them had her stupid little ruby. It was almost certainly back in Riften, having been added to the Guild Coffers by that point.

And so, crestfallen and destitute, Svanna had been forced to turn and make her way south with nothing but a half-loaf of bread and the clothes on her back. For most, that might seem a death sentence. Especially for a young girl. But Svanna was a Nord. And the Nord had always been a hearty, tough people.

That wasn't to say her travel south had been easy or kind. It'd sucked, and more than a few times she'd considered laying down, curling up, and simply waiting to die. But eventually she managed to reach a place where the snow didn't fall quite so hard. Eventually, it stopped being quite so cold. And suddenly, the world seemed a little bit brighter, more beautiful, sunnier.

Scavenging her way across the land, Svanna had eventually found Bruma. And that was where she'd settled and lived out the next several years. The last several years, as a matter of fact. It was only less than a month ago that she'd decided it was time to return to Skyrim. Having grown up and filled out quite a bit, Svanna had felt a longing to return to her homeland.

Not just that though… she wanted revenge. She might never have come back to the Province, if they'd just let her leave with her ruby. She might never have returned to Skyrim, if it wasn't for that little gem. Svanna had seen and handled bigger gemstones since, of course. Not many, but a few. She knew full well that her little ruby… it was barely worth fifty Septims, if that.

But she didn't care. The heart wanted what the heart wanted, and even if she had to infiltrate the Thieves' Guild itself and tear them down from the inside, she would get her gem back, or destroy them for losing it in the first place.

Of course, her plans had almost immediately been thrown for a loop when she'd ended up caught in that ambush while trying to cross the border. Getting taken prisoner by Imperials simply because she'd been in the same area as some Stormcloaks she'd never even heard of… it was a pain in the fucking ass. What little she'd learned since hadn't exactly inured her to either group either. This Ulfrida Stormcloak lady had clearly started some shit, and because of that, Svanna had nearly gotten her head fucking chopped off.

The only person she had felt she could rely upon since coming back to Skyrim was the Altmer who'd not been on the Empire's damn list either. The Mer, who's name she still didn't even know, who had stuck by her side like glue from the moment that fucking dragon had shown up and hadn't left her since. In fact, more than that, he'd even tried to use magic on her to keep her with him.

It was honestly kind of touching, in Svanna's opinion. And… while she did have things to do, people to see, and revenge to be taken, it wasn't like Whiterun was TOO far out of her way. And that dragon… yeah, people needed to be told about it, she supposed.

Her decision to follow the Altmer had led to her and him spending the night at that trader's home. Where he'd tried to cast more magic on her. And where Svanna had watched as he'd fucked the trader's gorgeous sister into her bed like she was little more than a cheap whore.

Admittedly, Svanna was a bit of a pervert. It came from a life of skulking in the shadows. She'd seen a few things she shouldn't have seen… and found that she actually quite liked it. Watching was enjoyable for her. Both men and women were beautiful to her. The Altmer, he was incredibly handsome, and his cock was of a considerable and appreciative size. Meanwhile, Camilla Valerius was a gorgeous woman who had bent for him with ease, moaning wantonly as he'd fucked with her mind, and then her body.

He wasn't a good man, this Altmer. But then, Svanna wasn't a good woman either. So maybe… just maybe, they could be good for each other, if not for anyone else.

… It helped that his skin was the color of gold. Svanna had met a few Altmer before him and had seen plenty from a distance while in Bruma, but she'd never actually got to spend an extended amount of time with any single one. Was it weird, that she was starting to see the Altmer as HER Altmer? Was it odd that she was beginning to feel… possessive of him?

When that Companion woman outside of the city had spoken derisively of her Altmer's magic, Svanna had been annoyed. She'd been irritated. The woman didn't know what she was talking about. Magic… magic was amazing. And maybe, just maybe, it was exactly what Svanna needed to be able to beat the Thieves' Guild and take back what was hers.

"… So yeah, that's it. That's my story."

Finishing her tale, softly spoken over a couple cups of mead, Svanna looks up at her Altmer, trying to gauge his reaction. The two of them are sitting at a small table in a back corner of The Bannered Mare, where they'd retired after the revelation that she hadn't actually been convinced by his magic, but instead by her own free will. He'd seemed nervous, her Altmer… but ultimately, he'd come all the same, and heard her out.

Now though, now she didn't know how he would react. In the silence that follows, he looks about to speak, but before he can do so, Svanna blurts out a question.

"Y-Your name… what… what is your name, if you don't mind me asking?"

She flushes and ducks her head right after asking. If he was about to cut ties with her, of course he would mind. Honestly, she was being an idiot wasn't-?

"Vayral. My name is Vayral. And… it is good to make your acquaintance, Svanna."

Eyes wide, Svanna feels a small surge of something unfamiliar in her chest. Is this… hope? Looking upon her shiny, golden-skinned Altmer, she sees him smiling at her. Whether it's a nice smile or not is up for interpretation. And the look in his amber eyes is… almost as hungry and possessive for her as she feels for him. And yet… she finds herself drawn to him in a way she cannot explain, for it is entirely inexplicable.

Deciding to seize the moment, Svanna abruptly stands up, leans across the table, and kisses Vayral on the mouth. It is her first kiss; she embarrassingly thinks a moment later. Despite all of her vast life experience, she has never kissed before, never had sex before. As Vayral tenses, but then reaches up to caress her cheek as he leans into and deepens the kiss while showing more knowledge in the subject than she can lay claim to, Svanna's blush only intensifies.

… Perhaps she would soon be able to lay claim to a few new experiences…


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Alright, here we are. the SI and Dragonborn finally get down and dirty and have their first time together, followed by pillow talk. Discussing the end of the world and what not is pillow talk, right?

Also, I implore you to read the Spoiler at the end of this chapter if you want to help me with where this story is going in the future!


I was still reeling from the revelation that the Dragonborn was immune to my magic but had stuck with me anyways, to be honest. Though her tale certainly explained things a little bit. Still, if not for my Thalmor training, I wouldn't have really known what to do. I would probably have frozen up and fucked the whole situation up in the process.

Instead, even as I'm internally freaking out, I'm also kissing Svanna… and to my great internal relief, the little red-haired Nord is receptive to it. We kiss for maybe a few seconds before remembering where we are and pulling apart. At which point, it's a simple matter of paying for a room and heading upstairs. As soon as the door is closed behind us however, Svanna is upon me again, leaping into my arms.

I catch her, of course, and hold her up as she wraps her limbs around me like a spider monkey, planting her lips against mine and kissing me deeply. Our tongues swap spit, and once again I am leaning heavily on my experiences in this world to kiss her. Luckily, being an undercover Thalmor Agent and an Expert of Illusion Magic gave me quite a lot of experience with this kind of thing.

Walking us both over to the bed, I lay Svanna out upon it and waste no time in unequipping everything. Svanna's eyes widen as she takes in my naked, golden body, and after a moment she hurriedly begins stripping down as well, the slow way of course, wiggling around on the bed like an earthworm as she gets naked as fast as humanly possible.

While she's doing so, I take a second to assess the situation. So, the Dragonborn I'd wanted to enslave and corrupt into my fuck toy was actually immune to my Charm Magic. That… surprisingly enough, wasn't the end of the world. Svanna's story had… well, it'd tugged at my human side's heartstrings, certainly. Not quite so much at my Thalmor side.

The Thalmor half of me was unsurprised to hear the Races of Men were so hellbent on tearing each other apart. That a band of thieves would see Svanna, an untapped resource of incredible potential, and decide to throw her away like so much trash rather than inducting her into their ranks… it just made sense.

Which… fair enough. The human in me had a bit more context though. The Thieves' Guild here in Skyrim was currently being run by Mercer Frey, and likely had still been run by Mercer Frey back when Svanna was exiled from the Province. And because Mercer Frey had broken covenant with Nocturnal of all people, stolen the Skeleton Key, robbed the Thieves' Guild Blind, and murdered his predecessor Gallus.

Worst of all, he'd pinned the blame on a smoking hot Dunmer named Karliah and sent her running! Really now, it just wasn't right.

But the point was, The Thieves' Guild under the control of Mercer Frey was a group on its last legs. They were dying, piece by piece, and had been dying for years and years. It didn't surprise me that, a bunch of cornered rats that they were, they'd lashed out at Svanna, rather than trying to make a recruit of her.

Their loss was my gain, I supposed. As Svanna finishes getting naked and just lays there, blushing up a storm but spreading her legs for me, I give her a reassuring grin and stride forward, climbing onto the bed and on top of her. My cock slides between her thighs with ease, pressing against her slit. She's wet, I note… but not too wet just yet.

Before I can do anything else, she places a hand on my cheek.

"T-Try it again. The magic."

I blink at that, brow furrowing in confusion.

"You… want me to Charm you? It didn't work though…"

"M-Maybe it will, if I want it too? The Imperial woman… she looked so happy. I want to feel that way. I want it."

I'm taken aback, both halves of me. Not even Thalmor me had ever encountered a woman who asked to be put under the effects of Charm Magic. To be fair, he didn't often take the opportunity to ask for permission first or offer it as an option. Still… it couldn't hurt, right? Raising my hand, I let it glow as I cast Charm on her. Immediately, my Illusion Skill goes from Seventy Five to One Hundred, and I get another level.

But for once, I'm not paying attention to that. Instead, I'm watching Svanna as she shudders beneath me, her eyes fluttering for a moment and her tongue tracing out to lick her lips. She moans, and I raise an eyebrow questioningly, waiting for the verdict. When she finally opens her eyes, she's definitely more flushed than before… and wetter too, from what I can feel of my cockhead against her slit.


… This was really happening, wasn't it? The Dragonborn was a submissive slut who WANTED to be mind controlled. Either that, or she thought she needed to do this to keep her spot by my side. Which… also fair enough. The Thalmor in me definitely didn't like the thought of having someone not under his control at his back. Especially if she truly was the Dragonborn. Which she was, even if half of me was still struggling to accept that fact.

I take a moment to Prestige Illusion Magic, before casting it again. I am a filthy cheater after all. Going from Fifteen to One Hundred skill, I watch as she shudders again… before suddenly lunging up and wrapping her arms around my neck, doing her level best to stick her tongue down my throat. She's suddenly much more sexually aggressive than before, much more… enamored with me.

She was wet, now she's sopping. She was interested, now she's downright excited. Her legs were splayed, now they wrap around my waist and pull me into her. In a way, Svanna takes her own virginity by yanking me flush against her, my cock spearing into her core as she lets out a muffled cry against her lips.

Well, if nothing else, my Charm Magic seemed to work on her when she wanted it to. A weird state of affairs to be sure, but hey, who was I to judge? My own kinks and fetishes were just as fucking weird, and even lined up well with hers.

And so, I fuck her hard, making the bed rock beneath us as she cries out and moans in equal measure into my mouth. Her pussy walls clench and squeeze around my pistoning prick, and I don't let up, not even for a second. The Thalmor in me knows what a woman like Svanna craves, and so I give it to her until she can take no more.

It is entirely my intention to exhaust her. To fuck her until she passes out, so I can have some time to think and consider the ramifications of all she's told me, as well as start planning the path ahead. That is my intention… but of course, my intentions have already been waylaid several times since I found myself in Skyrim.

Svanna fucks back against me as I plow into her, clearly reaching multiple orgasms both as a result of my skills and my magic. The Charm Magic, in this case, merely enhances the encounter, something that not even my Thalmor half had ever considered before, but that was clearly having a great effect on Svanna now. And yet, even as she cums again and again for me, it only seems to make her more ravenous and possessive.

When I cum, we switch up positions. Her on her hands and knees, me taking her from behind. But even that's not enough for her, though we do have to muffle her voice since there are people right downstairs. After that, she rides me. I'm not getting tired, but strangely enough, neither is she.

Finally, we find ourselves laying in bed next to one another, staring into each other's eyes. Not because either of us are drained or tuckered out, but simply because… well, it seemed like time to stop. Still, cuddling was fine to, I supposed. As she stares at me, I stare back, not quite sure what to say.

"… What now?"

Its obvious she doesn't mean just in the immediate. She's talking about what we're going to do next, now that… well, now that this is a long term thing. We didn't discuss that, but it's clear she's decided that she's sticking close to me. Meanwhile, I never had any intention of letting the Dragonborn out of my sight. Not before I'd made her mine, totally and utterly, at the very least.

And yet, here we were now, and I was honestly still trying to process everything that had happened in the past several hours. What now, indeed?

The first thing that comes to mind makes me frown.

"… We should probably tell the Jarl about Helgen. We said we would."

And then I frown harder, because I suddenly remember what occurs when you do that.

"… That said, I would rather hold off for a little bit on that. Give it a few days."

Svanna blinks, seeming uncertain but also not gainsaying me. Amusingly enough, the Dragonborn who was supposed to save all of Skyrim from the World-Eater… probably wouldn't have even come to Whiterun and told the Jarl about the Dragon Attack in Helgen if it wasn't for me. And yet, at the same time, I'd seen clear evidence that the world was waiting for her. That Skyrim was narratively bound to her existence.

I would be a fool not to test that theory though, and the easiest way to do so was to spend a week in Whiterun and NOT immediately go inform the Jarl. If we heard about another Dragon Attack out by the Western Watchtower, well then, I would know I was wrong. But if we didn't, and then we went and spoke to the Jarl in a week, well, that changed things, didn't it?

Still, at the same time, Svanna had told me so much. Maybe it was time I did the same for her. Leaning in close, dropping my voice to a whisper, I take one of the lithe Nord's hands in my own, lacing our fingers together.

"Svanna… I believe you are the Dragonborn."

I don't know what I'm expecting. Widened eyes. Open-mouthed shock? Instead… I get a furrowed brow.

"The what?"

Right, of course. I quickly launch into an explanation of what exactly a Dragonborn is, explaining in quiet tones as we lay there in the bed cuddled up against one another. Svanna's expression only becomes more and more incredulous, before I tap the middle of her chest with my hand.

"If I'm right, you have what's called a Dragon Soul. Your body is mortal, but your soul is that of a Dragon."

"That… that sounds silly."

Heh, straight from the mouth of babes. Smirking slightly, I shrug my shoulders. Technically, I don't even believe what I'm saying, not fully. Or rather, the part of me that's an undercover Thalmor Agent is still in denial on some of the things I remember from my life as a human in another world. But no, deep down inside, I know it to be true. I don't need more evidence, more confirmation. I know what's right in front of me.

"As silly as a girl who hoards shinies to herself? Even as a child, you acted like a dragon. Greedy. Gluttonous. Possessive."

I lean forward and plant a kiss on the tip of her nose with every single thing I say, a technique to lessen the impact of my harsh words. It works, as she wrinkles her nose back cutely and frowns, seeming to actually be considering what I'm saying.

"You are the Dragonborn. Specifically, you are the Last Dragonborn. We're living in your story right now, and if I'm right about the other thing, then Skyrim and all the people in it… currently revolve around you. Narratively speaking, you are the most important being in this Province, and perhaps in the entire world."

Once again, incredulity fills Svanna's eyes… but along with that incredulous look she's giving me, is avarice. She wants it to be true. She wants me to be right. All her life, she's felt insignificant, weak, and helpless. All her life, she's just been an Orphan from Riften, or so it seemed. In truth, all her life she'd been the Last Dragonborn, she just hadn't awakened yet. And now, the opportunity to do so was dangling right in front of her face.

"If I'm right, then there will be another Dragon Attack after we take a Dragon Tablet to Jarl Balgruuf. We'll be asked to help fight it off, but we won't just fight it off. We'll kill it. And you, my dear, will absorb its soul and begin your journey to achieving your ultimate destiny. But if I'm right, we also have time… all the time in the world, because this world is now running on your clock, Svanna. Its running on your time."

All the scripted events so far, the way they'd happened just as Svanna was reaching them, to allow her to interact with certain people about certain things… we'd completely ignored the Golden Claw quest to get here to Whiterun earlier, but if we followed the main questline, we would soon be tasked with going there anyways to get the Tablet.

Still, I needed time before we did any of that… if we even did any of that. If I was right, and this world was somehow narratively warping to fit Svanna's schedule, then we could theoretically ignore the main storyline for as long as we wanted. We could go around exploring all that Skyrim had to offer, getting as strong as possible, and just… put off the dragons and the end of the world at Alduin's hands for a while.

That seemed patently ridiculous, but maybe it wasn't? And I wanted to test it. A week shouldn't be too bad, if I was wrong. And the moment we heard of a new dragon attack, well then, we would know that we needed to get a move on and get our butts in gear.

"… Okay."

Svanna's quiet acceptance brings a smile to my face, and I can't help but reach out to caress her, running my hand along her naked shoulder and then down to her breast. She moans softly as I do so, thrusting her chest into my exploratory fingers.

"Well then, my dear… we're staying in Whiterun for the next week, I suppose. And what, precisely, are we going to do with ourselves in the meantime?"

I knew what I was going to be doing. I had no intentions of leaving this city without having power leveled to something fundamentally ridiculous, like level one thousand. Honestly, if it wasn't for Svanna's revelation, I would have already spent the rest of today leveling up. As it was, I'd gotten… sidetracked. Still, there was no way I was going anywhere without hundreds of level ups and plenty of health to pad me out and protect me from the dangers of this world.

But what did Svanna want to do in the meantime? I suppose I could try to train her up a bit as well, even if she didn't seem to run on game mechanics like I did, unfortunately.

"… I want to put that Companion bitch in her place."

I blink at the sudden vehemence coming from Svanna and furrow my brow in confusion for a moment.

"… You mean Aela? Aela the Huntress?"

Face scrunching up cutely in anger, Svanna nods.

"I don't like how she treated you. Like you were less than her. You aren't. You're better than her. Better than all of them."

Suddenly, Svanna leans in close, her lips inches away from my own.

"… We could lure her away and you could use your magic on her. Let's make her our bitch. I want to see her beg you for your forgiveness on her hands and knees."

My mouth opens… and then closes for a moment, as I know not what to say. Eventually, I settle on the obvious, at least to me.

"That sounds wonderful, my dear, truly… but there is the small matter of her Lycanthropy to be considered."

At Svanna's furrowed brow, I clarify.

"She's a werewolf, darling."

Svanna's eyes widen, and after a moment, she slumps back.


Chuckling, I lean in and kiss her on her forehead.

"That doesn't make it impossible though. Give me some time and I'll see what I can do. Aela will be a tough nut to crack, but that doesn't mean there aren't other women here in Whiterun who might be… fun to play with. Is that what you want?"

After a moment of hesitation, as if she thinks my questioning tone might be a trap, Svanna finally nods.

"Yes… watching you with that Imperial in Riverwood… it was so fucking hot. I want to do it again. I want to help you."

I nod… but then ask what's on my mind, since we're being so honest with each other.

"And what about the Thieves' Guild in Riften? You came back to Skyrim for a reason, did you not? You seem awfully ready to sit and wait rather than going to take your revenge."

Svanna's averts her gaze for a moment, considering my words. Its only after watching her for a beat that I realize she's not averting her gaze so much as she's looking at my naked, chiseled, golden-skinned body. Reaching out to me in the same way I kept reaching out to her, Svanna runs a hand over my naked flesh and licks her lips.

"… Maybe I've found something more valuable than my ruby. I do want to go to Riften at some point and deal with them though. You'll help me, right?"

She looks at me expectantly, and if this were an RPG where I was the main character, I'm sure my answer here would make or break everything. Certainly, I could tell that Svanna was waiting for my answer with bated breath. Honestly though? It's such an easy thing to promise her. Just thinking about the surprising number of beautiful women in tight leathers that lie down that route has me smiling wickedly as I caress Svanna's cheek.

"But of course. I'll be with you every step of the way."

She leans into my touch, and we nuzzle and cuddle for a long moment before finally, I begin to pull back.

"Now… you should get some sleep. I, on the other hand, have some late night business to take care of."

"But I'm not tired. I could… help you?"

Blinking, I regard Svanna for a long moment, gauging if she's telling the truth or not. And… to my surprise, I find that she is. She's really not tired. Which… that's just bullshit. I know that the Dragonborn in the game didn't exactly need to sleep, they just got some benefits from going through the motions. And I supposed Dragons didn't sleep either, did they? They got enough sleep when they were dead.

But still… as the young red-haired Nord stares up at me with wide, beseeching eyes, I can't help but be a little bemused. In the end though, it's fine. She's right, after all. She can help me.

"Very well, my dear. Let's go together then. You and me… we're going to play some hide and seek."

I laugh at the confused look on her face, even as I re-equip my gear and drop into the quintessential Skyrim Stealth Crouch. When I leave her line of sight, my Stealth immediately leaps to One Hundred, and I quickly level up and prestige the skill. Of course, I'm not just going to have Svanna sit in the bed swiveling her head back and forth for the next several hours… that would be boring for both of us.

Instead, after we both get dressed, we head out into the night… and begin skulking about. To Svanna's utter amazement, we do indeed play hide and seek until well into the next day.




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Last edited: Jan 7, 2022

Jan 7, 2022Report

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The first two hundred and fifty levels fly by, in a sense. On the one hand, its incredibly easy to level up Sneak and then just prestige it in order to do it again and again. And once hide and seek gets boring, Svanna and I have a little spar instead. Every single time our swords clash, I hit One Hundred Skill on One-Handed Weapons.

Its pure, unadulterated bullshit. The kind of bullshit that would actually probably make me quit the game, if this weren't suddenly real life. As I'd mentioned previously, I preferred to keep my cheating to a somewhat manageable level. Easier leveling is all I wanted, really. A level every second? That wasn't just bullshit, it was annoying to manage.

And in all fairness, it was annoying here and now too. I was lucky that the world froze around me every time I entered my menu, because otherwise I would be constantly telling Svanna to stop and wait for me. As is, I could swing my sword against the shield she was holding up, open my menu, level up, prestige the One-Handed skill, and do it all over again in between seconds like it was no one's business but my own.

Still, it was certainly tedious… but also incredibly important. I didn't know how this world truly worked just yet, but one thing was for certain, I wasn't planning on going anywhere even remotely dangerous until I felt damn near god-like. I'd always been something of a coward, in my human life. The Thalmor half of me wasn't what I would call conventionally courageous either. The thought of unlimited power pleased BOTH sides of me, and so I was decidedly of one mind on the subject.

Every time I hit a level up, not only did I get a perk point, but I also got to add ten more 'points' to either my Magicka, my Health, or my Stamina. Normally, I would say Magicka, and Stamina were the most important, depending on my build. As a Stealth Archer, Stamina was King. Not just because I needed a big bar to be able to breathe in and line up my shots, but because of Stamina's non-combat ability… that is, the fact that it was directly tied to inventory space.

Having to manage your inventory at the start of the game was decidedly annoying. Having to pick and choose what to drop when you were only halfway through a dungeon and suddenly found yourself encumbered was just the worst. Especially since it heralded you having to do so every ten feet for the rest of that dungeon before you could head back to town and vendor your shit.

Meanwhile, if I wanted to play a caster, a huge Magicka Pool was necessary, especially since I didn't have any bullshit gear yet to increase my Magicka Regen and what not.

But in this moment, in this time and place where I found myself literally living in the world of Tamriel, existing in the Province of Skyrim… Health was undeniably the most critical and crucial of the three attributes I could increase with every level up. Because yeah, I was a huge coward who didn't want to die. Hell, even my Thalmor half agreed with me, considering my human memories. Skyrim was a lot more dangerous than Thalmor me ever thought possible. The thought of Draugr Death Overlords, Nightmaster Vampires, and huge fuck off Legendary Dragons… it scared even that part of me.

Which was good, because while I didn't necessarily THINK we'd be running into one of those around every corner, the point was to be prepared in case we did. I was pretty sure that the story was focused on Svanna, for all that I'd tagged along so far. Which meant, there should be no level scaling bullshit. But if there was, then the max level for most creatures in Skyrim was like… Seventy-Five, I think?

And so, I spent that first day in Whiterun leveling the fuck up. I was excited to be hitting Two-Hundred and Fifty, because there were only Two-Hundred and Fifty One Perks total in the entire game. Any levels after that were just to pad my Health, Stamina, and Magicka some more.

Except, as I found out when I actually DID hit Two-Hundred and Fifty, that wasn't quite true.

Congratulations! For hitting Level Two-Hundred and Fifty, you have unlocked the Ordinator – Perks of Skyrim Mod! Please wait. Perk Refund in Progress.

If my eyes could have widened, they would have. As it is, I was trapped in the menu for a thankfully small amount of time as the small amount of Perks that I'd already spent. It wasn't too many, despite having two hundred and fifty to spend at this point. Since most of my skills weren't One Hundred on account of me automatically prestiging anything that hit that point, I hadn't invested any Perks yet.

This… this was… well, I wanted to say it changed everything. In truth, it changed almost nothing. Ordinator was a Perk Mod I'd used on my second to last playthrough of Skyrim, before they came out with the Anniversary Edition that I'd used for my latest playthrough. Technically, Ordinator had still been in my mod library from then, it'd just been removed like everything else to keep from breaking the Anniversary Edition or whatever. When I'd grabbed a few mods for this new playthrough, I hadn't picked it up right off the bat.

… But I might have? Given a couple more days in my old world, a couple more days with that playthrough, and I might have thought to turn on Ordinator?

Apparently, whatever had brought me here had decided to give it to me anyways. Whether that had always been the plan or was based off of my internal decision to get to level One Thousand before doing anything in this dangerous frozen hellscape of a Province was… well, neither here nor there. Fact of the matter was, I had Ordinator now… and that meant I had Four-Hundred and Sixty-Nine perks to get.

To be fair, a lot of them were powers that could only be used once a day and weren't all that applicable to my interests. Still more just didn't really fit my playstyle. In the end, there were probably only three hundred to four hundred Perks I would actually take.

Still, it was nice… and especially nice when I looked under the Illusion Tree. The Vanilla Skyrim Illusion Tree had some Perks that made Illusion Magic stronger… but the Ordinator Illusion Tree took that up a notch.

Assigning perks to most of the Illusion Tree, given it was the one skill I still had at Level One Hundred and hadn't prestiged except for a single time, I smile as I put one perk in every other Skill as well. No reason not to, really. Finally, I come out of my menu, curious to see how this will change things.

The reaction from Svanna is immediate. Her eyes widen and her pupils shrink to pinpricks as she gapes at me. Her mouth drops open… but the sword in her hand doesn't drop from her grasp. Rather, instead the system still seems to consider her my ally, which means she actually gets bolstered by my presence, a shiver running through her as her muscles all flex with invigored strength and her hold on her weapon tightens.

I grin and give her a nod, spreading my arms wide and doing a small twirl.

"You like?"

"W-What… what did you do?!"

I chuckle a little. It's completely fair that she's shocked. The Ordinator Illusion Tree has some very fun perks. One of them, Commanding Presence, causes me to radiate an aura of mystical nobility that gives a buff to all of my allies within forty feet of me. Another, Imposing Presence, causes me to radiate an aura of mystical charisma that touches all within forty feet and makes my Illusion Magic more powerful and last longer on them.

Crown of the False King made Commanding Presence give me an armor increase and magic resistance as well. And finally, Imperious Splendor made the effects of both Commanding Presence and Crown of the False King twice as powerful so long as I was above Seventy-Five Percent Health.

And that wasn't even getting into the Dream Perks that my Illusion Skill Tree now had.

All of this was to say, if one were to try and put things into a more standard Gamer System… I'd basically just tripled my Charisma Score. I'd gone from a striking Altmer Mage to someone no one could help but stop and pay attention to. Indeed, Svanna couldn't keep her eyes off of me. In fact, she was… oh my.

Finally dropping her sword, the Dragonborn lunges at me, taking me to the ground. But I can tell its not an attack (even if the resulting clawing does end up maxing out my Light Armor Skill again) and just laugh as the cute little Nord hurriedly draws my cock from the confines of my pants and just as quickly stuffs it up into her quim as fast as she possibly can.

We'll probably get in trouble if we're caught having sex, but hey, we're currently behind Arcadia's Cauldron, out of view of most people. And if a Guard does come by and try to raise a fuss, I suppose I'll be able to raise my Speech Skill, if nothing else…


After the quickie, Svanna and I pull apart and I can't help but grin at her.

"So then, I suppose that's a yes."

When she gives me a confused look, I just chuckle.

"That you do in fact like what you see."

Blushing, the Dragonborn nods, reaching out to caress my golden cheek again. She seems even more enamored with me than before.

"… I want to bring you someone tonight. What should I look for in a woman?"

The words come out of left field for me, but perhaps they shouldn't be that surprising. Still, I reel for a moment.

"You want to bring me someone? For me to fuck?"

Svanna nods at my request for clarification, licking her lips as she stares almost hungrily at my face.

"I want to see you pin another down, like that Imperial. I want to see you have your way with them."

Well then…

"Well, eventually I know we want to get around to Aela… but lets hold off on her for now, shall we? We'll handle her and the Companions before the week is out, alright?"

Svanna just nods, seeming unbothered by the idea of waiting. She leans forward, eager to hear what I want. In the end… I know exactly what I want. I have a fetish, a very specific fetish, and now that I'm here in Skyrim, well… it needs to be satisfied, doesn't it?

Cocking my head to the side, I ultimately shrug.

"I like strong women that I can bring low. That's why the idea of putting Aela in her place eventually entices me as much as it might entice you. A strong-willed woman, with ambitions and plans… submitting to me, perhaps even giving up on her dreams in order to serve me… that's what I find most attractive. In comparison, looks are a secondary thing."

Of course, it helped that every woman in this world was fine as fuck. I had yet to see a single person that was overweight, and every female I came across was easily a Nine or Ten on the attractiveness scale. So ultimately, looks were irrelevant when everyone was insanely beautiful. It became a matter of their minds and personalities… and just how fun it would be to subvert and corrupt them.

Nodding, seemingly taking this very seriously, Svanna gets to her feet.

"Then that's what I'll look for. Meet you back at our room?"

I grin and nod. We were probably getting a little too loud for the Bannered Mare, but interestingly enough, we hadn't received any complaints yet. Sooo…

As Svanna walks off, I stand as well and pat myself down. Its odd, because this is the first time since I arrived in this world that she hasn't been at my side. But if she truly wants to split off so she can bring me someone… well, who am I to deny her the opportunity? Instead, stretching for a moment, I decide to do some more power leveling, just a little bit. Another fifty levels at most, and then I would return to our room to await Svanna, regardless of if she succeeded or failed.

But first, how exactly to go about leveling? Hmm, perhaps it was time to do a little Blacksmith Training?


A couple hours later, leaving an amazed and awed Adrianne Avenicci behind me (whom I WOULD be fucking at some point) I head back to the Bannered Mare. I have every intention of getting some food and heading up to my room to await Svanna. Truly I do. But maybe I catch her eye, or she catches mine. Maybe my new Illusion Perks simply trigger her fight or flight response, and she chooses fight.

Either way, as I'm passing her by, Uthgerd the Unbroken has the temerity to call out to me with a scoff.

"Keep walking, soft-gut. I'm more woman than you can handle."

Well now, I can't abide by that. Not when I'm here sitting at just over level three hundred and feeling like a million fucking bucks. Turning to regard Uthgerd, I grin.

"That so? You think you can take me?"

Uthgerd's eyes widen at my audacity, as if she's legitimately surprised, I decided to respond. Rising from her seat, she doesn't quite reach for her weapon… but she does look downright aggressive. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hulda, the owner of the Bannered Mare, groan and rub her forehead. Apparently, this was not uncommon.

"Wanna hear a bit of Nord wisdom? You don't really know a woman until you've had a strong drink and a fistfight with her."

… Was she coming onto me, now that I'd stood up to her? Squaring off with the armored Nord, I keep my head held high. After all, it would take one punch for my One-Handed Skill to hit One Hundred again, and a moment between seconds for me to pack it full of Perks. I could be an Unarmed God in an instant… so why not, right?

"If you want to fight, then say so. If you want to fuck, then say so as well. But enough hiding behind flowery words. What is this, the College of Bards?"

That gets her. While it's obvious my auras are fucking with her head a fair bit and she's not entirely sure whether she wants to bed me or brawl with me, my antagonistic words choose her path for her. Her eyes narrow, and she raises gauntleted fists as she makes her decision very clear with one word, bitten out through clenched teeth.


I just grin and raise my own fists.

"Fuck after, then."

She howls at my presumptuous attitude and lunges for me and feeling QUITE secure in my over a thousand hit points, I lunge forward to meet her.


Fifteen minutes later, the door to mine and Svanna's rented room opens and Svanna steps inside with another Nord woman at her back to find me sat at the end of our bed, with Uthgerd the Broken knelt between my legs, naked and with her arms tied behind her back as she willingly fellates me to the best of her rather low ability.

As Svanna and Ysolda just stop and stare, I give them both my best roguish grin.



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