
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, lazyass replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - The Prince of the Underworld (Zagreus SI)



"I'm telling ya, Oz, there's something very wrong with that dude," said one of his most trusted allies, Qrow Branwen. He was many things, but the tall and shady-looking rogue was one of the best fighters on their side. However, he wasn't telling him anything new.


Ozpin knew there was something wrong with Zagreus the moment he met him. Everything about the young man just set off alarm bells ringing in his mind. It was one of the reasons why he reached out to one of his contacts to have his newly bought Scroll… monitored.

Zagreus, however, surprised him. The young man didn't contact anyone at all as he initially suspected, and instead, figured out how to use the search engine unusually fast. Almost as if he already knew how to do it beforehand, which shouldn't have been possible if his story was to be believed. Not only had he supposedly lived in isolation, but Peter also mentioned that Zagreus hadn't even known what a Scroll was.

So then how did he figure out the search engine in less than an hour? That in itself didn't sound that surprising, but Zagreus knew how to use it as if he had experience with it before. Though the first things he looked up were in line with his story.

Is Remnant a continent? Nations of Remnant. Faunus. Faunus origin.

All of this proved to a point that Zagreus might've really lived in isolation and was unaware of pretty much everything around the world. However, his next searches left him befuddled.

Popular movies. Popular games. Popular video games. Popular songs.

That certainly seemed like something someone who was Zagreus' age would be interested in, but how did it connect to his previous searches? And for that matter, how did he even know some of those terms if he hadn't had any contact with the outside world?

Still, this wasn't as bad as the information he looked up after. Now, that one made Ozpin warry and extremely paranoid, and his mind ended up conjuring all kinds of crazy theories.

Magic. Is Magic real? Huntsmen Magic. Aura. What is Aura? Information about Aura.

Looking up what Aura wasn't that unusual, though there wasn't any information about it online. He had made sure of that, and the knowledge of Aura was only taught in Huntsmen schools nowadays.

Once upon a time, Ozpin believed that Aura should be known by all. That everyone should have access to this powerful weapon in their endless fight against the Grimm. And that led to the last Great War since the people of this world decided that fighting among each other was better than dealing with their true enemy…

But Magic? The number of people that knew of its existence was no more than a dozen at most. Now that brought out the crazy theories,

and Ozpin's mind instantly went to, 'Is he the son of a Maiden?'

That certainly was a possibility since not all four of them were accounted for at the moment. It also fit with his story of living in isolation since the Maiden could've simply wished for a peaceful life.

However, it was the least likely theory that truly brought out his paranoia at full force. 'What if he is the son of Salem?'

As far as Ozpin was aware, she couldn't give birth to any children in her current state. But what if she found a way around that? It sounded improbable, but definitely not impossible. His right eye certainly bore a striking resemblance to her own. He knew he was grasping at straws, but what if that was really the truth?

Ozpin had a lot of time to ponder his crazy theories that night since Zagreus then proceeded to search up funny videos. Just that. He spent a good hour just watching funny videos and doing nothing else. It truly made him wonder how this young man's brain functioned since he just jumped from one topic to the other with no rhyme or reason.

And, of course, Zagreus then searched up something that shook him to his very core. Because why wouldn't he?

Gods. Are Gods real? Stories and myths about Gods?

Honestly, Ozpin felt that Zagreus pointed a finger at him at that moment and said, "I know all about you, and I know that you are watching."

The worst part was that he didn't know if that was a subtle message to him or not because Zagreus then proceeded to look up funny animal videos and watched them through the entire fucking night! Ozpin forced himself to stay awake and observed his Scroll activities like a hawk, but all he did was go from one funny video to the next!

And if that wasn't bad enough, Zagreus popped up the next day looking as fit as a fiddle while Ozpin was barely able to stand awake even after one of Bartholomew's concoctions. At this point, he didn't know if the guy was messing with him or not. His logical side told him this was just one big coincidence, but his paranoia assured him that Zagreus was doing it on purpose.

"Are you even sure you know what his Semblance is?" Qrow's words yanked Ozpin out of his thoughts. "Cause ain't no way he can stop the charge of an old Deathstalker without even getting pushed back without some physical enhancing Semblance."

"Yes, I'm sure, I personally saw it," Ozpin answered as he grabbed his Scroll. Not only did he witness it, but Peter also mentioned that he saw him storing everything he bought in his pocket space.

Ozpin trusted Port since the man knew a thing or two about Semblances, especially physical enhancing ones. He had one of those, after all. And like most such Semblances, it only worked in specific cases.

Peter's, for example, boosted his strength depending on the number of enemies he was facing. A great ability to fight hordes of Grimm, but it was also the reason why he preferred working solo back in the day. Not many could keep up with him in such situations and even fewer could survive against so many enemies.

"And don't get me even started on how he sensed me in my crow form," Qrow grumbled in annoyance.

"What do you mean?" Ozpin asked, stopping whatever he was doing to look at Qrow since this was something the man hadn't mentioned before. His Scroll slipped out of his hands, but he fortunately managed to catch it in time.

"When I got close enough, he stopped and managed to find me within seconds. Was even ready to attack me," Qrow explained, and Ozpin saw him slowly start to realize how odd that was.

"How close?" The Headmaster asked. "Close enough for him to be affected by your bad luck aura?"

"Yeah, but there ain't no way he could've sensed that…" Qrow trailed off as if considering that possibility. "Nah, I doubt that there's someone who can sense that their luck has suddenly worsened. It even sounds stupid. Plus, he was able to follow my movements even when he was out of the range of my aura."

"I see." Ozpin noted that down as yet another oddity about Zagreus before opening a video on his Scroll and handing it to Qrow. "Take a look at this."

"Let's see here," Qrow said as he started the footage from Glynda's class. He watched it once then rewound it a few more times, his narrowing after each time.

"He's not even trying," Qrow said before showing him the Scroll. "Look at this. Look at his posture. He's as relaxed as one could possibly be, and he still took out that dude in two hits."

Yes, he was. Ozpin had already seen this multiple times. "And Cardin Winchester's Aura reserves aren't low. They are average for a Huntsman, but definitely not low."

"Damn." Qrow whistled. "He really is a monster, ain't he?"

Instead of verbally responding, Ozpin just reached out and tapped the Scroll, switching over to footage from one of the training rooms It showed teams ZRNN and RWBY entering together. Zagreus walked over to the rack with replacement weapons and picked out a simple sword from it.

Of course, he immediately got questioned by the rest why he wasn't using his own sword. Zagreus showed them why by… unsheathing his weapon. Now that he was paying more attention, Ozpin noted that it didn't look like he took it out of his pocket space. Instead, it seemed as if he unsheathed it from his hip… How odd. Zagreus then grabbed another random weapon from the rack and proceeded to slice in two with his own sword.

"What on earth is that weapon made of?" Qrow stared at it in astonishment.

Ozpin couldn't answer that since he had no idea. However, he knew that it was a very, very old and powerful artifact since it was in pristine condition despite its age. This also reminded him that he should deliver that golden coin to Bartholomew for him to check it out…

"Going up against Mistral's golden girl?" Qrow smirked as Zagreus and Pyrrha took the stage. "This will be interesting."

With a shout of "Start!" by Yang, they closed in on each other. Pyrrha was the first one to go on the offensive, and she showed why she won Mistral's tournament three years in a row. Her strikes were fast and precise, with little to no wasted movements.

Yep, Zagreus didn't seem troubled. Not at all. He blocked, parried, or dodged all of her attacks with a smile on his face. He was relaxed enough to praise or even offer her advice. This continued on for just a bit until he decided to go on the offensive. After parrying one of her attacks, he exploded into action, hitting her with a palm strike that sent her flying back.

"Damn, that girl is into some kinky shit," Qrow commented as Pyrrha offered Zagreus a beaming smile after he hit her. However, his usual smile was gone from his face, and he was staring at the Scroll with a serious expression.

Pyrrha went on the offensive again, and this time, she was even faster. She was going all out against him, but Zagreus met her with a smile, still managing to avoid getting hit. However, he wasn't as passive now, and he counterattacked far more frequently, though he wasn't giving it his all as it seemed like he was trying to match her strength and speed.

This lasted for a bit with them going back and forward. Until one of his attacks suddenly exploded in both speed and strength. Pyrrha was obviously caught off guard, judging by her widened eyes, but she still managed to raise her shield in time to block his blade, though she was sent flying back from the force it carried.

"That's interesting," Zagreus said, flipping his sword back and forward while studying it closely. "Telekinesis? No, you would've used it on me to affect my balance."

It was little things like that one that made Ozpin question his story. How did he know what telekinesis was? Where did he learn it from?

Pyrrha briefly stared at him in shock before she shook her head. "Polarity," she said quietly. "I can control metals."

She used it so subtly, that even Ozpin hadn't noticed it. Yet, Zagreus had sensed her using it on his sword, and apparently brute forced his way through it.

"That's cool!" Zagreus told her excitedly. "But you've been holding back on me," he joked as he said that with a laugh. "Just go all out and don't worry about anything."

"Right." Pyrrha gave him a nod, and her eyes lit up with a metaphorical fire. She muttered something under her breath, and if Ozpin's lip reading skills weren't wrong, it was. "Even though you are still holding back."

When Pyrrha moved next, she surprised everyone, even Ozpin. She was a force of nature, a never ending hurricane. Her attacks were at least twice as fast and strong now that she was using her Semblance to boost them. They were also extremely unpredictable as she would let go of her weapons and move them around with her mind.

Ozpin didn't think that even experienced Huntsmen could hold a candle to her when she was going all out. Especially since everyone used metal weapons, so she'd be able to turn them against their wielders. Pyrrha was no doubt one of the most talented fighters he'd seen in his very long life.

However, that still wasn't enough. Zagreus took her a tad bit more seriously since his posture wasn't as relaxed anymore, but she still couldn't land a hit on him. And perhaps most surprisingly for her, he completely ignored her Semblance. No, that was wrong. He didn't exactly ignore it, but he just powered through it.

Despite that, Pyrrha wasn't discouraged. She was also getting used to his moves and adapting on the spot while also pulling out everything she had in her bag of tricks.

After deflecting a strike from him with her shield, she threw it like a disk at Zagreus, who ducked under it with ease. He took a step forward, ready to take advantage of her lack of shield, but he paused and grinned before backflipping over the shield that neatly returned back to her hand.

"Nice one," he praised her. "But I'm very familiar with that move."

Without missing a beat, Pyrrha continued her onslaught of attacks. Ozpin had to admit she was one of the most talented warriors he'd ever seen after witnessing just how fast she was learning and adapting on the fly. She was visibly improving the more he pushed her and the longer the spar went on.

And even though she still hadn't landed a hit on Zagreus, she was getting used to all of his moves and tendencies. He preferred to block most attacks aimed at his right side with his sword while dodging the ones on his left.

Pyrrha used that to her advantage, going for a slash attack with her blade. He stepped back to avoid it, but she took him by surprise with her Semblance. Mid-swing, she transformed her sword into its rifle form and stopped it right in front of his face. The trigger was already being pulled even though her finger wasn't on it, and the bullet was already being fired.

The surprise in his expression was clear to see just as the triumph in her eyes was. Pyrrha got him right where she wanted to, and there was just no way to avoid this attack. And then Zagreus blurred, moving inhumanely fast to duck under the bullet before he transitioned into a roundhouse kick that sent her sliding back.

"No!" Qrow yelled at the screen, having gotten invested into the fight, and apparently rooting for Pyrrha.

"Woah, that was a close one," Zagreus said while tapping the top of his head just under where the bullet had passed.

"You… dodged that?" Pyrrha asked, panting slightly as she stared at him in disbelief. Everyone, including Qrow, couldn't believe what had just happened.

"You caught me by real surprise there," Zagerus chuckled embarrassingly. "Your Semblance is real tricky, and you almost got me with that one."

Pyrrha just stared at him for a bit and then offered him a smile. "I guess I'll have to take it up a notch next time."

"Next time?" He asked her, tilting his head sideways.

"My Aura is in the red," she explained after taking a look at her Scroll to confirm that.

"Oh," he bit his lip in disappointment.

Another thing Ozpin noticed was that Zagreus was perfectly fine despite what should've been a tiring fight. He wasn't sweating nor breathing hard. He looked as if he was on a morning stroll through his garden.

"You know, I haven't had this much fun fighting in a long while," Pyrrha started, but Qrow paused the footage, apparently not in the mood for their conversation.

"Oz." He paused to take out the canteen he always carried with him and took a large sip from it. "I'm not completely confident I could beat her."

Anyone with a metal weapon would be hard-pressed against her since Pyrrha could just turn it against them. That's not even counting how incredibly talented she was since her Semblance alone made her one of the toughest enemies out there.

"And this dude beat her without a sweat." Qrow took another sip. "Where the hell did this monster pop out of?"

If only Ozpin knew. The more he saw from Zagreus, the more questions he had. Even if he ignored his inhuman physical abilities, he still couldn't figure out how he got so skilled.

For one, he needed to have an incredibly skilled teacher. Perhaps a veteran from the last war? He couldn't tell. And for another, Zagreus had to have fought with opponents at least as skilled as Pyrrha on a daily basis. He had to have gone through hell and back, and even then Ozpin wasn't sure if someone could get this good. That wasn't even questioning where he found so many great warriors to train with or how he got his hands on a magical artifact.

Ozpin also didn't miss that Qrow implied that he wasn't confident in beating Zagreus. Not after witnessing his strength and now his speed. And that was a problem should he turn out to be an enemy. At this point, however, he could only hope for the best and plan for the worst.

Instead of answering Qrow, Ozpin just resumed the footage and fast-forwarded it to Yang jumping from her seat. She popped her knuckles with a massive grin. "I hope you're ready because we're about to get sweaty."

"I don't know how I feel about hearing this from my niece," Qrow said with a frown, and Zagreus seemed to share his thoughts because he also looked a bit lost. He still discarded his sword and took up a fighting stance, one which Ozpin wasn't familiar with.

Their spar ended up being anticlimactic compared to the previous one. Yang couldn't match him even though he kept his physical abilities to just about her level. Even when she activated her Semblance, she still couldn't land a solid hit on him.

The most surprising thing about the spar was the fact that Zagreus showed to also be exceptionally skilled at hand-to-hand combat. His style was one that involved extremely fast strikes that left Yang stunned, and she was barely able to respond to his attacks.

"He could give Tai a run for his money," Qrow noted. "And he's still sandbagging."

That right there was Ozpin's biggest concern, and none of the following spars pushed Zagreus to the point where he had to go all out.

Nora hid a surprising amount of strength for someone her size, but that's all she had going for herself, and he was able to match her with relative ease. She wasn't as fast or as skilled as him, and she didn't seem to have a way to activate her Semblance on her own.

Ren was someone that was the opposite of his partner. He lacked her strength, but was quick on his feet and also a very skillful fighter. Though that didn't help him much against his opponent, who picked him apart with ease.

Ruby was the only one who had a chance due to her Speed Semblance. Though he already showed earlier that he could move just as fast as her when needed to, and he proved in her spar with her that he could keep going at that pace if he wanted to.

However, what caught Ozpin's attention was a comment that Zagreus made. He mentioned that he had a brother who also used a scythe, and… was apparently even stronger than him. Ozpin wasn't sure if he was being truthful because that sounded improbable, to say the least. He still hadn't seen exactly how strong Zagreus was, but he was already among the most powerful fighters he had ever seen in his long life. And yet his brother was even stronger than him?

Ozpin could only hope that Zagreus was only saying that out of respect for his sibling, and he prayed –even though he knew it was pointless– that Zagreus and his family weren't an enemy. Otherwise, everything that had happened as of late painted a very grim picture for the fate of humanity.

A Maiden got attacked by an unknown group and was now in a critical condition, missing half of her powers. That in itself was exceptionally bad, but if he added an entire family of inhumanely strong people that were Salem's allies? He shuddered just thinking about that.

Ozpin decided to ignore that for a moment and focused on the thing that gave him some hope. Throughout all of the spars, Zagreus gave advice and was genuinely helpful to all of them.

Except for Blake and Weiss, but those two didn't participate. Blake seemed like she had no interest while Weiss just stared blankly at nothing. She'd been like that ever since Pyrrha lost, and looked as if her whole world had been shattered.

Zagreus also didn't use his own sword against any of them, which was another reason that gave Ozpin hope that just maybe he wasn't an enemy. He didn't know what the blade was fully capable of, other than it being extremely sharp. Oh, and the fact that it could probably end his suffering once and for all. Though he preferred to avoid thinking about that one. Less he decided to impale himself on it of his own volition.



After the spars, I quickly scurried away to the library in search of books about Aura. I really had to figure out exactly what it was and what it could do since I may or may not have ended up overdoing it. I was just too scared to take a hit since I didn't have a forcefield that blocked damage like everyone else, so I ended up avoiding every hit that would've normally triggered it.

The worst part was that I didn't have the ability to mimic it. Though perhaps I was thinking about it the wrong way. I didn't have to replicate it, I just had to give off the illusion that I had Aura. Yeah, that was something I was capable of doing. Though I still had to figure out how to deal with the Scroll and its Aura measuring thing.

"Aura is the manifestation of one's soul? The light of one's soul? The color of one's soul? What is this mumbo jumbo?" I mumbled as I picked through the books on Aura, thinking that it couldn't be that. Not only did it sound complicated, but I couldn't understand how the people of this world figured out how to manipulate their souls.

Plus, it sounded way too much like a double-edged sword. A mortal's soul wasn't an endless source of energy, and if they used it as a shield they'd only be slowly killing themselves. I didn't like the sound of that, and I hoped it wasn't the case because there wasn't….Hmm, maybe there was something I could do about it.

I still had to figure out exactly what Aura was first. Though even if it wasn't the manifestation of their souls, my method would still be helpful. I finally found a book with instructions on activating Aura and opened it on the first page.

"Zag." Pyrrha's voice reached me, and I stored the book in my pocket space as I turned around.

"Pyrrha." I smiled, hoping she didn't think too badly of me after what happened earlier since I really couldn't afford to get hit. I know she told me she had a lot of fun and was looking forward to our next spar, but I still couldn't help but worry.

"We ended up missing lunch due to our spars, but we'll be going over for dinner. I was wondering if you wanted to join us?" Pyrrha asked me with a hopeful look.

Well, I couldn't say no to that, and I was a bit interested in what the food was like. I hadn't had the chance of eating normal food in like forever. However, I was dreading it in a way, afraid that it would be tasteless in comparison to the one I'd gotten used to.

"Absolutely," I told her, watching her visibly brighten up.

We left the library and moved over to the cafeteria. The place wasn't anything special, and… the food was bland, to say the least, but I forced myself to eat it to not look too abnormal. I already kind of messed up earlier, so now I was making it up for that. At least the company was good, so there was that.


AN: I have no idea how to write fight scenes. I hope it wasn't too bad.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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