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[NSFW] Do What You Can [Worm][SI-OC][Celestial Forge V3]


celestial forge v3


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Jamescc1I trust you know where the happy button is?

omegasrevenge said: ↑

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Will something like that happen if Amy touching the mc? Missy, and Victoria ask what he did. Amy saying he is perfect genetically! While holding her hands out. And he has a giant dick! Lisa in the background agreeing with her.

Yesterday at 5:15 PMReport

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InsanexSilence, Rikallyn, imffqq and 4 others like this.

Pentel123Making the rounds.

Just found this story and loving it so far. Probably the first Celestial Forge that has held my interest. Thank you for not ruining the opening by having a long layout of the system and how you were the chosen-wan to fix everything. Getting straight to character and action is much much better than exposition dump, the dump can always happen later.

Yesterday at 6:17 PMReport

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Poe Darkly, PsylentFox, G1 Convoy and 3 others like this.

MormanoMaking the rounds.

omegasrevenge said: ↑

It is a trade off; by spending more time on tech they would get significantly better tools, but by spending more time outside of it they get more action with the tools they already have.

I mean, they have access to the Infinite Ki Generator, the most likely best energy source in the entire multiverse considering how much power they were drawing from something small enough and shielded enough to fit in their bodies, and they still haven't built any of them.

Such is the price of action in Forge fics.

Edit: In fact, all Forge fics suffer from pacing issues because of how they work. Fixing it is very easy, instead of rolling for a random power every # of words, instead carefully select which power the protag is going to get and when, and just make it seem random. That way all pacing issues are eliminated on the spot, and significantly more suspense can be built.

Edit2: Another thing that would improve Forge fics is that the power-ups the protag gets are too vast in scope. Instead of getting the entire tech base of an advanced civilisation, most of which he won't even use until it's redundant from better power-ups, get only select slices of that tech base instead.

For example, instead of getting the entire tech base of the Forerunners, only get access to their Hardlight tech. Imagine what munchkin combination would suddenly open up?

The more restrictions and limitations there are, the more creativity flourishes.

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Or just only count words that are actually story. Exclude all descriptions of tech from the word count.

Yesterday at 9:52 PMReport

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PsylentFox and Leith like this.

NthBelisariusNot too sore, are you?

One thing I've thought about is having some words immediately after a roll that don't count towards building charges. E.g. CP words, so if a 100CP charge then you have a quick 100 word description and if a 500 CP charge you get 500 words.

Yesterday at 10:46 PMReport

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PsylentFox, G1 Convoy, Leith and 1 other person like this.

Threadmarks: Chapter 9 - ... and the One, Two, Three Knockout Punch!!!


PsylentFoxMerging Porn with Plot. Or was it Plot with Porn?

[Jason Wilke]

[February 3rd, 2011]

[Attempted Re-Forge: -9.0101 - Common Material Cache x2 - 50CP - Star Wars The Old Republic- Mundane Small Scale]

[Re-Forge Successful]

[Purchased: 700 CP]

I ignored the Forge as we finished filling out the paperwork recognizing us as a Hero Team under the Vigilante Act. We, unfortunately, couldn't gain the vaunted and prized 'Partner' status, but with the level of restrictions and control the PRT had over our operations it would have undone everything we set out to accomplish.

When we exited the PRT building we talked to the crowd out front, answered some questions, took some pictures, and made excellent use of the emoji helmets to garner some laughs and smiles from the children. The ladies were definitely popular with the men, and I was popular with the women in the crowd who had children but no rings on their fingers.

Still, it was a great time, and in all honesty, I wondered what all the fussing and complaining was about when it came to the Protectorate and Wards dissing the PR patrols; interacting with the public was a hoot, and bringing some smiles to the kids who honestly didn't have much in life to smile about was a great experience.

After that we moved at a pretty decent clip on the sidewalk, making our way down to the boardwalk where Echo-419 came in for a beach landing that attracted everyone's attention. Well, he didn't land on the beach, he hovered perfectly over the water at the edge of the surf, and we blitzed through the waves before hopping up the ramp and into the bay. He took up nice and slow, letting us wave to the crowd before we flew a semi-circular path around the outside of the bay and flew south. Once we were about twenty-five miles outside of Brockton Echo-419 flew low over the waves to dip off the radar- if you stuck your arm out of the bay you could have touched the ocean.

When we arrived at the garage I hopped out, opened it up, and closed it once Echo-419 flew inside, landing the aircraft perfectly. I shut the door and jogged back to the Work Site and opened up the shop. Once inside I stripped out of my armor and had M16A1 post a schedule for constant nanomaterial collection, and then I called over the bois and gurls; I needed to get the rest of my Echelons filled out, and I needed to get them up and running sooner rather than later.

I flipped through the T-Doll catalog and set to work, throwing all the required Supplies onto each table; it cut me down almost half but it was obviously a worthwhile expenditure. It would take six hours of sifting to recover the Supplies used, and I gained 11 T-Dolls that had common calibers; all were either .45 ACP, 5.56mm, or 7.62x51 NATO. They also accepted modifications to their weapons readily; as much as I wanted to have M1 Garand-chan the fact that her weapon didn't want to be modified beyond adding a simple 4x optic made it difficult for me to pick up.

One day though, one day.

I blitzed through the enchantments, setting up all of the Glyphs for their endoskeletons, and then moved into the Enchantment Laboratory to begin the time honor tradition or Enchanting/Dis-enchanting gold rings to refill my stockpile of runes. Though I did remember to enchant a full set of rings for each T-Doll; not having the 97% resistances, extra Shield Bash, and 43% reduction to all physical damage would be silly.

After that, I looked into the T-Doll catalog and pulled up the plans for exoskeletons and mobile plate armors; in the games, they were used to provide Evasion and Armor buffs to the girls, but in reality, they let T-Dolls move faster than normal and essentially allowed them mobile cover. However, with the Mk X Mod 1 armor I had them all decked out in, the strength and movement enhancing properties were moot. The real draw, however, was the exoskeleton arm that controlled the Ballistic Panels; the T-Doll could move and position the shield however they wanted as long as the arm had the articulation and range of motion. I wanted to improve those capabilities and have them be available for Mobile Drops- if the situation changed, like for example a shoot-out involving civilians, the mobile armor could easily be used to cover retreating civilians and shield them from fire.

M16A1 was particularly adept at this role, her metaphysical 'frame' allowing for her to have two of these ballistic shields.

The shields we could make far outclassed anything in the Girl's Frontline Universe, and I could take that concept and improve upon with further with the materials and knowledge I had at my disposal. I created six different models after spending a few hours with my implant, and Enbee and I went back and forth on the designs until we narrowed it down to two; one had only a single shield, and the second had two manipulator arms with two shields for M16A1. I enchanted every Shield we produced to reduce damage from magic by 58%, and I hoped that it would consider Parahuman powers metaphysically magic since it was reminiscent of how a Warlock functioned- a greater being granting powers to mortals.

It was a stretch, but it was the best I had; most of the other possible enchantments required Soul Gems, which I did not have.

After that I created the drop-kits that these systems would fit into; some would carry ammunition, some would carry medical supplies, and some carried back-ups of important equipment that I would be developing in the future. Also, some had the Shield/Manipulator combo, obviously. The Engineers helped me create a second Helljumper along with a shell housing that would deploy said drop-kits, though I didn't create it just for that purpose; I had a lot of T-Dolls now and with the armor they were pretty heavy- I had never been to Air Assault school, nor was I a Loadmaster, but even I knew that it was always best to evenly distribute the heavy loads. Each Echelon would get a Helljumper for rapid deployment, and the Overwatch team would get a highly modified Helljumper for their needs.

I took the opportunity to slip myself into the nanomaterial shifting workflow because, if I'm being honest the repetitive nature of the task was kind of soothing to me; I could gather a pound of nanomaterials at 1.2 seconds versus their 2.2, and I could still do other design work while I was doing it. Mainly going through and looking over the code for the medical MRVNs; Subee had some complaints about their efficiency and bedside manner, so I had to do some tweaking.

While I was sifting I took some time to go over the rest of the Star Wars materials I gained.

I finally got the complete set for the Star Wars materials cluster, so that was nice. Enbee and the Engineers were already pouring over the materials there and testing out the nanomaterial ratios; armorplast, also known as plasteel, had a very high ratio that was quite favorable- one pound of nanomaterials could make ten pounds of plasteel, and that would be perfect for armoring up the MRVNs. It was incredibly resource-light while still being a very durable material; if used with a Forerunner molecular arrangement then we could use half of the material and still get the same level of protection. Durasteel was twice as strong as regular steel while only being 15% heavier, so that was a very good trade-off in my opinion.

While this didn't give me anything ground-breaking, what it did do was take my primary resource and stretch it that much more by providing me materials that were far better than "good enough" for this world; not everything needed to be made out of Beskar and Phrik.

The perk also gave me a boatload of schematics, from communicators to Droids, to moisture vaporators, blasters, and more. Tibana gas was also pretty damn cool, and the shit was incredibly energy-dense to boot. I could probably come up with some designs to use it, but considering the limited space I had, there was only so much shit I could stockpile. The nanomaterials had already expanded to half of my warehouse, and I directed Enbee and the boys to construct four large standing nanomaterial silos; it reduced the amount of floor space I was using for the shelves and bins, and would allow me to use those shelves for other things. I tacked on an order to raise the shelves all of the ways to the ceiling as well; there was no reason to not use the full 25 meters of height afforded to me.

It was fun, relaxing, doing things like this, all the while my Indias were gathering intelligence and my girls were planning out our operations against the Merchants.

We would be moving for a few more days, but that was fine.

[February 7th, 2011]

The 4th, 5th and 6th were all pretty much spent the same way. My new dolls had been activated, they went through orientation, MJOLNIR familiarization, Faction briefings, and pretty much everything I could do to get them ready. The German-made T-Dolls were pretty hot to trot when they learned that the E88 existed, but Negev?

Negev scared me.

The only way Negev could have scared me anymore was if she picked up a kitchen knife and started calling me 'Onii-san' with those hollow, dead eyes of hers.

"What do you mean you won't let me go out and kill those Nazis in their sleep, Onii-san? Do you condone their existence? Tell me, quickly, Onii-san. Your Negev-chan is growing impatient."

Yeesh, heebie-jeebie to the MAX! Though I guess the internet will get their crazy Yandere waifu now.

The Israeli T-Doll took her Jewish pride very seriously, but more so than TS12 did, and she practically had to be restrained to prevent her from running off to face the 'murderous dogs'.

ART556 and HK 41 were in some sort of spat that has persisted since the other Assault Rifle woke up; Artie had pouted at the other blonde, big-eared, legal fox loli kemonomimi and laid out a challenge. "There can only be one!"

From that moment forth they were constantly competing in everything, from sparring to eating to shooting to trying to get the best times in the obstacle courses the girls set up with the help of the Engineers. If it was something that one could try to outdo the other then they were cheek-to-cheek and shoulder-to-shoulder trying to see which one of them was superior. This of course, naturally extended to me as well. While the competition was something I tolerated, I put my foot down and told them to cease their shenanigans.

If you were going to blow me, then blow me because you want to blow me, because it pleases you to do so. Because you enjoy making me feel good and by extension yourself. Don't try to turn blow jobs into competitions just because one fox loli wanted to outdo the other fox loli.

That and I hadn't had time to bone the AR sisters, so having already "had her turn" so to speak- the horny goblin having jumped ahead of the line- I couldn't allow G41 to skip the queue too.

On the night of the 5th, I brought all of the ARs together on my freshly expanded bed, and we made love, all of us. It was beautiful, to see the sisters relish in the pleasure and the closeness; the way they supported each other as each got their turn made the whole experience surreal. M16A1 wanted me to be rough with her, and her sisters were rough with her as well; pulling and pinching her nipples as I took her from behind, their hands flashing out to smack her bottom as she climaxed over and over.

M4A1 and M4A1 SOP MOD II wanted to be taken together, like the twins they were. They stacked themselves on top of each other- M4A1 taking the bottom while SOP MOD waggled her ass at me from the top- and I alternated between pleasuring one and then the other.

HK 416 and K2 were both the same in that they wanted a more close, lovey-dovey experience; missionary with lots of kissing and handholding, but that didn't stop the others from finding places to slip their fingers to tease out the lewdest expressions from the more reserved ARs.

ST AR-15 was... interesting.

She was calm, collected, and rarely spoke up unless she had something relevant to add to the conversation. I spent a long time trying to figure out just what she liked the most, and after some private chats with M16A1 I figured out that she enjoyed being treated like a doll. She wanted to be posed, and then fucked like a sex doll; treated like an object. It was sort of a turn-off for me, but I found a compromise that suited us both; a prone bone while I put her in a headlock- I just pounded, ground, and gyrated my hips for my own pleasure, stuffing her pussy and ass with my cock with no rhyme or reason. She came. A lot. More than the other girls, not that I really counted, but it was noticeable.

Definitely weird, but it was a type of 'weird' that I could grow used to. The thought of just walking up to ST AR-15 sometime down the road and bending her over the nearest table to stuff her was certainly an arousing image; the fact that she would get off on it so much only made it that much better.

I had just finished making breakfast when the Forge roared to life and it grabbed towards the "Safety" constellation, latching onto a large, six charge beast of a Perk. It wasn't a large perk, not in information or anything, but it was no less significant.

Over the sounds of a dozen eggs sizzling in the pan, I heard sniffling emanate from my bedroom, sniffling that rose to a loud, piercing wail. I felt my heart clench, but I knew that those were cries of joy and relief.

[Attempted Re-Forge: 37.0220 - Three Laws of Robotics - 600CP - SB Dragonball Z - Quality Safety]

[Re-Forge Successful]

[Purchased: 200 CP remaining]

The Forge wasn't done, however, having the charges left over it wanted them gone, so it reached out and grabbed onto the closest star from the "Crafting Metallurgy" and had just enough to pull it into my orbit.

[Attempted Re-Forge: 28.0050 - Skyforge - 200CP - The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - Crafting Metallurgy]

[Re-Forge Successful]

[Purchased: 0 CP remaining]

I let out a small breath as I felt a tear-streaked face bury itself in my back, muscular but still feminine arms wrapping around my torso. I slid the pile of cooked eggs onto the large serving plate before applying some more bacon grease to the pan and pouring the rest of the scrambled egg mixture into it. My free hand came up and wrapped over the top of the woman's interlaced fingers, my voice soft as I stirred the quickly cooking mixture. "Did it apply retroactively, 16?"

I could feel her head nod against my back as a murmur left her lips, "Yes, it did. We are yours, Commander. Now and forever. No one... could turn us against you now."

She inhaled sharply and fresh sobs wracked her form. I sat the pan off to the side- the eggs would cook off the residual heat already within the pan, and I turned around to properly embrace my T-Doll. There was a quote from a shitty battle harem anime with another limp-dick protagonist that had everything just dropped into his lap, but the quotes of the women who bound themselves to him were no less pertinent or romantic. I tilted her chin up and planted a firm, closed-lip kiss on her before pulling back to plant the same kiss on her forehead, "For forever and ever."

She snorted a little bit, "So cheesy, but..."

Her beautiful storm gray eyes looked up at mine, and even if they'd been made puffy and red from her tears, they were beautiful; the spark of hope that had been struck when she had woken up had grown to a bonfire of happiness, and for her, possibility. I had known that the scars of her forced betrayal of her sisters had run deep, but seeing her react this way was... telling. T-Dolls were meant to serve, born for this purpose- to them the possibility of being turned against your purpose, to cause harm to the ones you were created to protect... it was anathema, a fate far worse than death.

Her hands came up to guide my own, her fingers leading me to gently cup her face by her chin and cheeks. A blinding, happy grin sprouted from her lips, with none of the usual M16A1 charms that I'd grown used to in the few days since I'd known her. This was something pure and untainted by her personality matrices that had once formed the core of her logic unit; it was... simply joy. "For forever and ever, Commander."

Her voice was small, soft, barely a breathy whisper, and as she finished speaking more tears began to spill down her cheeks. I brushed them away with my thumbs, "Come on, 16, help me get these steaks out of the oven and cut them up for all of the girls, and then grab the oatmeal- the 'Goks are looking for a little variety, too much rice they say."

The back door opened up and Tiffany let herself in.

It was strange that I'd known she was coming in the back of my mind, but since she was someone I'd cleared to enter the double-wide as she wished I didn't consciously think to have her tied into my automated pings- though she would only be allowed into the warehouse under discussion. "Good Lord, boy, what the hell have you been up to? I don't visit for a few days and now you've gone and gotten yourself a harem?"

I tracked the old lady's eyes towards the door to the master bedroom where the AR sisters were all poking around the doorway with wide grins and sappy smiles on their faces and then to the bunks that filled the living room where the couch used to be; the heads of T-Dolls poked from out underneath their covers.

She grunted and walked past the two of us to grab a cup and poured herself some coffee, "I should take you to church, boy, because you need Jesus in your life."

"They're not my harem, they're members of my team," I spoke out weakly, my eyes tracking over the trailer which I had completely converted into being a dormitory; it was stripped down nothing, walls were removed, the couch had been removed, and there were bunk beds from floor to ceiling.

Three beds could fit with the height, and with the width, we were able to fit six ranks of bunks for all 24 members; the only thing I kept was the kitchen and master bedroom. I also had to make four showers and toilet stalls which took up the entire back wall; the showers were incredibly efficient with how much water they used, but I still had to create another 55-gallon hot water tank on the outside of the trailer.

That was when ART556 and HK G41 walked out of the shower area clad in only their towels. They stared at Tiffany. Tiffany stared at them.

I heard the 'shk, shk, shk' of a cheap lighter flint being struck and following that I heard the old woman take three drags in quick succession. "Is this... one of those situations where I go to the police?"

Artie and Geefour pouted. "I'm 43 years old."

"I'm 29."

Tiffany's deadpan stare was incredulous.

Artie wrapped her arm around Geefour's shoulder and waggled her hand. "I'm a Striker/Changer/Trump, I can change the bodies of whomever I touch to take on their ideal form; there are limits, but I can make people younger, stronger, faster, smarter. It's usually temporary, but after repeated uses, I can make it permanent."

Tiffany sipped her coffee before taking another deep drag of her cigarette, smoke curling out of her lips, "Fucking Capes. You guys are all so fucking weird. So, why the... youthful figures?"

Both legal fox lolis looked at her like she was stupid. They looked at each other before looking back at Tiffany, "We're perverts. Our ideal selves wouldn't be cutesy legal fox lolis if we weren't. I've got a mountain of daddy issues and Geefour here likes the idea of being manhandled."

Geefour nodded, "Yes. Total perverts."

Tiffany dragged and flicked her ashes into the sink, "Christ, what is wrong with you kids nowadays? Back when I was a young woman being bent over the kitchen was the height of taboo, and now this?"

"I'll admit the shock factor is a really big part of it, but I do my best to let it be known that I was old enough to remember when President Reagan was assassinated," She huffed and turned around, walking over towards her bunk and pulling the sheet strung up between them closed so she could get dressed, "The CIA hadn't been satisfied with killing Kennedy, nooo, they wanted more legislation to lock down capes! I'm convinced they had a cape master Captain Echo into killing him."

I pulled the large trays of steaks out of the oven and sat them on the stone counter while ART556 continued to talk about some grand conspiracy set up by the CIA to remove Reagan because he was thwart'n their plans to crash the American economy through Earth Bet's Jimmy Carter years with stagflation and fuel shortages; "I was only a little girl at the time, but I remember sitting in the gas line in the car with my mom up in Michigan. It was freezing outside, but we still sat in line without the heater because we could only get gas on Tuesday. I had to be bundled up so much to keep warm my mom couldn't help but call me Ralphie; I hated 'A Christmas Story' ever since."

Tables were folded out all of my T-Dolls finally came by to get breakfast; those at the Work Site would have their meals delivered to them after we were done. The more Artie talked with Tiffany the more relaxed the older woman got; the first legal fox loli in my Team had been voraciously eating every scrap of literature, books, movies, and popular culture from her years of 'being alive' in order to sell her life story properly. By the time everyone finished eating they were re-enacting their favorite scenes from Happy Days, CHiPs, and other shows from the 70s and 80s.

"So, where did all of these women come from?" Tiffany finally broke the more festive atmosphere. That was when M16A1 stepped in.

"Well, you and I met only a few days ago, Ma'am, but Jason and I met weeks ago," She looked at me and smiled softly, "He was at Buckly's,"

"Yeah, I know Buckly's, on Stranton and 5th," Tiffany shook her head, "Serve piss-beer there, always have. So what, you see a handsome man and you just throw yourself at him?"

"I... wasn't in a good place then," She shook her head, "I thought I'd lost my sisters and I was going to try and fight the few skinheads that were holding court in the corner of the bar. Make an example of them."

The Forge tried to grasp a star from the 'Vehicles' constellation but didn't have the power to grab its intended target. It was big, so I couldn't glean much from it other than the name, "Ship Girl Conversion Kit | Equipment Boxes".

[NOT Purchase- Insufficient Balance: 100 CP Remaining.]

Fucking-A, T-Dolls and Shipgirls?

She held out her hand, and a ball of mana coalesced into it. It then turned into a string and the T-Doll slithered it out to touch one of the salt shakers on the table and hefted with a string. She released the string and then maneuvered it to grab the back of M4A1's hand, lifting it up and giving it a wiggle before setting it back down. "I can obviously do more than just that, but Jason, he... caught sight of me slipping one of my threads through the crowd and walked over to me. Offered me the worst draft I'd ever tasted; it was hardly chilled but it was a distraction."

M16A1 snorted, "Turned out that the man I was 'going to make an example' out of was one of Hookwolf's Lieutenants."

She sighed and leaned back, the woman turning her fond gaze towards me, "He talked me down, got to know me a little, and then offered to help. He showed me his Tinker powers and we worked together to build all of this up, with the help of the Huragoks, of course."

"After that? Well, I started searching around, looking for like-minded individuals who were looking to make a difference; all of us are from the service," She began pointing towards various girls around the table, "Army, Marine Corps, PRT, Navy, Army, Army, Air Force (but we don't hold that against her), Coast Guard (same as Air Force over there), Navy, Army-"

M16A1 didn't stop until she had covered every girl at the table.

"Some of us have powers, but most of us are mundane. We come from all walks of life," She looked at the German girls, "G41, MG5, 416, UMP45, PSG-1, and G36 all came from Cologne after Behemoth burned it to the ground in 96'."

"K2 came from Busan after Leviathan hit it in 97'. TS12 and Negev came from Jerusalem in 01' after Behemoth, NTW-20 from Leviathan in 02' after he washed away Cape Town in South Africa. LTLX7000 came from Naples, Italy after the Simurgh hit it in 2004." M16A1 smiled sadly, "We are a pretty diverse team, our Frontline, but we all have a single goal, and that is to make a difference."

"With the handful of Tinkers we have, the Lifegivers like Subee, Artie's powers to give us a more powerful, idealized body, among a few other things, we have a very capable team," She crossed her arms under her chest, "So doing what all good teams do we began recruiting, and I've spent most of my time trying to find my sister while having 'meet and greets' with everyone you see before you. There are still others who haven't quite jumped on board yet, but I think that once we show how capable we are they will join up soon enough."

"So, you weren't the one who brought them all together?" Tiffany sighed as she rubbed at the side of her temple with a weathered hand.

"I spend all my time Tinkering," I said plainly. "Their power armors won't make themselves, and I have to collaborate with LTLX7000 to make the aircraft, so I'm really busy."

"Right, Tinker urges and all that shit. Ugh. This is too much." She sighed and pulled another cigarette from her pack and lit up, "Welp, in for a penny, in for a pound, though I'm going to have to upcharge your rent if you keep adding more beds, boy. Though, I do have to ask, where are all the men?"

M16A1 blinked as she unfurled her hands from behind her head, "Well, I have several candidates already, but most of them have active service commitments with the PRT; four of them still have some time left on their contracts. A few others from some three-letter agencies might be interested, but I can't properly vet them; they could be plants for all I know, and we can't have moles. The others I contacted wanted some fairly unhealthy salaries; right now? We're doing this for free- even if we picked up a million and some change from the Merchants a few days ago that would have been enough to maybe pay five of them for a year."

She tilted her head, "I of course could probably get free labor by pulling from the local Rogue population, but trying to yank them up to speed and instill a proper mindset, not to mention the amount of time and training it would take would be very... detrimental. Despite being from different services we all have a common skillset, so creating a unified operational doctrine was pretty easy; with the upgrades learning retention was improved, so we all function as if we'd been a part of the same unit for a long time."

"Although things aren't so desperate that I'd pull children into our ranks, I much prefer having adults who know what they're signing up for," She dragged her gray gaze across the women arrayed around the plasteel tables and bench seating.

"Fuck, I said I didn't want to know, but I let my curiosity get the better of me," Tiffany groused as she stood up and placed her paper plate up next to the sink, "Well, I'm gonna go back to my house and try and forget all about this shit-show. Just make sure you keep your Cape shit away from my trailer- I don't want to wake up one morning to find one of those yahoos blew a hole in my wall."

Just before she exited the old crone looked back at me and gestured with the last bit of her cigarette, "Well, for what it's worth, I'm glad I didn't have to call the cops on you, boy. Would have been a real shame."

"I would appreciate it if you didn't make me out to be some sort of Pedo, ma'am. That actually hurts," I chuckled lightly as I stood up and began collecting the empty plates of the girls around me, "Before you leave, your birthday is the 9th, right?"

"Yes it is indeed. The big eight-five," She chuckled mirthfully, "Why, another 15 years and I'll finally get VIP seating at the Community Center in Downton on Bingo night."

"Take care, you lot, try not to get into too much trouble, ya hear?"

Well, I wished that the world wasn't such shit. Having the option to not get into trouble would have been pretty swell.

M16A1 and I hopped into the truck and drove down to the worksite after hooking up the trailer. Once we opened up the warehouse and everyone got to work, training, sifting for materials, going over the intelligence reports the Indias were creating, and directing the Engineers to make improvements my first T-Doll and I drove off down to the farm to pick up the last five cows. Though, not before we stopped by the newest addition to the warehouse, the Skyforge.

It was a simple wooden doorframe, double-wide, that wouldn't be out of place on a Scandinavian mead hall from Skyrim. Opening it up revealed a large space that had trees and rocks and snow on all sides; I knew in my head that the space was a pocket dimension 100 meters by 100 meters. From the door was a stepped stone path that led up a very small mountain about 50 meters in elevation, and at the end of the path was a flattened circular area with a large eagle statue overlooking a five-meter wide semi-circle of coals.

Spoiler: Skyforge

The Skyforge had all of the tools that one would find in any Master Blacksmith's smithy; a forge that any Nord would be honored to even see, let alone work in. I knew that whatever I crafted within the fires of this forge would be far more durable than if it had been crafted outside of it; the caveat was that I had to actually forge the items, and I didn't know shit about blacksmithing other than what I could pick up from Youtube tutorials.

Granted, I could just forge the raw materials and smelt down alloys, and those alloys could be employed elsewhere without losing the Fiat-back effect; the Skyforge could smelt any material, be it mundane or magical, so materials like Phrik that required very, very, very hot temperatures could be smelted with ease. Already my mind was spinning with plans- upgrading the weapons and armor with Skyforge Beskar and Phrik would improve survivability and reliability; the thought of seeing M16A1 buttstroking Hookwolf with her rifle and knocking him on his ass with her rifle looking no worse for wear made me laugh.

The girls that weren't immediately busy came in to admire the beautiful star-studded skybox; the air was crisp, the smells of coal and fresh pine wafting in the simulated breeze. The Skyforge was locked in perpetual twilight, showing off the aurora borealis-like lights, and when you sat on the benches around the fires of the forge it gave off a wonderful atmosphere. G41 placed her hands on her hips, the kuudere fox loli nodding to herself. "Yes. This is my place."

Did my legal fox loli evolve into a blacksmith legal fox loli? Should I press 'B' to halt this sudden evolution? The image of bending her coal smudged body over the anvil and plowing her from behind... made me reconsider. It was Fiat-backed but it didn't require that I do the forging, only that it be crafted in the Skyforge. If anything that little stipulation required testing. After patting G41 on the head and scratching her ears I fed some testing ideas to Enbee and G41; if I was right we might not even need to actually forge anything at all- we could just build it in here and it would become far stronger than normal.

During the drive down to the farm, M16A1 and I sat in silence and enjoyed the music playing on the radio; her left hand and my right hand intertwined as my left hand gripped the steering wheel. While captaining the truck I was working up new schematics and modifying existing ones to have everything I built to be made in modular sections that could fit through the wide double doors of the Skyforge. It was a pain in the ass, but with my perks combined with the Trance and the implant, I was able to get quite a lot of work done on the trip.

It wasn't until I was pulling the truck through the steel gate of the farm that a thought crossed my mind: T-Dolls were considered objects. Weapons. What would happen if I made all future T-Dolls in the Skyforge?

I didn't know the exact strengthening details of the Skyforge, but the preliminary data packets Enbee was sending me had the improvements being as low as 40% for Phrik and Beskar, to as high as 300% for Durasteel, and 400% for Plasteel! We also figured out that we could indeed manufacture things, but they had to be within the vicinity of the 15-square meters of space on the semi-circular platform.

The Forge warmed up and made an attempt at a the "Skills Clothing" constellation, but the Perk was worth two charges while it had only accrued one.

[Attempted Re-Forge: 22.0040 - Arachne Silk - 200CP - Monster Girl Encyclopedia - Skills Clothing]

[NOT Purchased: Insufficient Balance - 100 CP]

Hell, with that strength to weight ratio I could make a whole aircraft out of plasteel and have it be durable as fuck while being a quarter the weight. I sent Enbee a request to have him look over the Globetrotter and Helljumper designs and start figuring out where we could replace components with Skyforge plasteel components.

When we pulled up the owner of the farm trotted out of his place and pointed me towards where he had the last five cows segregated from the rest in a pen.

M16A1 took the opportunity to go and slather her chosen moo-cow with love, using one of the stealth drones that accompanied us to take footage so that she could send it back to the rest of the girls. Speaking of the girls, I asked the T-Dolls to come up with a design for a nice cabin with big windows that we would build in the Skyforge area to house pets; they could enjoy the beauty of the skybox while pampering and being pampered by some lonely strays in need of a good home.

The drive back was a lot faster. With the drone flying high overhead, I felt comfortable pushing the speed of the truck a little bit higher on the straightaways, only slowing down to take curves and when another vehicle on the road was spotted. Instead of the previous five hours, we made it back in under three.

Once we had the bioslurry tank refilled we created one additional T-Doll within the Skyforge, though her creation was honestly mainly due to my personal aesthetic desires. She wouldn't be on a permanent slot for an Echelon until I started expanding, but M16A1 thought it would be good for me to have an assistant that I could have with me to aid me in keeping track of everything.

M16A1 might have been my Vice Commander, but every good organization had staff.

Type 95 was chosen by me to fill this role because of her rocking fucking body, and the fact that she spoke Mandarin, Japanese, Cantonese, and a few other Southeast Asian languages. She was fairly tall for a T-Doll at 5'7", incredibly leggy, had a bodacious bottom, and the second-biggest tits on the Team; she was just an inch smaller than LTLX, but the Italian shotgun was also four inches taller. I honestly couldn't wait to sandwich them around my cock, and M16A1's lone visible eye crinkled as I gazed at 95's nude form after having put her together with the Supplies.

Artie and the other flat (though not so flat anymore) T-Dolls stared at her breasts like they were an enemy that needed to be destroyed. UMP45 bit her bottom lip between her teeth. G41 patted her chest with parted lips and a look of consternation on her face.

Honeybadger though? Honeybadger didn't give a shit.

So on and so forth this went until we began stripping the Chinese rifle down and began rebuilding her. The Flatty-Brigade had come a long way since their pure T-Doll days, most gaining almost a full cup size, but they were still far from being what one would consider 'busty'. I didn't care though, as long as they had enough for my fingers to squeeze- and doing so made them let out those cute little squeaks and moans- that was enough for me.

I flowed through the runes easily on her endoskeleton- the Glyphs flowing onto her bones like water and integrating without a problem.

Once her body was completed the T-Doll Subee Serum was applied and she stayed next to the warm fires of the Skyforge until she 'decanted' and was ready to wake up.

After that I had everyone gather up their weapons and armor, and with the help of a dozen of the Echos, we remade everyone's armors and weapons within the confines of the Skyforge. In the end, the armors were just better; roughly 40% improvement across the board, from the tech suit actually able to augment our strength a good deal beyond what we were capable of normally (as opposed to just barely being able to outpace our strength), to improvements in the shield and thrusters. With the huge durability increase, I was able to shave off 20% of the armor while still keeping a 20% increase in survivability. With the 40% better thrusters, when combined with the 200 pounds that we shaved off, it meant the thrusters were now capable of supporting flight for short periods of time.

Or they could pick up a 200-pound civilian and fly them to safety, albeit slowly.

The rest of the day was a big redesign extravaganza, with the Helljumper being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up; plasteel made up the majority of its frame, with thin shells of Beskar and Phrik armor plating lining the interior and exterior. Thanks to the plasteel's characteristics, it was able to deform if it took a heavy impact instead of shattering. With the weight of the aircraft cut by almost half the thrust-to-weight ratio of the Helljumper was certifiably bonkers, improving its top speed by almost 30%, though the design had some drag inherent in it, which actually capped the increase to just under 25%.

I took the opportunity to create a much smaller version of the Globetrotter, I named the Duskstalker, and went full-Skunkworks on it, throwing in every bit of stealth technology I could fit onto it. The stealthed flying wing design, radar-absorbent materials, photoreactive panels, a ship-sized Forerunner stealth pack, and I kept the weight incredibly low so that we could use the quietest, coolest-running engines we could build. This craft needed to be able to slip across the Canadian border and fly through Dragon's stomping grounds without anyone being able to notice.

Saint's days were numbered.

It was 1:00 AM on the dot of the 8th of February when I convened the meeting with the entirety of my Frontline.

Tonight the Merchants were ended.

[February 8th, 2011]

[30 Miles North of Brockton - Pikipeck County]

[2:00 AM]

With the Strategy Trance's natural abilities to help me formulate out a plan, along with the electron quick ability to transmit and receive data, myself and my T-Dolls were able to hash out a complete operational plan within five minutes. The last fifty-five minutes were spent doing last-minute gear preparation and running through the obstacle courses to get a feel for the greatly improved armors; jumps that would have required thrusters to make no longer did with the improved strength and reduced weight, and that led to a lot of overshot jumps when the thrusters weren't used to course correct.

During that time I created a program that would help the girls finetune the jumping process, the program quickly calculated the current position, target position, and the amount of strength needed to make the jump. Enbee helped me fine-tune it up to 99.99999999% accuracy when it was combined with MAD SCIENCE! (because it was something I would be using with my robots) and Schematics to Time to hunt for bugs and inefficiencies in the code. Though, when combined with the quantum chipsets I could have bloated the code with all sorts of random shit and it still would have run in an instant.

Once we were ready to go we piled into the three new-and-improved Helljumpers, filed a quick flight plan with the Brockton Aviation Authority (with the request to keep the information confidential since this was a LEO-related venture) and one of the Indias dedicated a surveillance drone to watching the offices to watch for any forms of leakage; the Airport was within the Empire's area of control, so expecting them not to have informants there when they had informants in the PRT would be silly.

We flew out away from the Hangar, fast and low, before looping our way wide around the city before popping back up to an altitude where the radars could pick our Helljumpers up. As we approached the cabin we kept our thrusters and speed low to reduce noise before my first Echelon touched down in a small clearing.

Myself and Echelon 1- M4A1, HK 416, ART556, UMP45, LTLX7000, and MG5- filtered into the woods, spread out and with the Active Camouflage units running. With the two surveillance drones running we knew that there was no one else out here except for the three Merchants, and there were no tinker tech sensors we could see of any kind. Still. We would be posting this footage on the internet, so it would behoove us to look the tactical part; the active camouflage would be removed post-processing and our armors CGI'd in. We were still able to see each other with the cloaks on, so matching up the CGI movements would be easy.

We spread out in a modified Echelon-Right formation with me at the center, and moved through the forest as quiet as ghosts. Ten minutes later we were pulling up on the cabin and we made a note of observing the building as the vehicles; the girls spread out and surrounded the cabin, and when I gave the signal we slowly tightened the noose.

The vehicles were swept, underneath and in the beds and the cabins of the truck and two cars to check for any possible explosive devices; again we knew there was nothing of the sort, but the views wouldn't. We tested the staircase leading up to the front door, and found that it didn't squeak at all. One at a time myself, M4A1, and UMP45 made our way up the staircase while the rest remained stationed around the building in case anyone managed to do something stupid like leap out of a window.

Once we were ready and stacked up, I made a bit of a production of shouldering through the door, making it appear as if the armor wasn't as strong as it actually was, and once the wood gave way on the second quick shove we poured into the living room area. The lone member awake was watching the television with his phone in his hand, and the moment he stood up with the Glock pointed at us both UMP45 and myself put a dart in him; considering I had the extra height my tranquilizer entered his right forearm, forcing him to drop the gun before he squeezed a round off, and UMP45's round hit his other forearm, forcing him to drop the cellphone.

Not that it was needed considering we were jamming the communications, but it was something that needed to be done for the production.

Shouts rang out from the back bedroom as M4A1 slipped into the dining room area, and gunfire started punching through the drywall, scything in our direction. I jumped over the couch and covered the barely conscious Merchant's body with my own, and I felt a couple of bullets impact my shield while UMP45 stacked up against the doorway with M4A1. The gunfire concentrated on me- I could see through the drone feed that they saw through the holes in the wall they made and started to redirect the fire from their drum-fed AK-47s into my stationary form. The two T-Dolls kicked the door to the bedroom in and quickly put the three down.

"All combatants neutralized, Sir." UMP45 happily chirped.

"Secure the rest of the cabin," I instructed, and we zip-tied the Merchants while we began gathering the many, many, many duffle bags filled with cash.

I picked up the phone and made a show of inserting a device into the charging port- the phone unlocked and I couldn't help but snort. "Did you know this guy had Skidmark listed in his phone as 'Big Daddy Skiddy-boi'?"

The Forge spun up and reached out to the "Vehicles" constellation again but its reach fell just short by a charge.

[Attempted Re-Forge: 4.0110 - Valuable Memories - 300CP - Big O - Vehicles]

[NOT Purchased: Insufficient Balance - 200 CP]

I flashed the phone to the others for a good chuckle before I did the same to the other two phones. I disabled the security settings on the phones after copying over all of the data. Then I took the first ganger's phone and dialed the Pipipeck County Sherrif's office.

It took some time to convince one of the two sheriff's deputies to come out and collect the Merchants, but it only took a little cajoling to make it happen. Half an hour later, after giving a copy of the report to the Deputy to make his life easier, we were stuffing the millions of dollars of cash into the cargo bay of HJ-01 and taking off into the sky to rejoin the orbiting Echelons.

We split off, with Echelon's two and three under M16A1's command to head towards the supermarket at the intersection of Deveroix Junction and 33rd street; it was located smack dab in the middle of Merchant territory, between Midway and the East Railyard. "Super Mart Super Store" had been closed down for almost a decade now, and the Merchants had turned it into a distribution center for their drugs, in addition to the 'absolutely electric' rave parties if you listened to the PHO posts. The only reason I could think for the PRT to not raid the place was because of the constant civilian presence; there were lots of 'private rooms' that party-goers could slip off into to shoot up, snort, or fuck.

There was a party there practically every night from what we could gather, and tonight was no different. It was barely 3:00 AM when M16A1 and Echelons 2 and 3 slipped off; Overwatch Team 2 was already in position overlooking the Super Market from atop the Apartment complex two blocks away. It didn't give them the best elevation, but they were able to see the majority of the parking lot and most of the shipping/receiving yard that was surrounded by tall fences and plastic bags.

Overwatch 1, with NTW-20 and Super SASS, was already overlooking the railyard where Echelon 1's target was located- the Capes of the Merchants.

"Good luck, and stay safe, 16," I sent over the comms as she saluted from the open bay of HJ-02. The two craft peeled out of the formation and flew further south while we banked around.

"Echelon 1, get ready to jump." I commanded, and we formed up at the side bay door before we were given the 'Jump' light from Echo-419. We piled out and used our thrusters to spread ourselves out, angling to surround the main building from a few blocks out where we could land unobserved and then slip in. Lots of finger-pokes and naps were incoming for the Merchants here.

We flared our thrusters at 3,000 feet, slowing our velocity to a near stop, before we activated our active camouflage and began to feathering our throttles to keep the thruster bloom nice and low. I landed at my designated area and drew my modified battle rifle, scanning the area around me even though I knew it was clear. I got 'green' flickers from my status lights, indicating that everyone else had landed safely and without discovery.

I moved down the empty streets, pushing into each derelict warehouse and quickly clearing it with much better efficiency; it was like riding a bike, the more I practiced it with the girls, taking cues from their knowledge and wealth of experience, I too tightened up. Steel sharpening steel.

I came across my first Merchant who was sitting watch from the top of a railcar in a folding chair with a radio in the cupholder and an Ak-47 slung across his lap. Every once in a while he picked up a night vision monocle and placed it to his eye before scanning the area. Wow, that was actually pretty forward-thinking; I wonder which big-brain thought that up?

Regardless I waited until he put the monocle down and moved across the intervening space while his head was turned elsewhere. Then I slung my rifle across my back and quickly climbed up the steel ladder and alighted on top. The ladder squeaked a little bit, enough to catch his attention, but I was already sinking the finger needle into his neck and delivering the payload while he was turning his head. My hand covered his mouth while my other hand snatched the AK from his grip; my leg wrapped over his to prevent him from drumming his heels, and within a few seconds he was out like a light.

I got a status light of 'yellow' from Overwatch, and a small 'whiff' graced my enhanced ears and helmet speakers as a dart from Super SASS sailed in a beautiful arc to impact a Merchant that had walked around the corner about fifty yards away. The Overwatch teams had the three-second sedatives, and the man was collapsing onto his knees by the time he finished yanking the dart out of his deltoid, slumping off to the side with his mini-Uzi between his knees.

It went on like this for roughly three minutes, with me taking out Merchants in ones and twos while Super SASS provided sleep-on-demand services for Merchants within her field of view. NTW-20 was holding her fire, opting to let the semi-auto T-Doll take the lead while she kept observing to follow up a missed shot or take out a target that she couldn't see because she was scoped in. Not that being scoped in was a detriment, but we had to play up the roles and display limitations.

That was when I met up with LTLX700, with her white and gold accented MJOLNIR Mk X Mod. 2 armor; her shotgun was affixed with a nice big suppressor, and she was ready to go, and her mobile, articulating shield was attached to her back. With the two of us, we were able to clear out pockets of enemies much more quickly, easily restraining them while we waited out the timer to put them under.

In less than twenty minutes we had cleared out our sector of the Trainyard and were pushing towards the main warehouse where the Merchant Capes were holding court. From outside we could hear the heavy thumping of gangster rap from the speakers within, and Merchants walked in a stumbled back out. Most were high, drunk, or drunk and high.

The noose tightened up and we dropped our camouflage the moment one guy smoking at the stairway to the loading dock the moment he pulled out a phone and made a call. He turned his head and called out, "HEY! TOMMY! I TRIED CALLING RALPH AND HE AIN'T PICKING UP!"

"WHAT!?" Another voice called out, and the heavy steel door opened up, letting the music spill out over the loading dock.

The Merchant pulled on his cigarette again before shouting again. "I SAID I TRIED TO CALL RALPH AND HE DIDN'T PICK UP THE-"

That was when he was me and LTLX7000 moving towards them with weapons draw; we both fired, my bolt rocking back as my companion cycled her action with the speed and grace of a sewing machine. The tranquilizers impacted the moment the Merchant roared out- "CAPES!"

We shoved them out of the way as we alighted up the staircase and pried the steel door open as the ganger tried to shut it- he was clutching onto his chest with only one hand in the handle; it was easy to tear it out of his grasp and push his form off to the side and hopefully out of the line of fire. LTLX flashed her status light red then green, and that was when the rest of the Echelon sprung into action as cries of "CAPE!" started echoing out from all over the warehouse.

NTW-20 and Super SASS were engaging every target they had that was within their range.

LTX and I pushed into the room, and her mobile shield interposed itself between us and the gunfire that spilled out sporadically; she shifted the shield minutely to give us excellent cover as we pushed in, our weapons putting darts on target with every pull of the trigger.


The mic squealed as he tossed it down onto the desk, the man reaching down to brush some cocaine on his upper lip and nose before wiping his hand off on his pants and kicking the door open with a "WHOO BABY! DIS DA GOOD SHIT!"

He didn't even snort it though?

While I mused the Forge reached out for a new constellation.

[Attempted Re-Forge: 22.0210 - Yet Another Halloween Fic - 600CP - Generic Buffy Fanfiction - Skills Clothing]

[NOT Purchased: Insufficient Balance - 300 CP]

I activated the Strategy Trance for a moment to parse through the few details I was able to pick up from the Perk, and I sighed.

Damn... 'Yet Another' great perk missed out on, this time by three charges.

I dropped the trance and the world resumed its normal time.

The sidewall of the building burst open as UMP45 tumbled through the air, the T-Doll using her thrusters to correct her spin and land on her feet; she skid a few feet across the finished concrete before her shield flickered with gunfire. A hulking eight-foot-tall figure stepped through the hole in the wall, steam whistling out of a half dozen ports on his scrap-metal power armor. Trainwreck, a Case 53 hired by Coil to infiltrate the Merchants; I didn't know he had been here at the start of canon, so seeing him with the Merchants after surveilling the area was a bit of a surprise.

Another wall was blown down on the opposite side of the warehouse, this time it was a giant pile of garbage that had been tossed through, with ART556 and HK 416 stepping through after; the legal fox loli was wiping garbage off of her armor. "Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!"

LTLX and I were putting Merchants to sleep, reloading when needed, and UMP45 was dancing around Trainwreck. She ducked under wide swipes, sidestepped overhead blows, and was just generally being a nuisance until she saw her "chance". The Case 53's body was covered in armor that the darts wouldn't pierce, and with only his face exposed, we weren't obviously going to go for the face shot. "RRrraaggghhh! Hold still and let me flatten you!"

Mush was already unconscious with a dart sticking out of his chest, and the trash was sloughing off as his tendrils retreated back into his body; HK 416 was pulling him out of the fire fight while Artie provided accurate supressive fire.

The shield rocked mightily as an object struck it and was deflected off to the side. LTLX's shields took a few hits as the Merchants still standing popped out of cover and poured automatic fire in our direction; the Shield didn't remain out of position for much longer. "WHOO BITCH! HOW YOU LIKE THAT SHIT!?"

A saw the short railing of the office glowing blue and yellow, "THAT WAS ONLY TWO STRIPS, ASS SNARFER! LETS TRY TWO MORE!"

He swiped his hands over the railing again and dropped a large, heavy bolt, and as if it was propelled by a magnetic accelerator it smashed into LTLX's shield again; she allowed the servo to unlock, 'throwing' it out of position and stumbling with the force of the shot. It would take far, far more for him to do any actual damage, but playing it up for the cameras was important.

"HOW ABOUT FOUR MORE STRIPS, YOU CUNT-ASS-BITCH-ASS-PUSSY-ASS-NIG-! OH, SHIT!" Skidmark ducked as tranquilizers pinged of the railing in front of him and he dived back into the room, "Aye! Bitch, you ready to get the fuck outta here or what!? We getting our asses shot off out here!"

"Just a few more moments, Skiddy!" A high as fuck feminine voice called out, "I'm trying to get the converter attached and it's reallllly hard without an extra set of hands-!"

"Don't give a fuck, woman! If we ain't moving in the next thirty seconds we gonna be waking up in the Pen!" Skidmark slapped his cheeks before psyching himself up and stepping back out onto the walkway, "GET FACE-FUCKED YA GIMP POUNDIN LIMP DICK TWAT WAFFLES!"

Rather than letting him bang into the shield again LTLX and I side-stepped to the right, and the heavy bolt he sent at us smashed into the concrete before punching out the sheet metal and into the trainyard. We ran forward and to the left as he shot at us with whatever he had in his pockets; nuts, bolts, nails, ball bearing, and even a ball-peen hammer. We stayed just ahead of where he was aiming by a single step. "YAH! YAH! YAH! YAH! YAH! YAH! BITCH! YAH!"

"Okay Skiddy, let's blow this fucking joint!" Squealer called out and a large roar filled the warehouse as the massive engine on the 'Mobile Vault Fortress' came to life. "Get the fuck in here so we can go!"

"'Bout fucking time woman!" He shouted back before he spun and ran back into the office, picking up the mic, "LATER BITCHES! YOU WILL NEVER CATCH THE DRUG MERCHANT CURRENTLY KNOWN AS SKIDMARK!!!!!!"

He threw the microphone and dashed through a hole in the wall that dropped down onto a platform, and he ran across a steel walkway before hopping down on top of the big steel brick on wheels. A thick, eight-inch steel hatch popped up and Skidmark began climbing down into it while we secured and dealt with the last few conscious Merchants. The entire gunbattle probably lasted two minutes, but with my reaction time and comprehension, it felt a lot longer. "NTW, Armor-Piercing-Incendiares, Plus-P-Plus. Kill the engine the moment it breaks free."

A green light flashed in the lower corner of my HUD, and LXLT and I moved along as UMP45 stripped Trainwreck from his armor and began dragging the unconscious cape out of the soon to be line-of-fire; ART556 and HK416 did the same with the unconscious mundanes, quickly dragging them behind the concrete columns.

The warehouse shook as the mobile vault crunched through the wall, on the opposite side of the warehouse. The moment the vehicle was free two M134 miniguns popped out of the roof on reinforced gimbals and turned out way; I didn't think there was any way they could see us through the wall that had segregated the Tinker's garage and the rave area, but apparently they could because I watched the barrels rotate up to speed through the drone feed.



Twin miniguns unleashed a stream of 7.62mm bullets at 3,000 rounds per minute, the bullets tearing through the cinderblock and drywall, the weapons scything back and forth. Holy shit, did they really not care about their people that much? I mean, they were druggies and shit, but I didn't peg them to be on the 'worst henchman to be' list; I'd pegged the Merchants behind the E88 but ahead of the ABB, with being an Uber & Leet henchman ranked as worst simply for the fact that they were the ones using the most dangerous tinker tech. Lung and Oni Lee only killed you if you displeased him.

LTLX interposed herself in front of a trio of sleeping Merchants who couldn't quite fit behind a single column while her Shield thwacked down in front of another Merchant we hadn't moved into cover. I crouched over my own two Merchants, allowing the bullets to splash and ricochet off my armor; the 43% reduction in physical damage Glyph really did wonders, as did my revamped shield deflection algorithm; I could no more feel the 7.62 FMJs against my body than I would the rain. Everyone else did the same, with UMP45 protecting Trainwreck's body.

Armor Piercing gunfire raked across the ultra-thick earth mover tires, and MG5 stepped out of cover to draw the minigun's attention; her bullets were of our "Fuck Shit UP" variety, so they penetrated the thick rubber and steel-mesh sidewalls. The four tires hissed as air escaped them, and the mobile vault started to list to the side, the massive vehicle plowing over a train car and crushing it. A rocket launcher slid out the roof in the center and three rockets shot off towards MG5, but the woman swayed out of the way of one and dove forward over a thicArmor Piercing gunfire raked across the ultra-thick earth mover tires, and MG5 stepped out of cover to draw the minigun's attention; her bullets were of our "Fuck Shit UP" variety, so they penetrated the thick rubber and steel-mesh sidewalls. The four tires hissed as air escaped them, and the mobile vault started to list to the side, the massive vehicle plowing over a train car and crushing it. A rocket launcher slid out the roof in the center and three rockets shot off towards MG5, but the woman swayed out of the way of one and dove forward over a thick concrete barrier, putting it between her and the twin explosive impacts behind her.


The report of the 20mm anti-tank rifle was covered by the sound of a big, heavy API round punching through two-feet of steel and lancing through what appeared to be the crankcase. Somehow, the abomination was still able to limp forward, the rail car it ran over screeching in agony as it was slowly crushed under the vehicle's bulk. I pointed my crosshairs to the left towards the powertrain and flicked my helmet's targeting laser.


Another 4500 grain API round propelled at 4,100 feet per second slammed into the side of the vehicle, the shell of the round shattering into the armor while the .75 inch diameter tungsten penetrator pierced through and into the massive V-12 diesel engine that was powering the behemoth.





Another shot was fired into it for good measure, and three more shots lanced out in the intervening two seconds; a 7.62 from Super SASS smacked into one of the rockets while the 20mm rounds shredded the M134 miniguns. Unfortunately, the bullet impact against the rocket didn't blow it up, real life wasn't like the movies, but the bullet did lodge itself in the corner of the rocket's casing and the wall of the tube. When the rocket fired off it prevented the rocket from firing for a moment before it overcame the jam and shot out, but with the damage it spun off into the sky.

Would have to track the trajectory of that thing so the PRT could have a bomb disposal team come out and deal with it.

"FUCK! GOD DAMNIT! I SPENT WEEKS BUILDING THIS THING YOU ASSHOLES!" Squealer's voice echoed out over an external speaker.


"I would have probably felt a little bit of sympathy if you hadn't turned your miniguns on your own men," I drawled out and stepped through the warehouse, the rest of my team following behind me, "However, you've harmed a lot people through the years with your poisons, and you've killed a lot of people. Ruined families, broken homes, and snuffed out potential with a chemical haze."

I placed my battle rifle back over my shoulder, "This ends here, Skidmark, Squealer. The Merchants are finished. Now, are you going to exit the vehicle and take a nice nap before going to the Penitentiary, or am I going to have to peel you out?"

"Hah! You might have some fancy power armor, there, bitch, but I don't see a can-opener on you!" Squealer spoke up, and through the drone I could already see her opening up the interior panel leading down into the engine bay with a multifaceted wrench and some scrap parts; no doubt she'd probably stuff some of the junk into the holes and smack it a few times, and through the miracle of tinker bullshit the engine would come roaring to life.

I grabbed one of my gas grenades and walked to the closest hole and widened the hole with my fingers, the steel screeching, and I placed the grenade in the hole and activated it before sealing my hand over it. The grenade went off with a 'ppssshhhh', the paralytic gas moving down the two-foot-long channel in the armor and spilling into the room before getting picked up by the circulation of the air conditioning. I heard a muffled, "What the fuck!? Skiddy! Theres-! Schom gaassss innn hwere!"

"Aye! The fuck you do to my bitch you ascholes!? Fwuck, canfweel mah wips! Hahaaaa whuh scwhit-."

A thunk was heard as Skidmark toppled to the grate flooring of the main cabin area.

I looked over to the girls and flickered an emoji depicting the yellow-faced man with a beard, and he had on his head what appeared to be a Jedi hood on it. My hand grasped my lightsaber and I pulled it off, igniting it with the signature 'Snap-hiss!' I stepped to the right a few paces before I dipped the gleaming purple blade into the steel; it crackled and sizzled, and I started to drag out a rough, door-sized rectangle, moving the blade around until the cut finished where it started. Then I cut a smaller rectangle at the bottom and MG5 knocked it free with the butt of her machine gun. I shut the lightsaber off and hopped up, grabbing onto the top of the cut in the armor and sinking my fingers in; I spread my legs wide, locked the magnetic boot clamps, and I pulled.

The steel armor screeched and the moment it broke free I released the clamps and propelled myself through the air, landing in a picture-perfect three-point stance while the massive armor plate fell to the ground, gray dust and gravel kicking up from where it impacted. UMP45 hopped into the big hole, and with two quiet snaps of her tranquilizer gun, she dragged Skidmark and Squealer out and carefully handed us their unconscious bodies, making sure their flesh didn't touch the still glowing edges of the hole I'd cut.

With Squealer and Skidmark secured I couldn't help but flicker a big smile emoji as I leaned my head down to give the girls with me a 'helmet kiss'. That would be edited out of the footage.

"Alright girls, now the not-so-fun part. Let's gather all of these Merchants up by the road."

NTW and Super SASS blinked their lights green before they began to make their way over to the furthest group of sleeping Merchants with a backpack filled with zip-cuffs. They would pick up the guys on the fringe while the rest of the Echelon grabbed the bulk of them in the main warehouse.

I reached into Skidmark's pocket and pulled out his phone, made a flash copy of it, and then dialed the PRT's non-emergency line.

"Thank you for calling the Parahuman Response Team, this is the non-emergency line, how can I assist you?" Smokey and Sexy spoke to me.


Are you going to charge me $2.99 a minute, ma'am?

"Yeah, this is Horizon of Frontline. I've captured Skidmark, Squealer, Mush," I activated the Strategy Trance and poked Nugget to look for anything regarding Trainwreck being a named Cape online, and after a quick search of PHO and other Brockton Bay related message boards, the little slice of 'Mah Boi' mentally shook his head.

I dropped the Trance, "-and an unknown tinker cape of the Merchants. We've secured their primary warehouse, their secondary vehicle bays, and all of the un-powered Merchant personnel that was on-site."

"We've been informed, Horizon. The BBPD and PRT are already on-site at the Super Mart Super Center and are rounding up what your other teams captured there. I have another group prepping to head your direction; what are the numbers?"

"72 un-powered Merchants, and four Parahumans. Lots of weapons, LOTS of drugs."

"Understood, though be advised that it may be some time before we can get the vehicles out there. Can I reach out to you from this number should things change?"

"Yes, ma'am. This is Skidmark's phone, but it has plenty of charge. We will look at the Merchants and have them lined up all nice and neat for you."

"Thank you, Horizon. Standby for PRT and Protectorate arrivals; Miss Militia is twelve minutes out."

I hung up the phone and hefted Skidmark and Squealer. The unconscious blonde cape's fun bags squished around my armor, and my mind went back to Type 95 sleeping next to the Skyforge.

Down, boy! No stiffies in the armor, there ain't any room!

While I tried to ignore-away the attempted boner, the Forge grew hot and reached for another two constellations in quick succession. The first star was from the "Magical Small Scale" and the second was from the "Toolkit Magical" cluster.

[Attempted Re-Forge: 10.0410 - Vibranium Sample - 200CP - Marvel Cinematic Universe Vol. 1 - Magical Small Scale]

[Re-Forge Successful]

[Remaining - 200 CP]

[Attempted Re-Forge: 6.0120 - Silver Needles of Intricate Design - 200CP - Exalted - The Lunars - Toolkit Magical]

[Re-Forge Successful]

[Remaining - 0 CP]

While I was excited to have the addition of Vibranium, like, stupidly excited, I was not too happy that I would be remaking virtually everything all over again to include the Wundermetal. It would be a pain in the ass, and I wasn't even doing the heavy lifting on that, the 'Goks were! The Silver need looked pretty neat though- if I ever found myself gaining tattoo magic then this would make everything quick, easy, and painless.

Now if only I could just get some more magic.

[Mini-Interlude: M16A1]

[Super Mart Super Center]

[30 Minutes earlier]

M16A1 mentally went through the plan one last time. Remove the Merchants on the perimeter, and rear. Move inside, shut down the Rave

and evacuate the civilians, secure the weapons, drugs, and cash, and then prep for BBPD arrival.

There were still some pre-mission jitters, as there always were, but M16A1 was old hat at this by now. From her time spent with Griffon & Kryuger to the agony that was working for... them. For her.

The knowledge that she would never be able to be manipulated and turned against her Commander and her sisters ever again was a warmth that buoyed her spirits up considerably. The perk conveyed complete protection from mental and emotional effects, ensuring that she would remain herself and completely loyal. At least, that was the belief; whether or not it actually worked that way was meant to be seen, but M16A1 was confident that even if she could be manipulated, she couldn't be manipulated in any way that was detrimental to her Master. If one looked at it from a certain perspective that offered a very broad interpretation of what counted as disruptive and disloyal; she couldn't be manipulated to kill civilians because that would be disruptive to her Master's goals of being heroic, and she couldn't reveal plans and other such things under the same protections.

It wasn't as much of a blanket protection as she would have liked, but she was certain that when combined with the improved Anti-Master/Thinker/Stranger protocols her Commander had put into place she would be able to wait for something more definitive from the Forge.

"Soppy, Star, you know your team's roles?" M16A1 asked, and she could see SOP MOD II nod right next to her while ST AR-15 nodded from the bay of HJ-03 flying next to them in formation, "Any last-minute questions?"

The bay was quiet, and she received nothing over the comms; only the blinking green lights of her team members. "Good. Our Commander wants this to be a clean Op- no civilian casualties. If you have to shield them physically with your bodies then do so, even if it means it might kill you. We all backed ourselves up before we left, so if our physical bodies fail here... we will be reborn. Possibly better than we already are; we'll have to wait for 95 to wake up to be sure, but our Master is certain that the Skyforge's properties can make us even more powerful."

"Who cares about Chi-com udders," 870 groused, "Just because she's taller than me and has bigger boobs! The Commander was just eye-fucking her tits! I should pop those big useless balloons!"

"Useless flesh. Don't need it," Gr G41 muttered lowly in German-accented English.

"Now, now," G36 spoke chidingly, her melodic voice tinged with German much like her little-big sister's, "No need to be mad at 95, it wasn't like she asked to be created with such large breasts. It will be a wonder if she can even fit inside the MJOLNIR armor."

"30 Seconds until Drop." Echo-420's mechanical voice spoke out, and like someone had snapped their fingers all the levity faded.

"Star, I know that this is your first time leading a mission, but I believe in you, so go out there and do your best," M16A1 spoke out comfortingly to her younger sister on a private line.

"Of course, the Commander placed me here for a reason. I'll do my best to live up to his expectations." She murmured back before closing the comm channel.

"Soppy, I'm attaching myself to your team. I am in overall command of this operation, but I will let you call the shots for Echelon 2."

"Geeze, Big Sis, don't be so overbearing," SOP MOD II spoke as she grabbed the fanged-skull-mouth mouth cover and slipped it up over the mandible of her ODST helmet, "I know how to Operate."

The lights turned green and both Echelons flowed out of their aircraft. 17 seconds of freefall, and at 10 seconds they activated their Active Camouflage and angled their landing just a block outside of the Super Mart Super Center. A civilian couple was walking towards her landing site, so she dropped her camo and flared her landing earlier than planned.

The couple walking, well, stumbling looked up at the sound of her thrusters, and she landed softly in front of them with her rifle out. "This area is not safe to be, please relocated to the next block over, Citizens. You should be safe there."

The man blinked and began chuckling, his hand reading up to scratch at his beanie, "Oh shit babe, I'm high as fuck right now. Is one of those Frontline babes talking to us right now? Or am I trippin' too hard?"

"No babe, there's one right here. So fucking cool! Hey, hey, hey, listen, me and my boyfriend are heading back to my apartment," The woman was a little older than the male, probably early twenties, "We could have a totally hot threeway."

M16A1 flickered a 'sigh' emoji and shook her head, "While I'm flattered at the offer, would you please move over to the next street? We are in the middle of an operation, and for your safety, I would ask that you leave."

The woman's eyebrows shot up, "Oh shit! Are you guys hitting the Super Mart? Holy shit, you are, aren't you!? That's totally fucking cool! Babe, babe, we were just there and now it's gonna get raided~!"

Beanie scrunched up his lip, "Ah, babe, if they get raided then... who are we going to get our weed from?"

Babe blinked. "Oh shit. On second thought, totally not cool. Hey, can you like, please not raid them? Pretty please? I don't want to have to drive alll the way to Manover to get a dime bag. Would be a total drag."

"Please, Citizens. Leave. I'm certain you can find someone else to purchase your weed from." M16A1 tried again.

"Dunno where though, I'm Hispanic and my bae is Jewish. Wouldn't be able to get it from the Nazis and the Asians would kidnap me and whore me out before they sold me some shit..."

Red lights flickered before going green in the corner of her HUD, and the sound of gunshots started filling the air a block away.

"Oh shit! It's starting! Bae, we should go back-"

Thankfully her staring at this woman's boyfriend very intently got him to sober up enough, and he wrapped an arm around her waist and started dragging her along. "Come on, boo, let's go home and have some hot, steamy high sex, alright?"

"Ugh, fine, you convinced me~," She giggled and allowed herself to be dragged down the road.

M16A1 sighed in relief as she raised her arm and shot the piton into the edge of the apartment building roof, and the line reeled her up, shooting her into the air; just before she reached the roof the piton released its hold on the cement work and she corrected her course with a goosing of her thrusters. She sailed over the rooftop, and with some more gentle nudges guided her glide angle down to land in front of the doors to the Super Mart.

People were already starting to flood out, and she caught sight of two unconscious Merchants with their handguns crumpled by their feet just before the people grew too densely packed to make them out. Her eyes and facial recognition being run by Nugget ran across every face in the passing crowd, searching for anyone with outstanding warrants for felonies and above. She tagged two men who were wanted for felony tax evasion, and they staggered off to the side before falling asleep. Another woman was injected and set to the side as well; she was wanted in New York for underaged sex with a minor- oh, she was a school teacher. How quaint.

Ah, there we are. Four Merchants with rap sheets as long as the Commander's cock. They tried to blend in with the crowd, but the moment she singled them out they reached into their waistbands and attempted to pull out weapons. Her tranquilizer rifle snapped up and she threaded her rounds through the gaps in the crowd, four shots were taken, and she registered four clean hits. The T-Doll leaped above the crowd and came down on the four men, knocking the handguns from their hands and tossing them over towards where the other three fugitives lay.

They made a valiant attempt to stand up, but they were out a few seconds later.

One teen leaving the scene tried to pick up one of the handguns that were dropped, but her armored boot stepped on the barrel; the steel slide crumpling under the pressure she put on it. "Leave it, kid. Whatever you think you can do with it, forget about it. It ain't worth it."

The green-eyed teen bore his teeth before he blinked, and his self-preservation instinct kicked in; he got up off of his knees and bushed his hands off before he slipped back into the crowd. As the people fleeing finally tapered off to a trickle, she opened the front door, only to be greeted by a shotgun barrel in her face. She clamped onto the barrel and yanked it out of his hand before she fired a tranq into his thigh and shoved him onto his side with a gentle kick.

The music was still blaring, some house trance-type music and the lights were flashing; strobes reflected off of the ceiling as neon-colored lights cast the place in some sort of dystopian cyberpunk glow.

Spoiler: 2011 Trance

Her M16A1 raised she began moving across the lobby and down onto the dance floor, and un-powered Merchants were everywhere. They were in total disarray; being attacked from two sides- the rear entrance and the loading docks on the side of the building they did not expect to have someone sneak up from the front door. Heh, if she hadn't been held up by that couple then she probably would have faced a lot more resistance.

Her tranquilizer rifle was completely covered by the loud music, and thus she fired with impunity; each squeeze of the trigger was met with a green hit marker on her HUD as she gunned down the stationary defenders trying to shoot from cover down the hallway towards the loading dock. Her shields flared as sporadic fire brushed against her back, and she did an about-face, putting three rounds into her attackers; the men stumbling over themselves as they quickly went to sleep.

M16A1 grabbed a fresh magazine when her current one ran dry, and she replaced it with a fresh one before thumbing the bolt-catch and dropping the spent mag into her dump pouch. She flicked her eyes over the drone feed, and upon seeing that the opposition in her area had been quelled, M16A1 moved towards the back offices where the weapons, drugs, and cash were stashed; despite the chattering of a squad automatic weapon coming from the Merchants, she knew her girls would be just fine.

There were six men in one of the arms rooms, the Merchant members scrabbling to load up ammunition belts over their shoulders while others tried to top up magazines with loose ammo from rusted cans on the tables. She opened up, swinging her barrel from Merchant to Merchant, each dart finding itself nestled into warm flesh. One managed to slap a magazine into the MP5-K he had in his hands and unloaded on her; the bullets caused her shield to flicker as they ricocheted off her armored form.

She frowned.

MP5 would be sad to know that she was ever handled by such a filthy thing. Her favorite shooter had been Steven Segal and Chuck Norris were her two favorite actors who've ever held her in their hands.

Still, M16A1 moved on while watching Star and Echelon 3 move through the back parking lot with surgical precision while Soppy and Echelon 2 were cutting through the loading bay and warehouse space like it was a shoot house.

The vault in the main office was open, and the last remaining Merchant in her area was stuffing the cash into a duffel bag all the while cursing his head off. She guessed he didn't know about the money underneath the wood planking in the manager's bathroom? Odd, but she chose not to question it, instead she raised her rifle and put a tranquilizer in his left buttcheek.

He yelped, "Oh, God! Oh, God! You shot me in the ass!? Why!?"

She caught him as he collapsed, pulling the tranquilizer out before he could sit on it; having a needle go sideways in your flesh wasn't something he would want to experience. Even if he was a drug dealer. "You shot me in the ass, yooouuuu bbbiiitttccchhhhh..."

Then he fell asleep.

She moved him off to the side and grabbed the duffle bag before stuffing the rest of the cash in and moving into the bathroom. Reaching down she tore up the plywood that had been soaked in urine and probably all sorts of other fluids, and underneath it all was a very large bag that was wrapped in what appeared to be three garbage bags; the thick ones. She grabbed it, surprised by its heft, and pulled it out of the hole so she could open it on the table.

A few packets of different kinds of drugs- easily a $100,000 in cocaine, though the package had red tape sealing it shut with black dragons scrawled on the surface. Oh, so some of this was Lung's drugs? She left those on the table so she could pull the remaining cash out and stuff it into the duffle bag.

With the bag full and the sensors confirming that there was nothing else in the area resembling cash, or at least cash she wouldn't have to rifle through pockets for, M16A1 messaged for Star and Soppy to hurry up and stop playing around; they had plenty of footage for the video now. Videos. Artie would be adamant that each raid get its own video, so they can set the theme and tone for each one properly.

The stealthy, super tense night raid. The high-octane gun battle at the wild Rave. The pulse-pounding Cape battle with the Merchant's mainliners.

She had to admit, the fox loli had a point.

She grabbed four of the unconscious merchants and started carrying them towards the entrance of the Super Mart Super Center; she would start the cleanup and get the BBPD on the horn- they had captured 52 men as of the drone's count, and it would be a busy night for them to police up all of the drugs and weapons.

As she pulled out one of the Merchant's cell phones and began dialing the BBPD line the T-Doll wondered how her Master was doing on his end.

Special thanks to Lmc9389, Xodarap4, Artillery, DrkShdow, AuraofCalm, Zerak, Mioismoe, Zath, Splendid, D. Wongsonegoro, Darkarma, Acrimonius, T. Balewood, Randall Randall, Dominyx Black, CyberCrisis, Blue, Russ Stilter, Legion_13, Mike Fatal_Bullet, P. Nguyen, Fred65, K. Nielsen, J. Ricardo Passos, B. Rison for being Patrons!

You guys rock! 

A/N: Phew, got that knocked out.  As always, no point accrual for interludes.

Common Material Cache x2

This cache contains common 'mundane' crafting materials, such as durasteel, synthweave, armorplast, and tibana gas. Each cache contains sufficient material to fully outfit 4 people, with enough left over to keep the gear repaired between refills. Includes blueprints for turning your materials into these common materials, plus blueprints for all other items you purchase with CP. The material is replaced yearly.

Three Laws of Robotics (SB Dragonball Z) (600CP)

Isn't it annoying when those teenagers you kidnapped and subjected to brutal experiments against their will decide to kill you when free? Well no more, because everything you create, birth, or modify is simply incapable of betraying or harming you. While this only applies to creations that can think, you'll never have to worry about them working against your orders, in both wording and spirit. You may choose whether or not this applies to whatever creation you make.

Skyforge (The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim) (200CP)

An ancient, mysterious, eagle-themed forge added to your warehouse. Any metal items crafted at the forge will be significantly harder and stronger for it. Something about the fires.

Vibranium Sample (Marvel Cinematic Universe Vol. 1) (200CP)

Vibranium is an extremely rare element that possesses unique attributes. In a pure mass, vibranium forms a solid metal that is stronger than steel, but only a third of the weight, as well as being completely vibration absorbent. This means it can absorb the impacts of a great deal of attacks, but bear in mind high-energy attacks WILL do damage... especially if it is consistent. Purchasing this gets you a container a foot in length with some Wakandan Vibranium shards that will replenish itself every month.

Silver Needles of Intricate Design (Exalted - The Lunars) (200CP)

This set of moonsilver needles is special in a very particular way, as it literally cannot do otherwise than perform good tattoo procedures. If you attempted to stab someone's chest with one of these needles, it would twist and shape itself such that you've just marked a simple design on their skin. Each a perfect instrument to tattoo the body, these needles provide a potent tool for the use of body decorations. Making even the most elegant and complex patterns and designs easy to apply for the one who uses these, as they innately correct even the slightest mistake their user makes. Moreover, their use will never cause infection or injury, and the surface of the tattoo will seal over nearly instantly after it is applied.

Along with the needles themselves, you will also receive a supply of many different mundane inks of exceptional quality. Though of course the needles can also be used with various other inks you might be able to acquire. They can handle anything, from the mundane ones to sorcerous inks to tattoo occult sigils, to chalcanth used to create living demon-ink tattoos, to stranger substances still, and even the moonsilver ink used to create the Moonsilver Tattoos and various tattoo artifacts. That last one in particular resonates with the Silver Needles, for when they are used with moonsilver ink, they may cause the Moonsilver Tattoos to become temporarily fluid and accept new tattoo artifacts to be inscribed upon the skin of their wearer.

* For mundane and magic tattoo crafting at any level

<< Index

Last edited: Today at 12:55 AM

Yesterday at 11:55 PMReport

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Amirio, Kinza, AdVeNtUrE and 404 others like this.

DumbyKnow what you're doing yet?


*Gasp!* A new chapter?!

But seriously, great work. I have read a lot of CF Fics, but this one is a consistent top.

You're doing good man.

Today at 12:34 AMReport

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Amirio, Sypho.uad, GooseElite and 33 others like this.

VATSTeenVersed in the lewd.


Nice. Still the same, but with quantity this time. I was hoping their names of the teams would carry over like AR team or 404:Those who do not exist.

I still love it and they showed off nothing new other than good tactics and more members. I wonder when we get the mechs out or even get Gundams.

Today at 12:35 AMReport

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Sypho.uad, Yami-Guy, Oh Bam Ah and 6 others like this.

darkmokerKnow what you're doing yet?


He need a good underground vault style fallout with exit to the sea 

Today at 12:38 AMReport

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Sypho.uad, kharn, Yami-Guy and 5 others like this.

WeyrlingNot too sore, are you?


PsylentFox said: ↑

[Attempted Re-Forge: 10.0410 - Vibranium Sample - 200CP - Marvel Cinematic Universe Vol. 1 - Magical Small Scale]

[NOT Purchased: Insufficient Balance - 200 CP]

[Attempted Re-Forge: 6.0120 - Silver Needles of Intricate Design - 200CP - Exalted - The Lunars - Toolkit Magical]

[NOT Purchased: Insufficient Balance - 0 CP]

Little bit of a mismatch here.

Today at 12:41 AMReport

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Sypho.uad, B0rn2BFr33, Alcov and 6 others like this.

ajprevettMaking the rounds.


Edit: Ninja'd! But going to leave the quote.

PsylentFox said: ↑

[Attempted Re-Forge: 10.0410 - Vibranium Sample - 200CP - Marvel Cinematic Universe Vol. 1 - Magical Small Scale]

[NOT Purchased: Insufficient Balance - 200 CP]

[Attempted Re-Forge: 6.0120 - Silver Needles of Intricate Design - 200CP - Exalted - The Lunars - Toolkit Magical]

[NOT Purchased: Insufficient Balance - 0 CP]

While I was excited to have the addition of Vibranium, like, stupidly excited, I was not too happy that I would be remaking virtually everything all over again to include the Wundermetal.

Click to expand...

Small error I think. You likely meant to say Vibranium was purchased. The reforming phrase and the list of perks/items at the end support this.

And, as always, amazing chapter from one military person to another. I can see the training and steps the people are going through. Well done.

Today at 12:44 AMReport

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Sypho.uad, Exploit, B0rn2BFr33 and 4 others like this.

GG157Getting out there.


Wow, Frontline are really kicking ass, thanks for another great chapter.

Edit: Ninja'd regarding the Vibranium purchase typo.

Today at 12:52 AMReport

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Sypho.uad, BloodWolf752, B0rn2BFr33 and 5 others like this.

AikionMaking the rounds.


Do Vibranium enhanced boobs jiggle?

Today at 12:55 AMReport

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Sypho.uad, Mr. Dyeus, Yami-Guy and 18 others like this.

wigg55Not too sore, are you?


Ok, I figured it out. I know how you write so fast. Your father is Brandon "Sometime I get burnt out writing. So I write a different book to solve it" Sanderson. It all makes sense now.

Today at 12:56 AMReport

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Sypho.uad, Exploit, Yeetboi and 20 others like this.

Jeffster64I trust you know where the happy button is?


Aikion said: ↑

Do Vibranium enhanced boobs jiggle?

If Captain America's shield can bounce than so can breasts.

Today at 1:04 AMReport

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Sypho.uad, Yeetboi, Mr. Dyeus and 20 others like this.

KaiserMoonThe Dragon on the Moon


PsylentFox said: ↑

[Attempted Re-Forge: 10.0410 - Vibranium Sample - 200CP - Marvel Cinematic Universe Vol. 1 - Magical Small Scale]

[NOT Purchased: Insufficient Balance - 200 CP]

It should say that it was purchased.

Also, great chapter. Kinda want to see PHO and PRT interludes of their reactions to the raid and all the different capabilities displayed.

Today at 1:04 AMReport

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