
So wow folks, looks like we just got our first write in with enough voted to count. Option five, tell the partial truth and pretend we triggered the beads by accident and dont know what they do. Which because we're an Artisan level actor we can pull off.

You decide your best bet is a bit of judicious truth telling. They shouldn't have any trouble finding you in new york but if you give up the location and throw them off the reason you have the things they shouldn't care too much. "Well I bought these at a sort of flea market in new york city. I noticed they seemed a bit weird so I decided to mess with them a bit and accidentally triggered.,..whatever this is. What are these things?"

You try to deflect from questions about where you are, though you doubt it escaped her notice that you're in a fully stocked lab environment with testing capabilities and that she can't locate with her own tech. Regardless of how obviously suspicious you are she takes the bait. "Those are Kimoyo beads. They are use for communication and can even stabilize injuries in emergency situations." You admit that's pretty cool. If you'd had them last night you wouldn't have needed to go to the hospital at all. Shuri narrowed her eyes as if in contemplation but then begrudgingly continued "We do not have any people in new york city, and mail is not safe with items such as those. If you could hold onto them we will collect them when we can. I must warn you though, those beads are quite valuable. I would not carry them on you. Keep them hidden, and contact me if you notice any suspicious people."

You were surprised by that, you expected her to have some agent who could swoop in and pick them up now. After a few more dire warnings about what someone would do to you for that tech you told Shuri you were going to lock them in a box so no one would find them. Since you figured these people could find it anyway you gave her your cell number since part of having no location meant incoming calls would be nearly impossible to make on something like the beads. Your cell however got perfect service in here, you were guessing because it was your phone and whatever forces isolated this place considered calls on a phone viable methods of contact, though you doubted the phone would be trackable any better than the beads.

After you managed to get her off the beads you immediately shoved them in a crude signal jamming box you made on the spot and stuffed the damn things under a table. You would definitely do more research on the technology but you clearly didnt have the tools or skills to do it safely yet. You slumped back into your chair and let out a harsh breath. With all the crazy physical perks and stuff you had lost track of what it is you were supposed to be doing. Money was great and honing your combat skills would be a good edge if it came to it but the important part of all this was the tech. Building and creating. You sat up and poured over your desk. You needed some kind of edge. You had a variety of useful abilities and types of tech, but most of them were supplemental.

You decided to look over your designs for the hard tech psi detector. You hadn't had the parts for it, and still didn't really, but with Duct Tape master you could manage something similar enough to work. Besides having a psychic security system would be useful. Your brain was sacred, and telepaths gave you the creeps. However instead of just following the plans you slowly put the device together, studying the connections and makeup, hoping to iodentify some sort of advanced principles you could use in your other work, some kind of foundational tech that could begin what you would consider YOUR style. Like the arc reactor has been for your father.

You found...nothing. Well. Nothing foundational. Nothing you could use to start a whole new branch of tech. You did find something very interesting. With the detector you could identify and pinpoint psions. Part of how that worked was seemingly by making use of psion reactive materials. The sensitive stuff was whatever, that was how you picked up the psions when you were looking, but a few components were made of NON reactive materials. Being able to create an approximation of a material that blocked psychic particles was HUGE. You could make shielding and armor that other people didn't have access too. With soft physics you could even make them unobtrusive. You decided to test it, and spent about twenty minutes assembling a baseball cap out of the materials, abusing the hell out of Duct Tape master and soft physics.

You didnt synergize either perk with Artisan, which you also used, no spark of genius or anything, but in a way that was good, because it means we could keep making these, if we could find a damn market for them. The hat looked boring and unobtrusive but it fit snugly and felt comfortable on your head. With this thing on you were now immune to telepathic eavesdropping, which you hadnt realized worried you as much as it did. As you took in your new toy however you felt the forge fire. You smiled to yourself at the timing, hoping it was something good.

Celestial forge accessed: Unfed Forge (Desolate Era Part II - The Chaosverse) (400CP) Insufficient CP: 100 CP banked. Total banked CP 350.

You grunted at that, annoyed by the useless roll and slumped back into your chair. Next time you would have four hundred and fifty CP hopefully you could get something good and finally truly start on your path. The only question was what to do now?

[] Choice 1: Call Felicia and try to hang out with Ruby, you need time to decompress from all the tech and combat stuff.

[] Choice 2:Try using Glory and your untraceable pocket dimension to feel out a safe meeting with shield, you could use a backer and some resources.

[] Choice 3: You worry about being able to defend yourself, make some goblinfire to keep on you for emergency situations, having an ace in the hole might be a good idea.

[] Choice 4: write in

Ok folks short chapter today, the choice we ended up with wasn't really something that lent itself to pushing the story forward. "I got this by accident and dont know what it does" isnt really a conversation starter. To head off whatever posts there will be about the shield thing, Anthony is partly based on me (he kind of has to be for me to write him) and I would be looking for a patron to back me. Maybe I read to much xianxia but big organizations can screw you without backing. So even if its not a choice you would make it IS a choice Anthony would consider. That said feel free to pick whichever choice you like of course, I just wanted to head off any "WHY SHIELD" comments lol.

<< Index >>

Mar 8, 2021Report

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And choice one is the winner with fourteen votes! Looks like today is a day off with our girls.

You decide after the frustrating day of work in the lab you should take some time off, and you were already technically out. You pulled out your phone and texted your girlfriend to slip out of school and come meet you and that you had a new friend you wanted to introduce her to, and then texted Ruby. She responded almost immediately, which made you smile because you were pretty sure the little blonde had a bit of a crush on you, and you arranged a meeting near the warehouse your lab was currently connected to and slipped out the archway. While waiting for your new friend your phone rang and seeing it was Felicia you picked it up. You couldn't help but smile as you answered, "Hey baby what are you upto?"

You could almost hear the eye roll "Some of us still go to school Anthony, we cant all drop out to be successful inventing super geniuses. I have gym next period though so I could be talked into taking an early day. Who is this friend you wanted to introduce me to? And are they female by any chance?" You had expected that last question to have some edge to it but mostly she just sounded amused.

You weren't worried about jealousy, your Kitten was incredibly confident "As a matter of fact she is. Her name is Ruby and she's new in town, I offered the both of our time to show her around. Seems like she could use some friends and god knows I could too. Plus I think you'll like her Kitten, she's a cool girl, very snarky sense of humor that reminds me of you." Your girlfriend laughs at the compliment and promises to head over, calling her driver and hanging up as she heads to the nurse to fake a stomach ache. You're just lucky it isn't a game day. Felicia has good grades and teachers love her so she can afford some ditching and make it up later, but your lady loves her cheerleading and she absolutely wouldn't bail on it.

You almost jump out of your skin when a cheery voice says from behind you "I'm flattered, really. You sound like you care a lot about your girlfriend so the comparison is an honor. " Ruby was apparently a fucking ninja or something because you didn't notice her even with your Legion training, and situational awareness is REALLY important in shieldwalls. She was grinning that sassy dont give a fuck grin at you from where she sat on a brick outcropping off to the side of the warehouse "Also i appreciate you actually having plans for us to do something, when you asked me to meet you alone behind an old warehouse I gave it even odds you were just trying to get your dick sucked."

You burst out laughing at her matter of fact tone and took in her outfit. Converse and skinny jeans (ripped dark ones of course) and a black spaghetti strap top with the word Princess in pink rhinestones under a black oversized hoodie with purple crowns all over it. The cuffs of the hoodie had holes in them where she had slipped her thumbs through so the sleeves acted like fingerless gloves. "As fun as that sounds I think maybe we should save the dick sucking til you meet my girlfriend and see if you get along." You grin at her to show you're joking and gesture to her clothes "Cute outfit by the way, am I supposed to bow when I'm in your highness's presence?"

She returned the grin with a cheeky smile of her own "I'm happy to meet your girlfriend, and bowing isn't necessary just try to avoid eye contact and walk three steps behind me at all times." She gave you a wink "Make sure to keep those eyes above the waist though." Your smile grew even wider at the comment. She and Felicia were either going to be best friends or one of them was going to murder the other and dump her body in the hudson. You headed over to hop up on the outcropping with her to wait for Felicia and asked her about how the move had been.

Ruby regaled you with the usual first time in new york stories, though with a bit of a twist because she was living on an army base. Her mother being a general Ruby mostly got left alone but some of the soldiers tried to pull rank on her sometimes and she was forced to remind them that she wasn't in the damn army. Aside from the usual annoyance you notice a bit of hostility at the idea of being controlled by others, but as soon as she starts getting angry about it she seems to remember where she is and calms down, blushing slightly at her slip up. She's a funny girl, possible anger issues aside, and has you in stitches over more than a few of comments shes made to the army guys near her place.

You talk for about a half hour before you hear a limo pull up out front and hop down from the wall. You both walk around to the front of the warehouse to greet Felicia and you cant help but blink in surprise when a curvy silver haired blonde threw herself on you and kissed you enthusiastically. You grinned against her lips, knowing she was showing off for Ruby but fairly sure your new friend wouldn't take it personally given her obvious sense of humor. Felicia pulled away with a wet smack and a gave your companion a radiant smile "Hi, I'm Felicia Hardy and this is my boyfriend. There are many who like him, but this one is mine."

Ruby was grinning at the reference and the display "Point made, I don't think I'd mind being yours either with hellos like that. If you were trying to make me jealous you succeeded, I haven't had a pretty girl stick her tongue down my throat like that since I moved to town. Do I get a hello kiss too?" You see your girlfriends eyes widen in excited glee at the other girl and internally wince at what you may have unleashed. Luckily they distracted each other for a moment because as soon as Ruby said that you felt the forge fire.

Celestial forge accessed: Designs (Arcanum Of Steamworks And Magic Obscura) (50CP) Sufficient CP! Purchased: Purchased 50 CP. Remaining CP Banked 400.

You actually get excited at what you roll this time! The power is weird, sure, but it gives you actual options. That said you didnt have time for it right now since you had to prevent your girlfriend and new friend from destroying the world together. Luckily the forge only takes a second to fire so I was able to savor Felicia's reaction to Ruby's teasing, which was to step forward and grab the girl and slam her against the wall to kiss her senseless. You had expected Ruby to have been teasing and get flustered at the kiss but judging by the healthy handful she was getting of Felicias candy ass she was enjoying herself immensely. What started as a joke seemed like it was spiraling and as awesome as that sounded like it would be to watch you felt the need to intervene.

Clearing your throat you saw the two girls break apart, shooting you nearly identical devilish grins to let you know that had been only partly for your benefit and they weren't shy about doing it again. You consider the possibilities but this seems a bit fast especially since you and Felicia got together recently, so you roll your eyes good naturedly and turn around to walk off in the direction of a nearby diner for lunch. You hear them giggling followed by the unmistakable sound of a hand on a thicc skirt clad ass and a squeak of surprise before they catch up to you. Introducing these two might have been a bad idea. You weren't sure you would make it the rest of the day.

The walk to the diner calmed things down, each girl taking up a space wrapped around one of your arms as they get to know each other. As you suspected Felicia LOVES Ruby and the two of them are already laughing and getting becoming best friends, somehow managing to make obscure inside joke like comments about you that you dont understand despite having just fucking met. By the time you reach the diner you're officially sulking and the girls are cackling like evil fairies. You get to a booth and get shoved into the seat on one side while the girls sit on the other. Much like Fecilia Ruby eats like a sumo wrestler, which is good because otherwise you would feel self conscious of how much food it takes to upkeep your Named Legion physique. You order two burgers a salad three bowls of soup, four slices of pie and three sundaes, before asking the girls what they want.

Even Felicia looks startled by the spread, but you need more calories to fuel your intensive healing from the fight the other night so you just shrug and let them order. After the waitress leaves Felicia turns to Ruby excitedly "Rubes you shouldn't get too used to food like this, pretty soon we can get him cooking for you and then it's all over. Anthony is the best fucking cook I've ever seen, and my daddy hires michelin starred chefs for my birthdays! I'll have to make him cook us dinner soon if you're willing to work it off after." She winks at her fellow blonde. You dont think the flirting is even really that serious. They just both like making other people squirm and they've fallen into a game of bisexual chicken.

Not that you dont think they're actually attracted to each other, but at this point the goal was to make the other girl crack more than it was to actually fuck each other. Sadly for Felicia she seemed to have met her match as Ruby slipped closer to her in the booth and reached around behind her to palm one of her massive breasts "Only if I get to suck these fat fucking milkers for dessert, I've been salivating for these titties since I saw you." Felicia actually squeaked and her face turned bright red as she froze up under the groping, and without missing a beat Ruby threw both hands in the air and let a whoop of victory! "Fuck yes! I win, you big tittied slut! You blushed! Pay up!"

Felicia scowled at that, but noticed your look of confusion before she rolled her eyes and took a hundred out of the clutch you made her. "We made a bet back at the warehouse about who could make the other one flinch. After that makeout session we both realized we had a knack for making people hot and bothered and we each thought we could do it better." She handed over the hundred and smirked at our new friend "Sex jokes aside he really is an amazing cook, I was serious about that dinner invite. Just as friends though. I wouldn't mind fooling around a bit but as cool as you are I think a third person in the relationship would be a little fast for a first or second meeting." Once again when they were distracted I felt the forge fire.

Celestial forge accessed: The Creator: Tailoring (Everyone Else is a Returnee) (600CP) Insufficient CP: 100 CP banked. Total banked CP 500.

Ruby smiled reassuringly "Hey I get you, I wasn't expecting anything like that, honestly hadn't expected to get along so well with you both. I'm not even sure I'm ready for something like that, I've never really had a relationship. But you guys are both awesome and super hot, I'd love to do dinner and maybe some fucking. As a friends thing I mean. Doesn't have to be anything too serious. Just spending time with you today has been a blast. I usually dont make friends so fast in a new town since I worry about having to move away. But it looks like mom will be here for a while and I turn eighteen in a few years so I dont have to worry about having to bail after getting to know you guys." She had a sad look when she said that last part and couldn't really look at us, which set Felicia off with a coo of sympathy as she pulled our new friend into a tight hug.

Felicias hugs are as one might imagine soft and comforting and Ruby seemed to relax into her arms as Felicia spoke up "Whatever you need we're here for you Ruby, to be honest we don't have an easy time making friends either. Most girls don't like me and guys just want to fuck me I've never clicked with anyone as fast as i have with you, I feel like we're already sisters and i know Anthony likes you alot too. I could tell you guys bonded when you talked earlier and we would love to spend more time with you. You dont have to worry about being alone in a new city, you have us now." You could see Rubys face as Felicia hugged her and she had a soft smile on it, but she must have been pretty emotional from the speech, because you could swear she was tearing up a little.

The rest of your day was a blast. Ruby and Felicia were impossible to separate and you didn't mind having gorgeous women draped all over you. After your reasurance Ruby seemed to be warming up to you, and some Artisinal application of the art of conversation and maybe a bit of the art of seduction had her loosening up a ton. Ruby must have been really sheltered growing up because all the basic things you were doing seemed new and exciting to her. She had never been to a carnival or on any rides, and when you took her to Coney Island and won her a stuffed bear she actually blushed. When she caught herself doing it she seemed horrified and she was stiff and withdrawn for the next half hour until you and Felicia got her out of her shell again.

You had some strong words for Rubys mother if you ever met her, the woman had clearly kept her daughter locked up away from any friends or fun of any kind, and while military discipline was all fine and good, imprisoning your kid was messed up. You were pretty sure Ruby even felt guilty about all the fun she was having because you kept seeing her flash guilty looks at you and Felicia and you couldnt imagine a mother being so hard on a girl she felt BAD about having fun with friends. After an exhausting day you say goodbye to Felicia and Ruby, who hugs you a bit tighter than expected when she gets ready to leave. Felicia offers her a ride home in her limo and you make plans for that dinner. Heading back to the house you wonder what you should do with the rest of your night, this had been a good day and you wanted to make sure to finish it off on a high note.

[] Choice 1: Work on one of your new designs, whatever those may be, you might be able to create another artifact or two.

[] Choice 2: Time to knock out that goblinfire, always good to have a nuclear option.

[] Choice 3: All this time with your ladies has made you self conscious about your threads, swing by a fabric store and use artisan to make some fashinable clothes.

[] Choice 4: write in

Ok folks, Arcanum power gives us three schematics from the game https://arcanum.fandom.com/wiki/Schematics pick any three and comment and I'll make the choice based on the votes. This might not happen every time there's an option but its happening now lol. My personal choices are probably the elixirs, strength speed and perception mixed together is a knock off temporary supersoldier formula and we could do alot with that. Hope you liked the chapter, if anyone though Ruby seemed to click with them a little too well its because she definitely did. Ruby has Hydra training in infiltration and has most likely been using Hydra resources to study their behaivor. That said Ruby has also spent her whole life in secret Hydra training facilities and this is her first real mission so she isnt really as ready for undercover as her mother probably thinks. She might be a sociopath, but as AoS showed us she's a lonely sociopath. She does WANT to have friends. Plus if anyone can undo years of hydra brainwashing its Anthony, who is both someone she needs to listen to so she can get close to him and an artisan level genius in convincing and befriending people even without meaning to be.

Designs (Arcanum Of Steamworks And Magic Obscura) (50CP)

This small portfolio contains any three schematics of your choice, out of any you might find in Arcanum. You may choose both standard technologies such as the Feather Weight Axe and Elephant Rifle, as well as prototype inventions that aren't found in the curriculum of the technological disciplines, such as those for the Miracle Cure, Electro Armor or Tranquilizer Gun.

<< Index >>

Mar 9, 2021Report

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Choice One with the Vivifier, Reanimator, and Cure All it is. To clarify we can make those with Duct tape master, but there will be a few rules to how it works. First duct tape master needs an item thats close. You cant use steel wool to sub for chemicals. Second it operates on rarity, steel to titanium for instance we can do and still fit everything in with soft physics, but steel to vibranium would take an eiffels towers worth of metal built into a device for even a little bit. In that vein we can make reanimator for instance but we would need some kind of rare chemical and probably lots of it. My current idea is raiding a hand drug lab. Cure all we can manage now though.

You get back to your room with plenty of night still to spare and decide to do a bit more work. You slip into you workshop and sit in your chair, mentally going over your new haul from the forge, which if your new found connection is anything to go by will be hitting again soon. The recipes you got were frankly amazing, one to bring back the dead, one to create super soldiers, and one to cure any illness. You felt a flash of sadness as you reviewed your designs to find that you couldn't bring back your mother. As you hadn't had much money a funeral had been out. She had been cremated and your reanimator formula needed a body, if you could even make it right now.

Which you definitely could not. Duct tape master let you substitute chemicals, but the rarity of the compounds involved in the resurrection formula were absurd. You would need a small lake's worth of any organic compound you could think of to even make a vial. As you considered your options with the new formuli you felt the forge trigger again.

Celestial forge accessed: Gunsmith (Starbound) (200CP) Sufficient CP: Purchased. 400 CP banked. Total banked CP: 400.

That was...pretty fantastic. You were excited to finally have a damn tech tree to play with and had an amazing idea for how to use it, but that could wait until you made your first vial of cure all. You wished you could make the Vivifier, but the ingredients for that were just as rare as the Reanimator. The Vivifier was interesting actually. It gave a flat ten percent bump in several human attributes, which one the surface wasn't near as good as the super soldier serum Captain America had. But the Vivifier's bonuses reinforced each other. Ten percent stronger and ten percent more durable meant much more than ten percent more force output, especially when factoring in the ten percent bump to speed. The ten percent bump to Charisma and Beauty (which seemed really subjective) stacked with the strength and constitution to remold the body into a more pleasant and also effective shape, making the user more fir and attractive which further boosted the muscles strength used to work.

For yourself it would be even more pronounced due to benefits from your Named status. At least you thought it would. The design actually said one point not ten percent, but it seemed to be a base ten system for mapping human potential so ten would be the average. The only issue was that might mean your stats were higher already from being named and you might actually get less out of "one point". Sadly without the proper chemicals you would have to settle for making the cure all. Even that was going to be a pain in the ass, but it was the least rare of the formuli you had. You had hit the grocery store to try to find the necessary ingredients in the right amounts and had gotten lucky. Rarity was important but as mentioned before your base ingredient had to be close. Weirdly one of the major ingredients in the Cure all was incredibly close in composition to pepto bismol. You'd had to buy out their entire stock of the stuff and needed fifty gallons of high grade motor oil for the other ingredient but according to duct tape master you should be able to make a few vials of cure all. Three to be exact.

While your workshop didnt supply organic compounds it did have a set of lab equipment laying around, and following the directions from the designs you got straight to work. You had done some odd things but you didnt think you'd ever seen anything as weird as pouring bottles of pepto into a decanter and watching a single drop of yellow liquid come out the other side and drip into the glass. You got the impression from duct tape master that another compound would work better, and upon thinking through options weirdly discovered cocaine would be an ideal converter. Shrugging you finished your pouring and got to the business of mixing the vials after some time boiling and condensing.

After twenty or so minutes, it was done. Three vials of cure all completely finished. You looked in awe at what amounted to a panacea, and felt like you could do more tonight. So you decided to turn to your Gunsmith tree and try to finally make some damn tech. Being an arms dealer or whatever wasnt perfect but it was SOMETHING. You finally had a unique technical skillset. The irony of that being weapons manufacturing was not lost on you.

You mentally sorted through your designs and suddenly you felt a spark. Your eyes flew wide and you reached out to start grabbing parts, this was going to be amazing. You stacked the parts and ran over to start scribbling symbols on the floor of the workshop, lighting candles along the way as you drew a circle and began spitting out incantations. Your Legion training made this old hat, and you used a nearby piece of rebar to smash the head of the demon summoned in as it popped up, barely slowing down at killing something even goblins were able to subdue.

You went through the grinding ritual but left the last step of goblinfire creation hanging as you darted back to the workbench, kicking your chair out of the way as you assembled the sleek futuristic flamethrower, you felt Duct Tape Master slot into place alongside Legion and Soft Physics kick in in the background condensing the odd goblin make containment design into the sleek tank of the flamethrower as Artisan sculpted it into a work of true glory out of the Gunsmith made design. After several hours of constant tweaks and work you finally finished, and once the construction was done you dropped like a puppet with cut strings.

Synergy was exhausting, and you had worked for hours without rest, if you hadnt been named you might have literally passed out from exhaustion, which would have been fatal given your materials. You dragged yourself up to stare at your creation, and finally, as you knew you would need to with your last step. You named it. Apollyon. And with that you felt the weapon click into place in the forge.

Celestial artifact created! Apollyon: Rank D! Congratulations, you have created a true artifact of the celestial forge! By synergizing three perks and catalyzing it with your natural Spark of Genius you have created a wonder of the world. Your connection to the universe grows deeper! Continue to create wonders to understand more about what this means. Synergize more perks to create higher ranked wonders, and deepen your connection even faster! Celestial artifacts are a part of the forge and cannot be recreated, but they also can't be destroyed. If damaged or broken Apollyon will reappear in its complete form in your workshop after forty eight hours.

And right after, almost as if rewarding your accomplishment, though you could feel from the deeper connection it was just a coincidence you felt the forge trigger again.

Celestial forge accessed: Tech tree (Factorio) (600CP) Insufficient CP: 100 CP banked. Total banked CP: 500.

You were honestly glad nothing had connected. You were exhausted and sore and your brain was fried from creating Apollyon. You dragged yourself to your feet and fell into your chair, picking up the weapon to look it over. As you had suspected you no longer had the ability to make goblinfire. But considering this thing would respawn if broken and you hadnt wanted to make a stockpile anyway that was probably for the best. And Apollyon was...special. B rank was the highest level artifact you had made, and artifacts became more than what they were before, like Glory had. The perks used to create Apollyon had an effect on how it worked, shaping it into something new.

The major adjustment was Artisans effect. Allowing you to sculpt the flames as you fired. Apollyon burned what you wanted it to and nothing else. That was great in that you wouldnt accidentally burn down a building but it didnt really make it less of a last resort weapon. It WAS still goblinfire and it would burn for seven days and couldnt be put out. Also just because the flamethrower wouldnt actually ignite something you didnt want it to didnt mean the fire couldnt spread. If anything touched it or got into the flames it would still go up. You took in the shape, the black metal barrel ended in a grasping three pronged black claw with each spike creating a thin white flame pointed inward toward each other for the globlinfire to use as a source when you pulled the trigger. The whole thing was a grim monstrosity.

You couldnt help but grin though, you wouldnt be able to make anything like this again soon probably but who cared. With a shrug you fell back against the chair, letting yourself drift off into sleep after an amazing creation session, though as you feel asleep you had one last thought. What the hell were you going to do with the Cure Alls.

[] Choice 1: Keep them for yourself in case of a rainy day, set up that dinner with Ruby and Felicia.

[] Choice 2: Find a rich dying person and leverage the cure all for resources, its Marvel, theres probably fifty of them within a block of your house.

[] Choice 3: Auction one online, maybe make some money and its not like they can track you here.

[] Choice 4: write in

Ok folks, couple things. First we're now at 11 jump points! Yay for super flamethrower. I wanted something higher ranked so we could make some progress to the jump and this just clicked for me. Shame soulsteel is so evil we could have gotten an A rank.

Gunsmith (Starbound) (200CP)

The point of a gun is simple: take an object, and accelerate it very quickly into another object. Despite your somewhat flighty nature, you've mastered these principles, and can make a truly astounding variety of weaponry, from assault rifles, to shotguns, to flamethrowers and other more exotic guns. You can also add special features and secondary firing modes, mixing and matching to your heart's content.

<< Index >>

Last edited: May 26, 2021

Mar 10, 2021Report

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Ok folks choice one it is. Keep in mind this is going to be a nsfw chapter, feel free to skip it if thats an issue for you. Ruby will be involved and sex with her will be MUCH different than Felicia, who will also be involved. Mostly there will be some BDSM, some dirty talk and just in general some serious smut.

You wake up with a headache sadly, and drag yourself into the shower to clear the fog before climbing out and shooting a text to Ruby and Felicia. As drained as you still were tonight was a good night for that dinner, and you could spend the day with your girls hanging out until then. You'd slept in anyway, having dragged yourself out of the workshop and into bed before blacking out, so it was about three. You slipped out while you waited and hit up the store. Tonight you decided on lamb chops and roasted potatoes with a light salad on the side and a chocolate cake as dessert.

You didn't need to use the watch this time because nothing you were making needed all day to cook. You processed everything quickly, salting the potatoes before you put them in to slow roast and doing a quick rub on the lamb chops with whatever spices you had on hand and mixed the cake up before slipping it into the oven. You made homemade buttercream frosting and slipped it into the fridge to wait for the cake and finally you were done. By that time the limo had pulled up out front and you had to bolt up stairs to change into a nice button up and some slacks with a belt. You barely made it back down before the girls knocked on the door.

When you answered the door you swung the door in and...froze. The girls looked. Amazing. Felicia was wearing a black mini dress with her shoulders bared except for a silver wrap that matched her hair exactly. Said hair was piled on top of her head and pinned up with chopsticks, leaving one curl to dangle free. Ruby was wearing even less, her red dress baring her toned stomach and exposing plenty of thigh with the slit up the side. Felicia beamed at you when you opened the door, taking in your clothes as she pulled Ruby in by the hand. Rubys golden curls cascaded around her face and the dress and red lipstick really set off her blue eyes.

Luckily Artisan once again saved your rep as it smoothly kicked you into gear, shaking you from your shock to sweep into a deep bow and kiss the hands of both girls. "My ladies, you both look ravishing this evening. I've prepared a feast in the other room and it should be done momentarily." Felicia preened at the attention, loving the theatrics and faux formality, but Ruby, badass Ruby, actually seemed to pull back a bit out of nervousness. Your understanding of the art of body language told you she felt vulnerable but was consciously trying to look like she was having fun and in control for some reason. You could understand trying to fake it til you make it.

You straightened up and smiled reassuringly at Ruby before leading both girls into the kitchen to the table. You plated everything quickly and efficiently and took the cake out to cool before you iced it, flipping it out of the pan perfectly onto a cooling rack, After you set dessert out to cool down you slipped into your chair across from the girls and smiled over at them, especially Ruby who still seemed nervous. "I hope you like the food Ruby, I wasn't sure what to make so I went with something I thought Felicia and I would like. I hope you arent like a vegan or something. I didnt even think to ask until I was halfway through cooking."

The combination of the shock from how good the food was and the question seemed to shake her out of her hesitation and she grinned at you across the table "Not a vegan trust me." She gave a wicked grin before licking clean the fork she had just used to pop a piece of lamb chop in here mouth "I absolutely LOVE meat, in fact, I love it so much I've been known to stuff myself with it. There's just something satisfying about feeling so full you cant take anymore." Her timing was actually decent, because the comment gave you an excuse to freeze up for a moment as the forge triggered.

Celestial forge accessed: Ship Girl Conversion Kit | Equipment Boxes (Azur Lane) (600CP) Sufficient CP: Purchased. Remaining CP banked: 0.

Blinking at the incredibly WEIRD new ability you shook it off, refocusing on your ladies and putting any possible thought of stealing a shield Helicarrier out of your head. Playing off your freeze up as shock, you grinned at her flirting "Really? Penis jokes using the word meat? Even as hot as you are some jokes are too juvenile to pull off. I'm half expecting you to say you brought melons for dessert and then pull them out of a bag to fondle them and talk about how firm they are." As much as she liked the sexual stuff Ruby enjoyed confrontation. Challenging her would make her much more comfortable than just drooling over all that sexy.

Her sultry smile became a bit more genuine as she and Felicia both laughed with Ruby shooting back a response of "Actually i prefer my melons soft." She threw a meaningful glance at Felicias big pale breasts straining at her dress and licked her lips "More fun to bite into something with a little jiggle." Another genuine smile followed the hungry look "But in all seriousness" She reached out to take both of your hands "This food is delicious and I feel so honored you both invited me over. I know adding someone to a relationship as close as yours is a big ask but even if we're just friends with possible benefits you've both made me feel so welcome." She squeezed your hands tightly but had to release them as Felicia leaned over to scoop her up into a hug.

You took the opportunity to slip over to ice and cut the cake, bringing back a slice for each girl with vanilla ice cream and then snagging your own on a second trip. Felicia was cuddling Ruby as you got back and you smiled at her response of "We love having you Rubes, benefits or no you being here is a blast. Every time we hang out I think of how well you fit with us, like you were made to be part of our little group." Ruby's mom had sure done a number on her, you were sure you saw guilt flash through her eyes when Felicia said that last part. Poor girl didn't even feel like she was allowed to be happy. You finished up your cake, which was amazing even though the ice cream was store bought (you promised the girls you would make some homemade for them soon) and all three of you headed upstairs to your room.

Despite your trust in Ruby, you and Felicia had talked on the phone and decided being let in on all the crazy science magic stuff would be a bit much this soon into knowing you, so you decided to take that slow and stayed in the room itself. That said you had redecorated the place with Artisan so you weren't exactly ashamed, and as all three of you fell bonelessly into the bed to cuddle, tired and full from the food you were happy to not how impressed Ruby seemed with the place now. Granted it was a tiny room at an orphanage so you would NEED to be a supernatural level decorating genius to make it look livable, but you had pulled it off admirably. You pulled both girls against you and you and Felicia both looked over at Ruby, with Felicia taking the lead.

Your girlfriend might seem frivolous at times but she was also a deeply sensitive and emotional person. "So Ruby, I know this is a little fast and intense, we could slow down and wait for another time, or we could play around a bit. Whichever makes you more comfortable. What kind of things do you like in the bedroom?" She grinned wolfishly at me "Anthony can fuck your brains out but I wasn't sure if you liked rough, so I wanted to ask about your tastes." Ruby looks genuinely shocked at the question before shaking off her surprise and answering, probably more nervous than you've ever seen her. You felt the forge fire again as you waited for a response.

Celestial force accessed: Artisan of Moonsilver (Exalted - The Lunars) (400CP) Insufficient CP: 100 banked. Total banked CP: 100.

She blushed a little and didn't meet either of your eyes. "I havent been with many people. I'm bi and a switch. I tend to be into BDSM, specifically I'm dominant with women and submissive with men." You tried not to think too hard about why you found that so hot, and waited for her to finish. "I would love to have some fun tonight. If you guys are willing to do this.I do like rougher stuff, giving as well as receiving, can you handle having some harder fun? Does all that sound ok with you?" She aimed the questions mainly at Felicia, which was honestly fair because that all sounded fantastic to you.

Felicia grinned up at her "I can take all sorts of rough." She gestured over at me "Our boy over there has no clue how to hold back and he's not small. I'd put him at probably ten inches and he goes hard too." She sees your hurt look and smiles, putting her hand on your cheek "Don't get me wrong he's amazing and even as a virgin I could tell he was the best sex I'd ever have, but he destroyed my pussy the first time we had sex. I probably would have been limping if my legs had worked. It'll be nice to have another girl he can take some of that energy out on. So we might as well start by letting you get comfy, I'm yours to use as you see fit Rubes, how do you want me?"

You would have been much more focused on that whole thing about Felicia being sore after sex with you if Ruby hadn't jumped right into action at the invitation. "Ok, then, strip down to your underwear and bend over the bed." She turned to look at you "Can I borrow that belt?" You had zero qualms about that and stripped the belt off handing it over as Felicia stripped and leaned over the bed. You expected Ruby to just go nuts on her admittedly perfect ass but she took your hand and led you over to your girlfriend, sliding one of your hands over Felicias left ass cheek while she grabbed a big handful of the right.

Her voice was husky and dark as she spoke, seemingly hypnotized by the sight. "I've never seen an ass like this you know. I've wanted it since I first met you, the fat roundness of the cheeks, the smoothness of the skin. The way it sits perfectly high up those gorgeous legs even though its so indecently huge." She punctuated the statement with an open handed slap on the cheek she was groping, getting a low moan from Felicia. Those burning blue eyes turned to you "In any other circumstances I'd have tried to take it by now. Staked my claim on it when we were at the diner maybe. But it's yours already isn't it? So I can only use it how you say master. Teach me what this fat ass needs?" She dropped to her knees, nuzzling her face into Felicias ass.

You werent sure what art this was part of but Artisan was on fire, showing you what to do with all this so as you knew Ruby wanted you grabbed a handful of golden curls and mashed her face into the huge pale cheeks of your girlfriends ass. Felicia whimpered and Ruby moaned, her head slipping the side so she could breathe as she rubbed her face over that perfect booty. You reached down and grabbed the back of Rubys thong, yanking her ass up til she was standing while keeping her head mashed into Felicias ass. "I didn't tell you to kneel slut, take the belt and smack the cheek you were just cuddling." You let go of her curls and the girl rushed to grab the belt and lash out at Felicias pale ass cheek. Hard. As hard as she hit you expected Felicia to scream but the SQUEAL of joy that rang out at the hit made you blink.

Apparently your girlfriend was a masochist. Admittedly Artisan had been pushing you in that direction during your first time but you felt so bad about the idea of hurting her you dismissed it. Ruby was literally drooling staring at the bright red welt on Felicias ass. "Was that too hard bitch?" Her words were harsh but her tone was like candy, sweet and thick and dripping. You knew Ruby and Felicia both knew your safe word, you'd talked about it at the fair, how it was a necessary thing in any sort of rougher play. Felicia it seemed would not be using that safe word.

Your girlfriends voice was slurred and needy "No, god it wasn't too much, please another one, ruin my ass." You walk up behind Ruby and yank her hips against you so she can feel how hard you are against her ass, and slip your fingers under her dress. Sliding two of them into her pussy. She hisses in pleasure and brings the belt down even harder on Felicia as they both moan. Her cunt is like a fucking vice made of napalm on your fingers and she grinds her own smaller but incredibly bubbly ass back against you as she swings a third time. The hornier she gets the harder she hits and the tighter her pussy gets, like some kind of vicious cycle of desperate need.

Her voice is ragged as she rolls her hips against you, punctuating her comment with a fourth swing "That's ruin my ass MISTRESS, you little whore." She reached down behind her to fumble at your jeans with a whine throwing her head back so Felicia couldn't hear her murmur "Please master, please fuck me, please break my little pussy I've been so fucking bad." You probably would have cum right there just from her tone if not for the forge appearing as if sent by heaven to stop you from embarrassing yourself.

Celestial forge accessed: Safety First (Cardcaptor Sakura) (200CP) Sufficient CP: Purchased. Remaqining CP banked: 0.

With the forge distracting you, you had the presence of mind to do as Ruby asked and finally slide into her and it was...intense. Felicia felt like silk and fire and was fucking amazing, but Rubys pussy was so tight it almost HURT to be inside her. Like her cunt was punishing you, if you hadnt been Named you suspected you might actually have been injured by how fucking tight she was, and you reminded yourself to ask her how often she did fucking kegels because this level of tight wasn't natural. You expected her to stop you after you bottomed out, but not only did she not do that she slammed her hips back to take you deeper.

Whatever game she was playing with Felicia had apparently been fucked out of her brain entirely because she reached down and flipped your girlfriend over on her back. You saw Felicias hand between her legs but Ruby slapped it away, grabbed two handfuls of that fat ass and went to town on Felicias soaking pussy. Felicia moaned and squealed at Rubys tongue work and yanked her huge tits out of her bra to fondle them as she watched you fucking the little blonde with her head between her thighs. She was keening from the pleasure, begging for more "Fuck mistress you're so fucking good to my pussy, I need your tongue so bad, does your little whore taste good?"

In the meantime you were balls deep in Ruby pounding into her with a force that frankly would have worried you if your art of body language wasnt telling you how insanely fucking hot she was for this. You picked up the pace, fucking her so hard you expected her to have bruises on the insides of her thighs and across her ass from the impact and with every stroke her cunt tightened up and her hips rolled more and you could hear her fucking screaming into Felicias pussy as she threw her little bubble butt back into your hips even harder, desperate to get your dick down her with increasing levels of force. You felt like she was fucking possessed or something, like there was some kind of cock hungry ghost haunting her pussy driving her to insanity.

Felicia came screaming and Ruby laid her cheek against your girlfriends cunt and screamed in rapture as you straight up fucking ruined her deciding to take a note from artisan you took two fingers and shoved them right up her asshole, dragging a ragged squeal of joy from her throat as she shrieked "fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy" on repeat like some deranged drooling sex doll with a broken voice box, throwing her ass back at you so hard now it was starting to give YOU bruises and clenching your dick so tight you were pretty sure this would hurt when you were done but it was so fucking worth it.

This was legitimately the most intense sex you'd ever had, and Felicia clearly felt the same as she slipped out from under Ruby to kneel down on the floor next to where she was hanging partway on the bed and partway in midair with her tiny body pinned midair on your frankly obscenely large dick (at least in comparison to Rubys cute little mini pussy, seriously the girl was like a foot shorter than you). She grabbed Ruby by the shoulders and stood pushing her back against your chest, gravity adding to the force as she dragged you both to mirror on your dresser to show Ruby what you were doing to her.

Ruby looked...kind of deranged. in the hottest possible way. She had a huge crazy smile on her face and tears of joy leaking from her eyes and she was turning bright red from the squeals of rapture as you fucked her, but the biggest turn on was her stomach. You could see the outline of your dick as you shoved it into her as deep as you could go and having hit her cervix early and kept battering if it actually WAS possible to stuff your dick in a girls womb you were probably in hers right now and that would explain how fucking tight she was. Apparently the sight of your dick bulging her stomach like that was just as hot for her because she finally snapped like a fucking rubberband and SCREAMED "BREED ME YHOU FUCKING BASTARD!" before her eyes rolled up and she blacked out from the orgasm. Luckily Felicia was there, because you were right behind her.

What to do after

[] Choice 1: Spend some time with Ruby and Felicia and unwind after that craziness.

[] Choice 2: Plan your theft of a Helicarrier, you need a shipgirl.

[] Choice 3: Do some work on the game, you still need an investor.

[] Choice 4: write in

Ok folks. That was a crazy one. To clarify Ruby is super repressed and pent up and just in general has had no freedom in her life. Anthony used Artisan to break through her shell sexually and she went a little nuts but this isnt a mind break or yandere or anything, though she is feeling pretty good about him right now. Also now we can make a shipgirl. We just need some kind of ship lol Helicarrier would be good but maybe we can roll something crazy. Cant wait to see.

Ship Girl Conversion Kit | Equipment Boxes (Azur Lane) (600CP)

Ship Girl Conversion Kit (400CP)

Hmm, Jumper, you already have a naval vessel? Well, why not turn it into a Ship-girl? This handy little box can be attached to any Navy ship you personally own, wherein it will grow to envelop the vessel. Over a course of time relative to the size of the ship, this device will transform the vessel into a Ship-girl of an appropriate physique compared to the rough size of the vessel being transformed. For example, the SR2 Normandy might be a Destroyer, and an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer would be analogous to a Battleship. And yes, to be perfectly clear, this Item works on any vehicle that belongs to a Navy, on water or in Space. So yes, the Death Star would count too. Your new Ship-girl will become a Companion, with a personality fitting the background of her original builders. Continuing with the analogy, the Star Destroyer would be imperious and serious, while an Apocalypse Class Battlecruiser from Warhammer 40K would be devoutly faithful and xenophobic. Your new Ship-girl will retain her full array of weaponry and power, just in a human-sized frame... This is terrifying, why am I offering you this?

Equipment Boxes (200CP)

Because gear, equipment, and upgrade materials for your Ship-girls is half the battle of making them stronger. Upon purchase of this Item you will receive a randomized shipment of ten boxes every week ranging in rarity from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest tier of gear. While tier 5 gear is the rarest, this purchase guarantees you at least 1 tier 5 box every month. Post-Jump this tier list will scale to your overall power level, with tier 1 becoming your baseline.

Safety First (Cardcaptor Sakura) (200CP)

You can choose to be completely unaffected by your own magic when it suits you, including beings that were created by you or spells taught to others that you designed.

<< Index >>

Last edited: Mar 12, 2021

Mar 11, 2021Report

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Ok folks, the vote that won was time with Ruby and Felicia but I've been thinking about doing one of these for a while now to answer any questions people have about Rubys motivation. interludes dont add to word count sadly but I figured this would be a cool way to give us some insight into mind of our favorite psycopathic princess.

Ruby was in pain. But only the good kind. Anthony had really gone crazy on her, and she had loved it. This next part was pretty nice too, Felicia was thick and soft and being held by her felt nice. Ruby wasn't used to feeling content, her mother had spent years pushing her to be better, to be more, to be Hydra. When she had gotten this mission she had been so excited. It had been her first real mission in the field and she was eager to prove herself. She had trained with undercover agents several times at the academy. She'd even had lessons with Grant Ward and John Garrett. Most people weren't even cleared to know they existed in the Hydra chain of command but Ruby was special.

Ruby had thought it was stupid when they kept telling her not to get attached, not to care about the target. Believing your own lies would hurt and it was important to maintain emotional distance. Ruby had scoffed at that. She was Ruby Hale, she had emotional distance from everyone. Even her own mother was barely someone Ruby considered a loved one. It had been easy at first. Teenaged boys were stupid, even brilliant ones, and after some time researching him she'd figured out the girlfriend would be a good in. Felicia was a gorgeous friendly airhead, even if she wasn't really stupid and matching her personality had been childs play for someone of Ruby's training.

Everything was going according to plan, she was a combination of friendly and wounded and earnest and needy with a dash of sex kitten thrown in and they were eating it up. Ruby was crushing it. Until they went to Coney Island. Nobody had ever won Ruby anything before. Hell Ruby had never even gotten a gift. And Anthony seemed to have an almost supernatural way of saying things that unintentionally caused Ruby to fumble with her mask and let real details of her life slip. He wasn't doing it on purpose. He was a hilariously bad liar, she could tell when he was hiding something (he and Felicia had some big secret but no rush, she liked it here and she could wait) but he just seemed to turn getting to know her into an artform.

That was another thing that made Ruby feel odd. Anthony was...shockingly good at nearly everything he did. His cooking was fantastic, and sometimes she caught him moving up behind her without making a sound or leaving a trace. Sneaking up on her to tickle her or mess up her hair or something, but the stealth showed when he put his mind to it was like...Hydra level scary. Which he definitely was not. He was something she knew. She could see some training in the way he carried himself but it looked weird and old. Maybe Pankration. But not stealth, if he had stealth training someone would have taught him not to use it in public and he sure as hell would have noticed hers. He just seemed to randomly be a stealth genius. Now Felicia had some kind of training. She moved nearly silently at almost all times and was VERY flexible but it didnt seem to have a combat bent. She was so weirdly innocent about it that it was almost like she didnt know someone had been teaching her to be a ninja.

That was another thing, she actually liked Felicia. The girl was sweet and sarcastic and fun and ridiculously hot. Ruby had scoffed at her teachers when they said not to get attached but she had done just that. She cared about them, they were...her friends. She'd never had friends before, never had anybody. She glanced over at Anthony cuddled against her and Felicia on her other side and smiled slightly. She'd been taught from a young age that she could have anything she wanted, and she wanted to stay here, in this unusually well furnished bedroom in an orphanage in new york, with the only people in the world she really cared about besides her mother. Her mom would be fine, she had the rest of Hydra to look after, but Anthony and Felicia needed her. She smiled to herself as she snuggled with her friends, Hydra had demanded the best from her for her entire life. She wondered how quickly they would start to regret it when she finally gave it to them.

So there we have it. A bit of the mental processes behind out favorite crazy spy girl. Keep in mind being on their side doesnt necessarily make her safe. Ruby was trained by Hydra and will cut off peoples arms or murder pretty much anybody if she feels it necessary, gonna take some time to get that under control.

<< Index >>

Mar 12, 2021Report

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Ok folks, here's our chapter with Felicia and Ruby, also post sex and commitment our boy is going to be letting his new lady in on his big secret. Luckily from the interlude we know she wont betray him.

You wake up in bed, not remembering how you got there. You weren't sure you'd made it during the sex and you were damn sure you hadn't been naked. Both things were explained by the equally naked women on either side of you. Felicia was sleeping on top of the blanket with her juicy thoroughly whipped ass out, and looking close you thought you saw a few more marks than when you passed out so you guessed your girls decided to have some more fun. Looking down at Ruby curled up on your chest smiling contentedly you cant help but feel warm inside. Or maybe that was the forge. No, you felt warm inside, the forge was close to triggering but it hadn't happened quite yet. Felicia looked just as happy, you could see her smiling through her silver blonde hair. And there was the forge.

Celestial forge accessed: Alchemical Foundry | Mythic Forge | Dust Refinery | Arcane Smelter (Endless Legend) (400CP) Insufficient CP: Banked 100 CP. Total banked CP: 100.

You shrugged at that, today seemed to be a day to wind down anyway. Though thinking it through. You came to a decision. You would be honest with Ruby. She was part of your lives now and deserved to know. You slipped out down to the kitchen to make some eggs and bacon for your girls to wake up to and due to artisan managed to get them done in a few minutes. Fun thing about cooking, at a high enough skill level you could make everything at max heat and compensate for the increased difficulty with technique. You made it back upstairs just as the girls were waking up and presented them with their breakfast with a flourish, which caused much giggling as you were wearing just underwear and a "kiss the engineer" apron you would swear you hadn't actually bought.

As you sat down in bed to eat, with your ladies cuddled up to either side you smiled contentedly and started to talk. "So Ruby. I had something I wanted to tell you about. It's kind of hard to explain but-" Ruby reached up and pinched your lips closed, shaking her head. She looked...nervous, but determined. Like she had something to get off her chest. Which seemed unlikely considering her perfectly shaped breasts were totally bare. Also gorgeous. Seriously Felicia had huge tits but Rubys were just flawless...and you were getting distracted.

Rubys normally confident and sunny face was clouded over with worry and fear. She took a deep breath and finally spit out. "I was sent by Hydra to get close to you." Your blood ran cold but she didnt release your lips and kept talking. "The stuff I told you about my mom and home life were true and this is my first mission and I really like you guys and I dont want to betray you so I wanted to tell you before you let me in on any secrets or anything so you could decide whether to trust me and-" She cut off to gasp in a breath through her silently flowing tears as she nearly hyperventilated in fear.

So many things started to make sense in retrospect, and so many things about Ruby clicked into place as you put some of her odd behavior and reactions into context. Your artisans body reading skills hadn't failed you, you had just interpreted them as you wanted to see things. You was confident the reads I'd gotten off Ruby were all accurate, just not for the reasons you'd thought. That said you understood what she was feeling probably better than she did. This announcement was her way of showing loyalty and you didnt even need to be a master cold reader to know she was going against alot of programming here. You suspected your artisan abilities had helped you make friends and connect to her in a way other people probably hadnt ever been capable of doing.

Felicia was watching on in...well you were having trouble picking out her reaction, but she didn't seem as angry as you expected. You weren't stupid, you had noticed how Felicia tended to avoid mentioning any details about her father despite talking about him constantly, and cheerleader or not no one your age should be that flexible or graceful. Come to think of it Ruby was unbelievable light on her feet too, you had just become so used to interacting with Felicia and moving that way yourself you hadn't even noticed. Stupid mistake. The point was you got the impression Felicia wasn't going to hold an unnecessary grudge. That said all this didn't exactly help you decide how to handle things.

[] Choice 1: You can read Rubys sincerity with your artisan perk. Take the plunge and trust her anyway, cementing her loyalty to you.

[] Choice 2: Good intentions or not Ruby lied to you, let her know she can stay but will need to earn your trust before you tell her more.

[] Choice 3: Let Ruby in on your secrets but get something in return, grill her on Hydras inner workings so you can see the next attempt coming.

[] Choice 4: write in.

Ok guys here's the deal, I was thinking about it and this confrontation was coming eventually so I decided to get it out of the way because its annoying and the earlier I do it the less time I have to spend on emotional fallout. If we get this done now we can enjoy more time on non melodramatic time with our girls and having an inside source in Hydra isnt exactly a downside either. Hopefully we can leverage this into something good and also hopefully next roll will be a tech tree though that said our gunsmith perk gives us options, we could probably become an underground gunmaker which would be pretty cool.

<< Index >>

Last edited: Mar 14, 2021

Mar 13, 2021Report

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Choice one it is, I was in favor of that one myself. Acceptance for Ruby and some one on one time with Felicia to remind us shes still our girl too. Smut incoming.

You stared at Ruby hard, seeing the tears in here eyes and the guilt on her face. She looked so torn up, and your artisan body language skills told you this was genuine. Felicia looked torn for a second, and then with her face softening folded Ruby up in her arms and pulled her into a hug. Rubys quiet tears broke into wrenching sobs as she collapsed against Felicia and it struck you how hard it must be to turn your back on years of conditioning and the only family you had ever known.

You reached down and took Rubys hand, pulling her out of Felicias lap, your other girlfriend standing to follow as you pulled a confused Ruby toward the closet. Without any hesitation you pulled Ruby and Felicia through the archway, and right into your workshop. Ruby looked stunned and confused, Felicia nodded and smiled and you both pulled her between you in a group hug to show support. "This is my workshop. It's part of my power. I get information and knowledge on different types of magic and technology involved in crafting and it all gets made here. I get new knowledge out of nowhere and cant really predict it by more than a minute or two."

You pulled her over to the chair and pushed the glasses into her hand. "These are a virtual reality simulator I made, it should give you some idea of how nice some of the things I can make are. If you put it on itll put you into a sleep state and connect the game directly to your brain. Give it a try." You see Ruby stare back at you in awe and happiness that you decided to trust her, and with a soft smile she returned the favor. Even as her head slumped back you felt yet another connection to the forge, and enjoying the timing you pulled your still very naked cheerleader girlfriend against you as you felt the connection wash over you.

Celestial forge accessed: Enchanter's Forge (Nexus 2.0) (600CP) Insufficient CP: 100 CP banked. Total Banked CP 200.

You pulled Felicia off to the side and down onto a stool you had laying around pulling her into your lap. Vigorous sex with Ruby or not your bombshell girlfriends fat ass in your lap had you getting hard quickly, but you ignored the need to shove her over a table in favor of holding her close, though you might have palmed one of those massive tits, no reason not to have some extra fun cuddling. Felicia giggled and rolled her eyes as she leaned into you and finally decided to speak. "I know it can be hard to be stuck on the other side of the law from your parents. Ruby was being honest when she told us all that stuff about her mom, she trusted us and needs us. Also the fact that she's gorgeous and her pussy tastes like candy doesnt hurt either."

You returned her wicked grin and slipped two fingers into her own pussy "Lucky me, I have two girlfriends with sweet little cunts." She gasped and rolled her hips, smiling as you used your artisan powers on her once again. As with everything you did fingering your girlfriend was an art you improved easily as you practiced, and you could tell she loved it though you didn't try to knock her out or anything.You looked into your girlfriends eyes as you played with her pussy nice and slow, leaning into kiss her before resting your forehead against hers " You are the sweetest person in the world, and Ruby and I are both lucky to have you." You leaned down to whisper in hear ear as you added " And this pussy is still my favorite dessert."

Felicia keened in joy and appreciation as she wriggled in your lap nestling your dick between her big jiggly ass cheeks. Removing your hand you adjusted her so she was settled dead center on your lap and used your hands to push her ass cheeks together trapping your cock between them like a tit job with her thick bouncy ass. Felicia whined at the loss of your fingers before you started moving your hips, fucking her ass cheeks but not actually penetrating her. "You're so mean" she said with an exaggerated pout "Leaving my poor pussy alone so you can use my big fat ass for your own pleasure. Did Ruby make you all jealous when she spent so much time on my booty baby?" She giggled as she felt my dick flinch between her cheeks.

Her ass cheeks felt like fucking velvet marshmellows and you leaned down to gently bite her shoulder. "This is my ass. Ruby marked it up with the belt but I'm covering it in my cum before she wakes up. You can touch your pussy but I'm using these fat slutty ass cheeks." You felt Felicia start panting and rocking her hips on your dick "But I wouldnt be against stuffing one of your holes, just not the one I was playing with before. Is that what you want? Are you so desperate to get my dick in you you'll let me use your asshole with no lube or prep?" Normally you wouldnt ask but your masochistic little kitten seemed to enjoy that kind of thing, plus artisan level assfucking meant you would be able to make sure she had fun.

Felicia shoved her ass further back on your lap "Stuff my butthole baby, I know how much I tease with this big fat ass. Break it in for me or I might let our bad little mistress get a strap on between these big juicy cheeks first, shes just as obsessed as you are." With an adjustment of your hips and a flare of artisan you slide perfectly into her asshole, you had expected artisan to make sure it didnt hurt, but judging by the joy filled scream it had just made sure it hurt the right way. The exact right way apparently since as soon as you bottomed out in her ass Felicias pussy exploded spraying her juices almost three feet as she squealed her orgasm on your lap. "FUCK baby thats the spot thats just where I need it, god you always do me so good, you always know just how to give it to me baby I love you so much."

Your eyes widened and you were lucky artisan took over as you yanked her up and shoved her over the table, putting one foot up next to hear to shift your hips and slamming down into her ass. As you sodomized your girlfriend from above like a power hammer and she creamed and wiggled under you in joy you thought about what she'd just said and your hips slammed down faster. You stared in awe ate her huge ass cheeks rolling with her hips and jiggling like a bowl of jello at every impact. Felt her asshole clench down on you as you slammed in and then promptly realized you barely cared. This was fucking perfect sex and you didn't care a bit about it after that revelation. You yanked her head back by her hair and kissed her fiercely. "I love you too kitten."

Acknowledging that brought you back to the present, to the fat ass you'd been drooling over since your first day in class and the girl who you were now inside of, and you came inside her screaming as she exploded all over again. You pulled out and slapped her ass, eliciting an adorable squeak before grabbing her and pulling her close. Basking in the afterglow. Which of course was when the forge triggered again.

Celestial forge accessed: A World Is A Living Thing (Warhammer 40K - Craftworld Eldar Jumpchain) (400CP) Insufficient CP: 100 CP banked. Total banked CP: 300.

You were interrupted by clapping, and spun around to see a very naked and obviously aroused Ruby with her fingers in her pussy as she watched us. "God that was really hot guys." She winked at me "And dont worry daddy, I'm not jealous you got in that fat booty first. I'll make sure to use it the best I can but after that dicking you gave me last night I dont even have it in me to pretend you dont fuck us better than anyone else could. Maybe you can break in my cute little ass sometime too. I know you stare." You could see some slight uncertainty behind her teasing, like she still wasn't sure she fit in and was trying to push past the awkwardness, which you were fine with.

You smiled at her and gestured her over, shifting so each of your girls was perched on a thigh as they cuddled against you. "I do love your ass. But I fucked your lower body into bruised meat last night so I'm not going to be doing it again until you heal." You briefly consider giving her the cure all but honestly using something that can cure any ill to recover from rough sex seems like a tactically unsound choice. You notice her wilt a little and realize it probably came across like you rejecting her, so you decide to play with her a bit, maybe relive some of the guilt and have some fun with her too. "No you've been a bad girl. You're going to have to earn your fucking rights back." Rather than seem upset you detected some relief at that, her submissive streak mixing with her guilt.

You expected her to play if off all cool and disaffected but she looked eager to please "Anything daddy, I promise I'll make the lying up to you, what do you want me to do?" You felt her get wet against your thigh and had to stifle a grin, this kind of punishment worked for you. She was excited to play around and if you got to help her enjoy herself and get past her guilt at the same time who were you to argue. Ruby needed an outlet for her feelings, and a little domination would help her feel more comfortable with you.

You stroked her hair "Well princess" you settled on using the nickname you;d used your first time hanging out to reassure her you still cared "Felicia went and made a mess all over the floor when I took her ass. i want you to clean it up." You could tell she was disappointed by the request, having hoped for something more sexual, but as she got up to get a towel you caught her wrist to stop her. "You misunderstand. I want you to clean it up with your tongue. You're lucky to be allowed to taste Felicias pussy when you're on punishment. Lick it up for me, and no touching yourself." You felt her shudder as she slowly got to her knees to lick Felicias orgasm off the metal floor. Your workshop was sterile and you never wore shoes in here so you weren't worried too much about it.

Rubys eyes were lidded with joy as she slowly licked up every drop, Felicia biting her lip in pleasure as she watched the smaller girls tight little bubble ass wave back and forth as she humiliated herself for us. When Ruby got back up and turned to look up at you submissively you ALMOST decided to fuck her anyway. But punishment aside you had been crazy rough last night and she needed a break. You leaned down to kiss her softly, letting her melt against you and desperately try to claim your mouth before pulling away and placing a finger to her lips. Felicia stepped in smiling, knowing you didnt want to go to far before Ruby recovered. "That was wonderful mistress, you made Anthony so happy, but we need to wait to do more." She remained deferential to the smaller girl as she steered the conversation. "As unpleasant as it is maybe we should talk more about Hydra."

Ruby wilted again but you caught her chin as it dipped and forced her eyes up to meet yours. "We aren't mad princess. We just need to know whats coming so we can prepare. With all of us ready to face it together once we know whats coming we can handle whatever comes our way." Her eyes seemed to brighten, Ruby was emotionally fragile right now after so many changes, you would need to be careful about that. You led the girls back out into the room and to the bed where you pulled them under the blankets to snuggle as you talked. "Also as a side not Ruby, how did you like the game?"

You hadn't checked her readings but you'd be shocked if she wasn't incredibly suited for the Legion. It might be a good idea for you to train each other. Ruby could teach you some martial arts and you could teach her Legion combat. You did get more powerful the more Legion fighters you had. Ruby lit up at the question "It was amazing! The immersion was nuts and it felt like I was getting real training. I'd love to go back in later." Her smile faltered as she got back to the topic we came out here to discuss.

"For now though we should talk about Hydra. Theres alot to cover but for now the big thing is that they wont be coming for you yet. They recognize how brilliant you are, having found you through some of your old school achievements, they have people who look for talent especially orphans. That said most people dont rate a personal agent and the ones that do they tend to slow play. Honestly I'm way too high up for this, but mom wanted me to get some field experience so she got me a cush first gig to ease me in." She seemed to withdraw a bit as she mentioned her mother, something Felicia noticed and acted to correct by pulling her close in another hug. As she did you felt the forge fire again.

Celestial forge accessed: Modular Designs (Dead Space) (400CP) Sufficient CP: Purchased. 0 CP banked.

You felt your face stretch into a grin as you joined your girls in their cuddle puddle, comforting Ruby. This was a good place to start. With this last key piece, you could finally begin your real work. It was time to invent.

[] Choice 1: Create a suit, the advanced engineering rig from Dead Space would be amazing to have.

[] Choice 2: Make some guns, your gunsmith perk works with mods, with your new Dead Space engineering you can make some amazing mods and add them into your designs.

[] Choice 3: You need resources, make a few scavenger bots to let loose on a nearby scrapyard or dump. Electronics have trace amounts of amazing things in them, you could stockpile some seriously amazing mats and use them to make any number of things.

[] Choice 4: write in

We got a damn tech tree! It's not exactly a world breaker but dead space is damn futuristic and will be enough for us to establish a brand. Plus our suit will be so much better than Tonys.

Modular Designs (Dead Space) (400CP)

It's always easier to make better things from better materials, and your knowledge of far-future engineering is top-notch, meaning that all of the things you make are all that much better for it. Aside from being able to upgrade parts, tools, and weapons further, and make better base parts for tools and weapons, you can apply the bonuses of Infinitely Customizable to things other than tools and weapons, breaking anything down into classes of modular parts and swapping them around to your heart's content. This nearly obviates every part of the process of retro-fitting older creations with newer parts, aside from the actual manual labor and time.

<< Index >>

Last edited: May 3, 2021

Mar 14, 2021Report

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