
GOT - Part 3

The Grand Manor. Extradimensional Space.

"You're getting better" the Dark Slayer praised.

Faith and I were spending time sparring in the big dojo that had I installed here while altering the Grand Manor. I had a thousand square meters to play with when it came to deciding what my home looked like and that included being able to add entire floors as well as a basement level. As such there had been enough room to add a proper training area to the Grand Manor. Which was something all of us could use.

While the young Slayer wasn't the most emotionally sensitive person I'd ever met even she could tell that something was bothering me.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked.

Faith and I had been sparring with wooden staffs, and she'd been able to land far too many blows on me even if she was the Slayer because she was holding back. Add to that the fact I'd improved a lot with all sorts of weapons very quickly thanks to having a certain perk and a few teachers, and I should be doing better.

"I was just wondering if I'm doing the right thing giving Dawn so much freedom" I mentioned "I know that you were able to look after yourself at sixteen, but that didn't exactly end well".

Faith considered my words. Looking more introspective than I would have expected from her.

"I lost my Watcher and had to go on the run because of a monster," she said "I had no support, even from my own Watcher, never much money, and Buffy hated me from the start just because I got chosen as The Slayer. She had a sweet setup and I was living in a cockroach-infested motel yet everyone still loved her and they treated me like trash. Dawn has people looking out for her, somewhere really nice to live, and she's never going to have to steal just so she can eat".

My waifu made sense. Dawn was part me and part Faith, maybe some Buffy mixed in, and despite all the crap they went through both Buffy and Faith kept going even if they had to fight their ways out of a coma or their own graves. Dawn then should flourish under my guidance, limited as it was.

"Maybe it's a Dad or big brother thing" I mused.

I'd never been a father, but I'd had siblings so I knew it was natural to worry about those you had some responsibility for. I would just have to try to put her out of my mind and not worry so much. I had much to do in the future and I needed to be prepared for the adventures ahead.

"Let's keep going" I decided.

I would need warrior skills when I visited Westeros or no one would take me seriously. Being a merchant alone simply wouldn't get me any respect, at least not in the Seven Kingdoms. In Essos it would be a different story, they valued trade more highly.

"Oh, aren't we done yet?" she asked.

"You can't be tired already, can you?" I asked, "You have enhanced stamina".

The Slayer smiled when she looked me in the eyes.

"Believe me, I can go all night long," Faith said with a cheeky wink "something you should know since I always leave you worn out".

The Dark Slayer got closer to me and I smirked when I looked down at her. The white tank top she wore was so small that strained against her breasts and it was clear that she was wearing no bra. She didn't seem to need to wear a sports bra when training, must be some sort of unknown Slayer power.

As for the shorts she wore for exercising in might they as well be a second layer of skin given how tight they were. I couldn't resist grabbing hold of her fine ass as we began kissing.

Without warning, I grabbed Faith around her waist and pushed her against the nearest wall, the same wall she'd been forcing me to move towards while we trained.

I heard her moan as I bit her on the neck, and I felt her try to push me away, but I easily held her in place against the wall. Given that she didn't send me crashing onto the mats that meant she really wasn't trying to make me stop.

Before long I had my hands on her top and was soon yanking it up over the top of her head. Her young breasts and flat stomach were exposed to the cool air here in the dojo, but that wasn't why her nipples had become so pointy all of a sudden.

Faith returned the favour and reached for my top, and she got there after a while, but she didn't get to enjoy looking at the fine body that The Company had provided me with as I moved my head down so that I could enjoy her breasts with my mouth.

"We need a bed," Faith said "I can't stay standing up".

The Dark Slayer hadn't worked up a sweat and my new Time-Saver perk made sure that my body wasn't ever in need of cleaning so I didn't have to worry about putting anyone off with BO after a workout.

Knowing that we headed straight for Faith's bedroom, a space she'd found time to decorate in her own style. Which involved posters of rock bands and video game characters along with an inability to make use of the provided laundry basket.

"Fuck the foreplay, I need you in me now," the teen from Boston


She began to strip off the rest of her clothing, with my help.

"You're going to beg for this cock, or you're not going to get it," I told the young Slayer "Do you understand?"

She knew what do to and she made sure to use her best puppy dog eyes before speaking. I already feared the day that Dawn inherited them.

"Please, sir, I need your cock inside me" she begged, "Fuck your slave, good and hard".

I smiled and pushed my cock against her entrance. Very soon my dick was secure in her tight sheath. Her pussy greeted me with warmth and enough wetness to ensure that I slide and out without any trouble.

Faith closed her eyes and moaned as I started to fuck her.

"You knew I couldn't resist this pussy for long," I teased.

Slayers could work their bodies in ways other women were unable to. She could control her inner muscles to ensure that my cock got milked. There was no tender lovemaking when we got to bed. The Slayer liked it rough and when I was on top she just wished to be fucked.

"Yeah, I know," Faith said.

Before long I was hammering away at her tight pussy. Her inner walls hugged me tight as ever despite how aroused she had become. Her hairless pussy seemed to gush wetness as Faith called out my name. The whole training session had been some kind of foreplay for her so it didn't take much time for her to climax.

"Oh yes, Gothic!" she screamed.

Only once I was done did I roll off her and did my best to recover from the exercise I'd just finished doing.

"So round 2?" Faith asked.

Oh to have her stamina.

GOT - Part 4

The Pathfinder. Planetos.

Before setting sail I'd renamed the ship because its old name had been stupid and Pathfinder was a way better name for a ship being used to explore the unknown. I mean really who names an airship after a unit of temperature?

Exploring was what we were doing right now as the vessel flew over what seemed to be some pleasant looking uninhabited tropical islands rather like the terrain that made up my expanded extradimensional space. However, since this was Planetos I wouldn't assume they were safe, for all I knew they were home to entire races of deadly magical creatures who think humans are lower down in the food chain or cannibals.

"This is fun," I said, "Sipping champagne and flying through the skies of an alien world".

I'd christened the ship by throwing an expensive bottle of champagne at the hull before we took off because when it came to ships it was a good idea to respect the traditions. Normally you shouldn't rename them, but this was only a copy of the original that had been altered so I figured that she warranted a new identity.

"We have no idea where we are going or where we are" pointed out Amy from the station she shared with Tara "We're just wandering aimlessly".

I didn't see a problem with this.

"It isn't as if we have any kind of time limit," I said, "And we won't run out of supplies any time soon. Besides, best to keep things simple to start with.

No amount of theory can compare to practical experience and that's best gotten out here over the ocean where there's nothing to crash into".

My current thinking was to have them change stations sometimes so that they didn't too bored during long trips.

"The Pathfinder has some sort of auto-travel feature that can get us places fast" Fred explained "But there's nothing on the map yet".

That was one of the cool things about this airship. Once a place was on the map we'd be able to go there whenever we wanted so it was just a matter of filling in the map. Hence why wandering aimlessly wasn't such a bad idea.

"What are you two working on?" Dawn, who'd decided to sit on my lap, asked Cameron and Faith "It looks important".

The cyborg and the Slayer were going over the read-outs at what I thought of as the tactical station while looking over a blueprint for something.

"I was discussing with Faith how to convert one of our missiles into a low-yield nuclear weapon" Cameron answered "If it isn't feasible I will need to construct a suitable launcher for a nuclear bomb".

Okay, I'd not been expecting that.

"I can understand some of it," said Faith.

Thanks to the special training.

"You want to make nuclear weapons?" asked a shocked sounding Tara "Why?".

Given her gentle nature, I could understand her sounding as if she objected to the mere idea.

"The Night King's army" replied Cameron "Even if the White Walkers can't be terminated with sheer force the wights can be destroyed this way.

Without an army, they will be much easier to eliminate".

It could work since the blast from a nuclear bomb is the result of X-rays heating the air to temperatures normally only found on the surface of the sun. That should be more than enough to destroy every wight in the undead army. Cameron confirmed that I was thinking along the right lines soon enough.

"The Hiroshima fireball was 370 metres or 1,200 ft in diameter," she told everyone "And even if the entire undead army isn't directly consumed by the fireball they should be destroyed by the rapid increase in temperatures even outside of the blast radius".

Not to mention the shockwave that could demolish entire buildings.

"Jon Snow takes down a wight by throwing an oil lamp at it," I let everyone know "There's no way they'll withstand kilotons of explosive force. Then there are the other world-ending threats we might meet in the future we might need that kind of firepower".

I thought about what Cameron had said when speaking about the effects of her planned weapon.

"Are you thinking of recreating the Little Boy?" I asked.

A rather scary thought.

"It will depend on how much uranium I can find," she told me "Since we lack the automated missile production feature for this vessel I will need to need to manually build every weapon".

Assuming that this world had any uranium Cameron just had to find it and then dig it up as it wasn't like anyone on this planet had any use for it. This was something that could be made easier with the right equipment.

We weren't exactly in any kind of rush unless the Walkers were currently laying siege to Winterfell and my airship's conventional weapons should be enough to decimate the Walker army even without going nuclear.

"You'll need to purchase the Warehouse Feature for your extradimensional space" requested my Terminator "I'll need a secure space that I can properly shield".

Yes, best to avoid giving anyone cancer.

"I guess this Little Boy isn't as harmless as it sounds" stated Amy.

You could say that.

"Little Boy is the name given to the nuclear device that was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 during World War II. It was the first nuclear weapon used in warfare. It had a blast yield of 15 kilotons of TNT if I remember correctly".

Cameron didn't correct me so I must have been right.

"To put it simply if you hit Sunnydale with a Little Boy you'd have to remove the town from the map afterwards as it would be gone," I told the group "That's the kind of firepower you need to destroy cities".

It also might crack open the Hellmouth so I wouldn't ever nuke that place.

"The only reason I'm allowing Cameron to go ahead with making one or more of our own is that the White Walkers want to kill all human life on this planet and bring about an ice age" I informed the group "Even then it would only be used if the undead army was grouped together in once place. Throwing nukes around is never wise. They are best used as weapons of last resort to quickly end a war".

Well, Bran suggests that is what they want. We never actually find out for sure what the Walkers want in the show and the book series will never be finished.

"So you'd only ever use one to save the world?" asked Tara.

That should be the case.

"Armies made up of humans don't need to be nuked you just have to make them realise that they need to run away or surrender," I said to Tara "Our laser cannons and normal missiles will be more than enough for that. Better one bloody battle than a whole war and it has proven to work. An entire kingdom surrendered to Aegon the Conquerer rather than face dragons and this ship is more deadly than any dragon. Although we have to demonstrate the firepower of this airship at least once to get people to stop fighting when it makes an appearance".

I was now thinking more about weapons.

"Cameron, what are the chances that you can make some sort of laser or plasma weapon that we can use on the wights if can't just nuke them all?" I asked, "We don't need to mass produce them I just want enough for us and the crew. Could be something useful to have against vampires and wights.

I've not forgotten about those uber-vamps back in Sunnydale".

The cyborg took a moment to think this through.

"I do have the designs for models of Phased Plasma Rifles in my memory" she replied "However the technology required to make such weapons would have to be recreated. I could do it with the Warehouse feature, certain technologies that can be purchased in 1999 and enough time".

That sounded good to me and my Company smartphone had just been given a mission that get me part of the way to gaining the points required for that feature.

"The Company is offering five points for the death of Ramsay Snow before he kills his brother" I mentioned to everyone "No problem with doing that as he's a right bastard in every sense of the word".

I didn't know Domeric Bolton was a character in the show. He must be killed before we started seeing events from the show. Not that it mattered as I wanted those five points and Ramsay Snow wasn't worth moralising over. I cared more about the fact that this mission's existence let me know that I was in this world before King Robert's death.

"Sounds like a job for an assassin," said Black Widow.

Once I'd filled in her with the details she should be able to handle it.

"Ramsay is a total sadist" I explained to the group "His hobbies include flaying people, castrating prisoners, hunting humans for sport, and feeding people to his dogs regardless if they are dead or not".

Oddly no one objected to me signing Snow's death warrant. Not even sweet Tara, who might still be working through the idea of us being able to nuke people. To be fair that was a lot to take in, but why not plan big, you never knew when you'd need to nuke an undead army and their icy masters.

"Set course for the North!" I commanded.

That would have sounded way cooler if anyone knew where that was. We didn't even know which was east or west because the sun was so high in the sky. We didn't have anything local to use for a locator spell and even if we could see the stars they'd be unfamiliar to us.

At least I did know that the sun sets in the west because Westeros is sometimes referred to as the Sunset Kingdoms by people in Esso.

"My internal compass is working" informed Cameron while pointing "North would be that way".

Not as helpful as it sounded since we could half around the world from Westeros and Fred seemed to agree given her mumblings.

"Go North-West" I instructed "Hopefully we're somewhere in the Summer Sea".

Sooner or later we'd find civilization and hopefully some maps. Maybe some sailors could explain how they navigate this world.

<< Index >>

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GOT - Part 5

Ruins of Valyria. The Smoking Sea.

I might have been right about the islands that my airship had been flying over when we left the extradimensional space being full of dangerous magical creatures. Assuming that we had indeed gone north-west and if my mental map was correct then the Basilisk Islands were south-east of Valyria.

Although I could be wrong I hoped not and that if we kept going in the same direction we should travel over the most western parts of Essos before crossing the Narrow Sea. After that, if all went to plan we'd find ourselves in Westeros and from that point on we just needed to head North and stop if we saw The Wall.

My thinking was that if we lower once we were in the North then we should be able to make out the King's Road and simply follow it. Or maybe we'd follow the coast and end up at White Habour or Gulltown. From there we could purchase maps.

It might be worthwhile stopping off at Braavos and stepping up an account at the Iron Bank between looking for maps and any books we could find on navigation. I had plenty of options for the near future.

What mattered here and now is that we'd found the ruins of Valyria, also called Old Valyria, what remained of the Freehold. I currently stood in a long-dead city, the corpse of what was once the capital of a great empire of dragonlords. I gambled on finding something, or maybe even many things, of value while here.

This civilization was destroyed by a cataclysmic event known as the Doom of Valyria about a century before Aegon's Landing and the following conquest. What triggered that event was unknown, and there were many theories including the idea that dark magic was involved. I didn't know that was true, but I certainly wouldn't rule it out.

Despite my Wild Defence which protected me and my waifu from hazardous places, Cameron had been very insistent about everyone who was leaving the airship wearing proper protective clothing and a gas mask to filter out harmful fumes. Given that magic could have mutated life around here then the extra protection as wise.

"Are you my Mommy?" I asked Cameron.

It was impossible to resist making the Doctor Who reference while wearing a gas mask that looked as it come from that era. It was made from rubber and metal, and it was something she'd acquired along the way. She even wore one which was odd given her lack of lungs, but I assumed she had good reasons, and there was no harm in being careful.

"No" the cyborg answered simply.

I didn't think that even the Stone Men, those who were driven mad by having the greyscale disease cover their entire bodies, could survive here, but that was no excuse to go unarmed as such we all carried pistols and Widow had her assault rifle as well.

"Can you hear me?" I said to Fred.

Their chockers could act as communication devices as they were linked to my Smartphone. They were less limited than having radios, and while I hadn't intended to separate myself from most of the group, this seemed like a good time to test the feature.

"Sorry I was looking at Cameron's blueprints," said Fred after a slight delay "Are you okay?".

That made sense as while Faith was the airship's tactical offer it would be logical for my cyborg to seek out the aid of a physicist now that she had my approval to build some nuclear bombs and had run the idea past Faith as well who would be the one to actually fire such a weapon.

"I think this place has already been nuked" I commented "No need for us to add to this mess".

It was radioactive enough here to have once been the site of a nuclear strike, but Cameron assured me that even a normal human could withstand these levels for a time and we all had perk protections as well. Even with those it made sense to leave most of my waifu on the airship sincee we didn't know how much weight these structures could withstand. A team of three seemed best and I really wanted to see what was left here.

"Not this is the design for the whisky distillery," she told me.

I'd requested that she look into that as I recently thought about selling the design and knowledge behind making whisky to the Starks so that they could start brewing some Winterfell Whisky. The idea amused me.

"Now's not the time" I gently chided "I need you on Overwatch".

Not that there was much she could do if we did run into trouble as firing the weapons would kill us as surely as the Stonemen or any other creatures nearby and moving the ship would only cut off our means of escape.

I felt fairly certain that the waters around were somewhat acidic and that nothing could live this far inside the city if the lack of vegetation was anything to go by. The air shouldn't be breathable for normal humans without something to filter out some nasty gases, but that might not matter if magic got involved.

"Amy and Tara are handling that" Fred assured me "They're reporting no signs of life in your area, but the witches are still getting bad mojo feelings about this place".

There were risks if magic was involved, and so it was good that Tara knew about Wiccan cleansing rituals that helped purge the body of the taint left behind by certain magics. This along with her respect for magic as a powerful tool and not as a toy, would be why she never got hooked on dark magic unlike Willow and Amy in the show.

I fully intended to follow her good example when it came to the mystic arts as Tara was a very powerful witch and she never flayed anyone.

"And what is Dawn doing?" I dared to enquire.

I really hoped that she wasn't planning to follow.

"She's keeping your seat warm," Fred told me.

As long as she stayed out of trouble.

"Okay we are heading into one of the towers," I told my waifu "We shouldn't get cut off since this communication method can work across dimensions".

Or so the Smartphone app claimed.

"There's a set of stairs here that go down into the dark" I let Fred know.

Cameron dropped a flare and we saw that it went a long way down.

"If anything of value survived here it will be underground" my cyborg insisted "The dragonlords might have had vaults for their treasures that could have withstood The Doom".

I could see the logic in that as if this tower was still standing then anything beneath it wouldn't have been buried by rubble and the dragonlords had a special stone for making secure vaults. I didn't know how we'd break into one of those without the key, but it was still worth trying.

"Okay so let's head down," I said.

This had better be worth it.

<< Index >>

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Today at 1:58 PMReport

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Ruins of Valyria. The Smoking Sea.

Every room we went through on our way down contained nothing other than stone and ash. There was nothing of value found so far, yet I could feel the power here despite me not being as sensitive to magic as either of my witches. We had to keep going.

As Cameron predicted we did find something of value on the lowest level only as we didn't know what it was since it we'd come across a vault. It was hard to tell since our torches only provided a limited amount of light, although I didn't think Cameron's glowing eyes had that problem.

"I think this made from Valyrian stone" I mentioned "It's basically impossible to break into unless you have the key".

Which could be anywhere or lost to time, buried under the rubble.

"Is this it?" asked Black Widow.

I took the key and it did look as if would fit the lock.

"Well that was convenient" I commented.

I heard Widow make a snorting noise.

"Not for him," she said while pointing at the remains of a human skeleton "He must have been trying to get inside when he died".

It wouldn't have helped since he would have limited air once inside the vault. They would have suffocated once they left anyway due to the levels of toxic gas that still hadn't lowered to non-lethal levels here, but people don't tend to think about those sort of things when they are in a panic.

"She" corrected Cameron "That was a human woman".

I'd take her word on that.

"Okay let's see what's behind door number 1," I said.

Cameron took the key from me and opened the door after pointing out the possibility of booby traps. There either weren't any or they'd stopped working sometime in the last few hundred years.

My cyborg went into the vault first and soon declared that it was safe for me to step into. When I did go inside all I could do for a while was just stand and stare as I could have sworn I'd stepped inside a Gringotts vault belonging to a very wealthy pureblood family that was combined with a noble lords armoury.

There were piles of coins resting alongside stacked bars of gold, and hanging up on the walls were Valyrian steel weapons. Four longswords, an equal number of daggers.

"I must be rolling natural 20s on my luck checks" I whispered to myself.

Just one of those swords could get me a big favour from Tywin Lannister, such as my own lordship like the lands and castle of one of those houses he destroyed perhaps? I didn't think I'd need more gold.

"This was totally worth the risk" I mentioned.

There were horns as well. I wondered if they were the kind of horns used to control dragons if they were just warhorns to be sounded in battle. There were also some rings, necklaces, that sort of thing that had a dragon theme about them.

I stopped at a human-sized mirror that showed a poor reflection. It seemed out of place until I recalled how expensive mirrors could be in a fantasy setting. I decided to leave it as for some reason it felt really creepy. Maybe it was cursed.

"Guess you won't be doing any trading," remarked Widow "You can live like a king for the rest of your life with the contents of this room".

I'd do some trading anyway as I was biologically immortal and becoming harder to kill in ways other than by ageing all the time. Besides, I needed something to do with my time that wasn't studying and travelling around as a wealth trader was good cover for the acquiring of waifu. Company points were worth more than any amount of gold.

"I'm going to need my own vault" I mentioned.

Shame that I didn't know how to make the special stone or I'd have one dug into the ground in the extradimensional space.

"With this kind of money we could set up our own kingdom" I mused.

There was also an entire shelf of thick tomes which while fragile were still intact enough to be transported into my pocket dimension.

"Give me enough time and I can translate those for you" offered Cameron

"They'll be easier to read in Portable Document Format".

I had to smile at Cameron.

"Everyone should have their own sexy cyborg companion" I stated.

As we looked around some more I recorded everything with my Smartphone, as that could also be a camera (which for some reason I'd not realised before despite wishing I had a camera more than once since becoming a Contractor) as I did my eyes fell upon the most wondrous of sights. It was a suit of black armour, but not just any armour, it had the same ripple pattern as the swords.

It was a suit of Valyrian steel armour. Until today, I'd been aware that this

was a real thing and I was fairly sure I'd seen some artwork of the real Euron Greyjoy, not that pretender from the series, wearing something similar to what I saw now.

"This has to be the vault of one of the more powerful dragonlords," I said.

House Targaryen wasn't the most important noble house in the Freehold if I recalled correctly and they'd had two Valyrian steel swords so it made sense that a more powerful family and likely older family would have a lot more of the metal. The armour was black and silver not black and red which were Targaryan colours.

As awesome as it would be to wear that armour and carry a Valyrian steel sword into battle none of it compared to what Cameron found at the back of the vault. When I saw it I was rendered speechless.

It was a dragon's egg. A freaking dragon's egg and was just sitting here for me to claim.

Like the armour, it was black and silver in colour and it looked more like a big fancy stone than an egg, but I knew how to hatch them and the knowledge of how to tame them could be written in those books I'd already recovered.

"Fuck me" I swore "Forget a kingdom I could conquer all of Westeros with this and my Tempest Jewellery".

I wouldn't because I wouldn't be sticking around, but I could put someone else on the throne to rule for me, I'd see how it went. I needed to focus on acquiring points more than anything else.

And also on having my own dragon because my inner child would never forgive me I didn't hatch a dragon when given the chance.

I shall be The Father of Dragon! No wait that sounds silly. Maybe The Last Dragonlord?

<< Index >>

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Today at 5:18 PMReport

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GOT - Part 7

Beach. An Island Near Valyeria.

I looked over the report that Widow had put together and sent to my Smartphone. It was an inventory of all the loot we'd gotten from Valyeria before we'd left that doomed place so as to find somewhere peaceful for the ritual that would return dragonkind to this world.

While I'd been doing my research and training others had spent days just exploring the city and breaking into vaults, which is easier to do when you have a Terminator as they are very good at finding weaknesses and they know how to explosives very well.

"So we have ten Valyrian steel swords, eight of which are longswords, one short sword, and one great sword, three times as many daggers all made from the steel and dragonbone" I read out "A Valyrian steel spear and a battleaxe. Along with a dragonbone bow".

That was just the weapons.

"One set of armour, a small library worth of books that Cameron is translating for us. A Valryrian steel ring, that only fits me" I said.

I looked at the ring which was a rather plain-looking bit of metal compared to other stuff we'd found but I liked it so I wore it.

"Two sets of golden candle holders" I read on "Along with a collection of rings, necklaces, pendants, amulets, horns, coins all of which we can't value and some of which has gone missing".

Well, my harem is entitled to a share of the bounty. Amy and Tara should be able to detect any curses on the stuff and if it made my girls happy to play princess with real treasure then that was fine with me. It wasn't as I was lacking in fancy stuff.

"Only the gold, jewels and steel survived," said Natalie "We didn't even find any more dragon eggs and the only books we found were secure in the vaults".

Shame I figured that some of my girls might want their own dragons. Perhaps we'd find more later on Dany get's three of them at her wedding so there must be more of them about.

"Oh and I translated the symbols on the blade," Amy said to me, "The sword's name doesn't translate directly into English, the closest we could come up with is Lightbringer".

That name got my attention.

"I'm sure that it's not the Lightbringer used by Azor Ahai," I reasoned.

I felt certain that the sword I'd started carrying around with me, which had a nice ruby in the hilt and a dragon's head pommel, was just named after that sword as the legend predates Valyeria civilization by centuries.

"Who's Azor Ahai" Amy asked.

I explained to her how Azor Ahai was a legendary hero who wielded a burning sword called Lightbringer. According to tales spoken by the followers of R'hllor, he was supposed to banish the darkness and save the world. Standard hero package.

It was unknown if Azor Ahai is the same guy who stars in the Westerosi legend of the Last hero or if that fellow is someone else. If he existed then he lived during the Long Night and helped defeat the Others by forging a sword he tempered with his wife's blood when he stabbed her in the heart.

Those figures of myth could both be based on a real person, and the stories say that the hero would return one day as the Prince Who Was Promised to save the world once again.

I knew that fans of the show and books believed that several different people could fulfil that role and slay the Night King, thus ending the Second Long Knight. Not that this happened in the show. Unless Arya Stark is the reincarnation of Azor Ahai and her dagger was somehow Lightbringer.

"Is someone trying to force me into a role?" I wondered.

How would that even work? I was supposed to be protected against higher powers so I checked the wording of the Trace Defence to discover that it only worked against hostile or neutral parties and might not stop someone like the Lord of Light from pushing me in a certain direction if he thought would help both of us. That was what Destiny Defence was for.

Maybe I should borrow 50 points and get Destiny Defence? If I did it would be after I hatched the dragon as I might need the Lord of Light's help, assuming it was him, to aid me with this. Not that I was going to go about spreading his faith in return. Although I would nuke the Night King.

"Fire and blood," I whispered.

They were the key to hatching a dragon, the words of House Targaryen were more meaningful than anyone realised. I'd marked the egg with my blood and built a bonfire. No one was happy about me burning a live goat, but it was a sacrificial goat and would have ended up dying soon enough anyway in one of Wolfram and Hart's attempts to appease some powerful demon.

"Only death can pay for life," I said to myself.

The ritual that Cameron had translated for me and then uploaded to my Smartphone, so that I could access the secrets of Valyria in an easy to read format, described the ritual used to hatch a dragon's egg while bonding the unborn dragon to the rider.

It wasn't complex, you just needed some blood on the egg and then burn it along with an animal sacrifice. Thankfully you didn't need to burn a live human you just had to pay a life so as to get a life. I might not get a big scary-ass beast like Dany's Drogon, and I'd happily settle for a dragon that I could ride.

"I'm so glad you aren't burning a person," remarked Amy.

Having thought about it for a while, I wasn't sure if I could have actually done that as I didn't really need my own dragon. We should be able to nuke the Night King, and even a dragon's egg was valuable, yet I wanted this to work because I so wanted to fly on the back of my own dragon.

Only Amy and Widow had actually come down to watch the Hatching, the others were too nervous or upset about the damn goat. I was surprised that Faith didn't want to watch as she wouldn't worry about some animal. Then again we had been busy and unlike me, she needed to sleep for more than six hours out of every 24 so she could just be worn out and she'd get to the dragon soon enough if this worked.

"Yeah I didn't Tara or Dawn would ever forgive me for that" I commented, "I think Fred would have been angry about it too".

Black Widow would be practical about it. As for Faith, she'd worked for the Mayor so she'd take it in stride and Cameron simply wouldn't care. Having a mix of practical and some soft-hearted people should stop me from doing anything outright evil.

I wondered if R'hllor, assuming that god even existed, and his fanatic slave Melisande would be aware of what happened here as even my Trace Defence kept us out of sight when dealing with mystics and higher power I don't think they would miss the birth of a dragon.

"Okay let's get this show on the road," I said "Time to become a Dragonlord".

Hopefully, I'd get some points for that.

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