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[NSFW] - Gamer Diaries (Modern day gamer story)


A/N: Second of two updates today.

Basketball tryouts


I live in a medium sized city in south-west Tennessee. There are nice parts, normal parts, and then parts you probably wouldn't feel comfortable walking through at night. So basically it's like any other city. Except this one is mine.

My family is probably lower middle class, not exactly poor but not rich. Despite not having things like my own car or a fancy phone, we're not too worse off. We're healthy, we have food and water, and my parents love me and each other. We have the essentials but there's still those dreams for better, dreams that start with me. We all have high hopes for my future but I'm the only one who knows how much closer we are to making them a reality due to this Gamer ability.

And for the time being, I think it's best if it remains that way. Better they, and everyone else really, think that my sudden change is simply because I started applying myself rather than receiving powers from some unknown source. I love and trust my parents but I worry what their reaction would be to something distinctly supernatural like this. Something out of this world that has seemingly latched onto their only child and will slowly warp him over time. They would likely panic which, you know, is honestly the logical and sensible thing to do in a scenario like that. In fact, I'm the weird one for accepting this so readily. Like, did I even feel the least bit scared that day? Kind of, but even then it was about how the world might turn on me rather than any fear about suddenly having powers.

I think that says something about me…

Long story short, this is one secret that I'm taking to the grave. Better to lie than have the truth literally put me in a grave.

"Mom, Dad. I want to get a job." I say to them one day at dinner. They're average people for the most part. I get my 6'2" frame and grey eyes from my mom who's around 6' flat while my dad threw in the dark hair and facial structure. Mom says I get my sense of humor from him too but I think it's actually a bit of both.

They exchange curious looks, probably having a telepathic conversation, before Dad responds, "Before anything else is said, why now?"

That's actually a good question. I hadn't wanted the hassle of working while also trying to stay on the honor roll so I'd decided to wait and get a job in the summer that just passed. Of course that break came and went with no effort to even apply anywhere but I firmly believe focusing on my ability was the smart decision. Now that I have the hang of it, it's time I got a bit more spending money. Money I'll probably use towards books of all things.

"Well, I was busy during the summer with working out and prepping for college entrance exams." Is what I decide on. The truth really. "And school has been really easy the past few weeks so I feel I can balance things ok."

"Your grades have been amazing so far. Better than usual." Mom relents with a nod; she checks online every weekend. "But are you sure that's the only reason? Nothing else?"

"…that's the main reason." I didn't need my extra smarts to recognize that look on her face.

"Really? You don't want the money for certain… outings?" And they're both probing me now, something I saw coming.

"Yeah. I'm planning on trying out for the basketball team and-"

"Wait, basketball team?" My mom clarifies, "You didn't want to work while in school but now you want to work and take up sports during the school year?"

"Yes, but I have a plan though. I've gotten really good over the summer so I have a good chance of making it onto the team. I can add it to my resume and even get an athletic scholarship if everything goes well."

"It's not a bad idea but that would take from your free time Luci," Mom points out while Dad nods beside her.

"Exactly. It would be a commitment, probably a big one. You sure work can fit into that schedule without impacting your grades?"

"That's why I'm looking for something part time. Maybe online because that would be convenient. I don't need that much money, only enough for athletic supplies and books."

It takes a while but I can tell they're being convinced. They share another look and Dad shrugs which I know is a good sign.

"Okay honey, you have our permission. Anything in specific that you want to apply for?"

"I'm thinking of doing freelance work online. Picked up a bit of coding so I'll also look into making animations and digital marketing."

"Coding? Digital marketing? Last I checked you didn't know anything about those fields." Dad points out looking intrigued, "They make good money but doesn't that take training?"

"For the really complex stuff yeah but I'm thinking of starting small. Read books and find tutorials online to create a portfolio and then start offering my services. Low start up and I could start making money in a month or two."

"You've put some thought into this," He compliments with a proud smirk, "Let me see some of your work when you're ready, might be able to get you some clients."

"And I could talk to my boss if your ads are good." Mom offers.

"Thanks! You won't regret this, promise." The new learning curve means it shouldn't take me too long to develop and level up the appropriate skills. And it's best if I do that before making the team since I'm pretty sure practices and games will cut into my free time.

"We know you won't son. In fact, I'll cover some of the equipment you'll need for playing basketball. Least I could do."

Best parents ever.

Quest: Pass Team Tryouts

Reward: 500XP​

As if my motivation wasn't at an all-time high, I get this notification while lacing up my new basketball shoes. Up to this point fifty-five is the most XP I've ever received at a time so best believe I'm going all out. There can be no mercy when the stakes are this high.

Taking a moment, I look around at the twenty-seven guys trying out for the fifteen spots on the varsity team. Some look confident while others less so. I would say the most assured looking guy is one who made the team for the past two years. He's good too so I'll keep an eye on him, maybe pick up a thing or two that way.

The coach starts full throttle, after warming up that is. I actually don't need warming up anymore but I don't complain. So we do drills to test dribbling, making layups, shooting from different positions. Makes us run too which I suspect is to see overall fitness. We end with a couple scrimmages where everything is put together. Both the coach and his assistant take notes on the stereotypical brown clipboards.

My gamer ability really shines through. After my summer work out, my physical stats are enough to see me from start to finish. My skills make it so that the nerves and gradual fatigue that most are feeling don't get in the way of my performance. In fact, by the time we finish with scrimmage, basketball gained a couple levels. I'm guessing it's a combination of the high-stakes activity and my INT stat making it easier to analyze everyone and make connections that lead to better plays. In a way, I actually finish stronger than I started.

Tryouts end with a notice to check the coaches office for the varsity roster in two days.

"So how did it go?" Dad asks that night. Despite the previous exertion, I'm perfectly fine after a shower.

"Pretty well. Showed I had the fundamentals, avoided all the flashy stuff, and stayed strong the whole time." I reply, adding a generous portion of pasta to my plate. Meatballs too.

"That's wonderful honey. When will you find out for sure?"

"Day after tomorrow."

"Praying for good news then." Mom says before perking up, "How about your computer stuff? Any progress."

We talk computer science for a bit until dinner ends. After that I retreat to my room to continue my nightly lessons. Got the skills by now so I just need to practice before reaching out to consumers.

The coach's office is in the same building as the gym and just down the hall from the locker rooms. About a three minute walk from my last class of the day. I make it there in two and-

I made it. I made it onto the team!

+500 XP

+Active Skill: Clutch

Level Up!

+3 SP​

The notification comes up while I silently fist pump. Ok, maybe not so silently. Luckily the student who arrived here before me left after seeing the bad news and the coach is looking at his computer rather than me.

But three wins in one day? It's great being me.

The level and stat points is much appreciated but so is the new skill. Clutch basically adds a buff to any skill at the cost of MP, which is what makes it an active skill I'm assuming. So for a short amount of time, I can play basketball at a higher level.


I turn to leave, phone in hand prepping a text to the group chat with my parents, when a call gets my attention. It's the coach.

"Hey there son, you're not in a rush are you?" He asks stepping into the hall with me. I shake my head.

"Not really coach. My bus usually gets here late." By usually I mean almost always. No I'm not mad…

"I won't keep you long then. Just wanted to congratulate you and say welcome to the team." He offers his hand so I shake it. Firmly. "I remember your face but I haven't quite learned all the names yet, could you remind me of yours?"

"Lucio. Lucio Campbell."

"Lucio, got it. Had my eye on you during tryouts. You showed hustle and the ability to think on your feet. And unlike most of the guys you stayed consistent which I like. You play on a team before?"

"No sir. Mainly just pickup games." I don't tell him just how recently I became serious about the sport.

"Makes your playing even more impressive. Looking forward to how you develop Lucio." He pats my shoulder, "Won't keep you any longer so you don't miss your bus. Practice starts week after next, Monday at two thirty."

"Sounds good coach, I'll be there." With a wave, I make my way to the bus loop to wait. Annoying bus driver.

This gives me time to decide how to use my new stat points though. And I do plan to spend them because I don't see the point in saving them. Like, what would I save them for? I don't see any situation coming up where I'll be in drastic need of a sudden boost. School is easy and I have time to train before we start playing actual games.

So by that train of logic, my physical stats are once again not the priority. Neither is intelligence which is good enough for now. That leaves luck and wisdom. I want to put it all into wisdom but I have some reservations about that. It would set the precedent that luck never gets increased and seeing as how I have yet to get a natural increase, it might stay where it's at forever. Such an imbalance would aggravate my sensibilities eventually if all my stats reach double digits while LUK remains at five.

Maybe a two and one split could work. Two to WIS and one to LUK. And while I'm at it, I should plan to put one SP into LUK every other level up. Should help avoid any gross disparities.

I distribute the points and wait.

Don't feel luckier and my new wisdom doesn't tell me anything yet. I'll take that to mean I made the right choice. Still haven't gotten used to the idea of becoming wiser without getting more life experience. My burden to bear I guess.


And here we go, what originally would have been chapter three. What do people think? I glossed over tryouts because I didn't think it was that important (also never been to tryouts myself so I had to look up what one looks like) but the MC leveled up and got his first active skill. Thoughts on Clutch?

Let me know if that inserted chapter seems off compared to this one, I might have missed something.

Patreon notice: Excluding Gos and two other works, everything that I have publicly posted can be found on here for free. Don't need to pay. So chapters of GD, MS, and the edited RoM can be read in one place. Give it a look.

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