
Unwavering Riddle 1 - or 'I am an Anti-Villain, and I will not restrain myself in some amoral acts for survival's sake!' (HP/Xover - Tom Riddle!SI)

Self-Insertion should be classified as a powerful case of random magic.

At least, within the realm of possibilities which could unfold in a world such as the one where Harry Potter was a protagonist. It was an interesting detail that, normal me, would have seen with mixed feelings and... my current self saw more as a terrifying circumstance. Insertions were never meant to be 'unusual' when it comes to replacing a soul with another.

Yet, in this particular case, it was painful. Horribly so. The moment I 'woke up' within Tom Riddle's first Horcrux, I felt an horrid sensation akin to pure fire seared into my core and I felt my sight go blurry with tears due to the horrible torture that was surviving the struggle. A clash ensued, a full soul against half of one. It was clear who was going to win, but the union wasn't accepted by either side and the result was nothing short of 'terrible'.

Terrible, but welcome.

Power and knowledge, morality and amorality. I felt a messy mash-up being born from that unexpected fight and I could tell that, even with Tom's limited might, I was strong enough to match the Dark Lord in his Prime. I was confused, Tom wasn't. His lingering presence argued that magic was born from willpower and capacity to manipulate magic.

His potential was determined by the fortitude of his soul within the world. It was the imposition of will upon reality. It was... absolutely hilarious. To think that Tom had sacrificed his soul for some faux immortality which weakened his hold over his own magic. The more Horcruxes he lost, the less power he retained in the long run.

I breathed for a moment as the pain subsided, my red-eyed sight aimed to the ground as I felt my body still 'lacking'. I didn't have a proper one. Not enough to survive even with a new soul. The Chamber of Secrets- the second installment of the series. I swear I felt and heard Tom facepalm when he realized his existence was tangible through the work of fiction.

Unpleasant but endearing within the chance of having knowledge on the past, the present and even the future. But for now, he was unimportant. He no longer existed, only a phantom muscle persisted as it tried to slowly integrate within the new being created by this unholy alliance of souls and ideas.

Now, back on track. I was in the Chamber of Secrets and the spell meant to drain Ginny Weasley of her power had ceased out of the blue. I guess the Insertion had disrupted my magic, rendering it unable to finish the process. Part of me wanted to go through this but... I had a better idea. Something a bit more convenient in a way as I knew who was soon coming to try and stop me.

Lo and behold, a little wizard finally arrived. Harry Potter, 12, looked tired and hardly ready for a fight. Green eyes glowed through the shadows as the boy approached, wand in his good hand and full guard on. He looked surprised to see me patiently waiting, even more when he saw the youngest Weasley unconscious on the ground.

"Ginny!" A loud yell, then he rushed to her side and went to check on her. It didn't take long for the boy to turn to stare at me. "Tom Riddle?" H-How are you here?"

Surprise, worry, a growing suspicion I was the big baddie. Aww, he looked so upset at that notion and- I disappointed him. For just enough to get my new plan to work.

"I'm something akin to a Ghost, Harry. A being that lives beyond death but without a body. Just a memory, I would dare say and..." I turned my attention to Ginny. "Ms. Weasley was attacked by the heir, and I took offense on the matter. A foolish amateur, he was vanquished with ease."

Harry looked surprised at my politeness, even so at my kindness. Oh poor boy. Him and his high hopes for a not-so shocking year now. He was so unprepared for what was about to come next~.

"R-Really? You vanquished the Heir?"

My smile got close to turning predatorial, but I managed to restrain my growing amusement at how pitiful the boy's trust was. "Yes. I was just waiting for someone to come here and help us. I can't... Apologies, my current state can't allow me to do much. I suppose you have the means to trail back and try to get some help.

"Good. Also..."


A red light left through my fingertips and slammed onto Harry's hand. The boy recoiled in surprise, trying to move away but freezing as he heard a noise of something made of wood falling several meters away from him. His wand was on the ground, too distant for him to get in a wild rush. Horror filled his gaze, and that mesmerizing view was immortalized when he was struck with two more spells.

Petrificus Totalus and Impedimenta.

His body froze and yet it didn't collapse on the ground as ropes formed and coiled around his body. He was completely incapacitated and at my mercy. I grinned and approached him.

"Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived... or perhaps I should say the one that was lucky enough to have a mother that cared for him so much that she sacrificed her life for his protection."

He couldn't talk, the boy was definitely boiling with anger at that response but... I just smiled. I couldn't exactly enjoy my glory without some chatting. I freed his mouth, he took a moment to realize I gave him that form of relief.

"Now, I could go on about my evil monologue but I have to hurry. I am impressed by Lucius' stupidity to put me in danger, but I have to admit this is a good situation for me to waste."

"W-What are you doing? I thought you were-"

"I'm Voldemort, you dumbass," I replied flatly and I think I cracked Harry's mind with that. "And you fell into my trap. You know what happens next?"

"Y-You kill me."

"Oh no," I assured jovially. "You have a few more uses before dying. In fact, I think you will pray to die rather than be subjected to what I want."

I turned to the side, looking at the still-open door and sighed.


The barrier complied as the door fully closed and restricted access to anything trying to breach the chambers. No lucky comebacks via cheeky phoenix in this situation, Mr. Potter.

"W-What are you-!"

Harry's voice died down when he felt the wand once owned by Ginny now pressing by his scar. Handling protective charms was difficult, especially when one was trying to handle one as resilient as the one Lily Potter put on his son. Yet, the weakness of this spell, just like many defensive ones, was that it couldn't handle a frontal AND a rear attack all at once.

The barrier flared, putting on some resistance to it, but the horcrux was quick to capitalize on the lack of serious endurance from within outwardly and easily shredded the basis of the spell. The shard of soul slammed out of the scar, ending what was left of Lily Potter in the mortal realm and exploding Harry's scar with blood and other liquids as the boy's bloody face flashed an unfocused and dead look because of the horrendously brutal 'win'.

I quickly integrated the fragment, smiling at the fact it was small and... provided more memories from Lord Voldemort. More things I didn't know about. With the currently last horcrux now absorbed, Harry's dying body was used as the basis for my 'resurrection'. Where Ginny's essence would have been enough for an average body, the boy's lingering magic would have been enough to make something a bit more 'pleasant'. It didn't take long for my ghostly frame to regain color, to cease its lack of liveliness and regain something that it had yearned for long: a true return to the living.

Part of me dreaded this. 'You could have been better. Harry could have been corrupted and... turned to our side'.

No, he was too good of a puppet. It wasn't even an argument raised by my 'Inner Tom'. I knew that Harry was too much of a good kid to actually consider joining the guy that wanted to kill him since a child and was responsible for setting him up for years of abuse. Nope, he would have been a threat. And his death had been necessary.

For my return!

I grinned crazily, I felt my magic easier to control and will at my command. No need for spells' names, only... control. It was euphoric, but not enough to distract me from the next few steps. Ginny? She was half-dead. I took a bit of pity towards the girl. I tricked her to kill roosters, I had her commit all those heinous crimes, I tried to kill her for a body and now I killed her crush. I felt sad for the child- and so I healed her up and provided her with a pillow, some sheets and a 'IOU' message which I doubted I was even going to consider as valid. Not when leaving her to live was already a mercy.

With that out of the way, there was one last thing to deal with before leaving Hogwarts for good. I could have easily apparated, destroyed Hogwarts' wards and told Dumbledore I was back with that stunt, but... I wasn't that cocky. And I needed to get something out of this place with me.

~Come to me, Basilisssk~

I was a bit surprised that Tom didn't know the Basilisk's name. Then again, I could see Salazar being too worried of people trying to steal it so I didn't exactly whine as much as I would have on a normal basis had it been the kind of knowledge Tom could have learned about. The large serpent left through an opening within the Founder's statue, showing itself to me in a rather submissive manner.

~Master, what do you ssseek?~

I smiled at the humbleness and defeat in its voice. It was mine to control.

~We are leaving.~

A slow nod.

~I sssee.~

Sorta. If it could see properly, then I would have been dead. The snake could use a special feature that cloaked its eyes from affecting those it 'started at'. I was spared because of my control over it, but others would have been bestowed with a glance of death.

Finding a way out of the Chambers proved to be quite easy. The numerous tunnels connecting the Chambers were quickly exploited to find a way that led directly into the forest and through a path of that place where centaurs were known to not visit. The only creatures there instantly vacated the area. Spiders, they retreated en masse while the basilisk and I strolled through the woods and calmly left Dumbledore to explore the results of his mistakes.

A warning, and just strong enough to let him ignore the full gravity of the situation. He would find a much-alive but distraught Ginny, a dead and brutalized Harry and a bizarre diary with nothing magical on it except a sense of familiarity tied to a student he long thought dead, literally and metaphorically. Me? Oh, I had so much to do. Starting with my followers- those that were free and that could be trusted.

I had Horcruxes to absorb, a Dark Lord to 'devour' and further chaos to unleash.



This is perhaps the darkest route a SI written by me has ever taken. Of course, it will all be in the name of rational evil with hints of chaos in the right places. By the way, I'm following the books' timeline in terms of years, so it's 1992.

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Mar 25, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: 2: Starting Steps

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JBukharinSigner of the Totalist Charter

Unwavering Riddle 2 - or 'I am an Anti-Villain, and I will not restrain myself in some amoral acts for survival's sake!' (HP/Xover - Tom Riddle!SI)

Do you know what is the best thing about being an evil overlord with many plans and minions to use and exploit to my whims?

Pranking the life out of some people. Sorta.

I went under problematic radars for roughly three hours. First, I had to find a safe place where the basilisk could have found its new home. After a quick look through a few places to ask for 'help', I managed to find some help by relying on old bases Voldemort had set up through the years. I never thought the Dark Lord would have wanted to have multiple hideouts, but I realized through the memories coming from Harry's Horcrux that it had been a 'precautionary step' the Dark Lord took when he started the war.

He didn't doubt his skill, but he had worried many times that his manpower would have been unable to match up with the aurors. The very moment battles were won against the highly-professional wizards, it became clear that the hideouts were no longer necessary. Nonetheless, these were now useful for me due to a few items I had to pick up. Nothing relatively important in the immediate future, but some of the ingredients were fairly rare, difficult-to-find, and also useful for some complex rituals I could make use of for some interesting boons.

Nothing to bolster my current body. I was still hesitant to take any chances and ruin the current compatibility I held over the other Horcruxes. The hideout I chose was deep in the Amazonian Forest, Brazil. It was in the middle of the unknown by all means, but the Basilisk wouldn't have to worry about trouble. Not only it couldn't be tracked down by any wizard due to the far distance it was dropped by from the nearest settlement, but he could happily enjoy the abundant presence of animals for it to devour.

These hours were intense but exciting. There was just something delightful in long-range Apparition to test out my current magical prowess, which proved to be quite impressive considering my expectations of my current potential being fairly low. Turns out that the way the Horcrux-absorption process worked was that I absorbed memories and innate power. All souls had magical potential which could be channeled through the body- in layman's terms, a magic user's body acted as a conduit in most occasions, similar to how a normal wand tended to be used as. The body was more attuned by it, but it was difficult to get a hold on how to control this kind of power via wandless magic. And since Tom had experimented with magic before receiving his wand, I had the chance to know how to manipulate things to a greater degree than some of the greatest wizards.

But, I refused to be static and allow my voracious curiosity to prevent me from going through the next steps. After all, I had some 'damage control' to issue before it all became a problem. My quick departure was definitely going to grasp Dumbledore's attention. The moment he learned Harry Potter had been brutally murdered? I was going to get heat on my pasty-white butt. Looking back at the lore of the series, Dumbledore dodged a forced resignation through Harry saving the day. Since Harry didn't save the day, he was 'at risk' of losing his position right now.

Which would give original Tom a boner since that was the ultimate revenge, but... that was bad in the long-term. A Dumbledore with one less job meant a Dumbledore with some more free time. And that free time could be easily used to plan my demise while tracking me down. Which was terrifying to say the least as I wasn't ready yet to murder him. And no, I wasn't raving.

I had the means to slaughter the old brother of a goat-fucker if I wanted. It's just that I didn't want to get too much attention on me by doing that. It was going to be on the news. And it was going to get nations worried. And what do worried nations do when lightly provoked? Let's just say I wasn't ready to invade half the planet just yet.

So, I had to get the one that started this mess to 'back down' or face a literal 'back down to an early grave'. Finding the Malfoy Manor was easier than I felt. I mean, the wards weren't even close to some of the older magical families, but I guess that Lucius never thought it possible for someone without a warrant to just come by, break through his wards and share a lovely tea party with his wife.

Narcissa Malfoy was more gorgeous than how she was portrayed in the movies. It wasn't even an attempt to slander the actress, it just felt like this version felt fitting for two simple reasons: 1) She looked a proper noble woman with her icy glance and her regal posture; 2) She was full blonde.

I had no preference on specific details, but the book said she was blonde, and I felt my inner detail-freak appreciate the unplanned headpatting. And with him, also my inner charmer as I started to work her up. Not to the point of fucking her. I knew better than just cucking my piggy bank and potentially inheriting the little shit of a son they had at the moment. Still, I had her talk and grow amused and relieved that this 'Dark Lord' wasn't planning to Crucio'd the fuck out of any potentially disloyal minion.

It took Lucius ten minutes to ditch the Minister, freeze today's schedule, and get back home via Floo Network. A glance, that's how little he needed to know that I was the real deal. Sure, I was 'smaller' than he may remember me as, but my eyes were the same bright and bloody red that were quick to ensnare, frighten and bring out the need to worship me out of people.

"M-My Lord. You- You are back."

One second he was standing, the next he was groveling at my feet... and his wife. Narcissa flashed a nervous look at her husband's zealous reaction. She knew why he was doing this, and she was rightfully worried that I could react poorly to this. Lucius hadn't been a loyal piece, never was. He wasn't exactly out there to backstab me, but he was pragmatic- as someone would expect from someone with his upbringing and mind.

Which is why I had to bring him back to heel and have him absolutely under my control if I wanted my piggy bank to never dry out.

"Lucius. I don't recall ordering you begging me for mercy. Stand up, time is of essence after all."

"My Lord, I'm-"

"Sorry, yes. I know. But right now this conversation can be delayed to prevent some issues tied to my return," I interjected with some annoyance bubbling up in my throat. "Lucius, from what I understand you are currently trying to get Dumbledore fired."

"Y-Yes. The Headmaster will be soon booted from Hogwarts and-"

"Proceed to cause us some real problems if that goes through," I interrupted again. "I want you to pull back from your current pursuit."

"What? But Dumbledore is soon to be removed from Hogwarts, his power base would diminish."

"But, at the same time, his free time would increase. And, right now, that's not a convenient piece."

He frowned, confused by my stern reluctance to go through. "But why?"

"Let's just say Dumbledore lost his primary pawn a few hours ago, and that will give him a good enough reason to cause issues to us with very limited interest to uphold the laws of the Ministry," I reasoned cryptically, with Narcissa catching up on what I was implying during the first half of that response as I could notice from her pale face.

"Y-You managed to kill Harry Potter, My lord."

Lucius gawked at the news, and I nodded.

"Harry James Potter died a tragic and naive death. He got too trusting of people in Hogwarts and failed to realize the man he was turning his back on was none other than the one that killed his parents," I remarked flatly. "Alas, I guess I can say I got a few interesting things from him. Specifically his wand and... a few ideas on what could happen now that he is dead."

"My Lord, I don't wish to sound doubting of your might, but... how did you defeat the Boy-Who-Lived?"

...I really hate this. I could have lived without this tangent, but I guess I have to bash some skulls with fucking knowledge today.

"Lucius, Narcissa, I wish to begin this explanation by saying that what you may know about the 'Boy-Who-Lived' was fabricated by Dumbledore to provide the foolish boy a status of relevance," I started to elaborate on the situation. "It was his mother that night who saved him and had me 'dispersed'. She used the last ounce of magic in her body, her soul- and created a protection over his son. The Killing Curse did bounce off of him at the time, but it didn't protect him completely as part of my soul ended up shredding his barrer and latching onto his head."

"The scar? That was-"

"Something of me which I had recovered with his passing," I hummed, interrupting Narcissa and smiling at Lucius. "Hence why I suggest you get the Minister to back down from firing Dumbledore before he starts getting illegal with his ways. He may be a man of the Light, but he is one that favors 'the ends justifies the needs', especially when it comes to abducting children to get followers of mine to get particularly disloyal."

Lucius understood what I was saying, his unease back in full force. "I-I will see to solve this. One moment."

He bolted from the living room, calling to some of his House Elves and getting them to prepare documentation to dissolve the ongoing process he had worked so hard to get through. I bet it was frustrating, but it had to feel less worrying than having to deal with 'Djumbledore Unchained'. With Lucius out for the count, I decided to resume my chatting with Narcissa. The woman's eyes were glowing in delight as I went back to tell her about a few ideas I wanted to pitch to her and her husband.

Despite what some would expect from such an individual, Narcissa was no trophy wife. She had some hand in some of the business affairs Lucius would end up striking from time to time, and she had an eye when it came to potential breakthroughs in their income. Specifically when it involved 'stealing' from the Muggles and then 'adding magic to it'. The main idea that had her particularly sold was the ballpoint pen which could be either given a charm to transfiguration the ink from a color to another or actually be turned into an unlimited pen. The former could be sold as standard, while the latter could be seen as expensive premium versions.

I think I had her initially taken by the notion of 'stealing from the Muggles', just like they tended to 'steal from us'. It was rather refreshing to speak with someone that wasn't outright working my shaft. Narcissa didn't hide the fact she was getting a bit influenced by the fact I was a handsome devil, but she was glad I didn't press hard on her for something a bit more 'intimate' than mere chatting.

Ah yes, sex could wait for now.

Not like I didn't want it, but I needed to just get some people killed, others recruited, and the rest bribed to silence.

Normal stuff, 'nuff said.

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Mar 25, 2022Report

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Anthony1967, SlimCognito, Student of Zelretch and 250 others like this.

Threadmarks: 3: I am (not) good at Chess

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JBukharinSigner of the Totalist Charter

Unwavering Riddle 3 - or 'I am an Anti-Villain, and I will not restrain myself in some amoral acts for survival's sake!' (HP/Xover - Tom Riddle!SI)

When you are a Dark Lord, you have many things you need to do to get back on top.

And two of the things I instantly found necessary for that plan was political clout and 'protection' from law-enforcement issues. Which meant the political landscape had to change immensely before I tried anything funny for the next few days. Cornelius Fudge was a jolly pawn for Lucius, but even he could see how his loyalty's ambiguity could easily spell some issues in case we needed to make some dubious actions we may have to deal with quite soon.

It's been just a few days Dumbledore reinstated and Hogwarts finding out that Harry Potter was dead, the mourning process shook the British Wizarding World to the core. I've been living at the Malfoy Manor as a guest, using this chance to think and plan things while the situation in Magical Britain evolved in a most pleasant turn of events.

Political debate was spurned by the tragedy. Some were quick to blame Dumbledore and still wanted him fired, while others wanted the Ministry to pay for... doing nothing. I mean, yes, that was true, but it would be a fat lie to say they had much of a say in that regard. I would say the real responsibility lay on the notion that the Ministry never got an inkling of where Harry Potter lived and how they could have given him 'proper protection'.

Much to my surprise, Dumbledore didn't jump the gun and preach the return of the Dark Lord. I guess he could see how this could hardly be respected if, by the end of the day, it meant he knew who the Heir of Slytherin was from the very beginning and had Hagrid willingly framed. That and the fact he didn't take the idea to put extra protection on the school and take care of the threat.

Things were buzzing loudly, and Fudge was having trouble keeping up with the heat thrown in his general direction. Hence why I decided to call all those Death Eaters that were free from jail and ready to see what was really going on. I guess the lack of sign from the Mark had them a bit perplexed when Lucius invited them for lunch, but they seemed to realize fairly quickly who was the pretty boy sitting on the chair opposite to Narcissa and right by Lucius' left.

Some were confused, others incredulous and-

"M-My Lord?"

A smile adorned my face and I turned to see one had moved out of his chair and knelt before me. Shock and awe flashing as my red eyes pierced him in a familiar way and he almost cried when he knew I had been correct. I stared at the man, his appearance striking me familiar as the name was instantly on my lips.


"I-It's you."

"Yes," I muttered with brief delight. "I see that you are doing well, my loyal servant."

Whispering erupted within the table. Everyone was shocked by the confession and every single guest pretty much rushed to mimic the loyal minion's act, begging for mercy, for forgiveness. They knew the sin, they had 'forgotten' to look for me. And while the original Voldemort would be mad at this, I was glad for it because I was granted the chance to be. So I 'forgave' them and pretty much resumed the formal meal without much of an issue.

They all returned to their seats and questions started to pop up, with my mind ignoring the faces and focusing on the words.

"My lord, how did you return? Why are you so young?"

"My magic is unquestionably superior to many. Even Dumbledore knows this much," I answered readily. "And this is a form that I had set up the moment I needed to make a return. A form which would prevent any correlation to the body I had before my first passing."

"There's so much to do. The others- they are still-"

"In quite the unpleasant situation, yes," I interrupted flatly. "Their release is within my plans, although it will take some time to secure Azkaban."

"Should we start planning raids, my lord?"

"Not yet, my fierce follower. Right now our forces are spared too thin. And the first war taught us all a few lessons we can't ignore," I mentioned with a serious tone, turning to Lucius. "The ministry- they dispensed the manpower that helped Dumbledore's little club."

The Malfoy Lord nodded. "They were. Bagnold sided with Dumbledore and made it difficult for anyone to handle that sort of alliance."

"Which is why I think it's time to consider a different set up rather than just straight into raids," I argued, this time looking at the edge of the long table we were all sharing. "Lord Greengrass."

Edgar Greengrass had been one of the last members to enter the Inner Circle. It spared him from getting cast out as a potential Death Eater while also allowing him to genuinely try to run away from the horrid life Voldemort had almost yeeted him and his family into. Right now, he looked like he had swallowed a lemon.

"My lord?"

"Apologies if I sound a bit curious, but I have reason to believe you have been interested in political positions as of recently."

Narcissa's lips twitched at that. She was the one that told me how Edgar had tried to get himself an important job in the Ministry, but didn't get much. He was rich and with an impressive connection with the trading of herbs for potions and spices, so he wasn't exactly losing much in terms of economy. It was more of a prestige than a necessity.

"That would be... correct?"

"What's your view on becoming the next Minister of Magic?"

The table was quiet for a moment, and I glanced at Lucius in an effort to pick up his reaction. He was surprised, but he held back from inquiring why a Greengrass and not a Malfoy. Meanwhile Edgar looked like I had just stomped on his crotch with the way his eyes had widened at the news.

"I would... what?"

"Cornelius Fudge finds himself in a very precarious position. He is weak, his mind is fragile, and his loyalty is by far the worst since he can be easily sold through fear and bribery. He is not an acceptable man to try and infiltrate the ministry," I smiled at the stunned man. "And you have no 'correlation' with us as far as Dumbledore knows."

"My lord, you mean that Lord Greengrass' election is favorable because... he is not known to be tied to us?"

"That's correct. Right now, that anonymity is essential for what my current plans are for the ministry. After all, I mentioned many times that there were plans to change things for the best and... I believe I found a solution to the many flaws of the first war."

"Y-You are finally going to tell us more, my lord?" Alecto Carrow inquired, almost drooling at being finally given the small piece of bacon Voldemort had dangled over the heads of his subordinate and... by looking at me. Yep, that's odd.

"Obviously. I think this is a most fortuitous situation in the ministry, and that's why I wish to thank Lucius for his contribution to the cause. It would be foolish of me to not recognize and praise his efforts."

He nodded and dropped a 'thank you, my lord' after I was done with that, my gaze back at the rest.

"Now, the first step is to secure the ministry. I believe it should be easy to have Fudge fall from grace through a scandal."

"A scandal, my lord?" Lucius asked with some eagerness. "I have a few proofs that could be used to sack the fool."

"And I'm saddened to say that, due to the chance of you being even so solely implied to Dumbledore, will be pushed aside for this occasion," I argued calmly, using reason for my rebuttal. The man flashed a disappointed look, but he seemed to accept why I couldn't make use of his plan. "Which is why I wish to forward you with general proof to set up Fudge as a 'power hungry monster'."

My eyes were on Narcissa, and I could spot some suspicions on what I was trying to do with this. "Narcissa, I suppose you remember your cousin, Sirius Black."

Surprised looks flashed around the table, some already knew the name, but not many had spent time trying to reason much on the individual. To many, he was my 'super-spy' or shit like that. So, it was a bit depressing if my own inner circle couldn't tell that was a fucking lie.

"I... I do, my lord," The woman commented. "What about him?"

"Tell me- actually, tell us all: do you think he was Death Eater material?"

The confusion doubled in all but Lucius, Narcissa and those that had met Black before.


"I will not waste your time by dragging out more details than necessary, but let's try to stick to the crucial question: do you think he was really a spy under me?"

She looked at her plate, a thoughtful look on her face and then she sighed. "No."

I offered a thankful smile, and then I resumed the circus from this point onward.

"Sirius Black, my dear followers, was no servant of mine. And the reason why many believed he was could be exemplified in stupid luck. From two men," I continued, my smile turning frustrated. "First was Sirius' own stupid luck in getting caught trying to kill my real spy, and then there's a younger Fudge's stupid luck in catching him with the wand unholstered after the killing of so many Muggles. Things were so intense at that point, why not salvage it all for the sake of a good promotion?"

"He had an innocent man imprisoned?" Rookwood commented, looking around as he saw many sharing his shock. "He may have been a foe to us, but he was a man from a noble magic family. He got punished with ease!"

"An injustice which could become problematic if Fudge decides to open up the chance that some old followers of mine could be behind what killed Harry Potter."

The entire table grew tense at the circumstance, and I looked back at Edgar.

"Do you see my point, Edgar? Why do I need someone that appears to be neutral but in truth is in our camp?"

"I do, my lord," The man muttered. "I will... I will make a speech about it."

"And I believe this gesture should be followed by the rest. 'Edgar Greengrass is a man of morals and integrity. With him, we can have a Magical Britain devoid of stagnancy and one where true prosperity will reach... all'."

Everyone nodded at the faux speech, with some sporting annoyed looks as I mentioned the 'all' at the end. Much to their dismay, I wasn't going to go Hitler on muggleborns or half-bloods. There was just so much to do to 'fix' this society, and all wands were welcomed in securing that situation.

With the meal over and the guests leaving, I managed to pick up things from there to get other stuff ready. Narcissa was still working on getting access to Bellatrix' vault at Gringotts but the process would be easier if Bella was out of jail; Lucius was looking into securing the Daily Prophet's attention on the brewing storm. And while these two were busy, I took this chance to hunt down my Horcruxes. Little Hangleton was quick to find, and finding the Gaunt's Ring proved to be a silly task.

After removing the traps my Voldemort's memories remembered I had planted on the place and the ring itself to perfect details, I had the trinket to absorb and the Resurrection Stone for me to use whenever I wanted. I was getting stronger, and I could easily duel Dumbledore if I so wanted. 'Too early' I would repeat in my head, as to not get my eagerness to screw me up for what was to come next.

As things were slowly setting up for me to make more moves against Dumbledore, I focused on keeping myself under the radar and... taking care of some circumstances I was somewhat tied to. Specifically some issues in the form of a peculiar snake familiar on the loose.

And I needed her under my control ASAP.



Snek incoming!

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Mar 25, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: 4: Star-Balkan Crusaders

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JBukharinSigner of the Totalist Charter

Unwavering Riddle 4 - or 'I am an Anti-Villain, and I will not restrain myself in some amoral acts for survival's sake!' (HP/Xover - Tom Riddle!SI)

EDIT: We start with a different perspective...

It was night- or... quite dark.

Ginny couldn't tell within the safety of her bed. The covers of her room's windows barred shut and the warmth of the household failed to cheer her up. The girl thought she had already faced plenty of upsets in her short life. That she had all reasons to believe she had seen enough to build a personality out of the clashes with her siblings before Hogwarts but... the situation in her First Year taught her she was wrong. So wrong.

Imagine, a girl that crushed on the Boy-who-lived found lying near to his corpse by some teachers. Obviously none saw fit to accuse her of that horrifying crime- with Harry's body cold and his face slightly mangled due to the shredded forehead. It was a sight that made a few teachers release their breakfast on the cold floor of the Chamber of Secrets. But Ginny... she couldn't rationalize what she had seen. She was brought to the infirmary, her family came to check on her. Ron looked so pale that Fred and George would have teased him for being a ghost if they hadn't known better than to joke about such a matter. Harry Potter was dead.

And Ginny Weasley felt at fault for his passing.

She was the one that got kidnapped like the standard damsel in distress, the one that was close to being killed and... then Harry, waltzing in as a hero from fairy tales, got killed by the one that she believed the most. Tom, he lied. He lied to her. Or not? That was an absurd dilemma. Was Tom the Heir of Slytherin?

Ginny didn't say anything of the book to Dumbledore, the man had been looking intensely on the matter but seemed to fail to get anything out of her through mere questioning. Then again, she had been exhausted and her mind was barely working when he interrogated her. The girl just didn't have the mental strength to hold much of a conversation. And then her parents pulled her and the rest of her siblings out of Hogwarts and back home.

The teachers quickly worked on handling the abrupt end of the school year and provided a list of the year's curriculum plus instructions on how to set up some homeschooling. It had been an unorthodox move, but one many families saw as a blessing since it prevented them from having to look into tutors. Some still did, but the Weasley could hardly manage that kind of expense. Charlie confirmed he would stay for a month back home. He wanted to be there for them- Ron and Ginny. He knew how much that had to have hurt, and he seemed the one that reacted the most 'concerned' from the rest.

Their mother tried but she was just too unsure how to handle that matter. She overheard a conversation between her parents, Molly weeping over the way this had to have hit her 'babies' like it did to her when her brothers died. Arthur... Arthur tried to, but his work had since doubled due to the panic unfolding at the ministry. And with Fudge's resignation now imminent, he looked forward to seeing if the new minister will be up and capable of handling the sort of mess his predecessor left behind.

Edgar Greengrass had been seen as a viable candidate to that job, and, while their family was known to have strong ties to the Slytherin House at Hogwarts and to the magical nobility, he was slowly becoming also known as someone that wanted to entertain the 'rupture of stagnation' and the 'reforms'. Many words, Ginny decided she didn't like politics as she had enough personal issues to handle.

The girl hardly left her room for meals and bathroom breaks. She studied a fair bit, but she was unmotivated and... the girl knew she was faring slightly worse than Ron. Which was a lot to imagine, yet she could tell Hermione was to thank in keeping the boy from fully dropping out from any intellectual favor. The brunette just didn't let go of him when the news broke, both crying on one another. It had been brutal, especially since Harry had been their first friend.

Ginny didn't have that luxury, only self-loathing and an aimless pursuit to keep going. But for what? Was she worthy to keep on trying and be functional? The only reason she hadn't dropped everything was worry. Worry that her family may force her to keep on going against her will. It was silly to imagine, yet Ginny was sure they were all expecting her to crack in the matter of days. But Ginny couldn't falter. Not now, not anytime soon. Her fright for life was too strong, and her questions so loud inside her head. She had so many things to do, so many things to understand.

And a possible traitorous friend to track down and question on why he kept her alive when he didn't have to.

Tom had to have answers to some of her questions. Was he the traitor? The Heir? Did he really possess her? If so, why did he spare her? And why he gave her those convincing smiles when he didn't have to. How come his face formed in her dreams in a caring way. Why?!

The poor girl that was Ginny Weasley huffed, once again entertained by the thought of leaving her safe sheets and brave the world again.


Finding a Snake in the Balkans can be quite difficult when the Yugoslav Wars are still ongoing.

Common sense dictated starting from Albania and then moving into the mainland cities, but I found the notion of going too close to where my 'original counterpart' was fairly frustrating. I preferred to get to where Nagini was first so I could have an ally rather than a foe. I knew a few things the lore didn't add to her current state of being.

And a particular detail gave me the good hope I was going to find her in a particularly acceptable mood and quick to 'submit' to my control through a few adjustments to the status quo. It was indeed interesting how one of the worst crimes committed by Voldemort after pretty much exterminating people through terrorist attacks and Horcruxes was doing a few not-nice things about his familiar.

First with a lie, and then with something a bit worse.

Not gonna lie, my little stroll in the Balkans was going to find some interest from magical communities in the areas, especially when the wars carving new countries out of the dying communist satellite suddenly came to a halt as the leaders were either 'persuaded' to seek feasible borders with each other. See? I can be a nice guy when I want.

...Oh? You want to know what happened to those that were too stubborn to budge from the position? Let's just say I'm a Dark Lord and I can get creative in faking suicides. Ah yes, the culture of Crusader Kings III was one of the finest things I couldn't let go of even when I wasn't dealing with medieval times~. In their stead I put a few people that were left without any rivals to struggle to power with. I wasn't sure how that was going to shape politics with these few changes, but I sure flipped the bird at the UN for their crappy reaction-time.

Still, peace-making and assassinations aside, I eventually found Nagini a week into my little walk. Rumors of a 'snake-shaped demon' killing small villages in Bosnia had me suddenly rush to check on these. Turns out this was the lead I was looking for. After a few hours of patrolling the Bosnian countryside, I stumbled on a familiar energy slowly trailing the untouched woods. I paced left my smoke-flying form and did the last lap to reach the familiar by foot. I wasn't rushing it, especially when the snake seemed to have perceived me approaching and was making her way towards me.

Soon, my calm investigation came to an end as I found a familiar pair of slitted eyes looking at me as the serpentine form slithered towards me.


Soft, feminine, happy. Nagini's delight was polite at best, controlled- forced to be restrained to not appear too possessive or face punishment.

~Nagini. I found you.~


I crouched down, palm stretching for the snake to approach and rest her head on as I studied her situation.


The blood curse was indeed in its entrenched form. It was no issue since the familiar bond would just give me free entry to act on the curse from outside and within. My magic slowly coated each inch of her body. Slowly, subtly and carefully dodged the lingering curse that was ready to react the moment an 'invasion' started.

The snake went stiff, eyes wide open as a mixture of emotions flashed within her head as I started to destroy the curse. She felt something, but she couldn't understand what it was. While I was working to purge the curse, I was also using some of my magic to numb her body to the pain. She still felt something intense, but her body was unable to discern if it was a good or bad thing.

It was a process that took two long minutes to conclude and I was sweating a tiny bit by the time I was done. Once the pressure was removed, the healing magic was diluted and then removed. Nagini's form started to shift violently and I took a step back as I waited for the transformation to cease.

The snake slowly abandoned the scales for skin, slitted eyes for human eyes, then hair, lips and other details that were proper of a woman before ultimately settling for a lady in her mid-twenties. The woman squirmed a bit, her left hand reaching for her throat while her fingers tingling and teasing the skin there.

Her eyes were unable to stare at a fixed place for a while, adjusting to the changes as found herself blinging a few times before being able to focus her gaze on me. She didn't seem to mind the fact she was naked... but I did because of how cold the scenery was. The curvaceous frame of hers was delectable, but I preferred to not have to deal with a sick familiar in the long-run. She was stunned, frozen by the circumstance as she ignored the blanket I conjured wrapping around her frame in a comfortable manner before becoming clothes.

"I... I'm..."

"Your curse has been dealt with, Nagini," I muttered calmly. "And I wish to apologize that it took so long-"

"Wh-Who are you?"

I paused at her question, my memories from the Horcruxes giving me no insight on what she was about. She had found me at this 'age'- and while the curse did let go of the restrictions imposed to her mind to allow her animal self to take over, the leftover memories should have remained as definitive pieces.

She crawled closer, seemingly unable to stand up before ultimately taking hold of my legs, using those to climb over me. I held strong and held her up, helping her with what she was doing and... she stared at me. Nagini breathed nervously, her eyes moving left and right fast as she seemed lost in her thoughts, trying to rationalize what was going on.

"M-Master? You- You are young and... why are you apologizing to me? Why am I... human again?"

Shock, she was handling numerous news at once and having little to no breathing space to face them all with proper pace. She stopped as I grasped her arms.

"I'm going to take you to a safe place where you can recover first, Nagini. Then we will talk. Don't rush it."

The young woman looked ready to ask more, but seemed to understand it wasn't the best place for that sort of matter. She flinched a bit as I Apparated back at the Malfoy Manor and saw fit to alert the owners of the place of their newest guest. I didn't explain who the woman was, only that she was a loyal subordinate that I had left to deal with things in mainland Europe and 'got lost' when Yugoslavia cracked.

They weren't exactly aware of 'muggle news' but they understood that if a magician got stuck in a hostile environment like a warzone, then it meant she was in strict need of help. And while a couple of house-elves handled bringing her food, I left Nagini to rest while I focused on the next two issues: a proper base of operations and... screwing with Dumbledore.

It was about damn time I pranked the old bastard. And I just so happened to have a way to get him jumpy just enough to appear senile in his panic.



Snek Waifu get! Also, prepare for some 'major' characters' deaths next time. I will not say who, but someone's about to get it for past despicable things.

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Mar 25, 2022Report

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Unwavering Riddle 5 - or 'I am an Anti-Villain, and I will not restrain myself in some amoral acts for survival's sake!' (HP/Xover - Tom Riddle!SI)

EDIT: Tom gets naughty! (first by prank, and then by fuck)

Humming a bit, I looked around as muggle workers grunted while moving things inside the mostly empty manor.

The 'Riddle House' had been a little investment that was easy to fully obtain by approaching the presumed owner of the house. It had been a very small detail of the book I remembered just as I looked into the paperwork the kind man that was Frank Bryce, the faithful gardener of the Riddle Family, provided to me as I introduced myself as Tom Riddle III. I was the 'grandson' of Tom Riddle Snr. and the true owner by birthright of the household despite the 'troubled matters' tying with my 'grandmother'.

He looked slightly relieved when I presented myself as a young businessman, and I could tell that using some charms to hide my red eyes did wonders to present my approach as the 'prodigal son' kind of return. I looked just like my 'grandfather', except 'softer' in my face. He almost cried the moment he saw me, and was more than welcoming when I told him I wanted to reclaim the household for the Riddles. Turns out that the paperwork was enough to fully establish why the owner barely lived in that place. It was a smuggling den. Or the British version of it. The place was in ruins, yes, but boxes filled with illegal items were neatly placed in the more spacious rooms.

It took a few days for the police to get everything signed down, gather the evidence, and then pounce the bastard behind this 'tax reasons' bullshit. The end result was that the house was bought at an affordable price while I also got the chance to keep a few of those boxes by moving them in secret sections of the setting Voldie had been familiar with and no one knew about. Why keep some illegal shit? Well, if it was jewels I could sell to get muggle money up and running for some of the plans I had concocted for the mundane world.

"M-Master Tom, this place is... is looking better," Frank looked slightly upset while he said that, but it was mostly because I couldn't find out what happened to the old family portraits. He 'knew' they had been stolen, but I was aware my 'old self' had something to do by shredding the pieces one by one to 'erase' the Riddle Family for good.

"It will look as good as it can get. Close to my ancestors' view of the elite and perhaps with a touch of modernity. Times are changing after all," I reasoned before staring at the elder. "By the way, I reckon you asked for new tools for gardening. I suppose you have a list of things you wish to have retrieved for the continuation of your good work."

He offered a tiny smile while handing out the document. I gave it a look, stared at the price and... it wasn't that expensive. I handed him twice the expense, his eyes widening at the power move.

"Master Tom, I- I don't need-"

"It's alright, Frank. I wish to be quite thankful for your hardships with my family. I hear you were a soldier, World War II was scary."

"It was," The old gardener mumbled. "Still... thank you, Master Tom."

A nod later, and the work continued until around late lunch hour. The new furniture filled up a good portion of the manor, with most of the rooms still unavailable for use until I had better funds to use without getting dried up. Still, there was enough to fix some of the libraries, a couple of bathrooms and bedrooms, two of the large living rooms and the main bedroom used by the owner of the house. I had the bed burned, kind of couldn't find it in me to just sleep in the same bed where Merope and Tom Snr. did the naughty. Just found it incredibly upsetting as a thought. I was sure it was also a bipartisan move since the OG Bukharin found this BS quite distressing.

With lunch already dealt with, I decided to take a small break from the intense few days I had to go through by sitting by the couch near to the fireside and the new telly. Nagini was sitting by the ground (her choice) and she was mesmerized by the device. I guess that's what happens when you have someone whose last lucid memory was stuck around the 30s.

Nagini wasn't exactly in full shape. While her body was freed by her curse, her mind had yet to regain full bearing of what was going on as her inability to walk properly could only confirm. She either walked while keeping by my side, arms wrapped around mine, or even using a cane. She tried turning into her snake form and could do it so without losing cognition of her mind. The first time was a trauma, the several few times weakened the panic until it was just a silly thing of the past. I think. She cried a few times while shifting, but the more she used it, the less troubled she was by it.

Sadly, the brutal method felt the most convenient at the time. Was it reasonable? Obviously not. But at least it allowed her to crack on one of her worries at once rather than be haunted by it. The woman had also been fairly 'pleasant' to have around when I explained to her the situation. Or what I was willing to tell her about the situation. I made the silent rule of never bringing up the 'insert' stuff, just that I, a Horcrux, gained full consciousness through the absorption of Harry's.

Since she had no knowledge in that regard, she took the explanation to face value. Not only that, but I literally managed to get her to fully accept me as her 'new' master. I was still Tom or 'Lord Voldemort' however she wished to consider me, but it was different. I 'cared'. Now, a small digression in that regard. The reason I 'care' was a mixture of Bukharin's original 'I love people' with Tom's 'I am unable to love people'. It was a bizarre mixture of paradoxical concepts which resulted in 'care' being more of a phantom feeling than a genuine one. I knew what it was, I yearned for it at times and... I was genuine about it.

And that was a major upgrade for Nagini considering how cruel and lying OG Tommy was to her. Especially about her curse and the way he treated her. He 'charmed' her through his resemblance with 'Credence' and that was enough to get him to plant the false security needed to outright claim her as a familiar. Now she was mine and... she was very fine with cuddling. While I can't say for all minions of mine, 'care' was going to be essential to gain their utmost loyalty and full belief to the lie that I was the original Voldemort.

I ultimately decided to let Tommy-boy whine and cry in Albania for a little more and act only when I knew that Wormtail was going to get him. I doubted that was going to happen if his cover wasn't destroyed, but I had a feeling he was going to be in trouble. Him and Barty-boy. I had plans for the latter member. I was going to approach him once Edgar won the snap elections that had been called to unfold by the end of the month.

Many would have expected Dumbledore to be in his best mindset to handle aiding either Rufus Scrimgeour or Edgar himself. I was sure he was political-savvy enough he would have played for both sides until he found his favorite candidate to manipulate... if not for the fact he was 'distracted'. While I had the manor ready to house me and become a main headquarters for my organization, I also took small breaks to prank the bastard a 'tiny bit'. I knew when he was out due to his celeb reputation making it easy to track down his moves, and thus provide me with the best timing to get in his office and fuck shit up.

At first it was a bit complicated even as I started with small things. At times it was just moving a book somewhere else, or in the bin meant for trash. Small things that were meant to just unnerve him and make him think he was going nuts. Then I had a bit of a quarrel with a loyal guard of his that was Fawkes. I wasn't sure if the whole 'Phoenix cries can hurt bad people' sort of shit was real or not for me, but I took precautions to handle Fawkes by bringing magicked earmuffs when I first checked the office. Using a powerful enough confundus, the Phoenix was quick to fall to my suggestions.

I tried a few of those to see how strong the hold I had on it was and... it worked as I had it dance around in a silly pattern. The moment I knew the fire bird was that easy to get hold of, I had it do a few things while Albus was in the office. Specifically be more cranky around him and even crap on his head when the chattiness got excessive. The headmaster had to change numerous hats rather frequently the moment this little prank was enforced.

Next was a bit of a cruel one but not the cruelest: I changed his lemon drops for actual Meth crystals that were transfigured to appear like proper candy. Ah yes, he was tripping balls for a few days before he realized what was going on. Rita Skeeter just had a field day in reporting the many 'insane speeches of Albus Dumbledore' and more when I went through the rest of my bucket list on 'how to prank the old fuck'.

Next up was the second cruelest shit I could have done to him. If I couldn't get the DADA position, then he was going to get a hot seat as a headmaster. Applying the same curse Voldie used for the DADA position would have been problematic for my plans. Hence why I had a variant applied which made the Headmaster at Hogwarts the most unlucky occupant of the castle. And it meant a lot considering there were lots of unlucky students at the school.

I couldn't get a proper grasp of what that was going to cause since the school year was over and the teachers were fairly lucky normally, but this was a long-term plank that was going to hit that old fuck really hard once the next year started. Still, it all paled before the last and possibly most cruel plan I could plot against Dumbledore. He once mentioned to Harry that when his grandfather died, the ancestor's phoenix flew away and never came back.

So, to lessen his chances to be a trouble, I managed to break his familiar bond with Fawkes by using the most powerful mind-cracking spell in my repertoire and have the pet willingly break from the bond and fly away from Albus. The Headmaster was miserable and it was tangible in the rare times he was out of his office after that.

I was quite sure I had come really close to breaking him with that move, and I knew what really would have killed him, but I decided to hold onto it as I didn't want him to be outright aware of who was doing this to him. If I went through with that last move, he was going to know. And that would be bad for me right now.

A few hours of telly-watching went by, then it was time for dinner and finally for bed. And by bed I meant having an entertaining night with Nagini. I know this may surprise many, but I wasn't the one that started it. I knew for a fact Tom never did anything funny with Nagini as a snake beyond sleeping with her coiled around him while still clothed.

She acted as an extra layer of protection that went beyond the magical wards set down by him around his locations. So, while I had asked her to not join me by bed, the young woman was more than glad to keep the tradition going. By getting really close and personal, naked and warm, it was only natural how things turned out.

"Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~!"

Her moans were synchronized with the bouncing as she rode me with vigor and desire. I held her hips and helped her pace, controlling the lust-driven woman as she was getting pounded into submission. Nagini was really quick to dominated in bed, and the fact that my current length was peak fuck tool through the already above-average base cock boosted to be a fat meat slab that stuffed her just right and with a pair of balls that produced thick loads of cock-milk just had her outright submitted to me.

"Ghhklr~! Hmm~ Slrrp! Gkhhh~!"

First by slurping the fine piece until her mouth was just overwhelmed by the taste of cock, and then by having it ram hard and rough into her tight hole. She was absolutely delighted by the care put in the foreplay, to prepare her, to remind her who was in charge. And when it came to raw sex, that's where the most fun session started.

"M-Master, take me- Ah~ Make me yours~!"

After all, that's where I could get her bred and pregnant. At first it started as an amusing thought that got traction via arousal and desire, and then Nagini's begging to get babies out of me got me convinced to go for it. I was a tiny bit surprised that Tom had knowledge on fertility spells, but I reckon it had to do with the whole Delphini shit. Yeah, while I planned to deal with Bellatrix, pregging her was out of the count because of that. And she was no mommy material at all, no matter how much therapy was involved in that.

Fucking her? That could be thought of on a latter date, but for now I was focusing on Nagini. The 'snek waifu' was, after all, someone that could handle motherhood just fine. She wanted to have a big family, so I decided to bless her through my cock by giving her triplets. I considered doing more but- oh well, I wasn't planning to overwhelm the dear. Three children would be just enough to make her wish become reality. And as I abandoned myself in those nights of debauchery, I also entertained the thoughts of what to do next.

First Edgar's success, and then the Azkaban's plan I had in mind to rescue my most zealous minions and... Sirius.



This Tom may try to go for the 'Second Cumming of Genghis Khan' achievement. Can't say for sure tho.

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Mar 25, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: 6: How to break Dimensional Walls (For Funni stuff)

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JBukharinSigner of the Totalist Charter

Unwavering Riddle 6 - or 'I am an Anti-Villain, and I will not restrain myself in some amoral acts for survival's sake!' (HP/Xover - Tom Riddle!SI)

I didn't write a speech for Edgar when he got his appointment as Minister of Magic, but he had my 'major points' to focus on.

Politics was interesting and it would have been fun to personally screw with the relics holding the power in the Wizengamot, but I decided against getting myself 'too' involved about it and thus I used him as my proxy in this regard. It would be a lie to say he was doing it just by loyalty alone- I had convinced him to see the good within what I wanted him to push for the very moment he had the chance to speak. Cue, a grand proclamation that seemed to draw in even those that hardly listened to political topics. It was truly impressive, and I had only praises when it started and then came to an end.

To summarize it all in a few lines: Edgar thanked the people for this chance, offering himself as a 'Popular Servant' rather than a representative of the few before throwing himself in a quick but satisfactory explanation of 'his' plans. From Education to economy, to Interior to Foreign affairs. It was a rather extensive speech despite his best effort to be nimble with his words, but it was all more enjoyable that way. The core of it all was more of a 'political revolution'.

Among what many found to be healthy moves towards fixing stagnation there was also an effort to 'modernize' the government. Rather than just a Minister of Magic controlling all affairs within the limitations performed by the Wizengamot, there would be a cabinet under said Minister to support and advise him through the various major topics that helped holding together a loose country as Magic Britain. Surprisingly enough, we were among the last magical countries which actually embarked into this process.

Hence why Edgar reported praises from most of Europe regarding the recent changes he was advocating. 'Finally', was the common word used by all newspapers within the Old Continent, and I was quite stunned by this circumstance. Tom had some awareness of the various countries around Magical Britain, but never genuinely invested his interest into delving more into their politics. He was looking at the outcasts, those that could be taken away without getting too entangled in foreign affairs.

With the end goals rendered public, it was now a matter of 'making it' before the expressed time of four years. Edgar said it was feasible to get all necessary reforms passed, so I gave him that much time if not more if he believed that he needed to adjust a couple of things by the last lap. Still, he started by 'addressing a most concerning matter' which was the Azkaban situation and how that had caused several issues within the recent years. Not only it 'shredded a generation', but it also allowed for injustices to be perpetrated against those that as of recently had lost family.

Sirius Black became the unexpected subject of considerations which deepened the debate about the humane treatment of prisoners in the last few decades, especially those that had been judged guilty during turbulent times of the First Wizarding War. With Fudge's incompetence and lies being used as the battering ram for more discussion, the final solution was agreed by a large majority of the Wizengamot, yet a few did so with reluctance.

New trials were staged, proper lawyers were employed and a few legal tricks used to dismantle the old perception of Voldemort's Death Eaters. With Karkaroff being instantly striked off the list of potential witness due to the basis which drove him to 'speak' in favor of a situation sustained by the Bagnold Ministry, the list of people willing to speak positively of the 'murderers' was way higher than it had been back during the previous trials, and twice as big than those willing to testify against a different penalty.

The media portrayed the whole thing as a 'change for good' as people were granted the chance to practice their 'Habeas Corpus', which was still law within Magic Britain and had been illegally 'ignored' due to the Emergency State that was invoked during the First Wizarding War. It was something that took months to fully unravel, and I would lose myself in details in trying to elaborate the new perspective proposed by the new ministry: Voldemort managed to use his Mark to control the minds of those that joined his group.

A Mark most of the former followers were getting removed through the usage of a foreign specialist (AKA me), and instead getting special coins similar to those Hermione used for the Dumbledore Army. The logic was similar, but the design was more complex and powerful. The range of communication was severely heightened, it didn't give OG Voldemort any juice to rely on if he somehow ended up resurrected, and it was not as painful as the mark was. I was kind of thankful of the stupidly frightening moves adopted by Tommy-boy because I could now rip into his old and inefficient methods by applying some genuine plans to make the followers feel valued by me.

As if it was a company, I decided to set up a 'Peace Chest' which would be initially propelled by donations from the big families of the Inner Circle, but then promoted by myself as I was looking into a deal with Gringotts once my little investments in the muggle world matured and granted me the economical might to use and sustain the entire operation on my own. Lucius wasn't going to be my piggy bank for too long, but I didn't plan to remove him. Despite his deeply-conservative views on a few magical things, he seemed highly-receptive when I provided good explanations on why change was necessary and would bolster the entire society as whole.

Still, the whole narrative behind the First Wizarding War was fully changed into something more positive on those 'bloodthirsty' monsters. 'Naive' individuals that were driven mad by someone that was so powerful and amoral that was able to turn that hopefulness for change into a weapon to 'destroy it all'. And while many would see this as bad rep for me, it was actually good when it came to power. I was 'so powerful' I managed to enslave the minds of numerous minions all at once. Those in my ranks knew the truth, but none spoke against it as the propaganda was beneficial to our cause's legitimacy.

Many were released under the conditions of being subjected to therapy to handle the decade-long stay at Azkaban. Most were given back to their families if they had some that could take them in, and the others were granted private rooms they would pay for by their own economic means. Those 'crazy' followers of mine were quickly reassured with me visiting around and providing some explanation. The one that reacted the best out of this was Bellatrix.

I expected something a bit crazier when I came to visit her as I had refrained from freeing Rabastan and Rodolphus from jail due to their sub-par performance, but she just drowned in the bliss of being granted permission of pulling me in a rather awkward hug with her on her knees, shaking and crying. The woman was a mess, but loyal to the bone. So loyal that her upset at being 'treated' for her current mental situation seemed to outright vanish when I told her she had to go through some therapy. When she asked me why that was important, I told her about the need to 'see her at her best, and not at her most creative. Her mind needed healing and rest'. I swear she got wet just as I told her that with a degree of care.

Dumbledore tried to weaken the effort of release, remarking that the ministry was risking to 'follow a dangerous path'. His little speech had some people listening... and then it didn't as Sirius Black was coaxed into a very cleverly-built interview from Rita Skeeters, providing some scathing remarks on Dumbledore and his 'stupid Greater Good'. The poor man had been brought to his closest kin to receive cures, and those were the Malfoys.

He got a very tight seat and limited amount of free time to enjoy between eating, resting, going through therapy and other important stuff, but a few things were done to focus his current anger and dread in a single issue: Harry was dead, he had been abused- and Dumbledore had allowed this to happen. He was too emotionally unstable to not fall for some of the masterful tricks of the journalist, and he gave a highly-destructive response after another which shredded into Dumbledore's excuses.

With my initial state of survival incredibly improved, I now saw a good reason to start removing Dumbledore from those positions I wanted him fired from first. The Wizengamot removed him as the Chief Warlock, and his Supreme Mugwump position was in deep risk which forced him to be more active in that role to prevent losing another job. I wanted him to remain the headmaster, mostly because I could land the worst damage to his reputation if I allowed him to keep that position. Everything was going great in that regard and I kind of got a bit relaxed by all of this.

The situation was just excellent plan-wise, and Nagini was just not losing her eagerness to share the bed with me and make each experience the most pleasant. I was soon looking at anything that could have broadened my current advantage. I admit I may have gotten a bit drunk with power because of the current successes, but didn't outright throw myself into danger. No, I was looking more into British mythology and trying to find things or people to recruit if I could get hold of them. The thing is that, while I was doing such, I also discovered not much could be left behind due to various 'relocations' of said items and deaths for said people.

I was half-confident that Excalibur had been left behind as a gift in Southern Italy by Richard III. The sword had to be there somehow, while its sheath was not mentioned anywhere after King Arthur's passing. Most of the other legendary weapons were also scattered all over and some had been destroyed either during attempts to reforge them or outright shattered by those that saw them as sinful items. So yeah, I was quite bummed about it and found this whole matter quite bullshit.

Hence why I started to look into alternative ways after I got the chance to retrieve the Hufflepuff's Cup and the Slytherin's Locket from their locations and absorb their content in me. The first one was easy through a written authorization from Bellatrix, while the other took a bit of persuasion through magic to get Sirius to tell where Grimmauld Place was.

Narcissa sweet-talked Kreacher into giving me his former Master's item- the one he had wanted to see destroyed and, as I was done draining it of its Horcrux, I shredded the thing with pure magical pressure. The House Elf was delighted, and he allowed us to peruse the former house of the Black family for anything relevant. Turns out that there wasn't much left beyond a few private items the blonde saw fit to retrieve and bring to her new house.

With my magical level far exceeding what one could expect out of a normally-powerful wizard, I decided to really look into new means to obtain the items I wanted. I could tell there was a way to do so and... I found a way. Except it involved some intense 'pseudo-time traveling'. I couldn't travel back in time without cracking into the time flow and causing the end of the world, but I could go 'diagonally' back in time and enter a similar-enough dimension at a 'time' when the elements I was looking into were accessible. Any changes done there wouldn't cause issues back home, so I was more than happy to have fun with this jovial little stroll into 'Medieval Britain'.

That was the plan but... I kind of overshot the whole thing. I may have gone a few years before the Arthurian Era and got a bit stuck during Uther's reign. Just a bit stuck, after all, I did get back in the matter of three days and I wasn't alone. I got a few items I was looking to get, and I got myself an apprentice too in the process.

A big-tiddy one at that.



What Tom meant to say with 'diagonal' Time-Travel is that he entered an uncharted dimension similar to his own, got the chance to look around for legendary crap to 'take' (AKA Steal, loot off dead bodies, etch.), piss off a few interesting people and also get himself a cute assistant. Who is she? Let's just say the next chapter is going to be crazy as heck in that regard.

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Mar 25, 2022Report

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