
June 2993, New Oslo

Huu Eggers, fresh from a successful campaign, stepped off the Sojourner Dropship, eyes narrowed against the sun. His signature mask still in place.

There was no crowd to cheer because this was on top of a Cradle and really, it was a military facility. The sheer number of people that had tried to kill him in the last several months was ridiculous. What had he done exactly to deserve all that... sheer annoyance?

Idiots trying to get him killed for being a King. It didn't even come with benefits that a Duke wouldn't get normally!

In fact, after the fiasco orchestrated by Archon Alessandro, he had read up on his rights as a noble. And he had the exact same rights as a regular Joe Schmo Duke!


Because noble titles weren't part of the Lyran Commonwealth when it was formed. All noble rights came after the time of the nine Archons. In fact, these titles in general were handed out by the Archon to reward specific achievements.

Or to make idiot industrialists feel valuable. Like the very real Social General rank... that has been abolished in 2413 as part of the Brandenburg Reforms.

In any case, it all returned to one simple fact. Noble powers derived from the Archon, giving them the titles. Powers that were almost entirely social in nature.

House units, as his EDF were classified as... despite him saying they were Mercenaries, could be commandeered at any time by the LCAF.

Eggers Shipping, technically counted as naval assets... and could also be commandeered at any time by the LCAF, as the Commonwealth Navy was subordinate to the LCAF.

In fact, the only things that could not be commandeered were mercenary units... that were also not in-system. Or his EDF could be sent on a suicide mission like the Tamar Tigers hitting Luthien and all dying.

Commandeered and turned into assets!

Sure, Huu... did some of that profit making on his own... but it was Alessandro's fault... mainly.


Anyway! Alessandro was a problem, one that had to be removed. The big problems all over the news were things everyone knew about. What about the smaller issues? Wedge issues?

Things that could be used as a lever...

He was going to be discussing this with those that had been confirmed as loyal to himself. The ones that had no actual link to the plans to invade his fucking planet without hisgo ahead.

Stabbing him in the back, not just with profits, but by hurting his people. The rage peaked and subsided. He didn't like angry-Huu. Angry Huu was depressed Huu.

The ones with direct links were dead, those he couldn't kill for any number of reasons were exiled. The only one left was the Archon.

So, first thing was first then. Solving the problem so this never happened again.

"Ah, My King! You're just in time, we need to get these wedding plans sorted out, the victory parade will lead right into the wedding. We need to get everything handled now before questions about Iris start being asked." The voice of Chisaki entered his ears... and struck a spark. One that was next to a bonfire that said 'shit I forgot about'.

It lit on fire.

And the smoke filled his entire skull.

Oh shit, that was a thing.

Why had he thought that nobody meeting him here at the landing was a good thing!?

How many more things that he had forgotten about were going to come back and bite him on the ass?

"Right. What do we need to do... is Iris okay with this? She wanted something more... quiet. No parades or anything... the scale? Parade?" He ventured forth, walking alongside Chisaki, his Veelvraat falling in around him.

Chisaki coughed. "Yes my Lord, she has accepted that with the conquest of 20 worlds, it would be highly inappropriate if you had a small marriage. It would imply that you had something to hide and consider the marriage as something not worthy of recognition. And, despite, the... conflict with the current Archon, the prestige of House Steiner does demand a larger production." Her words were dry, telling him... well, more than she had previously.

Huu wondered why that was, usually his people didn't say much at all when expanding on detail. As they entered a room, handily marked 'meeting room', he spied something interesting on the side table in the lounge area.

"Right. Right. So, we need a big production... make sure everyone feels happy about what we're doing and stuff, right? Right. Man." Pouring a cup of coffee from the side table, just before the big meeting room. He paused.

"My Lord, aren't you allergic to coffee, please don't-"

"What the fuck is this? Why does everyone act like coffee is amazing? It's like... a drink for angry people. It's just pure bitter." He complained, staring down at the cup. The aftertaste just adding... watery bitterness to the sensation.

"My Lord... aren't you allergic to coffee?" Her voice was cautious.Well, I was. Then I wasn't. This is like my first time and wow, I'm not doing this again. I'll stick to tea, please."



"How are you not allergic to coffee anymore, My Lord?"

He thought about it. Right. The System gave it to him, but he did need to explain it, right? What should he say? Hmmmm, oh right, the best answer for when a young man's body changes. He was still a teenager... young adult. People don't stop growing until 28 or something, right?


"... puberty."

"Yeah, puberty, you know. When pimples and stuff pop up and your body gets drowned in... um... that chemical stuff that does stuff to you... um... hormones! Right, hormones!" Huu clicked his fingers, looked around and found a potted plant in the corner. Perfect.

Emptying the horrible bean juice... thing into the pot, he refilled it with some nice, relaxing Earl Grey. And... oh, this was the good stuff. A strong dose of bergamot, per kilogram, it was worth more than saffron back in his first life... or so Reddit had told him. So it must be true, right? Otherwise, the British would have used saffron instead in their tea.

The elitist sods.

Chisaki took in a deep breath from behind him, held it in, and let it out.

"My Lord, I feel I must defend the honour of coffee by saying it is usually served with milk and sugar."

He paused on the threshold of the door, inside would be a meeting. But he had to think this over.

Two of the things he was most allergic to inside of the same drink... could he risk it? Actually, why would they add milk and sugar? Wasn't the whole point to taste the beans or something?

This called for future experimentation.

"Anyway, I've got my Earl Grey, and we do have a meeting... do we? That's why I'm here? I was just following you."

"Yes lord. We do need to talk about... our path going forward."

Well, that was incredibly ominous.

"Our path?"

"Yes Lord, Eggers General Utility and Rasalhague. As King, those in your inner circle have gathered for this meeting. We are all loyal Lord. There are... of course, those who are interested greatly in the outcome." Chisaki said, sounding slightly awkwardHuu paused, thought about the matter, and then realised something.

"Isn't this just a board meeting?"

... ?

"Yes. Actually... it is. We... haven't had one before... Um."

"Yeah. Wow. It's weird how we haven't met all at once before."

The two stood awkwardly before Huu got out of the situation, the way he got out of all awkward situations.

By walking through a door.

"Right. Let's get seated. I'm feeling a little jet-lag."

Chisaki followed behind, "Jet-lag lord?" Her question following him into the room.

"Yeah, jet-lag, when you move from one time zone to another."

"But... you arrived from dropship... Lord. Are you well? We can do this another time."

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

And into the room he met... um.

His people, yes.

His mother, who he had put in charge of the EDF. Not being involved in the backstab invasion plans. And, honestly, the most qualified person when it came to the affairs of stabbing and shooting people.

Glory (of course), Chisaki, Hunter, Guðlaug, Anni, who he hadn't met very often in person before now... but was in charge of Eggers Agriculture.

Erwin, Sandra, Anton, of Tolsand Warworks. He was loyal? Really? Huu thought that was kind of awesome, he hadn't had much time with the owner of the Warworks... but that was nice. Great.

Aliyah, in charge of Eggers Education. She was nigh ancient, but loyal? Also, nice.

Hmmm. Wotan Mining, Eggers Healthcare, and Eggers Public Calisthenics were missing.

Greeting everyone in the room, his people greeting him back.

The non E.G.U ones in the room were... Iris, a woman in an LCAF uniform, Morgan and Arthur!

His two friends he had made all the way back on Blackjack! Sending messages and the like was great and all... but seeing them in person was great too!

"Morgan! Arthur! How are we? Also... Kommandant-"Steiner. Katrina Steiner. It is a pleasure to meet you, King Eggers." She said, standing up and giving him a salute.

Oh. That was. That was nice, like. Wow, that's like... wow.

"Nice to meet you!" He said enthusiastically, saluting back. A complete change from the Margrave, who hadn't even had the respect to greet him, let alone offer a salute.

Katrina on her part grimaced from the sloppiness of the salute, totally understandable. It wasn't like he had drilled in how to do one properly. But, man, the crispness, the picture perfectness of her salute, directed at himself? That was awesome.

"Right right. So, what is this meeting about exactly? Because, this is... like, a... group I wasn't expecting at all."

Sitting down, at the head of the table at that (which was actually a little intimidating, being the one in charge... when he did so little in actuality. Like, everyone was super capable, and he's just... sitting there giving the orders and handing out cash. Actually, now that he sat down for the first time, it was hitting home, just how much authority he actually had over most of the people here.

"Now that King Eggers is here, the meeting can start."


"We've been gathered for a simple reason. What to do about Archon Alessandro Steiner to prevent the continued... degradation of the Lyran Commonwealth." Glory said simply, sitting upright, carefully not looking at anyone else in the room.

Ah, yes. That concern. The one he was very concerned about.

Chisaki spoke this time, leaning forward, her gaze intense. "To start with, I feel there needs to be some... explanations before we begin. Specifically, Loki and Lohengrin. Both utilise the same techniques, the same methods, and the same doctrine with two different goals. Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism. We are, in essence, two sides of the same coin. We die for the Commonwealth, we murder for the Commonwealth, we commit massacres for the Commonwealth. Official mottos aside, in truth for all of us, Loki or Lohengrin, the motto has, and always will be, 'Commonwealth First, Commonwealth Now, Commonwealth Always.' Which, is a way to explain your father's actions, and in part, my own."

Huu's eyes sharpened.

Ah yes, his father, that issue that had popped out and made life incredibly difficult. Working under orders, yes, but not telling him about them. Legally, he was in the right... but damn if it didn't sting. Not as hard as he might have thought, he always knew his mother was Phan's number 1 concern. Everything else came second. But he thought there would be at least some concern for him.

"Training begins with orphans recruited into either organisation. It follows with in-depth indoctrination that creates an unbreakable loyalty to the Commonwealth. To date, there have been exactly zero Loki or Lohengrin agents that have betrayed the Commonwealth... at least after the reign of Steven Steiner and Margaret Olsen. Your father's indoctrination was interrupted by his meeting with your mother, Duchess Eggers. As a result, she is his first priority, but the Commonwealth comes a strong second. Unfortunately, this means he will follow his orders unconditionally unless they impact the Duchess. It is not because he doesn't care about you. But, and I must stress this, it is a fundamental part of his being to put the Commonwealth above all but Duchess Eggers. It cannot be changed without destroying him as a person."

Huu looked up at the ceiling, then down again.


So... his father was a brainwashed child soldier who's conditioning, historically, had never been broken. One that put the Commonwealth over his family (except mother) every time.

That was a mindfuck.



Looking up at his mother, he could see her nodding. Looking mildly frustrated... did she already know about this? And still chose to get married to him?


His family was... complicated.

"I tell you this to offer perspective on my own situation. My call sign is Lopt, of Loki-"

"Wait wait, why are you even in this room if you're a member of Loki?" Erwin interjected, "you aren't going to blow us all up... are you?"

"Of course not. If I was going to do that, I would have blown up your dropships on their descent. No. I am telling you this because you will notice the language I used regarding our loyalty."

"Commonwealth first." Arthur said, voice heavy with meaning.

"Correct, Commonwealth First, Commonwealth Now, Commonwealth Always. We are still loyal to the Commonwealth you understand, but unlike our more... hidebound counterparts, we are loyal to the Commonwealth as a whole. Not to the Archon, which many consider as the representation of the Commonwealth." Chisaki concluded, looking seriously at each member of the table.

The whole room took a pause to breathe in.

"Are you trying to tell us you're Heimdall?" Hunter finally asked, looking incredibly interested in the topic. Huu totally understood. Heimdall was a myth, a legend. Who watches the watchers? Heimdall watches the watchers, the last line of defence. One could call them... the guarding dark. Sir Terry Pratchett, you have a quote for every circumstance!

"A sub-division of the LIC created after Steven Steiner's actions and Margaret Olsen's following... leadership, with the first unveiling of Loki. Unofficially, of course. We don't officially exist... but Heimdall exists to remove Archons if necessary, for the greater health of the Commonwealth. Our loyalty goes not to the Archon, but to the Commonwealth as a whole. I'm here today to help guarantee the health of the Commonwealth as a whole."

"Okay. So, this sounds important and all, and I get why Iris is here since it's a big deal and all. But why are Katrina, Morgan and Arthur here? I get this is some kind of conspiracy we're starting with here, but... I don't understand why this is happening with so many of us in one room." Huu admitted, those at the table looking a little ashamed for some reason.

"Iris has passed on that you are looking for a more... reasonable replacement for Alessandro. One that won't go behind your back on military matters, and attempt to use your people in their plots. I am here as that Steiner, since I'm considered Alessandro's heir by the Commonwealth, it won't be as much an issue as it might otherwise be." Katrina's voice was calm and collected, like the situation was totally in her control.

"Right. I will need to get that in writing. My people are precious to me, you see." Huu said firmly, looking at Katrina, his nervousness all gone. For his people, he would do anything to see them safe. Even negotiating with other people for contracts. So, he could make losses, of course.

"We will, of course, need to negotiate such a matter. It needs to be done carefully to not cause the chaos that the Home Defence Act has caused in the Free Worlds League."

He nodded. "Afterwards then."

She nodded in return.

Which, really. Made this easier, having someone reasonable and calm to discuss matters with made this all... just work out.

"Yes, for the good of the Commonwealth, we will be working to ensure the peaceful removal of Alessandro Steiner and pushing Katrina Steiner into the position of Archon. For this, we will need the assistance of multiple branches of Eggers General Utility, as well as the contacts Duchess Steiner made last month." Glory spoke up, passing around sheets to everyone at the table.

"Thanks to Duchess Eggers' impromptu hiring of mercenary forces through the Mercenary Hostel, an additional 11 worlds were captured in the Tamar Pact region. This offensive in the last two months, using the Combine's disdain of infantry and the arrogance of their Mechwarriors, drew the Battlemechs out of the Combine's cradles. They were accordingly destroyed in set piece battles, and the worlds captured on behalf of the Kingdom. They were immediately returned to the Tamar District in exchange for their speaking on our behalf in the Estates General. As we have given the Dispossessed of these worlds back their people, they will champion our cause in the Estates General with great ferocity. As will the Tamar District representatives for returning their worlds. " She continued, pointing at page 3 of the document.Huu had wondered why the emergency had been extended, until he found out about his Mother showing... 'strategic initiative' to expand the offensive he had ordered even further. The worlds, in her words, were strategically important for their future concerns. Which, really, meant in their plans against the Archon. Not that she could say as much, not when they were talking through the HPGs. And... Comstar wanted him dead. Bloody monopolies, always wanting to maintain their control of money flows! He had been briefed on the issue as of a few months ago... and wow. Who knew telecommunications companies were so... bad with customer service.

"This will be the start of a wider campaign throughout the Commonwealth, using word of mouth and guerilla marketing to drive down confidence in the Archon. Combined with Eggers Media publicising your criticisms of the Archon through our news channels. We estimate, that within a year, Alessandro's confidence within the realm will drop to zero. In which, Katrina Steiner will be able to petition the Estates General for her confirmation as Archon when confidence in Alessandro is at rock bottom. Or even talk to Alessandro directly to have him step down." Chisaki continued, giving a pointed look at Glory for some reason.

"This is the broad plan, and I am sure that there will be further additions. Such as Guðlaug and Erwin's connections within the unions across the realm. Or Graf Arthur Luvon's links to the nobility, Glory to the LCAF [again with the pointed look], Katherine Eggers to the mercenaries, Anton and the LCAF, and so on. All may be small additions to the case against Alessandro, but every part is important. But before we start, we need to understand two points." Chisaki's voice was firm.

"First, there must be overwhelming support from the Commonwealth for this, there cannot be the risk of a civil war, that would defeat the purpose of our meeting here. Second, that Heimdall and Katrina Steiner are involved cannot leave this room. Otherwise, this will be seen, not as a noble and connected individuals angry with the Archon, but as a coup. This cannot be allowed to harm the Commonwealth, the transition must be as peaceful and smooth as possible."

Huu sat back, wondered about the scale of the conspiracy he had joined in... and thought why not.

His people had been harmed by the imbecile's bumbling about. Like some kind of... male bimbo... himbo. That was it. Staring opportunity in the face and pawing at it, as if he didn't know what it was for.

Then there was the second, more personal reason why he had Alessandro on his hit list.

The cycle wasn't over yet, he had two months left now that the Emergency was over, but the sheer unmitigated profits were stabbing him in the eyeballs. All those assets. Ugh.


He needed to write this down, so he wouldn't forget about it. Like he forgot about that boy in his year group who he had kicked in the face for some reason. The only time he had done so in his life... and it was to another teenager. He needed to know the reason, dammit!Which led his mind to Warhammer.


The Book of Grudges. A record of his Grudges against everyone! He would need two though, he couldn't just say he had one against Erwin, Guðlaug, Hunter, Chisaki, Glory... and basically all of his division heads except education and agriculture... for making him profits. How would he explain that?


A public and a private one.

Yes, that could work.

"My King, what has you so distracted." Glory probed as he continued to daydream.

"Hmm? Oh, right. I was thinking about how to make my grudge against Alessandro carry the sufficient gravitas. And I figured, why not go with a book of grudges?"

"A book of grudges?"

"Yeah, from Warhammer Fantasy back on Terra. The dawi had a series of books called the book of grudges. They go from individual to the dawi race. In each book, they put their grudges and swear to avenge them, and those of their ancestors, if they don't live long enough to do so. Don't see why we can't do the same here."

The room looked incredibly interested in the idea.

"In that case, if we're doing a book of grudges, I have one against Holo Entertainments from Kooken's Pleasure Pit. They have taken the Armsman, its internal sensors and haptic controls. And are modifying them... to create pornographic simulators and are selling them on the open market." Anton said, face looking furious.

"Pardon? They are doing what? How?"

Huu leaned back. Thinking about the idea.

Maybe he should see about getting one... for his father on Rasalhague.


Was that cruel? He asked himself.

Glory looked like she had something she wanted to say, but Iris interjected first.

"We also need to decide what we're going to be doing about the wedding. You haven't been on-world for the last 5 months, and we need to discuss exactly what is happening, who is coming, and how it is happening."

Huu paused.

Wait. He needed to pause the wedding for at least 2 months... so he can get the punishment penalty out of the way at the same time as the wedding.Whew, good thing he was quick on his feet and realised what was happening.

It could have been a disaster otherwise. Interacting with 10 different people in a social setting? He was King now, he could say no social events ever! Ha, beat that System!

++ ... ++