
February 2nd, 2011]

We got back to the house around five in the morning, and I racked out for four hours until nine.

Waking up with M16A1's nude body pressed up against me was a wonderful feeling, our forms a tangle of limbs and hot flesh with just the slightest sheen of perspiration to make things comfortably sticky; we slept with just the sheet covering us since with our enhanced metabolisms we burned pretty hot. We didn't do anything over than shower and tuck ourselves in, and yet despite the lack of action, I didn't feel unfulfilled in the slightest. Long lashes fluttered to reveal hazy gray eyes that quickly gained focus before they crinkled up with a soft grin. I grinned back and planted a firm, closed-lip kiss that drew a muffled moan from the T-Doll.

My cock started to harden but I put a stop to that by simply getting out of bed and strolling into the bathroom to take a shower. I had the Hurgoks reformat the double-wide into something more suitable for six people, with the spare bedroom extending into the living room a few more feet up to the front door and having six bunk beds installed. It ended up reminding me of some photos my brother showed me about sleeping arrangements in the Navy, but for now, it was the best we were going to get.

After I got out M16A1 hopped in and took her turn getting cleaned up while I cooked us a hearty breakfast; all throughout the process I was contemplating which area of MAD SCIENCE that I would like to be 'centuries ahead of' in every way. I already had access to a variety of different FTL methods, weapons, and such were pretty much on lock even if I wasn't going to use most of them, but the one area where I feel like I've made my niche was robotics. Being able to combine my knowledge as Dr. Gero with the MAD SCIENCE perk would take that to the next level- better systems, better programs, smarter combatants capable of quickly analyzing and identifying what was what, more versatile platforms, and of course, this also included weapons that were more powerful than what humans could safely manage to employ.

The Mk IIs were already pretty good, but ultimately they were based on machines that treated anything but complete and utter compliance as hostile action, and the aliens that controlled Earth were not shy with making examples out of civilians. Even with Gero's knowledge, it was a hassle- I had to take a dumb program and make it more complex, able to identify the severity of crimes being committed and then code them to respond with the appropriate amount of force- which, I might add, I had to help calibrate personally, often suffering broken bones in the process. Despite all of his genius, Dr. Gero wasn't quite a savant when it came to machines- one only needed to look at Android 19 and see just how dumb that caricature of a Chinese mafioso enforcer was; to his credit, despite the mechanical nature of his creation, it was still somehow able to understand the meaning of fear before Vegeta curb-stomped him.

The Titans and Spectres weren't that much better in that regard but they still had far more personality and the ability to at least compute empathy to a certain extent. Though, to be fair, a lot of those shortcomings could be fixed with hardware powerful enough to support more complex learning and analysis algorithms. Back on my old Earth, there was a fair amount of development given to Quantum computing specifically for the fact that it gave data and processes far more easily than classical computing; a lot of tech from various trees available to me had some form of Quantum computing within their machinery. Somehow though, a universe where 'Battle High Schools' existed managed to find a way to easily manufacture Quantum computers into simple chips and chipsets that bypassed all of the major manufacturing hurdles and design challenges just boggled my mind.

To put it into perspective, the UNSC was working with 4th generation Quantum computers that had, according to my knowledge gained from the perk, achieved a '3rd State' chip rating, and these machines had to be kept shielded from radiation and chilled at all times lest a process called 'decoherence' occur. They were also very large, but that was more because Quantum computers scaled almost linearly with little issue- the larger the computational units the better the performance; the Office of Naval Research hoarded most of these units and sequestered them in remote space stations near the core, and among their achievements was decoding of the Covenant technology that gave the UNSC Infinity it's rather substantial shielding.

These were very powerful computer systems that a high school was able to trump by not only making them incredibly small while still packing in mountains of processing power, but they were also stable without refrigeration and were able to compute up to the '7th State'. I reiterate: a high school had access to a quantum computing auto-fabrication device that could just... spit out chips left and right.

I sat down two large cuts of pork and two bowls with half a dozen scrambled eggs once M16A1 left the bathroom clad in her clothing for the day; it didn't escape my notice that she had put her eyepatch back on. She gave me an unsure grin as she fingered the edge of it, but I decided not to comment and tucked into my meal. Once I was finished a started working on the second meal for my pootie bois and tootie gurls, and M16A1 saddled up next to me to help me get everything ready. There were a few brushed elbows, touched hands, and some small smiles- it was wholesome and very domestic.

We slipped into the warehouse with a large, full pot of yeasty treats and the boys and girls were all lined up and ready to go with their paper bowls held in their hands. It was adorable.

After feeding the 'Goks we led another cow into the barn and had the old Bessie rendered down. We constructed six more T-Dolls- two "Rifles", two "Shotguns", and two "SMGs".

NTW-20 was selected for ranged targets that required more 'ompf' than the 50 BMG that a few of the girls used; the large chambering also gave me a lot of room to play around with different designs, such as the 20x75mm round I developed that was essentially a discarding sabot with the sabot being one of the 10mm tranquilizer projectiles. She could reach out and put someone to sleep from over 1,500 feet, which was far more than the 450 feet we could reasonably expect out of CO2, granted, because of the power of the round she couldn't engage targets closer than 500 feet-any closer and we risked damaging mundanes beyond a simple prick and a good nap. With her one rifle being able to fulfill lethal and non-lethal roles it meant she didn't have to carry around two big guns; not that it mattered much with her strength and armor.

Super SASS was picked up not just because she had an adorable wolf-girl model, but also because she was an AR-15 based platform; she was primarily chambered in 7.62x51 NATO, but her main draw was the fact that she was a modern semi-auto platform that was capable of sub-MOA accuracy right out the box. Accuracy that we would improve quite a bit. Making a 10mm tranquilizer rifle was also pain-free, and thanks to her modern design it made creating attachments she could use quite easy. Some of the older weapons resisted having attachments or modifications- it was like mentally trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. WA2000 was going to be my pick, but her weapon's resistance to being modified was sort of a pain in the ass.

LTX700 and TS12 were solid in both assault and defense, with the former having an advanced targeting system and gas venting that allowed it to more accurately place less-than-lethal rounds on target, and TS12 being a modern weapon that readily accepted a number of modifications to it. That and there was a fuck load that I could do with shotshells ammunition-wise to give these two girls versatility.

UMP45 and Honeybadger were chosen because I was already manufacturing .45ACP and 300 Blackout was just a 5.56mm case necked up to accept a .30 caliber bullet, a bullet that I was already creating for Super SASS.

With M16A1 I had a battle-tested and competent commander that could lead one Echelon while I led the other, and by mixing up the groups I had a great deal of firepower of both lethal and non-lethal varieties that kept me within what I liked to call "Current Level of Escalation"; the moment we started breaking out the really big guns I was capable of making, or showed off the true capabilities of the MJOLNIR X armor as being capable of tearing Lung's head off and tearing Hookwolf to shreds like a dog tearing out the stuffing of a chew toy that was when our threat level gets dialed up.

For now though? We were Capes with modern weapons that could fire modern ammunition or some variation of them and we just so happened to have someone make us some pretty sweet power armor.

M16A1 grasped my hand as I looked down at the near-empty cart of runes; I would have to spend a lot of time crafting and then disenchanting to regain the stockpile. My eyes tracked over to the Ammo, Parts, Manpower, and Rations left over- I had just enough for a random baseline T-Doll, and that was about it. "16, let's go down to the worksite- we'll need to keep farming the nanomaterials to get our supplies up because this production run just wiped us out."

My adjutant nodded her head as she watched Delta and Echo poot over the newest T-Dolls that were having the T-Mod Subee Serum applied to their bodies. "Yes, Sir. 111,120 Supplies is... astronomical; I do hope that LTLX7000 and TS12 are worth it because they cost 51,000 supplies each."

I winced as I looked over at the numerous empty shelves where all of the Supplies I used to have once sat; I'd dedicated half of my nanomaterials for a whole hour to stockpile that up, but the Shotguns were considered "Heavy T-Dolls", and thus the production recipe was much more costly, and when you added the 200% premium for choosing the models I wanted then that boosted their cost up to eye-watering numbers. I could have made 55 AR modeled T-Dolls if I'd chosen randomly for the cost of a single Shotgun T-Doll that I chose.

Still, the fact that I wanted those shotgun T-Dolls automatically made it "#WORTH" in my opinion. I could farm 1,620 materials per minute with M16A1 doing the sifting if I dedicated every pound of nanomaterials towards Supplies conversion. It would take 69 minutes to replenish that stockpile. "Spend the next four hours to resupply and expand our stores, 16. Every pound goes into Supplies. I want to have enough to last us more than a couple of production runs if need be; there might come a day when we won't be able to sift and there is plenty of space to stockpile materials."

The T-Doll saluted, "Yes, Sir!"

The Forge made a big grab, and I couldn't help but feel a little bit of amusement as it tried to pluck a twelve-charge monster with the measly two and a half charges we had. The Forge pouted at my amusement.

[Remaining: 250 CP]

I returned the salute. Then I took her hand and started leading her to the truck as we needed to drive down to the Work Site first anyway. I closed the shop up and as we drove I looked over at her, "M4A1 should be ready to wake up at the end of that time."

"I know... I've had a timer counting down in my mind the moment the Lifegivers finished the application of the T-Doll Serum," She murmured as she stared out the window, the woman's lone visible eye watching the scenery change from lightly wooded forest to open field as we left the hilly boonies and moved into the outskirts of Brockton proper.

I said nothing.

The moment we arrived at the former Service Station I parked the truck at the spot and opened up the warehouse; the T-Doll grabbed the Nanomaterial Sieve and an empty bin and headed down to the water. I on the other hand would be a touch busy- I sat down at a comfortable table in front of the Quantum processor fabricator with Enbee and a few other Echos and we began delving into the machine; we used a variety of sensors and tools to study its design- if we could figure out how the system was able to break and reforge the bonds at the atomic level then maybe we could design an upgrade package for the Hurgoks.

In the end, I decided to take Robotics as my chosen perk for MAD SCIENCE, mainly because it also included dabbling in sensors, scanners, weapons, programming and logic, power generation, power storage, power distribution and management, armor, shielding, among many other smaller little boons. It wasn't as powerful as a single discipline, but it gave me a much-expanded scientific knowledge base- if I could take this atomic-scale manufacturing and apply it to the robotics running the Auto-Factory? Well, that would solve all of the tolerance problems that the Hurgoks were complaining about and would allow us to create all sorts of structures and wonders from the Forerunners that required pinpoint atomic accuracy to create. Or at least, adapt those structures because with my MAD SCIENCE I could already see ways that we could improve them already, at least when it came to Robotics.

Using the Strategy Trance and all of the sensors we set up around the device me and my bois watched the machine construct a half dozen 7th State quantum processors in sequence, observing every step of the process from the conversion of the nanomaterials into what was known as 'Super Silica', to the creation of the Application, Classical Processing, and Quantum Processing layers that were laid out in a 7-step format that honestly sort of hurt my head to look at. It appeared to look like some sort of theoretical schematic of a higher dimension, which was probably some sort of pseudo-scientific metaphysical nonsense that allowed them to compute past the 3rd dimension, where the UNSC found their snag.

However, using Super Silica was a no-go, at least not until Shatterbird and the 9 were gone. We took samples of this material and ran a battery of tests on it, and we found that we could make a much more efficient Quantum computer by making a chip out of Cortosis and Ultrachrome; the intervening gap between nodes was Cortosis, as it had a 100% transmission of energy rating, and the nodes themselves were Ultrachrome that had a 100% initial absorption followed by a slow bleed off. The chip we made was fifty-percent smaller than Super Silica, but because of the Ultrachrome's propensity to hold onto heat energy we had to design a pretty robust cooling set-up for it even though the actual power requirement had been dropped almost 70% thanks to the ultra-efficient Cortosis; still, we had a library of cooling options available to us, we just had to adapt it and improve it to the point where it could be dummy-proof and incredibly durable.

Once that was looked over we went through the programming and logic engines of the robots and T-Dolls, and... thanks to Schematics to Time I was able to look for all of the things that were inefficient or just plain wrong and I began writing out new code that would improve every possible parameter. I would have to take more time to design everything from the ground up because this was a stop-gap no matter how you looked at it; I was merely creating an interface layer between the already existing code and hardware to take advantage of the new quantum computer chips. If I wanted the full benefit I'd have to create a new system that was built from the ground up to take full advantage of the chips and chipsets, and with my current level of ability, it would take me a lot of time.

I was able to re-write my subconscious programming though for the T-Dolls that made the effects far less noticeable, so hopefully, I wouldn't have another M16A1 cropping up and discovering the dissonance. I also tightened up the Anti-Master protocols while I was at it by adding a buffering layer that had a nanosecond of input stutter in the visual and auditory cortexes; if I was right then commands given by Masters relying on auditory or visual enthrallment would be less effective as the codes and/or signals would be missing small chunks of information, which should also lead to increased dissonance and awareness of Master abilities.

By the end of the fourth hour, I was drawing up plans for an improved implant for myself and the T-Dolls that would vastly outstrip the current models using the new quantum chipsets. The Engineers threw in their two cents here and there, but with my Robotics and MAD SCIENCE I was able to make an implant that was 90% smaller and 327% more powerful while being 33.3333% repeating more efficient. However, by scaling it up to the current implant size, since quantum computers scaled almost linearly with their size, the implant design was more than an order of magnitude more powerful- so powerful in fact that I had to build a buffering layer that throttled performance in half during most test-cases because there was no way even my Super Soldier- ehem, Subee Serum enhanced Promethean brain could hope to keep up with it.

We ran the implant through a battery of testing with a mock-up version of my brain in a jar, something that Subee was more than happy to do; Dr. Gero's experiences were really helping me out because the sight of a copy of my brain floating in a bio-slurry was disturbing, but the mad doctor's near-total lack of empathy helped me tone down my discomfort. He'd done it to himself before, using his original brain, why should I be squeamish about a cloned copy? The Engineers were adamant that we spend a week or two stress testing it before actually employing it, and I happened to agree with them, so with two Engineers and a Lifegiver dedicated to the observation, I pushed it all into a corner (both in the warehouse Hangar and in my mind).

To take my mind off the brain in a jar, I started working on creating a very kid-friendly PR version of the MRVN. Those guys were the best, they had a crystalline LED panel on their chest that had a smiley face on it! With Robotics and every other perk I had relating to it I made a model that was much softer looking but far more capable than the MRVN had ever been. The old models were used in the construction of pre-fabricated buildings, farm work, and simple maintenance- the Titanfall tech had been advanced enough that once complex or time-consuming tasks had been rendered down to their most basic forms; a pair of MRVNs could build a small, two-bedroom pre-fabricated shelter with minimal instruction because the materials and processes were so highly refined that they circled back to being stupidly simple.

Give them a pre-fabricated shelter kit and they could have it up and running in four hours. Give them a pile of wood, drywall, wiring, pipes, and roofing tiles and they would struggle. The pre-fab kits of the Titanfall universe had the plumbing and electrical already pre-wired, so all they had to do was build it like a set of legos- though, not all MRVNs were created to do the same task. You have construction MRVNs, vehicle maintenance MRVNs, weapons and armor repair MRVNs, Titan-specific MRVNs, and farming MRVNs, among many others. They had a pre-determined memory limit for applicable skills, but that was by design- if they scaled up the memory to encompass more than one job then how would the IMC rake in obscene profits?

So I created a MRVN that not only had all of the above but allowed it to learn new skills and adapt them to improve its ability to perform- Gero's learning algorithm was once again paying dividends after having the MAD SCIENCE look it over and refine it to a work of art. The first MRVN was already tearing into the internet and devouring tutorials on how to make... french cabinets? I blinked. Well, woodworking was an important skill to have I supposed; I worked in a requirement for it to look at how to teach and instruct effectively as well- if shit hit the fan and I wasn't able to prevent Gold Morning then having MRVNs that could teach the next generation of humanity would be a great starting point.

Speaking of Shit-Hit-The-Fan, I made a mental note to start looking into the creation of information bunkers deep underground all over the United States; constructing repositories of all information that mankind has created would only be beneficial.

My mental timer pinged signaling that M4A1 had finished 'decanting' so to speak.

I stood up from my chair and waved off the ping from the Intel section- the Merchants had finally started to move; the Merchant territory had turned into a hive of activity, so I pulled an India unit from each other section along with half of the surveillance drones to assist 3 and 4 on mapping out the movements.

M16A1 came in with a full bin and handed it off to Echo 15- man, I needed to get my 'Goks some clothes... I dipped into my implant and came up with little costumes and sent them to Enbee to be made. The Engineers would have little yellow hardhats along with bright and reflective orange and yellow construction vests that covered their bodies, along with some ballistic gelatin and armored panels that would protect their bodies from everything short of concentrated heavy-machine gunfire with armor-piercing rounds; if I needed to ever send them out then making them appear as cute and harmless as possible was a must.

The Lifegivers had the same armoring, but instead of a construction vest they had a white doctor's coat, a stethoscope, and some fake plastic glasses- Subee vetoed that idea because she was the first, so she should be the doctor with the glasses. As a compromise, she recommended that the other Lifegivers get adorable little nurse hats instead. Enbee rolled his head in exasperation while the other Lifegivers agreed- she was the Primary, the first, so that would be her honor, at least until enough Lifegivers were born to warrant forming a new Conclave.

Both costumes would bear their names on them to make it easier to tell who was who because while I had the advantage of knowing that through my perk, no one else did; M16A1 memoried the unique scale patterns on their head to tell them apart, and that was not something a normal mundane would be able to do.

I held out my hand and my Rifle grasped it. She squeezed and I squeezed back- her anticipation and nervousness were palpable. Our eyes trailed down to the naked M4A1 and I licked my lips before speaking. "M4A1, Activate- Command authorization: Delta-Charlie-17-India-Papa-23-7-9-Oscar."

Spoiler: M4A1 (Lewd, NSFW)

The woman twitched minutely as her system booted up and her organic components synchronized with her implant. A full-body shiver drew my eyes to her modest yet curvaceous figure- the serum had taken what she was designed with and cranked it up to eleven; everything was beyond airbrushed beauty, though she was less busty than her older sister, there was a certain quality to her form that made me feel like she would have 'better handling' thanks to her more compact form-factor.

Eyelashes fluttered to reveal warm honey-brown eyes, "Co-mmander?"

I grabbed the same squeeze bottle I had used for M16A1 when she first woke up and tended to her- she only accepted a single mouthful before coughing on the second as she notice M16A1 behind me. "M1- M16A1? Big sis? Is that... you?"

The T-Doll sucked in a deep breath upon hearing her sister's soft voice, and she looked down at her with a wan smile, her hand reaching out to gently stroke the back of her hand for a very brief moment; M4A1 gasped at the sudden influx of sensations. "Yes, it is, little sister. I'm back now, for good this time, I swear. The Commander... has been working hard to make sure that none of us could be turned against each other ever again."

Tears spilled down both of their faces as the newly awakened T-Doll let out a wet sob, "I'm glad. Thank goodness. I... missed you, Big Sis. So much. We all did."

She tried to speak more but her voice croaked, and I handed off the squeeze bottle to M16A1. "I'll leave you two be for now. Follow the proper wake-up procedures just as I did for you and de-brief her properly, okay? I'm going to continue sifting for nanomaterials while I make some plans- with the new chipsets and enhanced learning algorithms available to me now I can finally construct the medical robots that I wanted."

M16A1 nodded and gave me a big hug before I walked out of the workshop and down to the waterside.

[Attempted Re-Forge: 12.0160 - Let there be Light - 600CP - The Games We Play - Magical Large Scale]

[NOT Purchased: Insufficient Balance: 350 CP]

I spent five hours sifting nanomaterials, all the while I was building up the programming for the new medical robots that I would be deploying to the Canberra fight; with Subee overseeing their integration of medical knowledge, combining all known available surgical techniques and learning how to make them more efficient and helpful with the Lifegiver's knowledge, I felt pretty comfortable in their abilities. However, now that I had medical robots, which were highly specialized MRVNs painted red and white with the Red Cross displayed across their new chest monitors, I now had to create medical supplies, supplies that would be airdropped into the future containment zone.

I would debut them along with the MRVN dedicated to maintaining other MRVNs at the next Simurgh fight and use them to provide medical aid for those trapped within the containment zone. I was only going to keep them there at that specific zone, all the while citing material and production constraints that could not be surmounted; sure, lots of people would complain that I couldn't do more to help, but this way I could help some people until I could protect myself. Even still, this might draw Mannequin's attention, however, I could handle him. Even if this drew the Simurgh's attention I would have nine more months before she could take a crack at me with the three-month cycle the Endbringers were on.

She could also flip the script at the insistence of Eidolon's ego, but I didn't think that would happen.

Regardless, I couldn't sit back and build up for forever, hiding in a hole and hoping that I'd one day gain enough power to blow away all opposition. I'm certain I could, but my conscious wouldn't let me- this was something I could do, so I will do what I can.

Life isn't lived when you try to mitigate all of the risks, and how much life is lost when I have the powers I have and sit back and do nothing?

To that end, I needed to build something capable of getting me from Brockton Bay to Canberra, Australia in a hurry. The craft would be large, capable, and it would be fast as fuck, boi. (Do you have any idea how fast this damn thing would be?)

The issue was that I didn't have a door big enough to actually get a craft that large out of the hanger, so if you can't find what you need, then the best thing to do is make what you need.

The woods beyond the Service station- about 300 meters south- had a small cliff that faced the southeast; it was about 20-ish meters tall and roughly 30-ish meters wide before it started to steeply slope downwards. After scanning it with a team of drones I figured that I could cut into the cliff about eight meters and essentially create a 30-ish meter wide, 20-ish meter tall garage door with a lock on it. The moment I turned the key when it rolled up it would be automatically connected to the hanger, and that was how I was going to get my aircraft in and out.

With the orientation of the soon-to-be hangar and the coastline obstructing the view from the rig, as long as I kept my angles of approach consistent then I wouldn't have to fear discovery by the sensors, especially if I integrated - which of course I would- all of the stealth technologies I had at my disposal.

Spoiler: Long Range Stealth Craft "Globetrotter"

I was constrained by the width of the aircraft, I made the wingspan 29 meters, almost 50% wider than that of the B-2 spirit that I was basing the design on, and with the robots that I would have piloting it they would be able to easily land it inside the hangar with the foot and a half amount of wriggle room on either side. It was designed with the (almost) best tech I could fit into it, with four hydrogen impulse engines and two UNSC-based anti-gravity projectors to reduce some of the work the powertrain would have to do. At an altitude of 50 kilometers, it could reach Mach 40, and get me from Brockton Bay to Australia in less than 20 minutes.

The technology I had available could do it in far, far, less time, but once again, I needed to keep my displays within reason;

It had a curved hump that would contain twelve cube-like self-contained medical suites that were fully equipped and self-contained with power, water, sanitation, and the like; once the aircraft landed the hatches on the bottom would open up and the containers could be picked up and placed anywhere. The upper decks would contain all sorts of different medical supplies, bandages, gauze, sutures, saline bags, artificial plasma bags, scalpels, etc, etc, etc.

Everything a mobile unit needed it would have, including the 30 Med-MRVS that would make it all useful, along with 10 MRV-MRVNs that would be needed to maintain them. Not that they would need maintenance because they were all incredibly robust, but it was always better to have an not need, and all that jazz.

Eight Spark Mk II Mod 1.0s would be attached to provide additional security once the walls went up, along with all of the munitions needed to hold off an entire city of crazed Simurgh bombs should they all happen to trigger and try and destroy the facilities.

I turned my head to the entrance of the Work Site and watched two dozen excavation drones pour out of it- their stealth protocols were activated, the new and improved ones, so I could only make them out because I knew exactly where they were thanks to my connection to them via the implants. They'd have it all set up and ready for the doors to be installed, along with a walkway and staircase to get down there, in just under an hour.

A thought occurred to me, and I set one of the Echos onto the task of making sure that the entirety of that cliff face was mapped so that the panels of the garage door could be terrain mapped and painted to ensure that it looked identical; it wouldn't do to have a normal garage door look.

A chuckle escaped my throat as the mental image of one of the beat-up, rusty-looking garage doors you could find in Brockton Bay taking up the entirety of a cliff tickled me.

It was about six-thirty in the evening when I was pinged that M4A1 SOPMOD II, ST AR-15, H&K 416, K2, and ART556 were all ready for activation.

I stayed about ten minutes longer so that I could completely fill up the current bin of Nanomaterials before I dragged it up the dock, and now that the sun had set I could have one of the 'Goks do some fishing; the freezers were only half full, and I felt like having some fresh fish tonight for dinner. And steak. And pork. And chicken.

Fuck it, with seven T-Dolls and myself I was going to have to do a lot of cooking anyway; pan-seared and then tossed in the oven to finish; it was the best way to cook a lot of meat.

I handed off the nanomaterials to the shelving robot and walked over towards the T-Doll construction corner where M16A1 and M4A1 were waiting; the pair of rifles standing shoulder to should with their arms intertwined and heads touching as they spoke lowly to one another. When I approached M4A1 quickly broke away from her sister's grip and came to attention before snapping me a crisp salute, "Commander!"

A smooth smile crossed my lips as I saluted in turn, "We'll try to keep the saluting to a minimum, yeah? Otherwise, it will just get in the way of the important things, M4A1."

A light blush speckled her cheeks but she released her salute the moment I did, "Y-yes, sir."

Her voice was very soft- and I felt my urge to proteccc rising. So this was the Cinnamon Roll of Girls Frontline? I could see it, though I guess I preferred my girls a touch more confident and self-assured; M16A1 played that role rather well, and she even had those little vulnerable moments that allowed me to enjoy my role as not just her Commander but as her man- being a port in a storm for a powerful ocean vessel.

Still, I needed to get them activated, have their MJOLNIRs constructed, weapons modified and built, and get them all familiarized. I decided to let them have 24 hours to get up and running before I commenced operations- that and I wanted to watch the Merchants' every move and set up a plan of action.

I turned towards the five tables. Before I spoke though, I let the Forge do it's thing- a small star was latched onto and pulled into my orbit.

[Attempted Re-Forge: -25.0461 - Sorcery - 100CP - Lone Wolf - Skills Magic]

[Re-Forge Successful]

[Purchased: 350 CP Remaining]

It was finally some magic! Though it was pretty limited in scope, at least by the description- the ability to create shields and move objects. It sounded lackluster, but shields on-demand and telekinesis had a lot of utility and flexibility. I could study this more at a later time though, for now, I needed to focus.

That focus was broken not a split second later as I felt a mantle of energy settle over my shoulders, and out the corner of my eye the same mantle formed over M16A1's and M4A1's shoulders as well. Then it formed over the sleeping T-Dolls.

This extended to them as well? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, as most perks like this were given to companions as well.

I blinked and forced my eyes back onto my sleepers, ignoring how my two awake dolls were looking at their hands while clenching and unclenching their fists.

"M4A1 SOP MOD II, Activate- Command authorization: Yankee-28-Uniform-Alpha-13-Lima-0-0-Papa."

"ST AR-15, Activate- Command authorization: Charlie-Romeo-11-Xray-Kilo-33-3-5-November."

"K2, Activate- Command authorization: Bravo-15-Zulu-Whiskey-18-Hotel-2-2-Quebec."

"HK 416, Activate- Command authorization: Delta-Delta-10-Golf-Yankee-25-4-6-Oscar."

The final T-Doll's activation code was... odd, to say the least.

"ART556, Activate- Command authorization: Papa-Papa-19-Papa-24-23-Papa-Papa-Papa."

Hey, don't look at me like that, I didn't get to choose the codes, they were part of the T-Doll's package; after the initial activation I could change the codes, but I had to use them first.

The other T-Dolls groaned as their consciousness slowly booted up, little shivers and trembles coursing throughout their bodies as their minds began to comprehend the thunderous signals of their highly tuned organic forms. Just like with M16A1 and M4A1 their sensitivities were toned down by the Lifegivers, who slowly but surely stepped them up until they were used to everything.

I turned my head to look down at my squad's resident kemonomimi loli, who'd been officially upgraded to the almost-oppai-loli status with the upgrades; her flatness was no longer flat, and instead was just shy of half-a-handful, both in titty and in booty.

Spoiler: ART556

"Is there a reason why your activation code had so many 'Pappa's in it, ART556?" I asked, my eyebrow arched, "It wasn't very difficult to remember, nor is it very safe."

"Hee-hee-hee," She chuckled weakly, one of her golden eyes cracking open, "Because, Commander, I'm the type of girl that always wants her 'Papa'. Hee-hee-hee."

"'Ahn, ahn, ahn, yes, Papa, just like that, do me harder! Papa, papa, papa, papa!'" The fox-eared T-Doll shifted her head back and let out a cute little moan before she shuddered and relaxed her neck, "Or something like that; my designers were more than a little perverted, I suppose. Gosh, this is way different than my other body, I'm so sensitive~."

I swallowed thickly, trying my best to ignore the fact that the loli T-Doll's little display affected me a lot more than I would have liked. "Just... don't do any of that around other people, okay? You'll get me arrested."

"Hee-hee, I can't make any promises, but," She paused as she started unlocking the data packets provided by M16A1; with the upgrades, she was able to do it far faster than she ever could have before, "-Wouldn't it be best if we used the logic of this world to our advantage? I could be a... Striker/Changer/Trump that can manipulate my own biology and the biology of those I touch to a pre-set form? Like, say for instance, I'm a 40-year-old pervert who Triggered and gained the powers to become my fetish and help others do it too?"

Utilizing some of the perceptions of the world already would definitely make this a lot easier. "Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Of course! Refuge in audacity and all that good stuff," She only paused in her speaking to accept some water from me, and even then she was being incredibly lewd with it- the little tween-looking T-Doll's tongue rolling around the squeeze bottle's tube. "Fuwah, thank you very much, Sir. I was pretty parched... though... maybe next time you can let me drink something a bit more viscous and sticky instead?"

I felt my cock harden considerably, and the only way to retaliate was to boop her snoot and chastise her properly, "You are a horny little goblin; maybe later."

She didn't seem very chastized.

"Hee-hee-hee. I'm gonna suck the Commander's big fat dick~! Yay! Oh man, I wish MT-9 was here!" Her tail swished against the table between her legs as one of her hands came up to cover her lips like an ojou-sama trying to stifle a laugh, "Hey, sir, sir!? Did you know that M16A1 showed off your cock, sir? It looks sooo~ big~! Like, too much for even the likes of me, Ar- mlpeh-T556 to handle!"

"Did you just trip over your tongue? On your own name?" I asked, genuinely curious. Was this a ploy on her part or something that was overlooked?

"She has problems with that," I turned my head to see SOP MOD II grin weakly, "Always has."

"Yes, she can say 'Art' and '556' just fine, but when she tries to combine the two together something gets in the way," K2 chuckled, her head turning towards me, "Sir."

"Aw~, shut up, you guys! I can't help it!" The kemonomimi loli covered her face with her hands as her ears flattened up against her scalp; the moment her hands touched her face she let out a soft hiss, "Mou~, so sensitive, and not in the good way!"

"This will fade in time as you all get used to it, girls, but this unfortunately is the same thing I went through, though my own experience was about 40% worse on account of my modifications being a fair bit more powerful than your own," I squeezed some more water into ART556's mouth.

ST AR-15 lifted her head off the table to get a look at me, "Your augmentations are more powerful, sir?"

I nodded, "Correct. The gap exists as a part of an issue that at this moment in time none of us can correct; the fact that we managed to get the Serum to function on a T-Doll even though you're frames are now primarily organic is a miracle in and of itself, so when you get the chance to, please give Sufficiently Buoyant a little thanks for her hard work."

My best gurl warbled and bobbed her head, her tentacles shifting through some sign language, and it was pretty hilarious to see the five T-Dolls stare at her like they had no idea what the fuck was going on. That was when M16A1 released the data file containing the Hurgok package, and the five girls began to giggle. "Aw~, sir, that's so cute!"

I grinned and nodded, "Alright, while you girls calibrate, I'm going to go into the Magic Lab and test out this new Sorcery we just got. M16A1, I leave the girls to you. M4A1, I need you to go out and start collecting nanomaterials please."

"Big sis M16A1 is here!? I was so distracted looking at the Commander's straining cock that I didn't even notice!" ART556 screeched out as her tail started thwacking the table, eliciting a soft 'owie' from her with every thump, "Come pet me, Big Sis! I missed you!"

Her ears were folded up, and she looked just like one of those doggos that hadn't seen their favorite person in a long time and was just filled with all sorts of emotions. It made my throat tight as I watched M16A1 step above ART556's head and gently place her fingers on both sides of the loli T-Dolls temples; M16A1 lowered her head and pressed her lips against the girl's forehead before she started whispering words low enough that I couldn't even hear; she had to have been sub-vocalizing at that point because my hearing was really damn sensitive.

Though not as sensitive as ART's though, the girl had little radar dishes affixed to the top of her melon.

I walked around the rest of the tables, stopping by each T-Doll to rest my hand on them, even if it was only for a moment. After that, I left the Hangar and moved into the magical lab- as I walked I noticed that one of the research rooms that had been un-named now had "Sorcery (Generic) - Level Blue Access Required" listed.

"Jason Wilke, Administrator of the Higher Calling Magical Research Facility, has entered the 'Sorcery (Generic)' research station. Administrator Wilke is the 'Research Lead' for this station." The smooth feminine voice of GLaDOS.

I grinned, "Thank you, Glados. Initiate 'First Time' protocols."

"Understood, initiating 'First Time' protocols. Ha-hem."

Spoiler: For the People Who Are Still Alive

"This is a triumph~"

"I making a note here,"


"It's hard to overstate my satisfaction~,"

"Aperture Magical Science,"

"We do what we must,"

"Because we MUST,"

"For the good of all of us,"

"Because all the people might die,"

Yes, I did do that.

It was a little morbid, but I felt like it injected a little levity and kept me focused on why I was doing what I was doing. This wasn't research for research's sake. I wasn't creating new spells, runic combinations, or rituals just to gain power for power's sake- I was doing it because there were trillions of lives on the line... if not more.

Still, that didn't mean I had to be grim-derp determined all of the time.

With all of the magical sensors and scanners from this state-of-the-art lab, I learned that Sorcery, much like my Dungeons and Dragons understanding of it, was instinctual. The mana in the air and my body responded to my will and desires and then tried to utilize the mana to shape something to fulfill those wants and needs. It was pretty limited in what it could do without something like a spell framework behind it, but since I didn't know any actual spells or how to build a framework it was unwieldy but not difficult to use.

If I wanted a stream of water, the mana gathered and created water. If I wanted dirt to spray from my hand then the mana gathered and dirt sprayed. The same with fire, wind, light, and darkness. I could create these elements but the ability to actually control them was locked behind another perk within the same subset that I received this one.

Just as the perk described, I could make shields of pure mana and direct mana into objects to pull them around. It even worked on living objects, like the 'false-life' organic rabbit the magical lab generated for me; the lesser amounts of mana I used the finer my control was, but increasing amounts of mana were needed to manipulate larger objects. Interestingly enough, the lab had a whole bunch of pre-set testing protocols for me to follow, among them were trying to create different mana-structures that had metaphysical significance to improve my magical telekinesis.

Shifting the mana into a threaded steel cable allowed me to manipulate much larger inorganic objects with the same amount of mana than I would have with just the simple 'mana cord' that I had started the testing with. The same could be said for the creation of 'mana-chains' that aided me in controlling organic objects; the computer theorized that if I could attach multiple chains to each body part of an organic and operated them independently, like a marionette, then it would give me an even greater hold for the same energy expenditure.

For the moment though I was only capable of a single cable or a single chain; I could yank a 'false life' organic human target off of its feet with a good pull, but pulling towards me was a lot easier than snaking it around and pulling away from me.

The shields were pretty decent to start with- I could deflect a sword swing from a mundane human with it, or stutter a direct blow. With some pre-set mana layering patterns from the testing protocols, I could even deflect a pair of bullets if I angled the shield at a 45-degree angle. After an hour of fiddling with it, Glados determined that with my current level of control was insufficient for further testing.

The System had no issues informing me that out of everyone that had ever entered the doors of the "Higher Calling Research Facility" I was ranked in the bottom 5th percentile of all magical researchers and ranked last in all research subjects in terms of strength and control.

She was confident, however, based on my quick mastery over the runes and Glyphs that I would grow over time, and she entreated me to not get discouraged by my 'abysmal lack of ability'.

Brutal, but not untrue.

All in all, I spent five hours fooling around with Sorcery before I called it quits and set the laboratory to crunch through the gathered data; Glados believed that she would have all sorts of things to test next time I came back.

I sighed as I felt the Forge miss a connection to the Magitech constellation- something from there would have been amazing to get, I wouldn't have cared what.

[Attempted Re-Forge: 15.01000 - Great Library of The Heavens - 600CP - I Saved Too Many Girls And Caused The Apocalypse - Database Magitech]

[NOT Purchased: Insufficient Balance: 450 CP]

Only having missed it by a charge and a half I was able to glean the name of the Perk and a rough outline- an entire library of magic and science that was so potent it made an entire civilization lazy, conformist, and did I mention lazy? Flying ships, secret martial arts techniques that were so powerful that they were still effective in a world where everything was made easy? Sign me the fuck up.

Alas, it was not yet meant to be. One day, though.

When I left the lab it was almost midnight, and I was greeted by the sight of my seven T-Dolls all putting the improved Mk X Mod 1.0 armors through their paces; the new quantum chips allowed for many small improvements across the board, mainly reductions in input lag between the tech-suits and the user, increases in shield durability and recharge time via adjusting protection output to more closely match the incoming impacts, and the additional sensors that were dedicated to calculating it.

If I was being shot at by a Merchant with a handgun then the new sensors could calculate where the bullet would strike based on its trajectory and adjust the surface of the shield to better improve the strike angle and redirect it instead of simply eating the entirety of the kinetic energy.

The new ARs were all unfamiliar with the armors, just like M16A1 and I had been when we first started using them, but they were easily improving; each side-step, hop, skip, and jump was made more precise with each repetition. Soon enough they'd master the basics enough to run the obstacle courses, and once they'd demonstrated they could properly navigate those then we (read: M16A1) could introduce the jump-jets, stabilizing thrusters, and grappling hooks?

I blinked. Oh, so M16A1 had worked with Enbee to make those? Beskar cabling had an incredibly high tensile strength, even when reduced to the thickness of a pasta noodle, and with carbon nanotubes sheathing each wire it made certain that there would be little wear and tear. The super-thin cable was strong enough to support two and a half of us when wearing armor, and the reeling mechanism was strong enough to snatch us off of our feet and propel us at almost sixty miles per hour.

When combined with the jump kits this would give us some serious gap closing distance; with the two of them combined we could cross the entire city of Brockton Bay without our feet touching the ground.

Granted, the structures we were swinging off of had to be capable of supporting our weight to begin with- oh, no? Some sort of Forerunner tech that energized a localized area and caused it to resist the tremendous forces that would be applied to it?

I narrow my eyes in suspicion. Enbee just shrugged his tentacles and signed at me before rolling his head and pooting off, "W-h-a-t-e-v-e-r."

'Whatever', indeed.

It was then he pinged me with an email he'd sent the farmer- and I facepalmed. I had forgotten to get the other five cows I paid for, but the owner didn't really care, he understood that it was quite a haul down and back, and that I could come to pick them up at any time provided I informed him a business day in advance. Considering it was now the 3rd of February I sent him an email that I would try to swing by on the 7th; I didn't know how long the operations in the coming day would go, and there was a possibility that they might go longer than a few days.

I informed the girls that I would be heading back to the house to get some rest.

They all gave me some cheery waves and I waved back with a grin on my face as I walked out of the Work Site, locked up the warehouse, and drove the truck back to the double-wide.

I tethered the warehouse to the front door, as Tiffany liked to come in the back one, and began installing a complete security system with the help of the Engineers now that the sun had set. We set up all sorts of sensors, cameras- two of which were placed in a mundane camera housing and made visible- and different lights that would activate as people approached the house. It took an hour to get everything set up, mainly because I had to walk around the entire property to do so.

I carried everything in a large backpack while an Echo held onto my shoulders; when I got to the right spot they set everything up. In the woods, around the enclosure, around the road, and I even set up sensors on the power poles leading up and down the road. They were incredibly tiny, no bigger than a nail, but there were hundreds of them spread throughout; if a tick was scratching its ass within two hundred meters of my trailer then I wanted to know about it. I would upgrade the crappy security array we had around the Work Site in the morning.

Two more India units would be dedicated to monitoring everything that went down here.

Once everything was placed into position I activated the security system and it was like the entire world came to life around me. While connected I could see through all of the cameras and sensors- it was like being connected to the Force again for the first time. Powerful. Powerful and a touch overwhelming.

At my current level, this level of immersion was simply too much, but once we finished stress testing the new implant then this much should be incredibly easy.

Enbee sent me a ping and I felt the two new Indias with the upgraded systems come online, and suddenly everything I felt was being cut down, chopped up, and filtered. I spent another hour after that being the guinea pig for what the new Indias thought I needed to be informed about; I didn't need to be informed of every bird song or every ant trundling through the underbrush. I quickly refined their search criteria and algorithms until I felt confident that if someone step foot in the area I would know, and any strange emissions or echoes would be found.

At two-thirty in the morning, I finally took a shower and laid down to go to bed.

[February 3rd, 2011]

[6:30 AM]

I'd slept alone, but was awoken to the feeling of my cock rapidly hardening as a tiny pair of lips suckled at the root; plump, sinfully soft lips and a hot wet tongue slathered my testicles with sticky love.

"Hee-hee-hee," I heard, and a small hand gripped the left side of my shaft and began pumping gently, bringing me to full mast.

I cracked open my eyes and adjusted the pillow behind my head before I reached down and gripped the sheet covering my body to reveal the nude form of ART556 nestled between my thighs. Her mischievous golden eyes reflected the morning light of the sun filtering in between the blinds of my window. She released my left testicle from her mouth with a wet 'POP'. "Good morning, Commander~. Hee-hee-hee."

Rather than be affronted by the boldness of the cheeky T-Doll I let out a soft sigh and let go of the sheet so that I could gently cup her right ear. She let out a sinful moan of delight as my fingers quested through the soft, downy fur, and her hand started to jerk me faster; I rubbed the outside, moving from the tips down to the base of her skull, drawing an exaggerated shiver from her form. Though, considering I made her ears just as sensitive as her nipples with the amount of nerves I bundled into them, it probably wasn't exaggerated at all. "Ahn, Commander~!"

She began trembling, her whole body shaking as she propped herself up on her elbows while she raised her ass high towards the ceiling, her fluffy tail ramrod straight and quaking as she stuffed her face back into my ballsack. I grabbed the second pillow next to me and placed it behind my head and shoulders to prop myself up so that I could fully see the curve of her lower back and the pertness of her ass cheeks.

I grinned cheekily as I folded her ear in half and began stroking it up and down, causing the foxy T-Doll to squeak. "I thought you wanted a 'Papa'?"

As I increased the pressure and varied up my stroke on her ears she let out a little whine, her hand releasing my shaft as her ass bounced in the air. "Ahn~, ah, I can't focus when you play with my ears like that~. Ah wanna make Papa Commander feel good too~!"

This sort of play had been pretty revolting to me in the past, granted I'd never been with a woman who had 'daddy play' as one of her kinks, so to say that I knew 100% that this was something I couldn't possibly get into would be presumptive.

Though the moment someone tried to pee on me or shit on my chest was the moment I punched someone in the mouth. Hard.

"You want to make me feel good, ART?" I breathed out, hitching my stroke up faster and faster.

"Yes, I want to suck Papa's cock and make him explode in my mouth," She whined piteously, "I wanna choke on it, and feel his sperm fill my little belly."

Okay, going a touch too far there...

"Very well then, if that's what you want, Artie, then you can do so, though no more teasing; I'm already as hard as I'm going to get," I spoke firmly, slowly my strokes before releasing her ear. The moment she regained control over her senses the fox-loli T-Doll practically dove onto my dick, the little mouth stretching to barely accommodate my girth; she could fit the tip in, and maybe an inch after that, but that was her limit. She seemed to be very displeased with her progress, but instead of trying to push herself past her current limits, she began putting her tongue to work while her two hands gripped the sides of my penis and began stroking me forcefully.

She tapped against my implant, asking permission to form a chatroom, and I accepted. I was immediately greeted by her bratty voice, "Mhmm~, papa's cock is so thick I can't even fit it all in my mouth! And it tastes sooo~ gooood~!"

Despite the desire to roll my eyes my lust seemed to smooth away the absurdity of the play, and I let out a soft sigh as I relished in the sensations she was providing me. She pulled back to the tip before tightening up her lips and pushing herself back down to her previous stopping point, and much to my surprise she went down just a little bit further than last time. She kept on dirty talking, throwing little inane combinations of words, phrases, and 'Papa' as she started losing coherence with each subsequent oral orgasm. Still, despite my previous assumptions that she would never be able to do more than tease me with her mouth, the little loli finally worked herself down my length until the head was nestled against the back of her mouth.

It was at that moment Artie shifted off of her elbows and angled her body down until my penis was almost at a 45-degree angle between my thighs... and she shoved herself down the remaining eight inches of my cock until her lips were wrapped firmly around the root; her eyes rolled up in her head as I heard a small spray of fluids hit the sheets as the loli's feet kicked against the bed.

"Ho-holy fuck, Artie," I groaned out through gritted teeth as the entirety of her throat wrapped around me with crushing force; she was only four foot eight, so my penis was just a few inches away from her stomach. Only knowledge that nothing would come up, only go down, allayed my worries.

After a dozen seconds, she slowly came back to herself, her eyes lowering and refocusing on me as she breathed through her secondary airway; they were shining brightly, with both accomplishment and joy. "I told Soppy that I could do it! She didn't believe me!"

That was when I heard some chattering off in the background; all of the other T-Dolls had joined the chatroom and were probably watching through the multitude of cameras and sensors I'd just finished installing. "Now, sit back and relax, Papa, as your little girl here fucks her own face with your big, fat cock. Be sure to cum buckets, okay~?"

I didn't have much time to speak because she was already shifting her whole body back, the bulbous head of my prick scraping against her throat until she reached a good point and thrusting back forward until her lips were at the base again. Breathe left my lungs and came back just as quickly as she worked herself back and forth along my length, her golden eyes near once leaving my own; she teared up, which added a lovely sheen to them, but that was something she could control completely. There was no discomfort on her end, only ecstasy as her orgasms began to pile up, with each one slowly dragging her to even greater heights.

My testicles began churning, and I felt my lips peel back as I growled out to her. "I'm going to cum, Artie."

Seemingly not pleased with just that, her brows furrowed for a moment until I saw a window pop up in the bottom right of my vision, showing an image from the top down. It was a Forerunner VISOR shot of my cock being squished and milked by her throat, and that sent me over the edge; even with my vision blurring, I was treated to the sight of my manhood pulsing violently as she constricted her muscles and buried herself down to the base. I got to see and feel each thick sput of my seed physically enter her belly, the thick cum swirling around and mixing with the acids of her stomach.

With the last few spurts she backed off until only the tip was in her mouth, and she milked my spit-soaked cock with her hands until the last globules were rolling around her mouth. She moaned in delight, swallowing the thick seed before dipping her head to press her tongue firmly against the base before dragging it up to secure the last bead of semen. "You came so much for me, Papa~. It must have felt really good, I know I did. I was cumming soooo haarrdd on your cock~."

She grinned and I reached down and gripped her underneath her armpits, pulling her up to me; the fox loli squeaking as I pulled her pussy up to my face and wrapped her legs behind my shoulders. She smelled delicious- another one of the modifications I made- citrusy and as sweet as an orange. I lapped at the tight little hole in front of me, reminding myself that she might be a loli, but she was a legal loli. "Anh, Papa, nnooooo~, you're going to make me cum again!"

I dove my tongue into her sex, letting it swirl and scrape along the walls while my nose rubbed against her pointed, engorged clitoris. I wriggled my nose back and forth and she convulsed, a small spritz of citrus alighting on my upper lip and soaking into my beard. "Ah, Papa, please, no more. I want to feel you inside me."

I shifted my shoulders, allowing her to pull her legs out from where I'd previously had them trapped, "Well then? Go on, stick it in."

The fox- legal fox loli's lower lip was sandwiched between her teeth as she slowly waddled from side to side down my broad chest until her knees were able to make contact with the bed. Then she pressed up and onto the balls of her feet and pushed her ass back until the head kissed her tiny womanhood. Her eyes widened with a gasp the moment hot spongy flesh met hot, wet spongy flesh. "P-papa, I'm going to go now, okay? I'm going to swallow your cock with my p-pussy now."

The view that I'd seen out of the corner of my eye changed again, this time flickering to a back and top-down view. She probed her tight entrance a few more times, her eyes flicking down and right- Artie was probably just as entranced at the combination of sensations and the view as I was. I leaned forward and pulled her into a firm, open-mouthed kiss, our tongues dueling as I pressed my hips up and pushed, and pushed, and pushed until the head of my cock popped into place. "Noooo~, I wanted to put it in, Papa!"

"You were taking too long, Artie," I grunted in the chatroom, "I'm going to take over now."

My left hand gripped the swell of her hip as I pressed myself into her tight, tiny pussy, the grip was insane, and the ability to see every squishy rib of her sex deform and stretch as my length invaded her body was something else entirely. My cockhead stretched her out, and was kissing against her firm, puffy cervix before I made it seven inches. She squeaked in surprise, her golden eyes widening; considering her cervix was also quite sensitive, she broke the kiss and started panting. "Yes~! Papa's tou-touching my baby room! He's gonna pound me until I'm useless!"

Needless to say, she was quite durable, and I pulled back and slammed into her, the impact enough to force air out of her lungs, "Huuuff~"

Liking the stupid little face she made I pulled back and did it again, and again, and again. Each thrust forced another little pleasured exhalation from her body. "Soooooo ggggoooooodddddddddd~!!!!"

I kissed her again, biting firmly on her lower lip, just enough to cause a little pain, and the combination sent her spraying all over my pelvis, making her cry out over the chatroom. "MMMMMaaaaaasssstttteeerrrrr~!"

I kept pounding her little body, breaking the kiss only so that I wrap both arms around her and squeeze her firmly to my body, even blissed out of her mind the legal fox loli managed to wrap her puffy lips around my left nipple and teases it with her teeth and tongue. Her golden eyes were hazy, but they never left mine for a second... except when she came so hard her eyes crossed.

"Artie, I'm cumming again," I grunt, and the screen in the corner of my vision bounced to get my attention again, the head battering her firm, squishy cervix, and I pressed up into her as firmly as I could. Her body convulsed in orgasm, the entrance to her womb forming a seal around the tip, and I erupted into her with a hot roar. Her pussy clenched and squeezed and writhed with each shot, and I felt my testicles wring themselves dry in an attempt to put a baby in this fox loli's belly.

I held her there firmly, no longer moving as I waited out the rest of my climax, and eventually our combined milking contractions tapered off until only the blissful haze of our coupling remained. Artie giggled and reached her hands up to stroke my cheeks, "I love you, Papa."

The sudden admission caught me off guard, and I felt M16A1's words creep into the back of my mind. She was designed and engineered to be loyal- her love was mine and mine alone. She was mine. She would belong to no one else. This T-Doll was a woman. My woman. I would hold her. I would command her. I would love her. I would cherish her. She would-

I blinked as the breath slowly evacuated my lungs, and the sudden torrent of emotions, declarations, and other powerful desires slowed to a trickle; I hadn't noticed the furniture in the room shaking, but ART556 did. She didn't seem to care though- her faith in me was absolute. I could tell that just from her code, and I could feel it in her emotions. She skooched forward so that she could plant a gentle kiss on my lips. "I know that was probably a lot for our first go-round, but... thank you for indulging me in my selfishness, Commander. That means a great deal to me."

I nodded as I tried to force away the inky tendrils that tried to sink into me. That was... dangerous. I felt a small thread of black sheathed in white reach out to me from the wall, and my heart quivered at the soothing, staunch presence. I'd felt this once before- when M16A1 was opened up to the Force.

Had that been the Dark side?

I kissed her back and trembled as her arms wrapped around my neck. When we broke it I pressed my forehead against hers, "Thank you, Artie. I... I love you too."

It didn't cost me much to say it, if anything at all. I didn't know her, yet, but was that any reason? She was mine. I created her, now I had to take responsibility for her. She deserved at least that much from me, the same as the rest of my T-Dolls and other future Companions the Forge provided.

She grinned and leaned back, "Aw, that's so sweet of you Commander~. Though how can you resist not loving this tight, tiny, legal loli body I got, hmmm?"

I rolled my eyes and she giggled, and I brought my hands up to cup her ears and rub them firmly, the foxy T-Doll shivering in delight. I dropped on hand to grab onto a perky, firm ass cheek and gave it a squeeze. "Alright, come on, get up, we need to take a shower and start on breakfast."

"Alright, alright, but just wait a moment, if you would Sir," She grinned and waggled her eyebrows at me, "The girls want to be present when you pop the cork."

"The.... cork?" I heard the door open and all of the T-Dolls strolled into the room, all of them in various states of undress with differing expressions among them. My view in the bottom right changed to one of their eyes- M4A1's if the little text at the bottom was anything to go by- and that was when I saw it happen; ART556 slipped forward until the head of my cock popped out, and I was treated to the sight of my thick seed starting to ooze out.

The fox loli's hand reached down to cup her pussy, and she slithered down my body before shimmying off the foot of the bed and disappearing into the bathroom. I looked at the T-Dolls who were all staring at my cock, "We can have fun later."

Sop Mod grinned as she tugged at her little skull mask, "Oh, we better, Sir."

"We will, there is no doubt about that, maybe you sisters would like to all go at once?" I threw the idea out there, and ST tilted her head to the side, her hooded eyes looking at me consideringly.

"I wouldn't be opposed," M4A1 spoke softly, her hands coming up to cover her cheeks as she flicked her eyes over to M16A1.

"Sisters really should share," Sop Mod's eyes crinkled while ST AR-15 nodded silently with a hum.

H&K 416 blushed profusely but she swallowed in anticipation. K2's hand just reached up and pinched one of her nipples.

M16A1 smiled lightly as she looked over them before turning her lone gray eye back to me. "We'll be waiting with bated breath, Sir."

"Welp, let's get started on breakfast, shall we?"

The day was spent collecting nanomaterials, training in our MJOLNIRs, and looking over the intelligence.

Skidmark had contracted pretty hard, pulling back his money, drugs, and weapons, but instead of consolidating it all in one location he moved it from thirty down to three; a defunct supermarket on the border of Midway and the East Railyard, a large warehouse deep in the Central Railyard, and in a small cabin that was about thirty miles north of Brockton Bay. The cabin had the largest amount of cash but the fewest guards; only three men were guarding it, but it made sense- these were probably his most trusted non-Cape Lieutenants, the guys who could be trusted to move back in with the seed money to revive the gang.

The defunct supermarket was a big Rave location where the Merchants threw raucous parties for the teens and young adults looking to have a great time while high, and the older crowd looking to score with said high young adults. It had a large safe deep in the manager's office, but that was just a ruse as the real hoard of cash was in the manager's bathroom right next store buried under a few half-rotting planks of plywood covering a hole. The vault still held some cash, to be sure, but not nearly what was in the bathroom. Anyone looking to steal would accept the hundred thousand or so in the vault and wouldn't think to continue poking around with that nice little payday in their pockets.

The largest amount of cash was located in the warehouse in the Central Trainyard. An estimated half-million spread across a bunch of duffle bags in a large vault that looked to be two and a half feet thick; the vault itself had wheels on it, and a powertrain. It also had a gas tank, and a steering wheel. And it also had two miniguns that could poke out of the top. And... was that a rocket launcher?

Needless to say, it was a mobile vault that the Merchants could use to drive around anywhere they could park it. It looked beastly, but a lightsaber would cut through it like butter. The green, yellow, blue, and purple crystals were claimed with HK 416, Sop Mod II, M4A1, and ART556, leaving only K2 to wait a day until the crystals regenerated. After we constructed their sabers we sort of just fooled around for an hour, sparring with one another with 'Dual of Fates' and other iconic Star Wars songs blaring in the background because 'P90 would never forgive us if we didn't do it'.

Much to my surprise, ART556 started directing one of the in-shop surveillance drones to record our bouts, and with the powerful processors at her disposal, she was able to CGI together backgrounds while we had the Engineers put together some sweet Jedi robes.

We ended up making it a short film where we were all a bunch of Jedi who'd been creche-mates, then grew up and became Padawan learners; now that we were Jedi Knights on the cusp of taking our own Padawans, it was the time to settle once and for all who the best of us was.

It was... a ton of fun, actually. Like, we all came up with scripts, and with our enhanced brains and implants acting out our scripts and manipulating our facial expressions and bodies to match our characters was just too easy. With four drones setting up different camera angles we did a round-robin style of fighting, where one of us stood in the center and we fought one on one until a blow was struck; we went for thirty rounds because "our bodies were enhanced by the Force" and it gave us super-human endurance. Whoever had the most rounds in the center was declared the superior Jedi among our close-knit circle of friends.

In the end, I was the winner, but only by a slim margin- M16A1 was the second most seasoned combatant, but my extra foot of reach with my blade and eight inches of additional arm proved to be the deciding factor in our bouts. It wasn't because I was also thirty percent stronger and faster or anything. Nope. Not at all.

Once everything was over the eight of us sat down over a bottle of water and helped ART556 edit all of the footage over, and after some additional post-processing effects we completed our little "Fated Duel". Though due to copyright restrictions we couldn't use more than ten-second clips of music on PHO, so we ended up writing our own original scores, and because of that we were able to tie the music to the fight scenes; each of us had our own 'theme', so when we fought we tied the two themes of whoever was dueling into a single track. The highs, lows, pauses, victories, and upsets were all beautifully captured by the T-Dolls that had far more musical talent than I did.

Thinking that we should probably set up a Team PHO page, we got cleaned off by the Lifegivers, suited up in our armors, and found a great place to film an introductory cinematic for Fire Team Alpha of the heroic organization "Frontline". Not a very original name, but it captured the essence of what we would be doing- taking the fight to the criminal elements of the city. We were certain the PRT and Protectorate, and some Forum Nannies would clutch their pearls over the name, but before we settled on a name, we posted an anonymous poll: "Would you like to see a Hero Team in Brockton Bay wage a war against the criminal elements within it?"

The overwhelming response out of 3,727 in just one hour was "Yes."

77.89% "Yes."

In fact, the comments section was ablaze with requests for someone to do just that.

Of course, some decried the poll as a tool to inflame tensions within the city and incite violence- more than a few posters were smacked with the Temp-Ban-Hammer by the Moderators, but the thread was allowed to persist with a stern warning from Tin_Mother to not escalate the calls for violence against the gangs that had taken much from the people of Brockton.

In many cases, everything.

So, with that mandate from the people in mind, we opened up the PHO account for the Hero Team "Frontline", and posted with it a group photo of us standing at the ready. It only took us a few minutes to get us verified, and in that final comment before we requested the mods to lock the thread we posted: "Your voices have been heard, People of Brockton."

After that, threads exploded with speculation. We ignored them and filmed the intro video that we would later post just a few hours later.

Taking footage from our travels through Brockton, the Surveillance footage of Merchants, ABB, and Empire walking around their prospective stomping grounds- we used CGI to recreate fictional alleys, streets, and storefronts. It looked like movie quality set-ups, shot on scene from a moving vehicle, with real people's faces, hair- and in some cases clothing- CGI'd over to protect everyone.

Hell, it got the point where we started creating wholly rendered CGI scenes depicting muggings in dark alleyways, homes and businesses being broken into, and shop owners being extorted by the various gangs, among many other things.

After that we started shooting sweeping scenes of the city's skyline, simulating time-lapses, day and night cycles, and weather effects like rain, snow, clouds, and other things. Then came the very anime-esque stills and circling shots of us in our armors, and then personal shots with using doing some sort of activity- cleaning a weapon before looking at the camera, working out in tight-fitting clothing that showed off our athletic physiques- they insisted that I should be shirtless for maximum hype from the female audience- while they wore sports bra and short-shorts that showed off their legs, hips, and ass.

We did shots looking off the cliff into the ocean with helmets off, and the cliff was CGI'd to be top of the Med Hall building while the ocean was the city from that vantage point- both day and night shots- and so on and so forth we went. That was when we started filming the action sequences, all of us stacking up against a stone wall that was CGI'd into an alleyway, flashbangs and smoke grenades tossed in before we cleared out buildings with drugged-out Merchants, warehouses with ABB, and open-street gunbattles with E88. Whatever footage of the capes of each group in question we could find were cleaned up and then lovingly rendered in the best we could get, all so we could CGI us kicking their fucking teeth in.

With all of that done we spliced all of the footage together to a song I had on my phone that I hadn't listened to in a good while, but ART556 fell in love with it. The scenes of decay, hopelessness, and desperation were all balanced out by meaningful, helmetless looks off towards the coming Horizon and frenetic combat; some of it pulled from M16A1's and mine helmet camera footage.

The video was posted to PHO on our page, titled "The Storm is Approaching".


Of course, we had domino masks for all helmetless scenes, and ART556 wore hers just so she could shit-post about it later. Though she did make a few changes to the lyrics to make it our theme, the song was kept in its original format, with dramatic flashing cuts as the music cut.

We didn't make any replies except that we were going to officially register at the PRT Office that day at 4:00PM, and if the people wanted to get their chance to see us with their own eyes then that was the time to do it.

Of course, us not being total douche-bags we had cleared a time to come by and officially register, so the Protectorate and PRT knew we were on our way in a few hours time.

We spent an hour clearing a flight plan with the FAA and Brockton Aviation Authority.

Why? Because we were going to fucking airdrop in front of the PRT Offices from halfway across the city, that's why.

The pilot robot- who I lovingly named "Echo-419"- had been briefed on the cleared flight plan and was now running through the pre-flight checklists.

I checked over my weapons and armor before I turned towards M16A1 and gave her a pre-deployment check. Once we were all looked over I closed up the warehouse and ran over to the cliff, running down the walkway scaling the cliff face until I got to the lock. I stuffed the warehouse key in, and soon the whole face started moving, the segmented panels shifting up before rolling out of the way; the interior of the Hangar was revealed- the Helljumper and my Alpha Team were all on standby.

The VTOL aircraft hovered out of the Hangar with nary a bobble, even when the wind sheer of the open ocean hit it, and once it was cleared I twisted the key- the garage doors closing.

I turned away from the closed door and looked towards the open rear bay.

With legs curled I sprung the intervening distance, my thrusters correcting my trajectory so that I could step smoothly into the back of the Helljumper's bay. I turned to ART556, "Send it, Artie."

A mischievous smirk emoji flashed across her visor, her articulated, armored earpieces folded back as her armored tail swished, a "Hee-hee-hee" coming out over the comms channel.

The next post was "Keep your eyes on the skies."

Echo-419 took us up into a constant, controlled ascent, the robot goosing the throttle to keep us within our 3:59:33 PM launched window. 24 Seconds of free fall at this altitude, with 3 seconds of deceleration would put us right at 4:00:00 PM. With all of the bay doors open- the sides and the rear, it afforded us a beautiful look over the bay and the swiftly approaching city.

I saw the mission clock tick down as we began approaching our drop window. The Helljumper swung wide, around the city. ART556 posted the next message. "Look up, Brockton Bay."

"Places, girls," M16A1 spoke out, before turning her helmet towards me, "Sir."


The VTOL engines whined as the throttle was let up on and the aircraft started to coast on its forward momentum.



Echo-419 banked, our magnetic clamps prevented us from sliding out, though we still grabbed the handholds within the bay just because.



"Here we come. Don't miss us!" Arty posted gleefully before she tucked her phone back into the tactical pouch at her back.






"Alpha Team, deploy!" I spoke out, unable to keep the biggest shit-eating grin off my face as the Helljumper leveled out, and the eight of us- Horizon, M16A1, M4A1, M4A1 SOP MOD II, ST AR-15, H&K 416, K2, ART556- leaped out of our doors as we flew on a perpendicular course for our landing zone.

Even from the altitude, we were at, ten thousand feet, I could see that a great space was cleared out not thirty meters from the building near the street.

Using every scrap of reaction and timing our abilities afforded us, we organized ourselves into two four-man 'V' formations as we well. Thrusters fired off, keeping us on a good course and angling our fall curve so that we would land directly where we wanted. Already there were hundreds of people surrounding our drop site, with some PRT Troopers holding a line; I guess they thought we were going to be driving in, but I think that the quite literal 'heads up' we gave tipped them off to the possibility that we might be doing something a little more daring.

Phones were facing towards us, people were pointing- some kids were leaping up and down while they tugged on their parent's arms and legs.

At five hundred feet we did one last correction burn before we tucked up and let our burners orient us from a head-first dive into a feet-first orientation; once we hit the two hundred foot mark we went full-burner and slowed our fall from 800 feet per second down to less than 20 feet per second. It was a hard deceleration, but we were easily able to withstand the g-forces. Just before our armored boots touched the ground the thrusters flared dramatically, and we... lightly landed on the concrete no differently than we would if we had skipped the last step on a staircase.

The eight of us looked over the assembled crowd and gave them a solemn nod, and Artie, being our public relations guru, gave a jaunty wave as her voice easily carried over the clamoring crowd. "Be sure not to try that at home, okay kids?"

We turned towards the front of the building and began making our way towards it where four Troopers were posted; at the top of the staircase before the door were two large steel crates with thick padlocks hanging from the two latches on each case.

"Your weapons before you enter... Frontline." A gruff male voice spoke out, his voice slightly modulated by the speaker on his helmet.

I turned my head and nodded, and we lined up in front of the cases and began stripping off our weapons and side-arms, laying them down in the neat foam. Once we were completely divested the cases were closed up and the padlocks were secured; to my surprise, they handed me the keys for the four locks.

We entered the lobby where what looked to be twenty Troopers were lined up; there weren't any weapons in hand, but there were the ever-present Containment foam sprayers. The entire floor was empty except for them- the Gift Shop shuttered. At the back of the lobby area was a large desk with four thick panes of slightly tinted glass, and standing next to it were Armsmaster, Miss Militia, Assault, and Battery. "Frontline, welcome to the PRT East-North-East Office. If you would please, have you and your team members sign in here at the front desk, after that we will adjourn to a conference room where we will speak to the Director."

I nodded and we lined up in a single file, and I stepped up first, and a woman in smart business dress adjusted her glasses; she looked as though this was an everyday occurrence for her, but there was a slight tremor in her hands as she slid a paper guest log over. The pen was a nicely crafted piece, the ink flowed smoothly onto the paper, "HORIZON; FRONT LINE - ALPHA TEAM."

"Wait, there's more than one team?" Assault blurted out as he looked at the signature as he was the one closest to it, and much to my surprise I didn't see Battery immediately elbow him; I guess her knee-jerk reaction to punishing her husband with domestic violence was fanon? The side-eye she gave him though promised a stern talking to though, behind closed doors. Right now they needed to maintain a united front, to show that their team was just as mighty as my own, but with the numbers I had they were looking a little bit light; did they not watch the Team Introductory video, or were they doing the right thing and prioritizing their patrols?

Hah! Who am I fooling, they probably watched the video until their eyes bled. Dauntless, Velocity, and the freshly promoted Triumph were probably out on patrol. Giving up their assigned duties to posture would have been silly.

I stepped aside and let M16A1 step forward to sign in, and then I turned to Assault before giving him a nod. "Yes- one of many. The current roster isn't set in stone as the rest of our members are getting settled in, but we will have multiple teams; for a city as large as Brockton evicting the gangs will take more than just a single team."

The red-clad hero's eyebrows arched behind his visor, and Armsmaster cleared his throat, "I do believe that we can keep such questions and answers until we are in a more appropriate location, Assault, Horizon."

"Not a problem, Armsmaster," I spoke smoothly as ART556 walked up to the desk and had to stand on her tip-toes to sign onto the roster.

"Can't believe I was cursed to be short," She muttered over the channel, "Even with the opportunity of a new life I'm never going to break the five-foot barrier!"

Of course, she meant her height at the crown of her head- with her ears she was five foot three, but that was cold comfort when her ears were six inches long.

Sop Mod II snorted, and M16A1 blinked the yellow light in our HUD three times for silence.

I turned my head back to Armsmaster, "We are finished, Armsmaster. Please, lead the way."

The blue power-armored Hero stepped forward and read over our entries- of course, we didn't leave our phone numbers, and our email was the team PHO address. Dragon's software already filtered out a lot of spam messages, so why not let her do all of the hard work for us?

"Indeed, everything appears to be in order, if you would follow me," He nodded and the Protectorate Heros parted, allowing us to follow Armsmaster down the main hallway and towards an elevator at the back, "There is a weight limit on the elevator, so you will have to be split up. You will of course be reunited once we've reached the appropriate floor."

"Of course, Armsmaster, whatever is needed."

The elevator dinged and opened up, and myself, Armsmaster, Assault, M16A1, and M4A1 stepped inside.

As the doors closed I couldn't help but wonder how this was going to go down.

Special thanks to Lmc9389, Xodarap4, Artillery, DrkShdow, AuraofCalm, Zerak, Mioismoe, Zath, Splendid, D. Wongsonegoro, Darkarma, Acrimonius, T. Balewood, Randall Randall, Dominyx Black, CyberCrisis, Blue, Russ Stilter, Legion_13, Mike Fatal_Bullet, P. Nguyen, Fred65, K. Nielsen, J. Ricardo Passos for being Patrons!

You guys rock! 

A/N: Next chapter will be an Interlude and maybe a PHO section. Then I'll make up the dramatis persona so that way everyone can see who is who and put names to faces. Also, I just found "Bury the Light" last night, and I've been listening to it non-stop. LOL

Also, No word count advancements for lewds in the future. Next roll will open up next chapter.

Sorcery (100CP)

This power allows a wizard to transform his thoughts and desires into magical energy. Focusing your energies will allow you to create magical shields or move objects.

<< Index >>

Last edited: Tuesday at 9:04 AM

Monday at 8:25 PMReport

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ninguem, Blindline153, Mody97 and 473 others like this.

insertname099Not too sore, are you?


You haven't put the Perks description at the end?

Monday at 8:43 PMReport

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Victory00, B0rn2BFr33, TheSystemFan and 11 others like this.



how much do you wanna bet that the PRT did a dumb and are working on blocking his patent while screeching about parahumans?

only to later have to grovel through the dirt and beg for even a drop of whatever miracle healing tonic he can make