
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Unfortunate_Soul replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - One Charge at a Time (Worm SI, Power Manipulator)


AN: 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic in Patreon.

Check it out if you guys are interested or want to support my work.


"What the heck was all that?" He mumbled to himself as he walked out of the PRT HQ an hour later.

Without Panacea there to confirm whether his power has any side effect or not, the whole thing had turned into a long series of checkups.

Not to mention that the people healed by him would have to stay inside a Master/Stranger containment cell for the next 3 days where they'll be under strict observation for any side effects.

'Maybe I really should have handed my blood over to Panacea?' He thought to himself but then shook his head.

Nah! Giving a blood sample to another Biokinetic is recipe for disaster. Even if that Biokinetic was Panacea.

He was 99.99% sure that Panacea wouldn't have done anything with his blood sample. But with how fragile her psyche was, and with how close to breaking down she looked at that moment...

Yeah. He made the right decision in not giving her the blood sample.

That also reminded him of the whole uncertainty about his own origin.

The main reason he was transmigrated into the body of Jasper Hebert was that he had wanted to help Taylor live a decent life. As a thank you for saving the world.

But to be fair, he had also wanted to help Panacea because of all the shitty cards she'd been dealt in her life.

Was it possible that ROB heard his subconscious thoughts and made him a long-lost cousin of Amy?

Yeah, it would be just like ROB to make his mother an estranged sister of Marquis and then laugh at his predicament. Hence the 0.01% chance.

The whole meeting with Panacea was a clusterfuck and he had just added to that by telling her about her real name because he wanted to show off his 'Thinker power' and act cool.

"Fuck my life." He thought as he dragged his feet back toward his home.

The people around him stared at him as he stomped around in his cape form, some of them even took out their cameras and tried to take a pic or make a video of him. And then frowned when they realized that he was not visible on any of their screens.

Yeah, good luck with that buddy. Even Tinkertech cameras that Armsmaster had integrated into his suit failed to capture his photo.

Well, Armsmaster's Infrared cameras did manage to capture a faint outline of the heat he was emitting from his body. But aside from that, nothing else. Nada.

And he was pretty sure that he could hide his heat signature with his Biokinetic power if he tried to do so.

So yeah, he wasn't worried about these people taking photos of him as he sulked around.

At least he got a decent amount of charges from this entire clusterfuck. That's as good a consolation prize as he'll ever get.

He closed his eyes for a moment and looked at the 7 and a half charges within him.

There used to be 8 charges. But he'd used one of them to give himself a power called DNA Protection when he realized how vulnerable he would be if someone like Bonesaw got her hands on his blood.

What this power does is that it disintegrates his blood or any of his body parts into nothing as soon as it leaves his body.

A useless power in any other circumstances but it'll work as a decent defense against people who would want to clone him so that they could access his power.

Though he wasn't sure if it'll work against Echidna. So there was that.

And now he was left with 7 charges and the choice of what to do with them.

He was really, really tempted to put all of them on his Teleportation power.

If he did then his Teleportation range will instantly increase from 6 meters to 34 meters.

But should he?

After a few seconds of thought, he made his decision.

He put 1st charge in Slow-Mo, taking it from a Thinker 1 to Thinker 2 rating.

Thanks to that, he was now able to be slow his perception of time by 1/10 of that of a normal human.

Meaning that for every second that passes for a normal human, 10 seconds will pass for him.


Then he used the 2nd charge to create a new power for himself. A rather basic and simple power, called Invisibility.

He gained a few options in this.

1. An invisibility that doesn't work on his clothes. He's able to remain invisible for 10 minutes but then will have a 10-minute cooldown.

2. An invisibility that works on his clothes as well. He's able to use this power for 1 minute before he gets a 10-minute cooldown. But if someone pours water or dust on him then his form will still be visible. He'll also be visible in Infrared and other people can still hear or smell him.

3. An invisibility that works on his clothes. It also hides his heat signature, sound, and smell. If someone pours water or dust on him, then that thing becomes invisible as well. He'll only be able to use this power for 1 minute before he gets a cooldown of 1 day.

He thought about these options for a few moments before he chose the 2nd option.

It was not a hard choice for him to make. After all, the main reason why he was creating this power was so that he could come and go from his house without anyone finding out about it.

Well, that left him with 5 charges.

Oh, wait, 6 charges now. The half one filled itself up.

Good enough.

He took a deep breath and then put all 6 charges on Teleportation.

Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping!

And now, instead of teleporting for only 6 meters at a time, he could Teleport anywhere within a range of 28.5 meters.

That's an almost 5x increase in teleporting distance.


He looked around and saw a small kind pulling at his mother's skirt and pointing at him.

He grinned, even if the kid probably couldn't see if due to the bone mask which covered his entire face.

"Wanna see something, cool kid?" He asked and the kid blinked before he quickly went behind his mother's skirt in order to hide from him while his mother gave him a nervous smile.

Well, jokes on you kid. My Byakugan can see you through your mother's legs.

It can also see your mother's legs and her… Ohh… that's a nice bush.

Maybe it's a good thing that he didn't have a cock or balls in this Battle form or he would be sporting a hard-on right now.

He cleared his throat "Watch." He said and then he used his newest ability to become Invisible.

He enjoyed the way the kid gawked at his disappearance before he used his Slow-Mo power and then used his Byakugan power to take a look at the rooftop of one of the nearest Stores before he Teleported.

He landed on the rooftop in slow motion. His legs gently landed on the roof. And he realized that just because he had fast perception doesn't mean that he would have a fast body.

Well, that's a problem for another time.

For now, he used Byakugan to get a look at another rooftop before teleporting there.

From there, he picked the direction of his home and started teleporting from rooftops to rooftops. That is until he saw something out of the corner of his peripheral vision and paused.

He made a quick U-turn and went around until he arrived at a rooftop where a man in high tech military gear was laying down with a sniper rifle that pointed in the direction where he'd just come from.

What on Earth?

Is that… one of Coil's mercenaries that he'd read so much about.

He didn't even need to wonder whether this guy was aiming for him or not. With Coil's connection to the PRT, he would've definitely heard about this new healing cape in town who wants to be a Rogue.

And Coil probably decided to sent one, or maybe a few mercenaries to find out the weakness of this cape. And maybe even follow him to his home and find out about his public identity.

It is very much possible that Coil's goons are attacking him in an alternate timeline right at this moment.

Though with his Danger Sense and Teleportation power, he doubted that they'll have much success. More likely than not, he probably caught them and knocked them out with his power.

Well, if Coil was gonna play this game, then why should he not do the same thing.

He used Coil's power and suddenly he had two visions. Two timelines. Two choices.

Compared to Coil's power which could work for days if not weeks, his power could only work for 15 minutes. But in this instance, 15 minutes should be enough. Hopefully.

In the First Timeline-

He grew new Chamelion cells over his Bone armor and used them as camouflage before he hid behind a water tank and observed the mercenary from a distance.

In the Second Timeline-

He teleported beside the Mercenary, thankful that his Teleportation was silent, unlike some other Teleportation methods he could name that are rather loud or showy.

Then he removed his Slow-Mo power and listened to what the mercenary was saying.

"-peat. I lost the target." The mercenary spoke and then went silent as someone spoke from the other side.

He frowned and used his Biokinesis to enhance his ears so that he could listen in on the Comm chat.

"-st him?"

"I do not know sir. One minute he was there. And the next, he wasn't. Some Sort of Teleportation or Mover power. I cannot say which one with confidence."

"I see. Maintain your position and await further orders. Inform me if the target becomes visible once again." The voice said from the other side before the Comms went silent and the mercenary went back to his silent vigil.

Well, now he was sure that Coil was after him. That's not very nice of him. Going after him like this.

Who does Coil think he is, Tattletale?

Well, time to see what he could get on Coil.

He used his Ranged Biokinetic power and twisted the mercenary's nerves in his spine, paralyzing him from down the neck.

The mercenary started to speak but another twist of his nerves made his tongue loll out of his mouth.

The mercenary made a choking sound and the Comm lit up once again "Delta 4. Do you have something to report?"

Darts! He had wanted to capture this guy without the others finding out. Apparently, stopping people from using their tongues doesn't mean that they won't be able to make any noise.

He thought about cutting off this timeline and starting anew but then shrugged. It's not like Coil or his mercenaries could do anything to him.

He took off the Earpiece and crushed it in his palm, his Invisibility wearing off as the 1 minute time passed. Then he picked up the paralyzed merc and raised him up to his level with one hand, feeling a rush of giddiness at the fact that he was able to do something like this when before he'd only seen it happen in video games.

"I have a few questions for you." He said as the merc dangled from his hand, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. "If you give me the wrong answer, then I'll know and I'll make you experience more pain than you can ever-"

His Danger Senses blared and he leaned back as a sniper round went past his head.

Huh… so that's how the Danger Sense worked. Cool!

He looked in the direction where the sniper round had come from. A slight change to his eyes allowed him to do a zoom in on that location and see the Mercenary laying on the rooftop.

He noted down that position in his mind.

"Well," he said, looking at the merc "It looks like your friends-"

His danger senses blared again and he ducked down as another sniper round went above his head. From a different direction.

He noted down that location as well and wondered why those sniper rifles were making no sound whatsoever.

Tinker bullishit, was the only answer he could come up with.

If Coil had access to Tinkertech rifles like these then no wonder he beats the shit out of the other gangs on a regular basis. Or whenever he uses his power at least.

"Now that's just rude." He said and then took a step forward in junction with his danger senses as another sniper round went from behind his back.

From a different direction once again.

Jesus, How many snipers does Coil have?

In truth, he wasn't sure if those sniper rounds will even do anything to him. His bone plate armor was hard enough that those rounds will probably just bounce off of them.

But the force behind those rounds will still rattle his brain, something that'll leave him disoriented and open for attack.

He'll have to see about giving his brain even better protection after he's done here.

He looked in the direction where the latest sniper round had come from and then froze as he felt blood and gore splash at his face.

He looked at the merc he was holding in his hand. And what remained of his head after the fourth sniper round had done its work.

"Killing your own comrade because he was captured. Man… that's just brutal."

And his danger sense hadn't even alerted him about this attack. Probably because the attack wasn't aimed at him.

It was still annoying.

He lazily dodged another sniper round aiming for his head and then closed this timeline.

In the first timeline, he was still hiding behind the water tank in his camouflage form and hadn't taken any action.

The mercenary was still in his position, looking at the place where he'd gone invisible.

Hmm... wasn't there a Chinese proverb about a situation like this. The Mantis stalks the Cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. Or was it Japanese? Nevermind.

He took a breath and split the timeline once again.

In the First Timeline:-

He once again stayed hidden.

In the Second Timeline:-

He teleported behind the Merc and used his Ranged Biokinetic power to paralyze the guy from head to toe. Not even giving him the chance to make any choking noise and alert the other Mercs.

Then he carefully removed his helmet and the headpiece accompanying it.

Might as well remove everything else. With the ruthlessness he'd come to expect from Coil, he probably hid a suicide bomb inside the gear of each of his merc.

A minute later, the merc was naked from top to bottom, aside from his underwear. He didn't want to remove that. And he doubted that Coil would hide a suicide bomb up his Merc's asses.

Coil's ruthless but not that ruthless.

"Well, let's see what secrets you hold." He said and Teleported away from the roof.

Or he tried to teleport at least. But nothing happened. It took a moment to realize why that was.

He cannot carry anything heavy while Teleporting.

Oh yeah, there was that limitation to his Teleportation, wasn't there. He'll probably have to use a few charges to remove it. But for now…

He carried the merc with him in a princess style and climbed down the stairs until he came across an apartment that was currently empty. Or that's what his Byakugan told him at least.

He pushed the door hard and broke its hinges before entering it.

The apartment was filled with dust and a few pieces of furniture were scattered here and there. It has clearly not been used in a long while.

He put the Merc on one of the chairs and used his Biokinetic power to fuse the Merc's arms behind his back before doing the same to his legs.

Then he loosened the muscles of his throat so that he won't be able to shout. Once that was done, he put the nerves back to their original place, allowing the merc to move.

The guy flopped around for a few seconds, trying to escape before he realized how futile it was.

He leaned down, relishing in the look of fear the merc had, and spoke. "Here's the deal. I ask questions. You answer them. If you fail, then I'll make you feel the worst pain you've ever experienced. Simple, right?"

He probably would not be this ruthless in any other situation. But these people worked for Coil... so fuck them.

The merc pursed his lips and remained silent.

"Have it your way." He said and put a hand on the Merc's shoulder before he made him feel the pain of suffering a paper cut. Thousands of times.

He made the pain last for 3 seconds before he let go of the Merc's shoulder who had now pissed and shat himself.

The Merc let out a low moan as drool dripped down the side of his chin and tears and snot leaked out his other orifices.

He grimaced at the smell before he shut off his sense of smell.

He hadn't expected the torture to be this... effective.

"Well, are you willing to answer my questions now?" He asked.

The mercenary sang like a canary after that. And thanks to Panacea's power, he was able to tell when the guy was speaking the truth and when he was lying.

The merc only lied to him once. Another brief session of torture and then he spoke nothing but the truth.

After ten minutes, he knew where Coil's base was located. How many mercenaries he had access to (about 80). What kind of Tinkertech weapons do they use. And so on.

Then he saw half a dozen Mercs running up the stairs.

Coil probably realized that this guy was missing and sent others to check in on him.

"Well, we're done here." He said, feeling a bit guilty at the whimpering mess the merc had now turned into.

He would've felt sorry for the guy. But once he shuts down this Timeline, the guy will not remember anything so there's not much point in feeling sorry here.

…yeah, he could definitely see how this power would make someone lose all their morals over time.

"Thanks for the information." He said and then cut the timeline.

In the first timeline and only remaining timeline, he was still hiding behind the Water Tank in his camouflage. And the sniper was still holding his position.

Well, the merc was disciplined if nothing else. But he was done here.

Over 10 minutes have passed since he last used his Invisibility power so it was ready to be used once again.

He used it to become invisible. Activated Byakugan and Slow-Mo. And Teleported from rooftops to rooftops until he finally arrived at his current residence.

And only when he was standing in front of the house did he realize that once he enters this house, he'll have to talk with Taylor once again.

And explain to her about his decision to become a rogue.

...He would prefer dodging sniper rounds to this.

'Well, here's hoping for the best.' He thought and teleported inside the house.


Spoiler: Powers gained so far

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