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[NSFW] Coins of a Conqueror - (A Song of Ice and Fire, 'Post'-Conquest Era SI)


a song of ice and fire


aegon the conqueror


rhaenys targaryen




visenya targarien

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Threadmarks: Daris I

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JBukharinSigner of the Totalist Charter

Daris I: The Master of Coin is dead, Long Live the Master of Coin

2 AC, King's Landing

Things happens... even when we try to steer clear from chaos.

No matter how hard we try to make our lives devoid of trouble and general issues with elements of powers- people know how to attract others to them. And I was no stranger despite my best efforts to try and pass by as a mere accountant for the Kingdom. A quick introduction is... needed. I think. After all, I'm not exactly someone from Planetos in general.

My name is Jo- I mean, my name is Daris Grafton and, despite the lack of noble blood in my veins, I had just learned by a kingly decree, that I was made the newest Master of the Coin.

Now, this last detail may confuse a few people as... it definitely left me shocked for a while when I read the official report. Still, it's my fault for this situation be found quite perplexing by those that didn't know about me- especially because I need to be more detailed on the situation. I was 'born' seven and twenty years ago to a 'fallen' noble lady that ended up marrying a dim-lucked merchant. My parents were... there. I would be lying if I said I had a loving 'second' childhood, but I didn't mind the environment. It was stable, it was calm- then the Conquest happened and I so happened to be blessed by protection by proxy.

Lord Crispian Celtigar, Lord of Claw Isle, had been one of those patrons my father had relied heavily in several decades now. Despite the humble and precarious economic situation we were in, the Lord was quite accepting of us and other marchants' families when Aegon started his campaign due to their support employed when he first tried to take over Crackclaw's Bay a few years ago.

I was roughly five and twenty at the time, which was quite 'young' compared to many modestly-wealth merchants but... I wasn't poor. Far from it. The real reason why I couldn't start making a big business by implementing the economic knowledge I had from my previous life into what my father's contacts allowed me to do was tied to the pending debt my old man had accumulated through risky and tragic bets on some deals.

He allowed me to put an hand in his paperwork around the time I was six and ten, with the ensuing years guaranteeing us a rapid demolition of the debt. Buying and selling properties such as houses and villas, applying for investments over a few ports in the upper region and ultimately pulling one of the trickiest ordeal in Planetos' history: selling cheap construction material at a hefty price to Harren the Black for his fancy project of Harrenhall.

Then again, despite the height and importance of such a backstab, I have to say it was easier than it sounded. The man had been bitching and moaning to his vassals for enough resources to get his 'cool castle' running, so I just sold him 'quality stuff' at a price lower than what his vassals were willing to give and yet way more expensive than it actually was. That cheap move was never brought up to anyone ever, and I relied on the notion no one would learn of this ever.

Last thing a merchant needed was for their dishonesty to be flaunted across the Seven Kingdoms.

Still, fast-forward to a year or so into the Conquest and I was able to gain Lord Crispian's attention and growing patronage. The projects I offered him to invest into were far from 'insanely good' or absurdly overpowered, but the few additions to the walls and a general expansions of the docks to allow a capacity of ships once business resumed during peacetime were still good ideas. Especially when they quickly matured into fruitful gains when the Conquest was completed. The Vale and the Riverlands were quick to seek means to restore trading rights without incurring in troubles caused by local banditry.

With the naval tariffs eased as per King Aegon I's orders, products started to move through Claw Isle. The fleet at our disposal guarantee a formidable defensive force in case any pirates started to get crazy ideas of trying to ruin our affair, and soon Claw Isle prospered under the ambitious infrastructural project I started to push for. I couldn't exactly rework the place to modernize in a desirable composition. I just didn't have the material, support and experience to pull some masterful architectural BS. However, I still had a basic understanding of it, and I started to change small sections of the fief to allow a properly-paced increased housing to match the steady population growth due to the war. People ran from the areas that were hit the worst from this conflict, and they flocked to places that were untouched by it. Such as Claw Isle.

More people, more manufacturing, more products, more ships, more trading, more prosperity, and then... more people. And the cycle repeated on and on until the one that started it could keep it up for as long as feasible. I doubted it could be kept up for decades to come, but it was currently something that could really improve the Island's standing within the newly 'unified' kingdom. With Aegon's reign starting properly as the King of Westeros, Lord Crispian was soon forced to take on the duty of Master of Coin.

It was the third most important role in the Kingdom and the one where I soon found himself pulled into due to my previous reputation. Crispian was good at crunching numbers and fixing taxes into something feasible, but he was also a man that knew when he was beat and... he knew I was a bit better than he was. The now-old man had sought to coax me into handling the brunt of the job while making sure to reward my hard work by providing credit of my efforts to the king himself.

That was supposed to somewhat land me a lordship of minor rank. And I was sure that would have been the case if not for a detail both Crispian and the king had ignored. The news of my labor reached another pair of ears which was quick to draw curiosity and interest over my work. And soon, I had an unexpected important visit from someone in the royal court. Someone that I want to say I see as a proper queen with a deep understanding of diplomacy and patience but-


Rhaenys Targaryen, younger sister of Aegon and his queen-wife, may be the first individual in this world I could consider as a social mosquito. Stemming from the standard 'social butterfly', the 'mosquito' was the kind of individual which enjoyed obsessing over the life and actions of someone in particular. At times the obsession was diluted with multiple targets but... I wasn't as lucky. Rhaenys initially appeared to be what I had read about her. And I could sense that was still part of her even with the more recent times I had to deal with her.

Still, that wasn't her complete self as I would learn by the frequent visits I received in my workshop from the 'bored' monarch. If Rhaenys wasn't sparring, reading, 'training' (more like playing) with Meraxes (her dragon), or fucking her brother, she was around to check on me. And, much to my surprise, there had been a lacking amount of hours wasted in brother-fucking from what I was had come to understand in the ensuing years.

What with Visenya yoinking their brother for herself, and him and Rhaenys being busy for a courtly duty or something like that, banging was not something poor Rhaenys was able to get done. Hence why checking on me became some sort of 'medicine' to her never-ending plight. I wasn't banging her, obviously, I loved to keep my head where it was. Plus, I could tell she was only there to talk and pester me about insignificant things.

Such as the way Meraxes liked her meat, why she didn't like waltz around in armor but Visenya liked to 'show off her muscles and sweat' and how the King would call her a pest at times. And I couldn't blame him for thinking so due to how quick-paced and intense this woman was!

Still, nothing big happened that would have prepared me for this event. I had heard that Lord Crispian had started to feel ill in recent months, I just didn't expect him to be open to vouch me as his successor. In fact, I would soon learn the push came from an external source. And that said source was happily knocking at my door's office and instantly congratulating my appointment. Rhaenys was giddy, she looked excited in the childish sense of the word and... I was stressed beyond belief at this point between the big news, the fact I was now going to handle a whole kingdom's economy and I had to contend the notion she would be visiting more frequently.

The quote says that when a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip a coin that can either land on Sane or Mad. I know this may sound a bit extreme for me to say due to how nicely-portrayed the king and his queens were within the next three centuries but... I think the Gods pulled a fast one and had their coins flip and land on the side. What does this mean? Sane and insane- genius and yet mad- brilliant but-

"Dari~ Stop ignoring me, you craven man~."

"I'm not a craven man, Lady Rhaenys."

So, here she was, pestering me as usual.

"Well, you were ignoring me. I am your queen and I have a sword. What if I decided to behave like Visenya?"

Oh yes, the sisters'... rivalry. I had yet to properly process that, but these two were what one would expect by two sisters with different personalities. One was a childish woman with a serious obsession towards people when she wasn't getting the D, the other was one step close to go full tomboy and flex her strength by bench-pressing Rhaenys.

"Then you would rather punch me up and down rather than stab me," I reasoned, causing her to giggle at my response.

"So true, Dari. I can't believe I rubbed this onto you- now you can understand who is Best Queen~."

...Wouldn't confirming that comment set me up for high treason or something for favoring further divisions in the royal family?

"Also, before I leave I wanted to tell you that the King wishes to invite you at dinner tonight. He wishes to meet you since- Dari, why didn't you ever meet him before?"

I frowned at that new whine. "We are both quite busy."

"I'm too, but I can met you both with ease when I want."


"I'm jesting, fool of a friend," Rhaenys replied mirthfully. "I understand you have things to do but... what about Visenya. You know, I think it would be better if you first had an interaction with her before proclaiming me your favorite queen and... are you alright, Dari? You are pale and that's a bit worrying."

I had a few reasons why blood drained from my face and it was tied to the fact that I did have an interaction with Visenya. And I don't mean just one where I was safely away from her with numerous guards between her and me. No, I meant a full 'first contact' of the semi-nude kind. I wasn't exactly one that shied away from training from time to time. When I was free I would just focus on exercising and keep my body in shape. Healthy body for a healthy mind. It so happened that one of those times happened right as Lady Visenya had returned from a scout mission and had ordered for the training section and the bathing area to be without intruders. Turns out no one in the guards saw fit to alert me just because they thought of me as 'unreachable'.

I had that sort of reputation due to my lack of interest in involving myself in any pseudo game of thrones just yet. Still, that hesitation ended up landing me in an awkward spot. Specifically when I went to finally wash away the sweat and go back to work, only to stop as I found a single individual finishing removing the upper section of her armor and the drenched shirt under it. While Visenya was known as the least approachable of the Targaryen's sisters, her beauty was tempered by her fierceness. In fact, if I had to go through estimations, her tits were roughly bigger than Rhaenys, but her butt was flatter than her younger sister's.

Still, I was there, I froze up and, as she moved to set the armor piece aside, she spotted me. Visenya, the woman that was known to have killed for less, just stood there, eyes wide open as she stared back at me in pure confusion and dread. She was so taken by this development that she didn't even bother holding back her exposed breasts from being gazed at.

No words was uttered, my face at the time came close to explode, and I remembered leaving before anything bad could have happened to me. I expected some form of retaliation about it, but I received nothing of that. Rather, whenever the circumstance came that I was passing near the older queen, she would deliver a strong glare which was quite intense but lacking any murderous intent for some reasons I couldn't decipher.

Anyway, the issue at hand had to be solved, so I replied as swiftly as possible to divert the issue to something else. "I'm... I'm sure your sister is even busier than the King, Lady Rhaenys."

"Hmm, I guess that makes some sense," The young queen confirmed, nodding at the words. "Still, remember tonight's dinner."

"I will not miss it, Lady Rhaenys."

A giggle, then she walked up to me and nodded. "Stop being this stiff, Dari~. I don't bite."

As she said that, she was leaning towards me and I felt pair of soft and warm lips peck at mine. "Not much, at least~."

Rhaenys left with a blush on her face and a smile that left me further confused as this was... the first time she got so bold with me. And the gesture just felt so natural. So effortless. As if she had expected for this kiss to happen and she wanted for it to happen.

With a dinner with her, her brother-husband, and her big sister and fellow wife, I just could tell things were going to get quite... intense.



Despite their apparent satisfaction, the 'dragons' are each starving for something. One is a pervert, another is a cunning romancer and another want someone to talk to and share a drink or two when the time comes.

Initially I had plans to write one of those intense SI stories about GoT/ASoIaF but I decided to try something ballsy, barely used, and opening a door that will storm the world with quite the lewdness the cast will introduce.

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Today at 5:45 PMReport

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Threadmarks: Daris II

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JBukharinSigner of the Totalist Charter

Daris II: A Different Promotion

2 AC, King's Landing

I never once feared for a single dinner.

I had 'bad' dinners, I had 'awkward' dinners, and I had 'unwanted' dinners whenever I was busy and my dear mother would string me to get through a meal when I had already eaten earlier. Then again, I had many times eaten little to just satisfy the aching of my belly and never to reach full satiety.

Right now, that memory barely held the candle before the situation I was facing. Not when I was meant to handle three Targaryens with deep roots with Valyria, incredible reputations, general plot-armor, and overall... known tendencies to be quite 'open' with some of their own views. Some of which were quite unusual compared to anyone that followed the Faith of the Seven. And, to add more fuel to the fire consuming my butt, there were details within the dining room which made little to no sense.

Specifically the table that was being used wasn't the banquet one, but a relatively small one. I chalked it out as Aegon and his sisters being somewhat positive to not keep themselves apart from each other in normal instances. Yet, in this situation, I failed to see why such a private 'table' should have been used to have me at dinner.

Another element which concerned me was the lack of guards in the area. Sure, there was enough to cover the entrances, but none that was close enough to hear what was being discussed in the dining chamber. Which, before the issues of espionage and deception, was a good way to prevent rumors from coming through any private conversation unfolding in there. I guess that would explain why so little was known about the Targaryen trio to those serving in the court. I even doubted Orys Baratheon knew a shit or two of what his half-siblings were doing in there.

When I was finally before the other people partaking in this dinner, I found my heart skipped a beat. And no, it wasn't 'just' their beauty. I would fancy myself straight even now, but I would be foolishly 'desperate' if I didn't just admit that I could see why many maidens liked Aegon. Many fanarts and statues that remained of him had him with a thin beard of silver that gave him a sense of clean wisdom.

In this case, he was shaven clean and yet looking as manly a man with a beard would be. His violet eyes held intrigue as they darted from a giggling Rhaenys as she finished a joke right up at me. A studious expression was adopted in the moment, but I heed it not much attention as my gaze tentatively grazed his sisters.

Visenya looked to be the calmest and the most detached at the table. She wasn't wearing armor, but preferring a fairly conservative red dress with gold and violet details. She had just finished cutting a slice off her cooked meat and bringing it close to her lips when her attention moved at me. It was somewhat enticing as a sight, if not cute in the overall scenario.

Lastly was Rhaenys and I wasn't ashamed to say she was wearing what I would expect her to don for the occasion. She had a tiny dress over her nightgown. How did I know it was a nightgown and not part of the dress itself? The external dress was flat in texture by look and possibly touch, while the darker-shaded outfit underneath was frillier and more elaborate- what I would call an eye-trap due to its purpose of entertaining a viewer's eyes into ogling and enjoying the petite and yet full frame she had. It accentuated her curves, but it did nothing to elevate a sight I have long been accustomed to. Men may have fallen for this trap, but lingerie was something I was too familiar with and rarely found attractive.

And difficulty when I already had seen a womanly frame in different clothes already.

The first step into this event was simple and it relied on a custom many already knew how to enforce. And it was a proper greeting to the invitation.

I bowed quite low, and spoke up. "Your Highness, as requested I, Daris Grafton, your Master of Coins, is here to-"

I didn't even get to finish that sentence when I heard rapid footsteps rushing my way. I looked up, I heard giggles, I also noticed that Rhaenys was barefooted when she just bolted for me and, through the carried momentum, tackled me to the ground. It was... painful, and groan-worthy. The young queen definitely didn't give a fat shit about my suffering, preferring to focus on the task at hand.

"You are here!"

"I-I said I would have not missed this, L-Lady Rhaenys."

"Rhaenys, don't harass our guest!" An annoyed Visenya exploded, causing the girl to jump off me and stand up.

I slowly proceeded to get off the ground and I saw the young woman still there. She used this chance to hug my arm, promptly setting my limb right into her boobs and led me to the table.

"Aegon, this is Dari."

"Rhaenys... I think you should apologize to him," The king tiredly remarked, giving a stern look to his sister before turning a smile in my direction. "And welcome to this dinner, Master of Coin."

I nodded respectfully, while a pouty Rhaenys pulled off from me and walked back to her chair, muttering a distracted 'sorry' while I slowly sat by my seat. The meal was already there, steamy and inviting as a seasoned steak should be. Before I did anything to try it out, I waited for the monarch to say something in that regard and was glad when Aegon realized what I was waiting for.

"Please, Daris, do enjoy the product of our chefs' good work as our fine guest."

"I will oblige to your generous offer, my liege," I replied humbly, deciding to try a slice and-

"Are you going to tell him?" Rhaenys interrupted the peace with an excited tone, glancing at her husband-brother.

"Not... yet," Aegon mumbled while Visenya scoffed.

"Focus on the meal, Rhaenys."


"Focus. On. The meal," The older Targaryen repeated while heightening with emphasis each word up to the last two, her martial expression leaving no room for protest much to the younger sister's chagrin and the King's relieved look. Still the woman turned to eye me. "Master of Coin, it's good to finally make a proper introduction with... you."

The way she trailed that last bit had me tense up. Not noticeably, but enough for someone with a clever eye to know I am nervous. And Visenya had that from the way she was studying my body language.

"L-Likewise, Lady Visenya. I'm warmed by your most kind approach."

A wrong adjective to use towards her normally, but she understood I threw the first flattering thing in mind from the way she nodded at it and refused to react to the detail. With the two sisters somewhat at peace and the dinner started, Aegon saw fit to finally 'initiate' a conversation that was civil and devoid of any unease.

Who would have thought that talking with the King would have been easier than speaking with his sisters-wives?

"Daris, apology for me asking but... could it be that you are a nobleman from the Grafton family in Gulltown?"

"...I would say I am related, but don't recognize myself as a nobleman."

Rhaenys frowned at this. "I thought your father was a merchant, Dari."

"Which is indeed the case," I replied honestly. "But I believe that the situation is... fairly complicated."

"How so?" Visenya pressed on, confused by this turn of words. "Are you or not a noble?"

Before I could have answered, something seemed to click in the ruler's own pondering on the matter as the truth dawned on him.

"I think it's because Daris is one of the few unrecognized children that was enobled due to his absolute loyalty compared to those in Gulltown that tried to oppose me at first," Aegon explained with a delighted tone. "It was Lord Celtigar which provided me with pleasant reasons to grant you a noble title."

My current social issue was a bit of a mixed bag, really. Despite that being the truth, there was more to it. Sure, I had been officially recognized as a proper member of the Grafton family, but that didn't mean the Grafton family was that happy that the son of an unwanted marriage to be considered as one of their own ranks.

Even more so when the reason that I kept my last name was mostly through anonymity and bribery from my father in case people asked about it. They hadn't known I bore that name, and now, despite what these people may think, I was untouchable from being deprived of that last name. Lest they had to explain to Aegon why they had tried to delegitimize someone with strong ties to the government they were supposed to be loyal to.

I slowly nodded, a reaction that confused the king.

"Is there any problem with such a decision?"

"I wouldn't say that the decision warrants any negative feeling about it, your highness. But, if I may be truthful about it-"

"You may."

I nodded at the permission. "I don't see any advantage about it in my current status. It's just a way to preserve a name I had been using since I was born."

"I see... Still, I have nothing to say about it. It's yours the way you react to gifts of your ruler for the extensive good work you exerted in those last few years," Aegon remarked happily. "And the many praises and reports I have on your name are indeed excellent."

I nodded slowly, deciding against speaking again since I didn't want to appear like a 'brown-nosing moron with ambitions'.

"Tell him," Rhaenys interrupted again, this time more exasperated, causing Visenya to groan but stop when Aegon raised a calming palm at her and used it to reach her hand and squeeze it.

"Your highness, if I may ask due to Lady Rhaenys' outbursts-" And overall mood which looked as if she had chugged an heavily condensed 100x caffeine solution in a single chug due to how giddy she all looked while staring at me. "Is there an important reason for my presence here?"

A nod, at least I could tell my assumption had been correct. "Aye. Your presence here is dictated by an issue which I believe you can be the key to solve. A solution that, obviously, you have to bear with utmost secrecy and absolute loyalty to your king."

Bowing my head instinctively, I replied with as much seriousness as I could. "I am your highness' subject and shall protect any secret he shall bestow me with."

A small but sad smile appeared on his face, but he didn't hold back from explaining the situation.

"Daris, as of recent times I have confirmed with our most trusted physician and healer that I bear an illness which is... fairly embarrassing to mention."

Frowning, I was tempted to keep quiet, but I couldn't. I was just so confused. Aegon was sick? Why? And why were they all so calm if he was sick? What kind of illness? "I'm... I'm sorry to learn this, your highness. An illness? I hope this is nothing deadly or-"

"Nay, it's not a deadly foulness. Alas, it's one that hurts me in a different manner than a normal sickness," Aegon admitted with an uneasy look before dropping the news. "I will... not be able to have children on my own no matter what I try. I am infertile."

...The news hit me like the train that killed me the previous life did.

It was so shocking for me to learn that this was indeed the case and... it opened a jar of worms I wasn't sure I could handle considering that it tapped into theories which concerned this sort of situation. It would explain why his children had been so unusual compared to him beyond mere incest at work, and why there was a general 'decline' in familial/romantic love between him and his sisters-wives. Not just the infertility, but what I could easily see as a ramification already manifesting on his face, eyes and personality.

They were of pale skin, but Aegon was paler. His eyes bore sleep bags that showed lack of sleep which, while normal for those working hard to keep up with a kingdom, seemed too emphasized for those to be the result of some lost sleep. The sisters were also doing a good part of the ruling, so there was no way he didn't get sufficient hours of sleep. No, the issue was he couldn't find easy sleep anymore. He had a smaller-sized meal which suggests an unconscious need to eat less. And it all connected as fine dots of a puzzle I was slowly playing with.

"I didn't expect... your highness, are you alright?"

The question was initially confused by the women as a mere attempt to try and keep on the subject at hand. It sounded childish to them, but respectable as someone trying to sound worried for his monarch. Yet, Aegon could pick up I was trying to mean something else altogether by the way my eyes were displaying that concern. He tensed up in reaction to this and came up with a response that confirmed my early assumption.

"I-I'm fine."

The answer finally got to both Visenya and Rhaenys as the two could perceive something was off with Aegon if his voice cracked and stuttered in such a manner. What the king was enduring, at least from what I could tell at first glance, was a form of depression.


"I'm fine."

"You are-" Rhaenys pleaded, panicking a bit as she picked up the steel in his voice at shooting down Visenya's concerns.

"I'm fine!"

And then it was my turn to speak.

"You are not."

No 'your highness', no formality. A brutal remark which easily brought Aegon's angry violet eyes onto me. It was terrifying as I felt the Conqueror that had gone to sleep just a few years ago emerging as vicious as he had been when he destroyed Harenhall. Yet, I persisted by repeating my words.

"You are not fine."

It was an intense clash of glances, one I was seemingly losing at first but- He broke eye-contact and stared at his plate.

"I am..."

"Angry," I guessed, something flickering in his dull gaze. "At yourself."

"W-What are you talking about?" Visenya inquired, confused and worried. Thus her tone sounded quite frustrated.

"I believe the king is currently going through depression. In this case because of his inability to provide you with children, he believes he is at fault for this."

"I am," He repeated numbly, causing the other Targaryens to react to this.

"T-That's not true!" Rhaenys quipped in shock. "The Healer was clear, it wasn't a sickness that you could have done much to prevent from happening."

"Rhaenys is right. You shouldn't bash yourself for this."

"Your highness, your sisters aren't telling you this just to make you feel better," I added without hesitation. "Infertility is not a condition that can be contracted but is within one from birth."

"So, I was cursed from-"

"And I will stop you there before this gets ridiculous, my liege," I interrupted half-annoyed, causing the trio to eye me in confusion. "You call this cursed? Really? Let's try to make a quick list of your current life: you are one of the youngest ruler of a vast empire that matches if not exceeds Old Valyria in terms of size, you are the rider of a powerful dragon, your people love you as a conqueror but also as a fair king and you are literally married to two hot women that would die for you and are currently hurting because you are hurting yourself for genuinely no apparent reason."


"And before you try to explain to me how this self-loathing is justified, your highness, let me remind you that the cause of your current plight is beyond any natural power at your disposal. You can't fault yourself for something you, King Aegon I the Conqueror, can't do. You are still a mortal. Just like me, your sisters and anyone who may have been struck with this case of bad luck."

"I suppose that's... reasonable."

"Plus, I can see that your sadness is not just about having this sickness. But what does this imply in the long-run, correct?" I asked, receiving a nod from him. "You fear that this could make them love you less, right?"

"That's preposterous! Aegon would never..." Vinesya paused mid-rebuttal when she saw her brother-hubby nodded. "A-Aegon, we- we would never stop loving you."

"We didn't marry you out of a promise of children, you foolish dummy~."

Big Targaryen hug ensued, I was happy for them to solve this problem and I rested my back onto my chair while I waited for this to be over. To be fair, the dinner was quite excellent due to the successful talking and the delicious meal. I thought it was it, that it was over now that I 'solved' this issue with the King but- I was wrong. I was completely wrong and stupid for thinking it was over.

"...I suppose you are correct with those words, Daris," Aegon admitted happily, recoiling with ease from the embrace. "And this... this allows me to push forth for the request I had in mind to initially ask you about with less worry in my heart."

I frowned a bit at this. Wait, the secret wasn't what it was all about? There was more to it? And I could tell I had hit the spot when Rhaenys sported a giddy grin on her face while her older sister scoffed softly but said nothing about it.

"Daris Grafton, due to the necessity for this kingdom to produce a heir, I request your service as one of the most loyal subjects of this crown to assist in such a task by bedding my sisters."


"I'm... what?"

"And due to tradition and to prevent any scandalous rumor to spread, you shall be instructed to join the royal chambers each a few nights, the bedding unfolding within my presence and active participation if so demanded by me, your king."

My jaw dropped. "W-What?"

"Lastly, yours shall be a support role with a specific duty. Your king shall not dare to interrupt your ongoing deeds until allowed to and, even so, with extreme caution."



Rhaenys giggled. "Aegon, I think you broke him."

"That sounds likely," Visenya admitted, a smile growing on her face at my shattering mind.

"...Perhaps I should have dropped the news less strongly?"

"Maybe"/"Nope~!" His sisters answered, gaining a groan from a still-relieved king and the newest 'what' from a very mind-broken Master of Coin.




Also, this is but just the beginning of many shenanigans of this kind. There's going to be beddings, misunderstandings, exhibitionism, some magic at hand and potential warped bro/mance circumstances.

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Last edited: 19 minutes ago

Today at 5:46 PMReport

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Threadmarks: Daris III

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JBukharinSigner of the Totalist Charter

Daris III: Making the best out of a test

2 AC, King's Landing

It took the next morning for the events of that dinner to really hit me in the face.

Between Aegon's infertility (and quite possible depression) and the offer I was soon 'forced' to accept, I could tell these days were going to be telling of how this was going to be handled. Let me be clear, Visenya and Rhaenys were hot women. Hot but... dangerous. And were the sister-wives of the King. And they had dragons. And swords. And I was a glorified Super-Accountant. Yes, yes- I know I was underestimating my own knowledge on the topic, but it takes a while to fully grasp the notion I was meant to bed and bred the two women.

And that notion was so fucking HAWT! I wasn't shy to admit that I wouldn't mind going for it because this was a golden opportunity, but my common sense was something that kept a leash at my own lustful wants. Let's be honest here, I respect Bill Burr's view on what a Dick represents to a man: "A Dick is like a dreamer. It will always tell you that you can do everything if, by the end of what you plan to do, there's pussy to fuck." And as much as the Dream is cool, the coolness does little if you fuck things up. There's no amount of 'sorry' and 'help me, mommy' that can spare you from an execution.

Plus... I kind of found the entire fact the king was going to watch kind of awkward. I get it, the guy didn't want to make it weird for himself. But that didn't mean I was fine with Aegon to make it weird to me. I was upset about it, but I respected it. And I hoped this wasn't the prelude for some butt-play because that's where an execution sounded more pleasant to me.

I could tell the new day was different from the others when I realized that something was missing. And it was the kind of 'missing thing' that made life somewhat easier and yet empty. Rhaenys didn't come by to pester me. This wasn't good news. This was definitely a telling sign to be prepared about. I knew for a fact the girl hadn't skipped meeting with other victims of her usual 'pestering', but she had purposely dodged me. Which means a lot and I was ready for any sudden invitation coming from the King or her, or even Visenya in that regard. Would Visenya even invite me? Did she even want this?

Looking at her background, her personality and her relationship with Aegon... I couldn't help but feel a bit sad for her. She didn't need this sort of shit, but fate is a bitch and she was known to slap bitches when needed. Using the thought of a very miffed Visenya slapping the crap out of Lady Fate back and forth, I managed to find the inner strength to show no genuine unease for the hours of work. There was no convening of the Small Council, but I had a meeting with Lord Daemon Velaryon, the Master of Ships, regarding the budget of the fleet.

Ever since the war had concluded, it had been troublesome to find funds to fully maintain the entire fleet. I tried my best by offering a 'cycling strategy' to put half of those active for six months before giving the next turn to the inactive ships. He deemed it too ineffective, and I took this criticism with respect as he was more experienced in these businesses than I was. Still, I could tell we 'cracked the code' when we realized we could just keep the seamen fully trained and have them perform activities with the ships every three months for a month.

It would have allowed for the men to be hardened for combat and also keep the ship active for long enough to prevent any issues with the wood or with the demanding budget of keeping the fleet permanently active. I was a bit tired from that meeting and I had eaten just a bit before wandering off to my living quarters to rest a bit. Without Rhaenys around, I managed to get through the paperwork faster and thus I had nothing else to do in my office.

When I came to my bedroom, I was greeted with the winking eye of the guard standing outside, and... two whores that were quite naked, horny and waiting for me. I asked a few questions as I greeted them. Their names? Alis the fiery redhead and Kaenna the mature mistress of Dorne. Hot, lovely, and they had been paid by Aegon.


I admit that I should have expected one last test. It didn't take me long to understand what kind of test this was: Alis was Rhaenys due to their mutual childishness which was less present in Alis due to her experience in getting paid for sex, while Kaenna was like Visenya except she never went to war and was a tad bit softer and chiller than her counterpart.

Part of me wanted to just push them off the room and be done with this, but I had two issues that came by doing it: 1) I could be called a sword-swallower for ditching a double strawberry-choco combo; 2) I would get my shit pushed in by Aegon for making him waste money (that I had worked hard for him to have and keep) into two whores that did nothing with me.

So, I had to do it but... with my own conditions.

"Listen, I think this is a bit of a sudden situation and while I normally wouldn't do this, I believe I can treat you two ladies to a nice time for as much as this is mutual," I explained calmly, slowly starting to undress. "So, here's the deal: you tell me what you like, and I will try to keep up. In bed, I'm not your client, I'm not the one that paid you, I am the one that seeks to love you, to bathe you with care and affection. I can't promise you romance, that I believe would be foolish of me to provide, but I believe the three of us can have quite a lot of fun if we all enjoy it. Deal?"

The two girls shared a surprised look, then a smile and then nodded at me before staring at my now exposed length. I could see their mouths watering at it. I wasn't excessively big, but I was big. And I guess I missed having that sort of wanton look aimed at the source of some of my physical pride.

"Deal," The oldest replied and it was... game!

Now, I had to admit one thing. Training my body did little to get my sexual stamina up to shame. This body was a virgin one due to how many years I wasted studying local economics and handling a comfy rise to a good position. I hadn't expected to become a Master of Coin, but this didn't mean I was willing to let go of the post. Oh no, I was willing to fight for it if it came to some claimant to be better than me in the role. Still, back to the situation at hand, I wasn't exactly going at the expected pace I wanted to. I was slightly slower to not burn my stamina too fast and... the girls were mostly in charge.

Well, 'sorta' in charge. They had the choice of which position to try out, and I would go for it. And they would take it all. If I was to be subjected to clean whores, then I was going to at least play it like the proper gentle-fucker I was. And by 'gentle-fucker', I didn't mean fucking them slow and nice, but fucking them rough and fast when they wanted, when their cunts tightened around my length so lovingly that their moans would be genuine and impossible to hide. I missed this a lot, and I made sure to 'thank the girls a lot' for it. After four hours of intense pussy-fucking, tits-teasing, ass-fingering and cuddling, the three of us were enjoying the last few minutes of service by resting in bed. No one was sleeping, but we needed to catch our breaths after what we went through. It was there that I noticed something interesting that sex wouldn't have ever highlighted.

"You can read?" I asked out of curiosity and Kaenna nodded as she had picked one of the small books I had bought to read before going to bed. I would read a bit and then fall asleep, tiring my mind properly rather than let the headaches of my workplace drag me into nightmares.

"Aye, Ser Daris. Reading has been a subject taught to us by our mistress," The dark-skinned beauty admitted, a pretty smile on her face. "Why? Do you like clever girls more than dumb ones?"

Alis scoffed. "I can read and write, I'm just bad at math."

"While you are not bad at math, Kaenna?"

She shook her head. "Nay, I am good with numbers to a degree."

That gave me an idea to make this more... interesting for us all. "Say, this is aimed at the two of you. What do you think of a job which involves reading, writing, doing math, but getting paid handsomely for it?"

The redhead hummed throughtfully. "I guess that would be easier and have no obsessed clients to endure. But who would want to offer us that?"

"I think Ser Daris was indirectly offering us that job, sillyhead," Kaenna remarked, causing the younger whore's eyes to widen as she looked at me with hopefulness.


I nodded. "I suppose I should first convince your mistress. Would half-a-year worth of services for each convince her to let you go and let me hire you?"

"Obviously," Kaenna replied. "But then, Ser Daris, does this mean you wish for us to be... your assistants?"

"That would be the case, yes."

"Only your assistants?" The dark-haired woman remarked. "Nothing more?"

I quickly caught on to that. "You want me to have you both as my mistresses too?"

"Can we?" Alis pressed giddily. "Ser, I wouldn't mind warming your bed from time to time~."

"And it would be like being married, minus the nag of romance."

"What about pregnancies?" I argued and the girls nodded.

"We are taking steps to prevent unwarranted ones," Kaenna assured, a teasing smile resting on her lips. "However, if Ser so decided to have us bear his children-"

"Would you take care of them?"

"Them and you both. What kind of man would I be if I allowed the mothers of my children to be treated unfairly?" I rebuked truthfully, both women looking slightly surprised at this, with both smiling at that response.

"...Alis, I think we found gold."

The redhead merely giggled at her fellow 'former' whore, and I could tell I got myself two hot and loyal assistants from that.

Paying their mistress the expected toll proved to be easier on my finances than I had expected. They got paid a lot by the king due to their reputation, but their general tariffs were low and the yearly price was surprisingly little compared to my own estimation. Truth be told, the whores-related economy seemed to have just started to gain momentum. What with the Conquest and the various crazy shit that happened, not many people were keen to go for whores. Now that the conquest was over? The business was starting to pick up, but it would take years to get to the point it was going to make a difference. Still, I got two assistants which wouldn't mind getting rammed hard during free time out of this whole ordeal, and I couldn't ask for more.


And now I could just imagine Aegon's face the moment he noticed the two test-whores he sent to gauge me were now my assistants.



Rule 96 of the Master of Coin by Daris Grafton: You have to know how to turn a small profit into a big profit in all possible occasions. If you are given an apple, make it a bountiful tree; if you have a coin, make it a mountain of those; and if you're given a pussy to fuck, then turn it into a woman that will lust after you and be loyally able to show her skill without hesitation.

Next time, there will be no tests, and it will be the first night... for fun~ (and talk)!

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JBukharinSigner of the Totalist Charter

Daris IV: Going forth with One's Duty (Goes Kinky!)

2 AC, King's Landing

It's been two days since I hired my newest assistants and, truth be told, gossip has been fairly easy to manage.

Especially when it became easy for me to explain I piously took these two in out of interest for what they could offer to help the kingdom rather than mere sex. The smut still unfolded from time to time, but it was all in private times and aways from intrigued eyes. And there were a couple which were interested to find out if this could be used against me in court.

Turns out that some people just couldn't take 'fuck off' as an answer when it comes out too politely, so, when a few servants were caught wandering close to my office and asking to enter 'by my request', I kind of sat my foot down and created a permit system in case someone wanted to enter my office. Oh? You lost yours? Well, you can easily ask one of the many clerks I had employed under me for a substitute. Shouldn't be that difficult considering I put an effort to make sure everyone was provided with that kind of stuff.

So yeah, it was tedious but quite manageable. Mostly when it came to people that were a certain bored Queen.

Rhaenys was once more back to look into my case. I wouldn't say that she was outright interested to unmask a conspiracy, but she was definitely intrigued by the chance of catching me with my pants down. Literally. I could tell from the very moment I saw her behave at that dinner that she was up to enjoy the most out of this disposition. And it actually confused me. I was aware that she was kinky and flirtatious with those around her, even with Aegon within earsight, however the way she was coming through so aggressively actually stunned me in a perplexed mood.

What was she up to? And why could I tell that she was actively trying to probe into my personal life... purposelessly?

I was dreading when I received a note from the king asking me to pass by their bedchambers later that day. It was after dinner, right as the night descended on King's Landing. I couldn't help but imagine what I was going to find the moment I reached the room beyond the most protected doors. Would they be starting? Would they be waiting naked? Or was I being tricked into a mad deception?

The last one was quick to cross out. There was just too much that could be used against them that this kind of stupid possibility was even dumber when it came to why that would be a thing. Why indeed, a Master of the Coin that helped to reorganize the Kingdom's finances into growing the Crownlands' economy into something capable of matching some of the Lord Paramounts' fiefs.

The other two were... possible. Especially with the Rhaenys button within reach. Visenya was too chaste in her own pursuit of lustful romance from what I could get. She was a tender lover, quite the opposite compared to her little sister's antics. Which, to a degree, was hot. And sad. Sad because I was going to put her in a tough position by having her to do things with me, someone that she barely knew about. I was a bit uneasy around that notion- how was the night even going to unfold? Was I going to do both and be done with it, or was Aegon going to take a 'riskier' approach for his mind and let me breed his sisters one by one?

Eventually the questions ceased when I set up my plan of 'attack'. Alis pouted a bit when I said I couldn't have any sexual interactions with them, and Kaenna helped calm the redhead a bit while also giving me a knowing look. They didn't know who I was going to fuck that night, but the tan girl was expecting someone which may risk me killed if caught. Which was somewhat true to an extent. Still, the plan was simple and direct: I was going to go in, gauge the situation, adapt into it and claim victory. That was generic, I am aware of this, but it was the best I could think on the spot.

Dinner came and went, and I finally moved to go through the duty I was bestowed to go through. I could already picture some situations I was going to see quite soon and... none matched what I ended up facing. The guards stepped aside to give me entrance as soon as I introduced myself. They knew about this meeting, so they let me through and, as I opened the doors, I was met with... just Aegon. I was confused at first. No Visenya or Rhaenys? Why wasn't Rhaenys here? I thought she was the one that wanted this the most.

"Your highness, I thought that-"

"Visenya is turning up for bed in an hour, Rhaenys will be there in half-an-hour."

I slowly nodded, still unsure why the waiting but still glad that at least I wasn't being greeted by him being naked. The sleepwear he had on was fine in my opinion considering the late hour.

"Then I suppose there's a reason why I was summoned this early."

He offered a small smile. "To a degree. Would you like some wine?"

I actually checked the wine bottle waiting by the table on the side and... I couldn't hold myself from making a genuine point out of the matter. "Would it be really good to drink alcohol for this event? I don't wish to decline your offer, your highness, but-"

"You believe that it would be troublesome when it comes to... making decisions?"

"And reacting to those, yes," I added, nodding. "Alas, I can tell you wouldn't mind a sip or two."

"Just to numb my senses. I suppose it's all because of... you know."

"Your highness, there is nothing wrong in being upset on this matter."

"And yet I can't help but feel that any ill thought aimed at you would be a slight to myself," Aegon argued with a frustrated tone, causing me to offer a surprised look. He was angry at me? I suppose it made sense in the indirect way this was hurting him. "I can't stop thinking of-"

"Removing me as the one that will do deeds with those you are sworn to."

A nod, he didn't continue for a while and I sighed. "Your highness, if I may be a bit more blunt, may I call you Aegon while we are here?"

He offered a tiny smile. "Sure, but only if I may call you Daris."

"You may, Aegon. And I think what really causes you to grow upset and bitter is the fact you paint the scene with me and them, and you are not in it."

"And would I be wrong with it?" The conqueror asked back and I hummed. "What? You really think I'm wrong about this?"

"Obviously. I can't exactly please two women at once. I am still a mortal man with a single tool. And from what I can tell, one of them would be reluctant to try anything tonight."

His lips twitched. "I suppose you are aware of Visenya's reluctance."

"I wouldn't have expected any less. I get her point, and I think it wouldn't be right for anyone here in this matter to force her to do anything. I think it has to be of her own volition and, while I'm busy with a particularly giddy Rhaenys, I don't see why you two couldn't... you know."

"Daris, could it be that you are asking Visenya and I to just... do it beside you and Rhaenys."

"I'm not asking. I believe it's expected for you two to do something more than just watch."

"It's just..." Aegon paused for just a moment. "Would Visenya want this?"

"Well, it's either watching and growing sexually frustrated at what will happen or do something about it."

"She will... be unsure about it."

"Then don't force her. Coax her to slowly accept that some steps have to be made to prepare her for her own turn. I am not asking you to shove her onto the bed and do it with us, but... don't let your wife ignore her own needs if she has to be relieved."

He nodded in agreement to this, and soon the conversation shifted to other topics. After all, half-an-hour had to pass and we couldn't have just dabbled into emotional dilemmas. Topics of general kind such as the affairs already treated by the Small Council came to mind and talked, drawing quite a few distractions during our wait. Soon we were sitting at the table where the wine was waiting to be drunk, but no one opened the bottle. It didn't take long for a peculiar topic to come up. Religion, or better, the Faith of the Seven.

I had a particular view of it. I didn't despise it, I saw no issue interacting with people that practiced it, but I had good reasons to be wary of it. In my view, it reminded me too much of the Church during the Crusades. Sure, there were seven gods, but the pattern used by this organization was eerily similar to what I had studied in my History Classes. The Faith had its own military arm for fuck's sake. And it is going to be a problem in a few decades from now.

As far as I was concerned, it had to be dismembered one piece at a time, removing the loyalty of the people first. Obviously I didn't champion Old Valyrian traditions, but I found them less bound to potential corruption as of right now. And these could be manipulated before I was done with being influential and meddlesome on these matters. Still, I brought my thoughts to Aegon and I found in him a pleasant individual to bring my irritation about this topic. After all, he had his own reasons to hate these morons too.

"Finally someone gets it. It's been years now I have been trying to get my own Lords to understand that the Faith is just a parasite."

"Yet they will not listen to you in this regard because they were born to appreciate it as the only option. A good option in their eyes compared to the radically different rules of Old Valyria," I remarked, the man snorted and twirled the bottle, potentially tempted for a sip.

"I thought it would have been easier to keep these morons under check. To let them obey by strength alone."

"Had it been a country the size of the Crownlands then three dragons would have been enough. But even with their incredible power, they can't be around all over Westeros to impose discipline. A king such as yourself should focus on acting on the Faith by starting to ruin its reputation," I pointed out. "Such as elevating to the public's eyes the corruption they are festered with, while also promoting events to be charitable for the needy. A new faith which gives some dignity and hopes to peasants would be a way to gain their favor. You gain the peasants' favor, the lord's will, in most part, follow their own steps too."

"Oh? And why so? Peasants are just that to them, peasants," Aegon argued, but then paused. "Unless something else is currently eluding me."

"How are their armies mustered? Who makes most of their military forces?"

"Peasants- I see," He smiled. "If they are loyal to me and accept me as their king, they would never raise arms against me and would rather rebel against their 'treacherous lords'."

"That's correct."

The conversation continued some more before an intrusion unfolded. A planned one at it. The doors opened to reveal a single excited girl.

"And I'm here~!"

Indeed, Rhaenys was finally here and she eyed us with delight. "And you are already waiting. Did you wait for long, Dear Brother and Dari?"

"Not much," Aegon answered, sounding happier than how this session began. "How about you? How did the little trip to Dragonstone go?"

"Peachy. The weather was quite troubled, but I found no issue in going and returning," She hummed as the doors closed, slowly undressing. "So, I suppose we can start... please?"

Aegon didn't even get to say anything about it as she was instantly naked. No fucking shame from the silver-haired young woman and... I would be lying if I didn't say that she looked absolutely gorgeous. One thing was seeing her strolling with normal clothes, another seeing her nude and happy about it. She was a youthful beauty and one that had us both react intensely at it.

Boners are difficult to conceal when you are standing up and in the open. She noticed, licking her lips in preparation as she approached us.

"So... how are we going to start?"

Aegon looked at me and I shrugged. "I suppose the King should have the first take of the night. After all, there's plenty of time."

A surprised look crossed their faces, but Rhaenys recovered quickly as she seemed to pick up what I was up to. Aegon wasn't as quick and he looked ready to protest this... except a very horny Rhaenys had her mind set and soon she had the king lying on the bed. After being accustomed to this behavior for what I could tell had been years, Aegon just offered no protest on the matter, just rolling with it and loving his Rhaenys as lavishingly as possible. Me? I was soon sitting on the bed, slowly undressing too and soon waiting for my turn.

I pondered about wanking for the time being, but I decided against it. That would have made things incredibly weird. It was quite hot still, Rhaenys' frame was pushed onto the mattress, with the King's eyes aimed just at his lover, and ignoring the fleeting glances the girl threw my way. And my cock's way. To make things clear, I wasn't bigger than the king. In fact, I was shorted by a quarter of an inch and a bit thicker to compensate. Still, a cock was a cock and if it was as big as her lover, it just made Rhaenys happier to be riding it later that night. It was rough, the debauchery unfolding strongly as Rhaenys was pent-up and so was Aegon. Two horny 'dragons' going at it. Who would have known I would have ended up in this spot.

Half-an-hour flew fast considering it was a fun sight, and when Visenya arrived... Well, she was quite stunned. And perplexed. Rhaenys cautiously shifted away from her husband, letting her siblings speak while she moved upon me.

"I'm so sorry, Dari~, I could tell you were waiting for a long time."

"I'm fine. And you look ravishing."

Rhaenys actually blushed at this compliment. It wasn't the words themselves that got to her, but the one who delivered those. I just struck her with something she would have expected to tear from me after some proper subjugation but... no, I was going to give her more love now that she was cooked up enough by getting affectionate with Aegon.

"Now- Now that's not nice. Here I'm trying to hold back but..." She couldn't finish that sentence. She tensed a bit as I pulled her close forcing her face close to mine. She expected her lips to be taken so soon, but instead got two kisses, one for each cheek.

"Rather than being stunned, how about we both have fun?" I offered and she nodded, a big grin spreading on her face as she sat over my groin, pussy earnestly worshiping the shaft rubbing along its sleep and eagerly waiting to be stabbed by it.

There was no foreplay, no lovely words of affection, or even a moment of hesitation. The girl just took it all in and she was overwhelmed by the bliss. Rhaenys was tight, but not virgin-tight. I would say that her body was just reacting perfectly to the exciting situation, her pussy's walls wrapping nicely and warmly around my cock. It felt heavenly, but far from the intense emotion that erupted the moment we both started. The mating was ferocious- definitely not the same as what I had been tested through Alis. Rhaenys way above that, her current physical focus being breeding. She was into it, and her moans were quick to gain her husband-brother and sister's attention.

For them it was a slow-burn into lewdness. I could tell Visenya was already aroused before coming here. Did she have the same thoughts I had now consume her mind and leave her interested to do something out of this? And if reluctance had prevented her to initially join the 'nude and proud' club in the bed, I think her unease grew looser when Aegon mentioned my intention to not do her just yet. In that case, it was fair game since it was just her lover, ignoring the fact I, a stranger, was sharing the bed with them and fucking their younger sister.

Rhaenys wasn't giving a fuck, too busy begging for me to unload everything I had in her. There was just something 'magical' when a woman was so into getting her womb drenched in fertile cum, the idea of her wanting to get babies, to get pregnant, to become a mother and be a slutty one at that if she got through with it. And I, the breeding stud, was more than happy to go through with her wishes. To make things funnier on us, the fact that both Visenya and Aegon were soon trying to 'chase' us with their own libido turned the 'dutiful session' into what should have been from the very beginning. A 'split' Foursome. A mostly incestuous one at that.

I finally got the chance to see Visenya without clothes and, just like mentioned before, I was met with a heavenly beauty but of a different kind than the one that was Rhaenys. Visenya was more masculine but not in the 'man-faced' kind of way. The way she had focused on acquiring a body fit for fighting and endurance rather than mere femininity. It was ideal for intense sex sessions and I could tell she wasn't shy from getting drilled hard by her brother. My staring was also noticed and she provided me with an intense but curious look. At this point I should have broken eye-contact, but something pulled me into keeping with the 'standoff'. She didn't break either, and it became slowly clear to the two of us what was up. We were both getting excited at staring at each other, two strangers, fucking hard and loudly and feeling pleasured by it. Was she imagining how it would have been when it was her turn? I was definitely thinking of how tender her cunt was going to be. I could see her being the one doing it the least compared to Rhaenys, so there was a big chance she was even tighter.

For some odd reason that just had me harder as I pounded her sister. After a few hours of staring, fucking, and then creaming hard into Rhaenys' hungry baby-chamber to the point I had stuffed the thing with enough cum to cause a geyser of fertile jizz out of her, I decided to stop it there. Rhaenys was... annoyed. Briefly.

I think she thought I was just having cold feet or something to call it off this 'early on', but I mentioned that Aegon needed to spend more time with both the first few sessions. She didn't get to know why, but I could see her mind connecting dots with what happened with the dinner from a while ago. She shifted out of my arms and trailed back to her husband, giving me the chance to dress up and prepare to leave. I was ready to go, happy with the results of today and-


I paused just before I could open the door, turning to stare at a smiling Aegon while Visenya and Rhaenys started to 'playfully' tug at him to who was going to fuck him next..

"Thank you. To make it less awkward."

I smiled back and bowed my head. "Only doing my duties, your highness."

And then I was off, a bit spent by the interesting meeting, and glad that the guards didn't spare me any look. No noise came from beyond the doors so they didn't hear anything that could have happened in there. I yawned a bit, walking back to my bedroom. In there, Alis and Kaenna waited and I offered a smile as I saw a questioning look from the redhead.

"Back so soon?"

"Indeed. Turns out I was doing it with just one of the girls for this occasion and... I think I still have enough for a fun ride. You all up?"

There wasn't much sleep that night for the three of us, but at least I could say that I survived this first night of my 'duty'. Did I succeed in impregnating Rhaenys? That was going to take a while to get for sure and, in the meantime, it wouldn't 'hurt' to do her some more just to avoid any missed hit. All was fair and all when it came to trying, and I had yet to get Visenya. That, I could tell, was going to be quite tough. Or that was what I thought when, as the new day started, I was greeted by a surprise. Instead of Rhaenys pestering me as usual, it was Visenya that decided to check on me. And she looked absolutely... tough to handle, but desirous of something.

I had yet to determine if it was something good or bad. For me.



And here's another 'intense' chapter for this story.

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