
Genestealers that were battling the other Sisters of Battle each screamed in unison, a couple moments after the head of the Genestealer collided with the ground. The psychic backlash of the Patriarch's death who acted as the lynchpin to their psychic gestalt sent the surviving Genestealers into an all but totally mindless fury of violence as they abandoned their weapons and charged at us brandishing their claws in a primal desire to simply rip us to shreds.

"Hold firm Sisters! All that is left is to weather the few Xeno filth here before we can begin purging them at our leisure!" The leader of the Sisters of Battle roared as she used her heavy bolter to kill off the rushing Genestealers that attempted to bury us in a wave of bodies.

I was lucky to be the equivalent of a walking heavy flamer and was thus capable of coating my body in an intense corona of flames that would prevent the Genestealers from dog piling me to be torn apart.

Because it doesn't matter if you are an alien monster typically far stronger and durable than a normal human. If you sprint face first into billowing flames that can cut steel, you aren't going to be continuing to run once your senses catch up to the knowledge you are being turned into charcoal.

"You guys got reinforcements coming in?!" I yelled out from within the flames.

"Huh I thought you decided to kill yourself in such flames." The leader called out in an upbeat tone. "Oh yeah, no we are on our own probably as the, The Adamantine Reckoners of Qulemax Guard Regiment will slowly be working its way towards us!"

Was that name of this worlds Guard regiment? Sounds like some asshole got the name out of a hat or off some random name generator...

"What is the name you carry child of our emperor!" The grizzled old woman finally asked as the unending tide of Genestealers seemed to be thinning out.

"Aren't you supposed to give out your name first and stop calling me a child I am more than twenty years old, for fucks sake!" I snarled as a Genestealer somehow fell from the one of the ceiling's supports beams and I kicked it across the room with a flame coated leg.

She likewise threw a bayonet in to the head of a Genestealer that looked about ready to rip off the head of one of her subordinates. "My name Lucia Juniah, Revered Evangelist of the Alabaster Dawn!"

"Names Jake, resident psyker of this shithole of a Hivecity." I called out kinda sheepishly as I didnt have a grandiose title like she did. When I get later into the cultivation ranks I could one day proudly announce myself as something like 'Lord Primordial Chaos Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal.'

Once my Qi began to lower again I cut back on using my flames and switched back to using my sword in close combat while my Kasaya Beads snaked around and absorbed the blood of all the fallen Genestealers and with the massive quantity of split blood the Kasaya Beads were able to grow to the point where it was able to split into separate ropes of beads.

"I cannot feel the taint of the ruinous powers from my own mind and even my rosaria isn't registering that... Barbed rope as something demonic, what is it?" Lucia asked obviously offput by the semi sentient Kasaya Beads that had gorged themselves on the blood of the fallen and were proactively killing off the Genestealers giving us a good deal of breathing room.

For a moment I considered not explaining and telling to simply mind her business, but I knew how the Kasaya Beads in view of any church agent in the know about Chaos demons would be instantly considered an artifact of the blood god Khorne.

I sighed and knew that it was in my best interest to explain my own view of the beads. "You know of Wraithbone correct? Well, when I first learned of my powers, one of the people who helped take care of me down here was a retired guardsmen who survived their tour of duty and more importantly told me about his battles against some Aeldari and the properties of the miracle material."

"Are you saying that you have managed to learn how to create crystalized warp energy that won't have corruptive properties?" Lucia grunted incredulously.

I knew where she was coming from as such a thing as far as I knew simply wasn't done by human psykers as my races of space wizards always tried to throw fireballs or increase pressure around a target in order to blow them up internally. Well, that or they messed around with the Warp directly and ran the much higher risk of being possessed by a demon.

"Yup... Took me a long while but I managed and now I have a set of beads that can act as weapons and restrain my foes as was shown by me saving your ass from the Patriarch." I said referencing the time where I grabbed the Patriarch and pulled it away from her when she got knocked to the ground.

"No, the Emperor merely showered his divine light upon me, allowing me to serve another day." Lucia said seriously we all sat down behind some cover with the flood of Genestealers seemingly having ended.

"Well in that case I feel his divine light calling me to go home and have some rations. I have killed the Patriarch and I rather not stick around you know what I mean." I said lightly and the few Sisters of Battle around the Lucia and I tensed.

Lucia nodded in understanding as she knew that once the battle was over, she was obligated to take me and unregistered psyker in. "We will be hunting you down kid. The information you have just on how to make noncorrupted warp materials will see to this Underhive being turned upside down to find you. Not to mention that although you aren't all that powerful now anyone in the know will see you as a high-quality talented recruit once you have been bound to the Emperor's light."

My face scrunched up at the mention of having my soul bound to the decrepit rotting corpse of the Emperor of Mankind. "Yes, well that's in case you find me and good luck finding me in this Underhive of more than ten million souls."

"Sister's let us push into the heart of the Genestealer Xeno's birthing rooms and cleanse them of heresy!" Lucia roared as she wordlessly led the half a dozen surviving Sisters of Battle into one of the larger side rooms.

I instantly saw what she was doing. She couldn't just let me go, but if she was preoccupied in destroying the birthing rooms of Xeno filth... Well killing Xeno's was far more important than dealing with a non-hostile and non-Warp touched psyker who could be retrieved earlier at her leisure.

I groaned as my aching body made its displeasure known as I went through the hole, I cut into the armored door to get to the Patriarch, and I made my way down the tunnels in the direction of the main hanger to see if I could find a way back to my vault.

Another set of commission's came out for this after I got some genshin chapters done.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 10$ per thousand words.

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Aug 28, 2022Report

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AcidOphidian, Azraelvongruber, Gentle and 189 others like this.

Threadmarks: Chapter XV

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I was lucky while I was running to find a tunnel that led to the spider domain which was congested with the remains of a bunch of Genestealers fighting the occupants of that Cistern's mutated occupants, but I was able fight my way through and finally find the tunnel that led to my vault.

"Home fucking sweet home..." I grumbled as I pushed the vault door closed.

"Are you injured?" Elesmere's voice carried over from a corner of the main room and I saw she was sitting on my bed in a meditative position.

"Nothing more than a few bruises." I spoke before I shucked off my jacket and shirt to inspect myself. "I am going to get cleaned up I feel filthy to put lightly." I grimaced as I felt some Genestealer blood get smeared across my face as rubbed my eyes in exhaustion.

"Very well Jake. Also, I have completed the Diamond Body technique as you have described it."

I grunted in acknowledgement as I went into the side room and threw off the rest of my clothes and shoes as I lifted up a large water drum and placed it on a hook with its hose hole hanging towards the ground, but the hole was stoppered with a metal plate with a bunch of toothpick sized small holes that allowed the water to escape similar to a shower.

The best part of having a star inside your body is that you can always make hot water on demand especially in an apocalyptic world of suffering.

I couldn't help but groan in comfort feeling the scalding hot water falling on me as I sat down on a little wooden stool just enjoying the feeling of the hot water washing away the blood that coated me physically and mentally.

I definitely realized my cultivation and especially the hymns that soothed my mind were keeping me from a total freakout.

Thankfully I was able to have a small freakout in the comfort of the hot water massaging my body before I got my shit together after reminding myself that killing that Patriarch literally could have saved this planet from facing an Exterminatus.

"Now I just need to get out of here before those Sisters of Battle and any other church operatives decide to flip the Underhive on its head." I muttered as I began washing my hair with a sort of soap that Elesmere made out of some materials she had gathered.

"And do you have some plan for our lodgings in the Lowerhive above us?" Elesmere asked me as I began rinsing out the soap out of my hair.

"Nope... But just like down here there is plenty of unclaimed lost areas we could take over and with it being the Lowerhive I can make it far more inhabitable with some Arrays, as I plan on us actually staying there for a good while." I said between rinsing the soap out of my blond hair.

Wordlessly Elesmere took the rag I had set aside to wash my body and began scrubbing my back as we shared a companionable silence before she spoke quietly. "Jake Bariss of humanity do you know of the frankly insane things you have brought into this world... You may be far weaker than your demigod Emperor of Man but the potential in the knowledge you bear makes you just as much an equal peer in my people's eyes."

I chuckled softly and leaned back lightly against Elesmere and froze as I felt Elesmere's soft bare breasts meet my back as she moved from washing my back and shoulders to washing my sides and front without any amorous intent.

Elesmere sighed as her body wrapped around my back and I felt her hidden muscles contract under her soft curves as her body seemed to meld against my own with her sigh tickling my neck.

"Even with my long life I can't help but wonder every few moments what new wonder you will pull out of your thoughts. that with merely a series of meditations in guide the consciousness in a certain circuit along the body would purge negative influences from the soul and mind is to put lightly astounding." Elesmere stopped washing me as she wrapped her arms around my chest and I felt her chin resting on my shoulder as she whispered gently. "Thank you Jake Barris for giving this Aeldari hope again."

She then slowly pulled her arms out from around me as she pulled back before she displayed her Eldar grace as she stepped around and in front of me as she lifted my chin to look up at her face from the stool I was sitting on.

I was greeted with the sight of Elesmere's long blond hair draping down her back as her perky breasts stood up with no sag but before I could see the rest of her body her face dipped down and met my own as our lips met in a gentle kiss.

"My people are... an emotional people, Jake you will take responsibility for allowing my people to hope for a brighter day and I won't let you escape my grasp." Elesmere said with her eyes literally glowing with Warp light as her desires were plain before she took a deep breath. "But such things should wait till we can actually enjoy such a coupling that's not on a rusted bed."

I nodded in understanding as even I didnt want to lose my vital yang energy in this shithole and not to mention, Elesmere hadn't gotten her own Yin technique yet.

"We need to get going to the Lowerhive, church agents are likely going to be combing the Underhive for me in a couple hours once they finish mopping up the remnants of the Genestealers fortified positions and push them into the Sump."

Elesmere nodded and began putting back on some clothes we scavenged for her, and we both had some clothes knowledge both from her living a long time and I had Home Economics in both middle school and Highschool that taught me how to live without my parents taking care of me.

While I threw on my own clothes Elesmere put on a hair band that wrapped around her pointed ears and we were basically ready to go with us not taking much of anything else than a small bag of stuff containing the credits I still had along with the left-over nutrient cubes.

"By the way how are we going to get more nutrient cubes in the Lowerhive?" Elesmere asked pointedly.

For a moment I wanted to say we could simply come back to basically farm the Spider Domain but coming back through the checkpoints between the Underhive and Lowerhive would be a massive pain to say the least.

"The nutrient cubes are made out of biological edible materials so in the worst case we can always buy massive quantities of food of any kind and mix them up into the cubes... We aren't eating them for taste remember." I muttered at the end remembered how absolutely vile the nutrient cubes of compressed mutated flesh were.

I didnt want to eat corpse starch but if the cost of becoming immortal was eating something foul that countless billions if not trillions ate every single day was needed then I could just pinch my nose and do it.

"Anyway, let's get going. I want to find a place before the church sends out search parties." I said opening the vault door and peeking out both sides before exiting the vault.

Knowing how the Church and the planets Guard didnt have the resources to comb the endless tunnels in the Underhive I still didnt want to chance some agent or soldiers coming across us as I didnt want to just kill off some poor sod who had the unfortunate fate of running into me.


Unfortunately, Elesmere had to leave behind her Wraithbone sword in our vault lest it somehow be tagged as something heretical so once we arrived at the check point, we were thoroughly checked for mutations with a couple female guards taking Elesmere off to the side to check as some male guards had me strip to my underwear to check I wasn't some carrying some 'disease' from being so close to the Sump.

Or in other words they were told to make sure people who were touched by the Chaos god Nurgle the god of disease and pestilence didnt bring some super zombie plague into the Lowerhive, Yes zombie plagues were very much a real thing as the Sump down below was so godforsaken disgusting that people's souls down there could sicken peoples very souls until only the body remains to stagger around which will come to desire the flesh/souls of others to fill the void.

I thought that we would be questioned at the gate but honestly other than checking us for corruption we were quickly pushed through the line of other people who had their own passes as with literally tens of millions of souls down in the Underhive they simply didnt have the time to question us other than checking us for any obvious problems and that our passes were legitimate.

Once we arrived on the other side of the checkpoint we went into a massive elevator with a number of other people and once our short journey ended the elevator opened up loudly and a number of people cried out as for the first time, they saw the darkened with pollution sky above with the planets star dimly visible through the smog above us.

"This air is filthy." Elesmere grimaced before she pulled the bottom of her hood over her nose and she was right as, disgusting as the Cistern air was below at least it a great number of airs recycler's pumping clean air into there for at least the Cistern city.

"Well best to get used to it if we cant find a way into the middle hive." I said as we held hands in order to not get separated in the throngs of people going about their business.

Honestly going into the Middlehive would probably run too close to the more well to do people with a lot more security, so staying here in the Underhive were people can disappear easily is for the best until I can set some more plans in motion once I reach the next cultivation realm.

Finally, as we continued deeper into the Lowerhive we found more residential and small business area's, so I had Elesmere go in to ask a nice-looking old lady who was running a small clothes shop where we could find a place to get our feet under us.

A couple minutes later Elesmere stomped out of the shop and pulled me away as she cursed about overly curious humans. "She wouldn't stop going on and on about how I needed to tie you down with a baby... But anyway she said the credits we got in the Underhive are still good for the Lowerhive but wont be for the Middle so we can get a nice already furnished apartment for a couple months with what we got."

Honestly for about two thousand credits an already decorated apartment that wasn't a shithole would be perfectly fine as I merely needed a place for us to cultivate for another few months before I got to the next realm and once, I got the to the True Realm my powers would sublimate into a higher form and I could create some spatial arrays to if need be, get us off this planet should the worst come to be.

Like Orcs invading. Or Tyranids invading. Or Dark Eldar throwing a blackhole at the planet for fun. Or a Chaos Space Marine contingent landing... Basically I can flee whenever I want.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 10$ per thousand words.

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Aug 29, 2022Report

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Going from the equivalent of a ghetto favella to ghetto Detroit was definitely a decent change especially when we went from pipe and machete wielding muggers to gun, wielding muggers.

"I believe that I am coming to hate your human worlds... Why are your people so damn uncivilized?" She grumbled after I dumped the third corpse of a mugger into one of the nearby trash chutes rather than just leaving them on the ground.

"I much rather be mugged a hundred times than spend a couple minutes with your peoples dark Eldar." I pointed out and her mouth flapped open a couple times before she closed it and huffed being unable to argue my point.

Speaking of the Drukhari/Dark Elfs I am terrified with this planet being in the southern half of the galaxy is typically a target for the Coven Raiding Tribe and their Haemonculi love to raid the general area especially for space marine's and other special lifeforms for them to work their monstrous flesh sculpting.

But so long as I get some arrays up and we are behind them, we won't be caught in any raids that may come as the raids are quick and they don't spend weeks rooting through the worlds they raid.

Finally, we arrived at a warehouse, and I looked to Elesmere. "I thought you said this was going to be an apartment building?"

"Hello! Oh, a couple looking to rent?" A voice called out and then a metal door opened up and another old lady tottered out using a walking stick to guide her steps.

"Yes? We were looking for apartments, is this whole warehouse supposed to be an apartment?" I asked and then realized such a large area would be perfect for me to setup the side disciplines of cultivation rather than trying to homebrew some alchemy in a cramped kitchen I could actually make a decent setup for stuff.

"Well, you could make it into an apartment hehe?" The old lady chuckled before straightening up. "I want to sell off this particular property and frankly with my age I want a good bit of money to have a night on the town before I keel over. Now I want two thousand credits up front now and I give you the deed and the keys to a reinforced rockcrete building you can do what you wish with."

I frowned at the price as that would leave me with only a few hundred credits, but I eventually nodded and took out the credits. "Here." I said simply handing over the twenty hundred credit chips making the woman cackle in glee before she handed me a large metal key and a plaque that probably served as deed to the place to some form of scanner.

The old lady then gleefully walked away from the warehouse as Elesmere nudged me. "Didn't you want somewhere more comfortable?"

I nodded before lightly shrugging as I opened up the large metal door into the warehouse. "Yes, but I will need a good deal of space to create cultivation artifacts and other things that will boost our progress..., Also having our own warehouse will allow me to ward the area off with Arrays that will block people's perception of the area. Lastly, I have a plan to create a portal system and having a heavily protected area is the first step to that." Hearing my plans to create a spatial archway that could eliminate the human way of galactic travel obviously made her skeptic.

Simply put, the way in which a species here in Warhammer 40k traveled the galaxy determined their strength in a lot of ways and with humanities method of traveling through literally hell every time they wanted to hop to the next planet. Obviously left the people traveling through the warp vulnerable to the predations of the monsters in the Warp.

If I managed to make something like a large tunnel that when activated would send whoever walked the length of the tunnel to another Imperium controlled planet? The Astartes and other elite forces would protect undoubtably take this planet as another 'home' world for them to recruit and I would merely need to fill them up with Qi once before people could use special warp materials like a Waystone as fuel.

Maybe once I reach the divine ranks and if this planet is even still around by that point, I can try to fix this grimdark universe with such things but for now should I allow others to learn of my ability to create such world travel it would piss off a great number of people with great power like the Navigation Guild who guides ships through the Warp.

Having one of the Imperium's super assassins sent after us would be a death sentence should they find me.

I couldn't help but wish I was actually an Eldar as they would welcome my nonsense with open arms. As they were pragmatic enough to recognize its value and wouldn't attempt to kill me in the cradle before I could gain power.

Looking around the warehouse I could only shrug at seeing some of the mold in the corners and a couple of the lights were clearly broken. "I will clear out the mold and other debris while you go get some materials for us to build some rooms."" I said throwing the leftover credits pouch to her.

"Alright I will be back soon." Elesmere said and quickly left the warehouse seeing me pull my jacket over my nose as I sent a weak deluge of flames into the mold and other stuff.

After literally burning the rockcrete clean of contaminates I used a ratty broom to sweep the ashes and dust from my cleaning outside before I left the doors to the warehouse before I went back in and considered my options for how to ward the now cleared off walls.

"I think a total aversion ward would be too much... Maybe an Anxious Chill ward to make people nervous so they will just avoid the area?" I muttered as I went over the Arrays and various methods of protecting a territory in my mind.

The problem was the fact that my cultivation knowledge didnt have a lot of 'low grade' stuff so the knowledge on something to ward off a small warehouse was much rarer compared to knowledge that could block off a whole mountain range in order to establish a Sect.

Obviously, I wouldn't establish a Sect here in a warehouse in any case... Actually, doing so would be hilarious especially as I would be using my disciples to make charms and other artifacts like it's a damn sweat shop.

"Just a general aversion and physical forcefield array will work for now." I finally grumbled before I took out a screwdriver and coated it in my Qi as I used it as a chisel to engrave the array system onto one of the walls.

After feeding the completed Array with my Qi a pulse of dull blue light spread across the warehouse as though mapping it out before the light faded with the ward going into resting mode.

"Wait... I know I forgot something?" I muttered before I facepalmed at an awkward realization.

I forgot to tell Elesmere that I was going to be warding the building while she was gone.

"Meh she can just knock on the door when she gets here." I muttered shrugging as I went about generally reinforcing the building with more arrays before I thought about the ramifications and shrugged as I went about creating a more important Array.

"Ok so a Spirit Qi Condensation Array takes the universes Qi or Heavens and Earth energy and condenses it for the user's easier absorption. But does it simply gather some spiritual energy, or will it be gathering the ever-present Warp energies of this universe?" I muttered before cursing as this was obviously very important information, but I wasn't sure if my actions would instead open a Hellgate or something that I couldn't close with my cultivation.

"Well, I can always just destroy the Array and just fight the demons until the Warp Gateway loses its power with my Demon Summoning Pool ability." I said before sighing as I was reminded of the fact that sure I could spend a few years not abusing all the cultivation cheats I have to get to the True Realm by simply meditating and slowly absorbing energy. Or I could use all the short cuts like pills and in this case opening a possible hellgate and absorbing the energies.

Before I could ruminate on the subject more, I felt a sort of knocking on the wards and I quickly went to the door and saw Elesmere standing awkwardly with an angry face in front of the open door with its invisible ward.

I couldn't help giggle seeing how red Elesmere's nose was. Obviously, she must have walked face first into the ward.

"Sorry I should have probably been sitting outside waiting for you. Here gimme a drop of your blood so I can attune you into the array permanently." Once I got her permission to enter the wards, I helped her drag in a large cart filled with building supplies and more importantly a couple mattresses that weren't stained with a variety of bodily fluids that we could sleep and meditate upon.

I don't know what those other cultivators are smoking but laying down to cultivate on a jade/rock bed did absolutely nothing for your concertation and energy absorption, other than make your back and ass sore. And in the argument that the Jade bed was some heaven and earth treasure? You can just as easily stuff a mattress with something like demon beast feathers to get the same damned effect.

Thankfully setting up some simple square rooms with the large square plywood boards equivalent and some other wooden beams was rather easily and rather than going through the effort of painting it and deal with the fumes we simply nailed some blankets to the plywood walls in the interior of our rooms to decorate.

"Wow just a nice soft blue wall makes it feel so much more at home." I said as I finally collapsed into the sinfully soft mattress and just stared up at the ceiling of my room that had a white blanket nailed to it.

Then I realized why I was so comfortable. I had basically unconsciously recreated my old apartments tiny bedroom from my past life down to where I had a 'writing desk' at the foot of my feed and a dresser that was close to the head of my bed in order to block out the early morning sunlight...

I couldn't help but sigh as I felt intense melancholy at the simple life I had before the intense desire for the simplicity of my bland earth was swallowed up by my prior mental defenses that saw such weakness as anathema to being a successful cultivator.

"Jake you alright? I heard you sighing?" Elesmere asked as she moved aside the drape, we both had as makeshift doors.

'Well, a hot elf definitely makes this situation a lot better.' I thought before I sat up a bit and replied. "Yeah, just the bed is surprisingly comfortable especially in comparison to our prior little hideaway."

Elesmere nodded and then gracefully strode into my room and crawled into my bed and laid her chin on my should as she kept eye contact with me the whole time. "How big could those Arrays get? Could they scale up to defend something like a Craftworld ship?"

Remembering the literally continent sized massive spaceships a good deal of the Eldar raced lived upon I did some mental gymnastics before firmly nodded as the mountain ranges my Array systems were engineered for could reach the size of planets themselves.

"Do I have such Arrays? Yes, I do but the biggest issue would be how they could fuel the arrays, as it would require a great deal of Psychic energy or otherwise would need to be by Warp Storms for them passively absorb enough energy to sustain the undoubtedly great number of abilities your people will obviously want."

Elesmere nodded as she understood that for Eldar being around Warp Storms was just asking for, She who Thirsts to begin nibbling at their souls, even if my Arrays could block an eldritch entity like her from doing it, it would only cost more energy making going around the Warp Storms a net negative in energy.

"Think we could get our own super-sized ship from your people?" I asked as although it was not possible for Eldar to rely on my Arrays to guard there ships on their own, I could on the other hand control the arrays and be able to fuel the arrays in much greater ways so I could use the continent sized ship to make a beachhead into the Eye of Terror where the Chaos God Slaanesh was born so I can absorb the area's rich Warp energies.

"A whole craftworld? I cannot say, as the methods you can provide to my people have unmentionable value, but to be blunt, we don't have any free ships of similar size and to build a new one with my diminished people would take literally centuries to complete." She said wryly as she wrapped her legs around mine and seemingly giggled at being able to so freely enjoy the warmth I provided and the general affection without Slaanesh's attention being drawn to her having some joy in her life.

"Doesn't need to be half as big as a craft world really. I just want something that can fly and having a ship you can control as we seed the galaxy with spatial passageways would frankly be the most convenient." I grumbled and she nodded.

"In that case its certainly possible and with us being in the southern half of the galaxy its possible we could catch the Biel-Tan craft world armada but... They are the most militant of my craft world people and you will need to prove the greater warrior for them to even entertain the thought of negotiating with them regardless of your feats of avoiding She who Thirsts gaze."

Not to mention was the fact that I would need to get out into space using a human vessel to communicate with them to begin with and who is to say they wouldn't just blow up the ship I come to speak with them rather than speaking with a dirty Mon-keigh as they will undoubtably see me as.

In the end I needed more power, I needed to reach the True Realm, the next realm before I could bother imagining running around between worlds as this one was just fine for my needs.

"Get some sleep Jake. I see the weight of the battle with the Genestealers still weighs upon you mentally and I shall be here for you while you dream." Elesmere gently coaxed and I pulled her svelte form closer to me as I relaxed into my bed.

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Aug 30, 2022Report

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Hanisdead, AcidOphidian, Azraelvongruber and 151 others like this.

Threadmarks: Chapter XVII

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Waking up with someone within your arms was certainly nice and, in my case, the lithe form of Elesmere laying partly atop my chest with her long blond hair splayed out across her back before the nice blankets Elesmere acquired covered her hair was most certainly a welcome sight.

"Hmm you are finally awake. You slept for much longer than usual." Elesmere said nonchalantly as she moved within my grasp so her face wasnt buried into my chest so she could pay attention to my sleeping patterns and instead so she could make eye contact.

"Yeah... The Genestealer battle took a lot out of me. And my dreams weighed even heavier upon me."

I had a bit of a weird dream where Khorne was trying to get me to join them but in my waking mind I realized it was merely a dream and not actually a piece of Khorne as they wouldn't look like a big Amazonian woman with massive breasts and wear a loin cloth to cover her privates and a spiked boobplate.

God, I wish the Chaos Gods were actually seductive like that... But nope its ninety percent pure suffering with them.

"What dreams could cross your broad mind that can bring about such miracles?" Elesmere asked in honest curiosity as she was probably thinking I had some great new revolution that could upturn the galaxy if I had the resources to put it into effect like my Warp Gates.

"Big titty Khorne." I said blandly making the elf within my arms freeze as she blinked in surprise.

"Excuse me but I think I may be the one dreaming. What did you say?"

For a moment I considered just shutting up but then I remembered the truth of Chaos in this universe. The Chaos Gods mirrored the Warp, and the Warp mirrored the Galaxy at large. So, if I became powerful enough to push my will into the fabric of the galaxy, I could change the very makeup of the Chaos Gods and the Warp itself.

"I dreamt of turning Khorne into an Amazonian woman a couple feet taller than me and defeating her in honorable combat to take her as a concubine."

Elesmere didnt respond for a whole minute as her eyes before she nodded. "In terms of ambition I certainly cannot deny that such a... Target would be one of the highest, but should you desire to impose your will upon and change a demon I highly suggest you work your way up the ladder so to speak."

That was fair enough and I already had a technique that did such with the Shadow Demon Summoning ability that opened a small hole into the Warp but while I was here on a human planet, summoning a bunch of 'familiars' could get me in trouble to say the least.

"So, what do you plan to do now that we have a semi stable home here in the Lowerhive where our lungs wont rot from the nasty damp air?" Elesmere asked finally.

I hummed in thought before I shrugged as honestly my only goal was to get stronger right now. "Well, those people who are getting your next core material to start your next technique won't be ready to meet with me for the next week. So, in the meanwhile I am going to enrich a small area here in the Warehouse for me to absorb far more Warp Energies."

Elesmere nodded and when asked about what she should be doing in the meanwhile I simply told her to go over the mind cleansing hymns or just go out to make some more money by robbing the gangs that were peddling drugs and weapons here in the Lowerhive.

It's funny here in the Lowerhive crime was just as rampant as the Underhive but it was more sophisticated. You would be mugged and beaten up here in the Lowerhive but in the Underhive you would be jumped killed and then eaten as the money and resources people carried typically wasn't enough for a days' worth of food.

Elesmere was a big girl and had literally lived more than three times my lifetimes so she could find ways to accumulate credits without drawing too much attention. Especially as she could use her Psychic abilities to get people to hand over their money and wipe their memories of such an incident though it would be tiring doing such a thing and not leave obvious signs.

"I am going to start my experiments can you help me do a couple things before you go?" I said as I pulled a bunch of cinderblocks on a trolley as I began to make something akin to a large igloo and then had Elesmere make some Wraith bone to act as plaster for the interior of the igloo to isolate any unabsorbed Warp energies.

"Well wish me luck. I am going to bake myself in the igloo." I said brushing my hands clear of some of the dust.

"Wouldn't this instead be a Kiln then?" Elesmere asked dryly and I threw her a dirty look as I waved her off.

As I went into the Kiln/Igloo it was large enough for me to basically stand up but my hands would touch the walls as I full extended them out from my sides. So, in the worst case so long as the containment doesn't breach allowing the hole into the warp to break open further nothing, I summoned would be larger than the free space in the little Kiln/Igloo

Ok I admit calling this homemade spiritual energy concentrator a kiln made much more sense despite it looking more like a Igloo as it would be concentrating energies within like a Kiln would bake stuff within, rather than an Igloo that kept the cold out basically.

"I will be staying here to watch. In case you open an actual Warp Storm that engulfs the planet I wouldn't be able to escape so being here in order to tell you 'I told you so' would be far more satisfying."

As I slammed closed the Wraithbone door to the 'Kiln' I couldn't help but mutter about petty women before I sat down in the middle of the array I had already placed upon the ground that would act to congregate the surrounding 'energies' and in this case the ever-present Warp energies in the galaxy.

With a flicker the array spluttered to life from my Qi injecting a spark of life into it before its directives took over and it latched onto the Warp and began sucking energy and small particulates through the tiny hole it opened into the Warp.

I opened my mouth and began taking deep breaths, operating my Heavenly Demon Swallowing Art as I swallowed and used my Qi to dissolve the Warp energies and the tiny bits of demonic essence that arrived through the tiny hole that began filling the Kiln with a powerful concentration of Warp energies.

Like ten minutes later of greedily absorbing bountiful energies that matched a couple weeks of solid meditation of nonstop cultivation I began feeling the Warp as if it were prodding at the walls of the Array that opened the hole into the Warp.

'Hmph come on little minnow jump into a catfish's mouth.' I thought before a sudden tug wrenched at the walls of the array in order to widen it and I gleefully allowed it as I felt the tugging sensation on the other end of the Warp was weak despite its abrupt pulling at it.

A tiny golf ball sized mewling Chaos Spawn that looked like some kind of red toned shoggoth rolled out of the now visible Warp hole and with another deep breath from me, the Chaos Spawn flew up and dissolved into my mouth and actually tasted a bit like watermelon honestly.

Even better than its delicious taste was the fact that I felt my cultivation leap forward as though I just swallowed a whole months' worth of cultivation with only energy cubes to augment my meditations.

But as though emboldened by the chaos spawn making it through to the Material world, I felt a great number of almost touches and caresses against my array that operated the tear into the Warp.

"Let's not get carried away." I muttered as I realized I could only absorb one demon at a time and to put bluntly if it wasn't for my Array acting as a stop gap the little Kiln, I had would be flooded with them already and I refuse to be at the bottom of demon dog pile as it were.

I then closed the Array much to the scrambling presence's dismay on the other side that attempted to force their way through the small tear in reality, but the crack closed under my array assisted power without issue.

"Alright well might as well make good on calling this thing a Kiln." I said as I realized I was literally coated in Chaos energies along with the inside of the Kiln so I flared my internal star into existence until the cream toned wraithbone began changing colors and I could no longer sense any additional Warp energy.

Commisons are all done.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 10$ per thousand words.

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Aug 30, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: Chapter XVIII

That brief stint in the now named Demon Slaughtering Kiln allowed my Cultivation to reach the second level of the Nascent Realm without issue and I realized that for all the good this enhanced Cultivation would do for my strength I still needed to get out of my hole and put my growing strength into practice lest I lose track of my Cultivation's progress.

So, after talking with Elesmere I decided that getting a sort of mercenary job down here in the Lowerhive would be the best option for us that would give us a pass that would allow us to easily enter the Underhive so we could still use the Spider Domains mutated creatures and resources in the name of hunting down problematic individuals.

Hence the desire to directly join the Coinage Guild as the Guild that literally controlled the planets credit-based currency had the dubious honor of also being the ones running a bounty hunting service.

Plus being connected with the Coin Guild will allow me to connect with actual merchants with space faring ships or in other words I could actually hitch a ride on one of their ships to get off this rock.

After a bit of back and forth with Elesmere about my plans and thoughts she allowed me to use a minor illusion spell that was tied to a small medallion she now wore under clothes that hide her ears as she wanted to help me gather resources for her next cultivation material as I didnt want to just keep transporting water with how the 'poor' people down there reacted to it.

Hence an hour later we were finally seated inside an office of some mid-level arrogant bureaucrat who had gotten too comfortable lording over these Lowerhive people who were terrified of being banished into the Underhive where they would likely be eaten by other humans or the mutated creatures.

"Hmm you and your... wife want to join the illustrious Bornean, Guild of Coinage as one of our 'toll collectors.' Why should we accept you when you don't have any form a reputation here in our humble side of the Lowerhive." The fat bureaucrat simpered, and I had to hold in my revulsion at his form. He was to put bluntly morbidly obese and if I didnt know better I would think he was a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus with how many cybernetics he had attached to him with a literal hose implanted in his stomach pumping in some form of slurry into his stomach area.

But no, he was just so fucking fat that all of his cybernetic were implanted so the lard ass didnt need to turn his swiveling chair to grab papers and other stuff around his office as the small cranes did his work for him basically.

'The flesh is pure. Do not fall into the entrapment of the machine. It will seek to render you into a lard ass that will crush your elf waifu if you attempt to sleep with her.' I thought a new mantra that calmed my disgust at the form in front of me.

"Me and my companion have lived in the Underhive and more importantly prospered before we were given a pass for contributions to the Hive Cites security. We are fully capable of acquiring the 'tolls' that we hunt." I said unleashing a bit of cultivation in a form of killing intent that weighed on the man in front of us who shivered with his metal cybernetics clanking with the motion.

"Yes yes. yes. I see! In that case here is your badges" The man then clapped his hands, and a floating Servitor Skull flew out of a small alcove close to the ceiling with a couple hand sized plaques with a small screen on the badge. "These serve as a form of proof of position and more importantly they can take pictures of your work so you can remotely turn in jobs through a Vox connection so no one knows who turned in which job so people can't get revenge on you." The man explained happily with his fat jiggling as the man realized that we were likely dangerous people who could collect the Guilds 'tolls' without too many issues with our prior experience in the Underhive.

"And should the Guild sell the information on who completes said jobs?" Elesmere asked breaking her silence.

The man shrugged as one of his cybernetics pointed to the Servitor who was floating away. "Kinda hard to bribe a flying skull but if someone is capable of remotely hacking into our records then you have bigger issues as cybernetic crimes basically never happen down here in the Lowerhive as no one is rich enough to have the electricity to power a powerful enough computer to do so."

Basically, he said that if anything we would have stepped on the toes of some gang from the Middlehive if they could break into a Guilds security but honestly, I wasn't too afraid of some two-bit gangsters that at best have a couple Las pistols or Las Carbine as any heavier weaponry they couldn't move them from their holdings to attack me as I am traveling around the Lowerhive and the Underhive.

"Good doing business with you then." I said throwing fifty credits onto the bureaucrats table making the man chuckle and literally a small crane thingy came out of an unfolding flap of skin on the front of his throat picked up the credit and made a wet slurping nose as the small crane was hidden back in his throat.

As we walked out of the office of the bureaucrat, I couldn't help but shiver in revulsion and as I took Elesmere's hand I pulled her out of the office as I couldn't help but notice other people's cybernetics and wonder if they two had weird shit just hiding under their skin.

"You know I used to think the Adeptus Mechanicus was so cool when I was younger with all their cool machines... The shoulder mounted weapons and power tools also played a part, but now I am very much a believer that the flesh is pure and should remain untainted."

Honestly at this point I would rather see the gaping hole someone had at losing an eye than the cold glowing red eyes that all these people who had a cybernetic eye added for better information retention.

Elesmere nodded as she walked beside me before she responded with some Eldar wisdom. "Flesh that is immortalized and may still be trained should be unsullied by metal that will rust and may not be improved purely by hard work and skill. Lady Yvraine said that when she briefly was on my Craft world when a great number of sword teaching ancestors all died fighting off a Greater Khorne demon who challenged all of our sword wielders and slaughtered them in honorable singular combat with that damned chaos god somehow enforcing some form of a domain that prevented us from attacking the demon in mass or with projectiles or even our Psyker abilities."

"What happened to that demon?" I asked as such a thing honestly was a bit out of character for Khorne to interfere with a demon's battles except to grant them more strength but then again, his domain did include honorable combat, so it wasn't a surprise with how much he hated magic that he evened the playing field.

"Lady Yvraine feeling the psychic outcry of the death from our Craftworld's sword wielders, some even she trained herself a great many years ago had her tear her way through the Warp with great fury crossing more than half the galaxy in but moments before she arrived and with a single swing of her Crone Sword, she smote the Bloodthirster and then used her psychic abilities to bind the diced up remains of the Bloodthirster within the sun our Craftworld was orbiting so it would be tortured until the sun died or went supernova. Unable to reform within the Warp."

I couldn't help but be reminded that despite the vast majority of entities waging endless war here in this galaxy being little more dangerous than a super soldier with an enhanced body there were still planet busters out here in the Materium or 'realspace'.

hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 10$ per thousand words.

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Sep 2, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: Chapter XIX

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Our first mission was unexpectedly going to take part in the Underhive, Cistern City where we had just come from but more importantly the job was to go make an example of a small gang that ransacked one of the casinos the Coin Guild ran down there.

The hardest part of the task was simply going through the Underhive checkpoint and with the temporary pass they gave as we were mercenary's working for one of the Hive cities most powerful Guilds they didnt bother us with a shakedown or anything.

Once we were back in the Underhive and we checked into the Casino that got robbed we were told our quarries location as the group had gotten entirely too big for their britches and loudly broadcasted their group's location for recruiting after they somehow found a Las cannon in working condition and used it to great effect melting any group that decided to in turn rob their advertised location.

But I was immune already immune basically to Las fire even if it came out of a Las cannon so were were able to clean them up and once we turned in proof of their deaths they didnt even question us about any loot we may have aquired after I explained how the Las cannon melted from overuse when I 'lured mutants' into their vicinity.

Frankly as much as being a two-bit enforcer rankled at Elesmere even she couldn't deny the creature comforts were able to buy with simple mission's rewards.

But now with the loot amounting to more than ten thousand credits I decided to see if that mega Casino's guys got the stones from the center of the moon.

"Let's go see if they got the Moon stuff you are going to need to absorb." I said as we were already heading in the same direction as the mega Casino also acted as a sort of Brothel for the hundreds of Hive Security forces that were supposed to be regularly patrolling the area but in reality, just spent their time fucking and drinking rather than being killed by the Underhives endless criminals.

"You haven't gotten bored of me and are planning on selling me, are you?" Elesmere said dryly earning an eyeroll from me but seeing as she coudnt see that with how we were walking side by side I just patted her on her shoulder.

"And where would I be without your oh so superior snark? I would be beset by indecision in all my life choices and would likely be still eating spider meat down in our old little home." Hearing me mention our old nutrient cubes she shuddered at the memory.

"Yes... A woman is always needed to keep a man grounded. Whether it be Eldar or Humans you men always see something and think 'I am going to stick my digits in it or Let's see what happens if we light it on fire and watch as it spreads.'" Then she went onto explain in great detail about how arrogant Eldar men in particular were the most virulent in causing problems between humanity and the Eldar while all she had to mention was how much of a control freak the human emperor was.

All of which I couldn't deny really, as all the races were led by batshit insane people, and the more powerful reasonable people literally became hermits in order to not deal with other people's crap.

"So, you are my grounding now? I don't see a ring on your finger lady and what even is the traditions for Eldar marriage?" I asked teasingly at first but as I asked the question, I was honestly curious.

"Well, it's very much different for all the sub factions of my people by it goes a little something like this." Elesmere began to explain quietly so others coudnt overhear.

For Craftworld: "We get married when love each other as proven by 150 years of complex and infinitely subtle flirting and courtship rituals. Occasionally we get divorced which is a cause for great sorrow. Divorce also, is heavily ritualized."

"For Exodites: They just get married. It is Until Death Do Us Part. Which is usually when a dinosaur eats your wife / husband."

"For Dark Eldar: They just get married. Usually when one person blackmails or politically maneuvers someone they hate and are attracted to into marrying them as just one more level of screwing with them. There is lots of hate-sex. They do not have divorce but there are suspicious numbers of widows..."

"And lastly for the Corsairs: They just get married but only to stop both of them fighting over which of is going to be the captain and only if they can find a pair of matching power swords so that others can admire their combined aesthetic."

I gave a look at the Craftworlder in front of me as I shook my head. "Spending more than a hundred years just to see if you mesh well with someone seems like a bit much isn't it? Just live with someone for a month, trust me when you see how they keep their bathroom and their counters you can tell a lot about someone."

It took me take less than a week when I had a cousin staying over at my apartment for a couple weeks and she eventually took up the whole bathroom counter to the point where I couldn't even lay my towel on your sink and my deodorant got lost under her hair care crap before I wanted to throw her out.

"Perhaps but with a long courting ritual we are well assured as to who our partners will be. Well normally our situation is obviously far out of the norm." She admitted wryly as we came to casino, and I couldn't press her on that as we entered.

"Hello, I have an order from one of your managers I believe his name was Saband Gilttorch." I asked the scantily clad woman running a sort of greeting position after we got past the bouncers and they gave us a special pass when we showed proof of us being a part of the Coin Guild.

"I see... One moment I need to call his office and let him know you are here. I recommend you check the games and other activities this establishment offers. Lord Saband is likely using his currently favored concubine at the moment so he will busy." She blandly looked at her terminals clock and then looked back up to us. "He likely will be busy for the next half an hour unless his woman expires during his games."

I nodded and pulled Elesmere along and now that I wasn't being directly pushed to the manager for my deal for the star essence, I saw the complete debauchery that was probably not too far off from a Slaanesh warm up party as some of the card tables literally used still living people by augmenting them with cybernetics and obviously surgery to act as furniture.

Elesmere at the sight of this froze and her hand that was holding my own tightened to an absurd degree and it was only the fact that my body cultivation was above hers with my star within my body that I didnt loudly hiss in pain.

Seeing a perfect example of the debauchery that birthed the chaos god by her own people I could feel Elesmere's killing internet as she seemed to almost panic at the sight before her.

Honestly, I too was a bit stunned at the sight of some dude walking up to a chair with the limbs locked into position with cybernetics and sticking his manhood into the furniture's mouth, but I quickly pulled Elesmere against me and buried her face into my chest as I subtly pulled us out of the VIP area.

"Don't look. Let's just wait outside." I said not wanting Elesmere to go on a killing spree and we get hunted down for killing off a bunch of debauched individuals.

Despite the Eldar spawning a literal space Satan obsessed with extreme BDSM, humans still had pleasure cults and this little VIP area wasn't anything special in comparison to the insane nonsense the Eldar got into.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 10$ per thousand words.

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Sep 2, 2022Report

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Once the dull faced woman came over to retrieve us, I had managed to calm down Elesmere so her psychic energies didnt leak out and trip any alarms the casino might have for nascent psykers that may be trying to hedge their bets as the house needed every edge to rip people off.

"Let's get the material we need and leave... The filth of this place is reminding me of why I spent so much of my life on the warrior path." Elesmere almost snarled if it weren't for her Eldar control over her emotions keeping her face and tone blank.

Yup got to keep her away from anything resembling a pleasure cult or anything too far on the degeneracy scale even with her no longer needing to fear Slaanesh with the runic array I engraved onto her soul.

Once the woman leading once led us to a highly ornately armored door, she knocked on the door with a weird pattern before the familiar voice of the man who sold me the star essence came through the door.

The secretary then opened the door for us before bowing and stepping away from the door with her eyes turned firmly to the floor not meeting either of our eyes or the man who was within the room with an extreme form of deference.

"Jake. Jake. Jake. Not even a couple months and you worked your way up from just another Underhive sucker to an actual citizen of this Hive. Impressive especially your taste for women marks you as a man of good taste." He said almost seemingly proud of me but I didnt miss the covetous looks he was throwing towards Elesmere,

Elesmere cleared her throat, and the man rolled his eyes as he chuckled. "Yes Yes. In any case I imagine you are here for those rocks from the center of a moon, correct?" At our nods he curiously remarked. "Such odd items... It's almost as though you were using them for some type of heretical ritual. As an... Upstanding citizen of our Emperor's Imperium I can't be known to be consorting with witches or otherwise."

I leaned forward as I spoke quietly. "Quit with the bullshit, you have the beginnings of a literal sex cult in your VIP area... I wonder whether the Inquisition who is all stirred up from a bunch of Xeno's being found in this Cistern City will want to make an example out of you... So, give me my fucking rocks so I can pay you and we can both go on our separate ways."

The man looked about ready to scream at us with the way his face blushed a dark puce in anger, before he took a deep breath and smiled uglily. "The five thousand credit deal for the rocks has changed to thirty."

My eye couldn't help but twitch in frustration before I likewise smiled and nodded. "Very where bring the rocks and if they are what I want I have ten thousand on me for a down payment and with our identity as 'toll collectors' for the Coin Guild we will get the rest in a couple days."

The man seeing the proof of our jobs paled, as we were what amounted to be armed enforcers to the Guild that had the Casino's whole operation in a vice with how they could literally deny the guards that kept the place in such great business from going there or worse prop up a business rival.

"I see..." He muttered as he realized he kicked a steel plate in his arrogance.

Finally, a couple minutes later of awkward silence a scantily clad woman pushed in a tray with a small pile of silver rocks that I could feel projecting a cold Qi to my senses.

"Here is your payment." I said throwing down exactly thirty single piece credits making a small pile of them on the man's desk.

"What is the meaning of this boy!?" He snarled literally offended by the paltry number of credits that was worth even less than one of his socks.

"The fact that you don't know the significance of that number of credits is very telling... Our business has been concluded and I hope that you will be a better person in the next life." The man's eyes widened, and I heard a drawer loudly open beside him as he franticly reached for what was probably a Las pistol or something, but I flicked one of the small moon core stones in front of me like a paper football and a wet crunching noise rang out as the rock shattered the man's skull and he slumped face first into his desk.

I knew all too well with the way he was coveting Elesmere and with the way he reacted to hearing our position in the Coin Guild that he was going to attempt to have us silenced rather than allow our enmity to possibly grow further where I could use my influence in the Coin Guild to have him replaced or more likely killed if I didnt just actually run to the Inquisition and they decided to skin or burn him alive to set an example.

"Elesmere take the largest couple rocks you only need a couple." I said coolly and then I handed her the ones with the thickest Lunar Qi as we almost nonchalantly walked out of the office with only the secretary waiting outside for us.

"He said that wants his girls sent up to him to celebrate along with you to participate." I said making the dull faced secretary pale in fright and scamper away.

Elesmere obviously knowing I was just trying to buy some time for us to get out of the casino before alarms could be rang kept quiet and thus, we managed to get out of the casino and to the check point back into the Lowerhive without any issues.

Finally, once we arrived back at our warehouse she spoke once we entered. "Was it really necessary to kill him? Not that I argue that such a degenerate human shouldn't be tortured by the Great Enemy for his perversions but killing a high-level member of that casino could block you from getting hard to source resources without people asking too many questions."

I nodded as her words were honestly correct but for now, I had the core of my first sun which would last me a long while until I was ready to create another one and Elesmere had her rocks needed to make her first internal moon.

Once we needed more of those particular resources, I would have the cultivation to literally go and survive in the blanket of stars as at the Earth Realm which is three realms ahead will allow me seal up my body with Qi and be able to operate in the vacuum of space even travel would be slow as hell to say the least until I hit the realm after that.

"We no longer needed his resources and with how we already offended him it was best to simply strangle any karma we had in the cradle rather than allow him to plot some revenge." I said tiredly as we went into Elesmere's little room, and she had a done a good deal more decorating with even making a thicky padded floor so she could sit and meditate upon it whereas I was a smart person and simply meditated on my very comfortable bed.

"So what do I need to do now Jake?" She asked as she sat down on her prayer mat with her moon core rocks assembled around her.

Mentally categorizing the information, she would need and thankfully with now being in the Nascent Realm I was able to wordlessly transmit the Solitary Yin Moon via placing a glowing finger to her head making her eyes close and grimace as even her Eldar mind was briefly overwhelmed with the deluge of how to create a moon made out of the coldest of energies that could even freeze entropy at the later stages.

"I will help guide the energies within you. But keep in mind the collision of my Yang and your new uncontrolled Yin energies will lead to pure Creation grade energies... In other words, you will want to procreate and for cultivators like us, things like a species difference will mean nothing... I can literally impregnate a tree or a rock if I wanted too. And so could you get pregnant by absorbing their energies in certain ways." I told her making her face twitch

I couldn't help chuckle at the normally unflappable space elf looking so disturbed at the thought of either of us doing the deed with some random rock. "Alright so just pay attention or you can literally freeze your organs solid and even your space magic psychic nonsense cant save you if your heart is solid ice."

"Is it too late for me to change my mind and just be a pillow princess concubine you can sleep with?" She said drily and I snorted in reply.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 10$ per thousand words.

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Sep 5, 2022Report

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Threadmarks: Chapter XXI Lewd Elf R-XVIII

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Just as I said the union of my already well-established Yang lively energies collided with the growing Yin energies and the simple quantity of the small star within me versus the tiny moon forming within her made it so I had no choice but to focus on not burning out the tiny moon within her as my star attributed Qi that was controlling her own Lunar attributed growing Qi.

Although Elesmere didnt have an actual cultivation art, the high-quality Lunar forces within her body was forming its own dantian within the Eldar similar to an actual cultivation art like my Heavenly Demon Swallowing Art but to be blunt without her own cultivation art she would have a ludicrously less amount of Qi then me not to mention I still had that seal upon her soul tying her to me that would make sure she didnt get any disloyal ideas.

With the inevitable collisions of our energies, the resulting pure creation energies were spread throughout Elesmere's body making her begin twitching at the conceptual energies that could quite literally give birth to life in something as simple as a rock should the energies be pushed into it.

"Concentrate Elesmere, you are almost done." I spoke as I began pulling the saturated Yin energies within her body into her new dantian and finally a small silver orb was formed out of the Yin energies and then the orb showed its own weak gravitational pull as it pulled all the leftover energies from the Moon core chunks, we bought to strengthen itself growing at a far greater pace on its own under Elesmere's clumsy control.

I sighed as I pulled my consciousness out of Elesmere's body and still with the Eldar basically in my lap I began to refine the over abundant Yin Qi that leaked from her body into mine from how I used my own Qi to direct her own and just the close proximity we were in was allowing her to leak a bit of the Yin Qi into the surroundings with her lack of control and allow me to absorb it before it could disperse.

"Damned temptations..." Elesmere shuddered as she held her sides shivering from the Yin Qi changing her body to suit it and naturally, she would seek my Yang rich body that was right behind her but doing so would only trigger a sort of Dual Cultivation of with our merging energies and even as she leaned against my chest, I could see her Aeldari ears turn red.

The amount of Qi I was able to gather and create from our partial merging in the grand scheme of things was much lesser than what I could accomplish within my Kiln by opening a small tear into the Warp and absorbing the random Chaos Spawn that came through but these energies that came from our union however did a far greater job at enhancing my physique than just simple mediation and using my cultivation art to fuel my growing star within myself.

"You were right about the... Lust I would feel during this." Elesmere finally spoke as she fully relaxed against me with her Lunar Core's foundation solidified, she just laid into me basically just baking in the cocktail of enhanced emotion's present within Eldar magnified by the aphrodisiac worthy feeling of my pure Yang energies swirling around her own body caressing her senses like a warm wind wrapping around her body.

Although for me it was far less intense than she was feeling her Eldar due to her heritage, but the cool feeling of her Yin Qi felt literally like cool fingernails caressing my body in a teasing manner was certainly distracting.

Finally, Elesmere leaned forward awkwardly on the thickly padded mat she had as a meditation cushion and floor for her room and then turned around, so she was facing me. "How long will these feelings of Lust pervade me, Jake?" Elesmere asked and I could tell the feelings were definitely getting the better of her as she was biting her lips and her every motion would pull her soft tight satin like clothes that clung to her sensitive body parts would make her shiver with almost every breath, she took tweaking her breasts.

Reviewing my cultivation knowledge that also covered bits of medicine and such for Alchemy I answered. "Well, you can wean yourself slowly off my Yang energies for the next month or so with its feeling escalating as you go through something similar to withdrawal or we can dual cultivate in a much more intimate sense and the union of our energies will create a much higher tier of energy that will reinforce our elemental cores and wont drive us to such lusts when we merely share the same room."

She gave me a look and before rolling her eyes and shrugged. "Very well there's not much of a choice and we did agree to share a bed once we got a decent bed... Plus being able to make love without the feeling of She Who Thirsts watching to snag my soul will be. A religious experience to say lightly." She said before she attempted to get onto her bed and failed as her legs flailed at the feeling of her thong riding up between her womanhood.

"The stain in this meditation mat is going to be a trial to remove..." She cursed and I could see her just mentally saying fuck it as she literally just relaxed into the mat beneath her laying on her back as she spread her legs for me who was already approaching her.

I didnt question if she was ready for my entry as to put bluntly, she was a leaky faucet down there with actual drops of her lady fluids cascading in the ten or so seconds it took me to pull off my pants and pull off her skirt and panties.

She cried out loudly with her handful sized breasts rising to meet my face as the feeling of my sweltering Yang energy enthused manhood entered her almost frigid Yin filled cavern sent her into a frenzy as the mind-boggling reaction of truly mystical sex drove her much more sensitive Eldar mind firmly into the ahegao zone as her little elf mind almost shattered with her eyes rolling up.

When I finally bottomed out into Elesmere due to her fluttering womanhood attempted to strangle my dick as it tried to enter her, she seemed to have a minor seizure at the feeling of my almost molten precum coating her frigid depths and the contrasting temperatures sent her fully into an orgasm and bury her chest into my face as she held onto my head and shoulders as she sounded close to sobbing at the euphoric pure pleasure she was feeling untainted by the agony promised by feeling any pleasure coming from Slaanesh who has haunted her people for so long.

"Just use me! I can't pa-participate." She stuttered after she held me so firmly that I couldn't even move or hump into her to create the warmth of friction her sodden depths demanded of me.

I gently pulled her off me and I took her hands within my own as I folded Elesmere's flexible legs behind my shoulder and as I pushed her hands with my own above her head. I pushed down into her in a mating press position making her cry out again as I took all agency from her and began to rhythmically slam my length into her womanhood.

With her all but folded over and her arms braced over her head all she could do was cry out for more, kiss my neck and leave hickeys upon my neck that felt like someone branded me with an iron dipped in liquid nitrogen as she used her Yin Qi unconsciously.

Finally I reached my own peak as Elesmere began to leak her Yin Qi which aggravated my own Yang Qi into action and I felt a solid chunk of my Yang Qi be expelled via my manhood with my seed as it shot into the depths of Elesmere and likewise the infusion of my Yang Qi into her body was like pouring a more liquids into an already fueled cup so her body the metaphorical cup overflowed with her overflowing Yin Qi being absorbed into my own Dantian.

I let her legs and arms go and we just naturally curled around one another with me acting as the big spoon as my arms wrapped around her breasts and my other arm dragged her hips closer to me while she needily intertwined our legs together and held my arms that wrapped around her possessively so even if I were trying to let go of her it would be for naught.

"I feel your warmth so closely... It's like when I was standing in front of one of the shards of Kaela Mensha Khaine on my Craftworld or one of the artifacts of Lord Asuryan." She spoke pushing herself to almost meld her body against myself as she hummed in delight at the feelings our dual cultivation brought her.

For an Eldar to speak so... Empathically of our union and a liken it to feeling of being close to the gods of the Eldar people, definitely made me feel proud as a man.

Gremlin donated specifically to get this uploaded early

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