
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Azazyel0714 replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - A New Hope, Nier


Me and 9S were scouting out a target of interest after learning that machine lifeforms had somehow collected samples of the red dragon of old and all of YoRHa was going insane at the thought that the machines were going to get access to other worlds through said dragon.

But I personally didnt think that the sample was either worth a damn not to mention even if it did produce any results, it still would take literally decades at the minimum, so I had no problem going on a mini vacation with 9S and explore the remnants of the old world.

Not to mention 9S was a very attentive and energetic woman and had zero objections to taking breaks every once in a while, to make out, and otherwise fool around.

But this time something went wrong when we were making out as mentioned before, in the middle of an overgrown park and then a loud screech rang through the wind.

"What the hell are you doing! No who are you!?" We quickly disengaged from our kiss, and I saw a carbon copy of 9S, and I couldn't help but squeeze the nice thick ass cheeks, I was mauling while we were kissing and the sight of me flexing on what looked to be a carbon copy of herself made Weiss Schnee boil like a steaming kettle and whip out her dust casting sword and send a wall of wind at us to presumably separate us without causing harm.

I manifested a large ball of wind around us and didnt allow 9S to leave my lap because of a rather awkward situation in my lap, so I used my magic to push her own wind aside making her gap at what looked like me using a semblance or something to control the wind without dust.

I replied to her shouts with the most deadpan face possible. "As to what we were doing..." I gave 9S's ass within my hands another visible squeeze making the prim and proper princess's twitch and then I continued. "Now my name is Jake, and this very lovely lady is named 9S."

For a moment I saw double as both girls preened at being called lovely, but Weiss seemed to collect her thoughts back and screeched. "Well unhand her you ruffian! To do such perverted things in broad daylight, not to mention in public to boot." She sniffed in disdain


Oh, she doesn't want to know the depraved things I have done to this body copy of her...

Weiss seemed to look around again and seeing the desolate land scape asked the most obvious question. "So where in the world are we? Is this Mount Glen?" She mused at the end.

I palmed my face and sighed as I considered how to explain her situation before asking how she even got here in the first place. "So how did you get here and what's your name." I asked just for the sake of it so I didnt accidentally say her name and get her highly suspicious of me.

"My name is Weiss Schnee obviously. Can't you recognize my family crest?" She gestured to the large Snowflake on her back but as she spun to show me and lifted her arm, she in avertedly flashed me her practically spray painted on stocking covered bottom distracting me.

I confidently replied. "Never heard of it but you are in the wrong neighborhood to put it bluntly as possible."

Before she could question me further 9S managed to escape my grasp and walked over to her doppelganger and before Weiss could react or bring up her aura a tiny needle was thrust into her finger making her hiss and jump back bringing up her sword in caution of the obviously deep in thought 9S, but I knew she was doing research onto the blood sample she just retrieved.

"Haaa just as I thought..." 9S groaned in disappointment making us both raise an eyebrow in confusion, but her words made me spit take and Weiss squawk in indignation. "She isn't a pure human and has Snowy Owl genes in her blood somehow."

I couldn't help but mumble. "So that's where the white hair comes from..."

Weiss looked like she stepped on something foul as she took several deep breaths before asking with a tight smile. "I ask again where am I?" I could tell she meant more along the lines of where the hell is the nearest exit from these people but I didnt begrudge her.

"Welcome to hell. In other words, the end of the world, nice to have another human around with me." I waved at her making her sigh in frustration.

"Look can you please just escort me back to society please..." She sighed and I just jumped to my feet in response.

"Alright just be surprised if robots attack you on the way." I called back as I took 9S's hand within my own and led her back towards my bunker.

Low and behold we didnt even make it a mile before we were attacked by a decent sized patrol of machine lifeforms and after dealing with the group Weiss was visibly tired from cutting through the solid metal machines with her rapier.

I could see she was highly confused as to how 9S was making her blade teleport around, but she seemed to be holding in her questions till we made it back to so called civilization.

It was finally when we managed to get within the bunker, she understood she was in basically an entirely different world. "So, you are saying you are androids..." She mumbled and she couldn't really contradict us with all the cultural stuff I had here in this bunker that she didnt have in her world not to mention our world map was completely different but she didnt really seem all that surprised to about the android thing. But then again Penny was a thing back in RWBY.

"Yes, but sadly as you aren't a pure human, we will not be obligated to follow your orders like his words are gospel to us." A2 explained with an uncaring shrug.

Weiss whirled onto me and poked a finger into my chest as she sputtered. "Is that why they all care for you so much! You deviant!" She yelled making the whole room laugh at her and even I couldn't help but smile at seeing how worked up she was but then again learning someone is fucking your doppelganger has to be a bit confusing.

I gently pushed Weiss's finger aside while she was distracted and feeling my hand on her own she looked back at me but before she could wrench her hand back and make a scene, I let her go and spoke. "These androids are fully sentient, and I not only couldn't order them to feel certain emotions, they also are the initiators of a lot of our intimate moments." She blushed heavily at seeing 9S nod fervently as and was obviously imagining herself in 9S's place.

"So, what happens now?" She muttered defeatedly and I patted her shoulder in and made a large portal of darkness open up fully and showing a bustling city with many people walking around. "Weiss, I can't guarantee you easy passage back to your home, but perhaps one day my random searches can find your home world of Remnant."

"Thank You!" She cried out and hugged me tightly seeing a ray of light at the end of the tunnel so to speak but a thought occurred to her. "Wait if you can go to other worlds why haven't you left this dead world yet?"

Ah this was an easy answer. "Because all my teleports are random due to probably not having a catalyst for a certain world but with you here and having that Remnant worlds signature within you, I could probably with some time trace you back to your home world. Now as for why we haven't left is because we are waiting for all the androids to gather to leave to another world together."

Shadow User donated fifty bucks for me to write this.

Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Azazyel0714 replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - A New Hope, Nier


I finally managed to magical imprint onto a world to make it easy to find my way back and even send stuff and it even had Wi-Fi courtesy of YoRHa who refused to allow me to go to another world without some way of maintaining contact as my little harem would be following me on my adventure to the new world that looked promising.

Granted I was only able to see the inside of what looked to be a copy of this same bunker I have been living in.

'Maybe my bunker is one of those universal constants like New York being in both Marvel and DC even with their own original major cities added they still couldn't take the Big Apple out of the world's history.' I thought as I stabilized the portal.

"Ok its good to go now crossover, I have to be the last one through to close the portal on the other side." I ordered and the twins and the YoRHa models nodded in understanding and crossed through the shadowy window into the otherworld.

It was like being compressed down a thin tube as my darkness portal was similar to apparition in Harry Potter as it twisted and compressed space to get to another point but far more powerful in comparison as I could jump to different worlds without running into barriers whereas they couldn't even leave there island of Britain without splattering against a dozen wards.

"Status report." Commander White ordered from 2B's pod and she sounded off that the air was breathable, and the connection was stable.

"Good... Now Jake I understand you want to explore but. Hey! Jake stop!" I already threw open the door to the vault and grimaced as I saw the same dusty sky as before I came here.

"Seems to be a parallel earth rather than an entirely new earth." I mumbled taking in the similar surrounding area's that matched the pre worked on vicinity of my bunker before we cleaned it up and made farmland out of it and I abused my life-oriented magic and was able to easily grow any crop at the expense of the nutrients in the ground.

"Are we androids cursed to remain bound to this dead world." White sighed through the connection, but I couldn't help but grimace as this was possibly the worse location for a first world as this had to be demoralizing.

Either way we quickly made our way to where the Resistance Camp was back in our main world, and we made amazing time as I was able to make solid platforms out of earth and carry us all through the sky.

Before we could enter I facepalmed seeing the duo exiting the Resistance Camp. "Is that us." 9S muttered seeing her old male body following 2B as she jogged out of the camp.

"They seem to be on a mission." I muttered seeing them running quickly in a certain direction.

"Should we introduce ourselves?" E6 quietly suggested.

It seemed the other androids agreed but I wasn't sure how similar this world was to my previous one. What if the androids absolutely hated humans for some reason? 'I don't think I could kill the doppelganger of a woman who wakes me up with blowjobs and ham, egg, and cheese sandwiches.' I thought thinking of 9S wanting to kill me for simply existing.

"Let's just follow them from above and if something happens that they cannot handle we will intercede." I announced and they agreed to my decision with the twins relaxing against me as I flew our little island in the air, but I was smart to camouflage the rock to match the dirty gray sky above us so unless they saw us at angle, they probably wouldn't notice us.

It was only when I saw the broken-down castle in the distance that I recalled in the original game that 9S 2B and A2 met and more importantly fought there at that castle.

Whelp lets watch the fireworks I couldn't help but think as I smiled wryly at the sight of both androids tearing there way through the castle it couldn't take any longer as the pivotal moment came as the duo stood next to the weird crib with the baby machine in it and with a loud clang a dirty and disheveled A2 slammed her sword through the baby robot and lifted the impaled robot on her sword as it squealed lightly but as she swung her sword violently to the side, the machine was thrown off and broke on contact with the stone walls of the castle.

I pulled the floating island down and in front of the broken window as we all heard 2B's pod announce that A2 was a fugitive of YoRHa and was slated for execution but even as 9S sought more information A2 already started the battle as she swung her large great sword at 2B who met her blow, but her strength was lacking comparison to A2's full strength as her model was built with only strength in mind and no defense.

"Yeah... Nope I am not watching this go on." I spoke and as I stood up, I pulsed my mana and the surrounding area, and even within the castle was coated in a purple haze as my gravity spell traded the pure power to crush goliaths in a small space with a large radius and brought the doppelganger androids to their knees as I floated using gravity magic on myself to become lighter than air.

"This is enough!' I called out and both all the androids looked at me in confusion at my abilities keeping them bound in place.

Before there pods could open fire upon me as they weren't affected by my gravity with their own magical flying system, I called out to the YoRHa people obviously listening. "Commander White come to the line now!"

Even with me clearly forcing him to his knees I could see 9S gawking at the sheer balls on me for calling out White and she didnt disappoint as her frosty voice came through 2B's pod. "Who are you interloper?" She questioned before seemingly backtracking. "Never mind, it doesn't matter just allow 9S and 2B to complete their mission and we can discuss compensation and your identity."

Yeahhhh no... My Commander White lost the majority of her pride after I managed to get a live stream into the space station for me to teleport into and I spent the next few days simply buried in her tight ass and doing my best to mind break her and succeeded into making her submissive to me at least unless it concerned my safety.

"Whitey don't make me teleport into your room and show all your subordinates how messy and uncared for your quarters are." For a moment there was pure silence as it seemed no one understood how I threatened basically to nark at how the commander of the world's strongest android group didnt clean her room.

But seeing how this wasn't going to get anywhere I stood beside 9S and cut off the gravity on him and then cut a small scratch onto my finger making drops of my blood fall into the shaking hand he raised in shock at seeing my ruby drops of blood on his hand.

"If you lick my blood, I am going to kick you..." I muttered seeing him bring the hand right under his eyes and close enough to his mouth.

"Cccoo- Commander!" He stuttered and then yelled as he was clearing scanning my blood. "Commander this is a living human. Here on earth!"

I could hear the pure confusion in Commander Whites voice as she asked for clarification. "Repeat that statement 9S." She ordered.

9S simply sat back on his haunches in elation as he stared up at me in worship till, he said "I sent the data..."

Seeing how A2 and 2B were heavily confused at my presence I made the rock I had floating outside come to the edge of the window and my girls jumped into the castle making all the doppelganger androids gawk in confusion.

As I went to speak, I released the gravity holding down 2B and A2 and I was right with my assumption as they didnt attack me or each other. "We are just temporarily in this world to explore but the A2 2B and 9S of my world are my androids and seeing a different version of them doing battle is highly discomforting."

The three androids behind me I mentioned smiled with pride as I called them my androids and I could see the pure jealousy in the doppelgangers even if the new A2 tried to bluster her way out of being mentioned. "Even if you are a human I wouldn't just 'be' your android" She snarled.

I gave my own A2 a helpless look as she snorted. "Yeah, well he wouldn't want you anyway. Look how filthy you are." I think she was actually telling her to clean up her attitude without either of them losing face but the doppelganger A2's stubborn nature rose up as she snarled at my A2 and it was only my hand glowing an ominous purple that dissuaded further combat.

"Wait is that experimental scout model in the back me?" The male 9s called out and I nodded as my 9S went over to talk to him and I relaxed against a pillar and pulled my own 2B into my lap and wrapped my arms around her stomach just beneath her breasts as my Commander White started talking to the native one here through our pods.

Ok so Asdo is being a whale and spent 50$ for me to write this omake and like the other one I will probably do a couple more updates to it within the next couple days.

Also thank you CarrotGlace for the support

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi or and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

Like I said before for 5 dollars i will do double uploads for a day <3

have a good night guys.

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Hey if you like this and want daily uploads please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi or and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

Like I said before for 5 dollars i will do double uploads for a day <3View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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