
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, JBukharin replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Re:Love (Re:Zero Love IF)


Chapter 7: Minion? No, friend!

Of all possible circumstances that could have come out from housing Barusu, this was the one Ram expected the least.

Of course, there wasn't much for her to predict with a lack of information that tied the half-witted young man to someone like the latest-discovered Dragon Priestess beyond Emilia and him mentioning how they had recovered the insignia and Reinhard had seemed interested in Lady Felt. Ram was in no mood to disrespect someone that enjoyed the Sword Saint's support, even though the younger girl wasn't fit to endure the duties that were now enforced to her.

Felt was no noblelady despite how rich and expensive that new dress of her was. Her hatred for it was just the tip of the iceberg as the former thief looked ready to just go full nude in due time by the very moment her irritation got the best of her. She couldn't blame her, not entirely, not when this situation unfolded so suddenly in her life. It felt awfully reminiscing of her own life. Except Felt was made of a tougher material and born through a harsher environment.

No, Ram blamed her for the reason of her visit which, if her earlier remark didn't confirm, was tied to Barusu.

"I want you to join my camp."

The offer, or rather 'demand', came out of the blue and without warning. Emilia had acted quite nicely up to that point, being the kindest a host could be before this abrupt visit. Even Felt noticed it due to her interesting way of sensing people's moods. They talked about what happened, and how thankful the shorter girl was towards Subaru for his heroic deed in protecting her.

The 'fancy-talk' as Felt was keen to dub came mostly from Reinhard, which fit well with the redhead's known chivalrous behavior. Everything was just going right... But when the topic was brought up, it felt like something had cracked. And no, it wasn't just the teacup that just a few moments before that sentence had been held by Lady Emilia as firmly and confidently as one could handle such a tiny and yet delicate object.

Rem hesitated to reach out and clean the mess, but Ram managed to confidently walk over the issue and deal with it herself. The pinkette couldn't blame her sister, not with how vicious Emilia's gaze had grown on the spot. It was truly terrifying how such a little derail in a conversation could lead to this kind of mood swing.

"Apologies, Lady Felt. But I believe that's quite the inopportune questions. Subaru works for the manor-"

"But he is not a member of your camp," Reinhard quipped, a supportive gesture towards Felt's plan despite what felt clearly as a very bold move.

There was no doubt in everyone's minds that this was a power play. Despite the clear interest to keep up a friendly behavior towards each other's camps, Felt wanted Subaru despite the fact he was fairly entrenched within the works of the main supported behind Emilia's campaign. It was disrespectful, but clever in setting up a legitimate capacity to handle difficult situation with such a determined outlook. Ram could tell this was why Reinhard supported this, but... Felt? As far as the maid could tell, for her the request was driven by simpler reasons

"Why?" Barusu asked, pretty much vocalizing the question many had danced around with their thoughts and refused to address. Red eyes glowed with interest at that and a giddy smile appeared on Felt's lips.

"Why? Well, you saved me. That should be enough, right?"

Truly? Yes. Ram almost nodded at that logic, regardless of its foolish simplicity. It was an abnormal line of thought, and quite expected from someone that was inexperienced

"Whaaat? You want me to have a role in your camp without even knowing what I can do?"

"Duh! I just want you in it because you saved me. Why should I care for that?"

"Lady Felt," Reinhard interrupted. "I think that Subaru is trying to say that, as I've already told you, it would be best to hire fitting elements before trying to pack your future court with people you don't seek to hire for meaningful position."

That should have been it. Yet Ram was quite irritated when it became clear that Felt's own interest over Barusu wasn't just one born from mere thankfulness. Not when she pressed through this in quite the childish manner.

"What if I wanted him to occupy an important role then?" The girl asked, glancing at her 'advisor/guard'.

"Then that would still require you asking for my qualifications,"

That stumped any interest to press through, but Subaru wasn't done.


The former thief, still annoyed, decided to still regal him a curious look. "Yes?"

"You don't exactly have to push for it just now. After all, I'm not even sure if I should involve myself in politics as of yet. I was hired just recently, and even though I am friend with Emilia, I don't feel that confident to be prepared for any higher position without endangering others. Sometimes we take a step back when we think we're unfit to do something, letting others do that because they are better at it and can do more to help."


That was actually an interesting view. It explained Barusu's attitude when it came to handle responsibilities, but it also connected to why he rejected becoming a servant to the manor. He was a man with a peculiar form of intelligence, that much Ram could admit at this point, but she felt even more relieved before the knowledge he was willing to not let this success smear his plans into something hideous and deadly for him and others.

"So, what you're saying is that I should be more careful with my picking and... listen to Reinhard?"

"Well yeah, did he say or do something which made him unworthy of trust?" Subaru inquired and Felt struggled with that counter-point.

"No, but-"

"Then why are you pushing him away like that? Yeah sure, he put you on a dress and you don't like, but technically you have all rights to dress as you want in your private so that shouldn't be a problem."

"I-I don't like it now," Felt rebuked and Subaru sighed. "What? It's not fair that I-"

"I don't like wearing fancy things at times, but if it's important you have to do it."

Her pout was interesting, but not as intense as her reaction would get at what came after that comment.

"Alas, I can't exactly join a camp just yet. I'm not planning to involve myself in politics, but I'm willing to help those that I consider my friends."

An odd light flickered in her red eyes, this time there was a deeper question within the small one she offered after that.

"And do you... consider me a friend?"

"Well, you're being nice and all. Plus, you don't seem like a bad person so... yeah, you're my friend too!"

A victory, Felt looked satisfied with that response from her relieved look and she didn't press on the matter anymore. Still, despite that 'save', the day was far from over as Felt decided to spend the night at the manor and enjoy most of it by following Subaru around. Like a little duckling chasing their mother and seeing the world just as much as the lone genitor would be willing to show them, with Felt learning of the Irlam Village, spotting a few kids and playing with them. It was all fun at the expense of the dress' integrity, and Reinhard's own 'happiness' from the tiny grimace settled on his face. A rare emotion for the young man to show, but quite pleasant considering how upsetting he had been towards Lady Emilia.

Speaking of the half-elf, if for a while the silver-haired woman had been relieved of that polite rejection, now she was facing an unpleasant wave of discomfort at the sight and thought of Felt cleverly trying to revert the refusal she just endured. A clever thief that didn't want to give up. Still, while the day was particularly pleasant with its clear resolutions and sky, there seemed to be something 'off' about the common sight the pinkette had grown familiar with. An element within the familiar scenery was no longer there for some reason.

...Is one of the children missing or was she imagining things now?


Meili Portroute wasn't having a fun time. Far from it.

Maybe it was because this wasn't the outcome she saw herself being turned to. Either victory or death, not the compromising setting she was in. In a dungeous by the manor's basement, shackled to chains connected to the wall and unable to do much but lash out with venomous spiels at Roswaal. He was the one she blamed the most, as an employer and backstabber.

He lied to her, he told her- them that this wouldn't have happened. And yet it didn't. It should have occurred to her that Elsa's assessment on the prerogatives established by the Margrave weren't without reason: he wanted this to be a test. Except Meili saw it was a test of power and intelligence. If that had been the case, then she had rightfully failed. Yet, she now knew it wasn't. She wasn't the subject of this test, she was part of it... against the true subject, which was Natsuki Subaru.

Despite her high expectations to find the young man to be as silly and inept as Elsa had painted him (ignoring the pleasant 'fragrance' she mentioned his blood had), Meili found it difficult to despise Subaru. He was kind even if buried by work, he was always willing to listen and liked to play with the kids.

Plus, his headpats were nice. And that was the only thing she was willing to give to that kind of mysterious power. How could a headpat matter so much. Sure, puppies loved it, and Meili liked when Elsa did that to her, but there was a touch of 'warmth' in Subaru's palm and the way they moved which stunned her into bliss at times.

So yes, not only she felt sad because she lost this 'battle', but because she also lost that warmth for the time being. Roswaal had already gone through a 'light' interrogation, inquiring quite strongly if 'attacking the children from the village' was the same as 'create a distraction to attract attention to her'.

Truth be told? No. Meili knew what she did was extremely foolish, but the Wolfgarm had been starving in the nearby forest. It felt so sad to leave them without nourishment and she felt it was just a mercy that she helped them. At the expense of the other kids. That truth she allowed out, leaving a saddened look on the clown's face and also forcing him to drop a 'threat' on her.

"I will soon send the best jailor I can think of. She will be exceeeeptionally good in dealing with your mood."

She scoffed at that thought. No one could crack her. Except Elsa. But surely- surely Elsa wasn't going to just allow that. The mere idea had her shivering in dread and... then that was no longer the case when the door finally opened, revealing who was going to be torturing her next.


"Hi Meili!" The ribbon-wearing girl answered happily. "How are you?"

Considering she was still bound by shackles to the wall she was pressing her back against? Glad that she hasn't been tortured. Yet.

"I-I'm good. Petra-chan, that scary clown told me he was going to do nasty things to me, you have to-"

"No, you're lying!" The brunette exclaimed, her tone raising with a hint of anger. "Subaru-niichan told me that you have tried to hurt me and the others."

"N-Niichan is just... uh... pranking us!"


Darn it! How can she sees through her clever lying so easily?!


"Roswaal-sama told me that you are an assassin. And that you were planning to also hurt Niichan."


"And that's stupid. And I don't like that you tried to hurt me, the others, and our Niichan."

Meili snorted. "That rich coming from someone that monopolize Niichan for herself."

"Well, it's your fault for not pressing on it too. Niichan is open for everyone, or was for you as you've been incredibly naughty."

"And what you're going to do about it?" The dark-haired girl remarked jokingly. "You aren't good enough to hurt others. How are you going to torture me? You're pathetic, Petra-chan!"

Despite the hurtful words, Petra smiled at her with a stranger tone. "Hmm? But I'm not the one meant to torture you, Meili-chan~."


"But you are-"

"I was told to just see how if you were willing to give up now before then telling nice lady Rem-chan how much she had to spank you."

Meili's bravado vanished instantly as the word 'spank' was brought up. "Spanking?"

"Yes. She has been given a paddle and was ordered to follow my precise orders on how much you had to be spanked."

Dread quickly accumulated to Meili's chest. She had never been spanked, and while she didn't see it as threatening as many children her age would see it, the notion that it was delivered through paddle and not naked palm confirmed that it wasn't going to be a fun ride for sure.

"P-Petra-chan, we can talk about this-"

"Rem-neechan! She will get 50!"

"N-No, wait-"

But Petra was soon out of that room, with the blue-haired Oni that had been guarding her closely smiling as she peeked over the door while grasping tightly at the paddle she was holding onto. That looked to be hardened wood. It was going to hurt way more than she had initially imagined.

The next few hours poor Meili had to handle quite the punishment, while Petra happily walked around the manor and was delighted when she stumbled on Subaru-niichan as he was busy working. A hint of sadness formed mid-headpats when he brought up that there had been a nice guest that played with the other kids, but he also mentioned that she wasn't going to be busy for the next time.

Petra was glad to hear that. Such a nice Niichan she ended up getting out of the blue.



By the time Petra is old enough, she will become an efficient and absolutely loyal agent of Barusu. Her payments? Through headpats and lap pillows.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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