
Laura opened her mouth before opting for a smile, "Well, I guess you're not wrong Ashur…" She giggled softly, "Still, from a teacher's standpoint you're a role model. And I'm surprised you know so much about monsters, what parts can be used for potions or weapon and armor crafting, those that desire to be a full-time adventurer really do enjoy your lessons quite a bit." Laura spoke proudly.

A great deal of those people was female. I've noticed that a great deal of the male students chooses to fight from long range, archery, magic, spears, halberds, lances… anything that could give them an advantage of 'not getting hit'.

In that regard, Lucas using a sword was kind of a relief? Kinda, despite being a little bitch at times he held his own pretty well against people in his year that weren't Claudia or Elaine, and I hate to say it but he wasn't terrible leading his party through the academy's dungeon either.

I rubbed the back of my head and sighed a little. "Well, at least some people are enjoying my lessons at least."

She nodded with a growing smile. "So, uh where are you going now? School is almost over."

I lifted a brow. "Meeting the disciplinary force, I'm their teacher advisor after all. I also deal out punishments, stay after school for those that have detention… and stuff like that."

Honestly, there hasn't really been a problem yet though, this is just a formality.

Laura made a soft sound and nodded, "Understandable, but I admit, the current disciplinary force is kind of scary…"

I chuckled a bit, of what I remember, there were only two disciplinary members with actual fleshed out sprites and animations

The captain, Hogoromo Setsuna, and her vice-captain, Alice Ashford… but really that was all the disciplinary force needed anyway. Those two were the strongest students in the academy bar none, not even the elite four were a match for them even after graduation.

"Ah, I think we're at the right room now…" I muttered, looking at the small scribbled map that the headmistress handed me.

"Well I guess you're going to be busy again so, I'll excuse myself now, let us chat again Professor Ashur." Laura waved goodbye, still smiling a bit as she did so.

I let out a small sigh and stepped inside the room…

It was completely normal, white walls, fancy tile flooring with several desks lined up with one another, the captain and vice-captain had their own special looking desk though… speaking of the captain, her eyes narrowed as she noticed me coming in.

"Professor, It's been a week already and only now you are finally greeting us with your presence… well… it's not like I expected much from a male."

A sole male winced as he cowered in the corner.

Her facial expression softened a little. "However, you are an adult, A viscount, a knight of her highness's court, and a teacher. You must have been very busy…"

She was honestly pretty beautiful, dressed in a completely white uniform with purple[/QUOTE]

She was honestly pretty beautiful, dressed in a completely white uniform with purple trimming, her chest looked like it was about to burst outward, the band that kept her uniform closed rocketing forward, beside her rested two katanas sat neatly next to her desk within grabbing distance, one of those katana's I recognize from Gorznog's treasure cave.

However, what really stood out were the pair of cow horns poking out behind a bizarre set of cow ears. Honestly, she was hitting all of my buttons already. She waved her hand to a desk. "Please sit down, I must show proper courtesy to the one who recovered my family's treasured sword."

I hummed a bit walking where I could and caring to not step on anything important.

"I am Hagoromo Setsuna, Tiberius's Ex-Fiancee, who he foolishly threw away and willingly broke our marriage agreement… it took six days and seven nights for our mothers to not drag our countries into a war." She spoke that name as if it had been poisoned. "I am a noble of the eastern lands, here in the Whitewald Empire, I would be a viscount as well, so please, let us talk as equals."


Her vice-captain placed a cup of tea down for the both of us. "Thank you, Alice." The black mage student smiled and nodded silently as she moved back through a door, where I'm guessing is a small kitchen for them to eat in case they have to stay late. "To be blunt, Professor, I see no need for a teacher adviser, we, the disciplinary force, desire to enact proper, fair justice within these hallways. I fear that you will show too much lee-way for those you care for, namely your wife and two fiancee's should they get into trouble. I also shouldn't remind you of the rumors of your first wife from last year either. While there was no evidence she was behind those accidents… I do not believe that you will enact a fair judgment should she be in the crosshairs of trouble."

Well… I don't blame her but…

"I believe in innocence until proven guilty, Hagoromo-san." one of her cow ears flicked at the suffix. "One can not fairly judge another without due evidence. What part of you judging Claudia for actions she might not have done in the first place, fair or just?"

Setsuna blinked before smiling as if she were agreeing with me. Taking a sip of the still-warm tea and leaned back into her seat. "Indeed, you are correct with wisdom I have not learned yet… Innocence until proven guilty, is it? But that doesn't guarantee that you won't protect your precious people should they be in trouble though."

I grinned. "Because I will. I will fight tooth and nail to prove their innocence."

Her lips twitched a little. "And if they actually are the guilty ones?"

didn't break eye contact with the smaller, younger woman. "Then as their husband, I'll take responsibility."

Setsuna nodded. "What if their punishment is execution?"

My grin vanished as I pulled on my full height within the chair, doing my best to make it a throne. I could hear the others behind us, watching us with great intent as Setsuna waited for my answer as a bead of sweat ran down her forehead. "Then I will still take full Responsibility, that Hagoromo-san… is what a man is all about, and should such a worst-case scenario ever happen… … I promise you, I'll take out the fucker who set them up with me."

Setsuna coughed loudly as a hand ran across her stomach. "The rumors of you being different are correct; I wish that others could follow in your footsteps." Her gaze moved to the sole male student in the room avoiding her gaze completely. " Many men would grovel or flash their eyelashes to sway the cold hands of justice should it be incorrect." She nodded. "Yes, not all justice is fair, or correct. Sometimes force is needed to ensure that justice remains justice and is not twisted into tyranny. You have a kinder heart than I realized, Professor, that is why I want to apologize to Claudia, I… wasn't able to help her. No evidence said that she did or didn't do the things she did, there wasn't anything to say that she had someone else do it for her, but... I feel as though I should have tried harder to find the truth."

She groaned loudly, showing a crack within her stern personality. "I'm honestly at a loss for words. Apologizing to her feels awkward, it's not even the right thing to do either… the damage has been done."

Sipping on my tea, I nodded some, sitting it down I gave her a smile. "Nothing gained is easy. You didn't climb to be this Academy's strongest student by taking the easy route, you burned through yourself and chose to walk the hardest path imaginable. Doing what's right not because it's the right thing to do, but to do it because you have the power to accomplish it. Even greater power for not forcing it upon others like a dictator."

Setsuna's brow twitched as she seemed rather focused on holding her stomach…

"Besides, I know for a fact that Claudia would agree that an apology would be useless at this point, however, she would also say that it would be a small step in the right direction. Claudia's a good girl, besides I'm sure if you two talked it out some, you both could be good friends."

Setsuna nodded. "I do hope so, honestly I've been wanting to have a friendly chat with her since her first year here, but all of our conversations so far haven't been friendly… W-what is it now?!"

Setsuna threw caution to the wind as she opened her uniform…

Right below her navel, was a womb tattoo… a glittering neon red full blooming rose, with sprawling green thorns danced her flesh. It sat perfectly between her navel and her crotch.

"Why are you burning?!" Setsuna held the mark tightly against her palm…

Then I felt it…

That pained eruption from my right hand, searing across my flesh, I nearly cried out myself as I gripped my wrist.

The War god's crest shone brightly. Setsuna's gaze looked on in surprise and horror as she saw the black sinister light radiating from the crest itself.

"Y-You? You're a-!?" The pain seemed to be dying down. I wasn't hurting as much and Setsuna wasn't as uncomfortable as she was a moment ago. "I… see now… You're a crest holder too… but… it's in a rather odd spot though."

Setsuna grunted as she sat back up against her chair. "I've never heard of a man having a crest, usually only women are born with them. This is my second time meeting a crest holder though… Tell me, which authority does your crest grant you? Do you even know or understand its power?"

I nodded, I guess I couldn't keep it hidden forever I guess. "The Crest of the Wargod's Conquest has three unique passive abilities that I know of, One is the transference of vitality and life force from enemies I've slain, and Two is memory inheritance which grants me pre-selected memories of who or whatever I kill, allowing me to inherit general experience in whatever they did outside of their job, and finally three Dominion as long as the monster I kill is above a certain threshold of power, I can acquire its spirit as a special kind of summon."

I honestly haven't used that last one yet, even though I can, I just feel like it's overkill to send out two boss monsters on some poor sap.

"The war god's conquest?! … … I see, no wonder my own crest acted up so suddenly. I am the holder of the Wild Mother's Fertility." Setsuna remarked, showing off her wo- crest in all its glory. "The original owner of this authority swore everlasting servitude to the Ancient Wargod as his lover… this is… incredibly embarrassing Professor…" Her cheeks were turning a scarlet hue as she refused to meet my gaze, "This crest… the echoes of its original owner crave you right now and I'm having trouble containing its growing excitement. Please don't mind me or this fickle thing, Just act as if you have been with me today, I'll have a report of this week on your desk in the morning so, please excuse us for now, will you?"

I nodded as I honestly desired a camera right now. A cow-girl with what was basically a womb tattoo was fighting down an urge to sleep with me because she's technically an incarnation of mother nature… who devoted her life to the original god of war.

… yeah I'm not going to think about that anymore…

"Just make sure you talk with Claudia soon alright?" I called out as I took a step out of the disciplinary force's office with more answers than I wanted about the crest grafted onto the back of my right hand…

"Goddess damn it…"

~<(^^<) (>^^)> (>^^<) <(^^)> (>^^<) <(^^<) (>^^)>~​

Somewhere Shady

That fucking low-born trash! Damn you, Claire!

How dare you make a mockery out of me! The king! I AM KING! No one can do this to me! No one! Not that pointless bitch Claire! Not that mud-blooded animal! No one!

I'll get my revenge, I'll take back what's mine, I'll avenge Mommy's death too and that bitch Fleur! She'll pay once I'm back where I rightfully belong! How dare she throw me out of the Cranbury House! How dare she abandon her own regal name?!"

"Ara Ara~ I've found such a noisy dog…"


"Do you know who I am? I'm not some low-brow mutt! I am the king of this empire! And I'll show it completely by getting my revenge on that bitch Claire!" This anger needed to be appeased, I needed to beat that woman, rip her to shreds! Tear her insides out and feast on her corpse!

"A nameless useless male who got too spoiled by a power that was never his in the first place… However… Be a good little puppy for me and I'll give you real power… You'll be useful to us… Useful to the Red Dawn Organization that is. All I need is your support and undivided obedience."

These words from the shadows… these tempting, alluring words from an angel who understood the worth my mommy told me I had.

Yes… yes… yes!


~<(^^<) (>^^)> (>^^<) <(^^)> (>^^<) <(^^<) (>^^)>~​

Alvarion Estate

"I admit I'm lost, terribly lost," I remarked staring at a book that I didn't really care for at the moment.

I found myself on my third cup of tea, and my fourth sandwich since school at lunch. Elaine was on her third as she stared at me with confusion. "I mean Ashur. He pleases us so well in and out of bed but we haven't really done to make him feel as good as we do being with him."

Elaine gulped down and smiled. "Ah… I thought you were talking about this essay we have to write. I dunno about Daddy, but being the one being taken care of is a nice feeling, I can see why so many guys want it."

You've completely given into that habit entirely haven't you Elaine?

"But… I guess you do have a point though, It'd be nice to do something nice for him too… but like what? He has money, he owns a town, he takes us out on dates and always has time for us, even as his students, and he eagerly accepts us when we feel our physical needs flaring up." Elaine remarked with a nod. "Daddy is… well, he's Daddy, you know?"

"I'm aware of how wonderful Daddy is. That's why I want to show my appreciation to him at least once, Elaine." I coughed as I realized that I just called Ashur daddy too…

We both went silent and frowned.

"N-Now I can't focus on this essay…" Elaine remarked with some laughter. "Hmm… Clothes? Daddy likes staring at our chests, right? Why don't we reward him with that and a Dinner?"


Well I mean A dinner would be a good idea but I think Elaine has a more creative idea than that…

"Well, I guess I'll humor you, what did you have in mind?" It wouldn't hurt, Elaine was good at making others feel wanted and appreciated.

"We're not going to wear anything! We can cook and serve him in the nude!" Elaine shouted happily, with her arms raised high in the air… it wasn't actually a bad idea, Daddy did like- Ashur did like to stare at our bodies even if we weren't indulging in our marital rights. He also loved to see us fresh out of the bath…

"Hmm… I think we should wear something… it'd be dangerous to cook otherwise." I replied to my friend and lover.

Elaine smiled as her eyes sparkled excitedly. "Aprons! We'll only wear aprons! We'll be naked but still wearing something that can protect us while we cook. I'm gonna go get Ruby and Matilda on this too!"

I laughed loudly and nodded softly.

Well, I might as well go see if the kitchen had enough aprons for all of us…

I wonder if Claire could make it too…

~<(^^<) (>^^)> (>^^<) <(^^)> (>^^<) <(^^<) (>^^)>~​

I stepped into my home, While it wasn't always the loudest, it wasn't this quiet either, but each of them was pretty strong so I didn't think anything bad happened.

The dining room's lights were on so… I mean…

"He- Hullo!" I lifted a brow as I saw what was effectively my harem as nude as I like to see them… with only one minor difference…

Claudia, Elaine, Ruby, Matilda, and Claire… in naked apron… … oh god I'm experiencing a naked apron flag!

The aprons in question were really way too small for each of them. They weren't made for the soft curves of a woman, or their massive sweater destroying breasts.

"I told you this would be embarrassing…" Claudia muttered, pulling the hem downward with a single hand.

"Ehehehe…. Yeah… I didn't think this through, did I?" Elaine remarked with embarrassed laughter. "Welcome home Daddy… Uh, surprise?"

Oh, I'm surprised alright… Never did I believe that I would see a naked apron in an otome game world.

"Are you happy Ashur? Hmm? Are you? Does the idea of us being clothed but not clothed make you warm and fuzzy inside?" Ruby asked curiously. Honestly yeah it kind of did actually.

"Of course it does, my beautiful gorgeous family er, set this up all for me. Who wouldn't be happy and grateful?" I remarked happily running a hand through Ruby's hair. "However, I have to ask. What brought this all on?"

Claire smiled some, her arms folded underneath her chest. "I'm flattered that you see me as a part of your 'gorgeous' family but Claudia and Elaine really wanted to show you how much they appreciated you, and well… so did everyone else, myself included."


I coughed a little and grinned as they led me into the dining room, pulling and tugging on my arms gently so I could enjoy the wobbling bare backsides as the smell of freshly cooked food had finally entered my senses.

Oh boy am I getting spoiled here.

~<(^^<) (>^^)> (>^^<) <(^^)> (>^^<) <(^^<) (>^^)>~​

Somewhere Shady #2

"Skadi, you're back… with… what is that exactly?"

"Hnn… just a dog I picked up. It went well with the experiment though, it's as docile and obedient as a stray wanting a warm home."

"I see, it's absolutely disgusting, but I can tell it was a success, speaking of which, I've met someone interesting. Someone with a frightening grudge. He's sworn loyalty to our cause as long as he's able to take them down… no matter the cost. I've given him the code name of Loki, I'm sure he'll be of use to us, try not to break him though… he's a bit of an emotional wreck."

"Oho? Is that right?! Well, it's always nice to see new recruits… I'll make sure they're up to the task though, and if they're not well, well it is the duty of older members to help our younger more… fresh members how to properly hold themselves in a fight."

"Again Skadi… do not break him, He shows great promise… Our lord is very pleased with his recruitment, once the moon shines at its highest peak he will be converted to our cause with our initiation ritual."

~<(^^<) (>^^)> (>^^<) <(^^)> (>^^<) <(^^<) (>^^)>~​


What am I to do with all this unyielding rage? How can I calmly accept Ashur as anything but an invasive species to my life?!

I don't get it! What do people see in him?! He's brash, incorrigible, he doesn't deserve to wield such a noble and honorable weapon like the sword! He's a beast! Sleeping with all those women… My own mother even!

I used to be a prince! I was destined to be a hero! My father told me I could aspire to be anything I wanted! I was going to be a proud knight! Shower Raine with my love and admiration as I fought against evil!

So… What happened?

Where did it all go wrong?

Evil took root within my own home… It started with Claudia and her immature jealousy…

And now it's grown into a toxin known as Ashur… …

<< Index

Today at 1:19 AMReport

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KnightofMor, Mody97, Arsinis and 161 others like this.

DynastylightsKitsune Onee-chan is a entrepreneur of Isekai!


Momentei said: ↑

Which is your favorite RWBY girl? Personally I prefer Weiss.

Weiss and Ruby myself.

Today at 1:20 AMReport

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Kiraga, Creus, Rodvek97 and 17 others like this.

Bear_MintThe LewdBringer. The Ass Ponderer.


War God you bro!

Today at 1:27 AMReport

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Mastert3318, Rodvek97, TheIDGuy and 21 others like this.

ZeX ZeroMaking the rounds.


Dynastylights said: ↑

Weiss and Ruby myself.

Ruby and Summer

Today at 1:39 AMReport

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TheIDGuy, Traviswhite97, shinighoul6 and 2 others like this.

Venyr4434Versed in the lewd.


Momentei said: ↑


I agree, Weiss is best girl for me. 2nd being Velvet.

Today at 1:44 AMReport

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Apsody243, Rodvek97 and Slayer 10321 like this.



Bear_Mint said: ↑

War God you bro!

War God: You thought you'd heard the last of me? Too bad. You're all getting bred. There is no escape!

Today at 1:48 AMReport

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Mastert3318, Sogen, GoodMonday and 19 others like this.

Apokalyps117Bad At Analogies


Dynastylights said: ↑

Evil took root within my own home… It started with Claudia and her immature jealousy…

And now it's grown into a toxin known as Ashur…

Skill issue.

Today at 1:54 AMReport

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Kiraga, Rodvek97, G1 Convoy and 5 others like this.

ZeliriucGetting out there.


Dynastylights said: ↑

I am the holder of the Wild Mother's Fertility." Setsuna remarked, showing off her wo- crest in all its glory.

Of course you are miss cow girl, the only thing that could have fit better would have been something that breeds like crazy, like a rabbit girl.

Today at 1:57 AMReport

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Mastert3318, Rodvek97, G1 Convoy and 16 others like this.



Dynastylights said: ↑

Evil took root within my own home… It started with Claudia and her immature jealousy…

Certified bruh moment.

Last edited: Today at 2:29 AM

Today at 1:58 AMReport

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Mastert3318, Kiraga, Apsody243 and 11 others like this.

CrazyDarkstar23I trust you know where the happy button is?


I don't know how to feel about the daddy kink being used in public

outside of that I am enjoying the story

Today at 2:04 AMReport

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Sogen, Rodvek97, HitoNoName and 2 others like this.

ZeliriucGetting out there.


Dynastylights said: ↑

"This crest… the echoes of its original owner crave you right now and I'm having trouble containing its growing excitement. Please don't mind me or this fickle thing, Just act as if you have been with me today, I'll have a report of this week on your desk in the morning so, please excuse us for now, will you?"

Now how long can miss Setsuna here ignore these urges from her crest, that's the real question. I'm betting it takes at most another week before she can't ignore them anymore.

Today at 2:07 AMReport

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Sogen, Rodvek97, G1 Convoy and 9 others like this.

TheEldritchKnightKnow what you're doing yet?


Dynastylights said: ↑

Weiss and Ruby myself.

Agreed, love a good Whiterose fic. My only problems are finding ones with Ruby doing the topping and not Weiss.

Last edited: Today at 2:44 AM

Today at 2:10 AMReport

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Rodvek97, Slayer 10321, Traviswhite97 and 3 others like this.