
Owe My Soul To The Company Store (Waifu Catalog)

GOT - Part 8

Grand Manor. Extradimensional Space.

Before going inside I looked over at the sort of playpen that I'd built for my dragon, that I'd named Shenron despite his inability to grant wishes. I'd considered lots of names, but most names that I could remember belonged to evil dragons and the creatures themselves were just apex predators, it was their riders such as myself that used them or good or ill.

Dragons should not be cooped up like chickens, and there were no predators in this little universe so the pen covered a good part of the garden and would be easy for the dragon to easy once he started flying. Once Shenron could fly there would be no point for a pen and I would never cage such a creature.

I felt sure that Shenron was male despite me not having a way to tell. It must be the contention between the rider and the dragon that allowed me to know. It's also how I knew that Shenron would not harm Dawn who already odored my familiar. I wondered if Shenron would allow Dawn to ride him once he was fully grown or if dragons never allowed more than one human such a privilege.

Dragons are intelligent creatures that I knew could be trained to serve as battle mounts and that they could understand vocal commands. However, I was fairly certain that Shenron would never let another rider tell him what to do as long as I lived. I'd have to get Dawn her own egg if she really wanted one.

We still hadn't found a second egg in all of the ruins, but there was a whole city to search through and this wasn't the only outpost of the Valyrians. I suspected that there could be a vault somewhere on the island of Dragonstone. Perhaps I would find out.

Aside from the fact that I would have a dragon to fly around in the future, I felt another benefit. I could feel the magic in me. I'd had the potential to be a decent warlock before now and I figured that my powers had grown. I was even better during sparring according to Faith and Black Widow.

"Amy, Tara," I said over the communication feature of the Tempest Jewellery as I made my way to my room "Come up to my bedroom, please".

It didn't take them long to arrive. Which pleased me as I liked how they so eagerly followed my commands. I'd spent days just reading, training and looking after Shenron I could do with some fun.

"Don't worry" I assured them "I just want a quickie, then you can get back to whatever it was you were doing".

I also had something I needed to get back to. The secrets of Valyria required intense study.

"Strip" I ordered.

Again I was pleased when both of them quickly did as I wished. Before long the two witches had their nude bodies on display within my bedroom. Neither of the spellcasters minded me looking at them and Tara didn't try to cover her already pointy nipples or her pussy which seemed inviting.

"You've gotten even bossier in the bedroom" Amy commented "I like it".

The other witch didn't have any complaints either.

"Alright, I want you witches to lie on top of each other, and then I want you to get each other wet for me" was my next command "Show me your pussy licking skills".

I watched as Amy crawled on top of Tara who'd gotten on the bed first, and Amy soon got to show off her lesbian sex skills. Tara took a moment to get into the spirit of things, but not too long. She was compelled to obey me.

"Now spread your legs nice and wide," I told them, while I took off my clothes.

I watched the two girls for a while as they pleased each other, then I kneeled between their legs. With one quick movement, I inserted my cock inside Amy's bald cunt and started fucking her. The witch gasped loudly but kept on doing her best to orally please Tara. Amy was plenty of wet down there, and it wasn't long before my cock was moving in and out her little pussy like a well-oiled piston.

As I screwed Amy hard and fast, she became even more enthusiastic with Tara who I guessed was just staring at my cock going into her girlfriend. I decided that I wanted to get inside the blonde-haired witch soon so I made them lie on the bed together and to keep giving me something to look at.

Before longer the failed cheerleader was kneading the blonde's tits roughly, pinching and pulling at the hard nipples while her tongue probed the blonde's mouth.

Not long after re-entering the darker haired witch I took my dick out of Amy's fuckhole and plunged it inside Tara's opening; eliciting a surprised cry from the blond. My cock was well lubricated with Amy's juices, so even though Tara's fuckhole was tighter than Amy's, it still slid easily inside her hot hole.

Once my manhood had filled Tara's cunt completely, I pulled out for a second, before putting it back in. Then I started fucking her as hard and fast as I'd fucked Amy. She held on to her lover for support as if she might fall off the huge bed.

Both witches moaned and panted loudly as I switched back and forth between their hot little holes and gave both their pussies a good hard fucking. Amy was the first to cum during this double fucking, calling out my name. Despite the stimulation I wasn't going to finish yet I felt driven to make them both cum.

"Gothic!" she yelled.

About two minutes later, it was Tara's turn to climax. The blond witch bucked wildly on the bed, screaming out her orgasm as I pounded her tight little cunt.

Even though they both had cum, I kept on screwing them as I now only cared about pleasing myself, and that would take as long it took. If the poor witches couldn't walk afterwards I'd be nice and let them rest here.

<< Index >>

Yesterday at 1:21 AMReport

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GOT - Part 9

Pentos. Essos.

After about two says of flying the ship in roughly north-west direction we'd come across one of the Free Cities that was located on the western coastline of Essos, a city that was across the Narrow Sea from Westeros, which was where I wanted us to go, but I found that I was in no rush.

This was a good place as any to get some maps and even if books on geography and navigation were expensive I could afford them. It was just a matter of making the right contacts with the right people.

From the books I knew Pentos was is a large, rich city-state run by merchant lords, who practised slavery and had plenty of gold. Because of the latter, it was worth stopping here and because of the former, I'd told everyone to stay in the airship and to keep weapons close.

The traders could come to us and until had appropriate clothing everyone other than me would stand out in a crowd as at least I had armour. Once we go to Westeros things would be different as we'd fit in better and those of us who needed it would have time for a bit more combat training.

I also knew that Pentos' economy was based mostly on legitimate commerce and that they did a lot of trade involving products such as cheese rather than deal mostly in slaves as that business happened mostly further east in the aptly named Slaver's Bay.

As a result, Pentoshi traders like Illyrio Mopatis, who I was dealing with now, are often referred to derogatorily as 'cheese-mongers' by the nobles of Westeros who favoured warriors over merchants despite their wealth being a big part of how they maintained control.

I felt differently as I worked for The Company, which was a business, it made sense to make contact with such people and to try to make a profit. Material wealth wasn't that important but it could lead to me gaining things of more value.

These merchant lords, known as magisters, do conduct some trade with the Seven Kingdoms across the Narrow Sea and they use their wealth to pay tribute to the Dothraki so as to protect their business interests from being sacked by those savage and nomadic people. A large amount of which were currently camped outside of the city.

So as to not freak out the locals too much I'd had Winifred land outside of the city but on the far side from where the Dothraki were camping out as I didn't wish to cause any conflict with them when I only had my harem and some cloned crew. They were enough for security when it came to dealing with merchants, but they'd be overrun by Dothraki before we could take off if we let the rapist barbarians attack from close by.

Pentos is nominally ruled by a Prince, a man who is chosen by the city's Magisters from among the Pentoshi noble families. The Prince supposedly holds the powers of trade, justice, and war, but in reality, he is more of a figurehead, the true power remains in the hands of the Magisters.

Every new year the prince must deflower the Maid of the Field and the Maid of the Seas to bring good fortune to the city. However, should a crop fail or a war be lost, the Magisters slit the Prince's throat and choose another for the role.

I'd also known that this city was the home of Magister Illyrio Mopatis. Another interesting fact was that Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen temporarily resided in Pentos for about one year before Daenerys's marriage to Khal Drogo. So when Illyrio came to see me he brought his two royal guests with him along with many guards. Most of which remained outside of the airship.

"Ah, Lord-Captain let me introduce Princess Daenerys Stormborn and King Viserys Targaryen" introduce the Magister as the exiled royals came over to where we were standing "They have been honoured guests of mine for the past year".

I had no title other than that of captain, and I only had that one because I owned this airship, but I had no desire to correct Illyrio. As for the exiled royals I gave them a short bow as while it paid to be polite they weren't ruling monarchs and even if they had been this was just a backwater planet compared to what was out there and even my own world.

Besides my mother, who loathed the existence of the British Royal family because they were so anachronistic, would never forgive me if I knelt before any king or queen. Not that she'd find out, but I could imagine it well enough.

"Greetings your highnesses," I said, "I am Lord-Captain Gothic, commander of the Pathfinder".

The odd thing about this vessel was that while the outside was garish, to say the least, its insides were much more unitarian. The cargo hold was only impressive because of all the goods on display. In here I mixture of Earth goods and items from Valyria, stuff that was either pleasing to look at or practical in value.

This meant that the insides were never expected by those who'd seen the outside and this was putting people a little off-balance when they first entered. Not that this was an issue since I wasn't in any rush to make deals I had time and many things to occupy it.

"If I had one of those I could land at the false king's doorstep and kill him in person" stated Viserys Targaryen

His words amused me because I'd knew he'd never make it King Robert. Someone would kill him down just to earn Robert's favour, something I felt the need to point out.

"I could take you to the Red Keep in a matter of days, but Robert's guards would cut you down long before you reached the Iron Throne," I told my guest.

Viserys didn't take that as an insult in any way, if only because he was barely stopping himself from drooling over the sheer amount of wealth on display. It didn't take someone with my intelligence and imagination to figure out what he was picturing in his mind. You could buy an army with the contents of this room.

"Even a small army of sellswords could see me on the throne if I had this vessel," the beggar king said to his host "We wouldn't need the Khal or his savages".

Putting Viserys on the throne wasn't impossible. The tricky part would be holding on to the Red Keep with only some sell-swords for protection. The Pathfinder couldn't help much because its weapons were not the sort of thing you wanted going off when you flying above a major city that still had stashes of wildlife hidden within.

"Perhaps we should talk in private Lord-Captain" the exiled royal suggested while glancing at his only living sibling "An alliance between House Targaryen and yourself could be profitable for the both of us. With this ship and your wealth behind me I could retake my throne".

The beggar king only had one thing to offer in trade.

"Do you have a wife?" he asked.

I didn't and he was pleased by that. I had no doubt he was thinking of selling his sister to me and I'd be happy to pay for her. My other waifu wouldn't object if I told them about the burning of Kingslanding. Best to nip that in the bud and act before she went all mad queen.

"Your Grace," said the Magister "It would be unwise to upset Khal Drogo".

That was no concern of mine since I could leave if things got out of hand, the barbarians were on the other side of a big city that they couldn't just simply ride through and I'd get plenty of warning if they started moving this way. I had people on overwatch for good reasons.

I did understand Illyrio's worry and I did fancy obtaining Daenerys Targaryen as she was Tier Seven waifu for some reason. I could make a lot in Company points if I sold her and also save a lot of lives in the process. If the Company wanted to give me so many points for capturing her I was too smart to comment.

If nothing else Daenerys Targaryen could babysit Shenron for me and she was pleasing to look at. I might give her a dragon of her one day if she was a good girl.

According to the rules if I obtained her she'd be able to ride dragons and lead entire nations, and perhaps have prophetic dreams, but she'd lack the experience to those use those abilities. This was why Dawn couldn't just snap her fingers and open up a portal to wherever it is I wanted us to go.

Although in time that would change.

In the short term, I would need to keep Illyrio on my side for as long as it was profitable. Once I had the map and books I needed it wouldn't matter much what Drogo did to the Magister and if I could I'd sell the fat git after capturing him just in case he was scheming with Varys to put fake Aegon on the Throne. That could be a pain later on and disrupt my own plans.

I wondered if marrying Daenerys Targaryen would result in me capturing her as the rules did say something about declarations of love counting as bindings even the declaration wasn't honest and a wedding is a ritual as well as a declaring of love.

After some quick thought, I decided not to risk that and just to offer her a choker as a gift. I could always marry her later and if Drogo objected I had ways of dealing with him. In fact, I had an assassin just standing by.

If the Khal died in what looked to be an accident his followers should scatter and divide his army into smaller groups that spent all their time fighting each other. I needed to talk to Widow and see what was possible.

She was practical and would see the sense in taking Drogo out because this many Dothraki were much more dangerous than normal under a united leader than in many groups.

"Why don't take these for now as a gift" I offered as I handed two bracelets to the men and one choker to the princess "We can discuss an alliance once you've had some time to think over".

Now I just had to wait a few days and see how things worked out. I might just sell them all and move on. I had that option.

<< Index >>

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GOT - Part 10

Grand Manor. Extradimensional Space.

I'd never been a vain person because until becoming a Company Contractor I'd never had anything to be vain about so it was odd to find myself staring into a mirror. Yet I couldn't help inspecting my eyes which had turned from an attractive enough blue to what most of the girls agreed to be indigo, a purplish-blue colour.

"Don't you have any Defence Perks to stop stuff like this?" asked Fred as she looked at my reflection "I mean they look nice, but unless you've contracted albinism this has to be a magic thing".

It couldn't be due to a simple illness.

"I purchased body defence," I told Fred who would soon join me in bed "I don't know how that would work in the sickness is magical, but I feel fine and I think this is due to me binding Shenron. Targaryens have purple eyes and white hair. My hair was not changing, but that might take a few generations to appear and my eyes are still somewhat blue".

It would be interesting to monitor any offspring I had for a few generations to see they took on Valyrian features. But I'd rather live for centuries than waste time trying to secure some sort of immortality via reproduction. Some of my companions might feel differently, and if they broke me down on the issue then that was what nurseries and hired nannies were for, and I could keep the one in Grand Manor as far as possible from my bedroom.

Assuming that the hair thing didn't happen and the eyes didn't keep changing I'd have to monitor it and maybe buy some hair dye or I could end up looking like some anime character and I'd rather avoid that.

"Tara and Amy think that it's purely cosmetic change" I mentioned "Cameron's got extensive medical files on humans. According to her, I have no signs of infection and my vision is the same. Since it's not a disease or any kind of corruption it wouldn't trigger any of my defensive perks".

Amy considered it to be ab expression of my growing magical power which was due to me bonding with Shenron. Changes in eye colour were known to happen to witches in rare cases.

"I think it must be a dragonlord thing," I said.

Fred shuddered, it wasn't due to the fact that she'd gotten out of the bath and was only wearing a towel.

"I've hated dragons ever since that book took me to Pylea," she told me.

This news surprised me.

"They had dragons there?" I asked.

That I'd not seen any wasn't a surprise. Even in the show you only see a small part of what could be a world that was equal in size to Earth.

"Oh yeah," she said, "They eat people and one nearly got me, but I was able to hide".

No wonder I'd never seen her with Shenron.

"When he's older I'll build him a habitat away from the manor" I promised "The Extradimensional Space can be expanded quite a lot".

It's doubtful that Shenron would harm anyone with my command unless it was self-defence, but it made sense to give the dragon his own space once he didn't need so much care.

"Faith doesn't like him either" mentioned Fred.

I wondered if that was a Slayer thing, but mostly I was thinking what might happen if my eyes got more purple. People living on Planetos might think I had Targaryen or two in my family tree.

"They really aren't that noticeable" Fred let me know "Don't worry about them".

She was right, there wasn't anything I could do about it was. So why worry?

"I'm going to take a shower" I declared as she left the room.

Fred often slept with me so she'd be waiting for me and while I didn't need to shower thanks to one of my perks I sometimes felt the desire to.

I was standing under the hot water I heard someone enter the bathroom, and a moment after the door had opened I felt a pair of hands slide around my body followed by a pair of arms wrapping around me.

"Hey, there boss," a naked Faith said softly as I turned around "I got horny. Do your girl a favour and fuck me".

I liked the sound of that.

"Well you are all mine," I said "I best look after you".

Faith looked serious for a moment.

"I am really yours right?" she asked.

The choker around her neck supported this.

"Of course, you are," I told her as I leaned down a little to kiss her "You're all mine, Faith".

She moaned into my mouth as my hands slid down her smooth wet back to cup her nice round ass with my hands. I then slipped my hands between her thighs where I started rubbing her already wet pussy. Sticky Fingers made pleasing a woman far too easy. My digits always seem to know exactly what kind of movement and pace would get a girl moaning.

I used my other hand on one of her nipples and this elicited an even happier moan, and she moaned some more as my fingers started to explore the inside of her pussy. Faith's hand reached down and grasped my already hard rod. She started stroking it as our tongues duelled.

"Boss I want you in me now," Faith practically growled as we broke the kiss "Come on stud use your slut".

Happy to oblige I turned her around and let her position my rod at her entrance as she placed her arms on the wall of the shower for support. Her pink little pussy that was sinfully tight engulfed my cock.

"Oh!" she said as she turned her head towards me "that's the spot".

Faith then looked into my eyes, and I saw mischief in them as she started to work her thighs. She had some very fine muscle control and she knew how to use it to get a bloke to cum inside her.

We let the hot water run over us as we moved together, and I picked up the pace once we got a rhythm going.

"That feels so fucking good," she managed to say despite my thrusts.

I was able to mumble something back, which made her smirk at me. It soon became a game to see who could make the other cum first as we thrust pelvis against pelvis. She ground her mound down around the base of my cock working her internal muscles with gusto. I wasn't going to win.

"Do it, I want to feel your hot spunk inside me. Don't you want to cum in me?" she asked into my ear as she increased the speed of her movements "Come on stud don't disappoint".

Slayer pussy really was too good.

"Oh, yeah. That's it cum in me, boss. Fill me full of your hot stuff" she urged "Oh Gothic!".

Her movements combined with her dirty talk became too much as so I shoved my cock to the hilt inside her snatch and began firing hot semen into her baby factory. When she finally stopped shaking and clinging to me she stood on shaky legs.

"That was hot," she told me.

Indeed it had been.

"Yes, it was," I told her with a smile.

Faith grabbed a sponge and offered to clean me. Which was an offer I kindly accepted. It was an oddly affectionate gesture coming from her.

<< Index >>

Last edited: Today at 12:50 AM

Today at 12:39 AMReport

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Author Note

Okay, so 50k words so far. Are people still enjoying this story? All the likes sort of answer for me I'm just wondering what I am doing right.

I don't seem to be slowing down and I've got plenty more planned so stay tuned.

I Owe My Soul To The Company Store (Waifu Catalog)

GOT - Part 11

The Pathfinder. Pentos.

Once more I sat in my comfy captain's chair only this time I had a new face on the bridge, one that belonged to Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen and she was in a mild state of shock. Unlike myself and my waifu, she didn't benefit from Stress Defence which allowed us to remain calm under pressure. She was able to somehow keep herself together.

"We were just about to leave your highness," I said to the princess "I'm surprised you came out here given what's going on".

And it was good that we were leaving as the Dothraki had gone mad and Black Widow hadn't been able to carry out her plan to finish off Khal Drogo before the shit hit the fan. Given that Daenerys had suddenly turned up alone I couldn't help thinking that her twit of a brother had done something epically stupid.

"It wasn't my intention to come here, my lord," she told me "I just had to run, to get away from the Dothraki. My brother foolishly insulted the Khal, a man he was considering marrying me to, and the Khal he... he... killed Viserys and the Magister's guard tried to stop him, and that was when the fighting started".

Illyrio had Unsullied as guards they didn't respond like other men and were quite capable of killing even the most fearsome of warriors. They would have killed many of the bloodriders before being overwhelmed or managing to drive them away.

"The Khal was wounded and his bloodriders took him away" the princess explained, "but Magister Illyrio is dead. I had nowhere to go. My brother had been drinking and trying to hire sellswords, and I think he did something upset the Magister because Illyrio let his translate say what my brother actually said".

Targaryens weren't the most reasonable of people even before they started going crazy. Lucky for Daenerys once the binding kicked in she'd have defences against degenerative mental effects and she'd have any physical health problems caused by the inbreeding corrected as well.

As for Illyrio and Viserys well they'd been worth a point each, but that was not a great loss. I wondered if I'd have been able to stop the beggar king if I'd been there as the Tempest Jewellery is still somewhat effective even before the capture is complete if I understood the rules correctly.

Not that I would put much effort into it as Viserys would have only been worth investing in if it was the best way of winning over his sister and I had people I could trust to keep him in line.

"So you ran from the city and decided to come here?" I asked, "Or we're you just running away from the Dothraki".

Not a stupid course of action given what the Dothraki do to people. I was curious how she'd gotten out of the city when they must have been locking the place down, but I could ask about that and other stuff later.

"Viserys thought you would be a better husband for me than the Khal" the princess let me know "I was hoping to arrange my own betrothal and gain your protection, Lord-Captain".

I was so glad that I'd paid out ten points for the Universal Calibration Perk because it would be so awkward right now if she was 14 or thereabouts. Thankfully this was an adult Daenerys who was practically throwing herself at me. I could have just sort of adopted her like Dawn I suppose.

A day or so and I'd have had her anyway, but in true Targaryen style, her brother had managed to screw everything up royally. I had to wonder how civilization enduring around here if stuff like this kept happening.

Another thing to be glad for is that the harem members who were here were keeping their mouths shut and letting me handle this.

"You met me once and briefly," I said.

I feared that the waterworks were coming so I'd have to wrap this up.

"There is nowhere else for me to go," she said "I have nothing".

Well, I'd have taken her anyway as she's somehow a Tier Seven character.

"Relax your highness you are under my protection" I promised "Tara take the princess to Grand Manor and try to comfort her".

Taking Daenerys through a portal would only freak her out more, but Tara was the most empathic person I knew and she knew something about brothers who were morons. If anyone could make her the Targaryen feel better it would be her.

"Yes, Sir," she said.

"Go with Tara she'll find somewhere to sleep and make you something to eat" I informed the Princess "We can talk after you've rested".

I waited until she and Tara left before speaking.

"That's it as soon as I get points for her I'm investing in Destiny Defence because this is all going far too well for me" I stated, "Someone is screwing with me. Bloody Alien Space Bats I'd bet".

Did someone want me to be king? Because I had an heir to the throne willing to marry me, my own dragon, magic armour and a sword suited for a hero. The only thing I was lacking was my own army and this was Essos I could buy one.

"Alien Space Bats?" asked Fred.

Assuming that I was even saying that right the Internet was too young for those words to make sense to anyone other than me.

"I don't want to be a king!" I called out.

That got me some more odd looks from Fred and Faith so I did my best to explain my thinking without going into too many details about ASBs.

"Someone up there must love you" commented the Slayer.

It could be someone in The Company just screwing with me or The Lord of Light playing with Fate. For all I knew this world was run by George RR Martin and he was like Chuck from Supernatural and just making this happen for his own amusement.

"I can't stay and rule" I reminded myself more than anyone else "I'm not going to live in this crapsack of a world for any longer than I have to".

Being a power behind the throne would be fine as long as the guy or girl I put on that stupid chair stays on the throne while I'm gone. I'm quite happy to make people my familiars and then support their wars, I just can't make myself king or whatever.

"I think the Dothraki are getting ready to charge" reported Fred "They aren't going to come this way I think".

We'd taken off by now so trying to attack us would be futile unless they had a dragon or some modern weapons hidden away.

"Target the head of the horde and open fire" I commanded "Don't use up all of our missiles we might need to scatter them again".

Faith turned to face me with shock on her face.

"What?" she asked.

Companion obedience is not absolute I remembered that from the rules. If it's something they strongly object to they can protest at least.

"But Boss, they're humans," she said.

I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Faith those men down there will lay waste to the city" I tried to explain "Anyone they don't kill, they were rape and enslave, they burn will the houses, the libraries and anything else they fancy setting on fire, and take anything not nailed down, but if we take out their leaders the horde will break up into lots of smaller groups and won't be able to threaten the city".

I didn't have to convince her as Widow took Faith's seat and did I asked unleashing the missiles and taking shots with the laser cannons, which would need to be repaired, and it would take time to replace the missiles since Cameron would need to build them.

I would get some points for capturing Miss Stormborn very soon and get Cameron those warehouses she wanted so much.

"I'm sorry, boss" Faith said as she came over to me "I'll kill people who want to hurt you and your girls, but this is different".

It's easy to justify taking down demons and vampires because are soulless monsters, it's not the same when your own species and you're safe up in the sky. Faith really wasn't a mass murderer even if she tried to act as killing humans didn't bother her.

"I won't ask again" I promised Faith "You and Natalie can switch roles. You'll handle our security from now on. Widow can teach you how to look out for assassins and stowaways".

If she'd ever been the hugging type she'd be hugging me now. Not that I had time for hugging as I'd need to keep an eye on the Dothraki for a while and make sure they didn't sort themselves too soon. It would be better for all if they scattered into smaller bands under many leaders.

Once I felt sure they'd done that we could set a course for Braavos and I could try to get my new princess settled in.

Before we left I needed to send Cameron on a little errand there were three dragon eggs just lying around and if certain fan theories were right Illyrio might have the Targaryan sword Blackfyre hidden inside a chest that was worth confirming as true or not. No sense in leaving such treasures to be found by some looters or claimed by another Magister.

I would hatch three at once. That wouldn't be manageable until I could greatly expand the Extradimensional space and stock it with food animals. But just having the option would be nice and hatching one would be something that I could offer to the magical princess at a later date.

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