
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, JBukharin replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Re:Love (Re:Zero Love IF)


Chapter 9: Playing with the Fire (Princess)

"The capital? We're visiting it?"

Emilia nodded at Subaru, the young man slightly confused by the situation. It was early in the morning when the girl brought this up. They were spending some time together reading and talking in the garden when the topic was finally mentioned and Subaru was, rightfully so, perplexed by this decision. It wasn't like he didn't mind leaving for that place, but after growing accustomed to how this section of the countryside felt, how orderly and simple life was here, he just couldn't help but see the capital, a beacon of progress compared to the rest, as a more chaotic place to be in.

"Yes. The first meeting for the Royal Election will soon happen now that Felt has been found. With all candidates recovered, it's time to proceed for the next step," Emilia confirmed jovially, flashing a smile before tapping something in the current page of her book. "And as I've noticed just recently, I have the right as a Royal Candidate to bring with me a guest if I so desire."

"Oh? And so you want me to be there."

"That's correct," The half-elf confirmed. "I know your job here is important, but I asked Roswaal if I could bring you with me. It wouldn't take much and he agreed that your help as an advisor would be essential."

At this point Subaru could only frown. Sure, that made incredible sense to him, but at the same time he could see that it would be problematic on another front: he did tell Felt he wouldn't have outright joined any camp until at least a while. And right now it felt too early. So, while Emilia wasn't aware of this, his reasoning behind not 'taking sides' was just logical in nature. He couldn't exactly expose himself like that.

"As a Guest, right?"

"O-Obviously. Had you been in my camp, I would have had you as my assistant or something like that."

Her cheeks flared red, yet the odd pout on her face didn't suggest just embarrassment, but also... upset? Subaru held back a frown, unable to perceive if he was to blame in that regard or not and not wanting to cause any misunderstanding with ensuing reactions. The rest of the conversation established two major points which would be good to know before this visit: First, his role was just to observe. He wasn't tasked with helping anyone beyond watching the event unfold and speaking with Emilia if she so needed some assistance in something; Second, he was not necessarily tied to her camp. He was a guest to her and her faction, yes, but he wasn't hired/recruited to swear his loyalty to her.

It was a satisfying concession, but he could tell that it left the girl particularly annoyed at him. And he couldn't blame her. Subaru could have easily joined her camp if not for the fact that he had made that promise to feel... and that he had slowly come to realize something was off with his current 'good luck'. It was a gut feeling right now, but he had this distinct feeling that he was being handed out this kind of good life. Some of the offers were interesting at first glance. Being with Felt would also mean employing the help of the strongest swordsman, while being with Emilia meant having access to Roswaal's riches and favors.

All of that sounded good, but... then that whole Meili situation happened. And even now Subaru knew that he had been lucky to react the way he did. Something had warned him about Meili's familiarity, and if it hadn't, then he would have discovered if he truly had a way to return back to life on a previous 'checkpoint'. And, truth be told, that didn't sound as an ideal way to confirm that kind of power.

Still, while he was glad things had been mostly calm here, he could still tell that something bad was going to happen to him soon. It was like a feeling, a phantom shiver which put him on guard for any surprises. And he knew that, if he picked Felt's offer, he would have lost more than he would have gained out of it. At this point, Subaru was growing convinced this was some sort of hardcore visual novel where 2/3 of the world's choices were going to end him one way or another. Hopefully he picked the right ones up to this point and he wasn't walking into a bad ending.

A few days later, Subaru found himself sitting together with Roswaal and Emilia in the chariot that was taking them to the Capital. The driver was Rem, with Ram having been assigned temporarily to the Manor as she was seen as the 'more responsible of the duo', thus leaving Barusu in the hands of the less 'pleasant' of the duo. He had no true issue with Rem, not up to that point at least. The blue-haired maid was just a bit... cold towards him. Not the same way as her sister behaved, not the chatty way. Rem was just keen to throw cold looks at him. It was downright chilling and yet her tone exuded nothing more than politeness. It unnerved him, but Subaru couldn't do much beyond being wary around her.

Once they arrived at their destination, which was the royal palace within the center of the capital, things started to get a bit easier to handle for him. The place reminded him of the fine rooms back at the manor, and while the young man could still see the familiar houses styled more after this particular city than the Arlam Village, he could still find some relief within those living quarters. And where he found relief in being safe in thick walls manned and guarded by powerful knights, Emilia found it difficult to keep her focus on her papers. She had written notes on what to say and yet the nervousness was gnawing at her silly. She just couldn't get some words right and tended to mess up some of the exercises meant to prepare her for the big speech she had to give.

At that point Subaru knew he had to do something to give her some distraction. Something that would soothe her mind and allow her to handle the pressure just right without getting too worked up. Would some 'Appas' help her? It felt like a stupid question. It was clear the fresh fruits were going to give her something sweet to ease down the pressure and he just knew how to reach that place. With Rem kept by Emilia's side and him being a mere guest that could come and go wherever he wished unless he had to be there for the big event, Subaru was finally out of his comfort zone and back in the city. He quickly left the richer area of the city, having tried to find a place that sold better Appas, but found out that it wasn't a 'noble food'. Hence his return to the 'humbler' side of town, where good but poor people and thieves thrived.

The vendor recognized him instantly. Barusu was soon pulled in a big hug, which felt oddly familiar to the deadly ones his father was keen to use on him. Nostalgic, but not enough to distract him from the main goal he had in mind. He had enough money to buy a big bag filled with a dozen or more apples, refusing to get some for free and reminding the man that they helped because it was right, not with the expectation of a reward.

Subaru was quickly off to get back to the living quarters. The path was less crowded than before, and the guards patrolling more than usual in an effort to keep the capital accident-free for the day made the whole trip somewhat safer than the previous one. The young man expected for it to be it but... then something happened. He heard a loud yell. Not a scream, a yell. Now, that would have been fine and all had it been a normal noise from the place, but the fact some people too turned to look at where it came from and the fact it came from one of the smaller alleys on the street's left side suggested it wasn't that.

The boy was soon off to check what it was all about. He wasn't fancying himself a hero, but he could tell that he needed to be sure if the guards could intervene on this matter or not. The alley was pretty dark. Subaru was regretting this decision mere moments he made it but... a feminine scoff and yelp caught his attention as angry voices were exchanging from one side to another. His curiosity led him to a most unusual scene.

A woman with blonde-orange hair, she had crimson red eyes and a frilly red dress which offered a clear sight in her large cleavage. It was done on purpose, especially with how her posture flaunted specifically that feature of hers. It wasn't like it was her only quality, her beauty being quite elevated compared to many other girls Subaru had dealt with in the past. The lady was having a heated discussion with what appeared to be the three thugs that kicked his ass during the first 'life'!

His jaw dropped at the sight, and his hand instantly fell by the pocket where his small knife had been stored. Roswaal had given it to him, saying that it would be just 'right' for him to have something to defend himself while in the capital. In his own amusing way, the clown had given him something rather than leave him without a proper way to defend himself. With Rem being Emilia's guard for the occasion, there was no one to cover his back if he tried anything stupid. Still, his eyes grew more focused at the trio, mostly ignoring the conversation as it was more about the grunts trying to force the woman to give up anything of value she had on her. And one or two were also staring at her curvy body. A distraction, but for what and... was it going to last long enough for her to get out of this bad situation?

A degree of worry emerged from his mind and he was soon 'moving by instinct'. He left the shadows, and he was instantly spotted. The shortest of the thugs growled. "What do you want? Piss off."

"Yeah, fuck off," The tallest added with unfocused distraction, his gaze still attached to the jiggly chest that was owned by the noble woman.

"Let her be," He muttered tensely and the trio finally noticed the knife.

"HAHAHAHAHA! He is trying to intimidate us with that lil' thing!" The little guy remarked before turning to the tall brute. "To! Get him!"

The grinning giant soon approached him and that's where something interesting ensued. Subaru was not good with knives but... he hadn't slacked off some exercise ever since he had been living in the manor. It felt a bit awkward to say this, but it had felt so easy to try and put his body through a lighter version of what his father had wanted him to train with on a daily basis. It was still a set of exercises that drained him to no end, but his stamina had gained a lot from this and he had been exercising when it comes to grabs and self-defense fighting. After having been subjected to that many times, it just felt right to know which ones to use while focusing on their body types.

The tallest of the three fell quick as he was suddenly pushed on the ground, his skull slamming down first and knocking him unconscious. The middle-man soon followed, his surprise becoming his undoing as Subaru's careful moves resulted in the thief getting his left arm dislocated during that 'fight'. The midget actually pulled out a knife and expected to get through him with that. He jumped too quickly, too out of reach and thus it felt simple to just slam the little guy onto the wall nearby. That was enough to put them out of commission as they soon pulled themself off and left, the tiny and middleman struggling but succeeding in carrying the still unconscious tall thief out of sight.

Sighing, Subaru turned to see that the woman had moved from her position and was now... looking right at him. She had shifted quite close, invading his personal space as she leaned a bit to stare better at his face. Red eyes flashed curiosity, boredom and a questioning glint which just elevated the sense of 'arrogance' displayed by the lady.

"You're not half-bad. But it was so bland. Not a single hint of style or fashion in that fighting style."


"Hmph, don't you know how to properly speak with someone of my rank? Or perhaps are you so dumbstruck by my beauty that you can't speak properly?"

"I... the..." Something smart, now! "The second."

Her lips curled in a smile. "Oh? So you are saying you are staring at me like a pervert would."

...What is even going on?!

"No?" He replied weakly.

"...Are you sure?"


"I suppose that's what happens when a mongrel-"

"Natsuki Subaru-" He interjected in an effort to introduce himself. Sadly, the effect he got wasn't the one he had hoped for.

"I didn't ask your name, mongrel!" The woman flatly remarked. "My name is Baroness Priscilla Barielle, Future King of this shabby kingdom. Do you understand whom you're speaking to!?"

Anger just roused at that amount of arrogance and pettiness. "A horrible person."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "W-What? What did you just say?!"

"Well, it's not my fault you're being so rude. What? Your parents didn't teach you any etiquette or what, Lady?" Barusu snapped back, expecting some anger but... not the way it happened.

Something in the young woman's posture changed. From the eased arrogance she was keen to flaunt without restraint, her body tensed and her eyes hardened. Subaru had not much of a warning to what ensued next as he just saw something red and on fire rush from below and... hit him? He blinked, his sight turning and rotating before he felt his forehead crash first on the ground and his body collapse shortly after. Shock flared, the noble lady scoffing with utter disdain before disappearing the odd sword she used on him. Darkness soon claimed him as he felt his mind grow lighter and...



Don't go.

That voice. It was the same voice that spoke to him while he was dealing with the Meili situation. The one that warned him.


Please, just... don't go.

Something wrapped around him, at first too tightly, but then growing less stiff in its hold and... warmer. Nicer.


Don't go. I'm sorry. This- you shouldn't- I'm sorry!



You're wrong.

His soul croaked, failing to keep up a solid and coherent response in a more stable manner.


You shouldn't apologize. My fault.

No, you-

My fault. Not yours.

...Fine. But... don't go.

I want to... live.

Y-You will live! I promise you this much! Don't give up! Do it for m- for yourself and the others!



Subaru found himself sitting together with Roswaal and Emilia in the chariot that was taking them to the Capital. He reached for his throat on an involuntary move. No one noticed as he was tame in that move. Not too fast, not too slow. This time, things will have to be different and... he could do it.

He could die and come back somehow. Why?



One would think a smarter Subaru would be set to a deathless run. But one can't forget Subaru still has his parents' temper in some instances and these moments set him up for some awkward defeats, mistakes or even deaths if he is so clumsy about it. Now, what will happen next? Priscilla has been revealed but... how will Subaru handle her now? And what about the Witchy smell he might have now that he got RbD again?View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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