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 Possessing Nothing


 Chapter 71 - Sword Dragon (1)




  Chapter 184  Chapter 183  Chapter 182  Chapter 181  Chapter 180  Chapter 179  Chapter 178  Chapter 177  Chapter 176  Chapter 175  Chapter 174  Chapter 173  Chapter 172.2  Chapter 172.1  Chapter 171  Chapter 170.1  Chapter 169  Chapter 168  Chapter 167  -  Legacy 2  Chapter 166  -  Legacy 1  Chapter 165  Chapter 164  Chapter 163  Chapter 163  Chapter 162  Chapter 161  Chapter 160  Chapter 159  Chapter 158  Chapter 157  Chapter 156  - Choice 7  Chapter 155  Chapter 154  Chapter 153  Chapter 152  Chapter 151  Chapter 150  Chapter 149.2  Chapter 149  Chapter 148  Chapter 147  Chapter 146  Chapter 145  Chapter 144  Chapter 143  Chapter 142  Chapter 141  Chapter 140  Chapter 139  Chapter 138  Chapter 137  Chapter 136  Chapter 135  Chapter 134  Chapter 133  Chapter 132  Chapter 131  Chapter 130  Chapter 129  Chapter 128  Chapter 127  Chapter 126  Chapter 125  Chapter 124  Chapter 123  Chapter 122  Chapter 121  Chapter 120  Chapter 119  Chapter 118  Chapter 117  Chapter 116  Chapter 115  Chapter 114  Chapter 113  Chapter 112  Chapter 111  Chapter 110  Chapter 109  Chapter 108  Chapter 107  Chapter 106 - Editor: Ytho, LaidBackGuy  Chapter 105  Chapter 104  Chapter 103  Chapter 102  Chapter 101  Chapter 100  Chapter 99  Chapter 98  Chapter 97  Chapter 96  Chapter 95  Chapter 94  Chapter 93  Chapter 92  Chapter 91  Chapter 90  Chapter 89  Chapter 88  Chapter 87  Chapter 86  Chapter 85  Chapter 84  Chapter 83  Chapter 81 & 82  Chapter 79 & 80  Chapter 77 & 78  Chapter 76  Chapter 75  - Shaolin pt. 1  Chapter 74 - Sword Dragon (4)  Chapter 73  - Sword Dragon – (3)  Chapter 72 - (2)  Chapter 71 - Sword Dragon (1)  Chapter 70 - Kin (5)  Chapter 69 - Kin (4)  Chapter 68 - Kin (3)  Chapter 67 -  Kin (2)  Chapter 66 - Kin (1)  Chapter 65 - Heart (6)  Chapter 64 -  Heart (5)  Chapter 63 - Heart (4)  Chapter 62 - Heart (3)  Chapter 61 - Heart (2)  Chapter 60 - Heart (1)  Chapter 59 - Dungeon (2)  Chapter 58 -  Dungeon (1)  Chapter 57 - Variable (4)  Chapter 56 - Variable (3)  Chapter 55 -  Variable (2)  Chapter 54 - Variable (1)  Chapter 53 -  Encounter (5)  Chapter 52 - Encounter (4)  Chapter 51 -  Encounter (3)  Chapter 50 - Encounter (2)  Chapter 49 -  Encounter (1)  Chapter 48  Chapter 47  Chapter 46  Chapter 45  Chapter 44  Chapter 43  Chapter 42  Chapter 41  Chapter 40  Chapter 39  Chapter 38  Chapter 37  Chapter 36  Chapter 35  Chapter 34  Chapter 33  Chapter 32  Chapter 31  Chapter 30  Chapter 29  Chapter 28  Chapter 27  Chapter 26  Chapter 25  Chapter 24  Chapter 23  Chapter 22  Chapter 21  Chapter 20  Chapter 19  Chapter 18  Chapter 17  Chapter 16  Chapter 15  Chapter 14  Chapter 13  Chapter 12  Chapter 11  Chapter 10  Chapter 9  Chapter 8  Chapter 7  Chapter 6  Chapter 5  Chapter 4  Chapter 3  Chapter 2  Chapter 1  Chapter 0 - Prologue 




Chapter 71. Sword Dragon (1)

Aine did not die. As the situation at that time was severely disadvantageous to her, she chose to stop fighting and escape. Although Sungmin cut off both of her arms, he saw Aine's legs instantly regenerating with his own eyes.

He didn't know why Aine wanted to kill him, but this was for sure. Aine knew that Sungmin possessed the Black Heart. That insanely strong lich, Prescan, hadn't died either. It was very likely that the two are working together.

'They… probably want the heart.'

This time, he was lucky, he could only consider himself so. WIthout Scarlett, he would have died before long, and if he was unable to gain insight into using spearforce, he would have died regardless of Scarlett's presence.

Yes. He was just lucky.

'It all comes down to luck.'

It was unknown when Aine would come attacking again, so they departed the morning after the rain stopped. Sungmin's wounds had mostly recovered, but Scarlett went out of her way to drive the carriage anyhow.

Unexpectedly, she was quite good at it. Since she knew Sungmin's circumstances now, she agreed to leave the region as soon as possible.

Thanks to Scarlett driving the carriage, Sungmin had more time to think about himself. He could now use spearforce, but his martial arts prowess hadn't improved at all. The achievements shown on the status window wouldn't lie.

'I haven't broken through to the exceed-level yet.'

He simply broke through one bottleneck. He still had many in front of him. And he didn't even know what they were.

Have I become stronger?

Sungmin couldn't answer that question. Stronger… he should be. However, he felt that his current strength was too lacking. Despite his newfound ability to use spearforce, he didn't think that he would be able to beat Prescan, or Aine for that matter. There was no guarantee he would be so lucky next time, either.

So, Sungmin started swinging his spear again. Thinking about it, it had been quite a long time since he focused on training. When he met a bottleneck, and thought that he was unable to break through, Sungmin had despaired, and in his despair, he had stopped training. He didn't want to despair any further. He was afraid of the despair he would feel when everything he did did not work at all.

But now it was different.

Although he was worried about Aine and Prescan's attack, Aine hadn't shown herself again after the first attack. Although this worried him a little, the journey was smooth besides that. They passed through several cities on the way, and each time they did, they switched horses and fixed up the carriage.

Three months had passed since Sungmin and Scarlett had left Behengerr. In these three months, Sungmin trained in his spear, stepping, and internal cultivation. Whenever he trained, Scarlett would open her magic texts and focus on magic, to Sungmin's incomprehension.

"You're quite earnest."

The dawn air was quite cold. Scarlett, who had left the carriage, had a blanket wrapped around her. Sungmin, who was letting the cold air dry his sweat, looked back at her.

"You're up earlier than usual."

"I had a bad dream."

As she said that, she had a vexed expression on her face. Scarlett had a look at the fire that had almost burned out, and reached out her hand. Without any incantation, the fire was reignited again.

"Now that I think about it, you had a restraint on your dreams back on Mount Msh…. You're quite the thing, you know? You had a nightmare every single day. I would have gone crazy."

"It was actually rather endurable. There was your magic too."

"The Mind Cleaning spell is only a temporary measure. Although I did teach you that, I… honestly thought that you wouldn't hold out. I thought you'd run from your training, or go crazy."

Scarlett giggled. She crouched down by the fire and pulled on her blanket.

"What? Keep doing whatever you were doing."

"You aren't going to sleep anymore?"

"Didn't I tell you that I had a nightmare?"

"What kind of nightmare was it?"

"Quite generous, are you? Why do you want to know about my nightmare? Are you going to solve it for me?"

Scarlett asked, her lips curved upwards. Since Sungmin was completely used to her kind of intonation, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I can at least listen."

"I don't really want you to listen though."

"Then you don't have to talk about it."

Saying that, Sungmin raised his spear again. He concentrated and agitated his internal energy. The purple fog clad around the spear clumped and became a flame. Compared to the first time, he took much less time to create spearforce. However, he was still too slow.. Sungmin had come to the conclusion that he lacked the knowhow to do it properly.

"I dreamed about the past."

Scarlett muttered. Sungmin did not stop his training. However, his ears were open, and he heard Scarlett's words. If he stopped and focused on listening to Scarlett instead, she would no longer bother talking about it.

"It was about when I was young. The time I… was a very cute girl. Before I was summoned in Eria. It sounds like nothing much, but a war erupted."

The story suddenly escalated.

"You know, there will always be orphans in war. I was like that too. I dreamed about back then. My family died and my village burned. I was lucky enough to survive, and I had a good fortune even after that as well. I was able to survive somehow, and also got to learn magic."

Surviving, you know? – she added.

"I think everything is like that. You survive because you are lucky, and you live because you are lucky. It's obvious that you'll die if you don't have luck. Around me… were plenty of people that didn't have luck. I just became close to them, and if they die because they didn't have luck? The side that lives due to luck feels a tremendous sense of loss. It's always like that."

Dying because one didn't have luck. Sungmin agreed to to that. Sungmin died because he was unlucky in his previous life. In this life, he survived because he was lucky. Though, he didn't know himself if his 'luck' was just that.

"It is very hard to get used to a sense of loss like that. At least… for me anyway. This is something like a defense mechanism for me. I was lucky until now, and I feel that I will be lucky in the future too. But, I don't think that the people around me will also have as much luck as me. That is why I don't want to get close to anyone."

What am I saying, – she muttered.

"So, it's like this. I just don't need to get close to anyone. Isn't everyone like that? They feel a lot of things if someone around them dies, but if someone unrelated dies, then that's just that. Yeah. It's not being selfish, that's just human nature. I'm like that too."

The three basic moves of the spear became the Nine Skies Infinity Spear. He was now quite used to the art he had learned and trained for a considerable time, and no longer hesitated in his actions. His internal energy flowing from his dantian maintained his spearforce. However, the light became thinner and thinner. It required a tremendous amount of concentration to maintain spearforce, and he was listening to Scarlett's words on top of that.

"We'll arrive in Brethun in about a week. Nothing happened because we were lucky until now, and I hope it's like that in the future too."

"Are you worried about me?"

Sungmin stopped his spear. Hearing those words, Scarlett, who was looking at the fire, looked up. The lingering flame illuminated her face.


She nodded.

"We got close. So I don't want to see you die."

"I'm the same."

Sungmin spoke with a bitter smile.

"It's not just you. I… I also don't want to see someone I know dying. I think I will try to prevent it if I can."

This was also why he wanted to prevent Baek Sogo's death. It wasn't that Sungmin's personality was peculiar or anything. He knew her, and didn't want her to die. That was all.

"Consider yourself lucky."

Scarlett took out a thick magic text from inside her blanket. She put on her glasses and smiled.

"The lucky me, is going around with you. You know that, right? Without me, you would have died when that thing attacked."

"That… I'm very thankful for."

"Being thankful isn't enough."

Saying that, Scarlett opened her book.

"If you get the opportunity, pay it back later. I saved your life once, so you should save my life too."

"Got it."

Although Sungmin replied with a smile, he didn't really mind about it so much. No harm would come Scarlett's way for at least another 10 years. Sooner or later, she would complete the magic of the Lecir School, and become the tower lord of the Red Magic Tower after becoming an archmage. In other words, her 'luck' would continue to act on her from now on.

However, it was different for Sungmin.

'I was lucky until now.'

But what about the future?

Brethun had a lot of buddha statues.

Shaolin, one of the nine sects and one band, had an especially strong influence among the ten sects (T/N: Apparently band = sect now), that represented the righteous faction. People commonly picked Shaolin and Wudang as the two most influential of the righteous faction.

This was commonly shared among numerous martial worlds across the dimensions. Although Brethun was a city in Eria, like cities occupied by the nine sects and one band, it was different to all the cities like Xenavis, Behengerr, as well as all the cities that Sungmin and Behengerr passed through until now.

There was a buddha statue on the city's entrance, and there was the smell of incense in the air.

"This is the first time I've visited Brethun."

A large city like Brethun required an identity check before entering. Although cities like Xenavis and Behengerr had nobodies amongst their ranks, a city on the scale of Brethun did not. Nobodies without power would die before they even got to Brethun.

"S-rank mercenary… from Behengerr. You've come from quite far."

Even the outfit of the guards at the gates were different from other cities. They weren't wearing armor, but martial robes. Scarlett looked inside the gates with shiny eyes. She saw eastern-style architecture lined up neatly.

"It's been several centuries since the Shaolin's main temple came to Brethun. Isn't it curious? People from other worlds were being summoned since centuries ago."

There weren't any difficulties in passing through the gate. Sungmin was identified through his mercenary tablet, and Scarlett through the mage guild.

"Buddha Wujue, who was summoned centuries ago, arrived at Brethun, and named a mountain near Brethun 'Mount Song'. It seems as though the majority of shaolin temples in the martial worlds are based on this mountain. Although, the shape of the Mount Song they remembered all seemed to be different."

Scarlett, pointed to a mountain outside Brethun. It was over the west gate. That mountain was the 'Mount Song' of this world of Eria, named by Buddha Wujue.

"People from other worlds were being summoned since hundreds of years ago, but the reason behind it is still unknown. Among mages, there are some lunatics that believe that the 'truth' is behind the reason of these summons. Many schools researched into the reason, but no one has found out about it yet. In the first place, who can answer these questions, anyway?"

"Uhm… Wouldn't the gods know?"

"Gods? Hahaha! I asked Msh, and he said he doesn't know. Well, I don't believe there's a peculiar reason behind summoning people from other worlds. This world is just that kind of world. There's no specific reason, and this world just summons some random unlucky people from all dimensions."

Scarlett laughed as she said that.

"Oh, I guess it would be going too far to call them all unlucky. For some, it might have been a stroke of luck. Though, in my case, it's half-half."

Scarlett looked towards Sungmin as she said that. She smiled very prankfully.

"You aren't going to the temple immediately, right? So, since we're here, let's tour around a little."

It wasn't even an indirect suggestion. Sungmin nodded while laughing when she said that.


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Sungmin was also curious about this city called Brethun.


T/N: Sword dragon seems to be someone's title… Find out next chapter.

Buddha Wujue is a random guy that pops up in Korean wuxia novels… and googling about this guy gives me nothing. If anyone knows about this guy, please leave it in the comments

(神佛 神佛 無覺)

ED: the death flags all over the place this chapter have got me nervous…


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 Possessing Nothing


 Chapter 72 - (2)




  Chapter 184  Chapter 183  Chapter 182  Chapter 181  Chapter 180  Chapter 179  Chapter 178  Chapter 177  Chapter 176  Chapter 175  Chapter 174  Chapter 173  Chapter 172.2  Chapter 172.1  Chapter 171  Chapter 170.1  Chapter 169  Chapter 168  Chapter 167  -  Legacy 2  Chapter 166  -  Legacy 1  Chapter 165  Chapter 164  Chapter 163  Chapter 163  Chapter 162  Chapter 161  Chapter 160  Chapter 159  Chapter 158  Chapter 157  Chapter 156  - Choice 7  Chapter 155  Chapter 154  Chapter 153  Chapter 152  Chapter 151  Chapter 150  Chapter 149.2  Chapter 149  Chapter 148  Chapter 147  Chapter 146  Chapter 145  Chapter 144  Chapter 143  Chapter 142  Chapter 141  Chapter 140  Chapter 139  Chapter 138  Chapter 137  Chapter 136  Chapter 135  Chapter 134  Chapter 133  Chapter 132  Chapter 131  Chapter 130  Chapter 129  Chapter 128  Chapter 127  Chapter 126  Chapter 125  Chapter 124  Chapter 123  Chapter 122  Chapter 121  Chapter 120  Chapter 119  Chapter 118  Chapter 117  Chapter 116  Chapter 115  Chapter 114  Chapter 113  Chapter 112  Chapter 111  Chapter 110  Chapter 109  Chapter 108  Chapter 107  Chapter 106 - Editor: Ytho, LaidBackGuy  Chapter 105  Chapter 104  Chapter 103  Chapter 102  Chapter 101  Chapter 100  Chapter 99  Chapter 98  Chapter 97  Chapter 96  Chapter 95  Chapter 94  Chapter 93  Chapter 92  Chapter 91  Chapter 90  Chapter 89  Chapter 88  Chapter 87  Chapter 86  Chapter 85  Chapter 84  Chapter 83  Chapter 81 & 82  Chapter 79 & 80  Chapter 77 & 78  Chapter 76  Chapter 75  - Shaolin pt. 1  Chapter 74 - Sword Dragon (4)  Chapter 73  - Sword Dragon – (3)  Chapter 72 - (2)  Chapter 71 - Sword Dragon (1)  Chapter 70 - Kin (5)  Chapter 69 - Kin (4)  Chapter 68 - Kin (3)  Chapter 67 -  Kin (2)  Chapter 66 - Kin (1)  Chapter 65 - Heart (6)  Chapter 64 -  Heart (5)  Chapter 63 - Heart (4)  Chapter 62 - Heart (3)  Chapter 61 - Heart (2)  Chapter 60 - Heart (1)  Chapter 59 - Dungeon (2)  Chapter 58 -  Dungeon (1)  Chapter 57 - Variable (4)  Chapter 56 - Variable (3)  Chapter 55 -  Variable (2)  Chapter 54 - Variable (1)  Chapter 53 -  Encounter (5)  Chapter 52 - Encounter (4)  Chapter 51 -  Encounter (3)  Chapter 50 - Encounter (2)  Chapter 49 -  Encounter (1)  Chapter 48  Chapter 47  Chapter 46  Chapter 45  Chapter 44  Chapter 43  Chapter 42  Chapter 41  Chapter 40  Chapter 39  Chapter 38  Chapter 37  Chapter 36  Chapter 35  Chapter 34  Chapter 33  Chapter 32  Chapter 31  Chapter 30  Chapter 29  Chapter 28  Chapter 27  Chapter 26  Chapter 25  Chapter 24  Chapter 23  Chapter 22  Chapter 21  Chapter 20  Chapter 19  Chapter 18  Chapter 17  Chapter 16  Chapter 15  Chapter 14  Chapter 13  Chapter 12  Chapter 11  Chapter 10  Chapter 9  Chapter 8  Chapter 7  Chapter 6  Chapter 5  Chapter 4  Chapter 3  Chapter 2  Chapter 1  Chapter 0 - Prologue 






It was a little past noon, just around lunchtime, so the diner they had stepped into was crowded with people who had come in for a meal. Scarlett looked around the diner, her eyes shining brightly. Just as this city called Brethun was noticeably different from other cities, the interior of the diner seemed unique as well.

Sungmin and Scarlett were led to an empty table on the second floor. The waitress leading them was wearing a qipao that was revealing her thigh.

"Is this your first time visiting Brethun?" She asked, smiling.

"Ah, yes."

"I thought so. The food here may not suit your taste. We have a lot of people from different worlds living here in this city, and so do their descendants, although they may not be of other worlds themselves." The waitress explained, handing them a menu. Now that she mentioned it, a lot of the people sitting around them did seem to be of mixed race.

"We have a lot of martial arts masters who are originally from the Zhongyuan area come from all over as well, so we have a lot of dishes that suit their taste. I think the food will be fine for you sir, but for the lady… not so much." The waitress said, stealing glances at Scarlett. Sungmin wasn't a martial arts master, but like them, he was Asian. As for Scarlett, anyone would be able to tell she was a Westerner so the waitress seemed to have a wrong impression of her.

"I don't think I'm too picky but… hmmm. I do admit it's my first time having Zhongyuan food for the first time." Scarlett mumbled, flipping through the menu.

The waitress smiled gently and said, "Zhongyuan food is a little strong since we use a lot of seasoning. Would you like me to recommend anything that's not as strong?"

"Ah, yes. Yes, please." Scarlet nodded.

Sungmin wasn't familiar with Zhongyuan food either, so he chose his order according to what the waitress recommended.

"What are we going to do once we get to Shaolin?"

"I don't know. We'll have to see when we get there."

"I don't know much about Wushu, but isn't Shaolin the most famous among the Wushu sects?"

"That's true, but even I don't know much about Shaolin. I've only heard rumors."

During the past few months of their journey, Sungmin had explained to Scarlett why they were going to Shaolin. Scarlett had been feeling quite proud afterwards.

"We're bringing them the Wushu manuals, so don't you think they'll have something better in return for us?"

"Hmm.. I don't think so. I heard that these arts are worthless. I do think they will give us something just to be polite, but I'm not sure what that will be."

Nevel had been positive the two would at least be presented with the Lesser Restoration Pill, but Sungmin doubted their mission would end on such a positive note.

"There's something more important to talk about," Scarlet said, frowning. "This restaurant has good customer service but there are a lot of 'blowflies' around."

She crossed her legs, then crossed her arms. Sungmin smiled bitterly. Unlike her good looks, Scarlett enjoyed using foul and abusive language. But he couldn't help but agree that there were a lot of 'blowflies'.

"I see," he replied.

He could feel their eyes on him. Whoever was looking at them were doing their best to be discreet, but Sungmin and Scarlett could sense they were being watched. Most of the martial artists sitting around them had been stealing glances ever since the two had been led to this table on the second floor and taken a seat.

Was it because the two were foreigners?

No. That wasn't it.

'I have a long way to go.'

Sungmin thought to himself, clicking his tongue. He wasn't skilled in hiding his internal qi well. If he truly reached his highest point of Peak Level, the unending cycle of flowing qi would be perfected and he would be at the Grandmaster Level. No matter how much internal cultivation and high arts techniques he had mastered, his internal qi and physical body would function in harmony perfectly and profoundly that no one would be able to sense the power of his qi he had developed so far.

For Sungmin, it was currently at a point where it would take a while for him to reach. Sungmin hadn't reached the Level of Hiding Inner Qi, (t/n : term used in wuxia referring to the point qi masters are able to control their internal qi perfectly) let alone the reaching the level of being immune to extreme temperature and the Level of Blue Flames (t/n : term used in wuxia from a Chinese idiom referring to someone who has reached a point of perfectly controlling their qi, comparing them to fire, when extremely hot, appears in blue flames)

Thanks to the Greater and Lesser Restoration Pills, his internal cultivation had become more profound, but the Purple Cloud Divine Art that had been balancing him had not done much work. Although it was possible to summon more strength, he still lacked in balancing his inner qi. Even if he hid his inner qi and held in his vigor, he was always overflowing with energy. Therefore, the martial artists who had reached a certain level themselves couldn't help but notice Sungmin's presence.

"Hahah… A blowfly, huh?"

Scarlett's muttering hadn't exactly been in an undertone, so her comment was loud for everyone around them to hear. A man who had been sitting next to the window slowly got up to his feet. He was wearing navy blue robes and squinted over at Sungmin and Scarlett.

"The young lady has such a foul mouth despite her good looks… Actually, no. Is that what makes you appear more attractive?"

"Oh my, just listen to you talk, boy. Did you smear butter in your throat?" Scarlett muttered, and chuckled in disbelief. Sungmin was nervous that she may have gone too far, and the man's face hardened.

"I see.. a beautiful flower has its thorns…"

"You crazy son of a b****. Did you learn to have a conversation by reading novels?" Scarlett burst out laughing before the man could finish mumbling his sentence. The man's face reddened. He stomped over to Scarlett, fuming. Seeing this, Sungmin sighed and pushed his chair back.

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website.

"Enough," another voice spoke up before Sungmin could even react.

The man stopped in his tracks.

"Young Master Bi Chung-Hak. Unless your eyes are a pair of knotholes that you can't see past the end of your nose, it would be good for you to sort your murderous intentions, sit down and finish your meal like a good boy."

The man speaking was drinking tea at the window seat on the other side. Bi Chung-Hak stopped in his tracks and made a face.

"If you know my name, you are also probably aware of what people call me by."

"This is why nicknames aren't good for you. Yours is just a byname people started calling you by, but it's always the worthless things who think they are something and go around making a big deal out of it."

"Worth..worthless? Excuse me?"

"I said you were worthless. Bi Chung-Hak with the "elegant white blade". Or what – is there something else that's got your back other than your byname and worthless skills? Perhaps your household of "Bi", which I hear is a quite influential bloodline in this part of the city?" The man remarked in a drawling tone.


Bi Chung-Hak's eyes turned cold. He spoke up, stroking the sword that was fastened to his waist.

"Your insults have crossed a line. Will you be able to take responsibility for your own actions?"

"Young Master Bi Chung-Hak. Please heed my words, for they are for you. If you want to talk about 'taking responsibility' for your actions, shave off your hair, go to the temple at Mount Song, and plead with them to take you in as their disciple. Later, become a disciple of Shaolin and spend 50 years doing meditations, staring at a wall. Even if you may be a good-for-nothing, you will have the skills to have the right to talk about such things if you train yourself by meditating with the techniques of Shaolin." The man said, chuckling.

Clearly, the words were meant to tease him, and Bi Chung-Hak made a face.

Unable to take it any longer, he went for his sword.

"Don't pull out your sword on me." The man said, and Bi Chung-Hak froze. It wasn't just because the man spoke up. The man had profound strength in his voice that made Bi Chung-Hak freeze.

"You will regret it if you take out your sword on me. Neither your worthless skills nor your not-so-brilliant nickname can save you. Same with your family name."

"Who… who are you?"

Sweat fell from Bi Chung-Hak's forehead. The strength in the man's words and tone exceeded his by a long shot. The man chuckled softly.

"How slow you are. Judging from your actions, you really can't look beyond the end of your nose, can you?"

"I asked you who you are!"

"Namgoong HeeWon," the man answered.

At his reply, Bi Chang-Hak became white with shock. He wasn't the only one who was terrified; everyone else on the second floor who had been listening in on their conversation with interest looked appalled. Sungmin was shocked as well.

Any martial artist with the surname 'Namgoong' was part of the affluent bloodline of 'Namgoong'. Of course, not all Namgoongs were successors of the Namgoong bloodline or qigong masters, but almost all martial artists training in wushu knew of Namgoong Heewon

Of course Sungmin knew of Namgoong Heewon as well.

Namgoong Heewon, the Sword Dragon.

Even before Sungmin's death in his previous life, Nomgoong Heewon's name was known all over for being the most competent bloodline of his family name. He also happened to be the only son of Namgoong Baek, the head of the Namgoong household who was also known as the High Sword Master.

Therefore, Namgoong Heewon had it all, not only with outstanding skills but also born into an affluent family that had his back.

"Mmmm… hmmm." Bi mumbled. Bi's bloodline was also known to have great influence in the area, but they were nothing compared to the Namgoong household.

Bi took a step back, frowning as if something tasted bad in his mouth.

"Consider it a relief this city is ruled by Shaolin. What are you doing? Go sit down and eat." Namgoong advised and Bi obeyed. Sungmin stared at Bi and over to Namgoong. Once their eyes met, Namgoong smiled at Sungmin and stood up from his seat.

"Why is he coming over here?" Scarlett muttered.

Namgoong approached their table and greeted the two with a bow.

"I do hope you don't think I'm simply butting into other people's matters. It would be a pity for the workers here to have to deal with a bunch of dead bodies."

"Dead bodies? What are you talking about?" Sungmin asked.

Namgoong burst out laughing.

"Would you not be a couple of corpses now if that good-for-nothing young Master had dealt with you?"

"I wasn't thinking of doing anything."

"Oh, please. I don't know who you are trying to fool when you happened to be holding a violent temper when he tried to approach you just now."

Sungmin licked his lips guiltily at Namgoong's words. He had had no intentions of killing Bi, but it was true he was considering putting Bi in some sort of danger if he caused any trouble.

"Would you mind if I joined you?"

"Weren't you done with your meal?"

"I can eat more if I wanted to."

"Do you want to eat with us, or talk to us?" This was from Scarlett. Scarlett didn't seem to give the slightest attention to the fact that he was of the Namgoong bloodline. In a way, she being extremely rude, but Namgoong didn't seem to mind.

"I simply want to converse with you." He replied.

"Have a seat, then. And pay for your own meal."

"Haha!" Namgoong Hee-Won burst out laughing and pulled out a chair to sit next to Sungmin. Sungmin coughed nervously as Heewon continued to stare at him without breaking his glance. He could tell that it was he, not Scarlett, who had caught Namgoong's attention.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"I'm just amazed. It's not that you have reached the Transcendent Level (t/n : the level where one's qi circulates endlessly) and it's not that you are an old man that transformed back to a child. Then that just means you're as old as you look… unless you have mastered the Appearance Fooling spell. I'm curious, so let me ask : how old are you?"

"I'm eighteen."

"I see. Just a little away from reaching the Transcendent Level…! Haha! Amazing, you are. I have met many, many skillful individuals and I thought I was quite talented myself!" Namgoong Heewon muttered. He squinted his eyes at Sungmin.

"Let me ask you something, just in case."

"What's that?"

"Would your byname happen to be 'Son of a Heavenly Demon'? (t/n : in prior translations, it was translated as 'Small Pegasus', but looking at the original script in Korean and comments in previous translations, Wijihoyeon was called a 'son' or 'small' demon spirit)

Sungmin almost spat out his tea in surprise. He had not expected to hear that nickname here out of all places, and certainly not from Namgoong himself. Sungmin looked at Namgoong with an appalled look on his face.

"'Son of a Heavenly Demon?'"

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website.

"Wijihoyeon, the 'son of the Heavenly Demon'. A little monster who don't even fit the terms in age, but has outstanding skills in the martial arts. But, judging from your reaction, that doesn't seem to be you."

It was the first time Sungmin had heard of Wijihoyeon from someone else. But judging from the time period, it did seem to be around the time Wijihoyeon had settled and started spreading rumors. Of course, this Wijihoyeon was living his previous life, before the two had met.

"Also, there's also talk going around that Wijihoyeon could be a female."

"…A female?"

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"There's also talk she may have cross-dressed. Some say 'he' is just a female."

This was the only thing that was different from what Sungmin remembered from his previous life. The Wijihyeon from his previous life was never suspected to be a female. The Wijihoyeon in the present probably didn't seem to be stubborn on having the appearance of a man.

"Ah, anyways. I don't think you are the 'son of a Heavenly Demon'…"

Namgoong Heewon trailed off and looked at Sungmin's face closely.

"Then who are you?"

  Chapter 184  Chapter 183  Chapter 182  Chapter 181  Chapter 180  Chapter 179  Chapter 178  Chapter 177  Chapter 176  Chapter 175  Chapter 174  Chapter 173  Chapter 172.2  Chapter 172.1  Chapter 171  Chapter 170.1  Chapter 169  Chapter 168  Chapter 167  -  Legacy 2  Chapter 166  -  Legacy 1  Chapter 165  Chapter 164  Chapter 163  Chapter 163  Chapter 162  Chapter 161  Chapter 160  Chapter 159  Chapter 158  Chapter 157  Chapter 156  - Choice 7  Chapter 155 

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 Possessing Nothing


 Chapter 73 - Sword Dragon – (3)




  Chapter 184  Chapter 183  Chapter 182  Chapter 181  Chapter 180  Chapter 179  Chapter 178  Chapter 177  Chapter 176  Chapter 175  Chapter 174  Chapter 173  Chapter 172.2  Chapter 172.1  Chapter 171  Chapter 170.1  Chapter 169  Chapter 168  Chapter 167  -  Legacy 2  Chapter 166  -  Legacy 1  Chapter 165  Chapter 164  Chapter 163  Chapter 163  Chapter 162  Chapter 161  Chapter 160  Chapter 159  Chapter 158  Chapter 157  Chapter 156  - Choice 7  Chapter 155  Chapter 154  Chapter 153  Chapter 152  Chapter 151  Chapter 150  Chapter 149.2  Chapter 149  Chapter 148  Chapter 147  Chapter 146  Chapter 145  Chapter 144  Chapter 143  Chapter 142  Chapter 141  Chapter 140  Chapter 139  Chapter 138  Chapter 137  Chapter 136  Chapter 135  Chapter 134  Chapter 133  Chapter 132  Chapter 131  Chapter 130  Chapter 129  Chapter 128  Chapter 127  Chapter 126  Chapter 125  Chapter 124  Chapter 123  Chapter 122  Chapter 121  Chapter 120  Chapter 119  Chapter 118  Chapter 117  Chapter 116  Chapter 115  Chapter 114  Chapter 113  Chapter 112  Chapter 111  Chapter 110  Chapter 109  Chapter 108  Chapter 107  Chapter 106 - Editor: Ytho, LaidBackGuy  Chapter 105  Chapter 104  Chapter 103  Chapter 102  Chapter 101  Chapter 100  Chapter 99  Chapter 98  Chapter 97  Chapter 96  Chapter 95  Chapter 94  Chapter 93  Chapter 92  Chapter 91  Chapter 90  Chapter 89  Chapter 88  Chapter 87  Chapter 86  Chapter 85  Chapter 84  Chapter 83  Chapter 81 & 82  Chapter 79 & 80  Chapter 77 & 78  Chapter 76  Chapter 75  - Shaolin pt. 1  Chapter 74 - Sword Dragon (4)  Chapter 73  - Sword Dragon – (3)  Chapter 72 - (2)  Chapter 71 - Sword Dragon (1)  Chapter 70 - Kin (5)  Chapter 69 - Kin (4)  Chapter 68 - Kin (3)  Chapter 67 -  Kin (2)  Chapter 66 - Kin (1)  Chapter 65 - Heart (6)  Chapter 64 -  Heart (5)  Chapter 63 - Heart (4)  Chapter 62 - Heart (3)  Chapter 61 - Heart (2)  Chapter 60 - Heart (1)  Chapter 59 - Dungeon (2)  Chapter 58 -  Dungeon (1)  Chapter 57 - Variable (4)  Chapter 56 - Variable (3)  Chapter 55 -  Variable (2)  Chapter 54 - Variable (1)  Chapter 53 -  Encounter (5)  Chapter 52 - Encounter (4)  Chapter 51 -  Encounter (3)  Chapter 50 - Encounter (2)  Chapter 49 -  Encounter (1)  Chapter 48  Chapter 47  Chapter 46  Chapter 45  Chapter 44  Chapter 43  Chapter 42  Chapter 41  Chapter 40  Chapter 39  Chapter 38  Chapter 37  Chapter 36  Chapter 35  Chapter 34  Chapter 33  Chapter 32  Chapter 31  Chapter 30  Chapter 29  Chapter 28  Chapter 27  Chapter 26  Chapter 25  Chapter 24  Chapter 23  Chapter 22  Chapter 21  Chapter 20  Chapter 19  Chapter 18  Chapter 17  Chapter 16  Chapter 15  Chapter 14  Chapter 13  Chapter 12  Chapter 11  Chapter 10  Chapter 9  Chapter 8  Chapter 7  Chapter 6  Chapter 5  Chapter 4  Chapter 3  Chapter 2  Chapter 1  Chapter 0 - Prologue 




Chapter 73 Sword Dragon – (3)

Lee Sung Min stared back at Namgoong Heewon, who had asked him who he was. It wasn't a hard question to answer. It was just that Namgoong Heewon was the young master of the Namgoong bloodline and the successor to be the next head of his household. Sung-Min was surprised that the name of Wijihoyeon, the "Son of the Heavenly Demon", had come out of his mouth.

"… My name is Lee Sung-Min."

"Lee Sung Min? Never heard of that name. Ah, sorry. I lack experience. I'm the type who hears what I want to hear and don't listen to the things I don't want to. In a way, I'm pretty rude." Namgoong Heewon replied. He shrugged his shoulders.

"By any chance, do you have a nickname they call you by?"

"I do not. I'm not of the martial arts. I'm a mercenary."

"A mercenary… meaning.. you are not a martial arts master? Are you saying you were never part of the martial arts?"

"I'm a No-Class." Lee Sung-Min replied.


Namgoong Heewon's expression slightly hardened. After a short moment of silence, he started to chuckle.

"A greater being than I thought you would be. You already seem to be on the verge of mastering your level. Am I right?"

"I'm not a martial arts master."

"But you have familiarized yourself with the arts, have you not?"

"I did, but unlike the 'real' masters like yourself…"

"A 'real' master – what a laughable term." Namgoong Heewon said.

He laughed loudly.

"I have mastered the arts and have the surname of 'Namgoong.' However, that does not mean I know the arts of Zhongyuan. It was my great-great-grandfather who was summoned to Eria from another world. He gathered all the masters with the surname of 'Namgoong' to start our household in this world. That is how I came to be. I have never been to the Temple of Zhongyuan, nor is it my birthplace. My hometown is Eria." Namgoong said. He crossed his arms.

"Should I then be called a martial arts master? I learned my accent from my family, and it's the same with my martial arts skills. Does that make me a martial arts master? I wasn't even born in Zhongyuan and summoned to this world."

"But you are closer to being real than I am." Lee Sung-Min replied.

Namgoong Heewon laughed aloud once more.

"Perhaps. Are you able to use 'Disciplined Strength'?"

"I am capable of doing so, yes."

"But you haven't perfected your cycle of qi yet. You haven't even Mastered your level. Have you reached the highest Peak of your level yet?"

"I have not."

"Does that mean your 'Qi Vessel' on your back has not been penetrated yet?"

(t/n  wuxia term – the energy flow of qi from your tailbone to your neck, similar to a blood vessel. This 'qi vessel' helps the qi flow more effectively. Once this flow is penetrated, it is a new step to reaching another level.)

Namgoong Heewon looked confused. At this, Sung Min blushed and nodded lightly.

"It has not been penetrated." Sung-Min replied.

" …. That doesn't make sense." Namgoong Heewon murmured at Sung-Min's reply. and frowned.

"Are you saying you are at the level of using Sword Strength, but the 'Qi Vessel' on your back has not even burst? How's that even possible?"

"Is one not capable of using 'Sword Strength' if the flow of the Qi Vessel is not penetrated?"

"Normally, yes. The blood flow in your body needs to withstand the flow of your inner strength and the circulation has to be at top speed. Having the Qi Vessel penetrated means the fastest path for your inner strength to flow has opened up."

"Does it really matter?"

"Of course it matters. Using Sword Strength is very impressive, but without the Qui Vessel in your back penetrated, using those powers won't be efficient at all. It would just be a waste of inner strength."

Sung Min then realized he didn't have to go through the process of 'concentration' when he was using his Sword Strength. He had simply thought he wasn't using his powers efficiently, but it had turned out his Qi Vessel in his back hadn't been penetrated at all, which was why his powers were not as effective.

"But even so… I suppose there are cases like you. I haven't experienced it myself, but I've heard stories of cases like this. I heard that the physical body isn't able to keep up with the martial arts techniques if the physical body is incapable of completely accepting the powers."

"Are you saying that's the case with me?"

"I'm saying it's a possibility. You should hope that's not the case, however. Most of those cases… they don't end well. The imbalance of the heart, body and energy result in a disability in the body."

Sung Min's face hardened at Namgoong's words. Although it was unclear whether there was an imbalance of his heart, body and energy, it was clear that his condition was dangerous in the long run.

"When are you going to stop talking about all of this stuff that's hard to understand?" Scarlett piped up abruptly.

She had been listening in to the conversation looking deadpan. Scarlett was a magician and wasn't able to understand most of the conversation the two men were having.

At this, Namgoong Heewon let out a laugh and bowed his head slightly.

"Haha.. I apologize. It was disturbing me, so I couldn't help it.."

"By the way, about the Son of the Heavenly Demon.." Sung Min said cautiously. Sung Min felt apologetic towards Scarlett, but he couldn't help mentioning her.

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website.

"What is she like?"

"Are you interested in her?"

"I'm not a martial arts master, but I know how serious it is to have 'Heavenly Demon' as a nickname. She may be a 'Minor Heavenly Demon', but a demon is a demon. I am only asking out of curiosity."

"Haha.. how many people do you know of who is called a 'Heavenly Demon?'"

"Almost none." Sungmin replied. Namgoong laughed aloud.

"In Eria, there are currently three figures with the nickname of 'Heavenly Demon' in Eria."

Their orders had come out. Scarlett had given up trying to interrupt their conversation. She picked at her dish of seasoned shells and vegetables with her chopsticks, her lips pressed in disapproval.

"First of all, Baek Mu-Sun : the Bloody Heavenly Demon. He is a young man satisfies the terms and has been known in the region since four years ago. He is active is the northern regions of Eria, where it snows all year. He is still young, but he reigns over the area by using violence. It is suggested he might unify the area soon and spread out to other regions."

Sung Min also knew of Baek Mu-Sun, the Bloody Heavenly Demon. Around the time he had died, Baek Mu Son had left the northern regions for the south. Sung Min didn't know what happened afterwards.


"Another one is Byuk Won-Pae, the Crazy Heavenly Demon. I actually find his nickname to be quite fitting. He is very old in age and the sky is the limit to his martial arts skills. Bloody Heavenly Demon Baek Mu-Sun certainly has skills exceeding the Peak Level, but the Crazy Demon Byuk Won-Pae…. He is a much greater master than that. Plus, he has a cruel personality and has no compassion at all, so he is just fit to be a demon. Bloody Demon Baek Mu-Sun has his followers, the Bloody Demon Army, but the Crazy Demon Byuk Won-Pae doesn't have followers. He roams on his own. If you cross paths with him by any chance, make a run for it. He has no mercy at all."

The Crazy Demon Byuk Won-Pae. Sung-Min knew of the name. However, compared to the Bloody Demon Baek and the Minor Demon Wijihoyeon, the name of the Crazy Demon Byuk hadn't left a lasting impression in his memory. Byuk was an infamous being for being crazy and cruel without mercy, but he was such a nomad that he had never been the center of a big gossip.

"And finally, we have the 'Minor Heavenly Demon' – Wijihoyeon. The nickname 'Minor Demon' may be less impressive then the 'Bloody Demon' or the 'Crazy Demon', but that is not the case at all. Truth is, 'Minor Demon Wijihoyeon is a veiled figure- I am not able to wrap my head around what he is like. What I am sure is that Minor Demon Wijihoyeon is as much of a monster as the Bloody Demon or the Crazy Demon." Namgoong Heewon, the young master of the Namgoong household and also known as the Sword Dragon spoke gravely.

Sung-Min could feel Namgoong's authority in his words.


"I am not sure what this Wijihoyeon is like. All I know is that she is evil and has no mercy, but at the same time she is compassionate and courageous…. HAHA! So many ironic rumors I've heard! We do not even know if Wijihoyeon is a male or female. The only thing I am sure of is WIjihoyeon's strengths. She has not even met the age requirements, but she is already at the peak of mastering her powers. The other three "Heavenly Demons" would definitely acknowledge her as a genius."


Sung-Min knew. Wijihoyeon was a genius. Sung-Min knew this better than anyone else.


"You two." Scarlett, who had been picking at her food, glared her eyes. "Eat up, won't you?"


Sung-Min silently picked up his chopsticks and stared to eat. Namgoong Hee-Won also let out a cough and started eating.

It seemed Scarlett didn't have the appetite for Zhongyuan food so it was Sung-Min and Namgoog Hee-Won who had no choice but to finish up most of the food. Namgoong Hee-Won, who had said he had already eaten, ate most of the food.

After drinking some tea to rinse out his mouth after the meal, he spoke up.

"I heard you are headed for Shaolin."

"Looks like you were eavesdropping on us."

"Not really. I just happened to hear you. I happen to have excellent hearing, you know." Namgoong replied lightly. "If you are headed to Shaolin, why don't you go with me? I just happened to take care of some matters at Shaolin myself."

"May I ask what your purpose of going to Shaolin is?"

"I'm going to go pay my respects to the Great Master Bul-Young of Shaolin. Four great households including the Namgoong Household pay respects to the Great Master once a year. We're staying committed to an old promise."


The four great households Namgoong was referring to were the Namgoong household, the Mo-Yong household, the Tao Line, and the Jae-Gal Household. Sung-Min was curious what the 'old promise' could be, but he didn't ask Hee-Won. He felt Hee-Won wouldn't take it kindly if he asked things like that.


"I hate this city all of a sudden." Scarlett muttered. She had finished her meal. She had been anticipating good Zhongyuan food, but it seemed she was in a bad mood because it hadn't fit her appetite.

They had originally been thinking of touring around the city, but they decided to head to Shaolin right away since they had decided to accompany Namgoong.

However, the city of Brethun was very big, and the sun had set before they could reach the South Gate of the city, which led to Mount Song. It seemed rude to knock on the doors of the Shaolin Temple in the dead of the night, so the trio decided to stay in an inn and leave the following day.


"Ah, if that's all right with you."


Perhaps it was because the city was near Mount Song, or perhaps it was because the city was full of martial arts masters, but there was a tourney hall behind the inn. Seeing this, Namgoong Heewon turned to Sung-Min.

"Would you like to have a light tournament?"

Sung-Min was slightly shocked at his offer. He had not thought Namgoong would suggest they have a match. Sung-Min pondered about this for a while and nodded.

"Only if it's a friendly competition." Sung-Min replied.

"Of course." Namgoong replied, smiling brightly.


Scarlett went up to her room, uninterested.

Luckily, there was no one using the hall so Namgoong and Sung-Min were able to prepare for battle right away. They had asked the inn owner if they could use weapons and they were able to borrow a wooden sword and staff that didn't have blades.


"I did think you would be a spearman." Namgoong murmured quietly as he twirled the wooden sword lightly in his hands.

Sung – Min took off his armor and stood facing Namgoong in light attire. A spear and a staff were two completely different weapons but using weapons with blades in a friendly match was too dangerous.

"Honestly, I do prefer real competitions, but such matches would be too dangerous, since we don't have any observers. So, let's just enjoy this."

"I'm not sure whether I'll be good enough to meet your expectations."

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website.

"Haha! You are too humble. Well, I guess we'll see." Namgoong replied and adjusted his posture.

The playfulness was nowhere to be found and his eyes gleamed dangerously. Namgoong had simply changed posture fit for fighting with a sword, but he looked completely different.

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Holding the staff with both hands, Sung-Min gulped as he saw the energy creeping off Namgoong.


He was certain about one thing.


Namgoong Hee-Won was powerful.

  Chapter 184  Chapter 183  Chapter 182  Chapter 181  Chapter 180  Chapter 179  Chapter 178  Chapter 177  Chapter 176  Chapter 175  Chapter 174  Chapter 173  Chapter 172.2  Chapter 172.1  Chapter 171  Chapter 170.1  Chapter 169  Chapter 168  Chapter 167  -  Legacy 2  Chapter 166  -  Legacy 1  Chapter 165  Chapter 164  Chapter 163  Chapter 163  Chapter 162  Chapter 161  Chapter 160  Chapter 159  Chapter 158  Chapter 157  Chapter 156  - Choice 7  Chapter 155  Chapter 154  Chapter 153  Chapter 152  Chapter 151

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 Possessing Nothing


 Chapter 74 - Sword Dragon (4)




  Chapter 184  Chapter 183  Chapter 182  Chapter 181  Chapter 180  Chapter 179  Chapter 178  Chapter 177  Chapter 176  Chapter 175  Chapter 174  Chapter 173  Chapter 172.2  Chapter 172.1  Chapter 171  Chapter 170.1  Chapter 169  Chapter 168  Chapter 167  -  Legacy 2  Chapter 166  -  Legacy 1  Chapter 165  Chapter 164  Chapter 163  Chapter 163  Chapter 162  Chapter 161  Chapter 160  Chapter 159  Chapter 158  Chapter 157  Chapter 156  - Choice 7  Chapter 155  Chapter 154  Chapter 153  Chapter 152  Chapter 151  Chapter 150  Chapter 149.2  Chapter 149  Chapter 148  Chapter 147  Chapter 146  Chapter 145  Chapter 144  Chapter 143  Chapter 142  Chapter 141  Chapter 140  Chapter 139  Chapter 138  Chapter 137  Chapter 136  Chapter 135  Chapter 134  Chapter 133  Chapter 132  Chapter 131  Chapter 130  Chapter 129  Chapter 128  Chapter 127  Chapter 126  Chapter 125  Chapter 124  Chapter 123  Chapter 122  Chapter 121  Chapter 120  Chapter 119  Chapter 118  Chapter 117  Chapter 116  Chapter 115  Chapter 114  Chapter 113  Chapter 112  Chapter 111  Chapter 110  Chapter 109  Chapter 108  Chapter 107  Chapter 106 - Editor: Ytho, LaidBackGuy  Chapter 105  Chapter 104  Chapter 103  Chapter 102  Chapter 101  Chapter 100  Chapter 99  Chapter 98  Chapter 97  Chapter 96  Chapter 95  Chapter 94  Chapter 93  Chapter 92  Chapter 91  Chapter 90  Chapter 89  Chapter 88  Chapter 87  Chapter 86  Chapter 85  Chapter 84  Chapter 83  Chapter 81 & 82  Chapter 79 & 80  Chapter 77 & 78  Chapter 76  Chapter 75  - Shaolin pt. 1  Chapter 74 - Sword Dragon (4)  Chapter 73  - Sword Dragon – (3)  Chapter 72 - (2)  Chapter 71 - Sword Dragon (1)  Chapter 70 - Kin (5)  Chapter 69 - Kin (4)  Chapter 68 - Kin (3)  Chapter 67 -  Kin (2)  Chapter 66 - Kin (1)  Chapter 65 - Heart (6)  Chapter 64 -  Heart (5)  Chapter 63 - Heart (4)  Chapter 62 - Heart (3)  Chapter 61 - Heart (2)  Chapter 60 - Heart (1)  Chapter 59 - Dungeon (2)  Chapter 58 -  Dungeon (1)  Chapter 57 - Variable (4)  Chapter 56 - Variable (3)  Chapter 55 -  Variable (2)  Chapter 54 - Variable (1)  Chapter 53 -  Encounter (5)  Chapter 52 - Encounter (4)  Chapter 51 -  Encounter (3)  Chapter 50 - Encounter (2)  Chapter 49 -  Encounter (1)  Chapter 48  Chapter 47  Chapter 46  Chapter 45  Chapter 44  Chapter 43  Chapter 42  Chapter 41  Chapter 40  Chapter 39  Chapter 38  Chapter 37  Chapter 36  Chapter 35  Chapter 34  Chapter 33  Chapter 32  Chapter 31  Chapter 30  Chapter 29  Chapter 28  Chapter 27  Chapter 26  Chapter 25  Chapter 24  Chapter 23  Chapter 22  Chapter 21  Chapter 20  Chapter 19  Chapter 18  Chapter 17  Chapter 16  Chapter 15  Chapter 14  Chapter 13  Chapter 12  Chapter 11  Chapter 10  Chapter 9  Chapter 8  Chapter 7  Chapter 6  Chapter 5  Chapter 4  Chapter 3  Chapter 2  Chapter 1  Chapter 0 - Prologue 




Chapter 74- Sword Dragon (4)

Come to think of it, Sung-Min didn't have much experience dealing with swordsmen. Rather, it would be precise to say he didn't have much experience coming across masters who have perfectly mastered their arts like Namgoong Heewon in the first place.

The lineage of Namgoong is acknowledged by everyone for their use of swords. There are many martial arts lineages that are famous for their sword arts, but the Namgoong lineage is the first to start their family line based off these skills. Sung-Min, who lacked in experience, had never encountered such a skilled swordsman.

'I've rarely had experience fighting with swordsmen in the first place.'

He wondered what Namgoong Heewon's skills would be like. Judging from his nickname 'Sword Dragon', he was at least over the Peak Level for sure. Of course. That would be the minimum. Namgong Heewon had understood Sung-Min to be on the verge of reaching the High Peak level, so that could mean Namgoong was about to reach the High Peak level as well.

Of course, that is not to say they are on the same level. Even if two are at the same High Peak level, they have completely different skills. Heewon was born of a prominent lineage and had grown under the care and instructions of a variety of the best martial artists and masters. The amount of experience he had was more superior than what Sung-Min had experienced in quality and quantity.

Oh sure, Sung-Min had experience. The only 'experience' he had, however, was being a Class C mercenary for 13 years. Being summoned back to his past life and having four years of experience was not enough. He had never even gotten close to the Peak Level in his previous life.

Therefore, Sung-Min was nervous.

Spear in hand, Sung-Min lowered his knees, feeling as if time had stopped. It seemed like forever, but not even a minute had passed. His consciousness weakened, feeling like taffy and his breathing roughened. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears and his sight narrowed. Everything else blurred away, and only the figure of Namgoong, with his sword in hand, cleared in Sung-Min's vision.

Namgoong made the first move.

Sung-Min didn't know what Step Method he was using. It was uniquely strange, and just made him dizzy. Sung-Min responded automatically and used the No Shadow-Spirit Stealing Steps. Namgoong Heewon had consistency in his Step Method, while Sungmin's steps were quick and nimble.

The Leaving No Tracks Step is a Step Method that requires top speed among the No Shadow-Spirit Stealing Steps. One Step is a step that endeavors high consistency. Sungmin disappeared in a flash and appeared right in front of Namgoong.

Namgoong grinned.

He liked how Sung-Min was reckless enough to appear him to closely even with such a long weapon in hand.

Namgoong's wooden sword moved. Its seemed to move slowly, but the semi-circle Namgoong drew in the air had the power of sucking in everything in the vicinity by force. Sungmin gripped his rod that was squirming in his hand and countered back against Namgoong's sword using a 'Na' method.


Their weapons met with a clang and deflected.

Sung-Min readjusted his rod in hand and pulled back his weapon over his head.

The first few seconds in a fight are to see one's distance and speed.

He had a long weapon in hand but wasn't willing to submit to keeping the distance.

if Namgoong was a lower level, it wouldn't be a problem, but Sung-Min felt Namgoong was definitely stronger than himself.

Sung-Min stepped back as he thrust his rod forward. Once he stretched out the rod in both arms, he thrust out his body, giving him twice the distance Namgoong would be able to use. This was the advantage of using a long weapon like a rod or spear. Once a clear distance is made and maintained, it would be difficult for the opponent to break in.



The rod exploded with clangs in Sung-Min's hand. The rampantly flying rod was stout at the end, but it would be painful to be hit with it.

Namgoong used his Step Method and lifted up his sword. The locus of Sung-Min's rod was shaken slightly every time it met Namgoong's shaking sword.

The weight of the weapons wasn't the problem.

Namgoong's timing was perfect in interrupting the attacks.


Sung-Min withdrew his spear, and at that moment, twirled the spear in hands. Among the Nine Heavenly Spear Techniques, he shot the Chase Soul Spear.

As much as this was a friendly competition, he didn't put in as much force as he should when dealing with an opponent, but he definitely put in more force than his previous attacks.


"Whoa." Namgoong exclaimed. At that moment, the sword twirled in his hand. He held his sword in reverse and stabbed the air upwards.


Even though it wasn't deadly, he stopped the Chase Soul Spear midair.

Heewon took a few steps back and let out a low whistle.

"Interesting. If this was a real spear, things would be a lot more intense… Haha! This is quite exciting. But it's not enough .. what I'm saying is… how's this?" Namgoong slowly smiled. "Let's do a bet."

"What kind of bet? " Sung Min asked, looking at the sword Namgoong was holding. Namgoong readjusted the sword he was holding in reverse.

"Since this is a friendly competition, let's do something that won't ruin our friendship. If I win, consider me your older brother."

"You… as my senior?"

"I do not think it's a strange suggestion at all. After all, I am older than you."

"What happens if I win?"

"Then I will consider you my senior. Isn't that great? You'll be considered a senior of I, Namgoong Heewon, the young master of the Namgoong lineage." Namgoong grinned. "Of course, I have no intention of letting someone younger than me to take me in as their junior. That's why I;m going to do my best."

"I'm the only one who gets good out of this. I'm a lot younger than you. And even if I lose…"

"If that gives you an excuse to not do your best, you are simply not a worthy arts master."

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website.

Sung- mIn was bewildered at his words

"If you are a skilled master, you should not take defeat sweetly."

This beat out the slightest intentions of Sung-Min losing for him on purpose. Sung-Min decided to do his best in this competition


"Alright, then let's continue to have fun with this."

Namgoong said, twirling his sword. He made the first move this time as well.

If his steps were consistent last time, he was now focusing on being nimble.

Namgoong quickly approached, busily moving the sword in his right hand.

All Sung-Min could see was the movement of the sword. His expression hardened, and channeled his inner strength into the rod he was holding.

A true master spearsman uses the Rana technique without using other special techniques, being able to deflect any kind of attack with only three. Wijihoyeon had said this when she taught him the Rana Technique. Receive all the outer attacks as Ran. Take in the inner attacks as 'Na'. Attack with a technique when there's a chance.

He had heard this quite often. These words were truth and religion for him. But it was impossible to follow up to it just because he knew it in knowledge. On top of that, Namgoong's sword was fast and heavy at the same time but also capable of being used in many ways. This didn't suit Namgoong, as he was of a prominent martial arts lineage.

It seemed the only thing the sword wanted was victory. Even though Namgoong Heewon was using a wooden sword, it was a sharp blade and Sung-Min was afraid to even dare get close.

Sung-Min needed to distance himself.

With every step back, Namgoong stepped forward.

Rod in both hands, Sung-Min didn't use the lunge technique yet. He turned the rod over his head and brought it down over Namgoong's head. A spear wasn't always used for stabbing.

Namgoong ducked forward, avoiding Sung-Min's attack. The tip of the rod in his right hand, he twisted his right hand downwards and let the weapon slip in his hands. The rod changed in distance in a split moment. Namgoong Heewon reacted quickly to the rod aimed at his temple.


He twirled the wooden sword and both weapons clanged.

No. The weapons didn't clang.

They met. It was 'Assimilation'. It was as if the wooden sword and rod had been glued together.

This was proof that Namgoong controlled his inner strength well. With every move of Namgoong's sword, Sung-Min's rod moved with it. Sung-Min summoned more of his inner strength and rotated his rod in the opposite direction.


The weapons broke apart with a loud sound.

Sung-Min then performed the Separating Thunder Spear Technique, the second one of the Nine Heavenly Techniques. The rod broke off to several branches, aimed at Namgoong. Namgoong lunged his sword.


Sung-Min's rod was deflected with a loud clang and shot upwards.

No matter how quickly he consecutively attacked with stabs, Sung-Min only had one rod. Namgoong's movements were simple and accurate.

Sung-Min needed more.

He bit his lower lip. He decided to use the Step Methods and Spear Techniques together. Not just attacking straight, but from different directions.

Namgoong deflected those attacks, too. Namgoong responded to Sung-Min's attacks perfectly with nothing to criticize. His sword seemed to be a lot sturdier and light but heavier at the same time. Sung-Min couldn't think of any other way to describe this ironic situation.

The Sword of Namgoong.

Namgoong's attacked this time, and this was the first time Sung-Min had experienced this famous traditional sword technique of the Namgoong household. The Nine Heavenly Techniques Sung-Min had mastered didn't help him. Sung-Min started to yield. He was being pushed back, unable to fend off Namgoong's sword techniques despite having a long weapon.

Sung-Min's hand was starting to sweat and the lip he had bit on nervously was starting to bleed.

At that moment, Namgoong's sword penetrated through Sung-Min's defenses.


Sung-Min swallowed. The tip of Namgoong's sword was at his throat.

"I win." Namgoong said, smiling mischievously. "Address me as your senior from now on."


"Or if you want, we can go again, this time with a real sword and spear. I think that will be a lot more fun."

"No.. no sir." Sung-Min sighed and shook his head. "I lost… sir."

Namgoong smiled.

"You're very special, young one."

Namgoong's tone changed as soon as Sung-Min addressed him as his senior. Namgoong dropped to the ground and looked up at Sung-Min. Sung-Min hesitated and sat on the floor across from Namgoong.

"What's so special about me?"

"Your Spear Techniques are already the level of a master. Yes. Only your Spear Techniques. But it's hard to say."

What did Namgoong mean, that he was a master in Spear Techniques but it was hard to say?

He frowned and looked at Namgoong.

Namgoong chuckled at Sung-Min's look.

"The Rana Spear Technique. It's the basic three techniques all spearsmen are familiar with. You are a master in those techniques, but you lack in techniques other than the Rana."

"…what are you trying to say?"

"From what I see, you, my little brother, lack real life experience. You know the basics, but high quality techniques aren't something that can simply be performed only with theory. You look like you don't have much experience fighting high level masters.

Sung-Min couldn't argue. After all, Namgoong Heewon was right.

"Also, you lack in controlling your inner strength."

"My inner strength?

"That's right. Your body is physically capable, but your inner strength can't seem to keep up with it Not that I think you lack inner strength… In this case, your Cultivation Level is either low or your blood flow isn't penetrated properly yet. Could it be because your Qi Flow isn't penetrated properly yet? Or is it an overhaul?"

"An overhaul?"

"Once your flow is penetrated and the breakdown gets bigger, the physical body changes according to that. This is very strange, however. Your inner strength can't keep up with your body but you haven't had an overhaul. Your heart, strength and body are all a mess. What's with your body?" Namgoong Heewon murmured with curiosity.

At that moment, Sung-Min thought of something .

The black heart. The black heart that had assimilated with the body… it seemed the heart had messed up his body

"Well… I suppose you will make up for it if you work on training your inner strength. Same with experience. Do you understand why I wanted to take you in as my junior?"

Translations by AsianHobbyist Website.

"No, sir. "

"One day, you will be at the threshold of reaching your High Peak Level. I'm not sure when that will be, but that's an undeniable fact." Namgoong Heewon said and smiled.

"It won't be bad to take you in as my junior."

"You don't care about my character, background, or my past?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just because I become your junior, it doesn't mean I will look up to you faithfully.

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"You do whatever you want." Namgoong said, shrugging. "Not that I care. I just want you to call you my junior and you to call me your senior. That's what's important. It's good enough for bluff."

"Are you taking me in just for the sake of what others see?" SungMin asked, bewildered.

Namgoong nodded.

"Did I not tell you? I have to go to Shaolin at Mount Song to send my greetings to the High Monk with the other successors from other households." Namgoong said, hoisting himself back on his feet.

"It's important have bluff." He said, looking quite joyful.

  Chapter 184  Chapter 183  Chapter 182  Chapter 181  Chapter 180  Chapter 179  Chapter 178  Chapter 177  Chapter 176  Chapter 175  Chapter 174  Chapter 173  Chapter 172.2  Chapter 172.1  Chapter 171  Chapter 170.1  Chapter 169  Chapter 168  Chapter 167  -  Legacy 2  Chapter 166  -  Legacy 1  Chapter 165  Chapter 164  Chapter 163  Chapter 163  Chapter 162  Chapter 161  Chapter 160  Chapter 159  Chapter 158