Commissioned by Abdulla
Tags: One Piece, SI,
Noblesse Privilege
Chapter 1
A coin glistened in the moonlight as it flew up, hovered for quarter of a second, and then fell back down. It fell into an awaiting palm, and after a quick spin and twist between nimble fingers, found itself flipped into the air once again.
The gold coin spun in the air almost leisurely, slowly making flips without any sense of haste.
Its value would have staggered most who lived in the four oceans. This one single coin had enough value in it to buy multi-million hectares of land if not outright chunks of entire nations.
Oh, this gold coin was not a currency used by the nobility or the world government. No, it was something far more sublime than that. This coin was a direct invitation from a World Noble to anyone outside of Mary Geoise to come and visit. I held it because I was debating what I should do with it.
I didn't receive it but rather I was the one who was debating on handing it out.
Because you see, I was a World Noble.
And I cared very little about the state of the world right now. What I cared about was Nefertari Vivi.
See, I met her years ago in one of the Levelys, which was a gathering of fifty most powerful and influential national leaders of the one hundred forty or so that existed in this world. I, who was having problem connecting my new life as a World Noble and my previous life in the distinctly non-aristocratic United States of America, found myself enamored with her the first time I met her.
I was only fifteen then and twenty-five now.
So yeah, I fell in love with one of the moore notable and beautiful individuals from this world. What's so special about that? Shit ton of reincarnated people fall in love and get married.
And I did want to get to know her better. I was mature enough to know that just because I loved her from afar that she might have the same feelings.
I mean, when I met her eight years ago, she scolded me for being a bully (I was kicking a cat that ate my hamster, okay?!) despite the fact that I was nine years her senior, but that's what meeting and learning about the other person was for; to see if we were compatible.
See, the problem laid there within.
She should be turning sixteen soon, but from what I remembered of this world, and really the One Piece manga, she would leave the comforts of her palace to work undercover in her efforts to discover Warlord Crocodile's schemes for her country.
I slumped in my seat.
If I sent this and a formal invitation, then I might as well shout at the top of the Empty Throne that Vivi was a spy.
No, to meet her, I needed to go in person so as to not unnecessarily endanger her.
After all, who would dare to harm a World Noble?
(Note: a rich World Noble with a substantial military backing would not be harmed. A clueless and naive World Noble who walked by themselves into a slum without help would be harmed because the common people hated the World Nobles for good fukcing reasons.)
I straightened back up and nodded to myself. "Yes, I will do that."
But before I left Mary Geoise, I needed to face my greatest enemy first.
Outside of the master's curtained room, two maidservants - one new and one veteran - watched the scene, one with alarmed confusion and the other with resigned indifference.
"What's master doing?" Sammy asked her senior in the master's palace staff.
The older lady, Maria, hummed. "Our master is weird."
"I mean, I knew that. What other World Noble buys slaves by the boatload and then frees them?"
Their master, Geoffrey Goldman Achstein vel Monstrathum, stood out among the World Nobles so much so that almost everyone in the world had heard his name if not for his generosity then for his eccentricity.
It wasn't wrong to call him the richest World Noble in the world. Unlike the frivolously spendthrift World Nobles, he was a frugal spender with a brain for wise investments - and sometimes a scrooge. Because he didn't spend a billion beri for a single slave like most World Nobles did in buying slaves, he had a lot of money to instead donate to charities and orphanages after he saved most of it in his savings and investments.
It was how both Maria and Sammy, formerly unwanted slaves for being so starved and stick thin (and thus cheap), found themselves as his slave for all of a day before being freed and offered help they needed.
Sammy knew that at least a thousand slaves owed their lives to him.
Maria knew that at least a million slaves owed their lives to him.
And he still had money to spare because he wasn't a clueless World Noble.
What other World Noble drops a million beri to orphanages in remote kingdoms?
At the same time, he was truly eccentric.
"MY EYES!" her master shrieked like a cat as he crawled on the floor of his palace, writhing like a worm in rain. "REEEEEEE!!!!!"
"Good morning, master. Your reports for the East Blue kingdoms are ready and awaiting in your solar."
He paused and quickly stood back up as tears flowed down his cheeks. "Ah, thank you, Maria. Good morning to you, too," he responded as if he hadn't been putting on a show just now for a total of two. "How are the children?"
"Roto is doing well as a Marine Commander and Hassi received her three-hundredth offer of marriage."
"Ugh. Have you looked over them all yet?"
"I have not, master."
Sammy glanced at Maria while keeping her head bowed.
"Well, if you find one that's good, ask her if she wants to arrange a meeting. If not, burn it all and send the usual reply."
"Of course," Maria smiled gently. "Shall we bring your usual fare or will you be opting for something more fitting of your royal personnage, master?"
"My usual, please."
Maria sighed, which made Sammy jerk in surprise. Maria was being too casual with a World Noble!
"Master, I say this every morning -"
"For the last decade, yeah, yeah," he grumbled.
She continued as if he hadn't spoken as they began to move towards the dining hall. "- but a cup of coffee, a slice of ham, fried common mushrooms, and half a loaf of milk bread is not something a World Noble should be getting used to. Think of how your peers will respond if they learn of it."
"They already know it, and those dipshits don't know anything about maintaining a healthy finance," he growled with a bit more energy even as his eyes continued to shed tears. "If they didn't spend a million beri for each of their breakfast every single morning, then they would have even more money, but nooooo common sense is too much for their itty bitty brains."
The guards at the end of the hallway bowed and then opened the doors to the dining hall.
… It was a small dining hall, not like the rest of the -.
Wait, wasn't this the staff dining hall?!
Sammy watched as her master, a tall man of twenty-five with brimming muscles, sat down on one of the benches and waited. As if it was normal and routine (it probably was from what she just heard), a cook came out of the kitchen with a plate of food, a fork on top of the plate, and two cups in his other hand.
He set them all down and waited.
Master glared impotently at the cook and Maria and then at the second cup of … water?
"Think of your muscles, master. Must they be subjected to eternal torture of being part of a body unwilling to partake in proper hydration?"
"Any other World Noble would have executed you for that," he grumbled as he picked up his fork.
"Then it is good to me that I am serving the best World Noble of them all."
To Sammy's surprise, master blushed.
He blushed!
And began eating.
Maria smiled, the cook smiled, and Sammy stuttered quietly in shock.
This was wholly not what she was expecting at all.
The greatest enemy to be defeated was, after all, my hunger.
Index >>
Last edited: Feb 23, 2022
Feb 23, 2022Report
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Chapter 2
The eccentricities of a World Noble came from the fact that they possessed a wholly insulated and spoiled paradigm of the world. To the World Nobles who lived in Mary Geoise atop the Red Line, the world was their oyster and no one else had a say in it.
While perhaps that their power wasn't completely almighty or far stretching, the Marines of the World Government gave them enough pull to do most things.
That said, even among the World Nobles, there was a man whose eccentricities set him apart from the rest.
"MY EYES!!!!"
Geoffrey Goldman Achstein vel Monstrathum.
The most generous and richest of the World Nobles.
Unfortunately, he too was an eccentric with a flair for drama.
"Lord Tenrybito."
The World Noble, who technically controlled twelve different kingdoms spread throughout the world, looked up from where he had been rolling on the deck of the galleon.
The World Noble took the proffered item and slipped it on.
"... Thank the Heavens for sunglasses!"
Tenrybito vel Monstrathum's foremost bodyguard and chief of securities Luponte sighed as he stood back up.
He still couldn't believe that he left the Marines to take care of this youngster. He could have been a vice admiral by now.
"Now get up. You're being a disgrace."
A normal bodyguard to a normal noble, nevermind a World Noble, would have been summarily executed, if not worse.
But then again, Luponte would not joined the service of his current master if he thought that was how his life would turn out.
The still sniffling and tear-streaming World Noble pushed up from the deck and stood forlornly with a hanging head.
"I'm a disgrace to everything!" he sobbed like a child.
"Will you stop your self-induced depressive episode? You don't even have depression. Your doctors checked."
"But why does it hurt so much?!"
Yes, he just slapped a World Noble upside the head.
No, he was not going to get punished for it.
The rest of the crew chuckled and laughed at the comedy playing in their midst during their work.
"We're only a day away from Alabasta. Shouldn't you be doing your best to make yourself good? Or, I don't know, thinking of ways to seduce that girl you like?" he asked.
He never understood why Geoffrey didn't take any of the noble girls or ex-slave girls who threw themselves at him. Sure, he kept a few around as servants and staff at his palace, but he never even gave them more than a cursory glance.
He was always focused on one girl, who he never met more than once, and hasn't shifted that focused at all.
"Princess Neferati might not like it if I'm too creepy," the World Noble mumbled.
"Ha? Are you not even going to do the basic research on the girl you supposedly like?"
"I don't want to come off as a stalker!"
"Fool! You are a World Noble! It is normal among them, regular nobles, and royalties to do proper research on their prospective partners! Where was you-"
He quickly stopped himself.
Yeah, there was a reason why Geoffrey turned out to be wonderfully eccentric and eccentrically wonderful.
He too was an orphan.
His parents were one of the World Nobles who died at the hands of Fisher Tiger when that crazy fishman assaulted Mary Geoise all those years ago.
It … actually made Luponte wonder why Master Geoffrey did not hate fishmen.
"MAMA!" young Geoffrey screamed as he tried to scramble forward, but Luponte, strong but not strong enough, held his young master back while his employer and his wife's bodies hit the ground with wet, sickening thuds.
Fire raged all around them.
Fisher Tiger glared at them.
Luponte glared back while he cradled a sob-wrecked master in his arms.
Luponte certainly did. He hated the fishmen. He hated them all. They were fucking savages.
Luponte snapped out of his thoughts when he heard master call out.
He looked down and saw his master, a young man with the circular sunglasses he gave him, look up at him.
"You looked like he were thinking of something bad."
"Ohhh, Sasuke-sama!"
"Why do you call me that every time I grunt? And can you not say it without swaying your hips like some swooning girl?!"
"Because it's perfectly wrong!"
Luponte sighed. "You make no sense, master. You've never even met a 'Sasuke' in your life. I would know. I was there for your entire life!"
"Nyeh nyeh nyeh!"
Luponte wanted to punch his master, but that would set a bad example for his subordinates.
"... Why her, anyways? You've had more than a fair share of good girls show you their interests."
"Bah," Geoffrey grunted. "My heart only belongs to Vivi!"
"Until she rejects you."
Master's entire proud and loud form collapsed, his arms flopping and head hanging.
"... Ugh."
And began sobbing again.
"Yeah, see. If you keep doing this, there's no way a normal girl would even consider letting you date her. It's embarrassing."
Which only made him cry more, and it was the ugly crying filled with snot and streams of tears.
"... You are ridiculous."
And just like a switch, Geoffrey's water show ended on the spot and he rushed to the front deck of the galleon, Your Mystery Boxness.
He followed his master up to the front deck, and they saw a tiny dot appear on the horizon, and realized that they were alone for now.
"... I have reports."
Master hummed. "Let's hear it."
"Donquixote Doflamingo's pirate crews raided one of your allied kingdoms in the New World and enslaved half a thousand people. The Kingdom of Mara wants to retaliate, but they know that they don't have the means."
"So they want me to retaliate on their behalf."
"I'll think about it."
That was master's way of saying 'no.'
"Your investigation into Crocodile's operations has been completed. We now have the means to publicly oust the snake from the Seven Warlords, which not only opens up a spot but also allows us to hunt him and his Baroque Works down."
"Princess Neferati Vivi's three sizes are -."
Luponte snorted. "You'll see those sizes anyway. From what I read, Alabastan royalties don't really hide much when they dress up."
Was that drool on Geoffrey's lips?
Naughty boy.
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Feb 23, 2022Report
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VagabondI trust you know where the happy button is?
Noblesse Privilege
Chapter 3
I knew not why the ancestors of the Nefertari family decided that this place was a great place to have their kingdom. I wanted to ask them how they came to this land and then why they came to consider the desert island their home.
Because the moment I stepped on their island nation, I knew I would hate this place if not for the instability currently plaguing this nation then for the sands that snuck in with each step.
"Milord, are you sure this is the place you want to venture into?" Luponte asked me while standing next to me.
My grand galleon had anchored in the river that flowed right next to the nation's major port town, Nanohana. This was neither the capital nor the main place that a World Noble like myself would step foot into, but then again, I was not a regular World Noble.
"It's fine~!" I chuckled childishly. "I mean, you're with me, right?"
"And this place has to be crawling with Crocodile's agent as well," he whispered. "I do not mind fighting the man, but I would avoid it from the start if it is possible. You and I both know that he is a greedy man, and a World Noble like yourself at his mercy is something he will delight in ransom."
"Yeah, and you and I also know that he can't touch me without so much as by your leave. Or others'."
My main bodyguard sighed in frustration. He was trying to do his job, and I was not making it easy.
"You could have just told this princess to come and greet you, but you didn't. It would have been safer for you," he glared behind his circular sunglasses.
"I know, I know. But I told you that I'm in love! It wouldn't do for me to call my beloved to me! I should be the one to go to her!"
Luponte sighed again. "I know. I don't know why you like this princess still after, what, a decade, but hey, it at least makes you better than all of the other World Nobles."
I lightly and playfully slapped his muscular arm. "Oh, you're going to make me blush."
I saw goosebumps on his skin, and cackled.
"Give me back sunglasses back," he growled.
I gasped. Before I could say something witty, he took them off in an instant without me even noticing until, less than one femtosecond later, the sunlight struck my eyes.
"That's more like it. You're much more easily managed this way," he harrumphed.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he hummed as he picked me up by the back of my cloak as I scratched out my eyes.
As per the instruction of my most loyal and not sunglass removing bodyguard, the grand galleon anchored at the port town, but also sent a messenger - one of my own carrying my insignia along with that of the World Nobles - inland to the capital city to gain an audience with King Cobra.
And of course, Princess Nefertari Vivi.
This, unfortunately, left me on my grand galleon because I gave my bodyguard too much authority, however superficial.
It would have been great! Maybe I might have met Crocodile, the pirate warlord of Paradise, himself! I would have been kidnapped, there would have been an epic daring-do's, escapes, negotiations, and I would have met my princess that way!
… All whimsical thoughts brought to me by the ever irradiating rays of sunlight scrambling my mind.
Stuck inside my own room aboard the grand galleon because I was too afraid to go out and let the searing sunlight burn my mind and eyes away, I planned how to make sure my first adult encounter with Vivi would be made perfect.
… Well, for one, I could deal with my overly exaggerated reaction to sunlight, but it was a legitimate reaction; I hated sunlight.
More than that, I wanted to put my best foot out. Wait, was that how I'm supposed to say that phrase? Was it that or 'show my best foot'? Both of them sounded so odd, but that may just be me after spending decades over here in One Piece land.
… She also probably doesn't remember me. That's going to be so awkwa-.
I paused in my rumination and sat up from my bed.
'What was that?' I thought as I pulled the curtains from the window above my bed.
I peered out, cursing the sun again, but paused when I saw a pair of women running from some hooligan. Frowning, I pulled back from the glass window and then snapped my fingers.
My more discreet guards appeared silently behind me. I didn't look to see them, but I knew that they were there.
"Find out the situation of those chased and chaser. If it checks more than two from My List, then go and save them. If not, leave them to their fates."
When the assassins turned bodyguards left, I realized that I could have used the women - normally viewed as the weaker gender - to make myself seem better! Argh!
I sighed.
Whatever. My List existed specifically for this reason anyways. I did well to abide by it.
I watched as one of my assassin-bodyguards walked down from the plank of my grand galleon while shouting at the three people. World Noble was mentioned, and the people quickly cleared out of the way.
The assassin, dressed in an immaculate uniform of my higher-ranked staff, made them answer his questions.
When the chaser stumbled and almost refused to answer, my assassin grabbed his head and read his mind.
I winced as the chaser, a portly man, screamed.
My assassins came from a previously unknown island in the East Blue. Tucked almost on the Calm Belt, the people who lived on that island were psychics, more or less.
And were in the process of being enslaved by the World Government. I used my authority as not only the richest World Noble but also a powerful World Noble with a multitude of island kingdoms to my name and a very large military to date to force the World Government to hand over the island to me. I did my best, but the damage had been done. Instead of people used to sharing thoughts with delight and open arms, the island now housed paranoid killers who lived to kill for the smallest of crumbs.
When my assassin dropped the chaser, he shouted something to the crowd and then beheaded him.
Ah, the chaser must have done a few things on the Red Section of My List.
Finally, he guided the two women - sorry, I now saw that they were one woman and a pre-teen boy - onto my ship.
… Well, all that ends well was well, right?
An hour later, Luponte was glaring at me.
"How do you end up killing an agent of the Baroque Works while confined to your quarters?"
I laughed nervously before swinging my arms in a "go get them!" fashion. "By saving a MIL-!"
He decked me.
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Feb 23, 2022Report
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mauke, BomeranG, Somethingsomething and 190 others like this.
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VagabondI trust you know where the happy button is?
Noblesse Privilege
Chapter 4
"A World Noble is here?!"
To say that Nefertari Vivi screeched in horror would have been an underestimation. Everyone in the palace heard her scream it, but everyone also knew about it at that point and had expected this shout from the somewhat always late-to-announce princess, though they didn't expect her to scream it.
Her father, King Nefertari Cobra of Alabasta, let the stars fade away from his vision from his daughter's thunderous scream before he spoke. "Yes, and he is requesting an audience with me."
Needless to say, the reputation of World Nobles was not great. Though mindless and unethical nobles loved the idea of being much more powerful versions of themselves, people like him and his daughter loathed the World Nobles.
"Who exactly is here?" she asked instead, her fists clenching.
"That's the odd thing," he sighed. "It's vel Monstrathum."
He watched his daughter blink in surprise as well.
"vel Monstrathum? The richest World Noble?"
"The most powerful World Noble?"
"The World Noble who controls almost a hundred islands in the Paradise?"
"Yes, daughter."
"Why is he here?" she asked hoarsely.
He closed his eyes and pinched his nose.
Geoffrey Goldman Achstein vel Monstrathum stood out as an oddity among the World Nobles. He was the only World Noble who dealt with politics outside of Mary Geiose and the Red Line, and controlled a significant portion of the world.
The wealth from his Paradise holdings as well as alliances there with kingdoms, minor and major, made him an untouchable among untouchables.
If attacking a normal World Noble got a Marine Admiral involved, then attacking vel Monstrathum would cause a geopolitical disaster likes of which no one had seen in this day and age. The piracy and infamy of Gold D. Roger would be nothing in comparison. Hell, the revolutionaries would be considered lower in priority compared to the shitfest that would erupt.
And that same World Noble had come to his country which sat at the heart of a civil and military disaster, for what else was a disaster if not the complete loss of power of a nation and siphoning of that power to a foreigner?
"... He could help us."
It took a moment for him to hear and then connect the dots connecting within Vivi's head.
"Vivi, no!" he gritted out as he opened his eyes and glared at his foolish girl. "Do you think Crocodile will give up just because a World Noble involves himself with the affairs of Alabasta?"
"But we have to try!"
"So you would invite the Usurper?"
The Usurper.
It was Geoffrey Goldman Achstein vel Monstrathum's disdained nickname for he was a World Noble who used his privilege and wealth to take over hundreds of islands, small and large. Rulers and royalties whose efforts ran perpendicular to his found themselves removed from power. Pirates died a dog's death when the vel Monstrathum armada found them. No, pirates weren't even treated as people. They became animals in vel Monstrathum's eyes. As much as the man did not practice slavery, he was also awfully easy with how quickly he ordered hundreds of people executed.
If they invited vel Monstrathum to help them, then there was not an insignificant chance that he would remove the Nefertari Royal Family from power permanently.
After all, vel Monstrathum was infamous for stating that a ruler that allowed their kingdom to fall when they could fix something was not worth their position nor heritage.
Indeed, the Nefertari Royal Family was not worthy of their place in power if they were losing more and more of the kingdom to a pirate like Crocodile. Was it not the place of the royalty and the nobility to provide for the prosperity and safety of the commoners? Was that not why the founder of their kingdom, Nefertari Albansha was elevated to the crown?
Because he beat back invaders and pirates alike with his strength?
"I know that exactly, but can we stop Crocodile on our own, father?" Vivi asked him, and he hung his head in shame. "Don't our people come first?"
They did. Oh, the people always came first.
He opened his eyes once again and stood up.
If the Nefertari Family would disappear from history, then he will not allow it to disappear at the hands of pirates and warlords. If he and his family were destined to become insignificant during his time, then it would be because they brought it down upon themselves, because they willingly gave up their power!
"You are right, Vivi. You are right," he said. "Igaram."
"Your Majesty," the tall blonde man, the captain of the royal guard, bowed.
"Call for the messenger of vel Monstrathum. We will grant him the audience he desires."
Cobra watched as Igaram held his bowed position for moments, and did not miss the tears dropping to the floor.
"Of course, Your Majesty."
Cobra wanted to close his eyes but he would do so when he went to meet his wife at her tomb. He would confess and confide everything to her.
He hoped that the World Noble was not cruel nor brutal. The rumors depicted him as a fair man, but at the end of the day, a generous and kind World Noble was still a World Noble. He, King Nefertari Cobra, needed to prepare to give up everything, even his own dignity.
I sneezed hard, almost doubling over, and sniffled.
'I was fine up until just now, so why the hell did that just happen?' I thought to myself before someone grabbed me by the shoulders.
"Don't tell me you caught a cold!" one of my personal maids screeched as she quickly pulled me away from the deck of the galleon.
Great. Before, I couldn't get off the ship. Now, I can't even get on the bloody deck because of a bloody sniffle.
Aren't I a World Noble? Aren't I the richest man? Aren't I-?
"I swear if you go on your spiel again, I'm going to lecture on truly what it means to be a World Noble and not whatever you are!"
Oh yes, this maid was one of the survivors of the Massacre.
Right, she would have ideas about World Nobles that my parents liked.
I shuddered.
My parents weren't good people.
"No, I'm sorry. I'll just hole up in my dark and dreary cabin."
… Seriously, these people of mine.
I loved them all.
And then the setting sun decided right then and there to focus its beam through an ill-made point on the glass and blasted my eyes with its unholy rays.
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Feb 23, 2022Report
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